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C O N F I D E N T I A L T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Adequate Yearly Progress Campus Data Table Final 2008 AYP Results Campus Name: STARK EL (057903106) CARROLLTON-FARMERS

BRANCH Status: Academically Acceptable, Meets AYP All Students African American Econ. Disadv. Special Education LEP (Measure) LEP (Students) Page 1 of 2



Performance: Reading/English Language Arts 2007-08 Assessments Met Standard 164 9 Number Tested 182 12 % Met Standard 90% 75% Student Group % 100% 7% 2006-07 Assessments Met Standard Number Tested % Met Standard Change 2007 to 2008 Performance: Mathematics 2007-08 Assessments Met Standard Number Tested % Met Standard Student Group % 2006-07 Assessments Met Standard Number Tested % Met Standard Change 2007 to 2008 Attendance 2006-07 Days Present Days Membership Attendance Rate Student Group % Attendance 2005-06 Days Present Days Membership Attendance Rate Student Group % Change

123 135 91% 74%

30 33 91% 18%

116 130 89% 71%

10 17 59% 9%

87 95 92% n/a

n/a 79 n/a 43%

182 214 85% 5

11 15 73% 2

131 154 85% 6

37 41 90% 1

122 147 83% 6

22 28 79% -20

104 123 85% 7

n/a 103 n/a

164 182 90% 100%

9 12 75% 7%

122 135 90% 74%

31 33 94% 18%

116 130 89% 71%

12 17 71% 9%

87 95 92% n/a

n/a 79 n/a 43%

189 213 89% 1

14 15 93% -18

132 153 86% 4

39 41 95% -1

124 146 85% 4

25 28 89% -18

105 122 86% 6

n/a 102 n/a

73,920 76,117 97.1% 100%

5,024 5,179 97.0% 7%

55,017 56,596 97.2% 74%

11,877 12,291 96.6% 16%

50,768 52,237 97.2% 69%

7,817 8,058 97.0% 11%

39,341 40,362 97.5% 53%

98,621 101,648 97.0% 100% 0.1

8,357 8,698 96.1% 9% 0.9

74,702 76,850 97.2% 76% 0.0

13,808 14,313 96.5% 14% 0.1

70,459 72,588 97.1% 71% 0.1

9,940 10,323 96.3% 10% 0.7

53,851 55,278 97.4% 54% 0.1

2008-09 Title I School Improvement Requirement: None n/a indicates that the data are not available or applicable A dash (-) indicates there were no students in that group

The final data tables are not masked to protect individual student confidentiality. Individual student information (including aggregate counts of less than 5) in the tables is confidential under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The agency additionally takes the position that the tables at this stage of the accountability review process constitute "agency audit workpapers" not required to be disclosed under the Texas Public Information Act.

C O N F I D E N T I A L T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Adequate Yearly Progress Campus Data Table Final 2008 AYP Results Campus Name: STARK EL (057903106) CARROLLTON-FARMERS BRANCH Status: Academically Acceptable, Meets AYP All Students African American Econ. Disadv. Special Education LEP (Measure) LEP (Students) Page 2 of 2



Participation: Reading/English Language Arts 2007-08 Assessments Number Participating 195 14 Total Students 195 14 Participation Rate 100% 100% Student Group % 100% 7% 2006-07 Assessments Number Participating Total Students Participation Rate Participation: Mathematics 2007-08 Assessments Number Participating Total Students Participation Rate Student Group % 2006-07 Assessments Number Participating Total Students Participation Rate 233 234 100% 20 21 95%

143 143 100% 73% 165 165 100%

35 35 100% 18% 44 44 100%

143 143 100% 73% 159 160 99%

19 19 100% 10% 29 29 100%

82 82 100% 42% 111 112 99%

190 190 100% 100% 230 231 100%

13 13 100% 7% 21 21 100%

140 140 100% 74% 161 162 99%

35 35 100% 18% 44 44 100%

138 138 100% 73% 156 157 99%

19 19 100% 10% 29 29 100%

80 80 100% 42% 108 109 99%

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2008 AYP Explanation Table All Students Performance: Reading Performance: Math Participation: Reading Participation: Math Other: Graduation Rate Other: Attendance Rate + 1 % X + + + + + African American Hispanic + + + + White Econ. Disadv. + + + + Special Education LEP + + + +

Meets AYP Not Evaluated for AYP due to not meeting minimum size criteria or the measure is not applicable Missed AYP for this performance measure due to the 1% federal cap Missed AYP for this performance measure due to the 2% and/or the 1% federal caps Missed AYP for this measure

The final data tables are not masked to protect individual student confidentiality. Individual student information (including aggregate counts of less than 5) in the tables is confidential under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The agency additionally takes the position that the tables at this stage of the accountability review process constitute "agency audit workpapers" not required to be disclosed under the Texas Public Information Act.

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