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19 Forme verbali:
il periodo ipotetico
Il periodo ipotetico è composto da una frase principale e da una frase subordinata if, che esprime la
condizione necessaria affinché ciò che è detto nella principale si verifichi o meno. Il periodo ipotetico si
classifica in base al grado maggiore o minore di probabilità.

Zero conditional

Frase subordinata Frase principale

If + Present simple Present simple
If the water reaches 100 degrees C, it boils.

• Si usa il periodo ipotetico di tipo zero per esprimere la conseguenza logica

e naturale di una determinata azione: nell’esempio precedente, siamo certi
che se porto l’acqua a 100°C inizia a bollire.

First conditional

Frase subordinata Frase principale

If + Present simple will / won’t + verbo alla forma base
If I leave late, I’ll (will) miss the train.
If you eat so much, you won’t lose weight.

• Si usa il periodo ipotetico di primo tipo per parlare di un’azione possibile

o probabile nel presente o nel futuro.

Second conditional

Frase subordinata Frase principale

If + Past simple would / wouldn’t + verbo alla forma base
If he knew Chinese, he’d (would) live in China.
If it didn’t rain, I’d (would) go to the park.

• Il periodo ipotetico di secondo tipo esprime ipotesi poco probabili,

immaginarie o difficilmente realizzabili.
• Osserva questa costruzione particolare che prevede l’uso del periodo ipotetico del secondo tipo: si usa la
costruzione If I were you / him ecc. per dare consigli e suggerimenti.
Frase subordinata Frase principale
If I were + pronome complemento oggetto I would / wouldn’t + verbo alla forma base
If I were you, I wouldn’t go out with such a bad weather.
If I were him, I’d (would) tell his mother the truth.

116 one hundred and sixteen

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Regole generali valide per tutti i periodi ipotetici
• La frase principale può essere all’inizio del periodo ipotetico:
We’ll go swimming if Dad drives us.
Andremo in piscina se papà ci porta in macchina.

• Quando il periodo ipotetico inizia con la frase introdotta da if, va inserita una virgola prima della frase
If I study harder, I’ll pass the exam. U I’ll pass the exam if I study harder.
Se studio di più, passerò l’esame. Passerò l’esame se studio di più.

• Nelle domande, solo la frase principale va alla forma interrogativa:

Would you go to the concert if you found the tickets? Andresti al concerto se trovassi i biglietti?
What will you do if you don’t pass the exams? Cosa farai se non passi l’esame?

Watch out!
Nel periodo ipotetico si possono usare altre congiunzioni oltre a if:
I’ll give you a ring when I leave home.
Ti telefono quando esco da casa.
As soon as Harry moves to England, he’ll rent his house.
Appena Harry si trasferisce in Inghilterra affitterà la sua casa.

Your turn

1 Abbina le due parti delle frasi al Zero conditional.

1 If you train a lot, a people often go to the beach.
2 If you don’t study much, b you get green.
3 If you’re rude to people, c you play well in matches.
4 If you arrive late at that cinema, d people wear thick jackets.
5 If there’s a public holiday, e your English gets better.
6 If it’s cold, f you don’t get a good seat.
7 If you study lots of grammar, g they’re rude to you.
8 If you mix blue and yellow, h you don’t do well at school.
c 2
1 ...... ...... 3 ...... 4 ...... 5 ...... 6 ...... 7 ...... 8 ......

2 Abbina le due parti delle frasi al First conditional.

1 If you write to me, a you’ll get good results.
2 If you have any problems, b we’ll go and have a pizza.
3 If you want any more information, c I won’t buy you that new bike.
4 If it rains, d I’ll come and pick you up.
5 If the game finishes early, e I’ll help you.
6 If you don’t pass your exams, f I’ll be happy to give it to you.
7 If you try hard, g I’ll write back.
g 2
1 ...... ...... 3 ...... 4 ...... 5 ...... 6 ...... 7 ......

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19 Forme verbali: il periodo ipotetico

3 Coniuga i verbi fra parentesi alla forma 6 Completa i consigli con i verbi nel
corretta del First conditional. riquadro.
Ex. If you ...................................... (get) home late get up join fly ask eat
will be
tonight, your parents ..................................... (be)
really angry. Ex. A: I’m a bit fat.
1 If it ...................................... (rain) this afternoon, eat
B: If I were you, I’d ...................................... less.
nobody ...................................... (come). 1 A: I’m late for school.
2 They ...................................... (wake up) if you B: If I were you, I’d ...................................... earlier.
...................................... (make) so much noise!
2 A: I haven’t got any money for the trip.
3 If you ...................................... (reserve) now, you B: If I were you, I’d ...................................... your
...................................... (get) a good price.
4 She ...................................... (not/answer) if you 3 A: I want to play golf.
B: If I were you, I’d ...................................... a club.
...................................... (call) her on the mobile.
4 A: It’s too long by train.
5 They ...................................... (call) us if they
B: If I were you, I’d ...................................... .
...................................... (have) any news.

