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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall username dughall time status Welcome.

I am your host for this evening's #ukedchat We will be 19:59 reviewing the academic year. It's 8pm, time for tonight's #ukedchat to commence. Tonight your 20:00 moderator is @DugHall and we're doing an annual review #ukedchat Lets start off with some success stories. Share some 20:00 things that have gone well this year. Who's going to kick us off? I know teachers are inherently modest, 20:01 but you must have something worth sharing. :-) #ukedchat #ukedchat I'll kick off - I started English GCSE course with a schme 20:01 focussing on PLTS, mindsets and dispositions. It was fantastic What would teachers do if they build their own app from scratch? visit and see #edchat #ukedchat #edchattie 20:01 #ausedchat 20:01 It's @Philwheeler1's first #ukedchat please be nice to him ;-) hi everyone, what I learnt this year: Ofsted is pretty much making it 20:01 up as they go along #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1 You are very welcome :-) Would love you to join in. 20:02 #ukedchat What I learnt this year: Year 9 seem more obsessed by 'periods' 20:02 than i ever remember in 25 years! #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: NOW!!! #ukedchat - tonight @dughall is hosting and we're reviewing the last academic year. What worked, what 20:02 didn't. RT @ukedchat: NOW!!! #ukedchat - tonight @dughall is hosting and we're reviewing the last academic year. What worked, what 20:02 didn't. 20:02 #ukedchat right, own up, who voted for an annual review? #ukedchat I called it the Learning loop - you can read about it here: 20:03 20:03 @john_at_muuua LOL! Any success stories? #ukedchat RT @dughall: So what exactly is #ukedchat ? @ianaddison explains 20:03 more here: RT @dughall: So what exactly is #ukedchat ? @ianaddison explains 20:03 more here: What I learnt this year: teachers need to work outside politics that 20:03 changes with the weather #ukedchat RT @dughall: Welcome. I am your host for this evening's #ukedchat 20:03 We will be reviewing the academic year. RT @dughall: Welcome. I am your host for this evening's #ukedchat 20:03 We will be reviewing the academic year. 20:03 @dughall what exactly are we sharing about? #ukedchat RT @LearningSpy: #ukedchat I'll kick off - I started English GCSE course with a schme focussing on PLTS mindsets and dispositions. 20:03 Fantastic

ukedchat dughall



john_at_muuua CreativeEdu john_at_muuua dughall john_at_muuua


ictregister deerwood LearningSpy dughall tonyparkin ictregister john_at_muuua ictregister tonyparkin Janshs


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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall KnikiDavies Janshs 20:04 Drama has also been great for enhancing writing. #ukedchat 20:04 @dughall thanks #ukedchat ...thinking ... Being an #NQT I learnt that it's ok to challenge ideas and that 20:04 sometimes that can change things for the better #ukedchat RT @KnikiDavies: The blog has been my biggest success this year. 20:04 Great engagement from children & parents. #ukedchat #ukedchat I've joined twitter and that's taught me lots of new 20:04 things. Been fantastic sharing from teachers and other educators RT @junebre PISA - a good review [Video] #edchat #ukedchat #education #ozedchat #finnedchat #edtech @CreativeEdu #ukedchat. It's been a busy yr, but I've learnt how to motivate the quiet one at the back in new subject I've not taught before The blog has been my biggest success this year. Great engagement from children & parents. #ukedchat @Janshs Successes, less successful, lessons learnt, reflections etc #ukedchat #ukedchat ok, my y6 cd cover design project worked really well, shame run out of time. Summer term stuff @KnikiDavies #ukedchat. Agree my dept Twitter a/c and blog have gone down well. #ukedchat - Yr 5 & 6 Young Enterprose days went well, but likely to run in home next yr so pace better for our pupils






PhilWheeler1 KnikiDavies dughall chrisleach78 PhilWheeler1 gsussex ukedchat

20:04 20:04 20:04 20:04 20:05 20:05

dughall CreativeEdu

20:05 A guide to getting the most out of #ukedchat - RT @bevevans22: @dughall #ukedchat Had a really good session Y6 lit. ALN pupils had dictionary work comparing real & online 20:05 dictionaries - they loved it! 20:05 A guide to getting the most out of #ukedchat - RT @cherrylkd: #ukedchat I've joined twitter and that's taught me lots of new things. Been fantastic sharing from teachers and other 20:05 educators @KnikiDavies What do you think it is about blogging that gets that 20:05 engagement? #ukedchat @dughall #ukedchat Had a really good session - Y6 lit. ALN pupils had dictionary work comparing real & online dictionaries - they 20:05 loved it! 20:05 #ukedchat what's the topic? RT @KnikiDavies: The blog has been my biggest success this year. 20:05 Great engagement from children & parents. #ukedchat @dughall this year has been all about simplifying our curriculum 20:05 and making it transparent. Polished everything #ukedchat Page 2 of 40

karliva89 dughall

bevevans22 MrsPrentice11



#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall #ukedchat then subsequently I read some stuff going on in primary 20:05 schools around critical skills which they call 'loops of learning' @chrisleach78 I love the sound of that, Chris. What do you think 20:05 made it successful? #ukedchat What I learnt this year: #ukedchat has taught me that primary 20:06 teachers are much more sharing than secondary! (me) RT @cherrylkd: #ukedchat I've joined twitter and that's taught me lots of new things. Been fantastic sharing from teachers and other 20:06 educators 20:06 #ukedchat Enterprise / in house sorry typos - long day!!! #ukedchat Me too - it's been a revelation. Blogging is a crucial part 20:06 of it all though 20:06 @MrsPrentice11 #ukedchat topic: reviewing the academic year. This year I've learnt what a huge amount you can learn from you 20:06 PLN! #ukedchat @dughall kids were given what they thought were genuine bands, so designed for client. Publishing on blog gave them real audience 20:06 #ukedchat Only got into Twitter this year as a New Yr Res; only for my PLN at 20:06 mo, next yr into the classroom!! #ukedchat #ukedchat Delved into blogging w/Yr 7's ~ they loved receiving comments from around the world ~ in only 5 weeks of posting The value of the EPQ (and Norwich City FC) #ukedchat RT @KnikiDavies: Drama has also been great for enhancing writing. #ukedchat I learnt Juniors aren't that bad #ukedchat #ukedchat - I learned that a good mentor can bring about a quantum leap in your practice. @philwheeler1 How did you achieve that? #ukedchat RT @cherrylkd: #ukedchat I've joined twitter and that's taught me lots of new things. Been fantastic sharing from teachers & other educators Meeting and sharing new ideas and resources in Twitter has helped me grow immensely in my career #ukedchat I've learnt that parents love having chn email them from a class account and chn love sharing what they've learnt. Both sides win #ukedchat Like @cherrylkd I also joined Twitter but was cynical. Turns out it's better for CPD than I could ever have imagined. #ukedchat @ukedchat Warm invite: #ukedchat teachers&students can enter vids in comp. EngagingLearning @KnikiDavies :-) #ukedchat #ukedchat My success: chucking out every printer and replacing with a few copier/scanners in corridors for kids and staff. Saved 1000s! Page 3 of 40

LearningSpy dughall


PhilWheeler1 gsussex LearningSpy CliveSir CreativeEdu

chrisleach78 mattbuxton10

wildblu Teach_it_so dughall Natty08 kimorganix CreativeEdu

20:06 20:06 20:06 20:06 20:06 20:06

dughall bucharesttutor

20:06 20:06



misshbond Brendano dughall

20:07 20:07 20:07



#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall ianaddison dughall Welcome to #ukedchat, sorry I can't be with you, here are some 20:07 scheduled tweets about my year 20:07 @chrisleach78 Excellent stuff! #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: Just 15 minutes until #ukedchat - tonight @dughall is hosting and we're reviewing the last academic year. What 20:07 worked, what didn't. #ukedchat @dughall For children,love of technology,sharing their work,global audience.Parents,a way into talking to children about 20:07 their day 20:07 Has to be twitter for me and #ukedchat @john_at_muuua Can you elaborate? Have you blogged it? :-) 20:07 #ukedchat 20:08 @Teach_it_so EPQ? #ukedchat #ukedchat Something I've found tricky is getting some people to take responsibility for their own ICT/use of tech. It's been slow 20:08 process #ukedchat a minus, when people assure you they are doing 20:08 something they may not be . . . Evidence is always the safest route the blog for my English set, gave them huge confidence in their 20:08 writing & great research for my MA #ukedchat 20:08 @Natty08 Compared to what? Infants? Or Secondary? #ukedchat #ukedchat Our focus was on giving ch'n proper reasons to write for fun - letters, newsletter, their choice, gel pens...huge success! #ukedchat @sbyrne4 How does this work? @ianaddison good thinking to schedule in your highlights and lowlights #ukedchat @simonhaughton What is it about Edmodo, Simon? (in 140 ;-)) #ukedchat @gsussex #ukedchat We've had some fab enterprise days. Always go well. Gove sent his team to one. Funnily that wasn't the best one! Met some fantastic teachers on twitter who are inspiring and share ideas resources. #ukedchat the 'controlled assessment' idea is a farce. It works only in that it means that teachers have little say #ukedchat I have learnt the most important word out there and that is SHARE #ukedchat RT @kimorganix: #ukedchat - I learned that a good mentor can bring about a quantum leap in your practice. @dughall Infants #ukedchat


KnikiDavies Stephen_Logan dughall dughall


gsussex MrsPrentice11 dughall

mattharding007 LearningSpy CreativeEdu dughall

20:08 20:08 20:08 20:08

cherrylkd Stephen_Logan john_at_muuua bucharesttutor dughall Natty08 dughall missmclachlan

20:08 20:08 20:08 20:08 20:08 20:09

20:09 @sbyrne4 A money-saver! Excellent (and relevant!) #ukedchat 20:09 @misshbond hear hear! #ukedchat RT @Stephen_Logan: Met some fantastic teachers on twitter who 20:09 are inspiring and share ideas resources. #ukedchat < absolutely .


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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall deerwood This year I've learnt that ebooks are a lot harder to produce than 20:09 you'd think #ukedchat Google Apps has been a fantastic success across my school, kids using email creating sites and more #ukedchat 20:09 RT @misshbond: Like @cherrylkd I also joined Twitter but was cynical. Turns out it's better for CPD than I could ever have 20:09 imagined. #ukedchat @MrsPrentice11 #ukedchat I really want to do this next year any 20:09 tips? 2 projects I'm hoping will be a success next year and 20:09 #ukedchat Please share links (blog posts etc) to ideas you've used this year 20:09 you'd like to share #ukedchat #ukedchat Hard to summarise this year. We opened as a new academy and it's been transformational. A once in a career 20:10 experience. Amazing. #ukedchat in many ways #reflectandshare was a great way of 20:10 showing of what has been a hit with Y6 pupils: I also learnt working in a team is hard and I'm a control freak 20:10 #ukedchat @LearningSpy @sbyrne4 are you looking for a #ukedchat guide? 20:10 try here: 20:10 @simonhaughton Equally good in all age groups? #ukedchat #ukedchat I taught Sri Lankan teachers about internet and email 20:10 now they are global! Mixed ability problem solving (nrich) in maths has also been a huge success,reflected in increased confidence,enjoyment&attainment 20:10 #ukedchat @LearningSpy plan what you're going to do with it in advance, & 20:10 use twitter to create an audience for their writing #ukedchat @bevevans22 Being bad at ICT is seen as a joke. Why isn't it frowned on like it would be if they were bad at English/Maths? 20:10 #ukedchat @dughall as I've mentioned before, we kinda got to grips with APP 20:10 and all that. now it's about embedding everything #ukedchat Training someone else. It has really made me think about my 20:10 teaching and learning #ukedchat 20:10 Extended Project Qualification- all kids should do it #ukedchat RT @KnikiDavies: Mixed ability problem solving (nrich) in maths has also been a huge success,reflected in increased 20:11 confidence,enjoyment&attainment #ukedchat


missmclachlan LearningSpy

chrisleach78 CreativeEdu


bevevans22 Natty08 CreativeEdu dughall CliveSir




john_at_muuua Stephen_Logan Teach_it_so


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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall I've learnt that I have a LOT still to learn about technology and how 20:11 to maximise its impact in the classroom :S #ukedchat @ICTmagic #ukedchat It can be a little annoying at times. I just kept running lots of training and support sessions until things stuck! My summer EFL learners have loved online 100 word creative writing challenge (w/ peer feedback) + correcting own written mistakes #ukedchat @bevevans22 Interesting. Was going to ask about 'wider' school things later. #ukedchat @bevevans22 #ukedchat so true re ind resp for ICT! @MrsPrentice11 #ukedchat Would like to talk about this in more depth another time - that OK? @dughall clear and transparent planning, available to everyone. Constant clarity on how we assess and plan. #ukedchat @deerwood and I've learnt that online learning isn't the easy option! #ukedchat I learnt that my lower ability English set can create amazing movies...#ukedchat Classroom video production gets deep learning via 60secondscience vidcomp + kids win #ukedchat I've also learned that online teaching can be both fun and frustrating #ukedchat RT @CliveSir: #ukedchat I taught Sri Lankan teachers about internet and email - now they are global! RT @BenRogersOVA: #ukedchat Hard to summarise this year. We opened as a new academy and it's been transformational. A once in a career experience. Amazing. I've also learned that it is annoying when people use on here #ukedchat @sbyrne4 #ukedchat Sounds interesting - cultural shift Starting my masters tough at times but really has improved my teaching. #ukedchat




