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Using the ADDIE Model to Develop an Elementary Science Curriculum

Tamarra L. Mitchell Duquesne University

GDIT 706 Dr. Carbonara

April 11, 2010


Introduction The ADDIE model is one of the most common instructional systems design models (Summerville & Reid-Griffen, 2008). ADDIE is an acronym for five phases of design including Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. The original creator of the model is not known, and ADDIE may be merely a colloquial term used to describe a systematic approach to
instructional development (Molenda, 2003). The Analyze phase defines the instructional problem,

determines goals of the instructional system, and identifies characteristics of the learner and learning environment. The Design phase identifies instructional objectives, strategies, assessments, and incorporates technology into the curriculum. The Development phase develops lessons and materials needed as determined by the Design phase. The Implementation phase includes effective and efficient delivery of instruction to develop students understanding and ability to transfer the material. The Evaluation phase is made up of two parts including formative and summative evaluation. Formative evaluation is a recursive process throughout the five phases. Summative evaluation assesses the overall implementation of the instructional process and helps to identify the revisions that need to be made in the ADDIE process. The five phases of the ADDIE model will be used in this paper to construct a learning environment for fourth grade science instruction with technology integration. Currently at Mars Elementary School, we are in the process of developing and phasing in an inquiry-based science curriculum. Delta Education provides long-term topical modules for each grade level K-6. The purpose of the modules is to provide instruction and exploration that builds off previous modules across each strand progressively moving students toward deep understanding of the scientific process and problems solving (Delta Education, 2010). Currently, our science curriculum is disconnected from our technology curriculum, so I will use the ADDIE model to integrate

3 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE science and technology for students in their fourth grade year at Mars Elementary School. Information and examples from Mars Area School Districts current but outdated science and technology curriculum will be used in the ADDIE process along with new ideas and information that pertains to inquiry-based science. Analyze Problem The science and technology curriculum at Mars Area school District is not fully aligned to the Pennsylvania State Standards. There are gaps and overlaps in content instruction among grade levels. The text book series used to drive instruction and assessment is seven to ten years old. In addition, the current science curriculum includes science and technology as separate components and does not facilitate the integration of the two. Teachers at the elementary level at Mars School District currently do not have an adequate understanding of how their curriculum is aligned between grade levels or in accordance to the state standards. Teachers do not have an understanding of how technology can be incorporated into their science curriculum to help build student learning. Audience Participants in the science curriculum under analysis include the elementary school administrator, grade four teachers, and grade four students and their parents. Participants must be presented with a basic understanding of why changes are being made to their instructional curriculum, how the changes will benefit all participants involved, and what their role will be given the change. A working list of participant needs is included in Table 1 below.

4 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Table 1 Participant Needs Participants Administrators y y y y Teachers y y y y y y y y Students y y y y y y y Needs Support from higher administration, school board, parents & community Money allocated for materials and teacher training Time allocated for initial and continued teacher training Evaluation of program effectiveness Support from administration, school board, parents, community Understanding of pedagogy behind new practices Materials for curriculum implementation Strategies for effective and efficient instruction Initial training and continued professional development opportunities Collaboration opportunities among colleagues Sufficient instructional time Instruction and support in technology integration Support of teacher and parents Training and practice of new procedures Guidelines and Assessment rubrics Guided content instruction and guided practice Hands-on active learning Multisensory experiences Student-teacher, Student-Student, Student-technology Interaction/Collaboration y Parents y y y y y Guidance toward reflective thinking Support of teacher Understanding of new instructional environment Resources to help children School-Home extensions and/or interventions Documentation of student learning/progress


Curriculum Goals A long-term goal of the fourth grade science and technology curriculumis to provide students with the knowledge and thinking abilities to be successful in the 21st century through scientific experiences that are age apropriate to their cognitive stages of development and serve as a foundation for more advanced ideas that prepare them for life in an increasingly complex scientific and tecnological world (Delta Education, 2010). Objectives of the fourth grade science and technology curriculum include providing students with: Scientific thinking and process skills including observing, communicating, comparing, organizing, relating, inferring, and applying y y y y Inquiry investigations and guided questions Hands-on active learning Multisensory methods of instruction Reflective and metacognitive practices

Instructional Goals The grade four science and technology curriculum is divided into three main units consisting of Physics of Sound, Electricity and Magnetism, and Water. Listed below are the instructional goal for all three conceptual science units. The International Society of Educational Technologys (ISTE) National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) (2007) for students will be met within the science units. Physics of Sound. The instructional goals of the Physics of Sound unit of study include:

