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A simple explanation of the Divine message of
the Great Pyramid to the Anglo-Saxon Race

Third Edition


Author of "Health, Healing and the Laws of God"

80 Pages 9 Illustrations

IST EDITION - August, 1944

2ND EDITION- June, 1948
3RD EDITION- June, 1964

Copies available from the publishers:

The National Revival Church

53-55 Vivian Street, Wellington
New Zealand


Pastor Vin. Brown

9 Raroa Road, Lower Hutt
New Zealand


THE author desires to express his indebtedness to those who, directly or indirectly, have
assisted him in this humble contribution to Great Pyramid literature.

Grateful thanks are extended to Mr. J. Bernard Nicklin, Mr. William O. Lay, Jr. and Howard
B. Rand, LL.B. for help received from articles by them; also to my wife, for her untiring
efforts in checking and correcting proofs, and last, but not least to Pastor Vin.Brown without
whose suggestions, help and encouragement the publication of this book would not have been

Data from the following sources is also gratefully acknowledged:

Great Pyramid Proof of God George R. Riffert

Three Witnesses Clive Kenrick
The Great Pyramid of Egypt R. B. Amery
God's Stone Witness M. Bloxam
The Great Pyramid of Gizeh A. J. Ferris, B.A.,DIP. ED. (N.Z.)
The Re-Birth of Civilisation John S. Eason
Prophecy in the Great Pyramid Cedric Morris
Through World Chaos to Cosmic Christ &
The Path to Peace in out Time David Davidson, m.c., M.I. STRUCT.E.

Testimony in Stone, a truly remarkable book by Mr. J. Bernard Nicklin, was published in
1961 wherein confirmatory evidence of the accuracy of Davidson's findings through the
synchronisation of chronological time-periods and Biblical prophecy with the chronology of
the Great Pyramid is presented. This up-to-date factual presentation is recommended to the


For a long time I have been convinced that a simple, concise booklet on the Great Pyramid is
considerably overdue. Many people have asked me where they can obtain such a book,
written in language which they can easily understand, and which would give them a
fundamentally sound understanding of the message of this great "Witness in Stone". It has
often been impossible to place such a book in their hands. True, there are standard text books
on the subject, classics in their way; but it is no disparagement to the authors and their
monumental labours when I say that the average person has neither the time nor the
understanding of technical terms to undertake the task of studying such volumes. To many
earnest seekers after Truth, therefore, the subject has remained clouded in mystery, and this
marvellous structure misunderstood, or, worse still, not understood at all.

When, therefore, I found that Mr Page was contemplating a revision of his previous excellent
booklet on the Pyramid, I assured him of my practical help in whatever way I could, and he
immediately set to work on the considerable task of re-writing and supplementing chapters to
make up a booklet which would cover the main features of the subject, with particular
emphasis on the King's Chamber and the times in which we live. It has been my privilege to
encourage him in this, and to feel that in some small way, I have a share in the publication of
this booklet which I am sure will be eagerly greeted and which will fulfill a long-felt want.

Wherever this subject has been presented in the simple, everyday language of the man in the
street, I have found it to meet with wholehearted enthusiasm, especially when illustrated with
diagrams. For that reason the reader will find the illustrations in this booklet a great help in
understanding the salient features of the Pyramid. They will give him a readily grasped
"bird's-eye" view of the passages and chambers, and so enable him to keep the Divine
Architect's plan clearly in mind. In this way it is sincerely hoped that Faith win be
established, nourished, and enhanced by Jehovah's "altar in the land of Egypt, and a pillar at
the border thereof", and that the author's labour of love will contribute in its own way to the
desire of the Almighty God of Israel that it shall be a "sign and a witness unto the Lord of
Hosts" in these last days.


"Bethesda", Lower Hutt, New Zealand


This work was first undertaken during the latter part of 1940, in response to the demand for a simple
introduction to a study of the supreme architectural marvel of all the ages.

The typescript was purposely kept within certain limits, and war restrictions prevented publication
until August 1944. A second edition was called for in 1948 to which material was added to bring
greater weight of evidence to bear in the defense of the Great Pyramid, the Bible, and Anglo-Saxon-
Israel identity against the various attacks to which they are subjected. Any attempt at Great Pyramid
exposition must of necessity include these latter two subjects, as both are vitally connected with what,
in the Great Pyramid, is nothing less than a geometrical expression of Divine Revelation.

The text of this third edition stands substantially as in the second, although certain aspects have been
enlarged to provide a clearer and more complete presentation of essential details. In view of so many
erroneous theological interpretations space has been devoted, among other things, to the Jewish
problem, to show the distinction between Israel and Judah; to the responsibilities and Divine destiny
of the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples - who are the true Israel of God in the world today, and thus the
inheritors of His covenants with His people Israel - and to the Second coming of Christ, with the
abolition of war and want, the removal of man's disabilities, the lifting of the curse from the natural
creation and the establishment of a nobler, truer, and happier order, together with prophecy as related

There is ample testimony to show that the utterances of the prophets of the Bible, the chronological
time-periods and time factors built into the Great Pyramid all interlock. They undoubtedly support on
another, and depend on one another so that to ignore any one of the three is to fall short of having all
that is needed to possess complete understanding of the "times and seasons" of this generation.

It is the secret, or hidden, things which chronology and the numbers in Scripture reveal to the diligent
searcher who is thus able to understand and anticipate the closing events of the present world order.
How amazing to think that one Mind is behind both the Bible and the Great Pyramid design. The
recurrence of the same mystical numbers in both witnesses proves beyond all doubt that the Eternal
Himself is their common inspiration. Moreover, it proves to us in these dark and doubtful days that
the Bible's promises of restoration and blessedness together with world regeneration are true; the
irrevocable pledges of the mightiest Power in the universe.
To assist the reader a table of prophetic time-periods has also been prepared.

It is over fifteen years since the second edition was published and much has taken place during this
time. The brief reference to the King's Chamber has been replaced by details of important events
since the south wall was reached on 20 August 1953, and timecycles which signify desolation and
tribulation give way to those indicating restoration and blessedness as the early 1960s are passed.

Many students of the Great Pyramid were expecting important and far-reaching changes in world
events at the south wall date in 1953, but, because there was nothing of a spectacular nature on the
particular day when the wall was reached a widespread reversal of interest in Great Pyramid
revelation occurred. The Great Pyramid, people said, was wrong; the Bible was wrong, and all the
lecturers must be wrong too. Such was the general attitude, except among those who know that this
Monument unto the Lord of Hosts in the midst of the land of Egypt bore no false witness - they did

not lose faith in the Great Pyramid. At this point of time 95 per cent of the chronology of the passage
system of the Great Pyramid had already been verified by history and surely it could not fail on the
one date, 20 August 1953? Any failure rests with human inability to understand the significance of
that date. Actually the commencement of the Great Falling Away took place, fulfilling Paul's
prediction that this must come before the Day of Christ would be revealed. (11 Thess. 2:2-3)

In his address at the Central Hall, Westminster on 8 July, 1942, Mr. Davidson made reference to the
harm done to the Great Pyramid's Message by those who apply their own interpretations, often
without knowing what they are talking about. Several posing as reliable interpreters are in this
category. "No man can ever claim to be completely right; even the newspapers make mistakes daily,
but no one ever points them out" said Mr. Davidson. Although the dating to which so much publicity
had been given failed to come up to general expectations, the faithful remained alert and continued to
watch and wait.

Mr. Davidson continued his great work on the King's Chamber, and his last article before his death,
bearing the title, "The Mystery of The King's Chamber 11 was published in the American magazine
Destiny in May 1958. Considerable research has been carried out by many eminent and capable
writers and the author has endeavoured to present a simple, understandable exposition of the largest
and most important room in the Great Pyramid - the King's Chamber.
As the horror of global travail and nuclear destruction darkens the horizon the fear-ridden are seeking
means of protection and preservation, but those of deeper understanding have heeded the Master's
injunction to look up and lift up their heads (Luke 21:28) and have placed themselves under the
protection of the Everlasting Arms. "I will spare them", God promised through Malachi, "as a man
spareth his own son that serveth him" (Mal. 3:17).

Writing recently in the magazine Destiny Bertrand L. Comparet puts the matter very graphically:

"Therefore, our Lord said that when these things begin to come to pass, it indicates that our
'redemption draweth nigh'. Everything we have ever dared to hope for is included in that
redemption. It is the restoration of all that was lost in the fall of Adam. It is the restoration
of our rightful position as the sons and daughters of God; it is freedom from the crushing
pressures of the Satanic word order; it is the leisure to live in peace and dignity, in a world
where the wicked dare not raise their heads; it is an age in which righteousness never has to
yield to evil; in which poverty, sin and tragedy are banished from the earth. With this
prospect ahead of us, shall we fear the ending of the old, the beginning of the new?"

We are surely moving towards that point in the King's Chamber where Displacement is eventually
overcome, namely 3 September 1968. Our social, economic and political structure is admittedly
wrong. None is shaped according to the pattern on the Mount. We have disregarded and modified the
Great Architect’s plans and specifications, and as a result the whole structure is wrong, and it is
beyond human ingenuity to put it right. The displacement factor in the Great Pyramid has thrown out
the alignment so that the apex, or chief corner stone will not fit, and we in our ill-organised society
have ruled our Christ Who is "the Chief Corner Stone."

Only the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth can restore order out of the existing chaos.


New Zealand

to the memory of

that great Australian Pyramidologist and lecturer, the beam of whose lantern
cut a bright new pathway through the confusing tangle of twisted theology,
enabling me to pass from my world of darkness and uncertainty out on to the
sure, firm ground of Truth.

There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all
argument, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. This principle is
contempt prior to examination. DR. PALEY.
A greater than Paley has said,

"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly, and a shame unto him"
(Proverbs 18:13)

The Witness

Defiant and aloof you seem to stand,

In silent majesty upon the sand,
Commanding North, and South, and East and West,
Your secret safely hid within your breast.
So you have stood, since Earth's first songs were sung
In far off days when Time and you were young.
Empires have passed you with their ensigns furled,
Have passed, and slipped from sight across the world,
But you have seen the centuries begun,
And watched a million settings of the sun.

Though Time is old and worn, with vision dim,

You stand in silent faithfulness to Him
Who formed you, so that generations thence
Might realise His great Omniscience.
He who has graven us upon His palms,
And sheltered us beneath His outstretched arms,
Has built our Life within your mighty heart;

There in the silences you keep apart,
Safe from the canker of the common sod,
We find the Message of the Living God.


NINE miles south of Cairo in Egypt stands the only one remaining of "The Seven Wonders
of the World," the Great pyramid of Gizeh. Great in more ways than one, for it is by far the
largest building on the earth.

There are over thirty Pyramids in Egypt, built in groups of four and eleven, and other
numbers, at various places along the Nile. The most celebrated group is one of nine, of
which three are commonly recognised, the remaining six being too small to be worth any
attention. These are situated upon the rock of Gizeh, a natural formation rising up 100 feet
from the sandy desert, and are known as the Pyramids of Gizeh.

The most northerly and largest of these Pyramids is known as the Great Pyramid. It has been
the subject of considerable study and speculation, has been investigated, measured and
checked by eminent men of science from as early as 1637, until to-day, thanks to their efforts
we have a Divine Revelation expressed in geometrical and mathematical language.

Geographically the Great Pyramid occupies a remarkable position. It is situated in the very
central point of all the habitable land portions of the globe. There is more land surface
situated along the imaginary line running through it, North and South to the two poles of the
earth, than along all the other meridinal lines of longitude all round the globe - moreover, it is
so placed that it conforms to the geographical position given by the prophet Isaiah. We read
in chapter 19, at verse 19, "In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the
land of Egypt and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord, and it shall be for a sign and for a
witness unto the Lord of Hosts in the land of Egypt . . . ."

Biblical scholars have often wondered at, and misunderstood this strange expression of
Isaiah, regarding something which was both 11 an altar in the midst of Egypt" and at the
same time a "pillar (or memorial stone) at the border thereof to the Lord." The Great Pyramid
fulfils these two apparently contradictory conditions.

When lines are drawn N.E. and N.W. from the Great Pyramid to the coast-line of Egypt, and
the arc of a circle is described with the Pyramid as centre, and one of the lines as radius, the
arc is seen to touch the projecting points on the coast-line. Almost the whole of the Nile
delta region is seen to be enclosed within the quarter circle which has been drawn. The Great
Pyramid is thus at the centre of Upper Egypt, but at the border of Lower Egypt and the desert.

It is seen that the Pyramid passage angle of 26 deg. 18 min. 10 sec. taken as a bearing North
of true East passes directly over the site identified as Israel's crossing of the sea at the Exodus
and bears directly on Bethlehem.

The Great Pyramid of Gizeh has for almost five thousand years been incomparable.
Knowing it as we do to-day, we are not surprised that the Greeks named it "The World’s
Greatest Wonder." It is by far the largest building on the earth. Its base covers 13 acres, with
a circuit of nearly two-thirds of a mile, the four triangular sides each representing five acres.
The length of each base side is 761 feet. The weight in pyramid cubits is estimated at
5,270,000 tons, including as it does stones weighing from 1 to 70 tons. Over 86,000,000
cubic feet of masonry were required to build this huge structure. The total vertical height is
454½ feet, and the sides which slope inward at a constant angle of 51 degrees 51 min. 14 sec.
come together at that height to form a platform about 36 feet square. The Pyramid is not
capped and from accounts which have come to us from ancient writers it never at any time
received its cap-stone. There is a reason for this, which is explained later. The sides of the
Pyramid are so built that they truly point N.S.E.W., that is, it is orientated astronomically, not
magnetically, or by the points of the needle, which vary from age to age.

Each side slope was originally cased in highly polished white limestone blocks, wrought with
such exquisite skill as to be almost equal to modern optical instrument-maker's work. They
did not vary from a straight line and accurate square more than the hundredth part of an inch
in a length of seventy-five inches. These stones required most accurate cutting, and when
finally in place the Great Pyramid resembled a gigantic stone mountain, the polished sides of
which reflected the sun's rays in four immense beams like searchlights, which were easily
visible over the whole of the ancient land of Egypt as they swept across it during the day.
This perfection lasted for about three thousand years, right through our Lord's life-time, and
for centuries after.

The shining whiteness gave it the name by which it was known to Egypt, "Khuti" - "The
Lights" in Hebrew" Urim", which always meant "Divine Light". Compare "Urim" and
"Thummin", the Divine oracle of the Israelitish priesthood and Temple worship. Our present
word "Pyramid" is thus derived, the Chaldean name "Urimmiddim" (Light measures)
becoming "Pyramis" in Greek and signifying "Revelation measures", thus indicating that the
Pyramid is a geometrical expression of Divine Revelation.

Legends and traditions concerning the Great Pyramid have existed from the earliest times.
All expressed the belief that the Pyramid was built under Divine Instruction and contained a
Divine Revelation. Its massive size is evidence that it was intended to last for ages. Its
particular dimensions more than suggests the hand of the Great Architect. It is the largest of
all the pyramids and its passage system is different from them all. These other structures, so
much alike in many respects, have misled scientists, but the Bible and the Great Pyramid
have withstood the attacks of men and both retain their messages intact.


It may be well to explain the matter of "witness". The Bible tens us the pillar was intended to
testify. Now a witness testifies to the certainty of a fact, and in a court of common law if the
statement of two witnesses is accepted, then the evidence of three witnesses, who do not
vary, ought to establish the facts to which they testify. God has given abundant evidence of
His purposes, by pre-writing history for our instruction. The accuracy of His Word is
established without question. Humanity's failure to recognise and understand revelation is
unbelief. Well, we have three important and perfect witnesses and they are - the Written

Word, the Bible, the Pictorial Word or the heavens, and the Geometrical or Monumental
Word in the structure under discussion.

As our beloved Queen Elizabeth II at Her Coronation entered the West Door of the Abbey of
Westminster, Her Majesty heard the words of the anthem, taken from Psalm 122, sung by the
choir of Westminster. Then at the East side, and afterwards at the South, West and North
sides the Archbishop presented Her to the people saying:

"Sirs, I here present unto you Queen Elizabeth, your undoubted Queen: Wherefore all you
who are come this day to do your homage and service, Are you willing to do the same?" Then
the people with loud acclamations expressed their willingness and joy, crying with one voice:

"God save Queen Elizabeth"

We can find a similarity in the Biblical record of the life of King Saul:

"And Samuel said to the people, See ye him whom the Lord bath chosen, that there is
none like him among all the people? And all the people shouted, and said, God save the
King" (1 Sam. 10:24).

Then the Dean of Westminster took the Holy Bible from off the Altar and delivered it to the
Archbishop who then presented it to the Queen, first saying to her:

"Our gracious Queen, we present you with this Book, the most valuable thing that this
word affords. Here is wisdom; this is the royal Law; these are the lively Oracles of

This part of the Coronation Ceremony, together with the presentation of the Bible, were
instituted nearly four centuries ago. Do we believe these words today? Actually everything
that makes our Western Civilisation depends upon the Bible. Right and wrong reason - our
moral code - all rest on its authority. Scientists of fifty years ago thought they had better
authority than the Bible, which belief is reflected in conventional knowledge today, but the
wild conjecture and speculation of the sceptic is now met by new evidence made available
through the study of Archaeology. How greatly indebted we are to this Science for the light
cast on ancient Bible history, and how inadequate are our expressions of gratitude to the
distinguished men who have toiled under the soil of Palestine, and other Eastern lands, in
search of this evidence, or otherwise assisted in the obtaining of it.