BobToms100 dughall gsussex LearningSpy

20:11 20:11 20:11 20:11

john_at_muuua CreativeEdu GaryAveryICT Brendano deerwood dughall

20:11 20:11 20:11 20:11 20:11 20:12

victoryoak deerwood LearningSpy Stephen_Logan

20:12 20:12 20:12 20:12



anhalf CreativeEdu


biggest success has been learning that even the most technophobic 20:12 teacher can use ICT if mentored appropriately. #ukedchat @bevevans22 bad at ICT is seen as joke. Why isn't it frowned on like if they were bad at English/Maths? #ukedchat Too many in this 20:12 category? RT @chrisrat: RT @dughall RT @cherrylkd: #ukedchat I've joined twitter and that's taught me lots of new things. Been fantast 20:12 (cont) Oh wow! @CliveSir That must have given you quite a buzz! and 20:12 them too.... #ukedchat @ICTmagic @bevevans22 There is a vast majority out there who are not very good n Maths, English, we need to educate em as 20:12 teachers #ukedchat

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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall RT @CliveSir: EXCITING!! RT @kylepace: EIGHT! #rscon3 #edchat #edtech #cpchat 20:12 #elemchat #moedtech #ukedchat 20:12 @cherrylkd @bucharesttutor what's the topic tonight? #ukedchat 20:12 #ukedchat has taught me I need to blog next year @LearningSpy #ukedchat double side by default. Scanning direct to 20:12 email. All now accountable and commit to limiting their printing. RT @dughall RT @cherrylkd: #ukedchat I've joined twitter and that's taught me lots of new things. Been fantast (cont) 20:12 oftentimes the simplest ideas are the best and most pervading 20:12 #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1 First time teaching Year Six and a huge learning curve. I have Y5&6 next year again and feeling ready for it this time. #ukedchat RT @ianaddison: Google Apps has been a fantastic success across my school, kids using email creating sites and more #ukedchat @john_at_muuua Excellent stuff! Consistency/transparency v important IMO #ukedchat @CreativeEdu hah, you must have anticipated my next tweet #ukedchat @simonhaughton :-) #ukedchat

vickyloras ElKel99 GaryAveryICT


chrisrat CreativeEdu



merlinjohn dughall deerwood dughall

20:12 20:12 20:12 20:13

Teach_it_so ClaireJoanne35 MrsPrentice11

There are level 1, 2 and 3 versions. Kids learn research skills and 20:13 evaluative skills. Apply them to project of choice #ukedchat @cherrylkd Yes me too. Discovered lots of great websites and 20:13 shared ideas #ukedchat I've learnt teaching in a school that's closing is emotionally 20:13 challenging #ukedchat @dughall parents/students/teachers/support... all should be 20:13 allowed accurate and clear info. not dull 'newsletters' #ukedchat @ICTmagic first time in the infants was a HUGE learning curve for 20:13 me too! And big agree - feel ready for it next year #ukedchat @ElKel99 @bucharesttutor #ukedchat review highlights of the 20:13 year. 20:13 @deerwood Frustrating how? #ukedchat 20:13 @CreativeEdu tell us more #ukedchat my boss always asks me about successes & I do find it difficult #ukedchat v pleased about so mnay things sch/staff/students have 20:13 achievede #ukedchat A simplified School Improvement Plan worked well - no 20:13 more than 3 focuses for whole year. Can achieve something then! #ukedchat Too many in this category? Including a lot of ed. leaders 20:13 perhaps? Page 7 of 40


SheliBB cherrylkd dughall deerwood


mattharding007 gsussex

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall Even down to the vocab used in subjects, whole school approach for continuity is better than different vocab in different yr grps 20:13 #ukedchat I've learnt this yr that despite what people say, there IS a difference between Lab & Con; at least on Education!!!! #ukedchat RT @year3teacher: #ukedchat joining twitter is one of the best things this year @GaryAveryICT sounds fantastic... can we see? #ukedchat @karliva89 #ukedchat We have lots of people using tech. It used to be a little patchy though which, hopefully, has now been addressed...


mattbuxton10 dughall CreativeEdu

20:13 20:13 20:13

bevevans22 dughall jackieschneider


MikeTiffy53 CreativeEdu

20:13 @Natty08 An excellent, reflective tweet there, Natty :-) #ukedchat 20:13 #ukedchat - sorry I'm late! What's the subject? RT @Kerileef: I'm intrigued by how many educators are starting to cite W Edwards Deming as an inspiration - where's this come from? 20:13 #ukedchat I've learnt in the last 24 hours not to be scared of crowdsourcing, 20:13 it's easy and FABULOUS #ukedchat Jumping in as a non teacher, but my highlight of the last year was definitely the UK Blog Awards. So inspirational #ukedchat biggest success is in getting the fun back into learning... water rockets, string telephones, tin foil switches... many smiles #ukedchat RT @john_at_muuua: biggest success's been learning that even the most technophobic teacher can use ICT if mentored appropriately. #ukedchat Happy Summer Hols to all my teacher followers! Hope you can have a lovely break - you deserve it! #ukedchat RT @cherrylkd: @ElKel99 @bucharesttutor #ukedchat review highlights of the year @jackieschneider I shared my ICT policy that I wrote this year too #ukedchat @bucharesttutor @ICTmagic #ukedchat But you expect teachers to be good at certain things or at least prepared to try. Setting an example... @MrsPrentice11 sounds tough #ukedchat @Brendano Yes, been doing it for years. You considered making AR models them them? #ukedchat #ukedchat Soo close to new build in BSF=upGove cancel=down.Judicial rev=upGove sticks=down.Learntis better2b great school in bad build than@CreativeEdu cos you have to click a link outof twitter to load a website to read the full message #ukedchat Some great classroom successes! Any more beyond the classroom? Whole school/organisation? #ukedchat





dughall joanneshaw80 bucharesttutor ianaddison

20:14 20:14 20:14 20:14

bevevans22 LearningSpy ICTmagic

20:14 20:14 20:15

DexNott deerwood dughall

20:15 20:15 20:15

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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall I've especially enjoyed working with my #ou students & other teachers this year #ukedchat - & many other #chats - esp #phdchat @cherrylkd @bucharesttutor #ukedchat returning to work after long absence to be hugged by pupils who missed me 15 minutes gone already. Tonight #ukedchat's topic is a review of the highs and lows of the last academic year @dughall things don't work as well as you think. What goes well in class does not always work online. Need almost a new approach #ukedchat @deerwood why is annoying? (I don't even know what it is!) #technophone #ukedchat Vital CPD sessions on Wednesday nights have been, well, vital CPD! #ukedchat @deerwood Excellent points! #ukedchat

Janshs ElKel99 ukedchat

20:15 20:15 20:15

deerwood CreativeEdu misshbond dughall

20:15 20:15 20:16 20:16


#ukedchat wve introduced skype to our students also had a batch 20:16 of ipod touches complete with evernote to help with assessment #ukedchat best thing this year hasbeen the exciting development 20:16 and role of social networking fit cpd and in the ckassroom Also learned to watch out for e-vangelists, those who believe that 20:16 any new tech is better than no tech! #ukedchat I've also found that comments on my blogs have been so useful 20:16 (thanks) #ukedchat RT @deerwood: @dughall things don't work as well as you think. What goes well in class does not always work online. Need almost a 20:16 new approach #ukedchat 20:16 @CreativeEdu excellent ... #ukedchat 20:16 @chrisrat Thanks for that, Chris :-) #ukedchat @bevevans22 @ICTmagic Yes teachers must def be trained to teach in what they are good at before entering the warzone aka 20:16 classroom #ukedchat 20:16 @GaryAveryICT oooh... I want to be in your class! #ukedchat @deerwood It took me 5 mins to write + tweet a shared google doc. within 24 hours I had 88+ tips for new teachers to blog 20:16 #ukedchat outside of school, really enjoyed teachmeets & #ukedchat & Vital 20:16 CPD sessions I've especially enjoyed working with trainees; especially pleased 20:16 that she's landed a permanent contract. YAY #ukedchat #ukedchat highs joinging Twitter, Teachmeets and starting my first 20:17 website/blog Lows paperwork, people with unrealistic expectations 20:17 @Stephen_Logan Yes I would say that too #ukedchat


Teach_it_so Janshs

dughall deerwood dughall

bucharesttutor john_at_muuua

CreativeEdu MrsPrentice11


gsussex ClaireJoanne35

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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall #ukedchat - seeing young students taking part in democratic 20:17 protests against student fees cheered me no end #protest&survive Taking business students to canary wharf and a big enterprise activity at Hull Guildhall definitely highlights #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat I've learned this year that talking quietly when telling a child off is surprisingly more effective than shouting.... @john_at_muuua water thing ever.. Kids learned masses about forces #ukedchat Rewarding RT @ElKel99: @cherrylkd #ukedchat returning to work after long absence to be hugged by pupils who missed me, now that's satisfying RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat I've learned this year that talking quietly when telling a child off is surprisingly more effective than shouting.... @dughall #ukedchat As I said earlier, #reflectandshare session was really worthwhile. Staff picked lots of tips & pupils were very honest @anhalf most interesting experiences for me are often working with PGCE and BTs. #ukedchat #ukedchat @Teach_it_so Yes beware - I can't be doing with tech for tech's sake #ukedchat




MrG_ICT GaryAveryICT

20:17 20:17





bevevans22 john_at_muuua LearningSpy

20:17 20:17 20:17

Educationchat dughall ICTmagic KnikiDavies

#ukedchat I've learned this year that talking quietly when telling a 20:17 child off is surprisingly more effective than shouting.... 20:17 @ElKel99 Wow!!!!! :-) #ukedchat @bevevans22 I think most are, but it is finding the time. I love 20:17 learning new things - hence the PLN. #ukedchat School went solo with our own design of creative curriculum. Very 20:18 successful! #ukedchat @GaryAveryICT love how Ofsted wants 'exciting' lessons, but never 20:18 says what/how. We need your examples sir! :-) #ukedchat @bucharesttutor But tech is a bit different. I've only been teaching 20:18 a few years & some kit wasn't invented when I trained. #ukedchat I've learnt that EVERYONE has an opinion on most things and it's 20:18 well worth listening. #ukedchat Great so far! So, what was it about those successes? What was it 20:18 that made those things work? #ukedchat @dughall #ukedchat. Successfully employed my first teacher as a 20:18 new HoD, starts in Sept. I've also learnt that there's some damn fine people with inspirational education ideas ... Pity none in government though 20:19 #ukedchat @dughall #ukedchat With the dictionary session it was great to see 20:19 pupils, who can struggle with lit, find different tools they could use Page 10 of 40


