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Choosing gems and stones

You find yourself in a store staring at a container filled with one particular stone. Which
one do you purchase? The biggest one? The one with the shape you like the best? How do
you know?

When I go to a store to buy gems, I take some things into consideration. Many stones
have a variety of qualities. I think about what I want the stone for. There are a variety of
different ones to chose from, decided on the stone to suit your need.

Sometimes one will immediately catch your attention. If that happens you may choose
that one.

Other times you will just see a collection of stones. Using your receptive hand (the one
you don't write with) dig your hand in and sift through them. You should be left with a
few in your hand. Put them aside and hold each one individually for a moment with your
eyes closed. Does it have a comfortable feeling? Do you like the feeling you get from
holding or rubbing it? These are the ones to buy. You may feel vibrations from stones and
gems; there is life pulsing through them. Try to 'tune in' to their vibrations. It may take
time but it's worth the wait.

Cleansing gems and stones

Any residual emotions that may have been transferred to the stone prior to purchase
should be cleaned off.

Wrap each stone that's to be cleaned in a cloth, and bury it in an undisturbed place for a
period of time, preferably 3, 9 or 13 hours, days, weeks or months. The longer the period
of time, the better the cleaning.

Other ways include placing the stones in a bowl of salt, free running water, suspending in
a fire, or under a fire, or just suspended so that nothing is touching them. Any of the
elements can be used; leave it in sunlight, rain, or any place you'd feel comfortable.

Empowering gems and stones

Now, you have to tell the stone what you want it to do, you do this simply by gathering
energy, then when you feel you've raised enough, place it into the stone, then verbally, or
visually tell it what needs to be done. This process should also be done for runes, or
magickal equipment.

Also, when you first get your each stone (whether you bought it or someone gave it to
you) you should carry it with you for the first 7 days or a full moon cycle. It is up to you,
though, a full moon cycle is recommended. When you sleep put it under or near your

There are two different types of birth stones.

Birthstones-determined by the month you were born

Astrological Birthstones-determined by your zodiac sign

Many people don't realize that there is sometimes a difference between their birthstone
and their zodiac stone. Your birthstone is based on the month that you were born in, while
your zodiac stone (a.k.a. astrological birthstone) is based on the exact date your birthday
falls on. For example, if your birthday was on March third, you could choose between
your zodiac stone (Diamond), or the March stone(Aquamarine).

Here is a list of the Zodiac stones and the dates they fall under.

Aquarius****(Jan 20-Feb 18)****Garnet

Pisces****(Feb 19-Mar 20)****Amethyst
Aries****(Mar 21-April 19)****Aquamarine
Taurus****(April 20-May 20)****Diamond
Gemini****(May 21-June 20)****Emerald
Cancer****(June 21-July 22)****Pearl
Leo****(July 23-Aug 22)****Ruby
Virgo****(Aug 23-Sept 22)****Agate
Libra****(Sept 23-Oct 22)****Saphire
Scorpio****(Oct 23-Nov 22)****Opal
Sagitarius****(Nov 22-Dec 21)****Onyx
Capricorn****(Dec 22-Jan 19)

Here is a list of birthstones and the months they cover. Please keep in mind that not
everyone agrees with these, but they are the most common. This is a very argued about
and difficult subject.

June****Alexandrite or moonstone
October****Rose Zircon or opal
December****Blue Zircon
Crystal Correspondences

