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,T$E Of FlGlAt,SttFlloAfi .



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I-,\rplug your" T1,: cancel your cable subseription. you eionii need to worry about those Samrtlav Nigit/ 1-ile and l{elrose l)letce reruns anl.more. This sumlner, weive got all yagr ett**ainnent needs coveted. Donit think you can live without your rveekly allotment of the lleal lthrld? came on clcwn to the Alamo Do'uvirtown every s,rednesda-v and get sucked ' into a different compelling d+crimentary every n'eek. Carlii sulive lvithout your Cartool Netwott? llien chcck out il diflerent anirne everJ- Tuescta-v night. For the nexr tr.vo rnonths, rv*ive put togeiher soiid progranrming that is evcr:ylhi*g ,vour little hear:t could possibly desire. Weive gclt your Holiyrvood Blockbusters. yr:ur independents, nerv, expet'iinental lir'* ccrned-!', str*r1 films, live bands, and, for those of you rvho clonit feel like living in a movie theater all sumfiler iong, a couple ofl the most exciting Rcllling Road Show ev*nis lveive come up with in a while^ This ner.v magazine format is here ta replace onr olcl^ clutns,v poster-style of a calendar of events. Wei"r.,e made it easier tc) c;lffv ;:rorlnr-l. more fun to llip tlu-ough, anel rveive rven starited arldiug in. sr:me fe:r1ure stories, desigled to create good re adino- tbr anv literate llrafthouse faus ont there. T'his time arotmd weive got an inrei1,.iew with Mr..g/rowis Bol> Oilerrkirk as r,v*il as a:r autobiogral:hical lriece fi-eim Trina Qsirur of i0lX. Euiov.

ffiffiffiffimm. ffiffiffiffiffiffi. mffiwffimffi. ffiwffiffiF$.

trtalian Job.

On the openirg .ligltt of The u",e gatirered over 5fJ Llini Cooper drivers together lionr ail over Texas
and had therri converge ori the Lake Creek theateris parking

loi beibre serding them out

Dn a


coun{ry road raili,-all

lhe same lveekend thnt the

biker rally rvas also in town. At the Alamo. mOvies are just the beginning. ExFect more l:al11'hoo and crazy promol.ions such as ihis at ail

Alarno localions. to llrther enhatrce 1'our morie-gcing

experience lhis srimmer



Wffiffiffi ffiK trffiffi ffi&ffiffiffix

The Alamu Nlrii{lheruse {.linema is Artstin's only independently owned and r:peraterl n:ovie t}reater. \Ve sene a full menu cf clir:ner and drinks ts vour seat n'hile ycu ra'atch the rnor,ie. Tilfi theater is laid out like a tradiiional movie theater,

exq*pt evrl:y txhel ror'v of seats has [:eer repl*ced r.vith a lcing narrow table I'crr y*ur: fbod ard drinks. Those who have never been lo the Alanro rntiy lvonT about iiisruptions iii.rring the niovie, but rve have ilevised an olclering systen that r::inlmizes intet:aiion during tl'ie {ilni. alk:lv:irrg you to crder, eat arld enio.v t}re movie with minimal distraction. We r'*c*neinend arriving early: seating begins 45 n:inufes bef<rre the show and ihere is alwavs pre-movie entertainment on the scre*n rvhile 1"ou rvait for the mavie. We irave :vaiters that $en'e you at yolrr seat; orders before the movie begins ar* lak*c in the traditional rvav. *nce the orr:rvie stiirls ii'yrlu need an5'thing at *11, tirere is paper anci pencils at the table, ra,-rite dor'vn rvhat :rsn treed on the papel", stirnd the triaper up on the card liolder attached to the rable. This acts as a flag, yr:rtr wait*r',vi!l eiili,v- crlrne by ii'ire soes tXre card" otherwise he lvili stav r:ut ol'your w*y so you can en1o)/ the film.


THURsDAy Evrrutxos & 5Ur,*nnv ArutnNCIorus, Ju:tv 24-A,ugusT 24

;" *b : il! ;:



& t,. .. ;;;it.ffi *..#iil


Unless otheru'ise adverrised, che following features are at Alamo Drafthouse Cinema downtown, 409 B Colorado St., check for details and to purchase online tickets to all ofthese events.

it's estimated that over 200,000 song-poems have been recorded since 1900. The genre's durability can be traced to three American desires - ro be in show business, to get rich quick and to share and express the deepesr of feelings. Several of the "songwriters" are introduced - from an elderlywoman to a youngAfticanAmerican man to a small-town Iowan with big-time dreams - each ofwhom has been in the "business" for awhile, churning out odd compositions rhat cover rhe warerfront of American obsessions, from Jesus to genitalia, from politia to Elvis. The film also features the producers (often known as'tong,sharks") who hold our rie ranralizing promise of fame to their eager customers, and the has-been musicians who sir in studios, day after day, yer aftrr year, interpreting some of rhe weirdest lyrics ever written. As filmmaker Jamie Meltzer says, "The beauty of song-poens is that they are a result ofthe intersection, or collision, ofordinary people's expressions and the desires ofnusicians/businesses to make a quick buck, making the music as fast as they can, usually in one take. rVhen those wo forces combine, they creare strangely compelling songs that are unlike anl,thing youve ever heard."

Anime at the Alamo Ghost in the Shell

(1996, d. Masamune Shirow, 82 min, $6; $4.50 student/senior/AFS note: this screcning is on video) Finally we have a string of anime iilms, SUBTITLED, on the big screen. \Wc have your cult classics, your yaoi. your 1rori, your curiosiry cure, your anime fix lor rhe week. All ofchis packaged into a night offun and fiee stuff Bacle a Black Bclt; show your skill and form on stage. Arime Freeze Tagl Test yorr 5 year-old skills in rhe dangers ofa theacer, AII this md more brought to you by rhe minds of Zenrei Anime. \Win free manga, gift cerrificates (Compliments to Dragon's Lai4 Neko Neko, md othere), COSPLAY commissions, and arwork. 'Ve begin with Major Motoko Kusanagi, an elite ollicer in the Seccion 9 security force: a cybernetic agenr so heavily modified that little morc du her nind rcmains. Along with fellow cyborg Bateau and the mosdy humm Togusa, Kusanagi is set on the trail of a computer criminal known as the Puppet Mater, a dara rhief skilled enough to hack into the very ninds of his victims. trough the spcctacular animation styles ofMasamune Shirou experience a fururistic look ar crime and conspiracies in Ghost in the Shell. Thermoptic camouflage, human augmenration, a ncw look on realiry and a question of absolute self-identiry incorporace themselves into this compelling story ofdeception and manipularion. How will Major Kusmagi capture her target, the Puppec Masceri Can she be sure shc's not a puppet herselfi Through the eyes of the creator ofAl<ira and New Dominion Tank Police, this srory of che Section 9 securiqv force is a moving one that will leave you <luestioning even your own realiry - Zenrei Anime


| 9A5PM

(1968, d. Mac Ahlberg, free admission, X, 97 min.) Every once md a while a Veird \l'ednesday regular will stagger over co me and drunkenly inquire why we don't show more skin-fiicla. It's a va.lid question md dre answer is: good skin-flicla are hard to find. Most of the ones available *e boring, tedious affairs wirh no redeeming value, social or otheryise. As much as I love the US of A I ve gor ro admit (with a few notable excepcions) our domestic skin-flicla are pretty heinous. You know the type, a fat bald plumber in boxer shorrs and black socla dobbering all over a pilled-out, scabrous California runaway. Ral unsavory shit, and ir! abour all I can do when watching one ofthese to keep my tesricles from rerrearing inro my abdominal <aviry On the other hand, I'll show pretty much any European skin-flick I can get my hands on. The very besr sex films come from France, Italy, and Sweden. The Swedes arent m invencive as the French or as nasw as the Italians but they do have the most, wid<edfresh, pulchritudinous women in the world: sweet young things, bursting with the benefits ofa nacionalized healch-care system, and just dying ro get out oftheir clodres. This movie, which updates John Cleland's ribald chestnut into a modern, swinging '60s milieu, promises abundant display of prmcing, honey-maned, naked nubiles named Greta md Astrid and kena. Ard thatt good enough for me. - Lars

Offthe Charts: the song-poem story

Wednesday is Alamo Documentary Night
OIF THL. CH\RTS: The 5ong-Poem Srory i. a la'cinaring, rt times un.ettling. docnmentary rhat exposes the strange underyorld of the song-poem industry In this litrle known subculture, "ordinary people" respond to come-on ads on the back pages of magzines, mailing in their hearrfelt but often bizare poems to "music industry'' companies thar, for a fee, turn those poems into real recordings. OFF THE CF{ARTS explores a truly unique, never-before-seen slice of Got}ric Americara rhrough interviews with several song-poem writers, thejaded producers and musicians who set their words to music, and a few of the growing nmber of zealous song-poem connoisseurs. Meet some ofthe song-poets md the musicians who set their lyrics to music. Like a warped fun-house mirror, the song'poem industry has run parallel to thc mainstream music business for close to a century;

Wednesday Jvly 2,7:30 & 9:30

Urban Cowbor Alamo Lakecreik l0lX Hump Day Flix

q80. d. James Bridge'. I J2 min. PC, $-.50) Vhere have you been looking lor lovc? Have you checked all the wong places? This early John Tiavolta frlm, shoc right after his glory days ofSaturday Night Fever is aTexas Imdmuk in its own right. The story ofa country boy who learns all about life and love in a Houston bu made that br, Gille^, famous, and the film sdll speaks to anyone who cm identify with hard har days and honky-tonk nighcs. M. McOwm has this to say, "In 1980 I wu m exua il Urban Cowboy. I was 19 years old and I got paid 60$ a day. Gilleyt remained a regulr hang out for me for years and a lot ofthe extras you see in the frlm were regulars like

Wednesday, July


Almo Drafthouse Cinema tickets md info at

od we stayd md stmched the glory x long u we could. I still live in the uea md wery timi I drive down Spencei Hwy I smile md feel sad all ar once. Gilleyt definitely rook on a life all its om md Lhough I moved on md becme 'ucce'sful in be rhat kid who kicked aromd on a piee ofground lor I 5 ry o*n righ,, I *ill "lways days in Paiadena, Tax for beer money and gor to be small paru of hiscory." As with all'the other movis we're screcning u put of our I0lX Smmer Dare Cloricr serie'' before this movie you'll get a chmce to see Mo Austinites on a blind date where all rhe activitie ofdre dateiave been thematically chosen to fit the film. Ve cant tell you what the activities will be, since we wmt it all to be e surPrise for *re daters, but i cm tell you a bit ofwhat we decided not to do. For this film we decided not to go with the'til refinerywestling' date. I know I know, that's disappoinring. But don'r worry rhe actua-l date will make up for it. \iV'e hope. - Henri

in love with widowed 0rst-grade teacher Miss Cros (Villims) everyrhing becomes that much more complicated....Although rhe {iim was shot in Houston at St. Johnb Academy (Andersons alma marer), Rushmore u a frlm exisrs out oftime and place, locked into avaguely Sixties-ish groove that's only heightened by Schwartzmmt dank loclc and Andersont choice ofa uniformly British Inv*ion soundtrack. If anything, this outrd, wildly original piece of cinema recalls Mike Nichols' The Graduate, especially in one scene in which the escruged Bill Murray takes a solo cmnonball into his fmily's pool and rests, silently, on the bottom, obsewing, Rushmore is filled with brilliant, scand-out performances. But it is Murray who thrills here like he h*nt done in years. Murrayt quiet, reserved, and droll wit is always at the ready md Rushmore offers him the opportunity to flex his chops md kick into laconic high gear Ic's awonder watching this comic stylist come bacl inro the fore, especially in a liim like this. - Marc Savlor Austin Chronicle
when he falls

Thursday, July 3 and Friday' July 4,7tOO &.9245
(2000, d. Rvuhei Kitmura. I I9 min, R, $6; $4 50 student/senior/afs) So hwerbolic is the praise for rhe Ryruhei Kitmura's new rcmbie dme-traveling, kir'ng fu g"rgtr., io*mce epic, i feel it is more effecrive to le t the media praise ht tlti. f."tue. Versus is GUARANTEED to blow you away.

"lmasine a movie chati a cross beveen RF-SEVOIR DOGS, John Voo's THE KILL."ER, K\7AJDAN. NIGHT OF THE LT!'ING DEAD, EVIL DEAD ANd DEAD AIWE md you'll get u ide of what VERSUS is like; a yakw-zombie movie of mrelendng comic ferocity... fast, kinetic outrageously srylish "Michael Vilmington, CHICAGO TRIBttNE VERSUS comes custom-ordered for rh most jaded geek, a non-stop acrion gorefet... a firll usenal of highlech gms md swords..."- Scott Tobia, THE

Encore Presentation! Saturday' July 5, 7 $O &. 9l5
(1 10 min, $6; 4.50 studendsenior/AFS) \7hat comes to mind when you think of Looney Tunesi DaQ, Porly and Elmer Fuddl Or qnnibalism, suicide and Bugs Bunny in blackfacel Not if $9rner Bros. can help itl A threat to young.minds, racialiarmony and merchmdising revenue, WB has disowned much of the early work ofsome of animation's greatest directors: Tex Avery, Bob Clampett, Frank Tahlin md the late, irreplaceable ChuckJones. The Chucky LouAV Club comes to the Almo to present vo hours of uncut, uncensored irresponsibility from drese hidden vaulis. All in the public domain, so the l?arner Brothers dont show up and kick our asses (we hopi). Preceded by mellow 16mm performmces from Fits !?'aller and Cab Calloway, and interrupted by a live musical salure ro the mad mind behind some ofortoons, looniest tunes, Raymond Scort!



and filters them thrcugh a post-MATNX visual technique., Spectacular wordplay and gunplay.i. Action with a breakneck feruity that makes your
'80s genre favorite look like rypi@i Raimi or-Ts;i Hrk - Tiavis Crawford. FANCORIA MACAZINE


the splanery aesthetic of


Peter Jaclson and


Raimi.. '

Takovsky fiIm... "


"Beg, bonow and sted


thls movie"

Moriarry, Aint-It-Cool-News

Downtown July 3-5 midnight Lake CreekJuly l0-f 2 midnight

Anderson, R, 90 min, $5) Therei somerhing about Jason in Rushmore that makes you wmt to punch him or hug him -- vou're never ouite sure which. lt's a face thar demuds a reaction, even while it ,r** our.oolJy from beneadt rhe oily brow. usessing the Pos\ibiliries before it' fu Mu Fischer, a l0th-grade student ac Rushmore Academy, Schwtvmm is dre underachievinq soul ofaiademia. his plate piled high with extracurriculr activiris lFrench Club,"Rncing CIub. DoublelTm DodgJbdl Socieq', and founder ofthe Mu Fischer Players) 5ut with litde else. His entire life is built on schemes, drems, md mbitions drar realisrically should have no prr in his life {upon gradrating from Rushmore, he! chosen to attend Oxford, wlrh Hawud as his "safety'), and (1998,


d. \(es



Young and Dangerous SundayJuly 5 TzOO &9:45

(1996, d. Ardrew Lau, 98 min, R, $6; $4.50 student/senior/AFS) Young and D"rq..ou, ** ,o *ildly popular in Asia, it has spawned 5 sequels and a prequel, 5, and counrles' rip-off.. The be.r enrry in Lhe.erie'.