ICTmagic CreativeEdu dughall PhilWheeler1



#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall LearningSpy ianaddison 20:19 R@john_at_muuua they wouldn't be exciting then #ukedchat Our digital leader project has been going very well 20:19 #ukedchat The 100word challenge has given my children a chance to explore 20:19 blogging and writing #ukedchat RT @CreativeEdu: Are you a HT who blogs, if so please DM me a link (so they don't get lost in the #ukedchat stream in a few mins!) RT @KnikiDavies: School went solo with our own design of creative curriculum. Very successful! #ukedchat Using Twitter to connect with so many helpful experts. Thanks #ukedchat #ukedchat whole school writing on Transition Day inspired by mysterious giant eggs discovered in nature garden. Web idea... Kids loved it!


christoclifford dughall MrG_ICT

20:19 20:19 20:19

rebeccagcole ICTmagic


20:19 @bucharesttutor Tech requires constant updating. #ukedchat I got my best idea for EAL from another school.. Idiom of the 20:19 week.... Genius, teaches a new meaning each week!! #ukedchat RT @benwhite25: #ukedchat best thing this year hasbeen the exciting development and role of social networking fit cpd and in 20:19 the ckassroom RT @deerwood: I've also learnt that there's some damn fine people with inspirational education ideas ... Pity none in government 20:20 though #ukedchat 20:20 #ukedchat Help please - what's the topic/question at the moment? #ukedchat mentoring an nqt also excellent this year - if anyone has 20:20 an option ti do this in future - do! #ukedchat Things work when they are relevant to children and 20:20 enjoyable. Not always easy when teaching long division though... #ukedchat Things work when they are relevant to children and 20:20 enjoyable. Not always easy when teaching long division though... @ElKel99 @bucharesttutor #ukedchat ah that's lovely. Good to be 20:20 missed and appreciated 20:20 @anhalf Never quite as good as you can do yourself? #ukedchat biggest success was learning, via #ukedchat and elsewhere, that 20:20 there is a world of passionate teachers who want to share. RT @chrisrat: my highlight of the last year was definitely the UK 20:20 Blog Awards. So inspirational #ukedchat <I'll drink to that! RT @karencymru #ukedchat linking up with @asober @bevevans22 20:20 and @ebd35 in rl for great cpd opportunities Page 11 of 40



Educationchat simcloughlin benwhite25


Educationchat cherrylkd PivotalEllie


CreativeEdu ASECymru

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall RT @deerwood: I've also learnt that there's some damn fine people with inspirational education ideas ... Pity none in government though #ukedchat @misshbond So, leadership important. #ukedchat @ICTmagic I believe that as educators, we need to be continuously in sync with the latest stuff via tech, net, smartphones etc #ukedchat TEDx Warwick - Dr Michael McMahon: Teaching & Learning Today #cpchat #edreform #edchat #ukedchat #langchat #eltchat #esl I've finished my first year as a governor. Very rewarding being involved with decisions and seeing how highly govs value teachers #ukedchat #ukedchat learnt never to underestimate pupils ict skills, often amazing...but same time never overestimate. Not all savvy ict superstars!

jackieschneider dughall

20:20 20:20









misshbond anhalf

@dughall Having such supportive staff, a HT who's keen to try new 20:20 things and children who are keen to learn #ukedchat 20:20 I've learnt that most schemes arent worth the money! #ukedchat. @simcloughlin highlights of the year school wide - you're here at 20:21 just the right time with your writing week! #ukedchat 20:21 I'm avoiding the 'political' theme... :-) #ukedchat @LearningSpy lol. 'Ofsted being exciting'... there's a thought! 20:21 #ukedchat RT @LearningSpy: #ukedchat one big change for me has been to 20:21 see observations as PD not for judgements @KnikiDavies #ukedchat Good to be in that position. I think most 20:21 governers are too detached from the parents/school generally @ICTmagic they can enter 2011 global comp 20:21 for free n win . teachers can also enter n inspire kids. #ukedchat #ukedchat i've survived my nqt year and learnt what sort of school I 20:21 would want to work in the future? Just back from a two-day D of E taster trip with a dozen pupils. 20:21 Good fun - and the weather stayed nice! #ukedchat #ukedchat Yes 3 cheers for 100word chall. Another challenge - all 20:21 the many new programs, I need a course so I can use more! Enterprise academy programme linking business with a local 20:21 football team #ukedchat #ukedchat I was able to get kids from a poor muslim school in Sri 20:21 Lanka onto Facebook (pity G+ wasnt avail then!) I'm getting, leadership, relevance, audience, autonomy, 20:21 connections/networks/twitter so far. Anything else? #ukedchat

KnikiDavies dughall john_at_muuua jennitonic80


Brendano xPunzx ChrisJWilkinson

gsussex Stephen_Logan CliveSir


Page 12 of 40

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall Staff trying to improve their own ICT and in turn more willing to try 20:21 and take more risk with children in class. #ukedchat The importance of stopping once in a while to acknowledge & celebrate whats been a success Too easy to focus on next 20:21 challenge. #ukedchat #ukedchat one big change for me has been to see observations as 20:21 PD not for judgements I've learnt that schools are full of talented, innovative and inspiring 20:21 staff, ready to share their good ideas. #ukedchat Thanks! #cheesy #ukedchat my highs = gaining respect of students in first job. lows = working with very selfish "old school" colleagues Greenfoot for kids to learn the basics of programming, REAL programming, beyond Flowol, Scratch and GameMaker #ukedchat @deerwood - & many not in senior management team either! #ukedchat @dughall #ukedchat Letting the children take the lead? we've had peer mentoring, Young Leaders taking classes, pupils ideas leading topics.. @dughall #ukedchat I don't have class reps. Was dreading it and increased SLT work but it's worked well. Now teach throughout school. RT @dughall: Great so far! So, what was it about those successes? What was it that made those things work? #ukedchat Going to my first ever teachmeet was pretty good- learned loads #ukedchat @anhalf #ukedchat True! But that confidence of knowing that the children can do that comes with experience. @simcloughlin Review of the year. #ukedchat @john_at_muuua Well they're not are they - that's the point. If they 'tell' us what exciting means we're scuppered! #ukedchat Fine tuning ourselves with latest trends n needs of the present generation will bolster our skills in front of our Ss @ICTmagic #ukedchat @Educationchat yesss! shouting might grab attention, but it becomes a drone to kids! :) #ukedchat @dughall ooh, sorry about that #ukedchat what is tonight all about? #ukedchat #ukedchat Twitter... Now tapped into a wealth of ideas whilst on the sofa! The future of CPD? @dughall and ditto with adult learners too, online learning is a lot harder than offline learning #ukedchat RT @gillpenny: The importance of stopping once in a while to acknowledge & celebrate success. Too easy to focus on next challenge. #ukedchat Page 13 of 40


gillpenny LearningSpy




MarshFactor jackieschneider

20:21 20:21





CreativeEdu SheliBB PivotalEllie dughall

20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22



bucharesttutor xPunzx deerwood chris_1974 rebeccagcole CreativeEdu

20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22



#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall @PivotalEllie lol ; i meant that strarting from chns ideas much more productive than starting from schemes :) #ukedchat RT @deerwood: I still feel online learning has enormous potential #ukedchat < I agree - so many avenues that are worth exploring more... @dughall @bucharesttutor thankyou. First #ukedchat I've made in ages. #ukedchat RT @gillpenny: The importance of stopping once in a while to acknowledge & celebrate whats been a success Too easy to focus on next challenge. #ukedchat RT @dughall: So what exactly is #ukedchat ? @ianaddison explains more here: @dughall like teaching should exist outside of politics because we remain while politicians don't. #ukedchat I went to 4 great teachmeets this year. #ukedchat Got so many fab ideas! @dughall - why? Most of our poorest EMA deprived kids can't! #ukedchat @chris_1974 Reflections on the academic year. #ukedchat I've learnt (almost) how to frame responses&presos in interviews for SLT; Issue - Action - Impact. Nxt yr to actually get one!! #ukedchat Recption class blog started from nothing this year, was greatly appreciated and well received by parents, everyone blogging nxt yr #ukedchat #ukedchat just reached a sig anniversary of teaching&despite running vlow on stamina&despite rapid political change- teaching is a great job



bevevans22 chris_1974

20:23 20:23

PivotalEllie ictast john_at_muuua KnikiDavies jackieschneider dughall

20:23 20:23 20:23 20:23 20:23 20:23








Agree! RT @benwhite25: #ukedchat mentoring an nqt also 20:23 excellent this year - if anyone has an option ti do this in future - do! @jennitonic80 #ukedchat I think old school colleagues are an 20:23 unfortunate part of the game? Hope I won't end up like that! RT @sbyrne4: #ukedchat My success: chucking out every printer and replacing with a few copier/scanners in corridors for kids and 20:23 staff. Saved 1000s! Review highlights of the year @chris_1974: what is tonight all 20:23 about? #ukedchat 20:23 I still feel online learning has enormous potential #ukedchat RT @bevevans22: @dughall #ukedchat Letting the children take the lead? we've had peer mentoring, Young Leaders taking classes, 20:23 pupils ideas leading topics.. #ukedchat my biggest high was attending first RSCONs. Now I'm an 20:24 organiser of #rscon3! RT @KnikiDavies: I went to 4 great teachmeets this year. #ukedchat Got so many fab ideas! <TeachMeets on any scale are proving 20:24 invaluable Page 14 of 40


andyfield bucharesttutor deerwood

dughall CliveSir


#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall I really appreciated swapping PE for RE with another teacher. Think it was much better for us and the kids! Use your strengths 20:24 #ukedchat RT @dughall: Great so far! So, what was it about those successes? 20:24 What was it that made those things work? #ukedchat @sbyrne4 agree only have two scanner/copier/printers + hard 20:24 drives in school, save a bundle, work smarter. #ukedchat RT @dughall: I'm getting, leadership, relevance, audience, autonomy, connections/networks/twitter so far. Anything else? 20:24 #ukedchat @jennitonic80 snap! :) but it's the students that count right?! 20:24 #ukedchat @karliva89 @ICTmagic Then Karla, I have to admit that you and your school are moving in the right direction #ukedchat @anhalf #ukedchat ooh yes. My student walked straight into a full time job 1 week after qualifying. Pleased for her RT @BenRogersOVA: #ukedchat Hard to summarise this year. We opened as a new academy and it's been transformational. A once in a career experience. Amazing. RT @DexNott: #ukedchat just reached a sig anniversary of teaching&despite running vlow on stamina&despite rapi (cont) @DeputyMitchell Review/reflections on the year. You've already done it ;-) #ukedchat




ukedchat xPunzx

bucharesttutor cherrylkd

20:24 20:24



anhalf dughall

20:24 20:25


RT @anhalf: @PivotalEllie yes, but this year I have learnt that 21 20:25 years into the job I still have so much to learn #ukedchat @MrsPrentice11 my highlight will be giving away $12K in cash 20:25 prizes for global vidcomp #ukedchat 20:25 @deerwood I agree. 'potential'. But what stops it? #ukedchat @PivotalEllie yes, but this year I have learnt that 21 years into the 20:25 job I still have so much to learn #ukedchat 20:25 @chris_1974 @dughall you are very welcome #ukedchat RT @mattbuxton10: I've learnt this yr that despite what people say, there IS a difference between Lab & Con; at least on Education!!!! 20:25 #ukedchat @deerwood sounds like it's time for and educational-political 20:25 coup.... #ukedchat @dughall #ukedchat also found lots of external comps benefitting 20:25 both the dept and pupils more than ever this year @LearningSpy really they are just reading key words from a list. the 20:25 buzz is now all about 'risk taking' so they apply it often. #ukedchat