In this great company we find James Leslie Starkey, Sir Henry Wellcome, Harry Dunscombe
Colt, Sir Robert Mond, Sir Charles Marston, Dr. Landgon, Sir Flinders and Lady Petrie,
Professor Garstang and Mrs. Garstang, Sir Leonard Woolley, Dr. Albright, and many others
whose findings have proved to be a vital force in the world today, and something to sorely try
the steel of Modernist, agnostic, and atheist.

The Bible tells of the beginning of things: the creation of man: of sin: government: a special
people: redemption. Then it deals with the history of the special people, the formation of a
Kingdom Nation with righteous laws and government and their schooling in the wilderness.
The story sweeps on to the promised Land, the history under Judges, then Kings, the division
of Israel into two Houses, Israel and Judah, their sins and punishments, the transfer of the

rule of the House of David from over Judah to be over Israel. Then the Judah history to the
coming of the Messiah, His rejection by them and the punishment that follows. Israel lost;
Israel found: and the marks of identity.

How wonderful to find the same story in the heavens. The pictorial star groups tell of man's
fall, the promised redemption of Israel and the salvation of the world, of Israel's increase, the
dangers to beset her, the coming of the King to the rescue, the cleansing of the earth, and the
banishment of evil with the final destruction of Satan. The wise men of the East saw the birth
of our Lord in these signs. No one can dispute the antiquity of the Signs of the Zodiac or the
Constellations, nor can we question the accuracy of the ancient

Star-names which have come down to us. Modern astronomers have preserved and still have
in common use the ancient names of over a hundred of the principal stars which have been
handed down, but now these names are used merely as a convenience and without any
reference to their significance.

Dr. Budge, of the British Museum, in his Babylonian Life and History, tells us of the
extensive knowledge possessed by the ancients. Astronomy, mixed with astrology, occupied
a large number of tablets in Babylonian libraries, the largest, containing seventy, being
compiled by the command of Sargon of Agade thirty-eight hundred years before Christ. It
was called the "Illumination of Bel."

The Scriptures are not silent as to the great antiquity of the signs or constellations, and
references may be found in Psalms, Acts, Kings, Job, Isaiah, Amos and other places. History
discloses that the twelve Signs are the same in both their meaning and order in all the ancient
nations of the world. The Chinese, Chaldean, and Egyptian records go back to more than
2000 B.C.; Nouet, a French astronomer, inferring that the Egyptian astrology must have
arisen 5,400 B.C.

Ethelbert W. Bullinger, D.D., in his notable work The Witness of the Stars, shows how from
the twelve Signs of the Zodiac, each containing three Constellations, and together numbering
over 2,490 stars, are formed the ancient Star-pictures. These number 48, and are divided into
three books each containing four chapters. The remarkable and fascinating story commences
with the Sign of Virgo (the promised seed of the Woman) that first great promise and
prophecy of Gen. 3-15, and concludes with Sign of Leo (Messiah's Consummated Triumph).
In Leo we reach the end of the Revelation as inspired in the Word of God; and it is the end as
written in the heavens. There we find The Lion of the Tribe of Judah aroused for the rending
of the prey, the three constellations of the Sign being: Hydra, the old serpent destroyed;
Crater, the cup of Divine Wrath poured out upon him, and Corvus, the Bird of Prey
devouring him.

The foregoing remarks of necessity brief, but the earnest seeker after truth will find that
science has much to offer in irrefutably established facts.

And now we see the majesty of God in the third witness. Throughout its construction is
mathematical accuracy and precision as well as astronomical exactness, and suffice it to say
that the inspired builders of the Great Pyramid have enshrined in the passage system and
general construction the important events covering a period of 6,000 years from the creation
of Adam. We find the warning to Noah and the Flood year: the call of Abraham.. the exodus

of Israel from Egypt: their formation into a Kingdom-Nation at Mount Sinai: the birth, life,
death and resurrection of the Lord and His rejection by the Jews, who remained under the
yoke of the law: the Christian dispensation, when Israel became Cod's Servant: its beginning
and ending and many other important events testifying to the Truth of Revelation.

The spiritual degradation of man, leading to destruction as well as the way of Salvation, for
both the individual and the nation are clearly defined.

In truth, the Great Pyramid is God's answer to Modernism, for by its scientific evidence the
Bible is proved to be true. Its purpose was to conceal and reveal. "It is the glory of God to
conceal a thing" (Proverbs 25, 2). He reveals to give hope to a troubled world, and conceals
to leave room for the exercise of faith.


ONE often meets with the suggestion that the Pyramids were built as tombs, and it may be
advantageous here to state the reasons why the great Pyramid was never used as such. The
passages and chambers of the Great Pyramid are above the ground level, but all the other
Pyramids have their chambers below the ground level. No record exists of the finding of a
mummy in the Great Pyramid. There is an absence of inscriptions with the exception of
quarry marks and the hieroglyphics on the lower Eastern apex stone of the inner door or
passage framework, and the royal marks or cartouches on one of the massive beams of the
King's Chamber. No furniture, sculpture, or treasure were ever discovered. No lid to the
coffer in the King's Chamber or trace of any fragment. The prophetic nature of the
revelations therein and the scientific knowledge displayed indicate that it was not built for a
tomb. NO other Pyramid has ventilating shafts, and it is, of course, established that air is
injurious to the preservation of a mummy.

It is interesting to note that the air shafts in the Great Pyramid enable the temperature to be
maintained at a uniform 68 deg.F., which is the mean temperature of the Earth.

Historical records give The Great Pyramid various names. The term Gizeh refers to the place
of location and Cheops to the King during whose reign it was erected. Cheops is also known
as Shufu or Khufu, and his brother who may have followed him or perhaps ruled with him is
known as Nem Shufu. The royal marks of these Kings are found in the Great Pyramid as
previously stated, and also at Mount Sinai. In the Sinaitic hills they are engraved on a rock
which overlooks the ruins of vast iron furnaces from which, no doubt, the iron used in the
construction of the Pyramid was obtained. Now Khufu ruled in Egypt between 2645 and
2622 B.C., so that we may safely place the time of erection of the Pyramid thereby. His
name is connected with the Pyramid, and there is no doubt that it was built during his reign,
but there is no evidence to support the suggestion that he was the builder. No ancient writing
of any value ascribes its erection to him. It is interesting to observe that the facts built into
the masonry of the Pyramid have their complete reproduction in what is termed the "Book of
the Dead". This is a collection of ancient writings and to quote the late Sir Gaston Maspero,
Director-General of Antiquities in Egypt, "The Pyramid and the 'Book of the Dead' reproduce
the same original, the one in words and the other in stone."

The significance of Sir Gastons' statement lies in the fact that the ancient texts give all the
principal dimensions, exterior and interior of the Pyramid, define the unit of measure and
state specifically that the year circle of 365.24 inches is the basis for the Pyramid's
geometrical system. The antiquity of these writings goes back to at least 3000 B.C., and their
profound value lies in the fact that because of their records the Divine Revelation enshrined
in the Great Pyramid forty-five centuries old and standing in a pagan land, receives from the
ancient pagan literature of that land a religious and scientific interpretation of such character
that both the Pyramid and the Bible are demonstrated to be of God.


Now ancient writings indicate that during the reign of Khufu, Egypt was invaded by a great
movement of foreign people from the East. The country was won over by them without a
battle and their leader ordered Khufu to close all temples, and idolatrous worship was
discontinued. This invader King who took up his residence at Gizeh was supplied by Khufu
with 100,000 labourers, who cut and hauled stone for the erection of the Pyramid. This took
thirty years, after which the stranger, we are informed, left Egypt and built Salem, later
named Jerusalem. These strangers were Sethites, that is, descendants of Adam's son, Seth,
and their rulers were the Shepherd Kings, men of great faith and spiritual power, who without
doubt believed in the one true God. Biblical and Egyptian records present for us the names
of Seth, Enoch, Noah ,and Shem, when we consider these Shepherd Patriarchs and the name
of Enoch stands out prominently as the mysterious stranger. In the Egyptian "Book of the
Dead" the Pyramid is termed the "Pillar of Enoch". In Genesis we read "and Enoch walked
with God and he was not, for God took him".

There seems sufficient data to establish Enoch as the builder to whom God entrusted the
mighty undertaking. Chronological indications, apart from the dates of Khufu's reign, when
considered from the entrance doorway of the Pyramid, show 2625 B.C. as the date of
erection. This conforms with Egyptian records. Herodotus is the first historian whose
account of it has come down to us, and he procured certain information from an Egyptian
priest named Manetho, about 450 B.C., that is, more than twenty-one centuries after its

The most distinguished architects marvel at the skill employed in the construction of this
huge monument. The immense blocks of granite carried a distance of 500 miles, polished
like glass and so fitted that the joints are barely perceptible: the construction of the chambers
over the King's apartment: the ventilating shafts. In spite of the colossal weight of the
structure, approximately 6,000,000 tons, no settlement in any part can be detected, to even a
fraction of an inch. Only solid rock in the best of condition would be suitable to hold such a
building, and in the elevated plateau of Gizeh such a site was selected. A dome-like portion
of this plateau was then chosen by the builders, and it was cut down on four sides into ledges,
like a miniature pyramid with steps all round. This plug, or core, is no doubt the secret of the
lasting stability of the Great Pyramid.

Nothing else could have saved the structure from the many earthquakes over a period of so
many centuries, especially the one of A.D. 1300 which ruined the city of Cairo. Around this
core were then cemented the 201 courses of perfectly cut stones forming the granite bulk of
the huge pillar, which was eventually covered by the limestone casing. Although the casing

has been absent for over 1000 years, the huge granite blocks were so well placed and
cemented that not a crack appears anywhere. Today, this stone mountain, stripped of its
casing stones, rears itself up into the sky in a series of mighty steps. Some of the stones are
four feet high, the larger ones being at the lower part of the Pyramid. One can imagine that
an ascent would be difficult and such is undoubtedly the case. These stones are of enormous
weight, some being as much as 20, some even 80 tons. In the King's Chamber the builders
employed a unique principle of construction, in which 43 massive granite beams, 27 feet long
and weighing 50 to 70 tons each, were used. They were set joist-wise in five cushioned tiers,
and allowed to extend five feet beyond the walls. Then, above these were placed 24 large
rafters of limestone to form the gabled roof.

The tremendous overhead pressure and earthquake shocks of 45 centuries have broken in two
all the great beams, but the King's Chamber itself remains just as perfect as the day it was

On every hand one sees the mark of The Great Architect. Famous engineers regard the Great
Pyramid as a masonic masterpiece and the more one examines it the stronger becomes the
conviction that it is no ordinary building. The four sides have a combined area of roughly 20
acres, and to cover this were required at least 144,000 massive limestone blocks. Some of
these weighed 20 tons, and none were less than 1 ton. On clearing debris from the four base
lines of the Pyramid quite a large number of these casing stones were found, still in their
original positions. This was very fortunate, as valuable information was obtained as a result
of examination of them. It was discovered that the mean thickness of the joints is one-fiftieth
of an inch, and with an area of some 35 square feet, each was cemented throughout.
Although the stones were as close as one five-hundredth part of an inch, or, in fact, in contact
with a mean opening of the joint of one-fiftieth part of an inch, the builders managed to fill
the joint with cement.

Merely to place such stones into contact would be careful work, but to do so with cement in
the joints seems impossible. One wonders how a vertical joint about 5ft. by 7ft. in area with
the surfaces practically in contact could possibly be filled with cement. So fine and
practically invisible are the joints that unless marked in black the camera will not show them.
The casing stones were not merely triangular in shape, but so cut, with six sides instead of
five, that each extended back fully two feet under the one above. Thus The Pyramid was
effectively sealed against sand or rain.

Gigantic operations require special mechanical inventions. The builders of the Pyramid no
doubt were the inventors and possessors of tools and machinery for lifting purposes, and
whilst we still have the structure they so marvellously erected the machinery used is lost.
How the great rocks were ever dressed and placed so accurately is a mystery, and the secret
lies buried with the builders. It is interesting to note that modern engineering cannot even
suggest how such a feat could be accomplished. Although this is the age of cement and steel,
a problem arises in connection with the cement used in the Pyramid. It could be reduced to
the consistency of paint and yet made to hold for fifty centuries. Today it is observed that the
cement is more enduring than the rock, the latter breaking more easily. The cement can be
analysed but not produced.

Another problem is that in reference to the drills and saws used by the builders. The coffer in
the King's Chamber is one of the most wonderful objects in the world. It is a stone miracle,

due to the spiral markings of the drills used to hollow out the interior. To cut out granite as a
carpenter bores out wood requires not only an exceptionally hard drill, but a machine
allowing an overhead pressure of from one to two tons. From this one may consider the saws
used in the cutting of the stones: bronze saws with teeth of particular hardness, and set with
sapphires and, probably in some instances, diamonds. One may move from marvel to marvel,
from one stupendous thought to another. Imagine 86,000,000 cubic feet of masonry which, if
converted into a wall 4 feet high and 1 foot thick, would extend for about 3600 miles, and if
weighed in scales would tip between five and six million tons.

The Great Pyramid has stood for almost fifty centuries, unaffected by The Flood and
earthquakes: it has seen wars: dynasties come and go: civilisations pass away, and it stands
with its message intact, for all who would read.



HE entrance to the Pyramid was not known until 820 A.D. TAI Mamoun, a Caliph of
Baghdad, would not otherwise have gone to the trouble and cost of boring a hole 130 feet
long and 6 feet in height by which all visitors enter today. Had the true entrance been visible
he would have used it. His objective was to secure the treasure which was traditionally
supposed to be hidden therein, but all his efforts were abortive. The forced passage is 30 feet
above the pavement and in the vertical centre of the North face.

The history of the modern Pyramid theory dates back to about 1637. At this time an Oxford
astronomer named Greaves discussed with Dr. Harvey, the learned discoverer of the
circulation of the blood, certain matters concerning the interior of the Pyramid. The doctor
was of the opinion that air channels must exist to enable people to remain in the interior
unstifled. Two hundred years later Colonel Howard-Vyse found two such channels and after
a further thirty odd years the other two were opened up by Waynman Dixon and Dr. Grant.

In the seventeenth century suggestions in connection with the King's Chamber and the Coffer
were advanced by Sir Isaac Newton, but no actual progress was made until the latter half of
the eighteenth century, when several works were published in England showing that the
Pyramid's base measurements were intended to represent the number of days in the year,
expressed in units of linear measurement.

In 1859 a London literary man and mathematician named John Taylor published a book
showing that the proportion of the Pyramid's height to its base circuit demonstrated the ratio
of the radius of a circle to its circumference. He also indicated that the Pyramid was built to
convey a Divine Revelation and that its unit of measure was the inch.

This induced the Astronomer Royal for Scotland, Professor Piazzi-Smyth, to undertake a
survey of the Pyramid. He camped on the Gizeh Plateau for several months in 1864-1865,
and carefully measured the whole building, its passages, chambers, slopes and angles,
confirming Taylor's theories absolutely. He demonstrated that the Pyramid was a
chronograph in stone connecting the present with past ages, and that the point of origin of the
time scale was fixed by the builders with strict scientific precision, so that as an astronomer

he was able to define the exact point of time from which the whole of Pyramid chronology

Before dealing with this interesting discovery, let us turn our attention to


It is perhaps a strange fact that the British inch has been preserved down through the ages and
is used solely by the English-speaking peoples. Without it we should never have been able to
read the Pyramid's message. The quarter also, the corn measure of the English speaking race,
is found to be exactly one-quarter of the cubic capacity of the coffer inside the King's
Chamber. The unit of measure employed in the Pyramid's design has been placed by the
Great Architect on the large granite beam or leaf suspended like a portcullis between the East
and West walls of the Anti-Chamber. On the North face of the leaf is a stone projection
termed the Boss; it is shaped like a horse-shoe and is 1 inch thick by 5 inches square. The
centre of the Boss is 25 inches from the East wall of the Chamber. This 25 inches is the
multiple of the inch unit composing the sacred Hebrew Cubit. The sacred cubit is of Divine
origin, being the measure ordained by God to be used by Noah in the construction of the Ark:
by Moses for the making of the Tabernacle in the wilderness, and by Solomon in the building
of the Temple (see Gen., 6, 15: Ex., 25:1 Kings 6 and 7). A further key to the sacred cubit is
also found in the Queen's Chamber.

The whole of the Pyramid geometry is based upon the "Year Circle", that is, a circle whose
circumference represents the number of days in the year expressed in inches. Stonehenge is
designed on the same principle. The Pyramid inch is the exact 11500 millionth part of the
earth's polar diameter. The metre was intended by the revolutionaries who introduced it to be
a ten-millionth part of a quadrant of the Earth's circumference. It has now been shown to be
considerably out and to bear no proper ratio to the dimensions of the earth, and the American
Geodetic survey of 1906 proved that the inch was an exact proportion - 1 in 500 million - of
the polar diameter of the Earth.