6 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Observe and compare sounds to develop discrimination ability. Communicate with others using a drop code. Learn that sound originates from a source that is vibrating and is detected at a receiver such as the human ear. Understand the relationship between the pitch of a sound and the physical properties of the sound source (i.e. length of vibrating object, frequency of vibrations, and tension of vibrating string). Compare methods to amplify sound at the source and at the receiver. Observe and compare how sound travels through solids, liquids, and air. Use knowledge of the physics of sound to solve simple sound challenges. Acquire vocabulary associated with the physics of sound. Exercise language, social studies, and math skills in the context of the physics of sound. Develop and refine the manipulative skills required for investigating sound. Use scientific thinking processes to conduct investigations and build explanations: observing, communicating, comparing, and organizing. Electricity and Magnetism. The instructional goals for the Electricity and Magnetism unit of study include: Observe the interaction of permanent magnets with a variety of common materials. Discover that magnets display forces of attraction and repulsion. Measure the change in force between two magnets as the distance between them changes.

7 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Identify materials that are conductors and insulators. Understand and construct simple open, closed, parallel, and series circuits. Learn how to make an electromagnet. Experience the relationship between the number of turns of wire around an electromagnet core and the strength of the magnetism. Use their knowledge of electromagnets to make a telegraph. Acquire vocabulary associated with magnetism and electricity. Exercise language, math, and social studies skills in the context of magnetism and electricity investigations. Develop and refine the manipulative skills required for making investigations in magnetism and electricity. Use scientific thinking processes to conduct investigations and build explanations: observing, communicating, comparing, and organizing. Water. The instructional goals for the Electricity and Magnetism unit of study include: Observe and explore properties of water in liquid, solid, and gaseous states. Observe the expansion and contraction of water as it warms and cools. Investigate factors that influence evaporation and condensation of water. Consider components of the water cycle. Observe and compare how water moves through different types of earth materials, including soil and gravel. Consider the water quality of local water sources. Investigate how water can be used to do work.

8 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Acquire vocabulary associated with water. Record observations in writing and pictures. Exercise language, social studies, and math skills in the context of science. Become aware of the importance of water in their lives. Use scientific thinking processes to conduct investigations and build explanations: observing, communicating, comparing, and organizing. Content Delivery Options The content to meet the above goals and objectives will be delivered through the following methods: y y y y y Trade books Foss Website Miscellaneous Content Websites Hands-on investigations Promethean ActivBoard Flipcharts

Evaluation and Assessment options Students will be assessed and evaluated to determine competency and progress of goals and objectives through the following assessment methods: y y y y y y Performance Assessments Scenario Response Sheets Trade book comprehension questions Student Scientific Notebook Web-based projects Computer generated presentation projects

9 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Timeline for Instruction The three science and technology units will be broken up into trimesters, so each unit will take approximately 12 weeks. Design Conceptual Framework Inquiry-based science instruction is a constructivist or social constructivist approach to student learning (Krajcik, Blumenfeld, Marx, Bass, & Fredricks, 1998). Through inquiry-based instruction, students receive the opportunity to find solutions to real problems, design and conduct investigations, gather and analyze information and data, make interpretations, draw conclusions, and report findings. Instructional Objectives After the Analysis phase, the instructional goals developed in that stage were examined to determine how they would be met. With the instructional goals in mind, content specific instructional objectives for each of the three units were developed. Learning objectives for the Physics of Sound unit of study include: Observe sounds made by objects when dropped. Communicate with others using a code. Compare sounds to develop discrimination. Observe that sound originates from a vibrating source. Compare high, low, and medium pitched sounds. Record observations on sound. Relate the pitch of a sound to the physical properties of the sound source. Observe that sound travels through solids, water, and air.

10 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Compare how sound travels through different mediums. Observe that the outer ear is designed to receive sounds. Compare different ways of amplifying sounds and making them travel longer distances. Record observations of how sound travels. Report findings in a class presentation. The instructional objectives for the Electricity and Magnetism unit of study include: Observe magnetic interactions and sort objects based on whether they are affected by a magnet. Measure the force of attraction between magnets. Record and organize results of investigations. Build a test circuit and test objects for conductivity. Predict conductivity of materials. Sort materials based on whether they conduct electricity. Observe the functioning of different kinds of circuits. Compare the brightness of lamps in different kinds of circuits. Determine the defining characteristics of series and parallel circuits. Analyze and solve circuitry problems. Observe the interaction between an electromagnet and objects. Systematically investigate ways to strengthen electromagnets. Compare the strength of electromagnets. Organize data. Conduct multiple trials, average results, and display results in a graph.