Brendano john_at_muuua anhalf bucharesttutor

bobharrisonset CreativeEdu



Page 15 of 40

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall RT @Stephen_Logan: RT @benwhite25: #ukedchat mentoring an nqt also excellent this year - if anyone has an option ti do this in 20:25 future - do! 20:25 What's the #ukedchat topic?? @cherrylkd it's great when that job is secured; I think coming into 20:25 teaching now is such a huge learning curve #ukedchat One thing that has really pleased me has been the adoption of 20:25 iPads in special education needs #ukedchat @PivotalEllie indeed. The day I stop learning will be the day I stop teaching (hopefully not for a long time yet) #ukedchat @Stephen_Logan We always try to. My dept is very established and consistent, but are blessed by several #PGCE students each year. #ukedchat @john_at_muuua is anything stopping it? Maybe online learning being superseded by mobile learning #ukedchat @ICTmagic and this is where I believe that we must try and integrate a certain Maths with ICT, English with say History etc #ukedchat My school came out of category this year :-) #ukedchat

dughall DeputyMitchell

anhalf deerwood



john_at_muuua deerwood

20:26 20:26

bucharesttutor bryanharrison31

20:26 20:26



@anhalf #ukedchat I'm sure we can always learn - from the 20:26 children and def from new tech and from other professionals RT @misshbond: Even down to the vocab used in subjects, whole school approach for continuity is better than different vocab in 20:26 different yr grps #ukedchat @KnikiDavies #ukedchat Agreed. I really enjoyed holding art session for the MAT children in this area. Definitely had impact @ianaddison Agree re 100 word challenge. So effective but such a simple idea. Thanks Julia #ukedchat @BenRogersOVA @victoryoak #ukedchat but Ben it'you who are transformational! Thank you for a great year! Tomo 4 o clock time for a holiday @ADSH_11 That sounds like a fantastic success! Well done! #ukedchat Rec Blog was easy to set up and add to, gave all parents access to things they would never have seen / heard otherwise, lots of :) #ukedchat

bevevans22 MrG_ICT

20:26 20:26

Rachel_deSouza CreativeEdu

20:27 20:27




@ianaddison I love the way you keep tweeting in #ukedchat when 20:27 you're actually busy with the school concert! :-) #ukedchat Social media has given my teaching huge new lease of 20:27 nrg after 21 yrs as a HoD. plus loads of great lectures in London 20:27 #ukedchat Collective CPD on teaching and learning. Run by staff for staff, and programmed incrementally for the year. Support and buy-in. 20:27 #ukedchat Page 16 of 40

tutor2u_econ Educationchat


#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall cherrylkd PivotalEllie LearningSpy CreativeEdu @karliva89 #ukedchat yes iPod touches have been brill. Thanks to 20:27 @WestcliffSchool and @primarypete_ @anhalf #ukedchat And I wonder how many jobs people can say 20:27 that about! @@bucharesttutor Think all academic subjects should be 20:27 combined with someting physical/creative #ukedchat 20:27 @deerwood I agree but it's NOT a shortcut #ukedchat #ukedchat Just finished my ICT PGCE - TeachMeets are a fantastic place to meet other super teachers and to get awesome ideas to 20:28 share @xPunzx #ukedchat have to keep that in forefront of mind dont 20:28 u...can be hard sometimes!! @deerwood rephrase: is the potential not being achieved because 20:28 of the tech or the people? What do you think? #ukedchat @CreativeEdu oh, I absolutely agree with that and it would be 20:28 foolish to think so. Same applies to ebooks. #ukedchat Many challenges this year with changes to careers information 20:28 advice and guidance Aim higher funding cuts #ukedchat 20:28 @benwhite25 #ukedchat ditto! **shudder** Classroom video is more than engaging coz kids WANT to dig 20:28 deeper into the content, and thus Understand more. #ukedchat @karliva89 Do you think that adoption of tech is more or less rapid 20:28 in Special schools compared to mainstream? #ukedchat @deerwood They're a great tool to have in an SEN setting. Many great ways to use them. Collaborative & individual Would like more 20:28 #ukedchat RT @bryanharrison31: My school came out of category this year :-) 20:28 #ukedchat < Yay! Well done! #massive :-) RT @DexNott: #ukedchat never 4get the real job inspiring children teaching children caring4 children working for success aiming high 20:29 alongside colleagues Wow! Fantastic stuff! I'd like you now to reflect on some of the 20:29 things that weren't so successful. Anyone? #ukedchat #ukedchat never 4get the real job inspiring children teaching children caring4 children working for success aiming high alongside 20:29 colleagues I created to share how-to videos with 20:29 people, it seems to be going well so far #ukedchat @dughall Thank you. I have a great team around me and was a 20:29 great learning curve for all #ukedchat RT @bryanharrison31: My school came out of category this year :-) 20:29 #ukedchat <HOORAY well done! what made the difference? #ukedchat ive learnt that i dont know much about 20:29 educational/class blogging, but would like to know more!? Page 17 of 40

MissKMcD jennitonic80

john_at_muuua deerwood

Stephen_Logan jennitonic80



bevevans22 dughall

dughall dughall


ianaddison bryanharrison31

CreativeEdu xPunzx

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall #ukedchat moving forward is dependent on vision, leadership, 20:29 teamwork and commitment from whole staff team @LearningSpy couldn't have said that better :) this way the Ss would have a sense of creativity and adventure evolved #ukedchat @karliva89 It is no surprise that the credit to those achievements go to @cherrylkd, truly in every sense a source of inspiration #ukedchat my first attempt at classblogging was not what I wanted. But I tried and learnt.#ukedchat @CreativeEdu Super savvy :-) @ianaddison #ukedchat @dughall Not so successful = SATs result. Lol #ukedchat RT @Rachel_deSouza: @BenRogersOVA @victoryoak #ukedchat but Ben it'you who are transformational! Thank you for a great year! Tomo 4 o clock time for a holiday #ukedchat Not successful....? Without getting political...that's going to be hard.... @ianaddison 10 min CPD. genius! #ukedchat




bucharesttutor chris_1974 dughall bryanharrison31

20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30

victoryoak mattharding007 john_at_muuua

20:30 20:30 20:30

anhalf Costa_Man1


@xPunzx I know little about blogging but my PLN have always 20:30 come up with answers/signposts- all about collaboration #ukedchat #ukedchat attending 1st Teachmeet was highlight and turning point 20:30 inmy teaching career One New Academic Year Resolution for me is to set aside time to blog each week, rather than as & when and in bursts at the 20:30 moment! #ukedchat Collaborating with other schools through Comenius project and a 20:30 separate etwinning project has been amazing this year #ukedchat @dughall I think @ianaddison was super savvy and scheduled those 20:30 tweets??? #ukedchat either that, or he's superman! RT @CliveSir: #ukedchat my biggest high was attending first 20:30 RSCONs. Now I'm an organiser of #rscon3! Halfway through tonight's #ukedchat great discussion so far on 20:30 what you've learnt in the last year & what you'll change next year @bucharesttutor ICT is a core subject because crops up just as much as English & Maths across the whole curriculum. #ukedchat @john_at_muuua both would be my glib answer. Tech limits people's ideas so people limit their ideas and potential slips away #ukedchat 3rd year of Band on a Box project was a huge success, good to do things more than once. Builds on pupil expectation & anticipation #ukedchat @CreativeEdu Consistency, rigour and having a great time around me #ukedchat Page 18 of 40









gillpenny bryanharrison31

20:30 20:30

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall LearningSpy @bucharesttutor I'm trying to combine all my English teaching with 20:30 aspects of sport/drama/music etc. #ukedchat RT @dughall: Wow! Fantastic stuff! I'd like you now to reflect on 20:31 some of the things that weren't so successful. Anyone? #ukedchat RT @xPunzx: @dughall trying to do too much at once, or fight all 20:31 battles on all fronts. one step at a time! #ukedchat #ukedchat if it's true that Ss are less creative in groups does that 20:31 mean grp work should be abandoned? @dughall unsuccessful? the new GCSE for English/Lit which now 20:31 has a shelf life of 24 months. #ukedchat #ukedchat It would be passing my PGCE MFL year and realising how much i love teaching (after leaving my previous career to retrain) @dughall trying to do too much at once, or fight all battles on all fronts. one step at a time! #ukedchat I've also tried online learning journals this year - again mixed results. I plan to continue though. #ukedchat @bryanharrison31 :-) They will come... One step at a time. Eat that elephant :-) #ukedchat #ukedchat started Philosophy for Children and changed from Talking Partners to Talking Trios... Far more effective! @dughall not so successful ... BSF ? #ukedchat @ICTmagic @karliva89 it always comes down to the teacher, regardless of type of school. #ukedchat

ukedchat dughall LearningSpy john_at_muuua

littlejessw xPunzx chris_1974 dughall rebeccagcole deerwood Brendano

20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31


#ukedchat Am still coming to terms with @RichardWiseman 's 20:31 observation that 'group work stifles creativity @deerwood It seems I am a fool.. Totally underestimated how hard online learning would be. I am learning a lot though! #ukedchat Yay! MT @Rachel_deSouza: @BenRogersOVA @victoryoak #ukedchat but Ben it's you who are transformational! #ukedchat highlight of the year - 5 students at our SEN school gaining bronze D of E - such a challenge for them @dughall Lol. What elephant? #ukedchat #ukedchat also good for PLTS, dispositions, social skills @bucharesttutor Thank you for the kind words. #ukedchat @chris_1974 Why not a success from the start? #ukedchat #ukedchat - 5 yr olds ( or any age kids come to that) being labelled as "low achievers" @ukedchat as a school we raised over 1000 on 4 different charity days with each form running an event. Blogging is definitely a priority for next year #ukedchat

CreativeEdu DrLucyRogers joanne_rich bryanharrison31 LearningSpy cherrylkd dughall jackieschneider PhilWheeler1 Stephen_Logan

20:31 20:32 20:32 20:32 20:32 20:32 20:32 20:32 20:32 20:32

john_at_muuua benwhite25

@deerwood I've learnt that the gulf of knowledge between those 20:32 who make the tech and those who use it is the problem. #ukedchat #ukedchat I've enjoyed my wife (successfully) doing a pgce and 20:32 seeing her 'enjoy' the course!

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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall deerwood ICTmagic LearningSpy dughall LearningSpy @CreativeEdu repeat after me ... 'I am not a fool ... I am a learner.' 20:32 #ukedchat @bucharesttutor ICT Hardware comes in a box. The subject doesn't 20:32 & permeates through the curriculum. #ukedchat #ukedchat Maybe it doesn't matter - groups are good for 20:32 sharing/dissemination of ideas @mattharding007 Well maybe focus on a personal/classroom level, 20:32 then :-) #ukedchat 20:33 @DeputyMitchell what does this mean? #ukedchat @ICTmagic absolutely our curriculum are more into rote writing, we must make it more practical oriented like letting Ss to venture 20:33 #ukedchat #ukedchat still not always managing the work/life balance but if you put others first! Can reflect on some neglect of family 20:33 responsibility 20:33 @chris_1974 So, write it off or try a different tack? #ukedchat @karliva89 My son goes to a special school & all the specialised kit 20:33 they have must cost a fortune. #ukedchat @john_at_muuua but sometimes people buy the tech as 'bling' and 20:33 forget the real value #ukedchat @deerwood ha ha! *removes dunces cap and embraces new status 20:33 as 'learner'* #ukedchat I have learned that the boundaries of learning are much further 20:33 apart than I had realised! #ukedchat 20:33 RT @deerwood: @dughall not so successful ... BSF ? #ukedchat @john_at_muuua so would you feel that technology and pedagogy 20:33 work best hand in hand rather than 1 leading tother? #ukedchat RT @anhalf: @ukedchat not so successful getting any of my 20:33 colleagues onto twitter :( #ukedcaht <- Me neither :0( @bryanharrison31 The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a 20:33 time. A metaphor for coping with a *huge* challenge :-) #ukedchat Agile project management for students incl. stand-up meetings and pair coding-students took almost total ownership of performance 20:33 #ukedchat @dughall trying to get my reluctant Y10 blogging about their work 20:33 experience. Didn't really take off. #ukedchat #ukedchat - less successful persuading SLT that new technology is 20:33 good for learning - progress is slower than I want @deerwood They assume changing the people is too hard, so 20:33 throw everything into tech and hope it sticks. #ukedchat @ukedchat not so successful getting any of my colleagues onto 20:33 twitter :( #ukedcaht


