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Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

Many of our Washington politicians and business peoples are in the lthy habit of buying sex with kids and drugs for a good time. And I hope middle America realizes this, and how CORRUPT a city our nation's capital is. Washington, D. C. is NOT all shiny monuments, it's corruption and evil. People are dependent upon government and don't even know their neighbors or belong to a church, because all they need do is stay home and watch TV and wait for the $$$ to come from the government, when they should NOT be doing so. How about a community that cares instead?

America is all about freedom, which means the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. I have learned MORE from failure than I have from success, and it's wrong for the government to bail out anyone, because helping to needy is people's responsibility, not government's.

Considering what's going on, with the world being on re with liberty and freedom from US, UK, and Israeli Zionist tyranny, I think it's time we learn how to love ALL peoples, because ALL men are brothers. Let's not fall for more hatred and strife, let's get busy building a society based upon dignity, worth, hope, and love. Israel will MURDER Palestinians AGAIN in September when the issue of Palestinian statehood goes before the UN. The Washington politicians will be back to work then. Did I say WORK? LOL They do NOTHING but engage is raw power politicking for their own personal gain and those days are OVER!

NATO has become an aggressor, not the Cold War defense force NATO PROMISED the Russians it would be. NATO has been pushing Russia around for 50 years, especially since 1998, and those days are OVER!

The UK and the USA have been pushing China around for 100 years and those days are OVER!

The Zionist controlled UK, US, and Israel have pushed the Arab world around for the past 100 years and those days are OVER!

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

The Washington politicians who are in love with Israel are on vacation, believing they can somehow get a handle on things. THEY CAN NOT! World On Fire! Zionist controlled Washington's America is NEXT! The People are rising up!

World On Fire! England, America, and Israel NEXT! Russia, China, and Iran WILL defeat ZIONIST MURDERING, LYING Israel, America, and England!!!

Washington and Israel did 9/11. And the US Military knows. Simply Google "the military knows". The Military knows what? Google tells you the TRUTH: 8 items will drop down ALL saying the same thing: Israel did 9/11, because Israel does NOT control Google, as they do ALL other media. Ron Paul = Ayn Rand = Selshness Jesus = People over Prot Martin Luther King, Jr. = People over Prot Ron Paul = Prot over People Considering the fact that Ron Paul wants ZERO government regulations on businesses, WHY would ANYONE who WORKS for a living - meaning: gets paid by the hour, or gets paid a salary - EVER vote for someone whose desire is for businesses to pay the LOWEST wage the free market would allow, which today, would be somewhere between $2 and $4 per hour? As a US Army Combat Arms Veteran, a believer in God, and someone who loves America, I take THE OATH I SWORE before God and many witnesses (on January 4, 1977 in Baltimore, Maryland) to protect, uphold, and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, both foreign (Israel, China) and domestic (Washington politicians), VERY SERIOUSLY.

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

Beware of buying supplies at military surplus stores, because the feds are on the lookout for White Nationalist Christian Patriots or Angry White American Men who think the US government is the real terrorist.

Americans would do well to listen to the Founders who told us to abolish our government if necessary and institute new government in whatever form we see t. We would do well to abolish our Roman-style government with its dictator presidency and institute a parliament with a prime minister, which is less regal and dictatorial.

People who support career Washington politician Ron Paul have been fooled, because Ron Paul running for president may as well be Ron Paul running for dictator, because dictator is what the presidency of the US is, regardless of who is president, and I think we all know that. Israel loving Zionist agent Alex Jones is always puffing Ron and Rand Paul, and Ron Paul has already said he doesn't want 9/11 truthers behind him. Paul is no savior of America, he's only the lesser of all evils, again. Are you aware that a high security 47 story building that was NOT hit by an aircraft was also demolished on Tuesday September 11, 2001 at 5:25 pm? This was not 19 hijackers or al Qaeda, nor is it a "conspiracy theory". It is fact. Please see: http://

In the New Testament Christ demands all that we own, because we are to surrender everything in our lives to God for his purposes, which are to spread his message of love, peace, humility, and brotherhood at the cost even of our lives. We are to give to the government that which belongs to it, so that we do not offend the government we pay our taxes, but God considers, as do I, everything I own as belonging to him, which I am to use to help others who are less fortunate than I am.

We sometimes forget that Jesus said he was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He was not sent to the Gentiles. We Gentiles are only Christians today because Israel rejected Christ, therefore God took away their vineyard from them and gave it to others (us Gentiles) who would bring forth fruit.