"one of the l0 most important Hong Kong Films in the last 25 ye*!'- Illuminated Lantern

Almo Drafthouse Cinemu tickets md info at

(Ekin Cheng), md Buu Pei Lamb). ioin rhe Hun HingTri;d, uperience rhe ups md.!lms of gang lile, and form bonds through friindship md loyalry The whole 6lm is shor _mostly at niglttime, and eptured Hong Kong's fmous neon-gliay scenes, 'Ihe very styliJh mer" *ork, mixed wiri comic book images md slick visual effecrs. make rhis a modern day classic. Andrew Lau also direcred la:r yers Hong Kong smash hir Infernal AAaire. fu always, a Chinese menu offering will complimerit the onscreen Asian acdon.

j: thc 6m, A \9yT." (ordan Chm). grgup of .vouth led by Chan Ho-Nam Chicken (Jerry

Tiresday, July 8, 7:00 & 9:45 Alamo Village Wednesday,July 9,7zOO &9A5 1.Jtam6\[6s1 Qrks, Houston
to see dte newest in@rnation ofthe world's grotest anger-challenged superhero, so at the time I m wriring rhis blurb, Lou Ferrigno is still the hulk. Hell, in my world, Lou Ferrigno will AIWAYS be the hulk. For this very r6on, we have spared no expense to bring to Austin rhe gleen man himself, the oldschool, nothing bur make-up and sheer moculiniry original hulk, Lou Forigno, live in person. Your ticket will include a screening ofAng [re's new Hulk (with extra-specid rms appedanc by bu Ferrigno) od a e&A and autograph session with r}le original Hulk. Plus, as u extra special bonus, see a lou Feriigno
W'e have yer

gme-show apperance from Japmese tel*ision that is worth the price of

admission alone! Tickets are yery limited for this special event, advance puchase is highly recommended.

Monday, July 7 7z0o &.9145 ($1 Night)
(2000, d. McG, 98 min, $l on Mon, 96; $4.50 studenr/senior/AiS Tuesday) Arguably one ofthe besr made-from-TV movies ofrecent yeas, the first Charlie's Algels feature film presenred the girls with one of dreir toughest 6c to dare, but somehow they managed to stop dre bad guys and wer tight clothes all ar the sme time. Is it a comedy? Al action movie? A tribure? A knowing fucei It

July 8 7:00

dosnl maner Itt

good dme.

Amme at tJle Alamo Anime the End of Evangelion Tuesday,July B,9A5pM

(1997, d. Hideaki Anno, Kzuya Tsuruaki, 87 min. note: this rcreening is on It is drawing neuer md nwer to the end of the world, the end for all ofhumm race and civiliadon, as we know it. \Vdre not just talking abour the movie. I mem, anime in theaters, subtitled? Well, as long c there's ftee stuff. This week you've got ro bowl for your prize with beach balls md penguins for ten-pins. Beause weryone should go bowling before tie end of civiliadon c we know ir, or in this oe the End of Evangelion. Gimr destrucdve diens called Angels have landed, each with hostile intent. Only pilors of bio-orguic mecho called EV,ts ae able to fighr them, and succeed in destroying drem all. Howwer, with the rrival ofthe l3th md lct Angel, it is discovered rhat perhaps these 'aliens, are not so alien after dl, and their arrival signals a chain ofevents that would ultimately spell ultimate doom for humaniry The fate of the world ha ben placed on the shoulders ofone particulu EVA pilot, a most unwilling and frightened 14 yerold boy nmed Shinji lkui, But even as otlers srive for the suruival of humaniry, hidden agend* and secret onspiracies, including an 'tnd-of-rhe-world" cult that video)

The Ultimate Hulk Experience! Ang L,ee's THE HULK!

starring Lou Ferrigno as...the security guard. with Lou Ferrigno live in person!

AImo Drafthouse Cinema: tickets md info



has infrltrated the government, undermine their efforts. Life on a thin drread, and Shinji lkai is the world's lot hope.


we know it hangs

The final onclusion ofNeon Genesis Evangelion, the series' is as *plosive and controversial as the series itself. It feaures the rerurn ofo*rer influential characters in Shinji's short, unhappy life such as Rei Ayanmi, Asuka Langley Sor1ru, Misaro Katsuragi, and ofcourse, the most dominating factor in Shinji's world' his father, Gendo Ikari. \7ill the strength of Shinji's bonds with chese people be enough to push him past his overwhelming fear ro prevent the incvitable? As much a psychologicd thriller * m action movie, Neon Genesis Evmgelion: The End of Lvangelion, will keep you on the edge ofyou seats and the brink ofyour menral

epacity throughout the entire film. - Zentei Anime

Edward Scissorhands 10lXHump DayFlix

(1990, d.




and the Church of Stop ShoPPing


7 3O PM Burton, 105 min, PG-13, $7.50) Seeing the story ofan ugly duckling who jusr wmts to find a wav to belong in our cruel world is always one of the most touching cinematic experiences for an audience. One of the taglines for Burton's 1990 mastcrpiece grasps that concept when it warns, "His story will touch you, even rhough he cant." And so it's a perfecr dare movie, because even rhough you can sit thcre and sympathize wirh Depp's brilliant portrayal of the


Wednesday, July 9

in the anti-globaliation movement. His work combines the forces of scial md poliricd chmge with the means of theater arts to counteract our media
culture. His artistic md political work is influenced by various concepts of"street theter" His disruptions or "shopping interventions" in public spaces are in the tradidon ofthe Living Theateq Jos Bov, Lenny Bruce, and The Yippies

Wednesday Is Alamo Documenary Night Wednesday, July 9 7215 & 9:30 Billy, a.k.a. Bill Talen, is m rcror/performance artisr and a leading

Ionely outsidel you can also put your arm around lour date and appreciate the fact chat you don't have blades on your hands. Donr have a date? This movie is there to remind you that things could be worse. Because, hey, you could have scissors for hands. As wittr all the other movies we're scteening o part ofour 101X Summer Date Classics series, befbre this movie you'll gei a chance to see vo Austinites on a blind date where all rhe activiries ofthe date have been rhematically chosen to fit the

film. \Wccanttellyouwhattheactivitieswillbe,sincewewantitalltobeasurprise for che datcrs, bur I on tell iou a bit ofwhar we decidcd not to do. For this 6lm we decidcd nor to go with thc "sell Avon products door to door" date. I krow, I knoq
rhatt disappointing. Bur don t worry, rhe actual date will make up for


- Henri

"Like Michael Moore, Rwerend Billy puts himselfon the line, exposing corporate pomposity wherwer he finds it." San Francisco Independent Film Festival
"The mosr hilarious and pointed political theater in New York." Jonathan Kalb, New York Times

ffii1{'"il ffif: ' \,

(1968 d. tuchard Rush,94 min, R, banned in Sweden, free admission) As a condition of his pact with Mephistopheles, Dick Clark produced a couple of low-budget exploitarion picrures for Amerion International Picrures in the lare '60s: this one and PSYCH OUT, a psychedelic travelogue starring a young Jack Nicholson as Stoney. Surprisingly, considering the Midas-Touch-In-Reverse of Amerio's eternal teenaget both are excellent. Doubtless this is due to the e rts of the director, the underrated fuchard Rush (FREEBIE AND THE BEAN, THE STTINT MAN) and the superlative casts md crews he assembled For THE SAVAGE SEVEN he put together an all-srar team of great motorcycle stunt riders. As in Rush's other biker epic, HELLS ANGELS ON \7HEELS,
this one is l0% plot and 90olo engine-roaring, spine-cracking, testicle-ruPruring motorcycle action. Rush understood that biker movies are just westrns on Mo wheels and SAVAGE SE\DN, with ic's plot about scooter trash teaming up with oppressed American Indians to fight back againsr the establishmenr, is every bir l"*-p"..d as any of the old Republic horse-operas. Starring Adm Rouke, ", Robert'!?'alker Tr, Joanna Frank, Dume Eddy' and Gary Kent - Lars

:ern Spaghtti
(1964, d. Sergio Leone, 99 ;in; R, $14.oo1 aI you on eat spagheti, focaaia, and Caesar salad, brought to you as you sit and watch clasic western films on the bis screcn. as they were mrant to be seen. ln 1964 an unknown Americm actor, unknown composer, Ennio Morricone, and an ambitious 35 Cfint E"rmood,

Thursday' July 10, 7:00

of Dollars & 9:30

"n year old direcror of srvord and saldal cheapies completely reinvigorated a tired eh.-frccory horse ot a gcnre. \?hac seeins commonplace today was bluingly iriginal with Fi"cful ofboltars: thc spare, dissonant score, the claustroPhobic .dii, b.m".n tight close-ups and rvidi panoramic compositions, and the ubermacho anri-heo The hugi, unexpected success of Fistful of Dollars unlea'hed a flood ofknock-offIralian gritry low-budget western product, and the spaghetti western was botn. Your ticket co this special presentation ofa Fistful of Dollars includes all-you-can-eat spaghetti, focaccia and Caesar salad. - Tim

Almo Drafthouse Cinema: tickets md info


The Best of SXS\Ufl Melvin Goes to Dinner


lL-17 &.Jaly 2O-22,

see calendar

for showtimes

Velvet Goldmine
July 10-12 Midnight, Alamo Downtown
(1998, d. Todil Haynes, 127 min, R, $5) Euly-Seventies glam rock culture, that briefbut spectacula global explosion ofpolymorphous sexualiry nelly fashions, and Byronic libertinism wit large, is the seaing for Todd Haynes' wildly original film, Velvet Goldmine. For rock fans who were either too youg to experience glam the first time around or who found its posh, crushed velvet surfaces

Jaly 17-19 Midnight' Alamo Lake Creek

too incompatible with the prevailing hippie cultue's denim-and-chmbray aesthetics, this 6lm portrays with eerie precision what it was like to be there. But in keeping witi the stylistic brinksmmship of his subject, Haynes (Safe;
Supersta: The Karen Carpenter Story) has a larger, more audacious agenda than mere documentary *cellence. Glm, he implies, was not a special case but simply the latest of mdy romantic, sryle-intensive cultural movements throughout hisrory Starting with a fanciful opening scene in which aliens deposit the infant Oscu Wilde on a grimy London door stoop, rhere's m uplicit csertion that the Vildes, Baudelaires, md Msc Bolms in our midst are made of finer, more ethereal smffthm the gray mass of men. They shine like strs beeuse that's what rhey were bom to be. In a characteristically whimsical geture, Hayno nicla the Citizen Kane plot dwice of a reporter investigating the deails of a m)sterious celebrity! p*sing. Here, the reporter (Bale) is doing a where-is-he-now piece about a Bowielikc English glitter idol nmed Brian Slade (R-hys-Meyers) who ended his rueer 10 years eulier by faking his own murder onstage. The quest not only puts him in touch with sevetal worrc-for-wqr glam era sunivors but also reimmerses him in poignant memories ofhis own dap as a s*ually confused glitter kid. Though Hayned nominal focus is the mesmerizing figure of Slade, Slade is -- aprly enough for a man who believes surfaces ue all-impormt -- litde more dran a vivid, epigrm-spouting holographic image. To some extent, the same is true of Amerian underground rocker Curt Wild (McGregor, doing an Iggy Pop/Lou Reed malgam to sery perfection), a dionysian madman who becomes m obsession for Slade, first inspiring his qreet rhen thretening to dotroy ir. But then, neither is really the central chaacter. Instead, the 6lmt true mchor is Balet touching performmce as one of those fus who's not just rrmsported by the theatrical conjury ofrock shamans like Slade md \i0ild, but transformed into m honorary alien himself. In terms ofsheel unrelenting visual invention, Velvet Goldmine is a wonder Like the glam stas it celebrates, it leaves no visual detail untouched by the hand ofinspired high artifice. And have I mentioned that tiis movie really rocks, bursting from the screen like a magenta hurricane witl great, half-forgotten tunes (md covers) by glam and glam-fellow-rraveler acts like Rory Muic, Brim Eno, the Nw York Dolls, and Iou Reed? Yet for all tiese virtues the most *citing thing about this film is its sheer nerviness. Velvet Goldmine dares to be empy and fey without ever sacrificing its heut or emotional intensiry Vith irrwerent glee it cheekily quotes from iconic film mastelPieces (in several scen6, frinkly showers ofglitter from the stus echo the snow imagery from the aforementioned Citizen Kme) yet never descends to empry wiseass. This is, in short, a film that manages to feel wildly spontmeous while developing a grmd historical vision in which absinthe-sipping poets maudic stmd ope-to-featherboa wirh maaaed glitter rockers md gue aa the nighr sky, seeing stus that re hidden from the rest ofus. Russell Srnifi, Autin Chronicle.

(2003, d. Bob Odenkirk, 83 min, $6, $4.50 student/senior/AFS, $1 on Monday) Melvin goes o dinner with three almost complete strmgers. They discuss muital infideliry religion, a guy in heaven wering a Wiard's jersey, anal fetishes, cigarettes and schizophrenia, ghosts, stewardesses, moturbation, md how itt all going to get a lot worse before it gets better. The 6lm is a duzling piece ofwork, with tight, incisive dialogue, wonderfrrl mimated fiohback sequence of some of the riper dinner-table anecdotes, md hilarious meos, including one by Bob Odenkirk's partner in crime, David Cross. This film selecdon cemplifies why we patnered with SXS\V on this series. Melvin Goes to Dinner is m incredible 6lm that should have gotten theatrical distriburion, but didnt. V'e now offer it up for your enjoyment.

Negativland: Past, Present and Future Mark Hosler of Negativland live in person
Saturday,July 12 7:OO PM
($10, $8 student/senior/AFS)



FUTURE is a 90-minute film/lecture preseqtation of a series of short videos in which the experimental musical group NegatMand qries its love for found sounds and their critical md humorous re-use of mms culture ovcr into the world of experimental movie making, Mark Hosler, a founding member of rie group, will be in person to show thee films,

NEGAIM,AND: PASI PRESENT AND FUTURE creative projects, hoae, prmls md "culrure jamming"

illustrates the mmy that Negativland has been doing since 1980. The presentation covers issues ofmedialiteracy, crative md humorous anti-corporate art/activism, rhe role ofadvertising and corporate power in our lives, intellectual property issues, and the evolution ofart, law and resisance in a media saturated multi-national world. None of the short films shown will ever be seen on MTV and much of it is visually in the sme legal grey uea that Negativland has explored with sound for the lot 20 yeas.

Alamo Drafthouse Cinema : tickets and info at

n fuly L1, the Alamo's going to get to show Meloin Goes to Dinner, the first feature film directed by Mr. Show's Bob Odenkirk. Being a big Mr. Show fan myself, as well as being someone who thinks that Bob is a generally nilty guy, I decided to take advantage of the fact that I could probably use this as an opporhrnity to get Odenkirk to talk to me. I couldn't get him to talk to me, it tums out, but I was able to get him to email me. So I sent him 10 questions via?C, and then he wrote me back with his responses. Now the entire conversation has beeh assembled here for your reading
1. Hi Bob, I haven't seen ifelvin Goes fo Dinner yet Do you think should bother? Yeah. 2. Why, or why

8.What was the best day in high school like for you?
Hang out wrth the stoners before school. Some really interesting subject matter in history or a discussion of an intriguing issue in some class. Math not too hard. Hang out with the stoners during study hall. Gym not too honibly shitty and weird, Go home. 9. What are you


Its a oood movie. and vou haven't seen it vet. So bother alreadv. Even
thouqF it's comino out o-n DVD in Decembei it's more fun to see it with a grou[ of people uihen you?e drunk...but not too drunk. 3. Who's a better kisser, you or David?

working on right nori?



tried to kiss David so manv times to find this out. He won't let me lt's very sad. All I know is l'm a better hugger and ass+aper.