A crystal is a body that is formed by the solidification of a chemical element, a

compound, or a mixture of them, and has a regularly repeating internal arrangement of its
atoms and often external plane faces. But it's more than that. A crystal is one of the many
bounties of the Earth's crust. They are a powerful tool and correspond directly to the
element of Earth, but also the Air, Fire and Water. Each crystal has it's own vibration and
thus each vibration corresponds to a correspondences such as healing, protection,
relaxation etc. Because each crystal does have a vibration, a larger crystal is not any more
powerful than a smaller one. A larger one might look better, but not everyone has the
means for such a thing. Several crystals have the same correspondences, but, to chose
which one you want you must first have a look at all those crystals without touching
them. See which one has an effect on you. Now, when the crystal has been chosen, or
when the crystal has chosen you, you must individually have a look at the crystals,
Separate the ones which you like from the ones you don't like just by having a look at
them. Then, pick up each crystal in you receptive hand, opposite to the powerhand, so if
you are right handed it's your left hand, and close your hand into a gentle fist. Feel the
crystals pulse, it should be like a gentle drum rhythm, it could be very fast, or slow. You
will feel whether the crystal is right for you, or not. The crystals vibration will
complement yours and act like a 'lock and key' to your aura in the sense that they will
blend. The crystal will let you know if it is not for you.

A newly bought crystal should be cleansed. This could be as long as a whole moon phase,
with elemental cleansings, or just a simple mental cleansing. Before buying that
particular crystal, it would have been touched my many people, and been next to many
people who might have been upset, angry, sad etc. So this may effect you. To cleanse, it
could simply be a dip in salty water, being buried over night in the ground, gone through
crystal cleansing incense (or frankincense, sandalwood or just about anything for that
matter, maybe even a herbal blend for the crystals purpose), being placed on a bed of
quartz crystal, being passed through a flame, fairly quickly, being brushed with a feather,
being placed overnight in moon light, or sunlight. Be careful because some crystals fade
or lose color from being held in the sun, some even dissolve in water, or may react with
the candle flame, so be careful.
Incense to cleanse and consecrate ritual jewelry

2 parts wood aloe

1 part mace (the outside covering of nutmeg)
1 part gum arabic
1 part benzoin

Grind the ingredients together and burn in a censer or an earthenware saucer. Pass
crystals and jewellery through the smoke several times visualising the fumes purifying
the object. Best performed outside for the practical fact of smoke alarms.

Crystal Purification Incense

2 parts Frankincense
2 parts Copal
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Rosemary
1 pinch finely powdered Salt
1 sm. purified Quartz Crystal point

To use, pour a bit of the incense (leaving the crystal in the jar) onto charcoal. Smolder,
and pass the crystals to be purified through the smoke, visualizing the smoke wafting
away the stone's impurities. This incense can be used in conjunction with other
recommended purifying rituals, or in place of them.
Charging the Crystal

Once cleansed, the crystal should be 'programmed' or charged. To do this, hold the crystal
in your projective hand (for all intensive purposes its the hand you write with) and focus
on the need, be it healing, relaxing, and so on. Your vibration should bond further with
the crystal, which bonded with you when you bought it. Soon you may feel the crystal
remember the vibration of the healing energy, relaxing energy etc. This means it has been
successfully charged.


The mere fact that crystals are placed in an environment suggests to the subconscious
mind that healing, on some subliminal level, has already begun. When crystals are placed
in a room, they will automatically charge that area with energy. They will also absorb and
ionize that energy in the area which is negative. The clearing, focusing, radiating beauty
aspects of a crystal, work regardless if someone is aware of these traits or not. These are
the amazing elements of a crystal's power. To disperse this energy outward is one of its
true gifts. It is even more astonishing when we are aware of it!


Crystal Pouches are one of the most interesting and oldest remedies. Usually a
perscription of 2 - 4 crystals, these complementary stones are carried or worn on the
person or placed in a certain area. This perscription can be used for anything from healing
to psychic awareness, healing an emotional wound as in discouragement or sorrow, or
bringing about such aspects as love, money, protection, guidance, spiritual attunment,
strenght or even addiction. The"combination" of crystals work together and can be
carried in your pocket, purse or bag, placed in a room or under your pillow or taken any
place that you need more energy! Remember: these are tools for attunement and may
allow you to see many truths. It is up to you to pay attention.

Stones are rocks with shapes and you can use them for any ritual. The following is a list
of stone shapes and how the shape of a crystal can influence its properties, enhance, or
diminish them.