Although the promise God made to Abraham holds true until the last day for individual Jews, the Roman destruction of the Jewish temple was the fulllment of the prophecy given by Christ: that God had abandoned national Israel for rejecting and slaying the

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

prophets, including, especially, himself, and that Israel, as a nation, would henceforth and forever be desolate and abandoned by God (see Matthew 23).

The Muslims still believe lending money at interest is a sin, which it is, but the Church backed-off that issue years ago, after Calvin and the Reformation and its spirit of capitalism took hold, which is shameful.

The Jews deserve to be rich because the Church, knowing lending money at interest (usury) was a sin, had the Jews do it, during Medieval times, since they killed Christ, which is a shameful way to treat anyone, especially the Jews. The blood of Christ was never upon their children's heads, despite what their ancestors said. Christ forgave those who crucied him.

Thank God for the Muslims, who gave us arabic numerals, and the Hindus, who gave us the "0", because I would hate to do long division using Roman numerals!

Income taxes on wage and salary earners is immoral and evil. A ploy foisted upon working Americans in 1913. Only businesses - individuals and corporations - are supposed to pay income taxes, and then only on the prots they make.

Americans would do well to listen to the Founders who told us to abolish our government if necessary and institute new government in whatever form we see t. We would do well to abolish our Roman-style government with its dictator presidency and institute a parliament with a prime minister, which is less regal and dictatorial.

A nation could actually run a at currency for fty years and so long as debt bondage is eliminated every fty years and the slate wiped clean it could start all over again. There are far too many people, now, in the US for us to use gold, because there is only $4 trillion worth of gold in the entire world.

The Law of God liberated everyone from debt bondage every fty years, thereby eliminating debt slavery. The so-called Year of Jubilee.

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

No tax of any kind can ever be more than 9.99%, because God demanded only a tenth (tithe) of one's goods. No government can ever take more than God.

Ron Paul wants to bring back competitive currencies, which is foolishness, except to business lovers like Paul. America once had competitive currencies and it caused so much confusion in cross state border commerce the Founders adopted the US Constitution to institute one, single, federal currency, which Congress, not a central bank, managed.

Corporations in America are supposed to be allowed to do business only by permission of the US government by its granting them a charter with specic guidelines as to how they are permitted to operate legally, such as hiring only American workers, or else the charter is revoked.

Income taxes on wage and salary earners is immoral and evil. A ploy foisted upon working Americans in 1913. Only individuals and corporations are supposed to pay income taxes, and then only on the prots they make.

People who support Ron Paul have been fooled, because Ron Paul running for president may as well be Ron Paul running for dictator, because dictator is what the presidency of the US is, regardless of who is president, and I think we all know that. Israel loving Zionist agent Alex Jones is always puffing Ron and Rand Paul, and Ron Paul has already said he doesn't want 9/11 truthers behind him. Paul is no savior of America, he's only the lesser of all evils, again.

As a vet myself, one who ew, by helicopter, many, many air assault training missions, this is very disturbing, but likely true. Because a Chinook is a loud, slow, cargo helicopter, which I ew on only once, because we were transporting vehicles behind the lines. (SEAL Team 6 Crash)

I'm old enough that I remember watching the Smother's Brothers Comedy Hour. I thought, in 1967, the good people who were protesting the wars were going to take over America. But once Dr, King was murdered, then Bobby Kennedy, in 1968, it seemed all hope of that was lost, forever. Until now.

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

Good, decent, honest, hard-working Americans who want JUSTICE (not revenge) are organizing NOW to OUST our evil, indecent, lying, slothful US government next July 4. Please join us in organizing the many details!

Traitors (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, et al), and Israeli Mossad did 9/11 See: 8030/US-Military-Knows-Israel- Did-9-11-AlanSobrosky-USMC

Most American Christians, who are well-meaning Bible believers, have fallen for an OLD TRICK of the Devil: the MISUSE of Scripture. They use OLD TESTAMENT passages that say we SHOULD support Israel and they DON'T read NEW TESTAMENT passages that tell us NOT to support Israel (MT 23).