I'm hanoino out with mv kids. David and I are nearlv done writino a sketch fiofre which we hope to shoot in Austin! And which will wipe-the -Run nastv taste of Ronnie Run" out of the moutirs of our fans. I bouoht the book "The Fuck-Up" and am wriling a screenplay. And I'm directing Chip Pope and Howard Kremers pilot for Comedy Central, "Highway To

4. Do you have anv words of discouragement for young writers and pizza delivery careers?

comedians out there who might be trying to break into show business but should really stait thinking about focusing on their
I don't know what to sav. in a oeneral wav to DeoDle who want to break into show business. l'quess-l would siy, ttie only reason to do it is because you just do it aiyways, and you aan't stop'yourself. That is to say, if you are sick in your soul somehow.

,l0. At a Mr. Show screening during SXSW a few years back, you and David were there to talk about th series, During the Q & A, some guy gave you each shirts that said that you'd met him. I can't remember what that guy's name was, but it was on the shirt. So two part question, cheating just a little bit: When was the last time you or David rvore that shlrtl And to follow up, do you remember what that guy's name was?

5, You don't really hate pizza delivery drivers, do you? Because delivered pizza foi a while. lt's a very noble profession.

No. But later that quv sent me a video he made also, And I nevet watched it. lf that gJy is reading this I would say to him, pranks like that are kind of novel, but really iust very empty. Just hink of a good story to tell, and tell it the best you can, and avoid curious attehtion{etting efforts. lts a waste of your creative impulse.

,. *nar'a ,na rorr rnnoying question you've ever been asked in an

'Any advice for people starting out?" (lnteNiewer's note: At this point, I'm pretty sure Bob nisinterprcted ne. He answered duestion four like l'd phrased stutr totallv ditrerent, and then he ignored qubstion tive. There may be a few drawbacks to this email interview system after all.) 7. These davs it seems that everuone's talkinq about HBO shows. The Sopran6s qets more press th'an Jesus. Lairy David gets lots of full-oao'e maoaiina ads. And vou were in an episode of Curb Your Entliusjasm.-You think thingshight be different if you were on the air there now, or would thos; execi still not know who you are?

I think thev would strll not know who we were. All the shows that you described blav reallv well to an older audience. The people who ignored us at that chennel were the older folks in the big offces in New York, They still wouldnt like our shit, and they are still amazed that anyone else liked it.

Almo Drafthoue Gncma: tickets md info


f'l*c!**l Misih



surprisc for the daters, bur I a tellyou a bir of whatwe decided not to dewe decided not to go with the "hang on to the underside of a railroad bridge for as long as 1ou can' date. I know I krow thatt disappointing. But dont worry the

actual dace will make up for it.

The Texas Documentary Tour

Hansel Mieth: Vagabond Photographer

($6; $4 srudent/senior/AFS,filmmaker Nancy Schiesari will conducr a Q&A following the screening) A concemporary and fiiend of such hisroriol ligures as Imogen Cunningham, Peter Stackpolc, Dorothea Langc, Carl Mydans, and Mrgarer Bourke-Vhire, Hansel Mieth remains one of rhe grcat bur srill undiscovered women photojournalists of this ceotur1.. During rhc "golden age of photojournalism" (1930s - 1950s), she and her husband Orto Hagel documented the c*ualties of social injustice -- fiom Depression era hardships to the alarming assault on civil liberries in Japanese American intcrnmenr cmps. Their work appeared in virtualiv every pictorial magazine in tlrc world.

July 16 7:00 PM

modesc woman, Hansel's compassion for rhe undcrpriveleged and her integrity o an ucist far overshadowed her drive for profissional recognition. Her significant contributions to our national heritage are dangerously close ro fading into obscuriry Ic is, therefore, wirh some sense ofurgencl', drar filmmaker Nancy Schiesari has been reclaiming Hanscl's rvork, sharing *.ith nerv generations the inspiration of this pioneering artist.

R, 97 min, free admission) Oh Lord, this is one of EXTREMELY weird movies that you'll never see anywhere else. A pretty black pop-singer (Leslie Uggams), driving aione through redneck country has car rroubleinthcuronglvl.E-ing town. Firstshe!sexuallybrutalizedbya"ladies' man" Elvis impersonato4 rhen when she rries to get help it turns our rhe sheriffis Slim Pickens md theJustice ofthe Peace is Dub Taylor Oh Shir! Plus the only motci in town is owned by psychotic Shelley Winrers, m ex-stripper who likes to dust of an old rourine every now md again. Oh and by the wa1., Shelley's sidekick is Ted "Lurch" Cassidy from "The Addms Fmilr" Howt that for a cari A complecely crazed, repulsive, nightmarish black comedy rhar's just plain mong, Nor for the faint of heart. In fact, l'm not even sure I m deal wich chis one. Buc I'll give it a try if you will. Temwork. Thar\ horv we'll get through fiis rhing. 'Working togcther Helping hand. Yeah. - Lars

(1973, d. Richad Robinson,

Lost Boys

l01X Hump Day Flix [tAlamo lalrecreelr

(1987 d. Joel Schumacher, 97 min, R, $7.50) Evry vampirc movie has co decide on what rules from the old iegends it's going to follow. Can you see a vampire's

t I 996, d, Lrry Cluk, unrated, 90-min, $5) for ber rer or worse, rhe releast ofLarry ClarUs uncompromised and controversial debut featuie, 1995's Kids,

Wednesday, July 16 7z3O PM

July 17-19, midnight, Alamo Downtown JaIy 23-25, midnight, Alamo Lake Creek

reflection? Vill a cross rvorkl Garlic? And, most importantll,, can vampircs make you think that 1ou are eating maggots? In'11e l,ost Bovs, Corey Haim tems up with Corey Feldman ro reacl a brnch of horror comics and figurc out as many rules for vmpire hunting as he can after his older brothcr, plaircd by Jason Patric, begins staying out too late and floatinq outside his second srory bedroom window. As with all the other movies x'cre scrcening as part ofour l0lXSummer
Date Closics series, bcfore this movie 1ou'll gcc a chance to see wo Austinires on a blind datc where all the activitics of che date have beel thematically chosen to 6t the film. 'We can't tell you what thc activities rvill be, since rvc rvant it ali ro be

stands as one of the decade's most galvanizing moments in independenr cinema. A seedH verite-stylc portrait of reckless--and nealy irrcdeemabli-NewYork street teens, Kids has its share ofadmirers (it occupies slors one through seven on Gus Van Sant! Top Ten OfAII Time list) and equally ferenr detractors. Scort Tobias, The Onion

None of the advance hype on "Kids" can prepare you for the raw, strippeddom realiry that Larry Clark captures in his astonishing 6rst 6lm. Nothing can prepare,vou, because no other 6lm has evei caught the recklessness, sweat and tingly heat of teenage sexuality so efectively. Bringing to mind the

Almo Drafthouse Cinema: tickets md info


loose, sponmeous style of John Cosavetes' ' 'Faces" (which wa scripted), or Andy \Tarhol's " Chelrea Girls" (which want), Cluk ofers a privileged, fly-onthe-wall gm at a bunch ofteenagers md preteens ud shows how they spend 24 hours during a hot Manhattm summer. Clrk, a 52-yar-old Oklahoma native, has been drawn to cenage subjects throughout his weer md made his nme widr mo photo essays, the controversial "Tuls'md "Teenage Lut." Inspired by York's teen-rebel skateborders, and encouraged by director Gus Vu Sant (whose "Drugstore Cowbof' wo bsed on his lif), Cldk commissioned a rcript from Humony Korine , a 1 9-yeu-old witer he met in Vohington Sqmre Puk. Korine wrote the script in three weels, and Clark rct the film with all mosdy Korinet Nw York friends. - San nonprofessional, first-time actors


The second

Raeamuffin Film Festival 2003 Jfiy l9 and Sunday, Juty 20, Alamo Village

Frmciso Chronicle

mnual Ragmufin Film Festival will premiere a wide vuiety of shora- including drma, comedy, documentary, and foreign 6lms-- muy of them made with little or no budgets. Most of the 6lms come from a nw wave of young Chriscim filmmakers who wish to foster 6lms thar honedy represent rie hmm *perience in all im beauty and uglines, ir romance md despair, its silliness and gravity. The festiml, organized by local indeperdent filmmakers (including the makers ofButcher's 15), purports to encourage Christims to produce good films, regadless ofthe religious content. The mottor No more cheqe. God help us.



A t.




MilreJudge and Don Hertzfeldt present: The Animation Show'World Premiere! JIILY 18 and 19, 7$0 Er.9z45 MikeJudge and Don Hertzfeldt live in person!
($S) Finally. there-s an mimadon festival with the rtists themselves at the helm! Kicking of in the fall of 2003 with i6 frrst North Amerio tour, The Animation Show is a ollecdon of the best mimated shon films from uoud the world, perrcnally progrmmed by co-producers Mike Judge (Bevis and Bun-Head, Office Space) md Aedemy Awud nominated animator Don Herzfeldt,

line-up spms eight countrie md feamres werything from forgotten closia to the very latat in computer mimation, plu a trilogy of brmd new wtoons by Don produced cclusively for rhe show, nwer-before-seen rue mimation by Mike, six Aedemy Awud nominas, md plenty of surprises. The official progrm for this yeut show will be rwealed on JuIy 18th ad 19th at our world premiere sneak prwiews.


Anime at theAlamo Tolcyo Babylon

(1992/1994, d. Kdichi Chigira, g5 min., $6; $4.50 studenr/senior/AFS note: this screening is on video) Can you mmvel the mysrery behind Zenrei Anime? Or make one of your own? Vho en come up with rhe best m1srery/riddle? Submit your riddles od mysteries before entering into tle mystery ofTokyo Babylon. \X,4rile you enjoy rhe mysteries ofCLAMI Zenrei will pick out the best ofyours md let the audience decide the winner after rhe show. In this prequel series CLAMP builds the characters of Subru md Seishirou, who are later opposing Dragons in rhe epic series/movie Xlqqq. lr hs been divided inco vo OAVs for your viewing pleasure.
a series offaal accidents at MCC Corp, the corporationt praident enlists the help of police Detective Yamakawa, a well m the Sumeragi clm. As Subru and Ymakawa delve deeper into the invesrigarion, they disover something that most people fail to realize. In all rhe deaths rhat occur. Shinji Nagumo (the corporationt executive president) is alwa1s involved md turns out to be the luclcy survivor. Could this be the man with a luclT streak?

Presented by Zenrei Anime

As animation ontinuc to be plagued o the single most misunderstood film medium, the mimated short film is woefirlly undewalued md mderaposed in Amerim cinema, despite widesprad appreciation throughout the rest of tie world. Vith luck, popula mimated shorts may see some mmner of very limited theatrical play, but ae dl too often relegated to only being found in chopped-up form on television, or worse, are only chibited on the internct. Animation Show promise to put mimated short films into more thaters drm my other mimation fstival in Amerim history. \7e aim to finally give rhese frlmmakers the wide uposure their work deserves md to shue these shon moterpiecs on thc big screen, where they belong.
Every yea, The




aboud the subway on his way home, Subaru witnesses the bruml murder of a young womm. \What follows is a harrowing investigation as the polic ry to uack down a psychopathic killer who's been stalking the subway. As a crime scne witness, Subrus help is called for Derecrive Kawano, rhe chiefinvestigator also hires a psychic called Mirei Hidaka, whose posr-cognirive abiliries all6w her ro witnessivents ofthe past simply by the sense oftouch. Together ae tley enough to solve the osesi [Inrert healy drmatic suspense music]. - Zenrei Aaime

Alamo Drafthouse Cinema tickets and info at



full of crap, though, because othevise he nryer would have set offon his big adventure and then we may never have grown to love the weirdo man-child. Tell 'em Large Mrge sent ya. As with all the odrer movies we're screening as part of

our 101X Summer Date Classiq series, before this movie you'll get

a chance


Austinites on a blind date where all the activities of the date have been thematically chosen ro {it the 6lm. \(e mt tell you what the activiries will be, since we want ir all to be a surprise for the daters. but I an tell you a bit ofwhat we decided not to do. For *ris 6lm we decided not to go wirh the "point at your crotch and butt a lot in a biker bar" date. I know, I know, riat's disappointing, But dont worry the actual date will make up for it. And ma16e, just maybe, Pee '\i'ee Hermm will help wo people find uue love.


Wednesday Is Alamo Documentary Night W'ednesday, Jaly 23 7 z3O and 9: 15 Don't miss the MulletToss, Republic Square at 6:00 PM!
The true story of a weary college grad, Andy Stuckey, working as a tour guide in New York Ciry who goes in search of fame and fortune at an mnual fish rhrowing conrest in South Alabama. The story begins in New York Ciry with Milligan honing his fish-chucking technique in Central Park (quickly followed by his subsequent ejection by thc men in blue) and continues all the way to the climaccic 6nale at the l6th Annual Floribama \7orld Championship Muller Toss. Vill a last minute training session by world record holder'Woody Bruhne be enough to send this Yankee to the Muller Hall of Fame? Find out, only ac 'World the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema on the Wild, Waclry of Documentaries, 'Wed, lVednesday at the Almo July 23. Wild, Waclry documentaries play every Drafthouse Downtown.

(1974 d. Steve Cmer 83 min, R) In *re '60s md '70s moviegoers really got a nostalgic hard-on for Ameria's shady criminal pst. BONNIE AND CLYDE really set it off of course, along with DILLINGER" CHINAIO\7N, THE GODFMHER, THE STING and mmy more. By 1974 the cycle seemed ro have pretty much run its course. That wx when Roger Corman's New Vorld pictures entered the fray wi*r rhis chrming lirtle nmber. Ard they clemed up at the box ofiice. BIG BAD MAMA wc one of the top grossers of the yeu.

Angie Dickinson, looking damn good at 43, stas as rhe fory no-good mother of mo foxy no-good daughters: Robbie Lee (S\?ITCHBI-ADE SISTERS) md Susm Sennett (Cmdy from THE CANDY SNAICHERS). Together they rmble all over the depression-era heartland, conning and fleecing wery sucker they cm 6nd. It's a violent, funny, fat-paced clrosic and you ll love it. This was one of those crowd-pleasers like IO1IKING ThIL md POOR \7HITE TRASH that played southern drive-ins for yars alier its initial releoe, spreding irs joyful message of amoral hedonism throughout dre land. Cost*ring Tom Skerrirc, Royal Dmo, Dick Miller and Big Bill Shatner as rhe only mm in the universe
who could

Also, ar 6:00 PM, beforc the lirst screening of Mullet Men, the Alamo will be sponsoring their very own Mullet Toss at Republic Park. Entrance fee, $3 per toss. Win Fabulous prizes, md be crowned the iirst annual Mullet King of


Big Bad


- Lars

ll.fil $T*aY *F A gtBrl &t{* Hi5 sftt{


PeeVeet BigAdventure Atilamo laleueelr l0lXHump DayFlix

July 23 730 PM

Thursday, July 24 7 200 PM Sunday,July2T 4zOOPM

(1953, d. Villiam Wyler, 1 18 min, $6t $4.50 student/senior/AFS) Roman Holiday is one of the most beloved of both Audrey Hepburnt and Gregory Peck's films combined, a lovely litde rommce, fiJl of fun ud plafrlness, stellu performances , and all set against the beuty ofRome. Many ofits scenes are nothing short ofpriceless, md dre story is enduringly rommric. Romm Holiday .just has so much charm you mt help but fall in love wiri ir, and especially with the breathtakingly lovely Hepburn in her first major role, which won her an Osmr

(1985, d. Tim Burcon, 90 min, PG, $7.50) (i985, d. Tim Burton, 90 min, PG, $7.50) Okal for the last tirne now: there is no basement at the Aluo. And even ifwe did have a basement at one ofour thcaters, rve wouldn't keep Pee Vee's stolen bike there. lfi'e'd use that space to store a bunch of kegs or something instead. It'.s a good thing Pee Wee didn't know rhat that fortune teller


Almo Drafthouse Cinema : tickets md info at &


every line is a one-linel md most hit the muk. - San Frmcisco Chroniclc. Hedwig and the Argry Inch has become a midnight movie sensarion across the lmd, and now finally, triumphantly returns to Austin. Come to the Alamo at midnight and find out why!