Holey Stones: Stones with natural (caused by the elements not man) holes are considered
extremely magical. Protective in nature they are a symbolic of the Mother of Creation.
Looking through the hole in the moonlight, and you may see visions, ghosts, and other
nonphysical entities.

Diamond Shaped Stones: remind of the precious gem, and therefore are attributed with
attracting riches.

Pyramid Shaped Stones: Concentrate and release energies up through the tip. Placing a
dollar bill under the stone and visualizing the moneys energy flow up and through the
stone to bring you prosperity.

Body Part Shaped Stones: Stones that resemble body parts are used to heal or strengthen
that part of the body it resembles.

L shaped stones: Stones that have an L shape are used to bring good fortune.

Triangular Shaped Stones: Stones that have a triangular shape are said to be protective
and are worn or carried for this purpose.

Heart Shaped Stones: as you might have guessed are used to bring love to the person
wearing the stone. They also are used for keeping the relationship you are in true. And
can be used to bring a self love .

Square Shaped Stones: Symbolize the Earth, Prosperity ,and abundance.

Egg Shaped Stones: Stones that hold the shape of the egg are used to help maintain focus
on creativity and bring fresh ideas to the person wearing the stone.

Round And Long Stones: used in conjunction with other love stones to bring added
power to the spell.

Long, Thin Stones: These stones are obvious phallic symbols. They are protective and
represent electricity and represent the great God of Pagan religions.

Round Stones: These stones represent the receptive powers of the universe, of magnetism
and the Mother Goddess. Linked with the female reproductive system, they can be used
to represent the woman in a healing spell. They are the keys to spirituality and unfolding
your psychic powers. Used in love spells and all manners of attraction spells.
Healing Kit

My basic healing kit consists of one tumbled stone or cabochon for each chakra, plus two
clear quartz crystals, one piece of calcite and two black stones such as hematite or black
tourmaline. The stones I will talk about here are easy to find and will serve you well.
They are the stones I generally recommend for the color meditation which will be added
later. However, if you cannot find one of the stones in this section, substitute it with
another stone from the list below each chakra. I have tried to include only stones which
are readily available in most crystal stores. The specific metaphysical and healing
properties of these stones can be found in either volume 1 or 2 of The Crystal Workbook.

When you choose your stones, bear in mind that they will be placed on the body, either
your own or someone else's. Try and find stones that have a flat side so they will not roll
off at a crucial time. Choose cabochons if you can. A cabochon is a stone which has been
cut and polished, usually in an oval or circular shape with a domed top and flat base.
(They are generally used in jewelry such as rings to sit flat against the skin in their metal

Always place the stones upon the body from the first chakra up, then add the additional
stones to the hands and below the feet. When you remove the stones at the completion of
the healing session, do so in the reverse order.

The next seven pages has the stones I recommend for a basic healing kit. I have added a
bit of extra information on the shape of the crystal as there are a few you can find in their
natural form.
First, Root or Base Chakra: Smoky Quartz

Colour: Light brown to almost black

Choose: Tumbled stone, cabochon or natural crystal

Smoky quartz will initiate the movement of the primal forces of the body. As soon as it is
placed upon the body, its energy will signify that a healing is about to take place. On
placing the smoky quartz on the body, the first stirrings of Universal Energy will take
place. Smoky quartz will draw the energy up from the earth mother and begin to send it
through the chakra system towards the crown. As soon as the stone is placed upon the
person it will not only begin the process of healing, but its mildly sedative and calming
energy will put the person into a relaxed state and dissolve any tension or anxiety they
feel about what is about to happen. Smoky quartz is also a grounding stone, which means
that its energy will keep people stable and aware throughout the process of the healing
and prevent them from feeling spaced out. It will also assist them in remembering the
process once it is completed.

Smoky quartz is a good stone to use to strengthen the internal organs of the body,
especially the adrenals, kidneys and pancreas. It increases fertility and balances sexual
energy and also lifts depression. It is a good stone for people who exhibit suicidal
feelings, fatigue and stress or tension, and it enhances dream awareness.

