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Start.. 1.What is witchcraft? 2.Witches

3.CATS AND WITCHES-Black cats have played a major role for centuries in folklore,
superstition, and mythology. Black cats in the middle ages were believed to be witches' familiars, and some people even believed them to be witches incarnate. Many of these old superstitions about black cats exist to this day.

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Black Cats as Witches' Familiars It was largely in the Middle Ages that the black cat became affiliated with evil. Because cats are nocturnal and roam at night, they were believed to be supernatural servants of witches, or even witches themselves, according to Glenda Moore. Folklore has it that if a witch becomes human, her black cat will no longer reside in her house. Some believe that black cats are witches in disguise, or witches reborn.

4.Alle e prac ces

Magic Circle by John William Waterhouse, 1886.

Practices to which the witchcraft label has historically been applied are those which influence another person's mind, body, or property against his or her will, or which are believed, by the person doing the labelling, to undermine the social or religious order. Some modern commentators[who?] consider the malefic nature of witchcraft to be a Christian projection. The concept of a magic-worker influencing another person's body or property against his or her will was clearly present in many cultures, as there are traditions in both folk magic and religious magic that have the purpose of countering malicious magic or identifying malicious magic users. Many examples can be found in ancient texts, such as those fromEgypt and Babylonia, where malicious magic is believed to have the power to influence the mind, body or possessions, malicious magic users can become a credible cause for disease, sickness in animals, bad luck, sudden death, impotence and other such misfortunes. Witchcraft of a more benign and socially acceptable sort may then be employed to turn the malevolence aside, or identify the supposed evil-doer so that punishment may be carried out. The folk magic used to identify or protect against malicious magic users is often indistinguishable from that used by the witches themselves. There has also existed in popular belief the concept of white witches and white witchcraft, which is strictly benevolent. Many neopagan witches strongly identify withthis concept, and

Others elieve blac cats are witches familiars (beings that aid witches in performing their craft). Not all familiars were black cats though; some were cats of other colors, dogs, pigs, or other animals. For several centuries "witches" were rounded up, tried, and kiled by burning or other violent l methods; often their familiars were killed along with them.

profess et i l codes t t prevent t em from performing magic on a person wit out t eir request Where belief in malicious magic practices exists, such practitioners are t picall forbidden by law as well as hated and feared by the general populace, while beneficial magic is tolerated or even accepted wholesale by the people even if the orthodox establishment opposes it
Spell casting Probably the most obvious characteristic of a witch was the ability to cast a spell, a "spell"being the word used to signify the means employed to carry out a magical action. A spell could consist of a set of words, a formula or verse, or a ritual action, or any combination of these. [21] Spells traditionally were cast by many methods, such as by the inscription of runes or sigils on an object to give it magical powers; by the immolation or binding of a wax or clay image (poppet) of a person to affect him or her magically; by the recitation of incantations; by the performance of physical rituals; by the employment of magical herbs as amulets or potions; by gazing at mirrors, swords or other specula (scrying) for purposes of divination; and by many other means. [22] Conjuring the dead

Strictly speaking, "necromancy" is the practice of conjuring the spirits of the dead for divination or prophecy although the term has also been applied to raising the dead for other purposes. The Biblical Witch of Endor is supposed to have performed it (1 Sam. 28), and it is among the witchcraft practices condemned by lfric of Eynsham:
Witches still go to cross-roads and to heathen burials with their delusive magic and call to the devil; and he comes to them in the likeness of the man that is buried there as if he arise from death.[26]

5 .Wicca/ modern witchcraft

Most Wiccans believe in a single ultimate reality that pervades the universe and is expressed in theGoddess and God. Most traditions worship the two deities as equals where none deserves more importance than the other. The "Triple Goddess" refers to the Wiccan Goddess in her three aspects, Maiden, Mother and Crone. This perspective on the Goddess celebrates her three main forms or appearances, while also adding meaning to the stages of women's lives. All three forms of the Goddess (and stages of life) are regarded as equally valuable and desirable. The Maiden exemplifies innocence and adventurousness, the Mother embodies compassionate love, and the Crone represents wisdom.The male God of Wicca is known as the Great God, the Great Father or, most commonly, the Horned God. Some Wiccans join congregations of witches called "covens," though others work alone and are called "solitaries." Some solitaries do, however, attend "gatherings" and other community events, but reserve their spiritual practices (Sabbats, Esbats, spell-casting, worship, magical work, etc.) for when they are alone. In usual rites the Wiccans assemble inside a magic circle, which is drawn out in a ritual manner followed by a cleansing and then blessing of the space. This preparatory ritual is called "casting the circle." Prayers to the God and Goddess are said, and spells are sometimes worked. Traditionally, the circle rituals are followed by a festive meal of cakes and wine or ale. Before entering the circle, some Traditions fast for the day, and have a thorough wash. They believe in the Wiccan Rede which is "If It Harms None Do What You Will". (In other

words "Do whatever you want; just as long as it doesn't harm anyone including yourself"). Wiccans do not believe in a Devil or the concept of Hell.

