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Super Acheiver Mindsets by Bernhard Dohrmann MASTERMIND EXERCISES Excerpt The following rules will help you turn

on and off a regular meeting with your Mastermind Team:

Set a date to begin. Make a list of prospective Team members you think would enjoy the PROCESS. Let them know it will be a fun time. Be enthusiastic. Expect some rejection and be insulated from any negative energy. Approach those you believe will be like-minded, positive supporters. Ask them simply: Will you meet each week for 90 minutes with me to help me form a Mastermind Team to work on a project I think can bring more success into each of our lives? I have chosen you as one of my key mastermind team members. I will need some of your time, but it will be well worth the moments you invest in this opportunity for an improved future. Just say yes and meet with us at my home on _____ at ______. Arrive early please and stay late. What's your answer YES or YES! 1. Invite five to seven key people to join your Mastermind Team. Ask each individual to make a commitment to serve the team, to be like-minded with you, and to be supportive of the stated mission which you share with each prospective member. Only bring like-minded members into the team. Start team meetings with three or more individuals in agreement. 2. Select individuals who can help you achieve your mission. You do not need to know the individual well. You may be introduced to the individual by others you know who understand the team mission and know key talent that can help. 3. State your mission (dream) clearly. Your team members should be sensible extensions of the mission personality. Know your objective. Your written statement must convey the idea with a WOW emotion that attracts others to the idea. Ask the best writer to help you phrase the idea. Dress your idea with words that convey the ideals and principals you empower into your dream, as well as the basic concept. Words are the clothing of ideals and dreams. 4. Establish a regular place and time to hold your Mastermind team meeting. All chairs are arranged in a CIRCLE. Refreshments are served before and after. The Meeting starts with the word GO following your introduction of purpose of THIS individual meeting. The meeting ends with the word END or COMPLETE. The meeting pauses with the word TIMEOUT or a raised hand which means silence and all debate ceases as all members raise their hands. This control language operates superior Team sessions. Memorize and practice. 5. Open your meeting by discussing your mission purpose and the priority you are working on for this specific meeting. If you do not have a priority to work on, then the purpose of the meeting is to create priorities for your Dream. Commercial projects generally require five areas of attention. For purposes of this publication, all Team functions are deemed to focus on the goal of doubling the personal income of the individual hosting the meeting, in six to eight weeks. The Team Leader is creating a secondary income source using MULTIPLE INOCME TECHONOLOGIES to develop new exciting income added to existing PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME.

MasterMind Exercises

Chapter 9

Super Acheiver Mindsets by Bernhard Dohrmann You must MAKE the service or product. You must CAPITALIZE the idea. You must ADMINISTRATE the idea. You must DISTRIBUTE the idea. You must MARKET the idea.

6. The team must agree on a written statement of the mission statement for EACH meeting of a Mastermind team, known as the PURPOSE. To remain highly organized the meeting must remain ON PURPOSE. The team leader should allocate ten minutes maximum to the task of obtaining agreement and unanimous support for the missions statement as written. Meetings without a preamble that develops 100% agreement on a WRITTEN MISSION STATEMENT (purpose) for the individual meeting, dissipate 70% of the focused creative power of the meeting. If you have been a member of a Mastermind Team, reconnect and practice these rules. You will be amazed at the new RESULTS you will procure from the same use of time. 7. The team will then work on setting project priorities to fulfill the mission statement as written. Ideas for specific highly organized ACTION will be suggested and written down. One -half hour is devoted to creative function. Discover and organize action suggestions into priority, this comes first, that comes second and then the other thing comes next. Create a list. Then organize the list of things that must be done to succeed. 8. The mastermind team will then be directed by the team leader to reorder the priorities of the ACTIONS suggested in order to complete the mission. The reordered priorities will be delegated to team members with appropriate skill. Time tables to complete the action will be established. Complete agreement by the team on the results of this effort is expressed for the final written statement of PURPOSE. 9. The team may then spend remaining time networking (90 minutes total meeting must adjourn in 90 Minutes maximum... use alarm clock to end time). Key contacts helpful to the mission statement may be developed for the Team Leader or other members following up to the ACTION PLAN the team developed. Everyone should call and make appointments with Key Connections, right on the spot, helpful to the team leader. HOW WE WILL is the only mental behavior permitted in Mastermind and Network Team activity. 10. Each new meeting is called to order after a discussion of the progress from the previous meeting and a statement by the leader of the suggested mission for the current meeting. The overview must consume no more than five minutes. The meeting is closed with a blessing. Ask that every team member be granted the most perfect possible future and attract the most perfect possible associations to share this future beside. SUGGESTED BLESSING Lord, grant that every member of our mastermind team is empowered to use their talent and skill to attract the most perfect possible future into their lives, and to attract the most perfect possible partners to share this future, into their lives. Amen.

MasterMind Exercises

Chapter 9

Super Acheiver Mindsets by Bernhard Dohrmann The Blessing is given in a circle meeting with team members holding hands.

This exercise provides a HIGHLY ORGANIZED meeting flow. The exercise suggested provides accelerated results, derived from elevated decision-making PROCESS. These lessons are instructed and practiced in various advanced human potential training classrooms around the world. If you have the opportunity to invest the time and money to experience advanced forms of mastermind team education or network eduction, set other priorities aside and enroll into the next possible class. Never stop learning new skill to employ this ultimate exercise for the muscle of the mind. The experience of this exercise is wake-up call for the sleepy muscles of the mind. A wake up call that works for everyone. Once awake, the mind muscle will never go back to sleep again. Invest whatever it takes to elevate 3% to 5% added wakefulness to the Decision Process that guarantees your personal SUPER ACHIEVER lifestyle.

MasterMind Exercises

Chapter 9

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