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Exists with or without ME Mother Earth Thy Kingdom of HE = Human Equals At the onset of Human arrival NHL Natural Humanic Law Everyone knows NHL at 5 prior to the first day of SSS Satanic Sucker School To be Humanic is to know a fellow Humanic All the same necessities and vulnerabilities know what is and what is not receptive 1 Planet 1 People 1 Spirit 1 Force 1 Law 1 Sense All in One or None S ESS Epitome Simplicity Sanity BCS CCC Benchmark Common Sense Catalyst Consistency Continuity TCUP True Constant Unalterable Perpetuity aka Tranquility Correlative Universal Prerogative FIXED Not Debatable PIP Precedence in Perpetuity An invisible invincible entity untouchable by body or mind

Do not do to others what you would not want done to yourself Recompense injury with justice and recompense kindness with kindness There were no dates in this history, but scrawled this way and that across every page were the words BENEVOLENCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS and MORALITY finally I began to make out what was written between the line; the whole volume filled a single page: EAT PEOPLE

Confucius 551 BC 479 BC Golden Rule Equality Democratic Spirit Constitution Rule of Law

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you 1

SSRE IF PFEE Satanic Spirit Roman Empire Ipso Facto Prima Facia Evidence Exposed SAP BOAT Sanity a Popular Belief of Artificial Truths Undergrounds Puppet Godfather Bastards Law

Jesuit 1. Member of Roman Catholic religious order A member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic religious order engaged in missionary and educational work worldwide. The order was founded by Saint Ignatius Loyola in 1534 with the objective of defending Catholicism against the Reformation. 2. Offensive Term An offensive term for somebody regarded as crafty or scheming, especially somebody who uses deliberately ambiguous or confusing words to deceive others "Thy kingdom come"
The request for God's kingdom to come is usually interpreted as a reference to the belief, common at the time, that a Messiah figure would bring about a Kingdom of God. Traditionally the coming of God's Kingdom is seen as a divine gift to be prayed for, not a human achievement. This idea is frequently challenged by groups who believe that the Kingdom will come by the hands of those faithful to work for a better world. It is believed by these individuals that Jesus' commands to feed the hungry and clothe the needy are the Kingdom to which he was referring.

USA United Nations

1. Belief in Empire Building The policy of extending the rule or influence of a country over other countries or colonies 2. Domination by Empire The political, military, or economic domination of one country over another 3. Takeover and Domination The extension of power or authority over others in the interests of domination

M.O. Mafiacidal Obviosa ICIC PIG Insatiable Capitalist Imperialist Criminals Poser Imposter Genocidals The entire system structured by the Satanic to ransack doing what Satanic do is stolen from the taxpayer 80% majority in the faade they are taking care of the Humanic business administering the Rule of law protecting every individual equally from they of Satanic aka criminal persuasion collecting revenues fairly apportioned attentive to adeptness to contribute. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest they are anything other than Satanic with Due Punishment when due affirms the Belief we are HE Human Equals of He Due Punishment must be seen administered exhaustively investigated to the Root of the conditions of happenstance reactions of Cause Effect brought before the peoples courts with the utmost regard to deterrence HEROLED NWO ROP OWN
Humans Equal Rule of Law Explicit Democracy New World Order Reverse Osmosis Psychosis Worship Natality

STREAM ERA 12/21/12 Satanic Tyrannical Roman Empire Eternal Abrogation Mandated Enforcement Responsible Accountable GRED SCROL TESTAMENT Terrestrial Equilibrium Samaritans Tantamount Asserted Materialized Logical Society Neutering DJ VUs procon Tradition Diversionary Elusive Justice Articulated Valid Understanding Satanically aka SEEDROLL Satanic Entrepreneur Elusivity Discretionary Rule of Law Lucidity Integral role in the SSS Satanic Sucker Sandwich aka Satanic Sucker School Roll the humanic to Kingdom come Dead SEE IF PFEE Religions Internally segregate inherently segregating populace Y Personal wealth and power as persons need to be taxed as persons There goes the wealth and power to segregate Divide and Conquer The Satanic Game

Know Law Know Sanity

Golden Rule Equality Democratic Spirit Constitution Rule of Law When coherent nature will take its course as a pleasant day of MN Mother Nature Scholars of Earths sciences will some day harness the chaotic side of MNs split personality, but first Humanics Beginning with the

Jackals GoddoG
Satanic Elite Entrepreneurs governments with Circular logic Newspeak Doublethink Thought Police declare Corporations persons thus the Tax Evaders that ransack the Humanic and pass the deficit to them The Dinks best try a third Think before tossed in the Brink In any case the Satanic abrogated by GREDSCROL having been identified exhaustively investigated SSRE IF PFEE Satanic Spirit Roman Empire Ipso Facto Prima Facia Evidence Exposed Gaining their positions of authority as Criminal Frauds acted without authority of GREDSCROL The Artificial Humanic Financial Crisis that never was is gone with the wind and the deficit is theirs M.O.

I BIG HUH With the Pope and United Nations proclaiming to be guardians of the world populace equal humanity rights with starvation and civil unrest everywhere Bush number one criminal at large Me thinks a contradiction of principles eh? Ultimately the cause of it being the way it is in Satanic Rule

Over the coming months the world Humanic search for their SAMARITANS Scholars of Earth's science

Mother Nature, God or Reality for all sense and purpose one and same of present knowledge the


- Almighty

Element containing infinite known and unknown Elements of diverse interests of known and unknown properties of known and unknown relationships of which only scholars of ME sciences can take us to the heavens and beyond in material life form while SCSC: Satanic Charlatans State Church take minds hence relative bodies enslaved to advance Satanic interests that endeavor the impossible to satiate their insatiable lusts for the prerequisite wealth and power to exist the fantasies within their Greedy Seedy Weedy minds Instilling Beliefs within the illiterate masses that they alone can lead the people to "Thy Kingdom", that which existed at the onset when humans emerged with prerequisite needs to sustain life abundantly provided free for the taking by ME Mother Earth I ME Inhabitants Main Element
On arrival magnificent user friendly brains up and running at birth on auto pilot with an IB - Inherent Bias consistent with all animal forms associated with all life forms a natural instinct to sustain life where as vegetation evolves naturally animal new born require PG - Parental guidance until able to flow with nature while the human life forms provided with extraordinary magnificent user friendly brains with PG-Parental Guidance are able to reduce them to vegetative state without the exercise of thought mindlessly left vulnerable to CE: Cause Effect that in simple terms all IBE - Inherently Bias Elements simply react to conditions of happenstance requiring "Learned and Honourable" Schooled Scholars condition happenstance orchestrating logical operands leveraging exponential demonstratives (serving as proof) Maestrops Manipulating all elements sanely terrestrially reversing osmosis psychosis sytemically

Schooled Empathetic Maestrops Accountable Responsible Intellectual Titans Aggressive Negativity Surgeons

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