11 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE An electromagnet placed in a complete circuit can be used to make a telegraph. A switch can serve as a key in a telegraph system. A code is a symbolic system used for communication. Technology is the application of science. Explore the behavior of an electromagnet under different conditions. Solve circuitry problems. Encode and decode clicks produced by a telegraph. The instructional objectives for the Electricity and Magnetism unit of study include: Observe and compare water on a variety of surfaces. Observe and compare rates of water flow. Describe and communicate observations. Observe and compare the interaction of water at different temperatures. Observe and describe the properties of water in two states, solid and liquid. Communicate observations about water. Observe evaporation and condensation. Compare rates of evaporation under different conditions. Organize results from evaporation investigations. Describe and communicate observations. Observe and compare movement of water through different materials. Observe water power. Organize results of investigation of water samples. Instructional Strategies

12 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE The following instructional strategies for best practices in science are recommended by Zemelman, Daniels, and Hyde (2005): y y Provide challenging opportunities for all students Focus on student understanding and use of scientific knowledge, ideas, and inquiry process y y y y y y y y Build on students prior knowledge to foster conceptual change Share responsibility of learning with students Support a classroom community of cooperation, shared responsibility, and respect Provide opportunities for scientific discussion and debate Understand and respond to individual interests, strengths, experiences, and needs Use collaborative groups Public communication of student ideas and work to classmates Continuously assess student understanding in ongoing assessment

Assessment Zemelman, Daniels, and Hyde (2005) suggest ongoing assessment for best practice in science instruction. The following list includes methods of assessment and evaluation that will be used throughout each of the three science units: y y y y y y Performance Assessments Scenario Response Sheets Trade book comprehension questions Student Scientific Notebook Web-based projects Computer generated presentation projects

13 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Technology Integration To incorporate the NETS (2007) into each of the three science content units, students will use various websites to help build their knowledge of the concepts in interactive ways. Students will also participate in a number of knowledge and inquiry building web-based activities and projects. In addition, students will use tools available through Microsoft Office to present and display their understanding. The activities students will participate in that integrate technology and the science content include: Interactive knowledge building web games and investigations Webquests Contributing to and building VoiceThread projects Internet research Typing a research report Creating a PowerPoint Presentation Contributing to a class Blog Development Materials Needed There are numerous materials needed to successfully implement the new inquiry based hands-on science and technology curriculum for fourth graders. Included below is a list of materials needed: Physics of Sound Foss Module Electricity and Magnetism Foss Module

y y y y y y y

y y

14 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE y y y y y y y y y y y y Water Foss Module Two medium-sized tables in each classroom Student notebooks Promethean Board or Large Chart Paper Various trade books 6 computers in each classroom (ideal) At least one computer lab with 25+ internet ready computers Microsoft Office suite on computers Windows Photostory installed on computers Printers in computer lab Microphone for computer Center group management system/bulletin board

Lesson Planning The tables below include beginning summaries of a unit plan development for each conceptual area that will guide students to meet the learning goals and objectives. Due to time constraints, these are not completely developed lesson plans; however, this template gives a general idea of the investigations that will be completed and can be built upon at a later date. If a lesson includes technology integration, a brief description will be provided after the lesson summary.

15 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Table 2 Physics of Sound Unit Summary

Lesson #
1 Dropping In

Summary of Lesson
Students explore their ability to discriminate between sounds, by dropping objects into a drop chamber and identifying each object by the property of its sound. They develop a code by assigning letters to objects and send messages to one another by using their drop code. Students explore sound generators and musical instruments in mini activities to find out what causes sound and what changes the pitch. They investigate variables that affect changes in pitch: the length of vibrating objects and the tension on vibrating strings. *Web Quest on Pitch

Science Concepts Introduced or Reviewed

Objects can be identified by the sounds they make when dropped. Sounds have identifiable characteristics. Sounds can convey information. Sound is caused by vibrations. A sound source is an object that is vibrating. A sound receiver detects sound vibrations. Sound originates from vibrating sources. Pitch is how high or low a sound is. Differences in pitch are caused by differences in the rate at which objects vibrate. Several variables affect pitch, including size (length) and tension of the source material. Sound travels through solids, water, and air. Sound vibrations need a medium to travel. Sound that is directed travels better through air. Our outer ears are designed to receive, focus, and amplify sounds. Several variables affect pitch, including size (length), tension, and thickness of the source material. Sound can be directed through air, water, or solids to the sound receivers. The medium that sound passes through affects its volume and the distance at which it can be heard.

2 Good Vibrations

3 How Sound Travels

Students work in collaborative groups on Mini activities that introduce a sound source and a medium of sound travel. They observe and compare how sound travels through solids, water, and air.

