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Applet: 1.1 Introductory program to run Applet. 1.2 Write a program that shows the use of basic AWT components. 2. Swing: 1.1 Write a program that shows the use of following Swing components using JApplet and JFrame Button Toggle Button Text Field Checkbox Radio Button 3. Servlet Development ,Deployment and running: 3.1 Create directory structure for development & deployment Environment for executing Servlet without using net beans. 4. Servlet Programming: 4.1 Design HTML web pages with <table>, <form> and <input> tag. 4.2 Write a Servlet which takes data from web page 1 of practical 1 and display it on browser [Assumption: Check boxes are having same name]. 4.3 Write a servlet which sends .gz file as the response back to client instead of HTML. 4.4 Write a servlet which checks validity of user and displays welcome message in case of valid user otherwise redirects to login page.


Attributes and Listener: 5.1 Write two different servlets which shows usage of servlet init parameters and context init parameters. 5.2 Write a small web application with at least two servlets which share the command object of Student class. Student class is having instance variable rollno , assign the five roll no in DD and display all in both servlets. 5.3 Write a servlet to find no of concurrent active sessions for your context. 5. 4 Write a servlet which displays no of hits of i) ii) particular servlet your web application.

Model, View and Controller and Cookies: 6.1 Write a web application which takes marks of three subject and pass to servlet. Servlet forwards to model classs having method getClass() and getPercentage(). Display class and percentage in .jsp page. 6.2 Write a Servlet which send user specific cookies to client and display cookies through servlet. those

Http Session Object: 7.1 Write a web application with following specifications. Application should have at least 5 servlets: LoginServlet, LoginCheckServlet, Account, EditProfile, Logout Account. EditProfile are accessible for authenticated user.

JDBC: 8.1 Make a Java program with different database connectivity (MS access, Oracle). 8.2 Write a simple program to insert, update and delete records from database.

JSP and Use Bean Action: 9.1 Using JavaBeans sets and gets Property of Student Class which having name and id attributes.

9.2 Display the properties of request , session attributes using Java Bean 10 JSTL: 10.1 Make application to display database content in table using JSTL tags. 10.2 Design Student Feedback form page using JSTL custom tags 11 To Study about Servlet Filters: 11.1 Make an application to filter the users request based on their access Privileges. 11.2 Make an application to use more than one filter to filter a request. 12 To Study about Network Programming: 12.1 Make a simple Client Server program. 13 To study about RMI application. 13.1 Make a Simple Chat application.

Course coordinator: Bhavini P. Vaghela Lab Teacher: Bhavini P. Vaghela, Urmi D. Agrawat

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