The Pyramid defines the dimensions of the earth and the elements of its orbit round the sun to
the scale of 1 in 25 millions. It gives the mean sun distance, the number of days in the solar
year, the law of the Precession of the Equinoxes, and all the principal values and variations in
connection with the year and the Earth's orbit, as well as a true geometrical definition of the
Law of Gravitation. The square circuit of the Pyramid's base square gives the solar year,
365.242 days to the scale of 100 Pyramid inches to a day.

Practically 200 attempts have been made to change the British-American system of measures,
and all have failed. All astronomical distances, movements and variations in distance and
movement are simply expressed in terms of two standard values, namely, the length of the
Earth's polar diameter and the duration of the solar year. The Earth's polar diameter should
be our basal standard of surface measurement on the Earth, and this was pointed out by Sir
John Herschel in 1869 when he opposed the proposal of Parliament to adopt the French
Metric System. It is interesting to note that the metric or atheist inch is about 100,000 inches
in error on a 7,900 mile arc of the Earth's circle.

Almost 5,000 years before Herschel, the Polar diameter was adopted in the Great Pyramid's
science as the basal standard for the surface measurements of the Earth. Herschel showed

that by subdividing the Earth's polar diameter into 500 million parts we obtained an inch
value almost the same as our current British inch. Through careful comparison with the
Pyramid unit, after 5000 years, shows the English standard to be shorter by 1 / 1000th of an
inch, the Government records disclose that up to within a few centuries ago both units were
precisely the same. The British inch is approximately shorter than the Pyramid inch by two-
thirds of a hair's breadth. It would appear that the building supervisors of the Pyramid were
of the white race and that the Divine Message contained within its huge structure is addressed
to the possessors of the inch today. In reviewing our British measures and weights, many
interesting facts are disclosed. As previously stated the capacity of the coffer is four times
the British quarter. The equivalent capacity of the whole coffer is found in the ancient
chaldron of Edgar the Peaceable (959 A.D.). A quarter of corn is defined by Magna Carta.
British wheat is measured in quarters. The capacity of the coffer is 71,214 cubic inches.
Four British quarters contain 70,984 cubic inches, the comparative figures balancing to one
quarter of one per cent.


A fact of absorbing interest to the Anglo-Saxon people is that the pint, pound, quarter and
stone measures and weights they use are found to be recorded in the cofrer which contain
four British quarters, or 32 bushels of wheat. Magna Carta stipulated that wheat shall be sold
by the bushel. The early Saxons had a measure of 32 bushels they called a chaldron. The
Anglo-Saxons alone retain Israel's system of weights and measures, as ordained in Lev. 19:
35, 37, inclusive of "a just ephah" and "a just bin". A "bin" equals 11, British gallons, and 10
"ephahs" equal 1 quarter, or the fourth part of a ton, or 8 bushels.

God commanded ". . . . a perfect and a just weight a perfect and just measure thou shalt have"
(Dent. 25, 15). In villages in Palestine can be seen food weighed against a literal stone,
having no official recognition. They are not a standard measure. "Thou shalt not have in thy
bag divers weights, a great and a small." (Dent. 25, 13). The difficulty of maintaining
national standards of measure and weight, which shall, through all times and under all
conditions, be accurate, is not generally realised. In 1823 Dr. Kelly, in his examination
before the House of Lords, stated that there had been two hundred Acts of Parliament enacted
to that date in favour of, and to promote uniformity of weights and measures, and all had
failed to effect any quite satisfactory result. But in the next year, 1824, a standard yard and
standard pound weight were at last made and deposited in the then British House of
Commons. This, however, only lasted ten years, for in 1834 the House of Commons was
burned to the ground. The nation then attempted to get on without any standards, but finally
a new office was erected and placed under a chief called the Warden of Standards.

And now every twenty years a curious scene may be witnessed under a black staircase in the
present House of Commons. A workman, in the presence of several Government officials,
breaks away a portion of the wall there, and discloses in a cavity a metal chest soldered air
and water-tight, which conceals a mahogany box with screwed-down lid. Within are the
Imperial standard yard measure and pound weight. The replica of them in the Standards
office are then brought and compared with and adjusted to the carefully preserved national
standards in the mahogany box. A variation in the yard measure of one-twelve-thousandth
part can be ascertained and with the pound weight a balancing process can indicate a
discrepancy of one-fourteenth-millionth. The work of adjustment over, the standards are

again carefully deposited in the cavity beneath the stairway, there to remain for a further
twenty years.

And in the centre of the Great Pyramid, where no fire can ever touch it, is the Hebrew
standard of measure, imperishably preserved for all time. And this Hebrew standard, strange
as it may seem, belongs to us as well as them.


How did Professor Piazzi-Smyth demonstrate that the Pyramid ti was a chronograph in stone?
What did he discover so that, as an astronomer, he was able to define the exact point of time
from which the whole of Pyramid chronology starts? It must be clearly understood that the
Pyramid system of chronology is fixed absolutely by the stars, and its dates are quite
independent of any events whatever. The Pyramid's chronology is not a plausible probability
because it seems to fit history. but it is an exact and scientific statement of dates of events,
built in stone long before any of them began to happen.

About a century ago, it was proved by Sir John Herschel that the Pyramid's entrance passage
pointed to the star Alpha Draconis, then the Pole star, about the year 2160 B.C. With this fact
in mind and also the idea of Mr. John Taylor that every inch represented a year of time along
the passageways, Professor Piazzi-Smyth, assuming that the Pyramid was built about 2170
B.C., began measuring in the passageways in the hope of finding some kind of evidence.
And so it was that, by the dim light of a torch, were found the famous "Scored Lines...

The Professor remarks on the beautiful accuracy with which these lines, four feet long, are
engraved. He said he had been, during the greater part of his life, an astronomical transit
observer, and standing in the descending passage between these lines he could not help
feeling that he was in the familiar surroundings of an observatory.

From the calculations of modem astronomy we know that the Scored Lines represent a dating
in the time-scale of the Chronograph as of Midnight, September 22nd, 2144 B.C. As the Pole
star, Alpha Draconis, shone down the entrance passage it has been established by
astronomical calculation that the scored lines running at right angles to the passage when
extended into the heavens pointed to the bright star Alcyone of the group named the Pleiades,
a group consisting of seven stars. The Master Builder intended this strange circumstance to
indicate to the searcher after truth the coming Messiah, to counteract the works of the evil
one. It is interesting to note that these star positions had occurred previously in 27,970B.C.,
and will not occur again until A.D. 23,682. The evil one says, "I will ascend into Heaven. I
will exalt my Throne above the

stars of God: I will also sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the North: I
will ascend above the heights of the clouds: I will be like the Most High. Yet thou shalt be
brought down to hell to the sides of the pit." (Is., 14. 13).

On the symbolic way of life Man is descending under the evil influence of the Dragon star,
and at the same time Alcyone was in alignment with the Scored Line. The word Alcyone
means "a turning round a centre". Alcyone, so astronomers tell us, is the centre of solar

gravitation around which our sun and all the other suns revolve. Thus the Dragon star,
known to the ancients as Theban, or the Devil star, is in conflict with Alcyone. God,
speaking to Job, said: "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades?" (Job, 38, 31).

The Scored Lines thus indicate the conflict between good and evil. It is possible, by taking
some other angle or direction, to avoid the rays of evil influences. The call of Abraham was
witnessed by Aleyone, being directly over the Scored line, and in the year of the Great
Deluge Aquarius, "The Water Bearer", was in the same position. Many centuries later, in
1936, the date marking the entrance to the King's Chamber, Aries, "The Ram", indicating
"Christ in Power", was also in that significant position.

The points from which measurements are to be made and calculated are two, namely, the
Scored Lines, giving the date September 22nd, 2144 B.C., and the Geometrical Zero, found
by projecting the Ascending passage floor line to meet the extended side of the true Pyramid.
This point has the dating of 4000 B.C.

Measurements and calculations must be made from either of these established points and the
Pyramid inches thus ascertained translated into their respective time values. The application
of these' rules shows the following historical fulfilment of Great Pyramid Prophecy:- 4000
B.C.: the Zero date, and the year of the beginning of Adamic history; 2625 B.C.: the dating of
the point of entrance into the Descending passage corresponding with the period of the reign
of Cheops in Egypt, and the building of the Pyramid, as established by archaeological
research; 2344 B.C.: the dating of the large dark overhead rock, 200 inches distant from the
Scored Lines, in the opening passage, indicating the period of the Deluge; 2144 B.C.
midnight, September 22nd, the "Scored Lines" dating, accurately determined by modern
astronomy; 1486 B.C.: the date of the Exodus, as given by the Bible, and marked by the
intersection of the two passages.


Before entering upon a description of the various passages and chambers and the periods
connected with them, the introduction of the world's most eminent authority on the Great
Pyramid and one or two facts of scientific importance seems appropriate. Mr. David
Davidson, M.C., M.I. Struct. E., of Leeds, England, not only a distinguished engineer and
mathematician, but an astronomer and Egyptologist, is the greatest authority on the Pyramid
and it is due to his scientific study and research that the world is in possession of the glorious
facts enshrined by God in this Stone Witness. Many names have been mentioned from the
time of John Greaves, Professor of Astronomy at Oxford University in 1637: the names of
Colonel Howard Vyse, John Taylor, Robert Menzies, Professor Piazzi-Smyth, Sir Flinders
Petrie, and now David Davidson. He took up the study of the Pyramid to disprove certain
theories connected with it. This was early in this century, and his studies took him into many
fields such as Egyptology, astronomy, archaeology, history, economics, in addition to an
extensive study of the Bible and prophecy. He criticised the Hebrew Scriptures agnostically,
but a wonderful thing happened, for he was compelled to abandon his agnosticism in face of
the evidence before him, and in 1909 he published the fact that Flinders Petrie had confirmed
the conclusions of Piazzi-Smyth, that both were correct in their supposed differences, a fact
which had held up scientific interest in the Pyramid for many years.

Thus his investigations convinced him of the Divine revelation enshrined in the Great
Pyramid and the truth of the Bible also. The preface to his major work, The Great Pyramid:
Its Divine Message, published in 1925, reads:

"My elucidation of the various phases of the Great Pyramid's design has led me to
perceive that it is an expression of the Truth in structural form.

"I proclaim in humility and yet with confidence that the Great Pyramid's Message
establishes the Bible as the inspired Word of God, and testifies that Jesus Christ, by
His displacement, paid the purchase price of mankind's redemption, and effected the
salvation of all who truly believe in Him",

In 1921 he published certain prophetic datings, naming exact days when big events would
take place. His new line of enquiry had provided him with astronomical keys which
unlocked the Pyramid's chronological prophecies, and definitely established the epochs
depicted in terms of historic time. His discoveries placed the findings of the purposes for
which the Great Pyramid was built for the first time upon an exact scientific basis. The
histories of Egypt and Babylon are therein synchronised with the history of Israel.

The true Law of relativity is found in this marvellous building, binding together the measures
of the earth, astronomical times and seasons, the facts of physical science as well as dated
history and theology. The base design of the Pyramid defines the length of the solar, sidereal,
and anomalistic years. These are the three times used in modem astronomy. The length of
the earth's polar diameter is defined. The mean height of land and sea over the surface of the
earth, and the mean ocean level are indicated.

The shape of the earth is defined. These and many other scientific facts were discovered as a
result of the application of the simple fundamental factors upon which the design of the
Pyramid is founded. One of Mr. Davidson's most important discoveries was the finding of
the "Displacement Factor". This is a function of the geometry of the year circle and its value
is 286.1 Pyramid inches. This value is constantly repeated throughout the building, but there
are three particular points of construction where its use is especially marked, namely:-

1 . The base of the Pyramid was built on a square 286 Pyramid inches less than the
designed circuit. This was due to a mistake made by the builders in laying the
casing stones and as a result the cap-stone could not be placed in position without
altering the designed height of the building and consequently it was rejected.

2. The centre of the passage system which runs from North to South, was deflected
286 inches East of the North and South line running through the centre of the

3. The height of the roof of the Grand Gallery is 286 inches above the roof of the
ascending passage.

The meaning of these displacements will be explained later.

The distance between the earth and the sun is indicated in the Pyramid. The Greeks in 500
B.C. judged the distance to be about 10 miles. Later they considered it be more like 2,000

miles. Through the centuries it has been the subject of attention by scientists, and today
modern astronomy gives the figure of 92,900,000 miles as the sun's mean distance form the
earth. The Great Architect, 5000 years ago, built into the Pyramid's base plans 92,996,085
miles as the answer to this question. The mathematics involved in demonstrating this fact
occupy about six pages in Mr. Davidson's volume, "The Great Pyramid", and as a
consequence cannot be outlined here.

The scientific elements have been but briefly referred to. They cover a very wide field and
the earnest investigator can be amply repaid by studying the many works available. Mr.
David Davidson writes:-

"The Great Pyramid's chronological system comprises a period of 6,000 years. The dates of
the beginning and ending of this period are precisely defined in an accurate scientific manner,
as, indeed, is the date of every year of the period defined. This definition is now known to be
effected by the correlation of nearly a dozen independent series of astronomical
demonstrations and by as many remarkable cheek demonstrations of a purely mathematical
nature. Every value of the correlation is a simple mathematical function of the solar year of
365.242 days.

"Think what a Revolution this gives us of the Master Mind behind this marvellous multiple
identity. and then realise that the precise correlation thus mathematically given for every
moment of a period of 6,000 years can occur once only in several million years; and that this
period is the period of 6,000 years that began at the Autumnal Equinox of the year that
historians define as 4000 B.C., or astronomers as 3999. The period defined cannot therefore
apply to any earlier or later period of 6,000 years in the world's history.

"What greater proof than that I have outlined could be given of the Divine Inspiration in the
scientific design of this remarkable structure? By no amount of collaboration, however
intensive or prolonged, of the efforts of human ingenuity, could mere man have achieved the
requisite correlation of cognate knowledge, or have been able to enshrine in a guiding, upon
such a simple plan, the miraculous combination of correlated astronomical and mathematical
demonstrations that is enshrined in the Great Pyramid. Do you not agree as to the remarkable
testimony that is presented by a correlation of this nature? And do you not agree that it is the
duty of the modern scientific world to receive that Testimony, not only for its own
consideration and guidance, but for the guidance of all humanity? Grasp the significance of
the facts I have stated. The Pyramid defines the precise astronomical circumstances of long
periodicity that accompanied every moment of world history from 4000 B.C., and now
accompany every moment of our current times: and will accompany every moment of world
history until the Autumnal Equinox of A.D. 2001. The remaining years are defined as the
most momentous years of the world's history during the specified period of 6,000 years: and
are revealed as the period in which the Saviour of the World will be manifested to mankind
as Universal King."


The Descending passage shows the Fall of man: spiritual Degradation leading to destruction.
One-third of this passage is in the Pyramid proper, the remainder being cut in the solid rock.
The passage is both slippery and dangerous, there being no steps, added to which is a slope at

an angle of 26 deg. 18 min. 10 see. At the entrance the passage is 47 inches high, but drops
to 36 inches at the terminus, illustrating the difficulty of retracing one's steps late in life. It is
more dangerous to travel this path than any other, and indicates the decline of man, but for
the Grace of God. Where the Descending passage intersects the base-line of the Pyramid the
inches record 1000 B.C., the date of the dedication of Solomon's Temple. At the point where
it changes to the horizontal the scale denotes 1518 A.D., synchronising with the Reformation
on the Continent, the turn illustrates a break in the descent, from the Middle Ages.

The passage angle plays a tremendous part in Pyramid symbolism. As previously explained,
if a map of the delta of the Nile is taken, and one arm of this angle of 26 deg. 18 min. 10 sec.
is placed parallel to the southern edge of the Pyramid, then the other arm of the angle runs
from the Pyramid directly through Bethlehem, the birth-place of Christ. Thus, even though it
seemed as if all humanity were on their way down into the Pit, descending under the evil
influence of the Dragon star, built into the very angle of the passage was a prophecy that at
some time or other a Saviour would come and deliver man, and lead him back to God. In the
account of the fall of man, the promise came to Eve that of her seed would come One Who
would bruise the Serpent's head (Gen. 3: 15). Thus the very passage which represented the
fall of all humanity into death, under the influence of the Dragon, also pointed to the coming
of a Deliverer, who would be born in a city called Bethlehem. The Scriptures also foretold
that in Bethlehem would come Israel's Redeemer. The prophet Micah, 710 years before
Christ was born stated: "But thou, Bethlehem, though thou be little among the thousands of
Judah, yet out of thee shall come forth unto Me, He that is to be Ruler in Israel."