4 Sound Challenges

Students investigate the nature of our sound receivers, ears. They are challenged to put their knowledge of sound sources, sound travel, and sound receivers to work. They take one of the instruments they used earlier and change its pitch, make its sound travel farther, or make it louder. *Internet research on how sound is used in different occupations. (Typed report)

*Throughout all 3 units, a group of students will be in charge of contributing to a class blog to blog about what they did each day in science. Digital photographs will be included.

16 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Table 3 Electricity and Magnetism Unit Summary

Lesson #
1 The Force

Summary of Lesson
Students work with permanent magnets to discover that iron is the only everyday material that sticks to magnets. They investigate variables that influence the force of attraction between two magnets and look for ways to detect the presence of a magnet.

Science Concepts Introduced or Reviewed

Magnets stick to metal objects made of iron. Magnetic interactions are caused by the magnetic force. Magnets display forces of attraction and repulsion that decrease with distance. Magnetism can be induced in a piece of steel that is close to or touching a magnet.

2 Making Connections

Students investigate current electricity and circuits, the pathways through which electricity flows. They find that some materials permit the flow of electricity (conductors), and some dont (insulators).

Electricity flows through pathways called circuits. A switch is a device used to open and close circuits. An open circuit is an incomplete electric pathway; a closed circuit is a complete pathway. Materials that allow electricity to flow are conductors; those that do not are insulators. A circuit with only one pathway for current flow is a series circuit. Components share the electric energy. A circuit with two or more pathways for current flow is a parallel circuit. Components each have a direct pathway to the energy source. A core of iron or steel becomes an electromagnet when electricity flows through a coil of insulated wire surrounding it. There are a number of ways to change the strength of an electromagnet, including changing the number of winds of wire around the core. An electromagnet placed in a complete circuit can be used to make a telegraph. A switch can serve as a key in a telegraph system. A code is a symbolic system used for communication. Technology is the application of science.

3 Advanced Connections 4 Current Attractions

Students explore series and parallel circuits and compare the functioning of the components in each circuit. *Web Quest on electricity

Students learn how to use electricity to make an electromagnet. They explore the variables that influence the strength of the magnetism produced by their electromagnets.

5 Click It

Students use all the concepts they have learned to build a telegraph system that enables them to send and receive messages. The last part of the investigation asks students to use their inquiry skills to design, conduct, and report their own investigations. *Presented as a PowerPoint

17 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Table 4 Water Unit Summary

Lesson #
1 Water Observations

Summary of Lesson
Students observe the properties of water as it is heated, cooled, and frozen. They make a water thermometer and find that water expands as it is heated. Students compare the density of water at different temperatures and find that warm water is less dense than cool water, and ice is less dense than liquid water. Students observe the properties of water as it is heated, cooled, and frozen. They make a water thermometer and find that water expands as it is heated. Students compare the density of water at different temperatures and find that warm water is less dense than cool water, and ice is less dense than liquid water. Students are introduced to water vapor and evaporation. They explore the effects of environmental conditions and surface area on rates of evaporation. They set up condensation chambers and consider how evaporation and condensation contribute to the water cycle. *Contribute to a premade VoiceThread on the water cycle.

Science Concepts Introduced or Reviewed

Water expands when heat is added. Water contracts when heat is taken away. Cold water is denser than warm water. Water is densest at 4C. Ice is less dense than liquid water. A solid has a definite volume and shape; a liquid has only definite volume. Water expands when heat is added. Water contracts when heat is taken away. Cold water is denser than warm water. Water is densest at 4C. Ice is less dense than liquid water. A solid has a definite volume and shape; a liquid has only definite volume. Evaporation is the process by which liquid water changes into water vapor, a gas. Temperature affects the rate of evaporation. The surface area of a liquid affects the rate of evaporation. Condensation occurs when water vapor touches a cool surface and changes into liquid. Evaporation and condensation contribute to the movement of water through the water cycle. Some earth materials absorb more water than other earth materials do. Water flows more easily through some earth materials than through others. Flowing water can be used to do work. Water contains different materials that affect its quality. Evaporation can be used to detect materials dissolved in water.

2 Hot Water, Cold Water

3 Water Vapor

4 Water Works

Students compare what happens when water is poured through two different earth materials, soil and gravel. Students construct a waterwheel and use it to lift objects, learning about the power of water. They collect water from local sources, examine its properties, and are introduced to the concept of water quality.