OMG! When you STUDY the NEW TESTAMENT (in English AND in Greek) you discover that ISRAEL is antichrist AND the Whore of Babylon! See also, WHO DID 9/11: http:// =NUbTe50UUgM - Chambersburg Bible Study - Answers 2 (6/2011)

OMG! When you STUDY the NEW TESTAMENT (in English AND in Greek) you discover that ISRAEL is antichrist AND the Whore of Babylon! See also, WHO DID 9/11: http:// =NUbTe50UUgM - Chambersburg Bible Study Answers 1 (6/2011)

If I were a TRAITOR, which I am NOT, and if I had perpetrated 9/11, which I did NOT, I would fear for my life, because under US Federal law: TRAITORS HANG! Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, how do YOU plan on making amends for 3,000 plus DEAD on 9/11?

Did I say the US government has NO legitimacy? LOL The US government has had NO legitimacy for 30 years! See: SAEBB/NSAEBB2/ nsaebb2.htm

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

I one listens, carefully, one can almost hear the US government crumbling, minute by minute, day by day. Before long, it will become evident to EVERYONE in America that our government has NO legitimacy whatsoever.

I NEVER saw OR heard THIS on television! BOMBS going off EVERY 10-15 minutes at Ground Zero?! WHO DID THIS?! See WHO DID IT: =NUbTe50UUgM

If MY kid came home from Iraq or Afghanistan in a body bag, and if I discovered that Israel was actually behind the TERROR and MURDER that occurred in NYC 10 years ago, I would be FURIOUS!

OMG! Nations that reject Christ can MURDER Americans in order to TRICK them into sending their loved ones off to ght, be maimed (physically and mentally) for life, and to DIE for THEM?! All because Americans don't understand that JESUS rejected THEM 2,000 years ago? I love everyone, or try my best to do so. ALL Jewish folks as well as everybody else are welcome HERE in America. But NOT in Palestine. Zionism is an EVIL ideology and geopolitical SCAM which has been foisted on the UK and US for 100 years! Free Palestine! Free America! Free Washington!

Why is it that most all Evangelical, well-meaning, Bible-believing Christians in America don't know the Bible as well as Good, Bible-believing Jews in America do. Read your Bibles, more closely, please. Do what Jesus did and REJECT antichrist Israel (read Matthew 23:38).

I saw the US President's speech on the economy today, live, on television. He should NOT have spoken as long as he did, because the longer he spoke, the LESS condence he inspired. It would have been better had he not spoken at all.

Attention all Americans: Washington solved the Social Security issue years ago, and created a surplus, which was supposed to be used for the future. Our politicians in Washington LOOTED our trust fund and now wish to blame the Tea Party for their CRIME.

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

Where your Social Security Money Went: r-socialsecurity-money-was-st olen-where-did-the-2-5-trillio n-surplus-go/ The US Congress is on vacation, and the US president soon will be as well. Must be nice, because I and others are working our butts off to get America back on track! I love America and WILL NOT allow it to continue AS IS, unlike our "leaders" in Washington, who don't seem to care, at all.

Attention ALL Americans: America is falling apart at the seams and will continue to unravel as this year rushes on. We, the People, DO have a plan, which will work, whereby we can repair our great nation, peacefully and orderly, so that condence will be restored in the US government and economy. And yes, we do have a plan that will work to x it: http://ajmacdonaldjr.wordp -of-justice-2012-dc-the-ti me-has-come-for-goodameri can-people-to-take-control -of-our-corrupt-federal-go vernment-throughnon-conve ntional-and-non-violent-me ans-now/

Who would do this? Our own government, that's who. With the expertise of their bedfellows in Washington, D. C. : Israel. See: =NUbTe50UUgM

I think I will not be using facebook today, because I can't message or post links, again. Get it together facebook, please. The whole world is on re with the res of liberty, which facebook has helped to set, so I suggest you buy more servers to deal with the traffic so we can x the world. Thanks.

Why has an Israeli shipping company been dealing with Iran? MiddleEas t/Article.aspx?id=222019

Fed Interest Rate from 1990 - Present: 8.25% - 0.00% - ates.html

The 9/11 Truth movement has been inltrated and is ultimately controlled by the same criminal group who masterminded the attacks.

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

As they say, if you want to control the dissent you lead the dissent. (e.g., Alex Jones, Jon Gold, et al)

Man, I just feel like posting the crap out of anti-government posts today, because the feds are falling apart faster than ever, and we need to help topple those crooks so we can put GOOD people in their place before it's to late!

Missing Links - The Denitive Truth About 9/11 - Full Documentary

From the History Channel, uninterpreted.