Flicker Film Festival

Flicker is a bi-monthly film fesdval that features short films by local frlmmakers and all other enthusiots who dare submit via mail. Everything screened at Flicker must originate on lilm and be under 15 minutes in length. Flicker guarantees an array of projects and intriguing jutapositions at every show, with linear noratives butting up against radical cperiments, polished Productions followed by ernest first efforts. Come for your chsce to win your own free roll ofSuper 8 md see which loql filmmaker wins the next Flicker Film Grant! For more

Thursday July 24' 9 :45 PM

inlormarion. please go ro

The Best of SXS\Ufl


Winner, Special GrandJuryPrizn, Sundance Film Festival

low budget wonder: rough md gritty'' - Edwud Guthmm, SF Chronicle

July 26-31, se calendar for showtimes

(2002, d. Eric Fasor,77 min, $6, $4.50 student/senior/AFS, $1 on Monday) "Manito" chronicles the life of a fmily in'W*hington Heights, a vibranr Latino communiry still living under the legacy of an era shadowed by drugs md violence. Mmny (Leo Manaya) is the salutatorian of his high school class, about to esape that same legacy that had forced his older brother Junior Moreno (rising star Frankie G.) to spend time in prison. With gritry luminescent cinematography and unflinching portrayals ofcharacters that embody the hcart md soul of*re neighborhood, wdter/director Eric Eason brings us an electrifying feature debut in the 6nest tradition ofindependent filmmaking. For more info,

Hedwig and the Angry Inch

July24 8r 26' Midnight, Alamo Downtown July 3l-August 2 Midnight, Alamo Lake Creek
Best Director, Audience Award Sundance Film Festival
In the first minutes of "Hedwig md the Angry Inch," John Cameron Mitchell, m the Ect German transqual rock singer Hedwig, seems to be channeling somebody. Like Iggy Pop, Courtney Love or maybe Juliete Lewis. Bur *re comptisons quicldy fade. Lithe, 6erce and electri$'ing, Mitchell is like nobody else. His Hedwig is simply . . . hot. And thatb just as m actor Mitchell's also the front mm for the whole shebmg, directing ud miting from his smoh off-Broadway musical. Helped enonnously by Stephen Ti'ask's superb songs, Mitchell has mounted a thrilling production that not only succeeds as a movie adaptation but also trumpt "Moulin Rouge" md even "The Rocky Horror Picture Shod' in infectious pop force.
The comic touches are inspired. "Hedwig" is more than just drag-queen camp funny, ir's truly, consistentlywitry Mitchell packs on the double entendres, visrral gags and absurd setups. Hedwig refers to his win employment oPPortunities, the "business of show' and the "job called blow" in the sme breey tone. Neuly

Open Screen Night

Saturday, July 26, 9 z30PM
(2003, d. You, 120 min., R, PG, X, and occasionally )OC(, $4) At Open Scren Night, we'll show anyching. Anything at all. Thatt che whole point, see. You bring in a tape, ud then we all watch it together on the big screen. Ifwhat you bring in isnt entertaining enough, the audience might boo at it a lot and the evening's oficia1 gonger will have to get up out ofhis comfortable seat, run down ro the front ofthe theater, md bang on the gong with his official gonger mallet. Ifwhat you bring in is the most entertaining thing ofthe nighr, then you'll win $100 in straight up cash, and we'll also let you make our nexc Open Screen Night

TV commercial, which we'll play beween midnighc and 2

am on



Central, and ESPN. That way, even more random strangers wil[ get to see whatever sort of video you want them to. If you dorit have a tape, come our and check it out anpvay. Ifyou ask real niceiy, I might even let you be the evening's official gonger Then all of our fates will be in your hands. . .

Almo Drafthome Cinema tickets md info at


(1977, d. F{.aI Needham, 96 min., PG) Man has been obsessed with the automobile since the beginning of rime, o ovemen leaned abour muscle cars md getting chicks, md... well, at least since they invented rhe ,,horseless carriage" during rhe revolurionaw war... md rhose ancienr Romans really... Okay. I admir ir. I krow noching abour rhe history of cars, but I do know rhat Smokel and rhe Bandir .onrbine-. rhe besr ofall rhar makes rhem enrerraining. not ro menrion being one of the mosr kick-ass 1970s car chase classic 6lms ever made. Basically, Burr Rcynolds is rhe Bandir, a full ofhimsell macho hombre who never turns down a bet. He's the best and he klows ic. Big Enos and Little Enos find him at the ruck races md ofer him 980,000 to mive 400 coes of Coors beer across state lines, which is illegal. The Bandit is rhe best and he's never
been beat, so he

accepts. Parrick Byrne

In the sme siturion, rvould you acccpr? \7ould you drive all over the place and race the clock for a bunch oiCoorsi w.l, if* r1 .i*.. ,. n"it n". "ri ""* ou July Rolling Road Show super evenr, *e re raking rhe grcrresr road movie of all time and combining ir with rhe grearesr.oad ere-nt of"all time The Bandit uvengcr hunt. .Check thc website for more derails, but know this: in college, Tim orgmized a big ol road ralJy scavenger hunt. His mda beqme rhe stuff-of legend. Today. he ha. promi'cd ro ourdo him.elI This is rhe firsr Ro]line Road Show that lets you do some real rolling ofyour orvn, so scarr pracricing yorir skills in an abandoned parking loc today.

Dracula Night
July is rhe perfect time to look fomard to Halloween, right? Iil/eie turoing ovcr rhe Alamo ro rhe Vampirc. lor rhi. oighr ol blood-,ucking lreak. come celibrare the lust for blood with a triple-feature of cop-notch vmpire horrcr from around the qorld. Come in costume as a vampire ard we'Il let you in for half price. First up is DRACUTA (1979, d. John Badham, R 109 min), fie big-budget Universal Dracula revamp thar pired Frank Langellas overtly sexual, black-stallion-riding Dracula against the aged but stalwart Lawence Olivier as Van Helsing. The movie opens with Dracula ripping duough the crcrv of m unlucky ship and ends with a big question mak worchy of the King ofVampires. Top-notch and seldom seen todar Next is MR. VATVPIRE 2 i1985, d. fuci<y Lau, R9t min), in which we soar from the Universal stage to the wacky world ofHong Kong Kung Fu Vmpires, in which a tearn of xchaeologists led by Jackie Chant longtime partncr Yuen Biao unearth some Kung Fu vampires. Ifyou've never seen Chinese vampires, look out: they hop, they lunge, chey can get nasry and rhis movie has a whole family of rhem, Finally we end the night with the flushed, eroric DAUGHTERS OF DARKNESS (1971, d. I{arry Kumel, R 87 min.) a movie you'll say you watched for its fascinating presntation of the woman known

kiday Jaly 25,

7 tOO,

915 & Midnite

"Madame Dracula," Elizabeth Bathory, bur which youll acrually watch for the copious HLVA, or hot lesbian varnpire acrion. One of the besr and sexiesc vmpire movies of the larter 20th century Hosred by J*on Henderson, creator of Image Comics'upcoming.oel revamp of the King of Vmpires, SWORD OF DR {CUIA ( Expect copious trailers, vmpire prizes,

md trivial

Big Bror:hers Big Sisters, Ain't It Cool News, and the Austin Chronicle present.

The SaturdayMorning Film Club

Saturday, July 26, noon free admission
Gregory Peck Retrospcctive edition very often that there is realized upon the screen dre innocence and trust and enchaorment that are in the nature ofa child or the yearning love and anxiery that a father feels for his boy. In less loving hands, It4arjorie Rawlingsls puliaer prize-winning srory ofa backwoods Florida boy whose heart wells with wild and magic torrents might have become emorionally manipulacive md sickly sweet.
a special

ft isrit

Smokey and the Banfit Bandit Road Rally

Saturday, July

But director Clarence Brown revealed both his heart and his intelligence in keepirrg the whole rhiog resrrained. Yer vitality and zest flow through the whole 6lm. The many vivid incidents in the book-the bear hunc, the dog swap, the snakc bite, and the fight with the Forrester boys-are played with abundance of tension mci great richness ofgraphic detail. Lirde Claude Jarman, Jr., gives an incredibly line pcrformance as Jody, the rowheaded farm boy Equallv imponanr is the performance of Gregory peck

Almo Drafthouse Cinma
info at dra&


Penny, the wdm and gentle father who understands his boy. A ple*ure for the whole family The Yeding is a cheerful and inspiring film, -BOSLEY CRO\rTHER

Anime Amme at theAlamo


Jily29 9:45
min. notei rhi. screening i\ on video) We've already ofthe world once together, mighc x well do ir a second rime. Now I'm lrre youre rhinking weve gor(en lazy since the world ended 2 week ago. and we have, but ofcourse things do stem from leisure. The arts, for example! For chis screening of X1999 we have a special show of local atists of CG, sketch, and animarion of any fmtasy related genre [Email for information on showing your art]. Dozens ofworks will be displayed for you to see, and possibly buy. Ask us for info on purchasing and ifthings go well, we'll be auctioning them offar rhe end ofrhe show/world. Until then, enjoywarchinghow it all ends in rhe arristic sryles of acclaimed mimation studio CI-AMP in X1999. The year is 1999 and the'end of *re century is upon Japan. Seven Dragons of Heaven and Eath rise from prophecy in modern dayJapan the fate ofrhe world and of hrrmaniw in their hmds. After his mother's death words. "Go to Tokvo. There yorr will dnd your de.riny. young Kamui rravrlr ro Tokyo. \X,4rar he 6ids will change his life ud hir idenriry forever. X I qqq r hr ills wirh r he elegan r beaury of fast paced action sequences, while simulcaneously awing the audicnces with dreir portrayals of rhe deeper hidden spiritual themes. Humanity versus Nature; rhe Heavens versus rhe Errh. \X/irh che philosophy put aside for a moment, the cinematography and utistic layouc ofthe movie are breathtaking. Dont worry too much about the plot, Come for the genre! Come for che ud - Zenrei Anime
(1996, d. Rintao, R, 100
faced dre end

Presented by Zenrei Anime

Two Note Solo presents

AII Good Stuff: AVarietyShow

SundayJuly 27, 7200 8c 10:00
fwo Note Solo is a magazine. Every three months or
so, a new issue comes out and is distributed for free aound Autin. Tho Note Solo is a general interest sort of maruine, md so each issue will have lots of different stuff in it. There are .rr"ysiy ,o.k rt*r, criciques of loca.l celebrities, short stories, comics, and lots of things like that. The only criteria the editors use to judge things submitted to them iiwhether or not they ue my good. V4rat makes something good? Well, we tend ro like to print the rype of stu$ that we'd like to read ourselves.

'\fith that simple

phrlosophy, we decided that we'd step outside the boundaries

ofthe winen page and oete a whole show for a general interest loving audience who, like us, will enjoy seeing all rypes of things, provided all of it is good. And so we have gathered up writers who will read to you and thereby transport you back to the sto4times of your youth. Ve've colleqed cinematic gems in the guise ofshort films that will shock you beeuse they ae actually fun to watch. And we have brought diverse musical acts together * well, because Moby isnt the only guy whot wer looked in his CD collection and realized that he likes all these different qpes of music. And you know what elsel Ve're going to find a stmd up omic that doesnt suck and bring him in, too. Beouse stmd up comics on bi funny, but the whole 2 drink minimum that mosr comedy clubs seem to have annoys us a lot. If wdre going to drink, wdre going to drink, and weie probably going to drink. But when they say we have to drink, it's almost enough to make us wmr to stay sober Almost. Aryway, check out who we ve got lined up for July: A 6lm from Open S.reen Nighr lavorire Du Mttine-Vuga A ser from Nm Wst Records' John Dee Grahm A 20 min film ftom W'ayne McClmy, ocreter of The HJperJaclcon Chambe A short story from So Nry Media founder Ben Brom A set from Crowd Connol's DJ NickNack md Baw Blakes And even more!
This is tie most entertainmenr you en possibly flt into one evening. Ifyou come out to this extravaganza, you en probably stay at home every other night of the month md not feel like you're missing out on anlthing. You ll be mising out on something, ofcourse, but I'm just sayingthatyou probablywonl feel like you are, md you probably wont care.

MuddyW'aters, Cant Be Satisfied Filmaker Robert Gordon live in person!


July 30, 9:00 PM

Muddy Vacer" juiced the blues. His song Rollin Stone inspired a band nme magazine. Muddy Warers Cani Be 5ari.6ed i' Lhe 6rrr :uthorirative documentuy of the man who invented electric blues and paved the road for rock and roll. Journalist and documentary filmmaker Roberc Gordon will be

md a

Almo Drafthouse Cinema tickets md info



Iive in oerson Vednesdar Julv 30, at the Almo Drafthouse Cinema for the Texas rheacrical pr.-i.r. of hir fil- "Muddy Vaters Cant Be Satisfied." The 54 minure documeitary produced in conjunciion with Gordon's biography Cant Be Sacisfied: The Life md Times of Muddy Waters (Little Brown; May, 2002\, is described o a funny, personal, and emotional portrait of the blues utist The comorehensive documenrary includes stories of those who knew Vaters and signihenr musicims who'helped shape the blues culture, including Keith fuchuds of rhe Rolling Srones {who named their bud after a Waters song) and Chicago blues great Buddy Guy. 'Vaters, who was born McKinley Morganfield ro a sFarecropplng fmily in Mississippi, got his nicknme because he loved to pl"y r.* ni,idd| .reek. Alhough he'diinot lean how to play guitr until he " was 17, \0'arers influenad an eniire generation ofChicago blues artists in the 1950s and 1960s, o well as British and American rock'ri roll artists. \W'aters not only mixed old and new blues. but he also linked deep Mississippi blues to hard-edged, elecrric Chicago blues that helped transform the sound. lhe Grmmy mard-winning bluei artist ws inducred into the Blues Foundation Hall ofFame in 1980, and died ofa heart attack in 1983. Gordon conveys

marshmallow man, and I dont know ifI'll ever be able to look at a proton gun the sme way again. The original Ghostbusters is a cinematic pearl, nestled deep inside the 1980s without getring bogged down by cocaine references or horrible hair Sure, the hair isnl great, but that's okay, because Bill Murray is.