6. Witch hunts

From the fifteenth to the eighteenth the centuries, many Europeans developed a heightened concern with the phenomenon of witchcraft, seeing a new sect hostile to humanity. Thus, governments and society organized "hunts" for these alleged witches: accusing, torturing, and executing thousands of people. The intensity and viciousness of these hunts varied from place to place, as did their focus on particular targets, such as women. Finally, a changed world-view, informed by the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, brought an end to these hunts for threats that did not empirically exist.

8.Colour plays a powerful role in ritual Witchcraft and Magick. Colours are carefully considered and assigned to all aspects of Spell making, Ritual magick and Festivals. Colours have symbolic associations representing occult powers and have their own energy frequencies that emanate specific influences. Black - Is used to invoke the power of Saturn. Contrary to popular belief black does not indicate evil. Far from it black is the absence of colour. It is protective and symbolises the night the universe and the lack of falsehood Blue - Is used to induce the power of Jupiter. Blue is a Goddess colour and the colour most associated with the elements of water. Brown - Is the element of Earth and is symbolic of endurance and animal health. Brown it a good colour for Grounding Solidifying and Strengthening. Green - Induces the power of Venus and is symbolic of the Earth s elements. Gold - Induces the power of the Sun and is used to attune with the God. It brings Self-realization and Inner-strength.

7.Pointy Hats There are questions about where the stereotypical hat style for witches comes from. Some say it was simply the fashion around the time that witches began being characterized as evil and therefore more drawings were made of them wearing these hats. Others say the pointy hat represents a cone of power or a way of focusing power and energy. Modern witches may or may not don this accessory

Purple - Induces the power of Mercury and influences Occult Forces Hidden Aspects and Secret Dealings. Purple is used by those who work with pure divine power (Magicians Priests and Priestesses) and those who wish to deepen their spiritual awareness of the God and Goddess. Red - Induces the power of Mars and can be used to influence Saturn. It is used when attuning with the God in his fiery aspect. Red is the colour of Vitality, Power, Strength and Courage and is Invigorating, Motivating and Passionate Silver - Induces the power of the Moon and can be used with Mercury influences. It is used to attune to the Goddess while bringing the ability to respond to life s energies. When attuned to the Goddess, silver is used for such matters as: Lunar Magick, Meditation, Psychic Development, Success, Balance, Warding off Negativity, Intuition, Dreams, and Astral Energy. Yellow - Induces the power of the Sun and can be used to attune with the God. Yellow is also representative of the Elements of Air, and as such is used for such matters as: Divination, Clairvoyance, Mental Alertness, Intellectual Growth, Prosperity, Harmony, Energizing and Creativity. White - Induces the power of the Moon and is used to attune with the Goddess. Can also be used with Venus and Saturn. Pure dazzling white light can be called upon to bring about: Realisation, Intention, Insight and power itself. Orange - Induces the power of Mercury and is sometimes used for solar energy. Representative of the God, it can be used and combined with other candles to simulate their actions. 9.SYMBOLS IN MAGIC

Pink - Induces the power of Venus but can be used to influence Mars. Pink represents: Love Friendship and Harmony.

Modern Day Witchcraft

Contemporary or modern day witchcraft is what is nowadays termed as a pagan religion and it can also be termed as a Pantheist set of beliefs where worship is paid to multiple deities rather than a single God. It is a term often used by orthodox, Monotheistic religions and used in this way can cover Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and all other nature based beliefs. Several in depth researches have found that Paganism of this kind makes up at least half of world belief.

The word 'Pagan' stems from the Latin words 'Pagini' or 'Paganus', meaning quite simply "a person of the countryside". In true Roman style Pagans were looked down on by the city dwellers as being of inferior status but there was no connection with evil, they were just seen as lesser people in the same way peasants were viewed in later years. This view changed in the 1400s with the fear of witchcraft beginning to take hold when the Church and people began to link witchcraft and paganism with worship of the devil and spells and curses.

The Use of 'Magick'

Whether it was about this time or through later years, the word 'Magic' was replaced in references about paganism and witchcraft by the word 'magick' - the 'k' had arrived." It is now the accepted spelling within Wicca and some other Pagan religions that utilise 'magickal' practice and ritual. This word usage differentiates how the witch uses powers from a magician's 'tricks'. Magick invokes a deity to channel power as opposed to a magician's mere illusion.

Different Forms of Witchcraft

There are many forms of witchcraft, some of which overlap. Different adherents will define their beliefs in different ways but it is worth listing some different forms here to give a guide to their basics -

African Witchcraft - A collective heading for the many types of witchcraft in Africa but many forms are closely based. In central Africa, the Azande believe that witchcraft is the cause much suffering and misfortune. Witchcraft or 'Mangu' is seen as family based with abilities being passed down the fa mily generations, inherited from parents rather than just taught and it can be that a person is not aware of their 'parental gift' but unconsciously use their magickal powers.