18 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Implementation 8 Forces for Leaders of Change Fullen, Cuttress, and Kilcher state that eight drivers are keys to create effective and lasting change (2005, pg. 54). When implementing a large scale change such as curriculum reform, it is important for leaders to consider and address the 8 forces or drivers. The eight forces include (1) engaging peoples moral purposes (why does there need to be change), (2) building capacity (policies, resources, and actions needed to move change forward), (3) understanding the change process (there must be a shared vision and shared ownership), (4) developing cultures for learning (strategies designed for people to learn from others) , (5) developing cultures of evaluation (creating assessment for learning), (6) focusing on leadership for change (find leaders that build greatness), (7) fostering coherence making (alignment), and (8) cultivating trilevel development (what has to happen at different levels). Training of teachers One of the most important parts of the implementation phase, I believe, is the training of the teachers. The teachers not only need to be trained on the new science curriculum, but they also need to develop knowledge of how technology, pedagogy and content (TPCK) as well. It is important to note that technology integration is no longer a broadly generalizable set of skills and concepts. Instead TPCK emerges differently within each curriculum specialization, pedagogical approach, and learning context (Thompson, et.el., 2008, p. 292). Teachers need instruction of TPCK from a qualified educational technology specialist and the instruction should be systemic and on-going.

19 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE The Foss science company provides training in inquiry based science teaching as well as with each module they have. All teachers will need training in inquiry based science incorporated with the modules they will be teaching. Teachers that must switch grade levels or newly hired teachers will need to be trained as the change is made. In addition, teachers need to have time to collaborate with colleagues to share resources and stories of what works well and what needs improved. Preparing unit modules The Foss unit modules come packaged disassembled with all the materials needed for each hands-on investigation. Time and space is needed for teachers to set up their investigation materials. Extra time is needed between delivery of the modules and the actual teaching of the unit to ensure all materials were delivered and to have enough time to notify the company if items are missing. Preparing technology The technology that will be incorporated in the science and technology curriculum requires normal maintenance of machines and typical beginning of the year set-up. No special installations are required with the new curriculum. Preparing learners Inquiry based science is a new pedagogical model and students are not used to thinking, performing, and reflecting in this way. Students will require instruction on cooperative group work. They will also require scaffolded instruction and inquiry modeling. Students will require

20 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE time to become comfortable with the new way of learning. Some students will require extensions while some require remediation and/or adaptations to the curriculum. Evaluation Formative Formative assessment is assessment and evaluation that occurs throughout the five phases of ADDIE. This assessment is ongoing to assess the needs of each phase in the process and to identify areas that may need to be added or changed within each phase. Formative assessment can include informal observation, needs assessments, surveys, audits, and reflection. Summative Summative assessment or evaluation is the process of collecting data following the implementation phase to determine whether the curriculum is meeting the needs of the learners and meeting the goals and objectives outlined in the Analyze and Design phase (Strickland). To determine student achievement, assessments such as 4-Sight and the PSSAs can be used. A list of questions that should be asked in this phase includes the following:

y y y y y y y

What worked well? What needs improved or changed? What would help to organize things better? What would motivate students and teachers better? What technology would be more effective? Are the students making achievement gains? Are 3 in-depth units of study enough content?

21 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Conclusion The five phases of ADDIE work together and build off of one another to produce a systematic approach to making a change in an instructional environment. Educators should consider the 8 forces for leaders of change in education especially when making changes to large scale components like curriculum. In addition, teachers level of TPCK must be considered when integrating technology into any content area. The above information is a working draft of the ADDIE model designed to be revised at each level many times before successful implementation of the new fourth grade science and technology curriculum is expected.

22 Running Head: USING ADDIE IN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE References Delta Education. (2010). What is Foss? Retreived January 17, 2010, from Fullen, M., Cuttress, C., & Kilcher, A. (2005). 8 Forces for leaders of change. Journal of Staff Development, 26, 54-64. International Society for Technology in Education. (2007). National Educational Technology Standards Retreived January 17, 2010, from or_Students_2007_Standards.pdf. Krajcik, J., Blumenfeld, P.C., Marx, R.W., Bass, K.M.,& Fredricks, J. (1998). Inquiry in project-based science classrooms: Initial attempts by middle school students. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 7(3&4), 313-350.
Molenda, M.(2003). In search of the elusive ADDIE model. Retrieved April 3, 2010 from

Strickland, A.W. Idaho State University, College of Education: ADDIE. Retrieved from Summerville, J. & Reid-Griffen, A. (2008). Technology Integration and Instructional Design. Tech Trends, 52(5), 45-51. Thompson, A.D., Boyd, K., Clark, K., Colbert, J.A., Guan, S., Harris, J.B, et. el. (2008). TPCK action for teacher education. In AACTE Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK). New York, NY: Routledge. Zemelman, S., Daniels, H., and Hyde, A. (2005). Best practice: Todays standards for teaching and learning in Americas schools. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

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