If you use a natural smoky quartz as the first chakra stone, it will most probably have a
point. Make sure that the point is placed upwards, pointing towards the belly.

Alternative Stones for the First Chakra: Black tourmaline, hematite, red jasper, garnet,
black, mahogany or snowflake obsidian, red quartz.
Second, Naval, Sacral or Sexual Chakra: Carnelian

Colour: Deep Orange

Choose: Tumbled stone or cabochon

Carnelian is a highly evolved healing stone and its main purpose is for regeneration of all
aspects of the Being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. When carnelian is placed
upon the body it purifies negative energies and provides a calming energy to enable the
person to ready themselves for the healing to take place. Carnelian also revitalises, injects
a feeling of emotional warmth and joy and assists with concentration and focus. It will
allow the healing to manifest on all levels, including the physical plane. It is a variety of
chalcedony which is also a member of the quartz family, so it is ideal in assisting the
smooth flow of Universal Energy which begins with the placing of smoky quartz.
Because it is such a joyous stone, it assists with the optimism and faith of the person, lifts
gloom and despondency and soothes irritation.

Carnelian is an excellent stone for people who have experienced a form of abuse, whether
it be sexual, physical, emotional or mental (or any combination of these). It is particularly
good for remembering childhood memories, positive and negative, and is one of the
primary stones for past life exploration. Because many current life issues stem from past
lives, it is an obvious stone to use in a crystal healing.

Carnelian is good to use for energising the blood, kidneys, lungs, liver, gall bladder and
mental bodies. It also assists in stimulating a deeper love and appreciation for the beauty
and gifts of the earth and the physical plane.

Alternative Stones for the Second Chakra: Dark colored amber, red coral, crocoite,
Third or Solar Plexus Chakra: Tiger Eye

Colour: Golden yellow

Choose: Tumbled stone or cabochon

Tiger eye enhances personal power. When this stone is placed upon the body it gives a
feeling of strength to the person and the belief that they can undertake the necessary
searching and make the necessary changes to enable the healing to take place. This is
important because the person needs to feel that the healing is taking place because of
their own efforts and not because you are doing something to them. Tiger eye carries the
energy of emotional balance and removes fears. It is therefore useful for people who may
have doubts about the healing process and a lack of belief that healing will take place.
Sometimes the lack of belief may manifest in stubbornness and the tiger eye will soften
this feeling and allow the belief to come through. Tiger eye is a very highly spiritually
evolved stone and builds a firm foundation for spiritual expansion. Because all
metaphysical healing is rooted in spiritual practise, it is the idea third chakra stone. Its
added benefits are its grounding qualities and its ability to assist the person in centering
themselves and focusing on the task ahead.

Tiger eye benefits the spleen, pancreas, digestive organs and colon. It is therefore an
excellent stone for people who carry a lot of anger, often the basic cause of dis-ease.

Alternative Stones for the Third Chakra: Yellow amber, citrine, yellow fluorite, pyrite,
golden topaz
Fourth or Heart Chakra (Rose Quartz)

Colour: Green or Pink

Choose: tumbled stone, cabachon, polished piece or natural rough stone.

Rose Quartz has a dynamic intensity and healing power. A healer for internal wounds.
Aids kidneys and circulatory system. Increases fertility. Helps clear stored anger,
resentment, guilt, fear, jealousy. Reduces stress and tension, cools temper. Enhances self
confidence and creativity. Promotes love, forgiveness, compassion. It is often called the
'love stone'. When healing with or wearing rose quartz, be prepared for emotional
releases and the surfacing of suppressed memories and feelings.

Use a tumbled stone, a cabachon or shaped and polished stone, or a small piece of natural
rose quartz rock.