The Descending passage measures 345 feet down to the point indicating 1518 A.D., then
after a further 30 feet terminates in a subterranean Chamber called the Pit. This Chamber is
also termed the Chamber of Chaos, so named because the roof is smooth whilst the floor is
rough and uneven. It symbolises "upside-downess". The Pit measures 46 feet by 27 feet, and
is situated 100 feet below the base of the Pyramid, and varies from 1 to 14 feet in height. It
has two openings: one of about 50 feet, leading South to a dead end, and the other a deep,
well-like hole in the centre of the rough floor, the depth of which is not known. This
chamber suggests negation, chaos, madness, destruction: and the dead end indicates the
eventual annihilation of all evil systems. The confusion of the floor is a symbol of Ps. 11: 9,
showing evil influences, which, however, are counteracted by the passages and chambers


In the First Ascending Passage where the junction occurs with the Entrance passage are
situated what are known as the Granite Plugs These measure 15 feet and form an impassable
barrier. They were evidently built in at the time of the Pyramid's erection, and the granite
proved so hard that AI Mamoun's men, when making their forced entry, were obliged to dig
their way round them, and after much toiling broke into the Ascending passage above the
obstruction. These plugs were intended to block the passage and prevent entrance into the
Chambers above. They are so designed and fixed that passing them would be impossible
except by a miracle.

The junction defines the Exodus: Israel taken out of the Gentile Nations for a higher purpose,
symbolised by ascent. The First Ascending Passage is at the same angle as the Descending
Passage. its length is 1,482 inches, corresponding with the years Israel were under the Law.

The birth of a Nation is indicated: a separation from the world, to be trained for service.
"Wherefore the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ." (Gal., 3, 24).


This beautiful chamber of white limestone 156 feet long, 28 feet high, and 7 feet wide, also
called the Hall of Truth in Light and New and Living Way, comes after the birth and death of
the Christ. The Egyptian Book of the Dead designates the entrance to this Chamber "The
Passion of the Messiah" and "Crossing the Pure Waters of Life".

Christ's birth, Saturday, October 6th, B.C. 4, is given by the projection of the Queen's
Chamber floor-line where it intersects the Ascending passage. This point of intersection is
3,996 inches from the Zero point at 4000 B.C. Steel tape measurements give the actual
entrance to the Grand Gallery as 402812 inches from Zero, being the date of our Lord's death,
Friday, April 7th, A.D. 30.

The four walls of the Grand Gallery converge to a ceiling, 3 feet wide, by means of a series
of seven overhanging courses of masonry The Grand Gallery roof is 286 inches higher than
the Ascending passage. This measurement indicates the Displacement Factor, previously
mentioned with the three points where its use is especially marked. The displaced passage
system to the left of the true centre signifies that we are displaced from the Plane of
Perfection of God's Creation.
In astronomical, chronological and geodetic displacements, the Displacement Factor is
accurately 286.1022. In sociological displacements, where units of humanity cannot be
measured in decimals, except as averages and percentages, it appears merely as 286.

Mr. David Davidson writes:

"The Great Pyramid's Displacement Factor (286.1022) is the Key to the Revelation
of the Great Pyramid, and the mathematical simplicity that characterises its many
applications and the correlation of these into a comprehensive allegory of
Displacement from the Perfection of Creation, and of the ultimate “restitution of all
things", transcends the power of human achievement."

According to Dr. E. W. Bullinger numbers in Scripture are far from meaningless. In the
number 296 for example, 13 stands for rebellion, apostasy, defection; 11 stands for disorder,
disintegration; 2 stands for division. These factors, 13 x 11 x 2 comprise the number 286 and
convey very clearly what sin is, and the resultant displacement from God. Thus the Bible and
the Great Pyramid both present the same theme. In the Great Pyramid the Architect’s design
was ruined by a slight deviation of 286 inches by the builders, whilst in the Bible a slight act
of disobedience by our first parents produced a similar disaster. In both cases a state of
separation occurred; from the true central plane in one case, and from Paradise and God in
the other.

The displaced roof of the Grand Gallery symbolises the New and Living Way of St. Paul and
signifies that Jesus Christ "will raise us up by His own Power." The base of the Pyramid
being 286 inches less than the designed circuit the capstone or Headstone was found to be too
large for the platform, which was to have received it, and thus the Headstone was literally

rejected by the builders, 2,600 years before the Messiah was likewise rejected by Judah,
(Matt. 21, 42).

Here is symbolised the Creator's sacrifice for mankind, the Messiah's 46ciitting off " but not
for Himself, and gives the correct date for His birth, displacing December 25th by 286 days
to October 6th, which was appointed to be observed as the Feast of Tabernacles when "the
Word was made flesh" and Tabernacled among us. The position of the Coffer in the King's
Chamber is 286 inches West of the centre line of the passage leading into this chamber.
Thus, only in the Chamber of the Risen Lord can the displacement be overcome.

The seven "overhangs" in the walls of the Grand Gallery suggest the seven days of the week
and Seven Millenniums. As there is a sudden rise upon entering the Grand Gallery from the
Ascending passage, so is there a Falling away at the South wall where the passage, height
drops from 28 feet to 3ft.7in., the latter being the height of the first Low Passage symbolising
a Tribulation period.


This narrow tunnel runs down at the spot indicated as A.D. 30. It joins the Descending
passage near the Pit and is symbolical of the passage taken by the Christ. He was laid in a
tomb and went down to Death or Hades, although in the history of Israel He was well above
the Pit in A.D. 30 on the Ascending Passage. Yet He goes down to, the Pit or Death, and
there comes under the influence of the Dragon. But in the going down He is raised up, for we
read in Acts 2, 32, "This same Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we are all witnesses."
Viewing the well-shaft as an ascending passage and not a descending one, we find an Open
Way from the Pit to the upper chambers. There are no steps of any kind and one could not
ascend unaided. The other ascending passage was blocked by the Granite Plug, so that both
approaches to the Chamber of the King are impassable without Divine assistance - Christ
opened up a way symbolically, from the Pit into the Grand Gallery and upper chambers, so
that not only Israel but all humanity might come forth from Death and receive resurrection

The builders of the Pyramid, being aware that the enormous weight of 6,000,000 tons might
strain the foundations upon which it stood, no doubt made inspections by way of this shaft
from time to time. The Plug effectually blocked the way to the upper chambers by means of
the Ascending passage, so that the Well-shaft provided the only micans of entrance thereto.


The entrance to the passage leading to the Queen's Chamber was originally covered by a slab
of rock measuring 20 feet. Thus the floor of the first Ascending passage was continuous with
the floor of the Grand Gallery. The recess where this slab fitted is still to be seen, but how,
when, and by whom the slab was removed is not known, except by God. The Queen's
Chamber is also termed the Jews' Chamber, and the Chamber of the Second Birth. The
horizontal passage is only 46 inches in height and symbolises the Jews remaining under the
"Yoke of the Law". The coming of the Messiah, was, like the passage, veiled, and when He
came He was misunderstood. St. Paul, in his second letter to the Corinthians, 3, 15, wrote:
"But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their hearts." The passage is of
polished granite, leading 102 feet to the Queen's Chamber. This measures 19 feet long, 17

feet wide, by 15 feet high, and has the peak of its gabled roof exactly in the central axis of the
Pyramid. The Queen's Chamber is done in pure white limestone, and its structure definitely
indicates a Jewish symbolism. The last seventh of the passageways drops to a level just 3 x
7, or 21 inches lower than the general level: the latter when projected to the floor line of the
Ascending passage giving the exact dating of the Birth of Christ. The Chamber has seven
sides and is built on the 25th or sacred Hebrew course of rock. In the East wall there is a
niche cutting, which instead of being in the centre is displaced by just 25 inches, or a sacred
Hebrew cubit. This was so built by intention on the part of the Great Architect to preserve
for us: as previously stated was done on the Granite Leaf: the key to the reading of the
message of the Pyramid. The Chamber has seven sides, four walls, floor, and double-angle
roof. The seven sides, indicates the Sabbath. "Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a
sign between me and you throughout your generations." (Ex. 31, 13).

The Anglo-Saxon people, together with the Jews, are the only people in the world who
officially revere the Sabbath. No sevenths are to be observed in the descending passage of
the Gentiles.

Two air-shafts occur in the Queen's Chamber, but were sealed for five inches from the
chamber walls, the sealing symbolising the unbelief of Judah. ". . . but they refused to
hearken and pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their ears that they should not hear."
(Zech. 7, 11). Jeremiah also wrote: ". . . Declare this in the House of Jacob, and publish it in
Judah, saying hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding which have eyes
and see not, which have ears and hear not." (Jer., 5, 20). For the first 7 feet the air shafts are
horizontal, thus preventing a vision upwards.

Salt is found in the passage leading to the Queen's Chamber and also in the Chamber itself,
but nowhere else in the Pyramid. Analysis has proved it to be common sodium chloride.
There is an incrustation on the walls of from 1/8 to ¼ of an inch thick. The salt is yellow in
the passage and white in the Queen's Chamber. This is significant in view of the turning of
Judah. Jews throughout the world are reasoning together, have seen the light and have been
washed White. Judah is "walking to Israel". (Jer. 50, 4, and Ezek. 37 16).

The Salt is evidence of the faithfulness of God in keeping His Covenant. In 2 Chron. 13, 5,
we read: "Ought ye not to know that the Lord God of Israel gave the Kingdom over Israel to
David for ever, even to him and to his sons by a Covenant of Salt...... Neither shalt thou
suffer the salt of the Covenant of thy God to be lacking." (Lev. 2, 13). God will keep His part
of the Covenant, although Judah have not responded on their part.

In the Tower of London with the Crown Jewels are to be seen enormous golden salt sellars,
but no dinner plates or other banquet service. The Crown, the Sceptre and the insignia of the
Throne of King David of Israel is perpetuated to this day in the British Throne.

In the days of the formation of the everlasting race of twelve-tribed Israel, God warned his
people that transgression of the laws of the Mosaic Covenant would lead to their dispersion
outside of Palestine for 2,520 years, or seven times. About 400 years later, in 1050 B.C.,
God established the everlasting Throne of David as recorded in 2 Samuel, 7-16, "Thine
House and thy Kingdom and thy Throne shall be established for ever." But this throne existed
for only 450 years in Jerusalem, where the Davidic Kings ceased to rule about 585 B.C.

All Israel broke the Mosaic Covenant and were scattered out of Palestine, except for the
remnant of Judah called "Jews", who were finally scattered in 70 A.D.

Jeremiah prophesied that the wickedness of Zedekiah, the last Davidic King to reign in
Jerusalem, would result in the fall of the throne, which occurred in the ninth year of the reign
when the King's sons were slain and the King himself was blinded and led away captive.
Zedekiah's daughters, however (into the hands of the elder having no passed the right to the
throne according to Mosaic law, (Numbers 27-8) fled to Egypt with the prophet Jeremiah,
and we know from Irish history that one of them, Tea Tephi, that is, in Hebrew, the Beautiful
or Beloved Wanderer, eventually reached Ireland and was wedded to the Heremon or Arch-
King Eochaid. This early history abounds in references to the "Lia Fail", or Stone
Wonderful, which was brought to Ireland by the Royal Princess and upon which she was
crowned. This appears none other than the Stone of Destiny, the Coronation Stone of Irish,
Scottish and British Royal History, which now rests beneath the Coronation Chair in
Westminster Abbey.

"The illustrious descent of the Royal House of Britain is something of which every
person may justly be proud, not merely because our beloved Sovereign may claim
unbroken descent from monarchs of a remote past, but because since the earliest
ages of the Christian faith so many of her progenitors have directed their efforts to
the nurturing of their subjects in the precepts and practices of that faith in its purity.
No other family, Royal or common, can put forward a claim to so long and splendid
a service to mankind; it is in this, and in the noble aspirations of our Queen, rather
than in mere genealogies which of themselves can possess no virtue, that we may,
and indeed should, rejoice." (C.P.Foster ,in The National Message Lond.)

The present Royal House of Britain is a fusion of Scottish, Welsh and continental royal lines.
The latter are traceable to Odin and in turn to Judah, as shown by the Rev. W. M. H. Milner,
M.A., in his Royal House of Britain.

A Herald's College manuscript makes the wife of Odin, Frea, to be daughter of Cadwallader,
son of the British King Lucius, himself descended from Anna, of the House of David.

Thus through his wife the descendants of Odin are also of the House of David. From various
sources it becomes possible to assert that the different descents that have combined in the
present Royal House of Britain are traceable to a single royal family, that of Judah, whose
badge is still perpetuated in the royal lion: "the Lion of the tribe of Judah".


As the horizontal passage and the Queen's Chamber are identified with the history of Judah,
the "New and Living Way" is representative of the Elect People of God. The Grand Gallery
illustrates the Gospel Age: the Christian Age; the formation of the greatest Christian nation of
all time, Israel growing in Isaiah's isles of the West, spreading from thence to form the
Company of Nations that Jacob's seed were to be in the last days. The abrupt step at the
upper end of the Grand Gallery shows the date 1844, being a most important and wonderful
point of time, in that it represents the ending of the dispensation or punishment period, on
Israel, namely, seven times or 2,520 years. It shows the end of punishment and the beginning

of blessing, for it was at this period that the British Empire began to develop. We read in
Leviticus 26, 28, the pronouncement of the punishment period of seven times on the House of
Israel for her sins, a time being a period of 360 years. In prophecy we must compute "time"
according to the nature and genius of the language spoken, so it is essential to understand the
terms used, i.e., a day, week, month, year and time. "Days" in the prophetical writings have
been found by historical events to mean "years", except where the context denotes a
variation, "a day for a year" (Numbers 14, 34; Ezekiel 4, 6; also Luke 13, 32, 33, where Our
Lord uses the same cypher to denote the term of His earthly ministry). The prophetical term
"time" in Scripture means a period of 360 years. "A time times, and half a time" (Revelation
12, 6 and 12, 14) or 3 1/2 times, is equal to 1,260 days, which at 30 days to the month would
equal 3 1/2. years, "a time" being one year. But in prophecy, as one day represents a year of
360 days, so "a time" is equal to a period of 360 years. "Seven times", therefore, means a
period of 2,520 years. This may be reckoned either in Solar, Lunar, or Prophetic years,
containing 365, 354, and 360 days respectively.

Reckoning the seven times from the captivity date 721-676 B.C., it runs out in 1800-1845.
The British Realm was named the United Kingdom on January 1st, 1800. The measuring rod
can be applied to the House of Judah in similar fashion. We have the main starting point at
604 B.C., which date runs out in 1917 A.D., when General Allenby freed Jerusalem from the
Turks during the Great War, thus fulfilling our Lord's declaration that Jerusalem should be
trodden down by the Gentiles till the Times of the Gentiles were complete.

In his book, Light for the Last Days, published in 1866, Dr. Grattan Guinness definitely
pointed to 1917 as likely to see events of great importance for Jerusalem, this being 2520
years after the start of Nebuchadnezzar's reign over the Babylonian Empire and the 1335th
year of the Moslem calendar, the power that for over twelve centuries had trodden down the
Holy City. Guinness rightly concluded from the words, "Thou art this head of gold" (Dan.
2:38) that Nebuchadnezzar's accession to the throne of Babylon (604 B.C.) marked the
commencement of this period, and consequently that it would expire in 1917.

B.C. A.D. A.D.

604 622-------------13351unar -------1917
------------------- 2520 solar years---------------------------------

On the last day of October 1917 a British army, under General Edmund Allenby, attacked
Beersheba, and a few days later Gaza, the gateway to the Holy Land, fell. Then, on
December 11th, 1917, Allenby fulfilled prophecy when he took Jerusalem. He entered the
Holy City on foot, not as a conqueror, but as a deliverer.

"As birds flying, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem; defending also He will deliver
it; and passing over He will preserve it." (Isa. 31:5).

The Turkish guns were about to lay the city in ruins when, "as birds flying" planes of the
Royal Air Force No. 14 Bomber Squadron dropped bombs upon them, and they retreated in
panic. By a strange coincidence, on the morning that happened, December 8, 1917, the
Lesson appointed to be read in the Church of England was Isaiah, chapter 31, containing

those very words. An Arab prophecy, over two hundred years old was also fulfilled at this

"When the Nile flows into Palestine, then shall the prophet from the west drive the Turk from

As more than 150 miles separated the two places fulfilment of such a forecast seemed
impossible, yet in 1917 it came true when a pipeline laid across the Sinai peninsular brought
water into Palestine from the River Nile for the British Army. Moreover, in Arabic, the
equivalent for "the prophet" is AI Nebi; and General Allenby, from the west, who drove the
Turks from Jerusalem, was known as Al Nebi by practically the entire native population.

The Bible never confuses Israel and Judah, although modern Bible scholars are inclined to do
so. Should there by any doubt in the matter it is settled very completely by the Great
Pyramid. The House of Judah and the Jews are of Israel in that they are descendants of
Jacob. At Jacob's death the "One seed", Christ, the Messiah, was promised with the
sovereignty to Judah: but the "Multitude of Nations" and the grandeur of the "birthright"
were given to the House of Joseph or Ephraim exclusively. The House of Israel were to
obtain these in the "latter days" or the Christian era. The term "Jews" is never in the Bible
applied to the Twelve Tribes or to the Ten-tribed House of Israel. The latter were to be
divorced from God and lost to human history, yet known to God, re-covenanted in Christ,
and to enjoy the Hebrew birthright in the isles of the sea, and to be the inheritors of the
Kingdom of God, taken away from the Jews and given to a Nation.