Gentleman's Agreement Gregory Peck Retrospective

July 31, 7:00 PM August 3,4zO0
(1947, d. Elia Kazan, 118 min, $6r $4.50 student/senior/AFS) The dde of 1947t to the unspoken agreement among gentiles to

(1975 d. Jrck Starett, 88 min, PG, free admission) "'ff4ten you race with che deviJ youU betrer run like bell!" From the producer/witer team of \0es Bishop and ke Frost (BLACK GESTAPO, THING \mTH T\7O HEADS, DIXIE DYNAMITE etc.) and director Jack Starrett (THE LOSERS, CLEOPAIRA JONES, THE DION BROTHERS) comes thc most jaw-dropping, ass-kicking sevenries ar-cha'e movie imrginrble. Warren Oate'. PeLer Fonda and rheir ladie. are on a relxing mping rrip when rhey accidenrally stumble upon : group of Satanisrs sacrificing a viclim in rhe woods. From rhere on out its iust one bi8 chas, wirh the foui umper: rearinq down the road in rheir giant RV pursued hy bloodrhirsrydevil-wor.hippers. \X4enrhe1'tryrog.rhelpnobodybelieve.them so rhey have ro 6ghr back, wrging a war against 5:tan on our nations highu:y: and bivays, I kn"ow chi' rll so"un8' chee.ytrur trust me you ll be on the idg. "l you, i."t biting you, nails and screming u i lh rhe resc of us. One of r he ;ll-l i me

Gentleman's Agreement relers discriminate against Jews

- a nor-so-subde form of

persecution prevalent



yers immediately follou,ing Vorld War II. Cregory Peck plays journalist Philip Sc[uyler Green, xsigned ro write m expose on anti-Semirism, At first, Green isnt
sure what tack

to take. bur his witert block ranishes whcn he hits on the idea of

pretending to be Jewish himsell Being fairly new to NewYork City, having moved there with his young son, Tommy (1 l-year-oid Dean Stochvell), he introduces

witer ud a Jew. Tommy is soon battling schoolyard bullie and even Green's uppercrust girlfriend, Kathy (Dorothy
himself to new acquaintances as Phil Green, a McGuire) - who! in on the secret - 6nds herselfgetring peeved at him because ofthe
heat she's getring hotels, and rreated

*ploitation clcsics. - L*s

from her snotty Connecticut pals. Sneered at, turned away fiom as m object ofscorn, Green gets more than he bargained for and the frlm addresss the querion ofwhat sociery can do about the seemingly ingrained tendency towards religious intolerance. !?inner ofOscars for Best Picture, Director (EIia Kuan) and SupportingAclress (Celeste Holm), Gentleman'sAgreement today is as noteworthy ro a historical document as ir is classic cinema.

July 3l-August 2, Midnight, Alamo Downtown August 7-August 9, Midnight' Alamo Lake Creek
since this movie frrst

(1984, d. Ivan Reitman, 107 min, PG, $5) It's been netly menryyears now hit the big screen, but you still cant ask someone who they are planning to call widrout borh of,vou knowing that someone! goiog to have to say, "Ghosrbusters!" soon. Making s'mores still reminds me of the Stay Pult




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Almo Drafthouse Cinma: ti&ets ud hfo


This summer, the Alamo Drafthouse and L01X arc teaming uP to bing you a of Hump Day Elix at the neut Lake Creeklocation. Eaery week we,ri shotnin[ a " neu; classic" flm onWednesday night and showing ttideo footage of a blind date that's set up on the 101'X morning shoi. One of the D/s on that show is Tina Quinn, and since I'oe been cuious about what the life of a moming disc jociey is like for a rahile now, I decided that I might as well ask her. This is what she came up with:
weekly series



Getting Started in Radio

I started in college radio.

Everything. It was my pleasur:. Nine months later, I was on the air and I was getting paid.

I wake up at 4:30am every weekday moming. I have no social life duing the week. Don't even
ask me to meet you lor Happy Hour I got to get

I was eroolled at Palomar Junior College in San Mrcos, Califomia. I had no clue. I knew I liked mimals and I knew I loved Healy Metal. semester, I discovered Palomar's college radio station, KKFM. I think my interest was bom from my love to rock. People who love music md have no musical talent tum to radio. I knew I would never be able to join Bret Michaels (Poison!) on stage because I have zero musical talent, but I found out I could do radio. It was natural to me.

My first

I sucked. Everyone does at first. Some, however, stop sucking faster than others. I know people who have been on the air for years and still suck. I know people who have been on the air for 6 months and are amzing. You study the craft. You critique yourself md have others
critique you.

to bed! Sleep is in my top thee favorite things to do. Sometimes I feel like I just camot get up. When I do, I think about all the people who are getting up and getting ready to work. We're all responsible for making the world go round, so we got to get up. Somehow, that cheese motivates me. It means I'm not the only one

worked at I(NACK for 4 yers. The station was sold in 1996.

got better

Myths about DJs

1) Some people think my day is over when I get o{Ithe air at 10m. Nope. There are many things to prepare for the neKt day, the next week, next month, and even next year. I find myself working all the time. It's one of those lifestyle careers. Definitely not a 9 to 5 gig.

I got into Radio 101. I leamed about voice and diphthongs md delivery md music logs md tra{fic logs and carts (way back when!) md all the "shop" talk md technical tems that had to do with radio. Then, I got on the air, hosting a two-hou Metal show with a friend of mine named Jack. In 1993. I trmsfened to the University ofTexas to study Radio-Tv-Film.
And so
I fervently sought out md began my first unpaid radio intemship at KNNC (KNACK 107.7) in 1993. I did it all. I did dishes, vacumed floors, and cleaned the bathroom. I even got the General Mmager peanut MMs and a Wall Street Joumal everyday (Hi Richrd) for a while.

There were no paying radio jobs at the time, so I very reluctantly went back to inteming for free and got hooked up at 101X that way. I just knew

I had to get back on the air

I finally did and worked on the air part time for the next 3 years at 101X. ln that time, I also graduated from college with a Bachelor of
Science in Radio-TV-Film.

2 )No, it's not glamorous. I make appetrances at

gas stations.

What It's Really Like

Momings prove to be more of a challenge than I could have imagined. Still, even after almost three years. The hardest part about my job is working closely with people I m not having sex with md waking up early. How erly do I have

3) Mmy people

famous and that

assume my best friends ue I am back stage when The Shoke Monkeys come to town. No. In fact, it is

a rare occasion that I am allowed in


backstage ilea. That is a radio myth. Here is mother one: If you see a picture of me with someone famous, I was standing next to them for 5 seconds or less to take the picture. I don't know them md they definitely do not know, or care to know me.


do not get front row tickets to all of the

shows! I have never sat in the liont row at any concert, although I have always thought it would be cool...

5) DJs are not famous. We are. C-class celebrities at best, ten steps below Screech from Saved By The Bell. It just so happens that we can reach mmy people at once. That's why we
get the perks.

6) Oh, there ue perks. This is not a radio m'4h. I have a free phone with free sewice ftom Sprint PCS. I am cunently driving a convertible

Spyder from Mitsubishi courtesy of William Stalik md Maxwell Town North Mitsubishi for ftee. Yes, I cm get tickets to almost any show, but not first row (see above), free food, free clothes, ftee enterlainment, md so on.
7) DJs are sme. Not true.

Alamo Drafthouse Cinema: tickets and info at


Pei Pei (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) as Hua's brave mother, A Man Called Hero looks a treat and hundreds ofhours ofpost production are on display. The China-based digital effects companv Cerrcro (The Storrn Riders, Shaolin Soccer) is fast becoming Asia's equiralent to Lucas{ilm. A Man Called Hero is a first

rare companion piece to The Storm Riders, and is seen by manv as being the sccond insralmcnt in Andrew Lau's ongoing Hong Kong fantasy series. - JOHN SNADDEN, Heroic Cinema. As alwa1.s, a Chinese menu will complimenr the onscren acrion. Look lbr Hong Kong Cinema on the Firsi Sunday of cvcry month at the Alamo.

Friday, August

Mr. Sinus Theater 3000 presents: Top Gun I & Saturday, August 27fi0 &945

(1 986, d.'1tny Scott, P(1, I I 0 min) Vcry similar in tone to Red Dawn: seriuusminded voung studs out ar squash rhe Red N'lenace in che heighr ofcold-rar frenzy. This timc, horvevcr, they mostl,v hang out in towels in thc locker room or in tight jeans rvirh Village People musraches. Add a slapped on romantic angle, some invenrive insult slinging (i.e- "You Srink!"), a chcesy 80'.s synthesizer beat and some of tbe besr flight action ever filmed, and q-ha-la: instant 80's carrp

classic rcady to be Sinusizcd-

- 'fim

Bad Boys
()')'15. d. Michrrl Ba)', ll8 nrin. R,561 5,1.i0 studenr/seniorTAFS, $1 on Monday) Michael Bay's 6rst featurc film, Bad Bovs, ler him finally graduate frorn the world of Got Milki TV acls and become the commercial director who created most of the movies people cire rvhen thc1. conplain about Big Holllwood. But who cares? It also ler \Vill Smirh begin to srep away from his Fresh Prince persona, and rvithour thar * e no er u.uld have had Bjg ViJly Style, the album that brought us all Gertin'Jigw Wir' It, the greatest song ofall cime.
As Michael Lowerl', Smith plavs the so-suave single partner to

Monday Aug 4 7zO0


9:45 & Tuesday, Aug 5 7:00

man Marcus Burnett. wo are hip detecrives assigned to guard a sexy murder rvitness rvhile simultmeously investigating a case of stolen hcroin-rvhat else do 1ou need? Mike Lorvery thinks rhar Marcus is too soft because he's all famil,v man. but. unfbrtunareh Bay neglected ro use rhis set up as an excuse to have'St'ill Smith tell Larvrence rhac, "parenrs just don'r understand." That cinematic crime ride, Bad Bovs is rhe perfecr schlocly Holllvood film, complece with Porsche chascs, lots ofexplosions, and, in case you haven'r aughr on yer, \rill Smirh. Bad bovs, rvhatcha gonna do? married





Hong Kong Cinema and Cuisine A Man Called Hero

Sunday, August 3,7200 8r.9:45
After the rremendous success c,fThe Storm fuders, director An<lreu'l-au had the Hong Kong {iim industr,v ar his feec, anrl a movie going public eagerly awairing his fblloq'up tilm. Utilising most of Thc Storm Riclcrs cast and crcw, Lau produced a lincly craiic.1, superb epic drama with a number ofser-piece fantasyaction sequences which easily eclipse rhe CGI rvork ofhis previots movie. Direcror Lau is, obvioush', a big fin of Iralian rrrastcr film-makc! Scrgio Leorrc. Much of A Man Cailed ljero has rhe look and fcel of a classic Leone movie (in particular Oncc Upon A'l'imc In Arrrcrica). Acld ro rhis a lush Ennio Morriconelike score (bv Krvong \fing-Chan) and A Man Callecl Hero is a Cantonese movie in search of a world audiencc. Fans of 1980s and early 90s Canro acrion cinema will en jo,v seeingiYucn Bi:ro (Dragorts Forever, fughting \0rongs, On the Run) back oo scrcen as the proprieror of New York's China House. Biao is in 6ne l'orm and regularll-kicks racist pvailo butt. Ilero's nrain enemies in this movie arc lrrvinciblc, a truly crazerl Japanese s*ordsman played with a sneering malevolence by Francis Ng (Bullers Over Summcr; Full Alen), and Jin (Mark Chcng), rhc herd ofthe ninja hit squad who strikes a mortal blow at the heart of Hua's existencc. Also, keep an eve cui lbr c,rmeos by Sam Lee (an orange haired ninja), Anrhonl'\(long (:r m:rster suordsman) ancl lamous maillalcl actor Chcng

Anime at the Alamo Read or Die

Tuesday, August 5 9:45 Presented by Zenrei Anirne
(2001, d. Kouii Masunari, 135 min.,'$6; $4.50 student/senior/AFS nore: this screening is on video) Let's ernpower che bookworms rve have with Read or Die. Yomiko Readman is a rather unassuming young woman with a dire obsession for books. Garbed in a drab skirr, blouse, big round glasses and constantly toting a drag-along briefcase lilled with books, it is hard to believe *rac she is actually a super-agenr for the British governmenr with a special psychic power to manipulate paper into any shape and form, and the abiliry to imbue the paper


Almo Drafthouse Cinema: tickets md info at

with strengdr that could overcome bullets and sreel. Aiding Yomiko in her fight against m evil scientist who wishes to take over the world by resurrecting dead geniuses ae mo handy agents: Miss Deep, who has the abiliry to phase through solid objects, and Drake Anderson, the military backup. Together they risk life and limb to protect the country they love and the world in which they live. Howevet there is a trairor in their midst....
You have no idea how hard we thought for something to do. I've asked several people and maybe itt m odd obsession, but DDR keptcoming up. Unfortunately, that would be very compliated to do. The final resort is ofcourse, ralfle, Rmdom seat number ladida. I'm not doing that. The main problem was getting this film. '!?'e had a Monday deadline, itt Sunday night, weie one 6lm short and we're betting on 3 different ones hoping to get just one. It's 2AM, I m left with *re *rinking and here's what I ve decided. A coin toss. Yes that's right, since this lilm wd a ross up, I'm tossing a coin. I will toss md somewhere around 6fty percent should guess mong. Ard I will continue until one is left, or I decide that we have either really clairuoymt people or horribly unluclry people.. - Zenrei Arime

(1982, d. Maa Cimber R, 109 min, free admission) "Shet shortcr than Eliabeth Thylor, cuter thm Alvin the chipmunk, richer thm Cher more publicized thm Zsa Zsa, and has a better hairdo *ran Furah. She may be a national joke to some but I think Pia Zadora will get the last laugh. Id kill ro have her in one ofmy own {ilms." -- John Vaters

I)oes anybody remember Pia Zadota? In the erly'80s she wa as visible as my star in Amerio. Much like Bo Derek, her fame was created largely by her wealthy husbmd, in Pia's coe multimillionaire Meshulm Riklis, who spent a small fortune making her a household name. She wm in a few movies, on all the talk shows, she posed nude in Penthouse, and then she prerry much disappeared. Another flitting moth singed by the flme. America moved on, md Pia Zadora ws a pop culture footnote. But wait a minute. I liked Pia Zadora. I thought she was a hot little minky and I looked fomard to her movies on SHO!?'TIME at 3am. 'W/hat wo America's problem anlvay? Did anybody honedy believe she was the first starlet to screw her way into the moviesi In BUTI'ERFLY she's at her best, playing a conniving litde slut who'll hump anything- even close relatives-- to get what she wmts. Directed by Matt Cimber (THE BLACK SDQ from a Jmes M. Cain novel and costuring Stacy Keach, Ed McMahon, Orson Welles, and Buck Flower Soundtrack by Ennio Morricone. - Lars

Dancing Oudaw & The Wild World of Hazil Atrkins

Ducing Ourlaw is rhe mo.r inlmous work of Verr Virginia filmmrker jacob Young, who for mmy years h* been cataloging unique ildividuals for PBS television under the banner Different Drummer. From Boone Country omes the eccentric Appalachim Jesse (Jesco) White, the featured attraction of his documentary Dancing OutlawJesco is a true original, a tap dancing, petrolhuflin, Elvis worshippin , gun totin good ol' boy with aspirations to be the most famous person ever to come from Boone County. Guess what? He most definitely is. This documenary hc become legendary on tle underground tape-trading circuit. 'lfhen 100 people tell 100 otler people, you have a genuine cult phenomenon. During Dancing Oudaw we are witness to his near-death experiences while huffing, the tragic death ofhis father and mentor, his philosophies about life md Iove, his mountain tapping skills and the way NOT to cook his eggs. According to his roundish wife Norma, he cm be rhree people; Jesse a loving husband, ]esco m unpredicable and dugerous penonality md finally Elvis himsell Theret enough humor, tragedy md pathos for l0 documentaries in here, 1t is an momaly of the documentary world - see it md see why it has become a legend amongst thoumds of fans aound the world. Jesco's drems of fame eventually cme true when Rosanne Brr flew him to LA to guest std on an episode of her popular sitcom, Roseanne. Beck's Incredible Film Festival
On the same amazing hillbilly double bill, check out the the Vild !?'orld of Huil Atkins. Imagine Elvis in Sid Mcious's body with a linle Frmk Sinatra drrown in and you have Hasil Adkins, the originator of psychobilly and star of this deranged, shot-on-video documentary Chronicling 56-year-old Hasilt boozing, wornanizing and la*breaking, audiences are rreated to some surreal jaw-dropping antics and raucous, homegrown rock'n" roll. Vhile viewers may
delight in *re various ancedores ofparanoia as related try cronies, acquaintances md authorities, frlmmakerJulien Nivbergt odyssey to bring "fhe Vild Vorld of Hasil Adkins" to the screen is most telling: Shooting wm held up for a yeu when our subject threatened to kill and kick the director, who after suffering a nenous breakdown, resumed editing. See Mmie V4rite, the memest sister ofJesco, beat rhe ra out ofa couple ofcatlighers in a loel Boone Counry watering hole.

