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Leftist Student lobby showcase Liberal Intolerance gunning for Swami's ejection from Harvard

by Aron Aronite on Friday, July 29, 2011 at 5:15am

Fantastic assumptions and surmises are made in defense strangely of Tolerance! Voting Rights in post-Islamic-Partition of India, for Muslims is not beyond revisionist debate. Swami's decolonization at Kashmir with help of Indian Army violates only Non Muslim ethnic cleansed Kashmir status quo. His idea to claim land back from Bangladesh to resettle both non-Muslim refugees in millions, and compensate for Hindu areas ingeniously attached in haste to the Islamic creation are not altogether unjust. Lastly, 'the entire community' is free to practice its Religion i n the lands carved out for that purpose on its own insistence and against desire of non -Muslims for Pluralist co-existence. This is in context of this 'entire community' edged on by unscrupulous political profiteers who promise unbridled voting rights and walk it up the garden path of another Partition like conflagerational conflict with non -Muslim majority. The context specific to certain assumptions that Voting Rights and Religious Freedom would mean a Partitioned country to remain helpless with Lebanonisation by the segment left to remain in good will and trust, even after obtaining its chosen Partitioned portion well in excess of their percentage of demographic entitlement.

23% Muslims obtained through threat of civil war, 33% land area of Undivided India as an Islamic Homeland. If the remaining Multicultural divided India must feel insecure by repeated Islamist attacks as at Mumbai-

Swami's Op Ed becomes necessary and can be seen as not all that outrageous. It s amusing to see the vehement Intoleran ce to such expression of views all in the name of Tolerance and Freedom of faith. Swami had not stated this in any of his Classes or lectures or notes. It was an Op-Ed he had posted outside his area of work. The insinuation is that his personal political v iews should reflect in his professional conduct and dutiesActually reflects poorly on Student Petitioners' ethical objectivity while seeking his removal. It is their own reading of what was outside four walls of Harvard by their Teacher, and its difference with their pet notions of what should and shouldn t constitute limits of expression and political views, reactions highly personal and unethical that they are unable to overcome. Instead of attempting to Coerce others and Teachers to toe in line even th eir personal and out of campus political and social thought, Harvardians would do well to do again their home work on ethics. As of now they seem more of Inquisitional apprentices wearing frocks. For Swami- it s his Faith that is common sense to put on notice the Sub Script players. Where is the tolerance or respect for his 'faith' in his views and its freedom to practice?

Harvard students by this act of Petitioning have lost their own sheen and aura of their supposed superior mental skills and Though t Culture- and have acted like a brainless mob of street urchins witch hunting heretics of stupid Political Correctness. By ostracizing dissent views what are they achieving but a milieu Fascist Political Correctness that won t stand the dissent note of a Right winger however much they may deem it outrageous? Harvard School then can be renamed Harvard Seminary or the Harvard Politburo. -Aronite thinking's note

Harvard students want Prof. Subramanian Swamy out after inflammatory op ed July 28, 2011 Agencies Cambridge | Massachusetts Janata Party leader and Harvard summer school teacher Subramanian Swamy is being asked to leave by students at the university who have expressed anger over an article written by him following the recent Mumbai blasts, the Wall Street Journal has reported A petition signed by over 200 students and faculty members, accuses Swamy of being a 'bigoted promoter of communalism in India' and wants his association with the University terminated immediately.

Writing for the DNA newspaper, Swamy had stated: "Muslims of India are being programmed by a slow reactive process to become radical and thus slide into suicide against Hindus. He also suggests that only Muslims in India who 'acknowledge that their ancestors were Hindus' should be all owed to vote. About Kashmir, Swamy wrote the 'Valley be settled with ex -servicemen to demonstrate a sort of civilian shock-and-awe campaign that would establish it as Hindu and Indian once and for all'. The petition at Harvard, meanwhile, is drawing attent ion the fact that a follower of such 'views' cannot find place in the university. The highly insulting and stereotypical nature of his comments suggest that he cannot be trusted to regard Muslims and no doubt other groups with anything but a jaundiced eye, it said. The petition went on: "While free expression and the vigorous contest of ideas are essential in any academic community, so, too, are respect and tolerance for human difference. By advocating measures that would grossly violate freedom of religion and the unqualified right to vote for different religious groups, and by aggressively vilifying an entire religious community, Swamy breaches the most basic standards of respect and tolerance." "More specifically, Swamy's comments cast doubt on his ability to treat a diverse community of students with fairness and respect. The highly insulting and stereotypical nature of his comments suggest that he cannot be trusted to regard Muslims - and no doubt other groups - with anything but a jaundiced eye." "These are statements you'd expect a demagogue on the extreme right to say, but a professor who comes here, who got his Ph D from Harvard?" student Umang Kumar was quoted as saying by The Harvard Crimson. Responding to the accusations, Swamy told the Crimson that his article was received positively by many. "I don't think anyone in India, except the left wing, has been upset by my article. There has been wholesale support," he said. Authorities at Harvard are currently looking into the petition and have promised an answer soon.

"Professor Swamy is a long-time member of the Harvard Summer School faculty who previously was a member of the Department of Economics here. We will give this matter our serious attention," Donald H. Pfister, dean of the Harvard Summer School, was quoted as saying. Swamy teaches, 'Quantitative Methods in Economics and Business' and 'Economic Development in India and East Asia'.

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