There are few peoples concerning whom more mistaken ideas prevail than the Jews. One of
the commonest misconceptions is that the modern Jews are the descendants of the whole
Twelve Tribes of Israel, and the sole representatives of the people of Israel in the world
today. Israel and Judah were, and are separate and distinct entities. Failure to recognise this
elementary distinction accounts for much of the confused thought that exists, and much of the
Bible cannot be understood until this distinction is recognised. It is not uncommon to hear
Abraham described as a Jew. Even Milman in his standard work, The History of the Jews,
makes this error, and many well-known writers speak of "The whole Jewish or Twelve tribed

Neither Abraham, nor Isaac, nor Jacob was a Jew. They were Hebrews; as were all the
ancient Israelites. The term Jew as a national appellation does not appear until some fourteen
hundred years after Abraham. The term Jew as a national name does not appear until the last
half of the sixth century B.C. Josephus, the Jewish historian, informs us that the Babylonian
exiles who returned to Jerusalem under the edict of Cyrus, 536 B.C., adopted, or were known
by, that name.

In his book, What Price Israel, Alfred M. Lilienthal, himself an American Jew endeavours to
dispel the erroneous ideas which exist. He is a graduate of Cornell University and Columbia
Law School, and served with the American State Department before and after his tour of
army duty in the Middle East, and in 1953 he travelled extensively throughout the Arab
countries and the Israeli State. He points out the fact that the Jews have mingled most, when
considering the suggestion that they are a remarkable pure race. Until the middle of the fifth
century B.C. intermarriage was a normal phenomenon in Israelite life, and the ensuing
Judaist proselytizing over the globe brought peoples of all races into the Jewish faith.

Numerous well-known anthropologists, Jewish and non-Jewish, are quoted, and a number of
pages are devoted to a brief history of Jewish proselytism and the consequent heterogeneous
nature of modem Jewry. "The Jewish racial myth" he writes, "flows from the fact that the
words Hebrew, Israelite, Jew, Judaism and the Jewish people have been used synonymously
to suggest a historical continuity. But this is a misuse; these words refer to different groups
of people with varying ways of life in different periods of history."

Professors such as, Huxley, Haddon and Carr-Saunders have written: ". . . The Jews can rank
neither as a nation nor even as an ethnic unit, but rather as a socio-religious group carrying
large Mediterranean, Armenoid, and many other elements, and varying greatly in physical
characters ."

"The so-called 'Jewish nose' is really Armenoid" - (We Europeans)

Professor Sayce confirms the above statement:

". . . The Jewish race is by no means a pure one. It has admitted proselytes from various
nations, and at different periods in its career has intermarried with other races . . ." (Races of
the Old Testament)

Several years ago, the greatest authority in Britain, the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, Dr.
Hertz when asked to define the position of Israel and Judah today said: "The people known at
present as Jews are descendants of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, with a certain number of
descendants of the tribe of Levi. As far as is known there is not any further admixture of
other tribes. The ten tribes have been absorbed amongst the nations of the world. We look
forward to the gathering of all the tribes at some future day"

Orthodox Jewry admits that it is only a remnant of Israel, and only a very small percentage of
world Jewry is Hebrew or Israelitish in origin, so that to suggest that this amazing
conglomeration of races and colours represents the chosen people of God, with any moral or
other right to the sovereignty or possession of Palestine, is utterly incorrect, and evidently the
result of a careless reading of Scripture together with an ignorance of history and ethnology.

This subject deserves careful study, for unless we have our facts in the right perspective the
Word of God can be quite meaningless. Perhaps the reader will forgive this digression in
view of the importance of the salient features I have introduced. Verily, the "traditions of
men" are the devastating weapons of the devil. Our Lord said so 1,900 years ago, and it is
tragically true today.

For one to declare that Jesus was not a Jew brings the immediate response "Of course He was
a Jew" But those who make this assertion will acknowledge that He was of the House of
David. A little time of study will show, however, that there are no Jews in the House of
David. David's House was separated from the tribe of Judah long before the advent of the
Jew as we know him today. Jesus Christ was of the line of Abraham, of the tribe of Judah,
but of the House of David, and not the House of Judah, nor of the remnant who became Jews.
Judah, the son of Jacob, was not a Jew but a Hebrew and Israelite: a Hebrew because he was
of the line of Heber, who was one of Abraham's great-grandfathers - five generations before
Abraham - and an Israelite because he was a son of Jacob, who was the first Israelite. We
discover that out of the tribe of Judah God selected the House of David as the one who would

wield the sceptre. It was to David the Lord said: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be
established before thee; and thy throne shall be established forever." Here, then, is the line of
the sceptre and in no other branch of the tribe of Judah will it be found. Thus Jesus Christ
must be of the House of David to fulfill the requirements of the Messiahship. It was of that
house the Bible declares He came. None of the disciples, with the exception of Judas, were
Jews. They were Galileans, and therefore, from the tribe of Benjamin.

It was the members of this tribe, and not the Jews, who accepted the teachings of Jesus and
afterwards became Christians. Judas betrayed Him, and it was the Jews who fought the
Christians, persecuting and driving them from Jerusalem, thus causing the early church to be
scattered abroad. Speaking of his racial background Paul declared he was of the tribe of
Benjamin, but as concerning ecclesiastical law a Pharisee (Phil. 3:5). By citizenship he was a
free born Roman (Acts 22:25-28) but, due to his religious affiliation, he declared himself to
be a Jew (Acts 21: 39, and 22:3). Thus, it was only because Paul, a Benjamite, accepted the
religion of the Jews that he could be designated as a Jew. Paul also stated that he was
brought up at the feet of Gamaliel.

These comments should not be regarded as in any way derogatory; no reflection is intended
against the Jewish people who are represented, often with honour and distinction, in the fields
of literature, art, science and medicine. The author can count several of the Jewish faith
among his most respected friends. The present position of the Jew in relation to the Holy
Land and the Divine Plan and Purpose is so vitally important and so widely misunderstood,
that a more detailed exposition is really warranted. Professor Alfred Edersheim, M.A., D.D.,
Ph.D., the great Jewish scholar, in a work that has become a classic, The Life and Times of
Jesus the Messiah, wrote: "In what has been said, no notice has been taken of those
wanderers of the ten tribes, whose trackless footsteps seem as mysterious as their after-fate . .
. still the great mass of the ten tribes was in the days of Christ, as in our own, lost to the
Hebrew nation." (Chap. 1, pp. 14, 16).

The reader's attention is directed to the following prophecies concerning Israel and the Jews:-

Israel were to have a change of name (Isa., 65, 15), the Jews were to be known by a change in
physiognomy (Isa., 3, 9). Israel were to be called by a new name (Isa., 62, 2); the Jews have
retained their old name unchanged.

Israel were to be named after Isaac, i.e., called Saxon (Gen., 21, 12); the Jews' name was to
be a curse to them (Isa., 65, 15); Israel were to be blind to their identity (Rom., 11, 25); the
Jews still claim to be the chosen people. Israel were to be a multitudinous people (Hos., 1,
10); the Jews were to be bereft of children (Jer. 15, 7). Israel were to become known as the
righteous Nation that keepeth the truth (Isa., 26, 2); the Jews were to be a reproach and a
proverb, a taunt and a curse (Jer., 24, 9). Israel were to become a Nation and a Company of
Nations (Gen., 35, 11); the Jews were to be scattered in all the "Kingdoms of the earth for
their hurt" (Jer., 24, 9). Israel were to make a new home in the Appointed Place, the Isles of
the Sea (11 Sam., 7, 10, Isa., 24, 15; 49, 1; Jer., 31, 10, etc.); the Jews have been strangers in
all lands. Israel were to be a Nation forever (Jer., 31, 36); the Jewish Nation was broken
beyond repair in A.D. 70 (Dan., 9, 24; Jer., 19, 11). Israel were to have a perpetual monarchy
(Jer., 33, 17); the Jews have no King on earth. Israel were to come under a new covenant
(Jer., 31, 33); the Jews have remained under the old law. Israel were to be called the sons of
God, i.e., accept Christianity (Hos., 1, 10); the Jews do not accept Jesus Christ as the

Messiah. Israel were taken captive into Assyria in 721 B.C. (11 Kings, 18, 11, etc.); the Jews
were taken captive to Babylon in 603 B.C. (11 Kings 24, 1-14, etc., and 25, 20, etc.). Israel
were to be immune from defeat in war (Isa., 54, 17, and Lev., 26, 6, 7, 8); the Jews have
suffered endless persecution. Israel had nothing to do with the crucifixion, being at the time
beyond the Euphrates, beginning their migrations through Europe. The Jews cried, "Crucify
him, crucify him."

The top of the Great Step gives the date August 2nd, 1909, and from here onwards to the
South wall of the King's Chamber each inch must be given the value of a month of thirty
days. From the edge of the Great Step, for example, to the beginning of the First Low
Passage is a distance of 61 inches, or 61 months of thirty days, which when added to August
2nd, 1909, gives August 5th, 1914, or the day when England entered the World War.


The Falling Away of the South wall of the Grand Gallery symbolises a "falling away" from
lofty, spiritual ideals, resulting in the "beginning of sorrow" or tribulation, before the Day of
the Lord. "For that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first." (2 Thess., 2,
3). The period from the beginning of the First Low Passage to the end of the Second Low
Passage, dated September 16th, 1936, is termed the day of Jacob's trouble. It represents 21
years of difficulty and is the exact length of the time as given in the Bible for Jacob's trouble
and is the period defined by Joel's prophecy. God, through the prophet Jeremiah, also refers
to these troublous times: "Alas, for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time
of Jacob's trouble: but he shall be saved out of it."

The correctness or otherwise of the suggestion that from 1914 onwards the scale changes to a
month for an inch was verified by the date of the Armistice. The length of the First Low
Passage is 51.95 inches, the exact number of months Britain was in the war, from 4-5 August,
1914, to 10-11 November, 1918. And again, the length along the floor of the Grand Gallery
reckoned from A.D. 0 produced in a straight line through the Great Step to the South wall is
1914 inches, indicating the year 1914 A.D. as the commencement of the First Low Passage.
Thus the date, August 5th, 1914, is defined by both the inch year and inch month scales, in
order to show the connection between them. On the inch year scale the First Low Passage
would give a period of 51 '@ years. Had this been it is quite evident that the world could not
have survived such a disaster. The tribulation period is shortened by means of the Ante-
Chamber, indicating Truce in Chaos, thus making the combined passages a total of 153
inches. This shows the significance of our Lord's statement: "And except those days should
be shortened, there should no flesh be saved, but for the Elect’s sake those days shall be
shortened." (Matt., 24, 22).

Concerning the significance of the Ante-Chamber and two low passages, Mr. Davidson

"At this date, 4-5 August 1914, the Great Tribulation of Chaos began. Man's artificial fabric
of civilization collapsed, and mankind was too stunned by the shock to realize the true
significance of the catastrophe. Here, then, the Ante-Chamber symbolizes the reason for its
insertion. By its insertion the continuity of chaos - dated as extending from August 4-5, 1914
to September 16, 1936 A.D. - is symbolized as being broken; by Divine intervention;
between November 10- 11, 1918 and 29 May 1928 A.D. The break or 'truce in chaos' is,

therefore, symbolized as a period of realization, the final opportunity for man to learn of his
error and the futility of his patchwork 'reconstructions', prior to the final phase of
'compulsion' being resumed."

(The Great Pyramid.. Its Divine Message)

In his book Number in Scripture, Dr. E. W. Bullinger devotes over two pages to enumerating
remarkable features of the number 153, and then summarizes it all by calling it simply The
Number of the Sons of God. Mr. Davidson describes it in these words: "The number 153,
when indicated in connection with Messianic symbolism, relates to Christ's elect, their trials,
and their mission in being prepared for and in preparing for the 'restitution'."

It is claimed that Pyramidologists "make the events fit after the event." To a great extent this,
surely, is all that is required. The purpose of prophecy is that after the event has come to pass
Scripture may be shown fulfilled that God may be glorified for His manifestation of fore-
knowledge through which means people may be brought to a state of belief. On this
interesting theme we may quote Mr. A. R. Heaver, writing in The National Message of July,

"A study of prophecy does not endow us with the power to prophesy. It gives us an
intelligent anticipation of events, but our role remains that of commenting upon the
significance of the fulfilment of prophecy in current events. Suppose someone had said, in
1914, 'We know it is prophesied that the war will last 51 months, therefore we can take it
easy and let things take their course.' If we had adopted this attitude the prophecy would not
have come true. The prophecy regarding the war and its duration came true and could come
true only because in foreseeing the end from the beginning the sum total of all the toil and
tears and superhuman sacrifice of countless thousands which made victory possible had been
taken into consideration.

"If the individual effort had failed, provision would have seen no Armistice at its conclusion,
but Annihilation. The fact that an event is foreseen does not mean that all the human effort
that goes to achieve it is unnecessary. On the contrary, it implies that the effort is essential to
fulfilment, for if the sum total of energy is not expended the result will be different and the
event foreseen as being the result will naturally be different in consequence. In time past it is
recorded that 'Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.' If the Spirit of
prophecy is unknown today it is because the completed Bible enshrines Divine revelation to
mankind and we are privileged to live in the days during which events themselves are
revealing the unfolding purposes of Almighty God."

The passages are stone charts of Israel's history. The Bible commences with the ancestry of
Israel in Genesis and finishes up with Israel in the Book of Revelation. So, too, the Pyramid
is a message and witness to Israel through and through.

The First Low Passage is only 43 inches high, and 42 inches wide, thus indicating a narrow,
restricted period, a striking contrast with the Grand Gallery.


November 11th, 1918, defines the end of the War Tribulation period, being the date of the
Armistice. The forces of evil were temporarily restrained, due to Divine intervention, and we
were permitted a "Truce in Chaos" period. The War was over and a quickening of commerce
and trade took place. Prices, rose and stocks boomed until, on the 11th July, 1920, a short
period of depression set in as we came under the edge of the Granite Leaf.' Prices fell
suddenly, and commerce went awry, the state of depression existing until the 10th November,
1921, when we passed out from the shadow of the Leaf. The Leaf is 1611 inches thick,
signifying 1641 months, and during this period there were coal and railway Strikes and the
Irish rebellion, as well as domestic strife and trade stagnation generally.

Two events of importance occurred as we approached the end, namely, the first Washington
Conference, for Disarmament, and the granting of Home Rule to the Free State of South
It is noteworthy that the floor blocks change from limestone to the more durable granite in
the Ante-Chamber period, at the precise date December 12th, 1919. This was the date of the
First Conference of the Powers on world "Realities" subsequent to the end of the War. The
symbolism, a change from a soft limestone foundation to a solid granite one, is clearly


THIS passage is longer than the first, but 1 inch lower. It measures, height 42 inches, width
42 inches, and length 101 inches. A period of tribulation is again indicated. Progress on
one's knees, long and laboriously. "We must through much tribulation enter the Kingdom of
God." (Acts 14, 22). The cramped and restricted conditions of the First Low Passage
corresponded with the Great War, but in the second Passage the experience was one of
economic trial. With respect to this important period of British history, Mr. David Davidson
in his work, "The Domination of Babylon, Literal and Symbolic," published in May, 1939,
states: "In 'The Great Pyramid - Its Divine Message,' published in July 1924, I showed from
the Great Pyramid's prophecy that the then coming chaos in civilisation should arise from the
too rapid expansion of industrial mass production, with the consequent artificial stimulation
of trade, industry and commerce and the mushroom growth, on a mechanical basis, of the
civilisation of hitherto backward races, without any accompanying expansion of human
vision, and without the application of the necessary moral factors of control and restraint.

"In my works and articles from July, 1925, to September, 1929, I steadily developed the
interpretation of the Great Pyramid's theme of financial and economic collapse, in preparation
for the coming world chaos, and showed that this collapse related to the drying up of credit,
affecting the flow of trade, industry and commerce, and to the growing tyranny of the money
system and the increasing vulnerability of the Gold Standard.

"In September, 1928, it was shown in The Morning Post that the economic collapse had
already commenced, and the whole financial and economic situation as it stood, and as it
would develop, in the light of Biblical and Great Pyramid prophecy, was dealt with in detail
in my series of articles in The Morning Post, September, 1929.

"The monetary crisis began in the summer of 1928, with the drying up of credit. In January,
1929, the Governor of the Bank of France gave the date of origin as 'the end of May, 1928,'
and the financial, economic and trade daily-indices of that time indicate a steady decline from

May 30th, 1928, onwards. As early as 1921, in the Covenant People, I had given, from my
interpretation of the Great Pyramid's prophecy, that the Crisis then undefined as to its nature
would begin on May 29-30, 1928." The date of depression origin as given by the Governor of
the Bank of France may be said to correspond exactly with the date of the commencement of
the Second Low Passage, namely May 29th, 1928. During the eight years which followed
many tremendous events occurred, one of particular importance being the leaving of the Gold
Standard by Britain between the 20th and 27th September, 1931.