Hillbilly Doco Double Bill

\D(ednesday is documentary night at the Alamo. Wednesday, August 6,7zOO & 9:30

Gregory Peck Retrospective The Guns of Navarrone Thursday, August 7,7tOO &.9A5
the Second Vorld Var, and rhe Allics have decided fial must be 'omething done about the massive freld guns on the islmd ofNavarone that ae preventing Allied ships from achieving the rescue of2,000 British soldiers who ue trapped md at risk of being masacred. The oprions for taking them out are limited, Theyre installed in the side ofa mountain, protected from air attack. Their range md accuracy is such that m assault from the oceu simply isnt practiel. A fullfiedged land attack also isnt terribly realistic, as the island of Navarone is small md occupied by a lrge German force.


Sunday, August 10, 4:00

The only option available is m atack by a small group ofcommandoes. Caprain Keith Mallory (Gregory Peck), an Aneriqn, is assigned to the tem, because het an experienced mounuin climber and the only way to get on the island is by 6rst scaling a clif. Corporal Miller (David Niven) is an Englishrmn whot on the team because het a brillimt explosives expert. They'll need him to destroy the guns. Colonel Andrea Stavros (Anthony Quinn) is there because he's a Greek who knows the area. He also happens to be a sworn enemy ofMallory.

Almo Drafthouse Cinemc tickets md info



More than just a standard 1950s or'60s war movie, The Guns ofNavarone has a soong cas! a mart and misting screenpla)i lots of action, witty lines and strong character developmenc.

All-DaySummer C*p Funwith an all-night Summer C*p Horror Marathon

not going ro lill 1ou in on all of rhe srcrets of this highlight of the July_ Augu* calendaq but sufice ir to say, we plan ro top the experience oflast yeai,s horror all-nighter ar the insane asylum. Campers will arrive ar Camp AImo at noon on Saturday, be divided iqto tribes, each with a cmp counsellor. The day acrivities will include arts and crafts, capture rhe flag, a nature walk, napdme, a nutritious suppeq a tribal counsel, a bonfire, storytelling, smores and a quadruple feature of balls-to-the-wall horror 6lms with camp slaughrer as a thme. The evening will also be the world premiere theatricai screening of Freddy vs. Jason, with Freddy and Jason (Robert Englun and Ken Kirzinger) live in person, This is important to nore, because all forniotors and sleepers will be butchered. More
details and cickers at!

Saturdayr August 9

Donnie Darko
Downtown August 7-9 Midnite Downtovrn August 11 7:00PM
Lake Creek August 14-16 Midnite
(2001, d. fuchard Kelly, 113 min, R, 95) In recent years, thc VB has been dominating the tecn movie market. Ifyou felt likc seeing a 6lm about rhc ups and downs of high school, chances are youd be stuck wirh Freddie Prinz,e, jr Ald then along eme Donnie Darko. In one sweeping cinematic momenr, this film gathered up all the tecn movie conventions tlie bully, the new girl in town, the reenage social misfir, the ridiculous adult aurhority iigures swirled them all together with a touch ofthe supernarural, end lefr us wirh a iilm char is instmtly more believable and still less realistic than Varsity Blxes or Shei All That cotld ever be. It isn't a teen movie, irt just a movie with ieens in ir. ln rhe rnreresr of nor ruinirrg it for anlone who hasn'c discovered che film fbr themselves yet, I wont give much ofa plot summary ar all. Jusr know chis: In a litde more chan 28 days, the world is going to end. Donnie Darko knows this ahead of time because Frank, a human-sized rabbir he hallucinates. told him all abour ir.

For the pam 50 weeks, the cinematic vanguard ofAustin, rhe t/.ird *ednesday regulars, have spent hours in front of thi Alamo movie screen: mkinq notes, er:Juating option'. and derermining quanrirarircly. which are ,.uly ri'. mosr oucsranding 5 of che l:sr 50 movies. a mere l07o ofthose we have warched. For those scared off by the threat of complere crap or chr after-hours midnighr start time, reioice! !?'e have 100o/o bonafide, grade-A B-movies. As wirh aI Veird 'Wednesday features, admission is free ro cach of rhe "besc of" screeninss. Come in. reluand enjoy. rhcy ju,rdoni makc em Iike rhi, anymore. -Tim

The Best of Weird Wednesdavs

New Adventures of Snow $V.hite

The Best of 'Weird
Weird Movies - Free Admission Sunday, August 10, 9:45 PM

(1q69 d. Rolf Th iel, X, z6 r6;n, f,eidmi.sionj fh. Germans have a long way to go ro make up lor rhar u:ck rhir rhev pulled back in rl-e dar bur r}i. m"ovie i. a good stut. Ics an omnibus iilm originallv ritled Grimm's FairyTales ForAdulrs. It features nudieversionr ufmany ofihe popular children's srories. Even though the stories are tricked up to include lots "f nudir and sex chey're srill more fJi*rful to_the originals than the Disney versionsl Charming Srvedish sex stalet Marie Ljiljedahl, rvhom fm sure you all kros,lrom Inga md Eugenie -- The srory of Her |ourney inro Pswersion. plavs d e nude 5now Vhire who ger lreaky with Prince.Charm ing. rhe wicked queen md of(our5e (he sevcn dwarier. pa.encs, slip the kids some roofies and sneak our for this one. Lars

The Best of 'Weird Wednesdays
Weird Movies - Free Admission Monday, August lL,9z45

Ain't It Cool News and the Alamo Drafthouse

Cinema present

The Ultimate Summer




(1972 d. Villiam Allen Casrleriran, priduced by'the LEGENDARy David F. Friedman, R, free admission) Anyone who's spent any rine at all around rock music knows one rhing. Bass players are the sium of the earth. Here's a movie wirh rhe cour:ge ro comr our and ,ay ir. A rmall-lime rock band wir_h a:pirarions towards rhe big rime is derailcd by rheir p,lchoric four-,Lringer's crime,pree. The elecrric bas' mal provide Lhe bridge bemeen rhe melodyind chc rhnhm bur ifue have ro pur up wirh rhis roriol behavior *er. be,rer offwirhour ir! Ard this bassisc is even worse than most. He's raping and killing all the goupies. A band this bad should be down on their knees thinking God every nijht for even hrving groupies ar Jl. ler:Jone groupies rhir hnr. Foriunarelv Carol-tAbbv: The Blacl Erorui.r r Speed i, on hand-r o ake carc of busines, in r he explorlve, doublebrreled ending. Fuck Bass Players! - Lars

AImo Drafthouse Cinema:



1o1o at

Simon King of the'Witches The Best of Veird Wednesdays

(1971, d. Bruce Kessler R. 91 fr-c) This is a really strmge one Andrru fmiliar face from '70s movies md TV is great a a transient wulock who livo in L.A.'s underground storm-drainage system. Every rime ir rains he hc ro move. Simon is buically a crazy homeless guy who goes uound eting spells md getting in cool adventures. It would have made a greatTV show. Kind of like Kme Fu wirh witchcrafi. Here he spends almost the whole movie getling rwenge on i guy who writes him a bad ch.ik. rl(trar a grear ploc! The movie has a cototfrtl, t".Ly p.y.hedelic look md a fasrpaced, fluid sryle all its own. Look for 'lf'arhol superstir UltraViolet a a rival witch. A super-cool one-of-a-kind movie, I'm still waiting for the sequel. -Ias
Prine, a

Weird Movies - FreeAdmission Tuesday, August 12, 9245 -min.

and sing it up before the murders begin. Random audience members will iudge. Ifyou only see one anime in your life, it should be this, Perfect Blue. Charactet plot, graphic violence, and nudity. Follow pop singer Mimi Kirigoe a she steps into the world bemeen fantasy md realiry. After quitting her pop singing trio ro become m actress in a telwision series, fos are angered at her "betralal" and Mimit selfesteem is riddled with self-doubt. An 'alter ego' claiming to be rhe real Mimi haunts her constandy. Ar Internet site proclaiming the details of her life preoccupies her mind. Co-workers die brutal deaths. Everyone is pressed with the question of his or her own idenciry Days blur, drems cross over into the waking world, md acting becomes realiry until her life merges with her put and she ot sepaace the ghosts ftom the actual stalkers. How will Mimi handle her growing psychosis? Viil you be able to sepaate her TV life md her real life? Based on the novel by Yoshikazu Takeuchi, in a series of stalkers, murders, md supposed hallucinations, director Satoshi Kon uses mimation at its best to reinforce the delusion and paranoia that riddles this murder mystery - Zenrei Anime

The Best of



11974 d. An Nmes, 8J min, R, ilie adm"ksion) Tora.l madnessl A rural sn"k" movie thatt oh so much more. A demented old kook named Snakey operltes a reptile frm in the middle ofnowhere Through a biane chain gor-hic

Weird Movies - FreeAdmission Wednesdav. Auqust L3 9A5






of eu.ns-h. b..omei mhinged md kills offhalf the tom with his trained snakes. \Ze've seen all that a millio; dmes. But what makes Snakes extra special is all the perveme little sick rouches. For exmple the prim local schoolmum uses Snakey o i reprile pimp for her sick sex rhrills, the brother md sisrer grocers seem ro have m in"*,roi,, relationship, Snakey likes co strip his victims down to their undemea md wont of all, John Phitip Sousa n*.ho blare rhroughout *re movie like some sort ofdemented leitmotil-On top ofthat there ae about a dozen plugs for Dad's Root Beei \fha? I'm not lying. This moviet out-of-control. - Lrs

Freeze Bomb

The Best of W'eird'Wednesdays

(197S d. Al Admson,90 .in. Rlir.e ad"misiont Ilyou haue a medical condition that makes it unwise for you to laugh your ss off fot m hour md a half, then we uree vou: PLEASE STAY'HOME. deause Freru Bomb could be your grim reaper' 'Ih'ir Al Ad"-ton dsic may well be dte worst acrion movie ever made nor sruring a chimp, a midset or Lorenrc Lmu. It's the kind of bad bad movie that makes you f..l ro i.ry goof, in,ide. Jim "Black BeltJones" Kelly and Myron Bruce lle (Myron?) re the kurig fu fighting heros out to stop a supenillain nued The Pig from developing Jre 'Trcre bomb' which urns victims into cheesy looking-snowmen Alonp the-wav Kellv md ke have to deal with vuious double-dealers od scwbags rh. secrer formula. Vith George Lmnby, Aldo Ray, Terry Moore, *ho ir. o "l "ft., and Huold "Oddjob" Sakata s The Pig. Oh yeah, thera a mem-m snapping turde too. Ifyou miss this one you bener have a doctort note. For real. - Iss

Movies - FreeAdmission Thursdav Ausust L4, 9245

(1968, d. Jess Franco, free admission, 92 min, PG) In the late'60s producer Harry Allan Towers, noted international procurer md skinflick king, acquired the rights to Su Rohmer's incredibly racist Fu Manchu stories. The results, while hudli euth shartering, ae at leat fast-paced and pretty to look at. Directed by the unbelievably prolific Jess Frmco (THE DEMONS, 99 VOMEN, md 180 other movies) and starring Christopher Lee as the tallest Fu Manchu ever, C"ASTLE OF FU MANCHU combines *re paper-thin character development of *re old serials with the bright colors, exotic loations, and hot starlet accion characteristic of'60s European spy movies. In other words: pure pulp, with all rhe strengths md waknesses that implies. Featuring Eurobabes Rosalba Neri (who stole the show c e in 99 \iTOMEN) md Mtia Perschy (that \fllTCH V'ITHOUT A BROOM). - Lars

Anime at the Alamo Perfect Blue

Tiresday, August 12 7 z0O
(1997, d. Satoshi Kon, 80 min.) Ard'so it goes more gmes and prirs. and one of*re best suspense thriJlers made for anime. Once again in the faceofultim:re violencewe live up the optimistic end ofthings. BringyourAnime Idol Slndrome

Presented by Zenrei Anime

Gregory Peck Rerospective The Gunfighter

Thursday, August 14, 7 zOO PM Sunday, August L7, 4:30 PM

Almo Drafthouse Cinema tickets md hfo


(1950, d. Henry King, 85 min , 96; 94.50 suclent/senior/AFS) The addicts of 'Western licrion may lind rhemselves rubbing their eycs and sitrins up fst ro take notice bcfore fivc minutes have gone by in Twcnrieth Cenury Foxt The Guntrghrer For suddenly rhcy will ciiscovcr rhar Lhev rrc nor keeping company with the usual sort ofhero ofthe commonplace Vesrern at all. SuJdenly, indeed, they will discover rhat they are in rhe exciting presence of one of rhe mosr fascinating lVestern heroes as ever looked tlown a six-shooter's barrel. Sure, the dark, dusn' horsenan of rhis 6crion, played shrervdJy by Grcgory Peck, is personally remore and laconic, just as mosr \fesrern buckos are, and het a dangerous man wirh a pistol .-the ackrowledged .,top gun of the Vest.,, Furthermore, he has no hesitation to puc a lead slug through rhe heart of a reckless upsrart who tries to jump him in the very first scene ofthe filrn. But the uncomrnon thing abour hin is thar hc hares ro shoot. Hc js rrying, in facr, to shun trouble in the mosr determincc{ way Only the young, foolish .,squilts,,in every barroom worit let him pursue his peaceful rva1,. They rvanr to oulCraw the famous "bad man." That's che gamut he has to run. And it is along this iine of presentation thar Nunnally Johnson has contrived, as a consequence, one of the rautest and most stimulacing rvesterls of dre ycar For a 6ne script by lVilliam Borvers and Villiam Sellers brings this gent to a rare rendezvous with desriny in a Westcrn froncier torvn, wirh vcngeful pursuers behind him and a f'aint, hopeful hrcure befbre. And good witing, good direcrion, and good acring in this chronologiol span of a couple of hours provides some of the slickesr, sharpest drama that you rvill get in this type of film. - Nerv york 'l'imes

#*$.$l$i.$i*.t# Camedy7 Risk Factors Show Friday, August 157zOO &.9A5
Tlrc similaricy in rhe Iloorplan of che Alamo Drafthouse Cinema to that of your \rmdrrd i\\uc comedy ,lub ha\ b((.n norcd by m:ny. Ar lone la.r, rhe Al'mo has decided co a.r on rhir archerecrural dereil 6y lrunchinq rhe"very fint Almo improv comcdl shorq Unlike orhtr comedy shom. howeve"r, rhe CbmedvT fusk Frctors will fcarrrrc movit rel:red rhinrc.:nd rhrow audio md vid'eo.u.s "hou into rhe imprnr nix. lIvou rc rired of rhe.amr old comcdy shoq .h<k our rhi.dehur Alantu imFro\ ..ntcdy !how. ronceivedarrd cxe.ur.i bu L.. M.G.h.. oi Na(ional ComeJl Thcarcr anJ our own Owen Egercon lrom Mr. Sinu. fme.