Alternative Stones for the Fourth Chakra: Pink or green aventurine, moss agate,
rhodonite, rhodocrosite, green jasper.
Fifth or Throat Chakra (Blue Lace Agate)

Colour: Light blue

Choose: tumbled stone or other polished piece.

Blue lace agate helps to open and expand consciousness. Enhances creativity and
confident statement. Calming to the mind, soothing to the emotions. Encourages
communication, wisdom, patience, peace, kindness, honesty. Influences thyroid, nervous
system. Strengthens a sense of calm centredness to help in social situations. Discourages
nervous habits. Useful for building confidence in public speaking. It is also excellent for
cooling hot tempers and relieving stress. Can be carried or worn when you want to
maintain calm. Good for neutralising energies such as anger, infection, inflammation and
fever. Opens the throat chakra for other stones to be used to express higher wisdom.

Alternative stones for the Fifth Chakra: Holly blue agate, blue fluorite, aquamarine, blue
Sixth or Third Eye Chakra (Amethyst)

Colour: Purple or Dark Blue

Choose: natural point, tiny cluster, tumbled stone, faceted stone, shaped piece.

Amethyst enhances right brain activity. Blood cleanser and energiser. Assists purification
and regeneration; cuts through illusion. One of the best stones to use for meditation, it has
a calming mental effect. Use for overworked, overstressed and overwhelmed mental
states. Especially good for people suffering from recurrent nightmares. Will help clear
and transform energies in the environment where it is placed. Will help to release
unbalanced energies. Also helps you understand your dreams. Amethyst has strong
protective qualities and will enhance psychic abilities and spiritual awareness. Balances
and soothes an over-active mind. Mythology says that Amethyst helps us remain sober - it
is the stone that Bacchus used to cure his drunkenness. Amethyst can also be utilised for
cleansing other crystals and stones, by placing them on an amethyst cluster. Strengthens
endocrine and immune system and is useful in the treatment of emotional/mental
disorders, nervous disorders and easing pain. As an elixir it is useful for easing the pain of
arthritis. Faceted stones are really good for energy focus and need not be large.

Alternative stones for the Sixth Chakra: Lapis lazuli, sodalite, charoite, strombolite,
purple fluorite, azurite.
Seventh or Crown Chakra (Clear Quartz Crystal)

Colour: Clear or Purple

Choose: Natural point, tumbled stone, polished shape, cabachon.

Quartz crystals reflect pure white light that can be channeled into daily thoughts, feelings,
words and actions. By touching, wearing, using or meditating with these crystals, one can
work with that light in a physical form. Enhances crystalline properties of blood, body
and mind. Emotional balancer. Stimulates brain functions. Receives, activates, stores,
transforms, transmits and amplifies energy. Excellent for meditation. The most easily
programmed of all crystals and healing stones, because of its crystal shape and flat
faceted points and sides, and the most useful of healing stones. A cluster in a room can
transmit healing energies. Emotional balancer, dispels negativity, amplifies thought
forms. Use clear quartz crystals for contacting your guides and for interdimensional
communication. Beneficial to the whole body but especially the pineal and pituitary

Preferably use a natural point - a small one is fine. Use with the point towards the crown
chakra if possible.

Alternative stones for the Seventh Chakra: Selenite, Calcite, Amethyst (points only).
Exploring a Crystal.

For this visualization exercise, choose one of your favorite crystals, one you already
know quite well. A good place to hold the crystal for this exercise is at the solar plexus.

1. Sit in a relaxed comfortable position, holding the stone in both hands. Take a few
moments just to relax and focus on the crystal in your hands.

2. Slowly let your awareness float down into the crystal until you reach a point where you
seem to come to rest.

3. In your minds eye, identify how the crystal feels to you. is it warm or damp, cool or
dry, smooth or rough? Take a minute or two to explore the energy of the crystal through
your inner touch.

4. Now relax again and turn your attention to any quality of sound within the crystal,
whether it appears to be a tone, a pulse or a tune. Is it high or low? Simple or complex?
Listen to the sound of the crystal for a few moments, then relax again.