Again quoting from The Domination of Babylon, a few interesting facts regarding Gold are
observed. In this work of Mr. David Davidson's appears a photograph taken at the Empire
Exhibition, held in Johannesburg, which was opened on 15th September, 1936. The
photograph is of a column of gold, supporting at its top a sphere representing the World.
"The Golden Jubilee of the City of Gold, September 15th, 1936." The above-mentioned date,
September 15th, 1936, was recorded in the Great Pyramid's chronological prophecy forty-six
centuries ago, as defining the end of the Great Pyramid's second Low Passage period of
Economic Tribulation and the entrance on the period of Divine Assessment and Judgment of
the Nations. Six Empire Prime Ministers took part by wireless in the opening ceremony of
the Empire Exhibition. "Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was 600
and 60 and 6 talents of gold." (1 Kings 10, 14). "No man might buy or sell, save he that
had the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." "Here is wisdom. Let him
that bath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man: and his
number is 600 and 60 and 6." (Rev., 13, 17-18). "Nebuchadnezzar the King made an image
of gold, whose height was 60 cubits and the breadth thereof 6 cubits, then a herald cried
aloud 'To you it is commanded, 0 people, nations, and languages, that ye fall down and
worship the golden image."

Nebuchadnezzar called an economic conference about 587 B.C., and there made it an
unchangeable law that gold should be the standard. It was the system of the Empires -
Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Grecian, Roman and medaeival, right through the seven times
period of 2,520 years. The whole system of mortgage, interest, banks, foreclosure and so
forth was there. Now 2,520 years from the date of Nebuchadnezzar's conference the nations
called an international conference in London. Here, under pressure of circumstances, Great
Britain decided to remain with sterling and to offer bills of exchange, that in themselves are
waste paper, and nothing more.

In the limited space afforded by what is only an introduction to the Great Pyramid and its
Message to Anglo-Saxondom, the whole story of the attack by the Satanic forces cannot be
given. Briefly man has learned to worship gold and its power rather than God, Who, as
Creator is the source of all power. He permitted the Gold Standard system to operate over
the period of 2,520 years and allowed Israel to assume part of this counterfeit power of
money and to become so involved as to find itself the centre of attack. The attack by the
Satanic forces upon the chosen nation was permitted by God.

The nature of the attack was to cut Israel off from economic existence by removing its
purchasing power, in other words, its gold. So stripped of its gold our nation's financial
standing with other nations would collapse, the ultimate end being starvation and surrender of

the entire nation. The beginning of the attack came at the commencement of the Second Low
Passage. Gold reserves were taken out of our possession, embarrassing us considerably, with
a resultant discrediting in the world's money markets. The British Commonwealth received a
severe blow, resulting in a rapid fall in prices onwards (until 1933) an increasing decline in
employment, a sharp rise in bank rates, and a depreciation in the world's money markets of
our currency.

Thus we were permitted by God to be isolated from Gold, and the power it possessed. Then
took place the disappearance of food, clothing, shelter and all that sustains life. This was the
result aimed at by the Satanic powers embodied in International Finance, and America, too,
found herself included in the attack at the time of the Wall Street crash of October, 1929.
According to the Pyramid's symbolism, the culminating point was reached in August, 1931.
Britain realised she was facing the turning point of her existence: that she alone must
measure up to the stupendous decision that confronted her, of becoming economically
independent altogether of the power of gold, that she must set an entirely new national course
which would break her free from the control of International Finance. This, and much more
was done, and as the end of the Second Low Passage approached a monetary crisis in France,
developed, and on the Hebrew Feast of Atonement, 26th September, 1936, France went off
the Gold Standard. On the same date occurred the Tripartite Monetary Agreement between
Great Britain, France and the U.S.A., the whole world being off gold.

A most important date is found in the Second Low passage, namely, January 31st, 1933. This
point of time is exactly 286.1022 Pyramid inches from the Great Step. As previously
explained the number 286 represents the Displacement factor, and it is thus appropriate that
this date indicates the conception of the Theocratic State or Kingdom of Heaven. From this
day onwards the process of extrication from the power of Gold sets in. The pyramid further
shows that we became entirely free, as a race, of the limitations and restrictions of that
system as we are seen entering the King's Chamber, September 16th, 1936. On this precise
date Great Britain supported by the U.S.A. passed into full control of the Gold Standard
system. This may appear contradictory in view of the fact that the nation was stripped of all
its gold, but it is pointed out that immediately following the financial crisis in 1931, control
of administration passed almost completely into the hands of a body named the Council.
This was first formed by Lloyd George in 1916, and was the directing force against the
powers of International Finance. The Council not only removed Britain from the clutches of
the Gold Standard System but was instrumental in winning back the world's gold stocks,
which are now in the joint care of Britain and the U.S.A.
As is apparent the Great Pyramid addresses its message to the Great people of the United
States as well as to Great Britain. The people of the U.S.A. speak the same language and use
the same unit of measure. The Great Seal of the U.S.A. has on the obverse side an Eagle with
13 stars above its head, 13 letters in the motto which flutters on a scroll from its beak, 13
pale-ways in the shield on its breast, in its right talon an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13
olive fruits, in its left talon 13 arrows fledged with 13 feathers. The Latin motto held in the
beak of the Eagle, E Pluribus Unum, means "one out of many," and signifies the union of the
13 American Colonies, and that they were one out of the 13 tribes of Israel, and in particular
Manasseh the thirteenth. (SEE PAGE 75)

Now Manasseh was born near the Pyramid and he and his brother Ephraim were accepted "as
mine" by Jacob, and received the blessing of Joseph for material prosperity. Manasseh came
to the "Isles of the Sea" with Ephraim and as "The Pilgrim Fathers" travelled westward to

"enlarge the place of their dwelling" (Is., 49, 20, 54. 2) Ephraim took the place of his Father
Joseph as the 12th tribe: Manasseh making the 13th tribe.

On the reverse side we find an unfinished Pyramid with 13 steps, the chief corner-stone being
separated from the rest of the building and in the midst of the glory of God, in the centre of
which is the All-Seeing Eye of Jehovah. The phrase above the Pyramid, Annuit Coeptis (13
letters) means "He prospers our undertakings," or "He prospers our independence."

The Latin phrase below, Novus Ordo Seclorum, is translated "The New Order of Peoples."
The American Colonists sincerely believed that they were the beginning of a new order of
democracy, and the people of the U.S.A. today are convinced that the Anglo-Saxon world is
destined to usher in a new and better order of society - The Kingdom of God upon the Earth.

The flag of the President of the United States, corresponding to the Royal Standard of Britain,
shows the obverse side of the Seal with the addition of 13 constellations.

The first flag of the U.S.A. was the "Grand Union" and carried the Union Jack in the upper
corner as does that of Canada, Australia and New Zealand today. It had 13 stripes of
alternate white and red for the 13 British colonies. This flag was raised by Washington at
Cambridge, Mass., in 1766, to a salute of 13 guns. On June 4th, 1777, a new flag was used,
consisting of 13 stripes of red and white and 13 stars on an azure ground instead of the Union
Jack. Today with the thirteen stripes are 50 stars.

It is quite evident that as Great Britain is representative of Ephraim, being the "Nation and
Company of Nations," so is the U.S.A. the "Great People", fulfilling the promises of


The Symbolism of the Pit has been so well explained in "The Great Pyramid", (now out of
print), by A. J. Ferris, B.A. that the author feels he could not do better than quote verbatim
from this source. Mr. Ferris writes:-

Just as the First Low passage, etc., gives the dates of Israel's experiences in the generation of
the coming of the Kingdom of God on the earth, likewise the Pit's horizontal passage system
should give the datings of the judgment of Gentile systems at the end of their times. The Pit
has a finished roof, but instead of a floor, it has a pit surrounded by heaps of rubble -
symbolising the turning upside-down of the Gentile orders in the day of their disintegration.
How often does the Press of today speak of the upheavals in Europe as if the nations were
hovering over the "abyss" or "Pit".

As to the actual dates supplied by the Pit, just as the scale of the First Low Passage, etc., is
one inch representing one month, so we should expect the same scale to apply to the Pit, etc.
The floor of the Descending passage juts out into the Pit until it ends in the plane which
vertically passes through the entrance to the First Low passage, thus giving the date 1914
A.D. The southern wall of the Pit is 322 5/8 inches away, which indicates, at one month to
the inch, that the up-heaval of Gentile Babylonian orders comes to its climax in 1941, A.D., a
significant year in Bible prophecy.

(It is noteworthy that the great clash between Germany and Russia commenced in June, 1941.
- Author.)

Then the Dead End passage which leaves the Pit at its south eastern corner, is 6451 inches
long, which at a month for an inch, gives the date for the dead end as 1994 A.D. This passage
surely: symbolises the final extermination of all anti-God religion through God's judgment
and then the teaching ministry of Israel. Thus the year 1994 A.D., which is exactly 6,000
years from Adam, will see the full ushering of millennial blessings for all nations.

Finally, when we mathematically continue the Descending passage downwards until it meets
the 1994 A.D. vertical plane and measures back to the 1914 A.D. vertical plane at X, we find
the distance is 1,080 inches. This represents, on the scale of a year to the inch, 1,080 years,
which, added to 1994 A.D., gives the date for the commencement of Eternity as 2994 A.D.,
7,000 years from Adam.


This chamber, the largest in the Great Pyramid, is of polished pink granite and measures 34
feet long by 17 feet wide and 19 feet high. It is also named the Chamber of the Open Tomb,
and frequently it was referred to by the late David Davidson as "the Hall of the Judgment of
the Nations".

The epoch leading to this final judgment period commenced at the entry of the First Low
Passage, August 4-5, 1914. But since "As a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the
face of the earth" (Luke 21:35) the point at which the consummation of the process would be
reached is not defined. The world is not to know; but all true believers are enabled to judge
when the time is near from certain historical and chronological signs.

Technical calculations, far too complex for consideration in the somewhat limited scope of
this explanation, are being avoided but certain peculiar aspects are brought to the readers
attention. Reference should be made, however, to the Pi ratio, employed by the Great
Architect in respect of measurements - height and base circuit - of the Great Pyramid. Here it
is shown that the ratio of the height to the base circuit is as the radius of a circle to its '
circumference. In mathematics the Greek letter Pi denotes the ratio of the circumference of a
circle to its diameter, and the value of it, expressed to six places of decimals, is 3.141592.
This value is the basis of King's Chamber measurements. In his Miracles of History,
published in 1947, Davidson stated that one of the units common in ancient times in the
Middle East was a "foot" of 11.626 geometrical inches. This "Adamic foot" is a basic factor
in the dimensions of the Coffer, which rests exactly five Adamic feet (58.13 inches) from the
north, west and south walls of the King's Chamber. There are several points of resemblance
between the King's Chamber and the Tabernacle of the Old Testament, particularly so with
regard to the number five, the number signifying Grace or Favour; truly Divine in source and
character. Dr. E. W. Bullinger refers to this number as associated with help and deliverance
due to Divine intervention, as when David took his five pebbles when he slew Goliath. In the
last phase of the Great War we took the "V" sign, and the five opening notes of Beethoven's

Fifth Symphony as an indication of the victory we believed would be ours. In the Tabernacle
nearly every measurement was a multiple of "five". Its outer court measured 100 cubits by
fifty cubits. The curtains forming the "gate" of that court were held up by pillars 5 cubits
high, 5 cubits apart. The Tabernacle itself was 30 cubits long, 10 cubits wide and 10 cubits
high. Between the "gate of the court" and entrance to the Tabernacle stood the brazen Altar
which measured 5 cubits by 5 cubits. The Altar typified the Cross of Christ where He
suffered in our stead, "that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish". The Headstone of
the Great Pyramid - the "stone which the builders rejected" - had five sides. The Altar is
typical of a judgment of fire awaiting evil men and systems represented in the King's
Chamber period, when, after a time of judgment and cleansing Jesus Christ will manifest
Himself to His people Israel. "There I will meet with the children of Israel, and the
tabernacle shall be sanctified by my glory" (Ex., 29:43). The King's Chamber, with its Coffer
represents the time in the experience of Anglo-Saxon-Israel when her attention will be
forcibly directed to the Second Advent of the resurrected Christ as King; coming, as the
Scriptures tell us to reign over the HOUSE OF JACOB, which means re-united Israel and

The King's Chamber is built upon the fiftieth course of masonry from the ground-level
upwards, and its walls contain, all told, exactly 100 granite stones arranged in five horizontal
courses. (See plate on page 34.)

So impressed was Professor Piazzi-Smyth by this repetition in the King's Chamber of the
number 5 and its multiples, that he wrote "This so-called King's Chamber should rather have
been called 'The Chamber of the Standard of Fifty'." As the number 5 or 50 is so often
connected with Israel receiving blessings from God it surely indicates the King's Chamber
epoch as representing a time of great spiritual awakening and blessing.

In 1837 Colonel Howard Vyse discovered above the roof of the King's Chamber, that there
were five other chambers which were called the Chambers of Construction. (See plate on
page 31). Little did he, or anyone else, realise over 100 years ago, that when they called
these chambers the Chambers of Construction that these represented the period in Israel's
history known as the "times of restitution of all things".

The special engineering features of these upper chambers, where huge granite beams and
limestone buffers are employed, indicate that they were designed to protect the chamber from
violent shock. The symbolism signifies special protection of the Elect People of the
Kingdom of our Lord during a period of drastic alteration in world conditions.

We can now look back at those dark and terrible days through which we were obliged to
pass, and as we go over the events from September 1st, 1939, until the surrender of Germany
in 1945, we see the unmistakable evidence of Divine intervention. But for this Britain would
never have survived. The reader may wonder why such a period of tribulation was not
indicated in the King's Chamber by means of a low passage, as in the case of World War 1,
and I can only suggest that as the predominant feature of the King’s Chamber is Protection,
added to which are almost 17 years of the most important events in world history, a specific
indication of 5 years and 9 months of war was perhaps regarded as unnecessary. I merely
offer this as a suggestion, with the very obvious fact in mind that during the First Low
Passage period God moved in no uncertain way in those critical days, although there is
nothing in the structure of the Passage to indicate it. We must remember, too, that never in

her nine hundred years of freedom from invasion had Britain come so near to defeat as during
those dark days of World War 11. After Dunkirk she was standing within 23 miles of the
enemy practically weaponless. The German army, over two hundred divisions of them, were
on the other side of the Channel, and all that Britain had in trained, armed troops, was less
than one division. Let us recall, briefly, some of the instances of Divine intervention and
protection, and the miraculous results which followed Days of National Prayer.


At 4 o'clock on April 22nd, 1915, Germany launched her first gas attack. The weather was
supposed to be settled as to wind direction for thirty-six hours, but the gas was blown back to
the enemy lines with disastrous results. According to the German meteorological records,
over a period of forty years, such a thing had never happened before, and strange to say, the
wind whirled in only one small area. In the Bible God's dealing with the wind is mentioned
one hundred and sixteen times.

In the darkest June of the war the Austrian and German soldiers had crossed the Piave river, a
sleepy stream which flows slowly for 125 miles to the sea, and were within six and a-half
miles of Venice, at that particular time a key position, when out of what an hour before had
been a dry sky there burst a Niagara. In an hour the Piave was a wide, roaring sea, sweeping
all before it. The Italians captured or killed more than forty thousand of the enemy. One
hundred and two times the Bible speaks of God's dealings with the rain.

In November, 1917, the Germans hoped to sweep the seas clear of American ships and
soldiers and had launched their mighty submarine attack when the seas rolled and raged so
unceasingly that they were unable to return to base, and were obliged to surface. They were
either sunk or captured and the back of the German submarine warfare was broken. Two
hundred and nineteen times the Bible tells of God's doings and dealings with His storms at
sea. It was in this same year that German scientists had solved the problem of growing food
and grain and perfected it as never before in the history of the world. They announced the
potato crop of all time, having put in each potato hill that which would kill every potato
enemy above and below ground. But an unknown blight swept through the miles of blossoms
and in a day the potato fields of Germany were scorched and shrivelled as though fire-swept.
Ludendorff, in his History of the War, says that it was the failure of the potato crop of 1917
that lost Germany the war.

Towards the end of August, 1914, when the German army had swept everything aside and
had advanced right into the heart of Belgium and France, it was realised that God alone could
help us, and the British nation humbly knelt in solemn prayer. in answer to this act there
appeared what became known as the "Angels of Mons". These wonderful Beings, much
larger than men, appeared on more than one occasion and although seen quite clearly in
bright daylight by the British, were not observed by the enemy. The Germans were halted
and retreated in disorder, and their horses were seen to panic.

On August 4th, 1918, the King and Queen, together with both Houses of Parliament, met in a
solemn act of prayer at St. Margaret's, Westminster. This was on a Sunday, and during the
three days which followed preparations were made for the attack which began on August 8th,
commencing an advance which never ceased until the Armistice was signed on November

11th, 1918. Connected with this phase of the war occurred another Divine manifestation
which became known as "The White Cavalry". During the height of a bombardment by the
enemy at the little French town of Bethune there appeared men in white, riding upon white
horses. They advanced quietly in parade ground formation towards the German lines,
through a dense hail of lead, and not a single man or horse fell. Our only account of their
appearance comes from the Germans, for they were not seen by the Allies as were the Angels
of Mons. Prisoners who were later captured spoke in awe of the leader - a man whose hair,
like spun gold, shone in an aura round his bare head, and by whose side hung a great sword.
The guns ceased firing and then began a panic-stricken retreat, hundreds of men throwing
away their equipment in order that their movements might not be impeded. The German
army was broken, and by November 11th the Allies captured 385,000 prisoners and over
5,000 guns.