DexNott dughall ICTmagic GaryAveryICT CreativeEdu DeputyMitchell john_at_muuua

deerwood misshbond


Edenic1974 chris_1974


john_at_muuua anhalf

Page 20 of 40

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall RT @DeputyMitchell: I have learned that the boundaries of learning are much further apart than I had realised! #ukedchat @littlejessw well done enjoy the future #ukedchat @chris_1974 Yes - I am afraid of this - really want to adopt blogging for classes next year, but waht if... #ukedchat @Brendano Yes the teacher has to make to leap, but budgets and needs are different. #ukedchat #ukedchat Would like to have moved tech forward more but esafety concerns mean we are taking a steady pace e.g. classes not blogging, yet @deerwood totally. Teachers need to make the tech. That's my aim. #ukedchat RT @chris_1974: @dughall trying to get my reluctant Y10 blogging about their work experience. Didn't really take off. #ukedchat <why not? RT @jackieschneider: #ukedchat - 5 yr olds ( or any age kids come to that) being labelled as "low achievers"

Stephen_Logan PhilWheeler1 LearningSpy ICTmagic

20:34 20:34 20:34 20:34

gsussex john_at_muuua

20:34 20:34

CreativeEdu dughall CreativeEdu anhalf dughall mattharding007 cherrylkd

20:34 20:34



20:34 @joanne_rich that's impressive - well done to them! #ukedchat @misshbond but I am going to keep trying next year :O) there 20:34 must be a way...#ukedchat 20:34 @benwhite25 Fab :-) #ukedchat 20:34 #ukedchat Over-reliance on technology is not good. #ironic @bryanharrison31 #ukedchat That's a fantastic achievement! Well 20:34 done @ICTmagic @karliva89 #ukedchat I think it's more rapid. It has to be. Children need it to speak, write and access every lesson. Vital 4 20:35 SEN @LearningSpy yes that also seems a good viable idea. Now consider Geography mixed with a sprinkle of History n Science wow 20:35 #ukedchat RT @dughall: RT @jackieschneider: #ukedchat - 5 yr olds ( or any 20:35 age kids come to that) being labelled as "low achievers" @ukedchat #ukedchat very hard to encourage teachers to do something they've never done before ie 'learn with Ss' rather than 20:35 'teach@ them' @jackieschneider Can't say I blame them - I would never have gone 20:35 with current costs #ukedchat @DexNott #ukedchat totally agree with this comment, it's a work hard play hard environment and term time / holidays are sooooo 20:35 different @CreativeEdu too reluctant. Need different tack / way in. Am 20:35 thinking!! #ukedchat @GaryAveryICT absolutely. seen some bloody fantastic bling bling 20:35 tech that costs the earth and now sits in a cupboard. #ukedchat #ukedchat when servers stop for 2 mins and 1200 users all scream 20:35 at once ......and we already knew Page 21 of 40


Brendano LearningSpy

benwhite25 chris_1974

john_at_muuua DexNott

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall dughall 20:35 @chris_1974 Summer to think about it :-) #ukedchat Being on BBC CLick was a highlight of the year, primary schools 20:35 making games! #ukedchat #ukedchat - seeing kids from low income families decide university 20:35 isnt for the likes of them - serious lowlight :-( This year's highlight has been collaborating with fantastic educators at the @NGfLCymru IEF 2011 #ukedchat @dughall never give up on a good idea! Different tack required. Not sure what as my tg move into y11#ukedchat @cherrylkd: you deserve all the appreciation #ukedchat @dughall #ukedchat getting reluctant staff/students to accept my ideas based from exam/modorator reports. RT @ianaddison: Being on BBC CLick was a highlight of the year, primary schools making games! #ukedchat Not so good-Flu epidemic followed by closing for nearly a week due to snow Xmas at school nearly cancelled, show postponed to Feb #ukedchat @dughall Love it! Gonna remember that one :-) #ukedchat @Brendano Why hard? If modelled I find most teachers are excited by this #ukedchat @jackieschneider that's a shame, though as a poor kid who went to Oxford, it is hard to fit in... #ukedchat RT @mattharding007: #ukedchat Over-reliance on technology is not good. #ironic @dughall yup. Maths blog is more of a success, but I write most of that!! #ukedchat RT @Educationchat #ukedchat I've learned this yr that talking quietly when telling a child off is surprisingly more effective than shouting @cherrylkd @ICTmagic #ukedchat i did think it was quick has commented that it depends on teacher @MissKMcD don't forget the power of Twitter #ukedchat @xPunzx for blogging? primary blogger. @johnmclear for blogging tips @ianaddison plus tuning into ukedchat

ianaddison jackieschneider

asober chris_1974 bucharesttutor PhilWheeler1

20:35 20:35 20:35 20:36



gillpenny bryanharrison31 LearningSpy CreativeEdu dughall chris_1974

20:36 20:36 20:36 20:36 20:36 20:36

kalinski1970 karliva89 PhilWheeler1 anhalf

20:36 20:37 20:37 20:37

Miss_Kitch deerwood john_at_muuua

#ukedchat highlight: getting messages from parents in cards saying 20:37 how much their children had come on this year @bevevans22 if they catch whoever did that, I hope they charge 20:37 them #ukedchat 20:37 @ianaddison yes. very very cool! #ukedchat End of year blog post: What went well and 20:37 what didn't. Plus an outlook for Sept. #ukedchat #edtech #ukedchat learnt to be a bit more circumspect about what I let 20:37 others know..gossip in school is rife!! @chris_1974 @dughall found forums on VLE mixed success too 20:37 #ukedchat Page 22 of 40

lauwailap1 StrictTeacher99 Janshs

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall @ICTmagic too often teachers are forced to used tech that was made by a genius with only a theory of teaching. #ukedchat @cherrylkd @karliva89 True. #ukedchat Things that didn't go so well. How about a planned day of BeeBot and then to come in and find someone had taken all the batteries? #ukedchat RT @ianaddison I created to share how-to videos with people, it seems to be going well so far #ukedchat No teachmeet near SE London. So jealous. Would hold one myself but school has poor transport links. #ukedchat This year I've learnt that using blogs, Twitter etc to give kids real audience can really motivate and engage #ukedchat @StrictTeacher99 yes! keep relationships in school friendly but defo formal (on the whole anyway!) #ukedchat @ICTmagic @cherrylkd @karliva89 Education is the key in every facet of life :) I also mean human values, good behavioral skills #ukedchat @bevevans22 Ouch! #ukedchat @lauwailap1 perfect timing/well organised! #ukedchat

john_at_muuua ICTmagic

20:37 20:37



dougle_2k MrG_ICT

20:37 20:37

chrisleach78 xPunzx

20:37 20:38

bucharesttutor dughall gsussex

20:38 20:38 20:38


highlight definitely been the amount of excitement setting up a 20:38 classblog created; challenge is to maintain it #ukedchat RT @DrLucyRogers: Yay! MT @Rachel_deSouza: @BenRogersOVA @victoryoak #ukedchat but Ben it's you who are transformational! seconded RT @CreativeEdu: RT @ianaddison I created to share how-to videos with people #ukedchat <amazing resource I've learned that after teaching for 15 yrs there are still so many new strategies/resources to explore, don't get stuck in a rut #ukedchat Are you remembering the #ukedchat hashtag? learnt that working with an NQT I learnt as much from them as they did from me! #ukedchat @Miss_Kitch #ukedchat Brilliant. It is all worth it!





Nic5Harrison dughall tj2904 PivotalEllie

20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38


RT @ianaddison I created to share 20:38 how-to videos with people #ukedchat <amazing resource As well as blogging more regularly, I'm to figure out how to set it up 20:38 properly; are there better ones than Blogger anyone? #ukedchat @Janshs Why do you think that is re forums? I find they generally work well, but need gently fanning of flames from below. 20:38 #ukedchat 20:39 RT @dughall: Are you remembering the #ukedchat hashtag?


dughall PhilWheeler1

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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall cherrylkd dughall @ICTmagic @karliva89 #ukedchat it's ring fenced especially for the 20:39 reasons I mentioned. SEN need tech for access RT @tj2904: learnt that working with an NQT I learnt as much from 20:39 them as they did from me! #ukedchat In Hampshire we started to organise our teachmeets in a different 20:39 way #hantsblt #tmhants #ukedchat @joanne_rich @ICTmagic #ukedchat expensive but a child being 20:39 able to communicate and participate.....PRICELESS!! #ukedchat I learnt that Ss NEVER remember learning through 20:39 teacher initiated discussion. Gulp! @littlejessw #ukedchat oh well watch out I've not managed the 20:39 work life bit in 30 years but will try next year!!! 20:39 @tj2904 #ukedchat Isn't that great. So good for your own PD RT @CreativeEdu: RT @ianaddison I created to share how-to videos with people 20:39 #ukedchat <amazing resource @Nic5Harrison absolutely. I'm at 15yrs too, and still learning. 20:39 #ukedchat @deerwood #ukedchat :D It was just thoughtless - we have a 20:39 booking out system in the ICT suite. Not all people adhere to it... . @dughall yes, I also think the theme or topic makes a big 20:39 diference - best really focused #ukedchat Biggest loss: unable to stop kids giving up A level study through disappointing results, loss of EMA and the cost of HE. Tragedy. 20:39 #ukedchat RT @ianaddison: I created to share how-to videos with people, it seems to be going well so far 20:39 #ukedchat @john_at_muuua I think that's getting better now. More teachers 20:39 turning to tech development & more web based choice. #ukedchat @joanne_rich Would something like 20:40 help? #ukedchat too true RT @CreativeEdu: collaboration is the key to learning in 20:40 my humble opinion #ukedchat 20:40 @jackieschneider also very very cool! :-) #ukedchat 20:40 @CreativeEdu Is collaboration key to learning? Discuss #ukedchat @LearningSpy #ukedchat what is the % of teachers in your school 20:40 who exploit the vast range of fab digital resources? RT @Teach_it_so: Biggest loss: unable to stop kids giving up A level study through disappointing results, loss of EMA and the cost of HE. 20:40 Tragedy. #ukedchat 20:40 This year's low: losing my job because of gov cuts #ukedchat

ianaddison karliva89 LearningSpy

DexNott PivotalEllie

bucharesttutor chris_1974

bevevans22 Janshs



ICTmagic ICTmagic chris_1974 john_at_muuua LearningSpy Brendano

jackieschneider Sian_Rowland

Page 24 of 40

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall RT @jackieschneider: #ukedchat - yesterday my tweet about teachers using twitter to share was read out on @BBCWomansHour #highlight! <WOW! #ukedchat The good thing is that the highlights have far out numbered the low points. #ngconf, Collaborate 4 change, TMTakeover were all fab RT @JenniH68 'How to divide up your friends on Google Plus via @thepoke' - lol! #ukedchat @PivotalEllie It's great. I'm really excited about working with her again next year and another NQT. Keep me from getting jaded! #ukedchat



bevevans22 SheliBB

20:40 20:40

tj2904 karliva89 PhilWheeler1


mattbuxton10 CreativeEdu john_at_muuua

20:40 @bucharesttutor @ICTmagic @cherrylkd #ukedchat absolutley RT @tj2904: learnt that working with an NQT I learnt as much from 20:40 them as they did from me! #ukedchat Teaching my kids to ask good, searching Questions to direct their own research is also a priority for me (& my team) next year 20:40 #ukedchat @chris_1974 collaboration is the key to learning in my humble 20:40 opinion #ukedchat 20:40 @ICTmagic would love to see some examples of that #ukedchat #ukedchat - yesterday my tweet about teachers using twitter to share was read out on @BBCWomansHour #highlight! RT @deerwood: Ive learnt there're children the world over who WANT to learn and teachers who want to teach them, why limit ourselves to borders #ukedchat #ukedchat - lowlight would be my HoD at placement school being told by management that A level languages weren't being offered next year. RT @Sian_Rowland: This year's low: losing my job because of gov cuts #ukedchat Surprised to see so few mentions of budgets threatening success #ukedchat @gillpenny gosh, I'd forgotten the flu and snow disasters - how quickly time passes #ukedchat #ukedchat TAs can teach us teachers a thing or too. As can children. Even some parents... no it's true! Ive learnt there're children the world over who WANT to learn and teachers who want to teach them, why limit ourselves to borders #ukedchat So, persuading others, political landscape, work-life balance, concerns over esafety, taking on too much - all challenges. #ukedchat @jackieschneider wow! what was the tweet? #ukedchat @Brendano No idea. Low probably #ukedchat Good going MT @jackieschneider: #ukedchat yesterday my tweet about teachers using twitter to share was read out on @BBCWomansHour #highlight Page 25 of 40





littlejessw jackieschneider dughall joanne_rich mattharding007

20:41 20:41 20:41 20:41 20:41



dughall CreativeEdu LearningSpy

20:41 20:41 20:41



#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall @mattharding007 very true. Working closely with a teacher that's a parent shows me a different take on situations too #ukedchat @Janshs Totally agree! Managing successful forums is a learnt art/skill for many IMO... #ukedchat #ukedchat also discovered twitter as a professional network, CPD tool & online staffroom @dughall budgets are threatening stationary orders. Maybe that will make us more creative? #ukedchat @LearningSpy was that meant to be ironic or a genuine question?.... (could make a good #ukedchat topic) @karliva89 @ICTmagic @cherrylkd Build a student covering all bases viz education, good human values, morals, respect society etc #ukedchat @littlejessw #ukedchat How depressing.

