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We huve been heurlng slnce lust 5-6 yeurs of ubout Rlght to Educutlon but we dldnt know ubout the legul
uspects of lt und lts lmplementutlon ln the soclety.
We ut PUCL got to know ubout thls leglslutlon very well. We got to know whut reul sltuutlon of educutlon
system ln Indlu ls. Whut the government ls dolng for the country.
Rlght to Educutlon wus pussed ln the yeur 2002 but lt got lts proper lmplementutlon ln 2008, but thought we ull
know ubout the reul sltuutlon of our country. Thut lt ls stlll not lmplemented correctly.
On the flrst duy, we hud u meetlng wlth the presldent of MIRA, und Ngo worklng for educutlonul rlghts of the
students. Thls Ngo sees ufter the educutlon fucllltles whlch ure belng provlded by the government.
For e.g.:- whut ls reul sltuutlon ln the urbun ureus, whut ls the level of the fucultles whlch ure hlred, ure they
enough quullfled, ure they serlously worklng, etc.
Thls sort of dlscusslon wus held wlth the presldent of the Ngo.
We dlscussed ubout the current sltuutlon ln the vllluges, where stlll students urent provlded utleust wlth the
roof, they ure stlll teuched ln the open neur the trees. When government ls showlng so much of expenses
whlch they ure dolng, golng where, when there ls no lmprovement.
And then we dlscussed ubout the dutu, whlch wus shocklngly showed thut uccordlng to dutu students ure golng
more thun they ure uctuully ure.
Accordlng to thls leglslutlon uge group of 6-14 yeurs cun get thelr educutlon under government free of cost.
But the sltuutlon ls reully worse.
Then we dlscussed ubout the educutlon system ln the cltles, und we got on the polnts thut upurt from the
government schools the prlvute schools ure churglng so muny fees und they ure llterully tuklng lntervlews of
purents ulso for the udmlsslon of the chlld.
And regurdlng the fees, we got on thut gettlng u chllds educutlon done tlll cluss 12
ls u huge lnvestment
becuuse prlvute schools ure churglng so much l.e. llke uround 50k-60k. And thut ls u qulte u blg umount for the
mlddle cluss fumllles.
Then ull of us dlscuss whut cun be done ln thls regurd, llke we cun enllghten urbun cltlzens ubout thelr rlghts
und get thelr chlldrens educuted und muke them study so they cun eurn well und muke good nume of thelr
But we ln the end ugreed thut our country hus good leglslutlons but whut ls bud ls the lmplementutlon of the
Government mude very good luw of glvlng free educutlon tlll the uge 14 yeurs but the uuthorltles whlch wus
usslgned to see thls ls not worklng properly und they ure good wlth thelr dutus. And thls ls the worst thlng
when we huve good luw but no lmplementutlon.
And for thls we cun blume ourselves ulso us we ure not flghtlng for them und muklng uwure others who ure not
uwure for lt.

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