102 Minutes That Changed America

McCain thinks Tea Party folks are Hobbits? I think he's a chipmunk, but most Vietnam Vets think he's a RAT! See: 008/08/30/john-mccainthe-retu rn-of-king-rat/

Our own government did this. WTC 7 was a highly secure building. FBI, CIA, SEC, NYC government all inside. How did Muslims do this?

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

4409 -- (Unseen Footage) Tower 7 blasted into rubble from NEW angle!

Iran Contra Scum Did 9/11 - with the help of Israel

The Truth Will Set You Free

Print this out and give it to your friends and neighbors, because it's being read at the Pentagon, the US Army War College, and HQ USMC

PRINT COPY - The US Military Knows Israel Did 9/11


Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

SEAL Team 6 Assassinated

LIAR 7734/NASA-USAF-SPACECOM-BOEING -SVSDirected-Energy-US-Milita ry-Space-Weapons-Platform

Rumsfeld & Directed Energy Weaponry

Attention Americans, something else your government is lying to you about: the space weapons platform NASA built, which is why the Space Shuttle isn't needed any more, because it's complete, now. See: 7734/NASA-USAFSPACECOM-BOEING -SVS-Directed-Energy-US-Milita ry-Space-Weapons-Platform

NASA-USAF SPACECOM-BOEING SVS Directed Energy US Military Space Weapons Platform A J MacDonald Jr See: 59670336/Unfortunately-The reason-NASA-is-shutting-d own-the-SpaceTruck-program -is-that-theSpaceWeapons Unfortunately, The reason NASA is shutting down the SpaceTruck program is that the SpaceWeapons... www.scribd.comScribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

Wednesday at 6:19pm Like

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

A J MacDonald Jr See the LIE: ch?v=Lr6Gl2zxm8w

Rumsfeld & Directed Energy Weaponry

We care about women and children!

Summer of Mercy http://www.hopeafterabortion.c om

Stop the War on Black Women!

Abortion Inc: Promoting Black Genocide in US? Despite being legalized nearly 40 years ago, the topic of abortion still raises huge controversy in the US, as some argue it is leading to genocide of the Af...

Very sad and very true . . .

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

'The most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb': Black politician criticises

End the War in the Womb!

March for Life - 2011 http://www.feministsforlife.or g/ By: A J MacDonald Jr Many are really hurting because they did have one, or more, but there is always HOPE, LOVE, and FORGIVENESS after a woman has an abortion! : ) See: http:// www.hopeafteraborti

Welcome to Hope After Abortion

Most of our Washington politicians and business peoples are in the lthy habit of buying sex with kids and drugs for a good time. And I hope middle America realizes this, and how CORRUPT a city our nation's capital is. Washington, D. C. is NOT all shiny monuments, it's corruption and evil.

Democrat New York Representative Charles Rangel Defends Weiner

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

Considering what's going on, with the world being on re with liberty and freedom from US, UK, and Israeli Zionist tyranny, I think it's time we learn how to love ALL peoples, because ALL men are brothers. Let's not fall for more hatred and strife, let's get busy building a society based upon dignity, worth, hope, and love.

America - Hatred and Anger or Love and Understanding?

See: http://www.theisraelproject.or g/site/c.hsJPK0PIJpH/b.672581/ k.12D7/ The_Israel_Project__Fac ts_For_A_Better_Future.htm

Israel is going to nuke US and blame Iran

Be prepared for a false-ag terror attack

The Stage Is Set For a Nuclear False Flag

World On Fire! Zionist controlled Washington's America is NEXT! The People are rising up!

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

Protesters shot dead in Yemen

World On Fire! England, America, and Israel NEXT! Russia, China, and Iran WILL defeat ZIONIST MURDERING, LYING Israel, America, and England!!!

Bloody crackdown on Syrian protesters continues

Washington STILL supports this in Bahrain!!!

Bahrain's army deliberately kills peaceful protesters with live rounds (Mirror)

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

What The Hell is Going on in Britain?' Yobs have Overthrown England It's a Coups d'tat!. What The Hell is Going on in Britain? for more Visit: blog/? p=7915

The Coming Insurrection (English) A call to arms by a group of French intellectuals that rejects leftist reform and aligns itself with younger, wilder forms of resistance. by ajmacdonaldjr in Politics, Books Non-ction, and Technology

Washington and Israel did this! And the US Military knows. Simply Google "the military knows". The Military knows what? Google tells you the TRUTH: 8 items will drop down ALL saying the same thing: Israel did 9/11, because Israel does NOT control Google, as they do ALL other media.

