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Concentration of citrus Siam (Citrus nobilis) juice by reverse osmosis. Concentration of citrus juice with microfiltration still contains total soluble solids that is 6.8 oBrix. Level concentration of this juice still require to be improved to get juice concentrate by lessening water content in juice. In this research, concentration process used low pressure reverse osmosis (LPRO) in form of circumference of spiral (spiral of wound) poliamide material and surface 0.59 m2. Level of concentration, juice quality, and flux perceived at variation rate of flow (0.01, 0.015, 0.02, and 0.03 m/sec) and pressure of trans-membrane (TMP) 4, 6, and 8 Bar. At rate of flow and pressure of trans-membrane 0.03 m/sec and 8 Bar respectively, it was obtained a high level concentration 76% of equal to 11.8 oBrix, and flux 0.73 l h-1 m-2. This level of concentration with LPRO is adequate as early stage of concentration prcess of reverse osmosis (RO). Keywords: reverse osmosis, citrus juice concentration, concentrate PRELIMINARY Orange is one of the leading commodity in Indonesia and is ranked as second largest after the banana fruit production. Indonesia citrus fruit production in 2007 reached 2.6 million tons (CBS, 2008). The type oranges which grown in Indonesia about 70-80% is a type of citrus Siam. Production of citrus Indonesia ranks 13 major citrus producing countries in the world after Vietnam (Directorate General of Food Crops, 2005). Indonesia citrus production and inversely with consumption of processed citrus products circulating in the country. The number of imported orange juice and concentrate to 2.2 tonnes with a value reached 19.2 billion rupiah (BPS, 2001). Citrus processing technology development into juice, concentrate, and others is needed to optimize the potential of citrus production in Indonesia, especially when there is excess production that could not absorbed by the market (over production), as well as to provide added value in the size of oranges off grade market segment fresh orange (Anonymous, 2005). One of processed orange products that have a fairly good chance to develop is orange juice concentrate. A common technique performed on the juice concentration process is the process of evaporation. The weakness of the evaporation process, namely the use of high temperatures can lower nutrient content and flavor of orange juice concentrate (Rao, 1995). Alternative techniques can be used in the process of concentration of orange juice to avoid this is by application of membrane applications Reverse Osmosis (RO). RO process works at low operating temperatures and thus require low energy consumption, compact installation and easy operation (Koseoglu et al., 1990; Alvarez et al. 2000; Girard and Fukumoto, 2000). The principal advantage of concentrating RO is producing higher quality products where the nutrition, aroma and flavor components of the processed material can be maintained. Disadvantages of this process is pemekatannya lower level (less than 36 oBrix) compared to conventional juice industry (evaporation) are able to increase density to 65 oBrix. RO in this regard should be seen as an initial process, but still save energy and reduce degradation due process. Osmotic pressure used in conjunction with the density of juice to overcome the osmotic pressure of a solution of juice so that the process can take place. Various studies have been done using the operating pressure (20-60 bar) for the concentration of orange juice. Bait juice solution generally ranges between 8.2 to 11 oBrix, and concentration levels are obtained to reach 63-340% yield of orange juice concentrate with a total dissolved solids of 1636oBrix (Silva et al., 1998; Cassano et al., 2003; Jesus et al., 2007). Bait high juice solution requires the use of RO pressure above 20 Bar. LPRO performance (less than 10 bar) for concentrated orange juice has not been done, but its efficiency is quite high because it does not

require a high pressure pump capacity, and simple tools. This study introduces LPRO with a variety of operating conditions (trans-membrane pressure and feed flow rate) to obtain optimum levels of concentrated. juice. The equipment used is Microfiltration shaped hollow fiber module with a membrane polypropylene (PP) pore size 0.1 m. Module Reverse Osmosis (RO) spiral-shaped rotating (spiral wound) using membrane Polyamide (PA) which has a surface area of 0.59 m2. The feed stream by means of a cross (cross flow fltration). Product testing equipment consists of glassware, Abbe refractometer, balance sheet, UV spectrophotometer (type U2010, Hitachi), a pH meter. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Materials and Equipment Raw materials used in the study is orange juice Siam from Pontianak oranges. Siam Pontianak oranges obtained from Bogor market with delivery time of approximately one night (information traders). Microfiltration of orange juice pore size 0.1 m with a concentration of 6.5 to 8 oBrix bait. B.Method 1. Preparation of raw material. Raw material preparation stage include sorting, washing, peeling skin, and the manufacture of orange juice. Oranges extracted using pulper machine. Pulp and seeds extracted discarded, while the orange juice stored for the initial screening process. Screening conducted several stages, first performed screening using a 40 mesh sieve, then successively 65, 150, and 200 mesh to remove large particles. Orange juice then dipasteurisasikan at 70 oC for 10 minutes before it was filtered on microfiltration. 2. Microfiltration. Microfiltration of orange juice to allay the bitterness caused by the compound limonin and naringin. Orange juice preparation of raw materials fed to the microfiltration membrane with the best operating conditions obtained in previous studies (Aghitsni, 2008) that is trans-membrane pressure (TMP) 1.74 bar and flow rate 0.08 m s-1. 3. reverse Osmosis Research carried out by using 4 feed flow rate (0.01, 0.015; 0.02, and 0.03 m s-1) and three trans-membrane pressure (TMP) 4, 6, and 8 bar. At this early stage filtration process, the output of the membrane (retentat and permeate) is recycled (recycling) to obtain constant conditions (steady state). The timing is steady (steady state) is done by measuring the flux of orange juice during a certain time using the flow rate and TMP is constant (v = 0.03 m s-1, TMP = 8 bar) with permeate recirculation and retentat to the feed solution. Flux shows a constant value starting the 15th minute until the 20th minute. Time after 20 minutes was then used for sampling, flux measurements and analysis. Flux measurements for various parameters and sampling carried out after reaching the steady-state time. When steady state is reached is obtained at a constant flux. The determination of TMP and the flow rate of the best seen from the results of flux and ultimate rejection. Furthermore the best conditions are used in the process of coagulation is performed with only meresirkulasi retentat flow, and flux measurements were taken periodically during the process of condensation. Concentration levels measured at the end of which has a constant flux value. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Influence of TMP and Flux Flow Rate At TMP of 4.6 and 8 bar and flow rate variation of 0.01, 0.015; 0.02, and 0.03 m s-1 showed an increase in flux at TMP greater (Figure 2) and also with increasing flow rate (Figure 3). Increase the flux of TMP increase is due to the magnitude of the thrust (driving force) on the separation process. TMP is used at intervals shows that the flux is strongly influenced by the TMP (dependent), this suggests that the mass transfer on the hose that is used is still directly proportional to the pressure. In tekanann highest attainable in this system (TMP

8 Bar) has not reached the condition in which the flux no longer influenced by the stress (independent), which generally occurs when the formed mass accumulation on the membrane surface. The maximum TMP of the system used is 8 bar, are relatively low compared to the process used at the concentration of orange juice is up to 60 Bar Jesus et al., 2007; Gomes et al., 2005; Galaverna et al., 2008) and even up to 70 Bar for apple juice (Alvarez et al., 2002). The greater the TMP is used the more energy is needed. Use of TMP is low in this study can be categorized as an initial process for a series of stages of concentration of orange juice. Increasing flow rate at a fixed TMP will also increase the flux of the order smaller than the increase of TMP (Figure 3). For TMP 8 Bars then a maximum flow rate that can be achieved on the system is 0.03 m s-1. The pattern of flux increase of flow rate is typical in filtration process. Effect of flow rate on the performance of fruit juice filtration with RO has not been widely publicized. Alvarez et al. (1997) using RO filtration concentrated apple juice to get the pattern to the flow rate increase in flux with the same pattern. The best operating conditions that result in flux highest for the system used in this study is TMP 8 bar and flow rate 0.03 m s-1 with the flux value of 0.73 lm-2 hour-1. B. Effect of Flow Rate of TMP and TMP Influence of rejection rejection rejection total sugar showed an increase of total sugars with increased TMP. Improved rejection of sugar by increasing the TMP due to displacement of solvent in this case the water increases with increasing TMP. Increasing TMP affects more displacement than the displacement of solute solvent. Alvarez et al. (2002) suggests an increase in the