tj2904 dughall Miss_Kitch LearningSpy CreativeEdu

20:42 20:42 20:42 20:42 20:42

bucharesttutor PivotalEllie

20:42 20:42

bevevans22 MrsPrentice11

#ukedchat I also feel that as a natural 'sharer' of things that I have 20:42 found my place(s) Twitter, TeachMeets & my blog (+school) biggest challenge this year was teaching year 8 maths, learned I 20:42 never want to do that again! #ukedchat #ukedchat Learnt so much from a PCGE student who will be my colleague this year & also from one who wasn't as successful @chris_1974 This sounds like a truism, but is it? #ukedchat I've learnt that you can spell learnt as learnt or learned :) #ukedchat #phonics @tj2904 #ukedchat Brilliant. And when you get a student that is geared up and has loads of new ideas - so inspiring RT @mattbuxton10: Teaching my kids to ask good, searching Questions to direct their own research is also a priority for me (& my team) next year #ukedchat Don't forget to use the #ukedchat hashtag if you're joining the discussion this evening

Miss_Kitch LearningSpy Mr_Thorne PivotalEllie

20:42 20:42 20:42 20:42

dughall ukedchat

20:42 20:42


RT @dughall: So, persuading others, political landscape, work-life 20:43 balance, esafety, taking on too much-all challenges. #ukedchat RT @dughall @Janshs Totally agree! Managing successful forums is a learnt art/skill for many IMO... #ukedchat >> one I need to master RT @bevevans22: #ukedchat as a natural 'sharer' of things that I have found my place(s) Twitter, & my blog (+school) Agreed. me too @CreativeEdu - there was studio discussion about tweeting so I tweeted about teachers/classes using T. It was read out & RT ed #ukedchat @john_at_muuua :-) #ukedchat





jackieschneider dughall

20:43 20:43


@dughall giving the English prize to a student for her thinking skills 20:43 instead of 'reading, writing, Speaking & Listening' #ukedchat

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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall @john_at_muuua BBC Acorn compared to, & + 100s more today? #ukedchat RT @chris_1974: too true RT @CreativeEdu: collaboration is the key to learning in my humble opinion #ukedchat @cherrylkd @ICTmagic @karliva89 ayepads are AMAZING inclusive,accessible devices for chdn with SEN.Wish they were around years ago #ukedchat @dughall I believe we're a bit too concerned at times about esafety... #ukedchat @LearningSpy I hope so! :-) #ukedchat @StrictTeacher99 and the gossip in the staffroom lesson is one we've all probably learnt the hard way #ukedchat Managed service was a lowlight. Having to e-mail the guys in the office next door to fix a tech issue. Then waiting a day or two #ukedchat Not so good- the DJ not turning up for school disco- 180 excited kids 3 parents and me. Thank goodness LA hadn't blocked YouTube! #ukedchat RT @mattharding007: #ukedchat TAs can teach us teachers a thing or too. As can children. Even some parents... no it's true! @CreativeEdu No a genuine question. @RichardWiseman says groups stifle creativity - proved by research apparently. Want to study #ukedchat RT @mattharding007: @dughall I believe we're a bit too concerned at times about e-safety... #ukedchat @dughall #ukedchat attitude trumps budget every time! Flip cams are cheap ... Attitude is free :-) RT @mattbuxton10: Teaching my kids to ask good, searching Questions to direct research is also a priority year #ukedchat -->> Us too. @lauwailap1 Hmmmmm Interesting re managed service. #ukedchat #ukedchat However, I've had a good year, first time teaching AS level RS so anxiously waiting results day! But very pleased hols now here. Manga High became free. Our children have loved trying to get to the top of the leaderboard #ukedchat @bevevans22: #ukedchat I feel as a natural 'sharer' of things i have found my place(s) Twitter, TeachMeets & my blog" beautifully put! Highlight being introduced to twitter#ukedchat #addcym Also learned that Apple kit can be almost as troublesome as Microsoft's #ukedchat lowlight, giving up ICT TLR but led to highlight....getting more time to be with my class and energy &passion back for teaching #ukedchat Page 27 of 40

ICTmagic dughall

20:43 20:43

SheliBB mattharding007 dughall joanne_rich

20:43 20:43 20:43 20:43







LearningSpy jackieschneider Brendano

20:44 20:44 20:44

bryanharrison31 dughall

20:44 20:44





tutor2u_econ richards_james deerwood

20:44 20:44 20:44



#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall RT @gillpenny: Not so good-Flu epidemic followed by closing for nearly a week due to snow Xmas at school nearly cancelled, show 20:44 postponed to Feb #ukedchat @mattharding007 - me too! Most schools have totally distorted 20:45 view of risk #ukedchat RT @DrLucyRogers: Yay! MT @Rachel_deSouza: @BenRogersOVA 20:45 @victoryoak #ukedchat but Ben it's you who are transformational! I've also learnt that #ukedchat is the quickest hour of my whole 20:45 week! @ICTmagic Nice. Add my own to the list. Hate saying the cliche of 'by teachers for teachers', but I made it for us. 20:45 #ukedchat #ukedchat highlight was using paragraph burgers to scaffold extended writing skils in Y8. It actually worked! 20:45 Plans in place to get my adult students blogging from Sept to encourage debate, discussion and critical thinking. Tweeting as well 20:45 #ukedchat #ukedchat at start of year wanted to quit teaching after 21 yrs, now 20:45 can't wait for next year - discovering new tech made the difference @karliva89 @ictmagic totally agree - just think schools are being 20:45 charged unnecessarily high costs for the equipment #ukedchat This year I've learned that if someone throws you a ball, you don't 20:45 have to catch it #SayNoSometimes #workLIFEbalance #ukedchat RT @john_at_muuua: @dughall giving the English prize to a student 20:45 for her thinking skills instead of 'reading, writing, #ukedchat Cool! #solidarity RT @Sian_Rowland: This year's low: losing my job 20:45 because of gov cuts #ukedchat 20:45 @SheliBB #ukedchat they are great RT @Brendano: @dughall #ukedchat attitude trumps budget every time! Flip cams are cheap ... Attitude is free :-) @mattharding007 Totally agree. Came out in my 'Twitter for colleagues' CPD session today. #ukedchat @SheliBB I still prefer Android. It's the flash designer in me. But each to their own. #ukedchat Just 15 minutes left of tonight's #ukedchat - where does the time go? @philwheeler1 Fantastic! (but don't forget the hashtag!) 'We raised over 1000 on 4 different charity days with each form running an event' Agreed lol RT @misshbond: I've also learnt that #ukedchat is the quickest hour of my whole week! However its 01:20am here n my eyes closing

bindiyayagnik jackieschneider

victoryoak misshbond







LearningSpy helenmew karliva89

dughall dughall ICTmagic ukedchat

20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45





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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall RT @misshbond: I've also learnt that #ukedchat is the quickest hour of my whole week!>> Aint that the truth. Where does that time 20:46 go? RT @LearningSpy: @dughall Would love to run twitter CPD for 20:46 colleagues - any tips? #ukedchat < me too #ukedchat my computer has frozen several times there are so 20:46 many tweets coming in!! #ukedchat Lowlight having to tackle difficult issues across the 20:46 school - managed it successfully but not enjoyable at the time #ukedchat Thinking of changing my room layout but how do you 20:46 accomodate post 16 down to year 7 and all classes in between?! @dughall Would love to run twitter CPD for colleagues - any tips? 20:46 #ukedchat @Miss_Kitch So did I Having students is such a learning exp - if u are open to it, some of my colleagues missed out on it this yr 20:46 #ukedchat 20:46 it's good to laugh! #ukedchat RT @Costa_Man1: #ukedchat at start of year wanted to quit teaching after 21 yrs, now can't wait for next yea (cont) 20:46 RT @Teach_it_so: Biggest loss: unable to stop kids giving up A level study through disappointing results, loss of EMA and the cost of HE. 20:46 Tragedy. #ukedchat RT @ianaddison: In Hampshire we started to organise our teachmeets in a different way #hantsblt #tmhants #ukedchat 20:46 RT @misshbond: I've also learnt that #ukedchat is the quickest hour 20:46 of my whole week! < snap Huge challenge: shifting the emphasis of some of my team from transmitting facts to developing understanding #ukedchat @Mr_Thorne You do in my class! Ouch! #ukedchat @SheliBB @ictmagic @karliva89 #ukedchat I do 2! We've moved children on so much in just a few months of having them. Worth weight in gold RT @Costa_Man1: #ukedchat at start of year wanted to quit teaching after 21 yrs, now can't wait for next year ->>Brilliant. So good to hear. Android for me too any say lol RT @ICTmagic: @SheliBB I still prefer Android. It's the flash designer in me. But each to their own #ukedchat Some of you are already doing this. Time to look ahead. What about next year? What'll you be trying? #ukedchat

PivotalEllie anhalf gsussex


StrictTeacher99 LearningSpy

tj2904 Nic5Harrison



chri5grant deerwood

Teach_it_so ICTmagic

20:46 20:46





bucharesttutor dughall LearningSpy misshbond

20:46 20:46

20:47 @EmathsUK OK, but where's the research? Evidence? #ukedchat 20:47 @pivotalellie I have no idea! It's like a whirlwind! #ukedchat

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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall @dughall #ukedchat Hope to be collaborating and sharing ideas even more & spreading all the great stuff I learn on twitter! @ICTmagic That's one thing I haven't tried yet. Will put it on my bucket list! #notenoughhoursintheday #ukedchat RT @Costa_Man1: #ukedchat at start of year wanted to quit teaching now can't wait for next year -new tech made the difference <awesome! @mattbuxton10 haven't done it "live" yet but knowibg my students it would work well, no great #ukedchat. @anhalf @LearningSpy I have a presentation I could share. DM later :-) #ukedchat @helenmew Thank you for the #solidarity. It's been one hell of a year. #ukedchat

PivotalEllie SheliBB

20:47 20:47

CreativeEdu PhilWheeler1 dughall Sian_Rowland

20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47

xPunzx LearningSpy


@dughall class blogs i think, but will defo be asking for help and 20:47 advice on how to effectively use in secondary #ukedchat 20:47 #ukedchat Next year I will mainly be class blogging @bryanharrison31 @mattbuxton So Very True! Also learning how to (re)search online is an awesome skill to teach students 20:47 #ukedchat @Costa_Man1 Good to hear. So many possibilities. I find using 20:47 tech tools has made me much more creative #ukedchat 20:47 @deerwood I just can't understand it! #ukedchat :0) RT@karliva89: @joanne_rich @ICTmagic #ukedchat expensive but a child being able to communicate and 20:47 participate.....PRICELESS!! Agreed! @LearningSpy @CreativeEdu Creativity happens in groups, humans are designed to collaborate and use shared and collective memory. 20:47 #ukedchat @LearningSpy @RichardWiseman - i think that probably depends what role you play within the group? I tend to lead so I learn a lot? 20:47 #ukedchat @LearningSpy she totally deserved it for asking pertinent questions 20:47 that helped everyone, especially me. #ukedchat 20:47 @john_at_muuua Well... there you go. 100s + 1. :) #ukedchat @ICTmagic lol! seriously, the learning process has been incredible. designing tech for reluctant teachers has been an epiphany, 20:48 #ukedchat @CreativeEdu He talks about 'diffusion of responsibility' - no one 20:48 takes responsibility #ukedchat @tj2904 #ukedchat Also, whilst there are always people around, teaching can be lonely. So always great to share & discuss with 20:48 Student tea RT @lauwailap1 End of year blog: What went well and what didn't. Plus outlook for Sept. #ukedchat #edtech 20:48 <great stuff!