U.S.A. - Appalachian Folk Witchcraft - In much the same way as orthodox Christian religions, Appalachians believe good and evil are separate forces, stemming from the Christian God and Devil. This being the case, there are aspects of life where their magick will have no effect. They believe that witches have paranormal powers and therefore can perform powerful magick for the purposes of both good and evil. Although orthodox in belief in some respects, there is still the belief in nature to provide power and signs.

U.S.A. - Pennsylvania Dutch Hexcraft or 'Pow-wow' - When Germans settlers arrived in Pennsylvania they met the local Native Americans, so the term 'powwow' to describe this branch of witchcraft may come from Indian gatherings. This style is old in some of its form, including Middle Age charms and incantations. Like the Appalachian style, it has some beliefs from the Jewish Kabbalah and Christian Bible and these witches view themselves as Christian based. Magick within this form of witchcraft is connected to healing and protection as well as matchmaking and casting or warding off hexes.

Kitchen or Cottage Witchcraft - Kitchen, or also known as Cottage witches,

practice magick where their name truly places them - around the hearth and in the home. These witches homes are sacred places. Herbal magick is used for many reasons and outcomes including bringing protection, prosperity and to heal. It might be said that these witches bring other aspects of witchcraft into their home as many also follow other styles of magick and witchcraft.

Green Witchcraft - Very akin to a Kitchen or Cottage witch but the Green witch is an outdoor practitioner, practicing in the open air to be closer to the Divine Spirit. Everything that a Green witch may use is taken from or made from materials from the natural land and growth.

Hedge witchcraft - A solitary witch is the Hedge witch, not being part of a group or coven, practicing magick alone. Working mostly in the green arts, herbal cures and spells. They were once viewed as the local wise person, curing illnesses and giving advice. Although listed here as a style of witchcraft, they are considered by many to be traditional witches.

Hereditary witchcraft - In similar fashion to some African witches, Hereditary witches believe that their abilities are there from birth, passed from previous generations but Hereditary witches are aware of their gifts. This is very much so in Romany traditions.

Traditional Witchcraft - It could be argued that Traditional witchcraft has a science, history and the arts basis. Although having the same regard for nature as Wiccans, traditional witches worship neither nature nor the god or goddess of the Wiccans, contacting spirits that are part of the unseen spirit world. Magick is more practical than ceremonial, focussing on herbs and potions. Traditional Witchcraft has no law of harming none but it does believe in the responsibility of the witch within how magick can be used. Magick can be used in self-defence as well as other types of protection.

Followers of a global pagan witchcraft movement plan to introduce their beliefs in India to curb the persecution and killing of hundreds of witches every year. Witchcraft has been practiced by women in rural, isolated communities in India for centuries but in recent years witches have become ostracized. Many have even been murdered by neighbors or family who blame them for doing the work of evil spirits.

In the past five years, police say they have reports of more than 700 women being killed as witches or witch doctors in eastern India alone. But the real figure could be many times higher, they say.. Now, followers of the Wicca faith from the United States, Britain and India plan to introduce their religion in the eastern city of Kolkata to promote awareness of witchcraft and provide support for harassed witches. "People from different walks of life and even governments had asked me to institutionalize Wicca, but I was waiting for the right moment," Ipsita Roy Chakraverti, a prominent social activist who practices Wicca, told Reuters. "Now is the time we stood up against people who persecute and kill innocent women," said Chakraverti, adding that the Indian "Wiccan Brigade" would also register complaints of persecution and coordinate with police to ensure cases were brought to trial. Around 100 people have already signed up to take a training program in Wiccan philosophy, literature and psychology and the students will also set up a grievance cell where persecuted women can register their complaints, she said. Like many Pagan religions, Wicca practices magic and witches believe that the human mind has the power to effect change in ways that are not fully understood by science. In their rituals, as well as honoring their deities, witches also perform spells for healing and to help people with general life problems. In India, many witches practice the Dakini Vidya form of witchcraft, where women invoke the Mother Goddess to draw spiritual strength, a belief which has similarities to the Wicca faith in a Great Mother. In remote India, where literacy is low and lives are governed by superstition, villagers often persecute witches and blame them for natural disasters or for illness, death or theft in a village. "They cannot afford medicines for ailments and often put the blame squarely on innocent women and later kill them," said Chakraverti, who studied the Wiccan faith at a chalet in Canada's Laurentian mountains. Chakraverti has also written two books on Wicca -- one of which, The Sacred Evil, was adapted for the big screen earlier this year. witchcraft across the world is experiencing a renaissance of sorts after centuries of bad press, led by television characters such as Buffy, Sabrina and the ladies from Charmed.

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