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Era una hermosa maana de verano y Carlos estaba emocionado. l y su padre iban al mercado a comprar un burro!

Que divertido iba a ser jugar con l. Adems, como facilitara el borrico el trabajo de su pap.

Carlos was so excited! On this beautiful summer morning, he and his father were doing to the market to buy a donkey! What fun he would have playing with the donkey, and the donkey would be a help to his hard-working father.

Tras comprar el burro, Carlos y su papa lo montaron y emprendieron camino a casa. De repente se oy la voz chillona de una jovencita, que sealndolos con el dedo se mofaba de ellos: Habrase visto! Ese pobre burro no puede con los dos. Pesan mucho. Por qu no se bajan? Avergonzado, Carlos dijo a su padre: Mejor me bajo yo. Mntalo t, que estas cansado. After their purchase, Carlos and his father mounted the donkey for a relaxing ride back to their farm. Suddenly a young girl stepped forward, pointed a finger at Carlo and his father and taunted, How cruel! The poor donkey has to carry you both! Youre too heavy! Get off of him! Embarrassed, Carlos said, Ill get off, father. You ride the donkey. I know youre tired.

Y siguieron as su travesa: Carlos, a pie, tirando de las riendas, y su padre, a lomos del burrito. Que mal padre! grito una lavandera, al verlos paras. Hace caminar a su pobre hijo, mientras que el, muy cmodo, va montado! Es vergonzoso! Desconcertado, el padre se bajo del burro y ayudo a Carlos a montarse.

They continued on. Carlos happily leading the donkey, as the father rode it. How cruel! screamed a washer-woman at the travelling trio. That man is making his poor boy walk while he rides the donkey! How disgraceful! Feeling ashamed, the father got off the donkey, placed Carlos on it instead, and off they went.

Ya en las afueras, iban cantando alegremente, cuando los interrumpi un grito: Miren! Exclamo el herrero del pueblo. Ese muchachito malcriado hace caminar a su anciano padre. Bjate y cdele el burro a tu padre, nio maleducado! Humillado, Carlos volvi a bajarse, y as, ambos caminaron, cada uno a un lado del burro.

Nearing the edge of town, Carlo and his father were happily singing when suddenly Look! yelled a blacksmith That boy is making his old father walk! How cruel and inconsiderate! Get off the donkey, and let your father ride, you ill-mannered boy! Humiliated, Carlos slipped off the donkey, and on the either side of the donkey, Carlos and his father walked on.

Pero qu ocurrencia! reson otra voz. Al volverse, Carlos y su papa observaron a un seor que carcajendose los sealaba con el dedo ante un grupo de pueblerinos. Compraron un burro para sacarlo de paseo? dijo. Aquello colmo la paciencia del papa de Carlos.

Ha, ha, ha! What a ridiculous sight! Carlos and his father turned to see a man laughing and pointing them out to a crowd of people. Its outrageous! This father and his son are taking the donkey for a walk instead of riding him! Carlos father was now upset!

Pero Qu quieren de nosotros? Es imposible contentarlos a todos! Hagamos lo que hagamos, nos faltan el respeto. Como son tan metiches, no les haremos caso. Actuaremos como nos parezca mejor. Dicho esto, ambos se montaron otra vez al burro. Jii Jooo! Rebuzno el borrico, y agrego contento: No se puede quedar bien con todo el mundo! Y as siguieron camino de lo ms contentos. What do you people want? No matter what we do, you treat us with contempt and disrespect! Since we cant please you all, well do what we believe and feel is right, and well disregard your busybody behavior! And with that, Carlos and his father hopped on the donkey. Hee-haw! said the donkey happily, adding, You cant always please everybody! And merrily they rode out of town.

Boy nio/muchachito Market mercado Donkey burro/borrico Young girl jovencita Washer-woman lavandera Blacksmith herrero Walked - caminaron

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