4409 -- (Unseen Footage) Tower 7 blasted into rubble from NEW angle! Thank you to all who have spread this video and the message! We could not grow without YOU. Remember, YOU have the power to Unite ...

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

The World on Fire Washington a Dead Horse Coup d Etat No 2012 Election Will Be Possible Americans DO NOT need to bother voting. Money has corrupted the election process as well as electronic voting machine fraud. There will be no 2012 election because the whole world is on re and America is next, just wait and see. Things are coming apart at the seams and we are o source: ajmacdonaldjr link: Full Article...

America Is Next For Riots and Revolution

Ron Paul Fraud! 'Diebold' Vote Machines Steal 2008 Primaries http://www.ronpaulforpresident With the presidential race in full swing, most U.S. states have found critical aws in the accuracy and security of t...

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

On Ron Paul, the Presidency, and Americas WorkingClass I cant believe how many people, especially young people, and especially wage earners, are falling for someone who has been and is just another career Washington politician, only this time its a Washington politician, Ron Paul (R-TX), who wants business to be allowed to run roug source: ajmacdonaldjr link: Full Article...

Rand got it from Ron who got it from Ayn (Rand)

Rand Pauls Ignorance of Natural Law Rand Pauls Ignorance of Natural Law Rand Paul is in trouble, politically, because his libertarian political philosophy is divorced from natural law. Paul has said, on national television, ...

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

SEX , CRIME & THE CAPITAL: Sex , crime and politics in Washington DC. A Progressive Review archive This page provides readers access to examples of the capital conuence of the promiscuous, prohibited, perplexing and political. This is nothing new. For example, during the Civil War there were 450 brothels in DC. Neither, however, is it insignicant. Part of the mythology A J MacDonald Jr

America - Hatred and Anger? Or Love and Understanding? We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. ~ MLK When it comes to law, we can't regulate wisdom and kindness, but we can outlaw certain kinds of foolishness, if it's evil behavior, and we can mandate a certain minimal standard of kindness. With all that's breaki... August 2, 2011 The Passionate Attachment Ed. Note: So it begins. The Israeli spin machine will now attempt to characterize Breivik as an agent of one of their enemies. In this case, it is...

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

True Torah Jews Against Zionism True Torah Jews is a non-prot organization of Orthodox Jews dedicated to informing the world that all Jews do not support the Zionist state called 'Israel', and that to equate traditional Judaism with Zionism endangers Jews worldwide.

The Ugly Truth Zionism, Jewish extremism and a few other nasty items making our world uninhabitable today

Oath Keepers Oath Keepers Guardians of the Republic Military, Veterans, and peace officers who will honor their oaths to defend the Constitution, will NOT just follow orders.

Are you aware that a high security 47 story building that was NOT hit by an aircraft was also demolished on Tuesday September 11, 2001 at 5:25 pm? This was not 19 hijackers or al Qaeda, nor is it a "conspiracy theory". It is fact. Please see: http://

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

RememberBuilding7 New TV Ad Featuring 9/11 Family Members, Architects and Engineers Remember Building 7 is a television advertising campaign by 9/11 family members to increase awareness of World Trade Center Building 7 across the United States and the world. The campaign is a initiative and is cosponsored by Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth.

Tuesday September 11, 2001 What happened on Tuesday September 11, 2001, and a prayer of repentance and humility as Americans seek justice for the 3,000 souls murdered that day, in order that America might be restored to good... by ajmacdonaldjr in Letters to Our Leaders (NEW), Government, and US

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

PARA SU PUBLICACIN INMEDIATA - VERANO DE JUSTICIA - 2012 - DC ha comenzado ocialmente ORGANIZADOR Informacin acerca de Verano de Justicia - 2012 - DC "la libertad del miedo, la vida contra la muerte, y la paz no la guerra" POR FAVOR: Si alguno de ustedes tiene una conexin con el poeta mexica... by ajmacdonaldjr in mexico, libertad, and justicia

A Biblical "End Times" Timeline A biblical "end times" timeline (with scripture, and without apologies to ignorant, incompetent, or crooked Bible teachers, like Harold Camping et al.) by ajmacdonaldjr in Research, Life, and death


Christian Economics - Introduction Is there such a thing as a distinctively Christian economics? Yes. Are there explicitly Christian economic teachings that no secular economist has written about? So far, probably not. The uniquenes... by ajmacdonaldjr in Politics, Books Non-ction, and Economics

Facebook Posts - 8/12/2011 - A. J. MacDonald, Jr.

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