Planes of the R.A.F. were frequently protected from the enemy by cloud during the 1914-18
period of war, and again during the Battle of Britain were observed these providential cloud
formations which would cloak our men and allow them to escape when hard pressed.

It was low cloud cover which protected thousands from air attack at Dunkirk, when a smooth
sea - which is normally always rough at that particular time - enabled 350,000 men, whose
fate had been sealed, to be safely transported across the Channel. Shall we ever forget the
suspense of those days? His Majesty the King appointed May 26th, 1940, as a National Day
of Prayer, and, in company with Mr. Churchill and members of the Cabinet, attended a
special service in Westminster Abbey, while throughout the land and Empire millions
committed our cause in that dark hour to God. Two days later a great storm broke over
Flanders, giving cover to our retreating forces and at the same time hampering the enemy,
whilst the English Channel was calmed by the protecting hand of God, thus making Dunkirk
the outstanding example of miraculous intervention.

After Dunkirk we had nothing left but a portion of our army. Our weapons had gone,
vehicles, tanks, planes, with an even bigger disaster in the LOSS of our naval forces. Forty-
seven warships were sunk off Norway and Denmark, and when the evacuation was over half
our destroyer fleet lay awaiting repairs in our shipyards. Yet Hitler left us alone when we
could not possibly have resisted his massed might. He never invaded. Was it the arm of God

On August 11th began the Battle of Britain, and little did we realise by how narrow a margin
the battle of the skies was won. Hitler was no doubt softening up preparatory to an invasion,
and the blitz of December 29th was to have started the second Great Fire of London. This
operation, however, mysteriously and suddenly came to an end at 10 o'clock that night. The
German Air Command instructed all bombers to return to their bases, as the weather had
taken a turn for the worse and fog was blotting out their aerodromes. Up to one thousand
bombers were to have been used during the night.

The time Hitler had fixed for the invasion was September 16th20th, when the tides were
right, with calm weather and a harvest moon. But the Unseen Hand intervened and gales
sprang up on the 17th, and continued until after the 29th. The German invasion boats were
either swamped or shot up in harbours where they were taken for safety. So we were
threatened with a further attempt during the November and December fogs, for which the
Channel is well known, but for the first time in living memory there were no fogs that winter

in the Straits. February 15th, 1941, was another invasion date, but on February 14th a
submarine earthquake occurred in the Atlantic with hurricane damage in Spain, the effects on
the tidal system round the British Isles being sufficiently serious and prolonged to upset the
enemy's plans.

The victory of El Alamein in October, 1942, has been described by Field-Marshall

Montgomery as "the turning-point of the war for the Allies," and is another event following a
Day of National Prayer, which occurred on this occasion on September 3rd. Then .followed
the sweeping of the enemy right out of Tunisia, the relief of the gallant outpost of Malta, the
capture of Sicily and the beginning of the invasion of Europe. On November 7th, there took
place the Anglo-U.S. landings in North Africa, where in spite of heavy swells too high for
landing operations the weather was strangely calm for the day which had been decided upon.
In the Sicily invasion, also, the gale which would have meant disaster to our landing craft
suddenly dropped within an hour and a-half of zero hour.

Do we fully appreciate how near the Allied landings on the Normandy beaches came to
disaster, comparably perhaps with the fate of the Spanish Armada? "D Day" had already
been postponed for twenty-four hours on account of bad weather - regarded as quite
abnormal for the time of year - and then the leaders of our forces decided to sail. Had they
not done so then the expedition would probably have been delayed until June 18th, the
earliest date for suitable tides. Looking back now, we remember this date as one of calm
seas, but followed at four-o'clock the next morning by a storm which lasted for two and a-half
days. Had the invasion fleet come in on that Sunday, June 18th, the whole expedition might
have been wrecked. Was this once more the guiding hand of God?

In recalling these outstanding instances of God's power on land, sea and in the air, we are
forced to ask ourselves the question, "Why have we been spared?" and when we reflect upon
our national shortcomings in the guise of disease, crime, alcoholism and the widespread
breaking of Divine Law in general, it becomes evident that it is not because of any degree of
national perfection. The late Archbishop of Canterbury, at a Battle of Britain
commemoration service on September 26th, 1943, said: "We may, and we must, believe that
He Who has led our fathers in ways so strange, and has preserved our land in a manner so
marvellous, has a purpose for us to serve in the preparation for His perfect Kingdom."

It is when we grasp this fact of Divine Purpose that we are able to see the plan which is
forecast in Scripture. It involves a threefold declaration of purpose: the Preservation of
Israel; the Punishment of the Nations; and Israel's Cleansing and Triumph. "But thou Israel,
art My servant, Jacob whom I have chosen the seed of Abraham My friend . . . fear not, for I
am with thee: be not dismayed for I am thy God . . . I will uphold thee with the right hand of
My Righteousness. Behold all those who were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and
confounded; they shall be as nothing, and they that strive with thee shall perish ... fear not
thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel, I will help thee, said the Lord thy Redeemer, the
Holy One of Israel." Thus new light is shed on such statements as this; we begin to realise the
unfolding of the great covenant with our fore-father Abraham, whose seed was to become a
"Nation and a Company of Nations" - to "possess the gates of their enemies" and in whom all
the families of the earth were to be blessed, and there emerges the "stone" Kingdom of
Daniel, "which shall never be destroyed" . . . but "stand for ever". As an instrument in the
hands of God we have stood among the nations as a bulwark against oppression and
unrighteousness; we have been God's "battle axe and weapons of war", enabling Him to

"break in pieces the nations" and "destroy kingdoms". Our becoming a "peculiar treasure"
unto God, and "a holy nation" - "My servant in whom I will be glorified" and "the sons of the
living God" would seem to depend upon our National Repentance and Cleansing. When God
led Israel out of Egypt He made an agreement or Covenant with them through Moses that
they would have to keep the social, economic and political laws that He gave them if they
were to become His servant nation for the blessing of the world. The conditions of this
Mosaic covenant are set out in Leviticus 26, together with the penalties for disobedience. As
a result of our national and individual sins we have again and again been chastened
economically and militarily - and even our deliverance’s in conflict with the enemy have
been effected at a cost which might have been avoided. The Lord's promise was not that He
would keep Israel from war, but that He would keep them in war/ The failure on the part of
Israel to recgonise the Kingship of Jehovah and to walk in His covenants is responsible for all
their troubles today (Deut. 28, 15-68), including the wastage of the manpower of the nation
on the field of battle (Lev. 26, 7, 8, 14, 17).

It is here - in God's faithfulness - that we discover the true meaning of the Scriptural
exclamation: "He bath not beheld iniquity in Jacob" (Num., 23:21). "This does not mean,"
says A.R.H., writing in The National Message of April 17th, 1940, "that there is no iniquity
in our national life, nor does it mean that God cannot see it, but that He does not see it. It
does not mean that He overlooks it, but that He does not observe it: God has redeemed Jacob,
and we are a redeemed people. God does not behold the iniquity in Jacob because Christ - as
Redeemer of His people Israel - stands in our place. When God looks at the nation He can
only see Christ, Who died for us as a nation. Here we catch a vision of the staggering glory
of national redemption. For Christ not only died for us as Saviour of the world, but as the
Redeemer of Israel, and God bath laid upon Him the iniquities (individual and national) of us

Thus Israel, held in reserve as God's servant nation against the day of His final judgment of
the nations is yet chastened in measure according to their failure to walk in God's ways, and
their lack of trust in Him. "Fear thou not, 0 my servant Jacob, saith the Lord; . . . For I am
with thee, to save thee; though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee,
yet will I not make a full end of thee: but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave
thee altogether unpunished." (Jer., 30: 10, 11; 46; 28).


THE Scriptures give warning, in no uncertain terms, of a "day" of "judgment" that is to

precede the return of Jesus Christ. It was likened to the destruction that overwhelmed Sodom
and Gomorrah, but on a world scale (Luke 17: 28-30).

Jesus said, "As a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth"
(Luke 21: 35). Today the whole of Second Advent teaching is scoffed at and by-passed in
our churches. Nevertheless, such a denial would, according to the Apostle Peter, be a sign of
the approach of our Lord, for "in the last days" scoffers would challenge, "Where is the
promise of His coming?" (11 Peter 3: 4).

"The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night: in the which the heavens shall pass
away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the

works that are therein shall be burned up." (11 Peter 3: 10). In 1945, no less an authority
than Sir Richard Gregory, President of the British Association, drew attention to the
eschatological relevance of this passage to the atomic bomb and to Peter's words as being
almost an exact picture of what would happen in a third world war.

In over a thousand places in the Bible there is inference and clear proclamation concerning
the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself will make a PERSONAL return to this world, to
reign in it until God's plan is complete, until His Will is "done in earth, even as it is done in
heaven". The Kingdom established by God at Sinai is to come as an ordered society on earth
with Christ, the Anointed, as actual reigning Monarch. Then, and then only shall we see
God's will done on earth as it is done in heaven.

The first letter of Paul to the Thessalonians includes a very eloquent and detailed description
of our Lord's Second Coming and its effect upon the believer. These words have brought
immense comfort to thousands of men and women through many generations. The New
Testament gives overwhelming prominence to this great event. Out of the 250 chapters there
are 300 references to it. One out of every 13 verses refers to it, and in the Epistles 1 out of
every 10 verses speaks about it. In 14 of the 21 Epistles there is no mention of Baptism, and
in 20 out of 21 there is no mention of the Lord's Supper, but on almost every page there is
mention of the coming again of the Lord. "This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into
heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven."

As references to the Second Advent have been spiritualised away by the Christian world so
too have those of the Kingdom. The word kingdom occurs 117 times in the four Gospels:
Matthew uses it fifty times, Mark nineteen, Luke forty-four, and John four. Most of the
parables have the kingdom as their theme; the Church, on the other hand, occupying an
almost negligible place in the teaching of Christ as recorded in the Gospels. Our Lord used
the word ecclesia (Church) on only two occasions. The word Church occurs but three times
in the Gospels, and Matthew is the only one to use it. In the Lord's prayer the word Church
does not occur, but the kingdom is mentioned twice. We are frequently told by ecclesiastical
leaders that the Church is the kingdom. If this is so why continue to pray for its coming9
That the Church is here one cannot deny.

The most important theme attaching to the Great Pyramid is that which centers around its
missing Headstone.

"Did ye never read in the scriptures, the stone which the builders rejected, the same is
become the head of the corner ;this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?"
(Matt., 21: 42).

Christ identified Himself with this rejected Stone, one day to become "the Head of the
corner", to return and reign as King in peace and righteousness over the earth.

Many years ago students of Scriptural prophecy discovered that outstanding events in history
were linked together by time-measures of definite duration. These, of more recent
connection are shortly presented to the reader who may be the judge. Sometimes the
sceptically-minded try to dismiss the evidence on the grounds that such correspondences are
merely coincidental. "Bible students" say the critics, "can find a prophecy to fit any
situation". It is easy, they contend, to be wise after the event.

Over eighty-three years ago an American Minister, the Rev. Joseph Wild foresaw, from
Bible prophecy, the world situation almost exactly as it is today. He wrote a book; and
indicated therein the following events prior to Armageddon:

Russia "will have grown to giant-like proportions and will finally measure swords
with England."

Communism would spread and "is destined to unsettle every throne in Europe but
one - England's."

Russia will be at the head of a great anti-Christian confederacy, which will include

"On the Lord's side" the "called, the chosen and the faithful" will be in England, her
colonies, and the United States.

"Manasseh" - the United States - will have to stretch out a helping hand to Jacob
(England) in his time of trouble, for she cannot allow liberty to be enslaved and
freedom of worship and conscience to be trampled underfoot."

"Russia's one grand desire is to possess Palestine, especially Jerusalem."

"Several wars will take place before Armageddon which, in their nature, will be
fierce and terrible. Still these will be preparatory - leading to the day of decision
and the battle final."

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path," said the Psalmist, and the
Apostle Peter remarked, "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well
that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place."

The Christian Church today has little or no time for Bible prophecy and seldom, if ever, is it
referred to in the pulpit. Our Lord however, did not condemn the subject when He was
asked, "What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the age?" On the contrary He
gave a detailed prophetic sketch of this closing epoch, and concluded by saying, "When ye
see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand." (Luke 21:

Today we cannot dispute the certainty of out Lord's return, for we believe His promise. But
like the disciples (Matt. 24: 3) we may be inclined to ask, "Tell us, when shall these things
be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the consummation of the age". How do
we, upon whom the end of the age has come, identify our generation as that of which Jesus
was sepaking9
The identifying signs have already been given in the 24th chapter of Matthew; events which
have transpired in our generation:

Jerusalem has been delivered; there have been two world wars; thrones have fallen; there has
been great tribulation; knowledge has increased; upon earth there is distress of nations;
iniquity abounds; men's hearts are failing them for fear, for the powers of heaven are being

shaken (atomic and hydrogen bombs). There can be no doubt that our Lord's words are
addressed to us: "When ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors."


In his infinite wisdom, God, Who sees the end from the beginning, has so set the mechanism
of the universe in motion that the light of an exploding star has flared in the heavens in
accordance with the timing of events upon the earth to signal their importance.

On Thursday May 6th, 1954 the California Institute of Technology, reported the discovery of
a new supernova or "exploding star", in the Constellation of Virgo. This rare astronomical
event would appear about once every 500 years. This great discovery was made in a
photograph taken early on Monday morning, May 3rd, 1954, through the eighteen-inch
Schmidt telescope at Mount Palomar Observatory in California, the report stating that it was
100,000,000 times brighter than our sun. To the prophetic student this is very significant, for
we understand the Star of Bethlehem appeared suddenly in the Constellation of Coma -
which accompanies Virgo - heralding the birth of Jesus Christ. The wise men alone beheld
and recognised the importance of the Star of Bethlehem which they had seen as a bright nova
suddenly shining in Coma, indicating to them that the "desired one" the coming King, was
about to be born. No one in Judea or Jerusalem saw this star, and but for the testimony of the
wise men no information concerning its appearance would have been made known.

The "desired one" came when Mary, the young Virgin, gave birth to her son, and a year later
the wise men arrived to pay homage to Him. Does this new star, which has suddenly
appeared in the sign of Virgo, the Virgin, herald the coming of Him who is the Branch? The
name of one of the stars in the right arm of Virgo, which carries the Branch, is AI Mureddin,
which means "who shall come down" or "who shall have dominion".

Surely this is an omen to the wise in this generation that His return is indeed close at hand.
On February 2nd, 1962 the London Planetarium confirmed, in response to a request, that
there was a rare conjunction of planets seven in all - in the Constellation of Aquarius.

A somewhat similar conjunction occurred five years before the Deluge, whilst another
occurred when Jesus Christ was born.



To the plea of the Prophet Esdras for more understanding, the Lord responded: "The more
thou searchest, the more thou shalt marvel." (II Esdras 4:26)

Much painstaking research has gone into the work associated with King's Chamber
measurements, and the unfolding time pattern reveals that God is guiding the affairs of men
and nations in accordance with His own predetermined schedule.

Having entered this Chamber on 16th September, 1936, and continuing straight on towards
the south wall we come to the centre point on 4th March, 1945. Here, by turning to the right,
we face the Coffer, then by proceeding along this centre line towards the west wall of the

Chamber we reach the midway point on 12th May, 1960. Still continuing towards the Coffer
we come to the north-south axis of the Great Pyramid on 3rd September, 1968. This date,
when "displacement" is at last nullified becomes one of the momentous mileposts of history.
It brings His people into harmony with God and makes possible the restoration to mankind of
peace and blessedness.

The well-known Pyramidologist, William O. Lay, Jr. introduces an interesting feature

associated with the Antechamber, the length of which is precisely delimited by the diameter
of a "year circle" whose circumference is 365.24 Pyramid inches. Concealed in the Great
Pyramid's structural design the year-circle symbolises the Lord of the Great Pyramid, Jesus
Christ, the "Sun of righteousness", who shall "arise with healing in his wings". (Mal. 4:2)

Extending from the mid-point of the Antechamber - 20th August, 1923 - to the South Wall of
the King's Chamber - 20th August, 1953 - a period of 30 x 365.24 days comprises a "year of
months" which, in the ancient Messianic prophecies, was known as the Period of Renewal or

Mr. Lay writes: ". . . . All the tribulation and Divine "pressure" of the Antechamber period
failed to jar Israel from its materialistic rut and awaken it to the need for reorientation into
Divinely prescribed Ways of Righteousness. Therefore, at the conclusion of the period,
pressure was renewed in intensified form. It was on 20th August, 1953, that Russia
announced her first successful test of a hydrogen bomb. Over unrepentant Israel now hung
the threat of thermonuclear devastation at the hands of an implacable enemy sworn to wipe
her from the face of the earth.