Boogie Nights
{lqq-. d. flt Ardenon. Ii2 min. R."$sr Ah. ,lr. po,n *a^,,1 ary.. it's ruled over by Girls Gone \7ild and Snoop Dogg, brrr ir .an't aLwavs tliar way. In dre 1970s, porn was shown in small moviJih.arers rhar roembl! sorrc of rhc arrh.use rherrers of rod:y. rhere werenr mulri-rnqle DVD.. or inrerner downloa,lr. or even r ideo rape,. There sa. fi lm, pure and .imple. In rhar q.rlJ oflaLe -0' porn.Jack H'rrrir ha' a dr,am: lrc uanr, pc,,plc rn'.ray in rhc theacer aftcr theyve jerLed off to his 6lm. tddie, er, Dirkbicgl.r, iusi u,ants to be a srrr. and h. rerlll-docsnr carc rh:r h.. tJmou, lor. {ia ,tl rh. .hrr;.rcr, in rhis Alrm.rn,esque 6Jm arc srill :nxiuusly oursuing their personal dreams, all stiil dreaming,'l hr(omin)l,umethingelse. lr i'rhrr vearnirrLrnd\(ri\lrcrhai rnake, ea. h r.h:rar ter mparl rer i. . ohviou'lv. evcn il r uu ve nev. r dreamiof hreaking 'o.,1 irrto the p.rn indu.try vourselt

August t4-L6, Midnisht,,{lamo Downtown August 2l-23,Midnieht. Alano Lake Creek -ffr.,.

OT - OurTown
August 16-2l,7zD0 "Terrific fun! Lively and Touching!" - New york Times
(2u02, d. S.ocr HmiLton Kcnnedy, t6 mit, $6/$4.50 stuJenc/senior/AFS) C)T: T"-n recall. Srrnd and Dcliver. wirhour rhe Hollwood elo.s. Ar Manuel Domirguez High. where boyr go NBA our of l 2rh grad.. direrroi S.orr Hamihon Kennedr lollowr mo rcacher, mounring r producrion of Thornron Vilder,s miniarurisr epic irs srrring morphing lro'm N." U.^o, ," Ulr.i. *a Mexican L.A. After deciding ro ivoidbeinq "it"i. gficrro, dre kids rdd uersonal ioo rou(hc\ one qcar: hi. drdj rrrdirionrl Mexicrn"wedding suit. ShUfuf edidng heightens the suspense around rvhether rhe phy will happen'ar all. - Village Voice"

"Ext-raordinaryT an instant classic!" - Variety



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at drafthouse.con


and go seek in the dark. Perhaps. But more fitting would be a duel to win your Ald whiie we asked some ofour staff, the girls wererit roo keen about being given away as prizes ro perfect strangers, and we have other plans for the bo1.s. This week, we are proud to bring you the world and svmbolism of revolutionary girl utena: adolesccnce ofucena. Based on the television series, the feature length movie develops-ven mists-very character further than rhe serics. Adolescence ofutena has it all: mystery llntasy, intrigue all set in

che frealqresr schooi this side ofhogwarts, From the director of sailor moon, ikuhara brings a new meaning to lirerary visual symbolism. Only the students can unravel the ffuth in their shadows. How will utena copel Yuri, sword fights,






and a beautifully designed campus bring out the raw emotions ofeach character
as they explore conspiracies and power struggles


a game

where the

students are pawns for amusement.

ri;:'::'i iiii.i:tl$,iLrli::1' 'rl4wt. . ll'tl{.,,'1,,;;i*

Derrick Beckles' TV Crnt.g.

Coleman back again rhis time defending his existence, in court, Excessive "fat normaldom, displays of no.m"rldo-, Pinches of low fat racism, Cops, Performances bl low b1 unKlowns ular sn inspire unknowns that s'ill rnsPlre rou ro reconsider living, 80t infomercials, 80'r reconstoer lvlng, dus lnIometcldsJ 6us action that will have 1ou pumping lour mesh-gloved 6st in the air Children being adults AND AduLs beine.hildren, Bibleman, New Agers, Dogs, ldiots, \?'eight los .HAIRDRESSER. Tlnv people, The Gays, Suophones, METAL!, md a rodeo monkey riding a dog: jusito namc a fcw ng doe: iust to fcw


CARNAGE is tle orieinal stst-coasr TV vandalism shoq melding che mo't parheric and qimulrmeor'lr perfe,' momcnr. of dayimeTV, adrenising. sitoms, 100 Huntlev Stret md pseudo-journalism into a fearure-length nonstop barrage of the most rerrilf ing kind of cclcvision hugging you will ever see. Beckles watched television fbr u'hat looks like about a dozen straight yeas ofhis life to bring you all *re stulTu'orch pausing at before continuing on vour endless loop of channel surfing. Sraring from a mad riff on "the makarenkt'', Beckles akes us through the ber momenrs from late-night infbmercials, junk news, and less-than-popula sitcoms that 1ou will make you wince and grin at rhe same time. This sruf gorITCE maguine's stmp of approval: can you takc it all in one sitting? !7e dare rou. -Blinding Light Program Guide not compilations of plain old bad TV These are deeper, darker and funnier thm I had a'er chought they could be. - NME
These are

Snakehunt Wednesday is documentary night

Take a spellbinding journey co Si'aurika, Oklahoma where town folk enjoy their busiest time of year: Ractlesnake hunting season. Not only do the locals hunt ratdesnakes on the second weekend of wery april, they also host the worlds "iargest and friendliest" SNAKEHLDJT. People travel fiom all over the globe co visit the cown and for three days rhe communiry is transformed from a small, quier town inco a bustling hub of activity. Tag along with the hunters, cake a pol*oid with a defanged rattlesnake, visic the butcher shoppe, or sit in on a thrill show... but rencmber: A SNAKE DON'T DIE TILL SUNDOVN. There is a distincr possibiliry of a LI\E snake thrill show before the 6lm md to be sure there will be rattler on che spccials board. Come on down for a truly bizrre multi-sensory exrravaganza!

August 20, 9:30 PM

Anime Amme at the Alamo Adolescence of Utena

Tuesday, August 19 9:30


I :*,

PM Presented by Znrei Anime

(1962 d. Chano Urueta) OK, you already knew we were great, bringing you the bcst movie series in the world everv Wednesday for frce. But this Wednesday we'Jl practicalll' be giving you money. That's right, because you can take that moneyvou were just about to spend on mind-altering drugs and put it right back

(1999, D. Kunihiko ikuhaa, 87 min.) lVhar are we going to do nexti F{ide

Almo Drafthouse Cinema: tickets md info

at drafthouse,com


in your pocket. THE BRAINIAC packs rnore psychoacdvc mojo than a Frisco speedball wich a side ofvcterirrary tranquilizers. Ancl we have our friends from South OfThe Border to thank for it. As the rcfined connoisseur knows, horror movies arc the rcal shit. All rhaL stulf that Anicrican film-makers lcrrncd from the German masters about subdcty and slowll mounting armosphcrc gocs right out che window in fivor ofa cori(irua1 barrdlic ofvisceral shocks. \flhat's it about, you askl \Vell, coincidcnt rvith a cerrain rn1'srerious cclcstial conllucnce,
a depravcd Spanish Baron is resurrcctcd as a bizarre, balloon,headcd lieakazoid

who sucks his viceims bmins out with e long conguc-like protuberance. Ihis really has to be seen to be believed and see ir xru *'ill, again and again in gianr close-ups, accompanicd bv a repulsive slurping sound. Ar inadverrent (l) surrealist masterpiece shor through u'ith rlreanr logic, great hokcv horror-muvie music, and the kind of weird disembodied,voicc sryle dubbing so cherished by those ofus who cherish stufflike thrr- - [.rrs

Spanking the Monkey

August 2I -23, Midnight, Alamo Downtown August 28-30, Midnight, Alamo Lake Creek
(1994, d. Devid O. Russell, 100 nin., NR, $5) Russell wenr on ro pen and direcr the more well-known hlns FlirtingVy'ith Disaster and Tlree Kings,brr this simpie "How I Spent My Summcr Vacacion" movie still rcsonares. Jeremy Davies 6rst stood out as Rrvmond, a promising young pre-med student forced to smy at home for rhe summer ro care for his rnother who sullers from a broken leg, depression, and a severe self-esceen problem. Mother and son are imprisoned cogedrel his summer fling with a high school girl doesnt work our to rvell fbr him, and, ro top it all off, he cmt wen seern to find a momcnt of

ol hinseli" \flacching the characters intcract rvith each other anc{ dcvelop their relationships is a fascinating, ifsomervhat disrurbing, experience. Jusr dorr't bring your mom *'ith you to see this one. For real.
privacy to "ger a grip

Gregory leck Retrospective

Cape Fear
Thursday, August 2I TzAO PM Sunday, August 24 4zO0 ?M
(1962, d. J. Lee Thompsol, 105 min, PG, $6; $4.50 srudenr/senior/AFS)
Cape Fear is a single-rninded rhriller about a civilizcc{ mans forced descenr inrt' violence in order to protecr his famil,v from a sadistic monster. (iregon Peck

Snn Bowden, a successfui atrorncy il a srnall towr in Gcorgia. Sam loving wifb, Peggy (Polly Bcrgen), and a vibranr prctecn daughter nrmed Nancy (Lori Martin). They harre rhe perfecr Arnerican existcncc, until an ex-con
stars as has a appears io o*tr onc da1'. Crdy has 1rrst four months, ancl fourtccn da)'s" in prison, cvcry second of which he blames on Sanr becausc Sarn lvas a kcy cycu'itness in his conviction for brutally assaulring a woman. As clevcr:rs he is malicious, Cady subtly and sadisticallv begins ro rhre;1ten rhe fabric of rhe irmily's cornfort, salbty been released alter "eight ycars,

nmed Mu Cady (Robert Micchuor)

The Real FreddyVs Jason

Sunday, August 24,7100

and their very lives.


Iiriday the I 3th Part I vs. Nightmare on Elm Street Part 1 not saving it's going ro suck, but:s much as I an pcrsolally looking


Almo Drafthouse Cinema: tickets md info


fomard to Freddy vs. Jason, I know that there is a distinct possibiliry rhat ir !7ILL suck. For this reason, the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema is staging the rel
Freddy vs. Jason battle in the theater to decide once md for all who is the champ. Friday the 13th Part I vs. Nightmue on Elm Sreet Put l. Al audience vote after the double feamre will determine it. Before the films and at the break, we'll have fabulous prizes, a costme and impersonation contest, plus what just may seem like m endless srream of Friday the 13th md Nightmare on Elm Street Ti'ailers. Due I say, rhe

Anime at the Alamo Ninja Scroll

Tuesday, August


Presented by Zenrei Anime

(199311995, d. Yoshiaki Kawajiri, 94 min- note: this screening is on video) The weekly summer run is coming to an end, nuch as the world ha done in several di$erent ways over the course of these 8 weeks. Oh how empty our days will be without you here with us. Might as well close out with a bang. \7e at Zenrei are ready for target practice. Throughout the frlm Zenrei staffwill walk the aisles wearing special otchers. Write your name on the Zenrei anime throwing strs and try to get yours in lback, chest, head]. Finalists will throw offagainst a target board. Will you be paying attention to the film or the prize? And thus we give you Ninja Scroll. 'A relentless Japmese anime feast..." says !7ired Maguine. Ninja Scroll features a wicked ast of characters, extraordinary 6ght scenes, md stunning mimation from Yoshiaki Kawajiri and Mad House Studios. Jubei is a masterless ninja who travels the lan<{ alone, hiring his senices to those with gold or a worthy cause. V4ren a small village succmbs to a terrible plague after mysterious riders were seen in the are4 a team of ninjas is sent to investigate. As they neu the village they are quickly wiped out by a monstrous mm with incredible powers. The only suruiving ninja is Kagero, a beautiful woman whose rouch can kill. Kagero is taken prisoner by the mysterious warriot but fate favors her Jubei is passing through town md courageously saves her from a fate worse than death. Kagero and Jubei discover the faede that is the plague, md as a consequence de marked for death by a warlord whose blood marked Jubeit karana several years before. This film hd blood, gore, a linle nudiry md a great plot. Ninja Scroll is a must see for any fan ofaction and anything ninja.

August 25-28:
(2002, d. Angela Chrisdieb AFS,


calendar for showtimes

Kijak, 80 min, $6; $4.50 studentlsenior/




focuses on five New Yorkers who take their


to giddy heighr. The,v te the *treme of the qtreme, when it comes to being infatuted wi*r rie moving image. Ve are introduced to the five over cool mbient euro-bec, c this ve ry mny md quite srylish documentary begins Their lives are orgmired round film. They spend more time inside theatres than at home or outside. The su is a distant reminder and the only stas seen are in Technicolor. Work, fmily, sex ud food take back seats to getting to the right there on time. They dont wat to make film. They dont wmt to work in filmobsession

Tbey jusr wmr to watch 6lm. All che r jme.

sm thinling rhis is all too depresing, if it wasnt for our cot of A more whacked out bunch of film nuts you'll never see. Jheir taks on their obwion with the movies are hysterical, outrageous and
You could
loveable oddballs. somtimes a Iirde craqr One lives in a fmtasy world and attaclc cashiers, one calls wery projectionist in NYC to find out about prints, one can't open their ftont door, one collecs mzing soundtracls but owns no reord player, one only lika the French Nw Wave and eats a iu of peuut butler with every smdwich, one knows the running time of every film made, and one wmts to make love to Rita Hayworth but only in bEcw. For film fesdval fans this is the ultimare domentary trt. !?hen it's all over look uound you.. recognize uy simila behavioural chaacteristis m the New York Five? - Beck's Inqedible Film

AKA Red$(hite and Black

They were black troopers who fought and killed dre red mm for a white govemment rhat didnt give a dmn about either one! I havent seen this movie yet, so I can't really sell you on the qualiry of itt content. I can only sell you on the strength of it's theory. I've watched a lot of exploitation films, md when you get a gritry tagline like the one above, you know the producers were setting out to make a fast buck off of urban audiences. For me this is a good thing, The recipe is simple: take a tried md true genre (cop buddy, karate, dracula, biker, or in this instance, the Western), drop in an all-black ast with black-power sensibilties, sprinkle a few B-grade has-been actors who cm srill chomp up their lines (Cesar Romero), set a young ambitious director to stirring (qPloitation
actor Bud Carlos: Hells Argels on 'Wheels, Psych-Out, Savage Seven), md add a l0 day shooting schedule s'ith zero budget md whala, you get mything from crap to gold. For me, Soul Soldier feels like a winner, so I m doubling dom md

FstiYal Guide

'A funny md

affectionate documentary,.

perfect crowd-pleaser.." -- Screen

"Aryone whot held onto some movie ticket stubs or secret plors to kill the person who takes 3 minutes to unwlap a endy bar during a crucial moment in a 6lm will relare ro this brillimt docmentary.,." --

"...80 minutes offacination and eccentricity..."