GrahamCarterGC misshbond



CreativeEdu john_at_muuua ICTmagic

john_at_muuua LearningSpy



Page 30 of 40

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall RT @dughall: Some of you are already doing this. Time to look 20:48 ahead. What about next year? What'll you be trying? #ukedchat RT @dughall: Some of you are already doing this. Time to look 20:48 ahead. What about next year? What'll you be trying? #ukedchat RT @chris_1974: seconded RT @CreativeEdu: RT @ianaddison I created to share how-to videos with people #ukedchat <amazing resource RT @ianaddison: Manga High became free. Our children have loved trying to get to the top of the leaderboard #ukedchat @mattharding007 @dughall have you had an Ofsted visit lately? Don't be complacent about e- safety as they're really hot on it now #ukedchat @dughall #ukedchat next year I'll be making more use of to organise and share materials. @cherrylkd @karliva89: @joanne_rich Being truly mobile & have access is amazing for education. #ukedchat @mattharding007 we are The risks are easily overstated My GF had her mobile # as the 1st google result for Yrs with no ill effect #ukedchat RT @Teach_it_so: Huge challenge: shifting the emphasis of some of my team from transmitting facts to developing understanding #ukedchat What if Doctors Were Treated Like Teachers? #CCK11 #ELTchat #edchat #ukedchat: #MFL #IB #edr... @john_at_muuua Great that you recognised it #ukedchat I've learned that time for reflection is essential and not a luxury. Teachers trying new things need to know they have support. #ukedchat @xPunzx Plenty of folks on here can help with class blogs! :-) #ukedchat @bucharesttutor Bless you Vijay! #ukedchat @dughall Thanks #ukedchat







joanne_rich dmchugh675 ICTmagic

20:48 20:48 20:48





CCK11Feeds LearningSpy

20:48 20:48

gillpenny dughall misshbond LearningSpy

20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48



RT @jackieschneider: Next year I plan to defend comprehensive 20:49 education from nasty vicious attacks from Dfe #ukedchat @cherrylkd @ictmagic @karliva89 I found the trident falling stars app the other day & thought of children who would have loved it 20:49 #ukedchat RT @anhalf: RT @LearningSpy: @dughall Would love to run twitter 20:49 CPD for colleagues - any tips? #ukedchat < me too < and me! @anhalf @learningspy @dughall Would love to run twitter CPD for 20:49 colleagues - any tips? #ukedchat - I can feel a blog post coming on!



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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall BusinessStudies #ukedchat Being offered a secondment and having the opportunity 20:49 to take is a definite high Talking of Teachmeet, it got bigger this year as they started getting 20:49 announced in the TES #ukedchat @ukedchat I will be job sharing for the first time... so have to learn 20:49 to be less of a control nut #ukedchat 20:49 @jackieschneider #ukedchat Good for you. @joanne_rich @mattharding007 Not just e-safety. All safety 20:49 #ofsted #ukedchat #ukedchat next year: geocaching bugs, more Wii, Digital Leaders, 20:49 revamp maths planning; embed iPods across school. Bless you too Harriet dear :) you will be all good tomorrow RT 20:49 @misshbond: @bucharesttutor Bless you Vijay! #ukedchat @joanne_rich @ICTmagic #ukedchat partially agree some things 20:49 we've found are resonably priced @kimorganix I've been amazed how much learning can take place 20:49 between learners under the 'right' conditions #ukedchat @SheliBB @jennih68 @thepoke #ukedchat I'm in the non marmite group. Don't get confused. Seriously I'm still working on google 20:49 plus. Hol job #ukedchat wish we could hav sabbaticals like AUS would love time to reflect, grow new skills to add to the diversity of 20:49 cur/teach/learning Next year I plan to defend comprehensive education from nasty 20:49 vicious attacks from Dfe #ukedchat @ukedchat @dughall Lots of new things and some old favourite. Looking for positives (always) & trying to make every minute count 20:50 #ukedchat #ukedchat For me the story of the 2010-11 teaching year - finding so many teachers in online communities prepared to share & give it 20:50 a go RT @ianaddison: Google Apps has been a fantastic success across my school, kids using email creating sites and more #ukedchat 20:50 20:50 @gsussex Love the idea of sabbaticals! #ukedchat Next year...creative science, blogging, sharing work online, connecting classrooms, thinking skills/questioning, making it FUN 20:50 #ukedchat @anhalf #ukedchat Ooh, that will be hard. I"ve often thought that jobshares must SO depend on the mix of personalities & 20:50 organsation skills RT @ICTmagic: @cherrylkd @karliva89: @joanne_rich Being truly 20:50 mobile & have access is amazing for education. #ukedchat 20:50 @john_at_muuua What great thing to celebrate #ukedchat 20:50 Is #ukedchat carrying on over the summer? Page 32 of 40

ianaddison anhalf PivotalEllie dughall


bucharesttutor karliva89



gsussex jackieschneider



Ingotian dughall



karliva89 LearningSpy chrisleach78

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall #ukedchat Been limited with VLE facilities but have been shown what can be done - class blog for YR in the pipeline as well as class 20:50 pet @cherrylkd @SheliBB @jennih68 @thepoke if any of you a Google 20:50 + invite please let me know #ukedchat 20:50 Focus boys group to raise standards didn't go so well #ukedchat @LearningSpy there's loads. I'll dig some out and message you 20:50 #ukedchat #ukedchat In the digital age, if you are not sharing ideas/resources with colleagues, you don't deserve to be called an educator! RT @gillpenny: I've learned that time for reflection is essential and not a luxury. Teachers trying new things need to know they have support. #ukedchat Next year, ill be looking at lesson capture for schools #ukedchat it's the next 'big thing' in #edtech for schools @LearningSpy thanks. I liked that it wasn't an A* OR an SEN student, but someone who's a B. #ukedchat #ukedchat next yr - blogging, more outdoor ed, review assessments, promote collegiality/build teamwork more as a number of new staff

Miss_Kitch bucharesttutor 10kmk42 EmathsUK



LearningSpy deerwood john_at_muuua

20:50 20:50 20:50



LearningSpy karliva89 MrAColley

@dughall @DanPink blogged about Genius Hours yesterday - all 20:51 staff get an hour a week to acquire new skills #ukedchat 20:51 @SheliBB @cherrylkd @ICTmagic #ukedchat sounds intetresting My form blog didn't fly at all. Maybe lack of class timer to focus did 20:51 for it. #ukedchat RT @dughall: @xPunzx Plenty of folks on here can help with class blogs! :-) #ukedchat <join my #classblogchallenge 20:51 @dughall @gsussex isn't that an old game with little plastic 20:51 footballers? #ukedchat 20:51 @deerwood #ukedchat What is lesson capture? I'm taking on more subject leadership roles,doing mgt training and 20:51 applying for management posts next year #ukedchat time's nearly up. term's over. Thanks to everyone at #ukedchat. Please visit if you haven't. Your ideas helped make it 20:52 guys. RT @jackieschneider: #ukedchat - seeing kids from low income families decide university isnt for the likes of them - serious 20:52 lowlight :-( 20:52 @dughall Will find link after #ukedchat is over - too frantic now!!!! @PivotalEllie aha, wait and see. Just imagine storing a lesson (or 20:52 just good bits) to be used time and again #ukedchat

CreativeEdu deerwood PivotalEllie



helenmew LearningSpy


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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall @LearningSpy That's a fair point, happens on email groups too. I've 20:52 had to appoint a 'lead' on all email groups!! #ukedchat #ukedchat next year will use edmodo with Cornish and American students to replay 1776 and see if revolution still happens #ukedchat Thinking of organising a teachmeet for September, but not sure how to go about it. Anyone want to get involved? Got a venue/date.. @mattharding007 #ukedchat we have the most talented TAs in country in my school. I'm in awe at their expertise sometimes. Eg. @karliva89 RT @ICTmagic @cherrylkd @karliva89: @joanne_rich Being truly mobile & have access is amazing for education. #ukedchat-can't wait to get ours @Sian_Rowland I can only imagine. I think pple forget that every "statistic" is made up of real people. Lots of virtual sympathy. #ukedchat @LearningSpy Link? Re Genius hours. Do staff feed back? Share the learning? Blog about their learning? #ukedchat #ukedchat Whole school blogging; school on Twitter; literacy & numeracy separated into skills & application; more trips and visitors! #ukedchat more blogs, debates, competitions, raising more money for charity. @jackieschneider keep that up! lots of us are with you on that note! #ukedchat To a degree e-safety obsession has limited e-learning @dughall @joanne_rich @mattharding007 RT Not just e-safety. All safety #ukedchat @CreativeEdu want to experiment with this next year - any thoughts let me know. challenge current vogues for their own sakes #ukedchat @Miss_Kitch #ukedchat Chesham, Bucks. next year? Another successful set of results at all levels, and a team to go from good to outstanding... #ukedchat @chrisleach78 Is #ukedchat carrying on over the summer? I hope so??! Would b good when we hav more time to reflect + impliment .. @PivotalEllie will do, part of plan is to start blogging about it #ukedchat RT @tutor2u_econ: #ukedchat In the digital age, if you are not sharing ideas/resources with colleagues, you don't deserve to be called an educator! what's lesson capture? @deerwood #ukedchat @StrictTeacher99 #ukedchat Chesham, Bucks. We have a theatre for a week - don't know what time of day is best for TeachMeets? Advice? #ukedchat - I got a personally signed thank you note from #Govemustgo 4 my work on school dinners. #irony Page 34 of 40










helenmew dughall

20:52 20:52

mattharding007 PhilWheeler1 kalinski1970

20:52 20:52 20:52



LearningSpy PivotalEllie chris_1974

20:53 20:53 20:53

gsussex deerwood

20:53 20:53

Puffles2010 CreativeEdu

20:53 20:53

PivotalEllie jackieschneider

20:53 20:53

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall john_at_muuua 20:53 have a fantastic summer everyone at #ukedchat :-) #ukedchat Also improving SC1 teaching in science,planning assessment opps and more success criteria across 20:53 curric,&improving organisation! #ukedchat Next yr-pass NQT yr, get dept at new school into twitter/professionally networking & attempt to teach French IB for 20:53 the 1st time! RT @bevevans22: @ukedchat @dughall Lots of new things and some old favourite. Looking for positives (always) & trying to make 20:53 every minute count #ukedchat @CreativeEdu @dughall looks brill! what blog website would you 20:53 recommend? blogspot or is there a better one? #ukedchat @deerwood #ukedchat Sounds very useful for training too... Can 20:53 you keep me posted? All N.Ireland teachers will have access to their own Eluminate online classroom next year. Endless possibilities. #ukedchat @SheliBB @ictmagic @karliva89 #ukedchat thanks. I'll have a look for that. @LearningSpy LOL! Know what you mean :-) #ukedchat My new blog post Ode to OFSTED an end of term message #ukedchat




xPunzx PivotalEllie

dmchugh675 cherrylkd dughall Ideas_Factory

20:53 20:53 20:53 20:54


@bucharesttutor #ukedchat Ok, good. Well Chesham is on the 20:54 underground (just!) so London teachers could get involved.... #ukedchat If budgets allow it's definetly worth getting in some of the big guns: @timrylands @piecorbett @the2steves . @dughall is edublogs any good? Hope so as I've signed up with them and loathe to change #ukedchat Also will be introducing RealSmart as ePortfolio & self-assessment evidence bank; anyone any experience with it, tips etc?? #ukedchat My favourite (but least successful)idea has been Class Pet Holidays,why not send your bear for a hol? #ukedchat

bevevans22 LearningSpy

20:54 20:54





ianaddison PhilWheeler1 deerwood

This year my school launched iphone and Android apps with the 20:54 help of @therenegade78 #ukedchat 20:54 @littlejessw a peice of cake! #ukedchat @CreativeEdu I refer the honourable lady to my previous tweets 20:54 #ukedchat @PivotalEllie Ellie, that sounds a fab idea maybe October a tweet 20:54 teacher meet in London. I would love to be there #ukedchat 20:54 @deerwood #ukedchat sounds good - I'll keep watching @xPunzx I've used blogspot & wordpress. WP is my favoured 20:54 platform although others use posterous happily. #ukedchat Page 35 of 40