"After leaving the Antechamber, the Anglo-Saxon nations passed through the turbulent years
covered by the Second Low Passage 29th May, 1928 to 16th September, 1936 - This was a
time of intense economic distress, the world-system rocked to its foundations by depression
and then snarled by an assortment of left-wing panaceas which patched it up for a time but
ensured its ultimate collapse. The interval also saw the rise of Hitler, the resurgence of
German militarism, and finally the Spanish Civil War which was a dress rehearsal for World
War II."

Now if the "year of months" is measured from the mid-point of the Second Low Passage (22-
23 July, 1932) along the east-west centre line of the King's Chamber towards the Coffer, it
would terminate at the date 22-23 July, 1962. From this date to the north-south central axis,
3rd September, 1968, representing the rectification of displacement, is a period consisting of
2,233 days which form a most remarkable and significant combination: 1335 plus 5 x 153
plus 133.

Thus is represented Daniel's number of blessedness (1335) plus the number of the Elect,
multiplied 5 times, the number 5 signifying Grace or Favour, and a prominent King's
Chamber number, plus 133. The latter number is 7 times the Lunar or Metonic Cycle (19)
and 7 of course is the number of spiritual perfection.

Davidson submitted that 20th August, 1953 saw the commencement of a secondary
movement from the West end of the King's Chamber eastwards. Those taking part in this
circumambulation (overcomers) would pass over the Coffer and reach the line of the north-
south axis on 8th July, 1960, thereafter joining the Righteous Ones of the Kingdom on 5th
August, 1964. This junction date will complete 50 years from the commencement of the First

Low Passage. Mr. Lay refers to this junction date, showing it to be 1335 plus 153 days from
the displacement date, 8th July, 1960. The technicalities of this subject are not being
introduced as they are somewhat involved and could cause confusion in the mind of the

The letter X above, indicates the mid-date between the Junction date and that of the north-
south axis, namely 18-19th August, 1966. Exactly 2300 (cleansing) plus 1335 (blessedness)
separate 18-19th August, 1966 from 5th September, 1956, when the Atlantic Council held an
emergency meeting on the Suez crisis. Several remarkable links are evident between 18-19th
August, 1966, and as restoration and renewal figure so prominently it is not surprising to
discover that the beginning of the world's Sabbath of Rest is indicated. From the August,
1966 terminal an interval of exactly 888 plus ten times the sum of 1040 and 153 days extends
to 22nd September, 2001, which marks the autumn equinoctial beginning of the Millennium.

Ten is the perfect number, signifying the perfection of Divine order whilst 1040 represents
the difference between the numbers 1260 and 2300. The number 1040 does not appear on the
surface in the Bible, but it is used again and again in chronology.

Mr. Howard B. Rand in an article in Destiny in April, 195 1, showed that an interval of 1152
days from the outbreak of the Korean War, 25th June, 1950, would end on the Great Pyramid
date, 20th August, 1953. This, he believed, was intended to alert those who were watching
world events. It was noticed shortly after that a further six periods of 1152 days would end
exactly on 23rd July, 1972, the date indicated as the Top of the King's Chamber. By this is
meant the top of the south wall if measurements were continued straight up after the wall was
reached on 20th August, 1953.

Mr. Rand developed this chain, showing how important events coincided with dates in the
chain. It is of interest to note that the period from 20th August, 1953 to 23rd July, 1972
consists of 19 years, a Metonic cycle in duration.
Let us now consider further prophetic cycles:
666 - The Beast-Satanic power
1260 - Trouble
1290 - Desolation
2300 - Cleansing

From Hitler's birth, 20th April, 1889, to the entry of the King's Chamber was 26 x 666, and
from his birth to the date of his Blitzkrieg, 10th May, 1940 was 28 x 666 days. From the
Blitzkrieg date to the south wall, 20th August, 1953, the following applied: 1290 x 1260 x
2300 days.

From the Kaiser's birth, 27th January, 1859, to the beginning of the Great War measured 666
months, and from the commencement of the Balkan War of 6th October, 1912 to the 3rd
August, 1914 was 666 days. From Britain's entry, on 4th August, 1914 to the Battle of
Jutland, 31st May, 1916 was 666 days.

From Germany's entry on 1st August, 1914 to the date of Japan's Blitzkrieg, on 7th
December, 1941 was 15 x 666 days.

Hitler became Dictator, 26th Feb-5th March 1933, and the Hitler-Mussolini Pact was
concluded 20-27th October, 1936, a period of 2 x 666 days. From the latter date to 13-20th
June, 1940 when France sued for peace another 2 x 666 days elapsed.

The American financial crisis occurred on 25th October, 1929 and 666 days later, on the
22nd August, 1931, took place the British financial crisis.

The number 1260 is the Biblical time, times and the dividing of time. It is one-half of the
seven times (7 x 360).

It was 1260 days from the Home Rule crisis of 11 - 18th November, 1912 to the Irish
Rebellion on 24th April -1st May, 1916. Italy declared war on Austria on 23rd May, 1915,
and Austria surrendered 1260 days later on 3rd November, 1918.

The "Lusitania" was sunk without warning on 7th May, 1915, and 1260 days afterwards, on
18-20th October, 1918, the sinking of passenger ships ceased. Mr. Lloyd George became
Minister of Munitions on 25-31st May, 1915, the War ending in victory 5-11th November,
1918, 1260 days later.

Britain entered the Great War on 4th August, 1914 and 6 x 1260 days later on 16th April,
1935 condemned German rearmament. From the commencement of World War 1 to the
Victory Week of World War 11, 14-21st August, 1945, measured 9 x 1260.

From the Peace Treaty crisis, 18-28th June, 1919, to the entry of the King's Chamber on 16th
September, 1936, was a period of 5 x 1260 days; a further 5 x 1260 reaching the French
Presidential crisis of 16-26th December, 1953.

The Armistice was signed on 11th November, 1918 and 6 x 1290 days later Hitler launched
his Blitzkrieg, on 10th May, 1940. Britain entered the War on 4th August, 1914 and 8 x 1290
days afterwards defeats the Axis Armies in Egypt, on 5-6th November, 1942.

Hitler became Fuehrer on 2nd August, 1935, his death being announced 3 x 1290 days later,
on 1-2nd May, 1945.

From the Nazi victory when Hitler came to power, 5-6th March, 1933 to the end of the
Second Low Passage, 15-16th September, 1936 comprised 1290 days.

From the date of Hitler's Blitzkrieg on 10th May, 1940 to the end of the King's Chamber,
20th August, 1953 this number is associated with 1260 and 2300; representing trouble,
desolation and cleansing: 1290 x 1260 x 2300.

From the face of the Great Step, 2nd August, 1909 to 23rd July, 1972 the Top of the King's
Chamber there are 10 x 2300 days. From the entrance to the First Low Passage, 4-5th
August, 1914 to 17th September, 2001, the end of the 6000 years, measures 7 x 1260 plus 10
x 2300 days.

At the time of the coronation of our Queen a notable Pyramidologist, Mr. Brian Cannon,
noticed that a period of 7 x 2520 days, from 2nd June, 1953 to 17th September, 2001 -
inclusive - would occur. In Australia a well-known investigator, Mrs. Dorothy Price,
observed another significant period which would end on this terminal. Measured from the fall

of Jerusalem, 7-9th December, 1917 two hundred cycles of 153 - the number of the "elect" -
will end 17-19th September, 2001.
The Bible is very clear in its teachings that there is to be a resurrection of the dead. Many
accept the teachings of Jesus and the fact of His crucifixion, but refusing to believe in the
resurrection renders this of little avail as the entire significance and purpose of the work of
our Lord is missed.

Without the resurrection He was just another teacher, a good man, a martyr to his ideals. The
importance of the resurrection was discussed by Paul, who said: 11... But now is Christ risen
from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. For since by man came death,
by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall
all be made alive.

"But every man in his own order: Christ the first fruits; afterwards they that are Christ's at his
coming" (1 Cor. 15:19-23).

Paul comforts those whose dear ones have fallen asleep in Christ. At the Lord's coming, he
says, the living will not prevent, or as the Greek word phthano means, "precede" those who
sleep. He then gives the order of events. The Lord descends from heaven with a shout, and
the voice of an archangel, with the trumpet of God "The dead in Christ shall arise first." The
Greek word translated "first" means; "before anything else, in time, space, etc." The same
word appears in numerous other passages always signifying "before" or "preceding in time".

Thus the dead will arise first; the graves giving up their dead before the living are affected.
The time between the resurrection of the dead and the translation of the living is not
indicated. It may be hours, days or weeks, we do not know.

There is every indication that the age is now coming to its termination. In his Testimony in
Stone, Mr. J. Bernard Nicklin shows the End of the Age thus:

The "Times of the Gentiles" ended 9-11 th December, 1917, "This Generation" (10 x 1335
plus 1260) extending to 9 - 11 th December, 1957. The "Day of the Lord" (1260 plus 1290)
then follows to 2-4th December, 1964, followed by Blessing. The "Day of the Lord" it
should be remembered would consist of two phases: first, one of peace, followed by one of
"Sudden destruction". Can we find a similarity between the conditions of today and those
obtaining at the time of the Deluge? Prior to the Flood “the wickedness of man was great ...
the earth corrupt ... filled with violence’. By faith Noah, being warned of God, prepared an
ark for the saving of his house. No doubt he kept count of the years, and knew when the time
was about to expire. Referring to the conditions at the end Jesus said, "As it was in the days
of Noe (Noah), so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man" (Luke 17:26). There is no
doubt that conditions today resemble those described as existing then, and moreover, there is
evidence that a 120-year warning period when measured from the Foot of the Great Step will
expire in 1964.

Noah was warned of the approaching Deluge 120 years before it occurred. When this time
had expired, and seven days before the great deep above began to break up, he was directed
to load the ark, after which he and his family entered and were shut in. One year later Noah
and his family came out into a new world order.

Jesus told an interesting story about certain “virgins” who went out to meet the "bridegroom",
but because he tarried, they all slumbered and slept (Matt. 25:1-13). It was not until the end
of the tarrying time that they were aroused to the fact that the bridegroom was indeed
coming. This parable of the Virgins prefigures events now taking place. In the figure Of the
virgins going out to period, we have meet the bridegroom at the beginning of the tarrying
period, we have the inception of the Second Advent Movement in 1844 A.D. at which time
there were great expectations concerning the coming of the Lord.

From 1844 to 1964 there are 120 years and one year later, corresponding with the year of the
Deluge, brings us to 1965. The 666 years allotted to the Second Woe are also about to end.
The First Woe ended in 1299 A.D. and the Second Woe began with the rise of the Ottomans
and will not end until the resurrection of the Witnesses and their ascension takes place. (Rev.
11:11-12). The statement then follows:

“The Second Woe is past; and, behold, the Third Woe cometh quickly.”

If 666 years from the beginning to the close of the First Woe is indicated as a measuring rod
for the length of the Second Woe, then the Second Woe would end in 1965 A.D. to be
followed immediately by the Third Woe. The Mighty Angel who lifted his hand to heaven
and swore by him who lives forever declared:

"In the days of the voice of the seventh angel (the angel of the Third Woe), when he shall
begin (is about) to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his
servants the prophets." (Rev. 10:7)
The "mystery of God" refers to the resurrection and translation of which Paul spoke when he said:

'Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a
moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the
dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (1 Cor. 15:51-52)

As the end of the 120 years of tarrying draws near, and the 666 years of the Second Woe are
about to end should we not heed our Lord's admonition as recorded in Luke 21:36:?

"Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these
things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man."

The Great Pyramid surely presents a challenge to modern thinkers, scholars, philosophers,
scientists and ecclesiastics. Has the Great Pyramid's Prophecy proved true to date? The
answer is that events have provided a complete and irrefutable confirmation of the prophecy.

The Great Pyramid is a structure with a scientific purpose to serve, and was constructed even
before the Bible itself was written confirming that purpose. Dealing with the history of Israel
in all its detail right up into our own times, and confirming all the prophecies given to Israel
and the British race from the beginning, this colossal monument stands, giving its scientific
prophecy to us and supplying, with the Bible, the assurance of Divine guidance for us in the
evil days in which we live.

In closing this brief introduction to a study of the world's most wonderful building nothing
could be more appropriate than a reference to those trenchant, yet dramatically beautiful
paragraphs in Davidson's The Challenge of the Great Pyramid:
"The re-affirmation and confirmation of the Truth of Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
given by the Great Pyramid's Revelation, come at a time when faith is flagging and vision is
dim, and when, as in these days of perplexity and falling away, and of apathy and unbelief,
the essential Message of the Gospel of Salvation and the Gospel of the Kingdom is sorely
needed. This re-statement of the Message, hidden for ages and now delivered from the
remote past, is opportune. It comes in the goodness and mercy of Almighty God, as His final
guiding admonition to our age of civilization, prepared by Him in the past for this, our
present crisis, saying, in effect:

"You, who have disbelieved My Word, and rejected My Son; You, who have
sought, by your learning, to discredit My Word and have taught man to ignore My
Son, and You, who have built upon unstable worldly foundations to learn that your
work can be shaken and overthrown.

Consider and understand that I have confirmed My Word and have glorified it, and that
therefore My Son is glorified as My Sacrifice for your sakes. For your Sakes, I have shaken
and overthrown your work to prepare you to receive the work of my Son. To teach you My
ways, I turned you not from the ways of your own conceits that you should learn the
bitterness thereof. Nor did I yet reveal to you that I had exposed the conceits of your learning
before ever your learning was.

"Here is My record of those things, My witness in stone, prepared at My command, forty-five

centuries before your time; prepared that you might receive wisdom and understanding in the
days of your disillusionment.

"Turn whilst yet there is time, to the seeking of Truth where, hitherto, you have sought but
error; and cease from placing stumbling blocks for others where the foundation of your own
understanding should be laid. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is
Jesus Christ."

To fit ourselves that we may become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" there must be a
turning to God, and a cleansing from our many national and individual imperfections.

God created and prepared the Israel race to be His model Kingdom to act as a light to all
nations by demonstrating to them God's way of life. The Great Pyramid symbolised this
purpose in the physical function it once performed as a sun-dial. With its beautiful casing
stones it reflected the glory of God; and then, when the stones were stripped off it ceased to
reflect the light of the sun. In like manner the nation of ancient Israel during their captivity
and punishment period ceased to shine with the brightness which had been theirs.

Under the terms of the New Covenant, as recorded in Jeremiah 3 1, we find that the nation
would experience complete forgiveness of sin, and would be endued with Divine power to
practice the laws of God. ". . . I will put My law in their inward parts, and write it in their
hearts, and will be their God, and they shall be My people..."

All true Christians are collectively called in the New Testament the "Church" or the
executive "Body of Christ". To these will be given the privilege of reigning with Christ the
"Head" as His "Government" in the millennium. The disciples were told, "Ye are the light of

the world". Therefore the "Body of Christ" will be the living casing stones under whose
government Israel will become the model Kingdom God intended, reflecting His glory to all
nations. Peter wrote to the Christian section of the scattered House of Israel, "The Lord is
gracious, to whom coming as unto a living stone ... ye also as living stones are built up a
spiritual house."

Writing to the Ephesians, Paul also describes their preparation and future calling, ". . . Jesus
Christ Himself being the chief corner stone in whom all the building, fitly framed together,
groweth into a holy temple in the Lord." Paul implied that in a completed physical Pyramid
all the easing stones must be "fitly framed together" in direct line with the head corner stone,
in order to provide a perfect reflecting surface. We must, therefore, be so shaped that we
form a perfect structure which will reflect to all nations His Divine life, knowledge and
Thus in the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, all the families of the earth will be blessed.


2520 -Disciplinary Punishment

Lev. 26:18, "Seven Times" 7 x 360 Israel's term of punishment:
21, 24, 28 "Times of the Gentiles"

1260 - Tribulation or Trial

Dan. 7:25 a time, and times, and the 3 ½ x 360 The "Beast" System
dividing of time"
Rev. 13:5 "forty and two months" 42 X 30 The "Beast" System
Rev. 11:2 "forty and two months" 42 X 30 Jerusalem's treading down
Rev. 11:3 "a thousand two hundred and 1260 Period of the "two witnesses"
three score days"
Rev. 12:6 "a thousand two hundred and 1260 The "Woman" in the "wilderness"
three score days"
Rev. 12:14 “a time, and times, and half a 3 ½ x 360 The "Woman" in the "wilderness"
Dan. 12:7 “a time, times, and a half” 3 ½ x 360 “When all things shall be finished”
1290 - Desolation and the Desolator
Dan. 12:11 “a thousand two hundred and 1290 “The Abomination that Maketh
ninety days” Desolate”
1335 - Blessedness
Dan. 12:12 “the thousand three hundred 1335 Blessing applying to Jerusalem
and five and thirty days” and Israel
2300 - Cleansing
Dan. 8:14 “two thousand and three 2300 “Cleansing of the Sanctuary”
hundred days”

666 - The “Beast” Number

Rev. 13:18 “six hundred three score and 666 Man in opposition to God

390 - Chastisement
Ez. 4:5 “three hundred and ninety 390 Israel’s chastisement for iniquity
120 - Period of Probation
Gen. 6:3 “one hundred and twenty years” 120 Warning of Judgement


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