operating conditions of the TMP will increase the ratio of solvent and solute flux (NB / NA). Rejection sugar high of 76% obtained at TMP 8 bar with a flow rate 0.03 mdet-1, whereas the lowest rejection of 32% with the value obtained from the application of TMP 4 bar at a flow rate of 0.01 m s-1. Increased mass transfer of solute compared to solvent causes greater water content or decrease in solute content (in this case sugar) on the permeate flow. It can be seen from the decrease in total sugar concentration of TMP and permeate the highest flow rate. Flux is greater in these conditions carry most of the water so the sugar content in retentat greater as shown by the rejection rate of total sugar high. Decrease in total sugar concentration in the permeate with increasing TMP is also due to lower total dissolved solids (TPT) on the permeate. TPT RO permeate filtration results ranged from 1.9 to 3.6 oBrix. TPT decline in orange juice by RO filtration is also obtained by Silva et al. (1998) and Jesus et al. (2007). At TMP 20-60 Bar and with materials membranpolisulfon (PS) obtained for 0.3 to 3.3 oBrix TPT (Silva et al., 1998), whereas the membrane polypropylene (PP) TPT obtained for 0.28 to 1.37 oBrix (Jesus et al., 2007). Flux and high rejection to be an indicator success of the juice concentration process. for systems membrane in this study, the use of TMP 8 Bar and flow rate of 0.03 mdet-1 is the best condition for hold the sugar in the juice up to 76%. C. Level Concentration of Orange Juice to obtain the maximum concentration levels in this study, carried out the separation with meresirkulasi retentat solution only, while the flow of permeate removed from the system. Concentration process was carried out for 6 hours using the best conditions (TMP 8 Bar and the flow rate of 0.03 m.det-1) results above. Initial feed concentration of orange juice that is used by 6.7 oBrix. Flux showed a decrease during the filtration process with a parabolic pattern. No significant flux decline began after 300 minutes the concentration. This shows the process of concentration has been ineffective. Concentration process stops when no more water can be separated or when the value of the flux equal to zero. Time until cessation of filtration flux relation predicted from the equation of time. Equation shows the relationship logarithmic flux versus time with a good R 2 is equal to 99%. The concentration of juice concentrate obtained after 6 hours of concentration by 11.8 oBrix or obtained the degree of concentration by 76%. Decrease in flux on the concentration of orange juice is affected by increasing concentrations of bait during the concentration process. The longer time of concentration of orange

juice, the concentration of the feed to be increased, followed by an increase in total sugars. Increased concentrations of bait close to linear pattern, although the total sugar concentration of permeate is lower than the concentration of the bait. This fact is signaled that an increase in pressure that influence the occurrence penurunanan flux on the concentration of orange juice. Increasing the concentration of the feed causes an increase in osmotic pressure which affects the occurrence of flux decline. Effect of increasing concentrations of bait on this flux causes an increase in total sugars and decrease in flux with a pattern close to a parabola. The concentration of the concentrate obtained when the flux approaches the value zero or after concentration lasts 11.77 hours based on the equation that is equal to 16.1 oBrix, so that the maximum concentration level that can be achieved 141%. Concentration level is good enough for a TMP concentration is relatively low when compared to RO concentration levels are generally using pressure above 20 bar is equal to 63-340% (Jesus et al., 2007; Silva et al., 1998; Alvarez et al., 1997). The use of RO membrane with low pressure in this study can be considered as pre-concentration process of a series of concentrated orange juice orange juice using the RO at a higher pressure. Pre-concentration process is expected to have an impact on reducing energy use with RO separation process. CONCLUSSION 1. The use of trans-membrane pressure (TMP) 8 Bar, feed flow rate 0.03 m s-1 on the module of reverse osmosis (RO) spiral-shaped rotating with polyamide membranes can concentrate orange juice solution Siam oBrix 11.8, or 76% for 6 hours of operation. 2. The process of low pressure reverse osmosis (LPRO) using trans-membrane pressure (TMP) is effective concentrate orange juice. 3. Initial concentration of orange juice is recommended to use the process to increase the degree Brix LPRO capable of reducing energy use in the separation process of reverse osmosis (RO).

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