bucharesttutor PivotalEllie


#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall ICTmagic @SheliBB I love flash. This is a backdrop for a 'night at the musicals' 20:54 production. #ukedchat @cherrylkd #ukedchat @mattharding007 ah thank you but we learn together and share knowledge and in the end learn 2x as 20:55 much 20:55 #ukedchat Next year - keeping a class blog and more tweeting Next year will be studying for a post grad certain in music education #ukedchat . Plan to share all my resources on music blog @CreativeEdu #ukedchat Thanks Pooky - I might call you on that one.... @ianaddison why not take someone else's pet for a holiday and send pics to owner? #ukedchat @SheliBB @jennih68 @thepoke #ukedchat That's exactly what's stopping me! Scared of addiction. 'tried' twitter and now look what's happened! @ianaddison #ukedchat But it has such potential...:) @deerwood @pivotalellie sounds interesting, will follow with interest #ukedchat Looking forward to hearing about all these things you'll be doing next year! Make sure you share on Twitter and with the #ukedchat hashtag! #ukedchat building students' confidence, helping sixth form students become more independent

karliva89 tj2904

jackieschneider PivotalEllie deerwood

20:55 20:55 20:55

cherrylkd bevevans22 benwhite25

20:55 20:55 20:55

dughall maths_ast

20:55 20:55


@joanne_rich @dughall Not complacent, know Ofsted value it 20:55 highly and has its place, but can get too hung up on it. #ukedchat #ukedchat Could really do with advice/help on organising TeachMeet. So can anyone who might be able to help DM me? @PivotalEllie I'd be happy to help #ukedchat @dughall New EFL job involves sharing 2 groups between us (me & another teacher). We've received +ve comments on our collaboration #ukedchat RT @bucharesttutor: @PivotalEllie Ellie, that sounds a fab idea maybe October a tweet teacher meet in London. #ukedchat Sounds good @PivotalEllie #ukedchat am in Cambs so not an impossibility to meet up Last five minutes of #ukedchat - time to get on your soapbox and say your final piece... I'm also going to be teaching the lowest set in maths for the first time which will be a new challenge. #ukedchat #ukedchat Which tools do you find most useful for collaborative work & online Q&A? I have used Google docs & now experimenting with Piazzza

PivotalEllie CreativeEdu

20:55 20:55



MrG_ICT StrictTeacher99 ukedchat KnikiDavies

20:55 20:55 20:55 20:55




next yr I will get parents more involved in classblog, give chn more 20:56 time to reflect on learning and try to be more patient #ukedchat Page 36 of 40

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall StrictTeacher99 PivotalEllie SheliBB LearningSpy KnikiDavies dughall cherrylkd 20:56 @LearningSpy #ukedchat are you sure that's a good idea? 20:56 @bucharesttutor #ukedchat We will make sure it is all over Twitter! @ICTmagic Wow! Love it! You are the biggest ICT geek I know! 20:56 (That IS a complement btw!) #ukedchat 20:56 #ukedchat Next year I want to get a job in leadership @bevevans22 how do you get hold of Pie Corbett? I tried his 20:56 website and twitter but no replies yet! #ukedchat @LearningSpy edublogs great (I gather) but beyond my experience. 20:56 #ukedchat @KnikiDavies #ukedchat Good for you. Good to embrace new 20:57 challenges @SheliBB Why thank you. This was for river dance... 20:57 #ukedchat @KnikiDavies Our visits were arranged by our LEA but I often 20:57 contact @piecorbett on here or FB. #ukedchat RT @maths_ast: #ukedchat building students' confidence, helping 20:57 sixth form students become more independent <- Oh yes! #ukedchat Teaching 4 days next year-less leadership time but more 20:57 time to implement new tech in the classroom! 20:57 @anhalf Yes - change from inside. Am a spy after all #ukedchat #ukedchat Our school so worried about e-safety the public can see nothing on our website! No photos, little information...what's the 20:57 point?! @cherrylkd @jennih68 @thepoke If google+ can teach me as much as twitter, in as short a time, then I'm game,but need more friends! 20:57 #ukedchat So, blogging, encouraging others to get on Twitter, Teachmeets, games-based learning, geocaching, collaborative approaches :-) 20:57 #ukedchat @Mr_Thorne That has always confused me! Never know which is 20:57 right and now you tell me they both are! #happydays #ukedchat #ukedchat in new year looking at getting more "outstanding learning" going on. Will start with Sutton trust RT @gillpenny: I've learned that time for reflection is essential and not a luxury. Teachers trying new things need to know they have support. #ukedchat @maths_ast: #ukedchat building students' confidence, helping sixth form students become more independent 100% agree great aims #ukedchat if you want an invite to explore Google + just get in touch @mattharding007 Need someone to talk to them? Seriously? #ukedchat

ICTmagic bevevans22

dughall Ideas_Factory LearningSpy









DexNott tutor2u_econ dughall

20:58 20:58 20:58

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#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall Loving, sharing and bein nice with everyone in this planet s what I have learnt this year. I am truly blessed to have you all #ukedchat 20:58 Amen RT @mattharding007: #ukedchat Our school so worried about esafety the public can see nothing on our website! No photos, little 20:58 information...what's the point?! Top e-learning AfL freebie to try with KS3+ 20:58 #ukedchat 20:58 @dughall i also want to find out more about teachmeets #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: @mattharding007 - I think we need to campaign over this as a profession. misunderstandings over e 20:59 safety block learning #ukedchat 20:59 #ukedchat want to know more about teachermeets @mattharding007 #ukedchat that's a shame, hope they'll react to 20:59 others doing it...? @mattharding007 - I think we need to campaign over this as a profession. misunderstandings over e safety block learning 20:59 #ukedchat @dughall #ukedchat Yep - all that and more. 20:59 #justthetipoftheiceberg This article was used a couple of times, how to blog with your 20:59 children #ukedchat @anhalf Keep an eye on Twitter. and TM wiki. There will be one 20:59 near you soon :-) #ukedchat @Miss_Kitch If there isn't a TeachMeet in your area arrange one of you own. #TMBev worked this way and I recommend it #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: It's 9pm, thanks for another great #ukedchat excellently moderated by @Dughall. The archiving process will begin at 9.15pm #ukedchat Next year assist my new team member and make us the best dept in the school. Would like to start class blogs again #ukedchat @dughall Genius Hour link: could be great for schools #ukedchat @saraloisstanley #ukedchat Thanks for the tip. I'll get in touch with him. Where is he based? #ukedchat any teacher use fantastic library bookmarking service? Share online stuff with students and teachers - happy tagging


jackieschneider Teach_it_so anhalf

mattharding007 LearningSpy benwhite25

jackieschneider bevevans22 ianaddison dughall



bucharesttutor PhilWheeler1 ClaireJoanne35 LearningSpy PivotalEllie

21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00






@mattharding007 @karliva89 #ukedchat bet they aren't. But isn't it 21:00 brill that we know we need them so much. Highly talented people. Goodness that has been a frantic hour! I am basking in the glow of you wonderful practitioners! Relax this summer then be brill! 21:00 #ukedchat It's 9pm, thanks for another great #ukedchat - excellently moderated by @Dughall. The archiving process will begin at 21:00 9.15pm Page 38 of 40

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall helenmew As a #governor doing my tiny bit to help our gov body & school 21:00 move forward - highlight #ukedchat From my end, I will try and reach out to all my UK educators and 21:00 friends in Twitter #ukedchat sounds a very achievable plan :) So can I now officially try n sneak out people #ukedchat its like 21:01 01:33 am here in India ;) @CreativeEdu #ukedchat Ok, thanks for the tip. We are in 21:01 Chesham, Bucks - on the Met line. @mattharding007 @karliva89 ha ha! Behave yourselves ! 21:01 #ukedchat @bevevans22 Would welcome some advice on this #TMBev 21:01 #ukedchat Glad to hear the enthusiastic talk about games based learning on 21:01 #ukedchat @CreativeEdu #ukedchat Yes we have the theatre for the whole 21:01 week, but aren't using it for the whole time. So we have flexibility! RT @LearningSpy: @dughall Genius Hour link: 21:01 could be great for schools #ukedchat 21:01 @dughall let's keep going for another hour #ukedchat 21:02 @bevevans22 @dughall Yes deftly handled moderation #ukedchat 21:02 #ukedchat Thanks @dughall - very busy tonight! 21:02 @anhalf #teachmeet #ukedchat @dughall Great moderating, sir. #ukedchat always ticks along nicely 21:02 when you're in charge :) Thanks! 21:02 @mattbuxton10 Yes - that is a MUST #ukedchat In my day job seeing all too clearly that TAs are still way too often 21:02 taken-for-granted, underpaid, & exploited - lowlight #ukedchat 21:02 Thanks @Dughall for a fab #ukedchat! 21:02 @dughall Thanks for hosting. Have a good summer. #ukedchat I will start every one of my curriculum team meetings with the words "This meeting will help learning by...."; #ukedchat RT @CreativeEdu: Thanks @Dughall for a fab #ukedchat! #ukedchat Thanks for the thanks :-) I loves it :-) What's a Think Tank? #education #edreform #ukedchat #educhat #eltchat #IATEFL #elt #TESOL #langchat #BESIG #cpchat #esl

bucharesttutor bucharesttutor PivotalEllie cherrylkd LearningSpy Spongelab

PivotalEllie dughall deerwood LearningSpy PivotalEllie dughall bevevans22 LearningSpy

helenmew CreativeEdu ICTmagic

mattbuxton10 Miss_Kitch dughall

21:02 21:03 21:03

profesortbaker dmchugh675 gsussex Miss_Kitch bryanharrison31 GaryAveryICT


21:03 @Costa_Man1 that sounds amazing! Good luck with it. #ukedchat Thanks @Dughall for a great hour's discussion & sharing of ideas 21:03 #ukedchat 21:03 #ukedchat Are there are teachers from Herefordshire out there? 21:03 RT @CreativeEdu: Thanks @Dughall for a fab #ukedchat! 21:03 thankyou again evreryone, enjoy the break.. #ukedchat Page 39 of 40

#ukedchat 21 July 2011 Review of Academic Year 2010/2011 hosted by @dughall @dughall @ukedchat really enjoyed my first #ukedchat, thank you very much. Excellent ideas to try next year. Thank you all. RT @tonyparkin: RT @dughall: So what exactly is #ukedchat ? @ianaddison explains more here: Thanks all- good work @dug hall. (We are premier division). Happy Holidays and BBQ weather. #ukedchat @xPunzx Check out and for how a secondary school blog platform might look #ukedchat Thankyou @dughall for an incredibly fast moving #ukedchat I'm going off for a lie down before looking thru all the tweets favorited :) RT @mattbuxton10: I will start every one of my curriculum team meetings with the words "This meeting will help learning by...."; #ukedchat Thanks a lot @Dughall for a fab #ukedchat! Enjoyed my first #ukedchat - couldn't have done it without twitterfall though! @dughall Thanks for hosting tonight #ukedchat and of course @dughall :) Thanks Dug #ukedchat @helenmew Yes, me too #ukedchat #ukedchat @dughall Thanks for a fab chat. Brilliant as always. Fastest hour of the whole week! @dughall thanks for hosting, you're amazing #UKedchat @freedrugtrainin #ukedchat is definitely a bit manic and takes a bit of getting used to! Don't lurk every week. You can always join in :-) RT @dughall: So, blogging, encouraging others to get on Twitter, Teachmeets, games-based learning, geocaching, collaborative approaches :-) #ukedchat RT @mattbuxton10: I will start every one of my curriculum team meetings with the words "This meeting will help learning by...."; #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1: #ukedchat Next year assist my new team member and make us the best dept in the school. Help us get science there too

PhilWheeler1 teknoteacher Teach_it_so

21:03 21:04 21:04





wjputt bucharesttutor tj2904 ClaireJoanne35 tj2904 ClaireJoanne35 cherrylkd ianaddison

21:04 21:04 21:04 21:05 21:05 21:05 21:05 21:09









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