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Parnt prmission slip to us saf Intrnt tool - Moodl

?our chlld has Lhe opporLunlLv Lo learn ln a safe prlvaLe lnLerneL envlronmenL called a
Moodle LhaL ls accesslble onlv bv Lhe Leacher admlnlsLraLor and members of vour chlld's arade
aL SL 8ernard School 1here vour chlld can use lnLerneL resources parLlclpaLe ln dlscusslons
posL lnformaLlon s/he has learned and work s/he has creaLed and even conLlnue dolna school
work durlna a snow dav SomeLlmes vour chlld wlll use Lhe class Moodle durlna school
especlallv aL Lhe bealnnlna whlle oLher Llmes vour chlld mav use Lhe class Moodle from a
famllv lnLerneL compuLer a school compuLer or a publlc llbrarv compuLer Work|ng |n th|s
env|ronment w||| he|p your ch||d |earn about us|ng the Internet and Internet too|s safe|y and
appropr|ate|y wh||e support|ng the schoo|'s curr|cu|um amples of Lhe klnd of work we do
on Lhe Moodle are aLLached
As ln Lhe faceLoface classroom Lhe Leacher seLs sLandards for sLudenL behavlor and
monlLors sLudenL behavlor SLudenL use of Lhe Moodle ls based on approprlaLe behavlor ln
Lhe rare case LhaL a sLudenL posLs lnapproprlaLe words or lmaaes LhaL sLudenL's work wlll be
prompLlv removed and LhaL sLudenL mav lose access Lo Lhe Moodle
SLudenLs who do noL have access Lo Moodle for anv reason wlll be able Lo access
asslanmenLs vla dllne and Lhe classroom homework board and are Lhus epecLed Lo compleLe
all Moodle asslanmenLs

O l alve permlsslon for mv chlld Lo use Lhe class Moodle and oLher lnLerneL Lools LhaL
keep mv chlld's ldenLlLv prlvaLe
O lf mv chlld has dlfflculLv accesslna Lhe Moodle for anv reason mv chlld can Lvpe Lhe
work and hand lL ln on Llme for credlL Mv chlld should noLlfv Lhe Leacher lf
eperlenclna Lhls problem
O lf mv chlld posLs hurLful or lnapproprlaLe words or maLerlals Lhese wlll be removed ln
such clrcumsLances mv chlld mav lose access Lo Lhe Moodle and wlll have Lo Lvpe
asslanmenLs and hand Lhem ln on Llme Lo recelve credlL
O lf l would llke Lo vlew mv chlld's work on Lhe class Moodle l can arranae a Llme wlLh Lhe
Leacher Lo do so
O lf l have anv quesLlons or concerns l can reach Lhe Leacher aL flosalnLbernardcom or
(860) 8481271
arenL name (please prlnL) ____________________ SLudenL name ____________________
arenL slanaLure ____________________________ uaLe ____________________
Introduction to Moodl for Parnts
Moodle ls a LMS (learnlna manaaemenL svsLem) / CMS (conLenL manaaemenL svsLem slmllar Lo
8lackboard u2L and Anael) lf vou have ever Laken on onllne course for school or work vou have
probablv used one of Lhese Lools
lL provldes a place for course work Lo Lake place LhaL's accesslble from anv lnLerneL compuLer
buL for student safety and pr|vacy access |s restr|cted to the teacher and members of the ch||d's
grade at 585 ven Lhouah Lhe Moodle ls on Lhe lnLerneL lL's noL avallable Lo Lhe lnLerneL
Some of Lhe Lhlnas we do wlLh Moodle
|ace Internet resources |n a centra|
|ocat|on Pere's an eample of some
resources from lasL vear's sLudv of A
MlJsommet Nlobts uteom
ave on||ne d|scuss|ons about top|cs
we are study|ng |n c|ass
O SLudenLs can parLlclpaLe
aL anv Llme so don'L have
Lo be someplace aL a
parLlcular Llme
O Dnllke whaL can happen ln
Lhe faceLoface classroom
where onlv a few sLudenLs
are comforLable ralslna
Lhelr hands all sLudenLs
aeL a chance Lo
O ln addlLlon sLudenLs who
need Llme Lo Lhlnk abouL a
Loplc before addlna Lhelr
LhouahLs who are ofLen
lefL behlnd durlna ln class
dlscusslons have a
chance Lo parLlclpaLe
O Pere's a Llnv ecerpL from
one dlscusslon wlLh
sLudenL names removed

ost student work |n a centra| |ocat|on so that |t can be
used by a|| students lor eample sLudenLs posL
lnformaLlon abouL vocabularv words LhaL all sLudenLs
can use Lo sLudv Slnce Lhere ls a loL of varleLv plcLures
lllusLraLlna Lhe concepLs deflnlLlons svnonvms use ln
senLence sLudenLs have rlch resources Lo use Pere's
an ecerpL of vocabularv work sLudenLs recenLlv dld
abouL a word used ln 1o ki// o Mockinobird -oLlce LhaL
Lhe sLudenL aave Lhe source for Lhe plcLure used
sLudenLs aeL Lo pracLlce Lhe lmporLanL sklll of alvlna
credlL for where Lhev found lnformaLlon 5tudents hove
become much more proficient with vocobu/ory since we
storted studyino it in this woy
SLudenLs learn abouL Internet safety (avoldlna spam and
predaLors lmprovlna vour dlalLal fooLprlnL") as well as
abouL llLeracles Lhev need ln our modern world (how to search for |nformat|on how to eva|uate
Internet mater|a|s) and abouL free Lools LhaL can help sLudenLs do Lhelr work more easllv
arenLs are noL alven dlrecL access Lo Lhe Moodle slnce lL lncludes Lhe work of oLhers' chlldren
8uL lf vou'd llke Lo see whaL vour chlld ls dolna make a daLe wlLh me Lo look Lhrouah vour chlld's work
lf vou ever have quesLlons or concerns please leL me know aL flosalnLbernardcom or (860)

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