7 Coniuga i verbi fra parentesi alla forma

4 Scrivi frasi con if abbinando le corretta del Second conditional.
espressioni nei due riquadri.
Ex. If I ...................................... (have) a Ferrari,
you don’t pass the you’ll miss the train ’d drive
I ...................................... (drive) it all the time.
exam I’ll call the doctor
1 If I ...................................... (know) the answer,
you don’t feel well please call me
they arrive late they’ll be rude to you I ...................................... (tell) you.
you need anything we won’t wait 2 If Sam ...................................... (be) here, he
you’re late you’ll have to take ...................................... (know) what to do.
you speak to them it again 3 These exercises ...................................... (be)
much easier if we ...................................... (have)
Ex. If you don’t pass the exam, you’ll have to
the answers.
take it again.
4 I ...................................... (study) another
1 ..................................................................................................... language if I ...................................... (have) time.
2 ..................................................................................................... 5 If you ...................................... (speak) to your
3 ..................................................................................................... parents more often, they ......................................
4 ..................................................................................................... (understand) you more.
5 .....................................................................................................
8 Riscrivi le frasi usando il Second
5 Riordina le parole per formare frasi di conditional.
senso compiuto. Ex. We haven’t any time so we’re not going
Ex. the exam / I / study / don’t / If / hard / to visit them.
pass / won’t / I If we had time, we would visit them.
If I don’t study hard I won’t pass the exam.
..................................................................................................... 1 I don’t watch English films because I
1 heat / If / boils / it / water / you / to 100°C don’t understand the dialogue.
2 something / see / If / interesting / me / 2 I haven’t got enough money so I’m not
you / call going to travel around the world.
3 have a party / If / we / win / you / will 3 I haven’t got a million Euros so I won’t
4 need / upstairs / If / I / you / me / be / buy a beautiful villa.
will 4 Milly never answers her phone so I never
5 melts / leave / If / you / an ice-cream / call her.
it / in the sun 5 I haven’t got a car so I don’t drive to work.

118 one hundred and eighteen

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Forme verbali: il periodo ipotetico

9 Identifica il tipo di condizionale usato e 12 Riordina le parole per formare frasi di
scrivi Zero, First o Second. senso compiuto.
Ex. If I had more time, I’d be more relaxed. Ex. knew / I / you / would / If / tell / I
....................... If I knew, I would tell you.

1 If they went to the gym more often, they’d 1 good results / more / get / Jack / If /
be very fit. .......................
studied / he / would
2 If / earlier / you / arrive / would / drove /
2 If I see Marje tomorow, I’ll say hello to her
from you. .......................
3 I / a sports car / had / lots of / If / I /
3 If I get the job, I’ll celebrate with some money / buy / would
friends. ....................... 4 Chinese / If / spoke / China / could / I /
4 If you use a satellite navigator, you never work / in / I
get lost. .......................
5 would / her / better / If / I / knew /
invite / her / I
5 You’ll get cold if you don’t put your coat on.
....................... 13 Formula delle frasi per esprimere quello
6 I always answer if somebody emails me. che faresti nelle seguenti situazioni.
What would you do if…
Ex. you found a wallet on the ground?
7 If you cook spaghetti too much, it gets
I’d take it to the police.
soft. .......................
1 you saw a friend cheating in a test?
10 Formula un consiglio per ciascuna .....................................................................................................
situazione. 2 you found a friend’s diary on the floor?
Ex. I don’t like my job. .....................................................................................................
If I were you, I’d find another one/change it.
3 you saw your best friend with someone
1 I don’t understand algebra.
else’s boy / girlfriend?
2 I really want a dog.
3 I haven’t got any friends. .....................................................................................................

4 I can’t understand my cousin from Spain. 4 your parents went way for a few days
5 I’m always late for school on Saturdays. leaving you alone in the house?
6 I want to meet people from other
5 someone offered you whiskey at a party?
11 Scegli l’opzione corretta. .....................................................................................................

Ex. I’ve got a sister but if I have / had 6 a waiter gave you too much change?
a brother I can / could speak about .....................................................................................................
football with him.
1 Look at those clouds. If you leave / left 14 Traduci le frasi.
your clothes outside, they will / would 1 Se vado a letto tardi sono stanco al
get wet. mattino.
2 If you go / went shopping this afternoon, 2 Oggi pomeriggio non giocheremo se
will / would you buy me some sweets? pioverà.
3 It’s just a dream but if somebody give / 3 Se guidi a destra in Inghilterra avrai un
gave me 500 euros, I will / would use it incidente.
to travel around the world. 4 Potrei finire questo libro se avessi
4 If there is / was more time, we will / tempo.
would all be more relaxed. 5 Se fossi in te non lo farei.
6 If I speak / spoke all the languages in 6 Avrei molto più tempo libero se le
the world, I can / could communicate giornate fossero di trenta ore.
with anyone I want. 7 Se studi tanto, farai dei progressi.

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