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1. Which of the following element has a + 1 valency?

(a) Mg (b) Na (c) B (d) C

2. In which of the following ions chromium shows maximum radius?

(a) Cr+6 (b) Cr+4 (c) Cr+3 (d) Cr+2

3. Ionization potential of Na would be numerically the same as

(a) Electron affinity of Na+ (b) Electronegativity of Na+
(c) Electron affinity of He (d) Ionization potential of Mg

4. Which one of the following statements is correct?

(a) Radius of Cl atom is 0.99 Å, while that of Cl+ ion is 1.54 Å.
(b) Radius of Cl atom is 0.99 Å, while that of Na atom is 1.54 Å.
(c) Radius of Cl atom is 0.95Å, while that of Cl – ion is 0.81 Å.
(d) Radius of Na atom is 0.95 Å, while that of Na + ion is 1.54 Å.

5. Why the elements having ns2np6 configuration are called inert?

6. There are only 14 lanthanides and only 14 actinides. Why?

7. Which of the following species are isoelectronic?

(a) Al3+ (b) Cl– (c) O2– (d) Mg2+
Arrange the isoelectronic species in the decreasing order of their size.

8. Arrange the following isoelectronic species in decreasing order of their size.

O 2 − , N 3 − , Ne, F − , Mg 2 + , Na +

9. Calculate the amount of energy required to convert 5 mole of sodium atom in the gaseous
state to sodium ion. Ionisation enthalpy of Na = 5.1 eV/atom.
(use 1 eV = 1.602 × 10–19J)

10. The C–Cl bond length in CCl4 is 1.76Å. If atomic (covalent) radius of C is 0.77 Å, determine
the atomic (covalent) radius of Cl.

11. Write the electronic configuration of the following elements whose atomic numbers are given
below –
A (Atomic number = 35) B (Atomic number = 18)
C (Atomic number = 29) D (Atomic number = 37)
Also predict the period, group and block to which they belong.
12. Write five isoelectronic species for each of the following atoms or ions taking the help of
periodic table in such a manner that two of them are cations, two of them are anions and the
remaining specie is a neutral atom.
(a) O2− (b) Ca2+ (c) Ar

13. Predict the formulae of the stable binary compounds that would be formed by the following
pairs of elements:
(a) silicon and oxygen
(b) aluminium and bromine

14. Elements A, B, C and D have their respective electronic configurations as:

A: 1s2 2s2 2p1
B: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1
C: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
D: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5
Which among them will belong to the same group of the periodic table?

15. Give the name and atomic number of the inert gas atom in which the total number of
d–electrons is equal to the difference in total number of p and s–electrons.

PP1. Physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic

PP2. According to Mendeleev’s periodic law, the physical and chemical properties of elements are
periodic function of their atomic masses. On the other hand, Modern periodic law says that
the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic function of their atomic

PP3. The electronic configuration of the element is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5. This element belongs to
17th group and 3rd period.

PP4. Element X belongs to the 15th group while the element Y belongs to the 17th group.

PP5. (a) K (b) Br– (c) Na+

PP6. Atomic radius of an inert gas element is exceptionally higher than the atomic radius of any
of the remaining elements of the same period because it does not form a covalent bond and
its radius is simply the vander Waal’s radius.

PP7. (c) < (a) < (b) < (d)

PP8. (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3

PP9. 295 kJ mol–1


1. (b) Na (Alkali metals are always univalent).

2. (d) In Cr+2 oxidation state of chromium is +2 (minimum). Thus, it will have maximum radius.

3. (a) Na → Na + + e − IE of Na = + ve
Na + + e − → Na; H eg of Na + = −ve

4. (b) The atomic radius decreases along the period. More over cations are always smaller than
their parent atom and anions are always larger than their parent atom.
5. The elements having ns 2 np 6 configuration have complete octet and thus they neither
possess the tendency to donate electron nor to accept electron and are thus stable.

6. Lanthanides and Actinides are the elements in which differentiating electron enters into
(n − 2)f sub-shell. Since ' f ' sub shell can accommodate a maximum of 14 electrons and
thus, the number of Lanthanides and Actinides is 14 each only.

7. The number of electrons in these ions are –

Ion Al3+ Cl– O2– Mg2+
Number of Electrons 10 18 10 10
Thus, Al3+, O2– and Mg2+ are isoelectronic ions because all the three ions have ten electrons.
Now nuclear charge in Al3+ is + 13, in O2– is 8 and in Mg2+ is 12. In isoelectronic species with
increase in nuclear charge while the electrons remaining the same, size will decrease.
Consequently, the size follows the order
O2– > Mg2+ > Al3+
8. Since isoelectronic species have the same number of electrons and the same number of
shells, therefore, greater the nuclear charge smaller will be the size.
Isoelectronic species O2– N3– Ne F– Mg2+ Na+
Number of electrons 8+2 7+3 10 9+1 12 – 2 11 – 1
Number of protons 8 7 10 9 12 11
 decreasing order of size for isoelectronic species is
N3−  O 2−  F −  Ne  Na +  Mg2+

9. IE of Na = 5.1 eV / atom = 5.1 6.023  10 23 eV / mol

= 5.1 6.023  10 23  1.602  10 −19 J / mol
= 492.091 10 3 J / mol
 Energy required to convert 5 mole Na to Na +
= 5  492.091 10 3 J
= 2.46  10 6 J
10. Bond length of C−Cl = distance between the nuclei of two atoms
= rC + rCl
Given rC = 0.77 Å and rC + rCl = 1.76 Å
 rCl = 1.76 − 0.77 = 0.99 Å

11. A = 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d10 4s 2 4p 5
Period = 4, Group = 17 and block = p-block
B = 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6
Period = 3, Group = 18 and block = p-block
C = 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d10 4s1
Period = 4, Group = 11 and block = d-block
D = 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d10 4s 2 4p 6 5s1
Period = 5, Group = 1 and block = s-block.

12. (a) O2– has 10 electrons. Therefore, its isoelectronic species are:
Na + , Mg2+ , N3− , F − , Ne
(b) Ca2+ has 18 electrons. Therefore its isoelectronic species are: K+, Sc3+, S2−, Cl−, Ar
(c) Ar has 18 electrons. Therefore its isoelectronic species are:
K + , Ca 2+ , S 2− , Cl − (Its neutral isoelectronic species is not possible)

13. (a) Silicon belongs to group 14. Its valency is thus 4. Oxygen, on the other hand has a valency
of 2. Therefore, the formula of the binary compound is SiO 2
(b) Aluminium and bromine belong to group 13 and group 17 respectively. In order to acquire
stable configuration aluminum shares three of its valence electrons with one electron each
of the three bromine atoms. Thus the formula of binary compound is AlBr 3.

14. Elements (A) and (B) belong to the same group of the periodic table because they have the
same valence shell electronic configuration.

15. The first inert gas which contains d–electrons is krypton. Its atomic number is 36 and its
electronic configuration is:
1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d10 4s 2 4p 6
Total number of d-electrons = 10
Total number of p-electrons = 6 + 6 + 6 = 18
Total number of s-electrons =2+2+2+2=8
 Difference in total number of p-and s-electrons = 18 – 8 = 10.
Thus, the inert gas is krypton.

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