Film Threat

"We loved it! These characters have clearly crossed over some line md can no longer be considered norma.l or sue. After watching this film, we te ready to cros that line ourselves." - D.A. Pennebaker (DON'T LOOK BACK) & Chris Hegedu (STARTUP.COM)


Almo Drafthouse Cinema: tickets md info


(1971, D. Hal Ashby, PG, 91 min, $5) Black comcdies don't come much blacker than chis cult favorite from 1972, and, they don't come much firnnier, either It seemed thar direccor HaI Ashby was the perfect choice to mine a mother lode

of eccentricity from the original script by Colin Higgins, about the unlikely
romance bcwcen a death-obsessed l9-year-old named Huold (Bud Corr) and a life-loving 79-year-oid widow nmed Maude (Ruth Gordon). They meet at a funeral, and Maude finds something oddly appealing about Harold, uging him to "reach out" ard grab life by rhe lapels as opposed to dwelling morbidly on mortaliry Harold grows fond of the old gal-shels a lor more fun than the girls his mother desperately matches him up with--and rogerher rhey make Harold & Maude one of the sweetest and most unconventional love stories ever made. Much of the earlier humor arises fiom Harold's outrageous suicide faltaies, played out as a kind of wisted palor game to morti$' his mother, who's grown immune to her strange son's antia. Gradually, however, the filmt clever humor shifts to a brighter outlook and hnally arrives at a point where Harold is truly happy to be a1ive. Featuring soundrrack songs by Cat Stevens, this comedy certainly wont appeal to all tastes (it was a box-office flop when firsr released), but iflou're on its quirky wavelength, it might just strike you as one ofthe funniesr movies youve ever seen. --JefShannon


Strip Club DJ's is documentary night

9 245

W'ednesday, August 27,


(2002, d. Derrick "TV Carnage" Beckles, 85 min, R, $6; $4.50 studenr/senior/ AFS/stripper) One approaches a film on rhis topic with a sense ofhumour: surely ic couldnt have anything other than good ribald laughs. But as Strip Club DJs inches ever closer to its conclusion, it becones more and more disturbing, until you are choked-up with a combination of contempt and piv for thosc who would play the tunes at your local peeler bar It turns our rhat che DJ is the nerve centre for the whole operarion: not only must he spin the discs, he must also arrange who has the rights to certain songs, quell unrest amongst dancers, and act as securiry gurd to ensure that the VIP room hasni curned inro a bawdy house-unless, of course, he's being tipped to look thc other way Bur rhe film is more than the nuts-and-boks of the operation. The intcrview subjects are uniformly jaded: theyve seen too many disgusting goings-on (and maybe participated in rhem) to vierv the job as anything other than something to get away from, and their mixed emotions are palpable bv film's end. The environment, with its cr"y sex and plentiful drugs, is conductive to all manner ofself-destructive behaviour; one DJ has acquired a coke habit *rat's already given him a heart attack. As such, it's guaranteed to make you look askance at the very idea ofa strip club (assuming you doni already). - Film Freak Central


Brothers/Big Sisters present

The Goldenvoyage of Sinbad

The Saturday Morning Film Ctub - Free Admission

Saturday,August30, noon
Sinbad embarks on anorher adventure of magic and monsters. ln the pre-George Lucas/Steven Spielberg days, the grearest fantasy advenrure lilms were rhe ones that feanued the eye-popping special effects of Ray Harryhausen. This 1974 movie recalls rhe halcyon days of the late '50s md early '60s u.hen Saturday matinees at the local movie thcater ruled the entertainmcnt world of pre-teens. Although this flick suffers in comparison with rhe superior "7th Voyage of Sinbad," *rere is enough to like about it to recommend vicwilg and ownership. The monsrers are good, especially the ccntaur/cyclops thar rhrearens the delectable Caroline Munro. The sword fight with the multi-limbed starue of the goddess Kali recallt RH\ previous work in "Jason and the Argonauts" wirh the hydra-hcaded dragon and the army of skeletons. Thc animarion and non-computerized FX are eye pleasing enough that one wishes lor more screen time for thc monsters. The plot occasionally gets in the rvay of the action. Ona the FX kicks in, things ger livelier. This is good "G" rated entertainmcnt that pleases Ray Harryhausen llns and pre-teens ofall ages. Suspend disbeliefand have fun. ;) IMDB

Harold and Maude

August 28-30, Midnight, Alamo Downtown

Alamo Drafthouse Cineme tickets md info at

Season opener!

A haliblind a-prirefighter (Maguire) and mustang breaker (Cooper) rem up with a millionaire (Bridges) and his rough-hervn, undersired horse, Seabiscuit. The men bring Seabiscuit incredible heights, helping him earn Horse of the Yeat honors in 1938. Based on a true srory. We are currently in the planning stages for a picnic outing to the racetrack on Seabisbuit opening day to partake in a little legal horse wagering, followed by a rally back ro the theater to check out Seabiscuit. Look for more details on w.drafthouse .com.


UT Football on the Movie Screen UT vs NewMexico State

Free admission' great

food and drink specials!

Satur&y, August 30' timeTBA

fhe Alamo Drafthow Cinima has esablished itself as the premiere spot for watching UT hnghorn football in Austin W'e feaure a.ll gmes on our movie screen in Dolby Suromd Somd. !fli*r the possible *ception of live in the stadium, the Almo Drafthouse Cinema is the perfect spot for the serious foorball fu. All eyes in the auditoriw re focused on the movie screen, where the acrion
on *re 6eld will be luger dran [ife! We will be showing every available regular and post-seasn gme, od ADMISSION IS FREE TO ALL GAMES, we will have great beer specials, md * always, our kitchen will be serving up piza, burgers, pasa and wdwiche swed to your seat! Lok for gret food md drint specials and prire giveaways wery week!

Pistol Opera
n inexplicrble pageanr of extraterrestrial co6lnest. Pisrol Opera is pulp arriste Seijun Suzuki's first film to see a U S. releae in more than 35 years, md fierce befuddlement will surely fom in its wake. Suzuki was 78 when the movie

Two Note Solo presents

All Good Stuff

SundayAugust 31, 7:00



sprouted up at 2001 6lm festivals, ud in virtually every way, itt the work ofa .-"rt".k"*r, self-pleasing coot, dismissing narrative conveniences in favor of gumball-colored vogue-noir, goof| digressions, bulldozing sight gaggery and an inexhaustible tank of sryle. That is, Suzuki has made the ultimate meta-movie, a self-prodying, surrealist gangster daydrem as intoxicating and insubstmrial * u absinthe swoon. - Vllage Voice

Almo Drafthouse Cinemar tickets md info




W Paul Steklet The knock on theatrical releases for documentaries is that people just won't go to see them. Like taking medicine, it might be good for you but why go out of your *ayif ybu don't hJve to. I suspect for much o] the film going audience out there, the word "documentary" strikes a chord in the back of their mind that conjures up some combination of eamest public teievision or Discovery Channel show on exotic animals or the science film they siept through in a darkened junior high class. fuel, that just isn't fair. Just as for every "Raging Bull", there are far more "Dumb and,Dumererl' films waiting for you at the muliiplex, the documentaries you may remember less than fondly are no reflection oi the-docs out thereihui u.. entertaining, compelling, and unforgetable. And best of all, while these films do just what the best narrative films do, they're also about people's real lives.

As I write this, I'm thinking that the tension I feli watching those kids at the National Spelling Bee in "Spellbound" made my insides churn as much as watching the car chase in "The French Connectioi.,, And that I felt for the basketball players in "Hoop Dreams" even more than their fictional counterparts in uHoosiers'" Alrd I laughed louder (and then got angrier) in parts of "Roger and Me,' than in most feafure films- I 99 to_. It's always been my thought that iI a wider audience got a chance to see the personal films o{ Alan Berliner or Judith Helfand or Ross McElwee (well, some &d *ith "sherman's March,,, the best dating movie of all time to some), they'd love them. And isn't that what love is all about, discovering someone new and discovering feeiings you didn't know you had.
So go out there and love a

documentary. It,ll make you feel good.

PatLl S,tekler is a professor in tlrc RTF department at l-lT. He's also a nationally recognized documentary flmmaker and all around doc god' He's written for us here because he's into the idea of haaiig regular zoeekly siieenings of documentaies at the Alamo Downtown eaeru week.



W[H( GtI Rill.


Freeing NYC from the clutc'hes Starbucks and normaldom

Reverend Billy July 9


Mullet Men Julv 23

Big Apple fish tosser pit-s his arm against the men of the mighty south

Filmmaker Robert Cordorilive in


Muddy Waters Julv 30

Dancing 6utlaw and rhe Wild W;rld of Hazii Adkins

Hillbilly Double Bill Aug

Snake Hunt Aus 20

Explore the crazy. lascinaiing party that is the biggest rattler round-up

Strip Club DJs

Mullets and masturbatio-n.

what more can we say?

Aug 27


AImo Drafthouse Cinema: tickets md info at

Go]ilrssr0]rs 0rA

Movie trailers ue very importanr to me.


you ask John Morrow, rhe head


also obsess about movie trailers, here are a few websites you may

want to

projecdonist at Almo Village md de-facto curator of the Almo film tchive, he may say *rat they are too important to me. \fhen we opened up 5 yers ago, I owned about a doren vintage trailers which we would string up before midnight movies to enhance dre viewing experience. Since that time, a mania has slowly taken root, md I en now e*ily rationalize the purchase ofhundreds ofvintage trailers at a rime as a legitimate buiness expense. The Alamo now owns over 2,000 vintage trailers, most are from B-grade 2nd features from the 70t md 80's.

check out:


alwavs on the

lookout for more - four years ago, these gu1's formed an awrds show dedieted to rhose who labor to create the best of the best trailers each year In 2003 they have enough street cred to be able to aford Dennis Miller as the master of ceremonies. You can also check out rheir mobile GOLDEN TRAILER rig, which is so up our alley that in the middle of witing this article, I took five to email them an official invite to our trailer friendly ciry sabucat.con - JeffJoseph who runs Sabucat has taken a good deal ofmy money over rhe lears and has found a loophole that allows for copyright-free use of trailer images pre-1961r. His site gives an oveniew of this legal loophole that spawned his (fiom what I gather) lucrative niche business, some cool smple scenes, a film dating chart, so you on tell your 1977 rerelease from the real deal 1962 original issue. Jeffwas jailed, along with Roddy McDowell and other film collecting hobbyists in i972 during the Jack Valenti copyright witchiunrs. Jeff now owns the largest collection of 35mm trailers in the world. Jack Valenti is

'!(/hile I sill love watching current movie trailers, the process today has become far too calcu.laced. Furthermore, one of the main problems with new release Holllwood pictures, dre blatant overuse ofthe clichd post-MTV frenetic cuming
technique, is abused exponentially in the mo minute trailer form. Back i" rhe day, before tet-mrkedng and targer demographic analysis, the sudios would iust pay some schmuck minimum wage to cobble together a trailer and send it out to the rheters. Some ofthese trailers were mind-blowingly original works ofart in tleir own right. Some were the most tedious, boring anti-sales pitches imaginable. I love both ends of the spectrum. The B-movie producers had it all pegged riough, pack * much cheap, tawdry over-the-top exploitive elements into borh tie trailer and the poster and the people will come, you cu later save money wirh rhe making of the actual film. By the time the audience Fgures theyve been duped by.a cool trailer, you already have rheir mone,v The big gun ofB-movie producinf, ftith over 500 films under his belt is Roger Corman. Now dnt man knew how to mlke a trailer and sell a film. !?e've off and on toyed wi*r the ida of bringing Roger Corman out to the Almo for a marathon screening of ALL ofhis rrailers, itt still in my "things to do" 6le.


chump. .com/fearure slchi-}10727!oiceoveistory?coll=chi-


Article on "the Tonsils ofTinsletown," Don La Fontaine.

Top 5 trailers from


Drafthouse Cinema collection

The Corman shox howevet is better conceived dtm one of our other unproduced progrmming concepts. Here's rle gist: contact the trailer king, Don La Fontaine (he's the deep-voiced guy - the undispured master of the Holllvood trailer), fly him in and make him say things. Make him order food in my presence, nake him record my answering machine message md the movie phone listings, make him prank call my friends, make him record numerous Alamo commercials, and ofcourse run a marathon progrm ofDon La Fontaine (making a mental note ro call Don trailers and give him the key to the ciry
La Fontaine....)

Look for a selection of thematically chosen vintage ttailers before every movie ar rie Almo Drafthouse, new or old, And for rhose who complained about the lenghy rape sequence in the REDNECK COLTNTY trailer playing before S\?EET HOME AIABAMA or numerous other "unforrunate" trailer/Glm pairings at the AImo, I apologize. Blme it on *re mania,

l. Stunt Rock - this ffailer was purchased blind, knowing nothing but che fact that for $10, a trailer called Stunt Rock seemed like a sound investmenr. Thousands ofAustinites have vierved this trailer at the Alamo. It is singlehandedly responsible lor the resurgence in popularity (or at leat perceived resurgence) of the metal band Sorcery Their manager even took out some late night oble spots because of the response to our Sfunt Rock trailer They broke the mold with Stunt Rock. 2. Black Belt Jones - overplayed, but it packs a whallop. This wo the first trailer I ever purchased. 3- Eat My Dust - one ofmy favorite trailer narracors, part ofthe Corman stable, the real Don Steel. Now that guy could narrate. I imagine Corman just let this guy riff Sreele was a very popular LA DJ at the time and basically played himself in EAI MY DUST, DEAIH RACE 2000 and ROCK AND ROLL HIGH SCHOOL. Don died of Lung Cmcer in 1997. He will be missed mong trailer

4. Fated Guitar Alive - Roy Orbison with a Smirh and \Vesson repeat aclion
several versions

5. Gator Strong use of the trailer as concise entertainment nugget. There ile of the Gator trailer. You wmna see the Burt Reynolds narrated one. Classic, and fron Burtt salad days.
League, owner,


Alamo Drafthouse Cincma, rrailer enthusiast

Almo Drafthouse Cinma tickets md info at &



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WE CAra DO...

Alamo Drafthouse domtown has come to be known as one ol the preniere meeting and conference facilities in Austin. Our powerful audio-visual equipment makes lor impressive presentationq our flexible catering sta{f cm set the tone you want, md the ntertaiment optioro offer a perfect way to unrvind following the business at hand.

ailD t{ow fltEnE s rf,oRE...

The new Alamo Drafthouse North is also be available for private functions. Situated convenientlv close to mmy of the high tech centers in Austin, our new location offers easy access from Mopac and Highway 18! and has ampie parking adjacent to the iheater

altD tionE ar{D noRE...

Alamo is famous for creating special events that have athacted nationwide attention. Now we can recreate some of lhese events just for you, for a trdy memorable party. The Spaghetti Westem Spaghetti Feastr Enjoy heaping all-you -cm-eat sPaghetti with a classic spaghefti westem like The Good, The Bad and. the Ugly or AFistful of Dollaro. (The spaghetti theme also
The goes :geIl w

ilh T he

G o dt'atherl

MLSinusTheater3000: BasedonthepopuldtvshowMysffryScienceTheafer,owvetsioncombinesLivecomedywithskits md musical interludes. The Mr Sinus conedim tale some of the world's wo$t movies md tum them inio a rollid<ing good time by adding comedic dia.log md comentary. This is one of the Alamo's most popular special events, drawirg sold-out
crowds almost every time. Food themed movies: Many popular movies revolve around food. For the Almo's two -yed miversary we qeated a fivecourse meal that followed the pro8ression of dishes served in the romantic epiereil masterpiece Like \Nalet For Chocolate, The possibilities are endless, and or kitchen stafl is ready to prepare a menu specific to your event.

AlamoontheRoad: LastsummermukedthelirstAlamooff-siteeventever! TheoutingwasbasedonthemovieDeliverqnccin which Iour city dwel1e$ plan a cmoe trip on the last wild river in the South, soon doomed to extinction bv the corotruction of a dam. They face the dangers of the river and the elements, md finally the ultimately terri(ying encounter of mm against mm. We plamed a cme hip on the Colorado fuver which ended up at a pimic by the banks oi the river with music, food md beer When the su went down we had a massive 40 foot movie screen erected on the banks of the river and watched Deliaerance mder the stars. We also have h the works other lilm outings, including a temporary drive-in for a weeklong festival this
sPrinS. From meetings and prcsentation to team-building sessioro and awuds ceremonies, or just a fun night out fo! Alamo has proven to be a perfect site for parties of all ages.

group, the


All EYlltT OR FOR ttlORE tNFOnmAflOil GAtt 40t,953t

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