5. Take a few deep breaths, then imagine you are breathing in the crystal's energy through
your nostrils. What smell, what taste does the crystal have? Can you identify it?

6. Relax once more, then open your inner eyes. Imagine what the structure and the energy
of your crystal looks like: the quality of light, the images, the landscapes, scenes and
figures that may be related to you. Don't attempt to analyse what you see. Just let the
imagery play before your eyes.

7. Now become aware once more of the crystals taste, its smell, its sounds and its touch.
Very gradually bring your awareness out of the crystal and become more aware of your
body and the world around you. Record notes in your journal so that you may remember
your experiences.
Candle Therapy and Crystals

The techniques of allowing candles to help in crystal work involve holding a selected
crystal in your hand or hands or placing the stone on the floor or table near you and your
mat and allow yourself to focus on the mineral as you meditate.
In a meditative or yoga group circle, you may place the candles and crystals in the center
of the group. Make sure that the intention of the entire group is that of the same intent.
Crystals can allow one to reach higher spiritual levels during meditation. The crystal
magnifies one's personal energy by aligning and connecting with universal power. The
candle can center and align by concentrating on it's flame.

To Promote Growth in Plants

"Plant" clear quartz crystals or moss agate in the center of any type of garden to promote
lush growth and abundant harvest
Stone Talismans
Find a stone in one of these shapes and use it as a talisman:

Alligator - survival, stealth

Ankh - "key of life", creates activity, enhance fertility in both mind & body

Antelope - speed,grace,rapid advancement

Arrowhead - strength, power, protection, direction

Bear - strength, introspection, self-knowledge

Beaver -building,shaping

Bee - service, gathering,community

Bird - unity, freedom, community

Buffalo - abundance - healing, good fortune

Butterfly - transformation, balance, grace

Caribou - travel, mobility

Cartouche - used for protection, link between Earth & other planes

Cougar - balance, leadership

Coyote - humor, trickiness, reversal of fortune

Crane - balance majesty

Cross - religious; protection

Crow - council, wisdom, resourcefulness

Crystal Balls (spheres) sends energy in all dirtections, used to purify and close gaps in
auras, when held or worn.

Dolphin - joy, harmony, connection with self

Dragonfly - skill, refinement, relentlesness

Eagle - potency, healing, power, illumination

Egg Shape- used for healing,(massages) good for meditation, cleansing chakras, new

Elephant - luck, prosperity, memory

Elk - pride, power, majesty

Feather - spirit

Fox - cleverness, subtlety

Frog - cleansing, peace, emotional healing

Goat - tenacity, diligence

Goose - safe return, love of home

Hawk - awareness, truth

Heart - love matters

Hedgehog - self preservation

Horse - freedom, power, safe movement

Hummingbird - beauty, wonder, agility

Lizard - letting go, illusiveness

Loon - communication, serenity

Moose - unpredictability, spontaneity

Mouse - illusion, charm

Obelisk - helps aid connection to ancient knowledge(Egypt)

Otter - joy, laughter, lightness

Owl - wisdom, vision, insight

Pentacle - religious; protection, symbolizes the unity of all

Porcupine - innocence, humility

Pryamids - focuses energies, used to both charg and prserve objects. focus & amplify
Rabbit - conquerng fear, safety

Raven - mystery, exploration of the unkown

Salmon - determination, persistence

Sandpiper - quickness, foraging, scavenging

Scarab - protection, endurance & stamina, abundance

Seagull - careless attitude, versatility

Seal - contentment

Skunk - caution, warning

Snail - persaverence, determination

Snake - power, life force, sexual potency

Spider - web of life, interconnectedness, industry

Squirrel - trust, thrift

Swan - elegance, nurturing

Turtle - love and protection, healing, knowledge

Whale - creativity, intuition

Wolf - teaching skill

Ying Yang - balance, harmony

Zodiac Symbols - empowers that particular sign, like a power animal.

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