Sei sulla pagina 1di 27

J j ~ )

Dates 01 Survey:
7 October 1945-1 May 1946
Date of Publication:
August 1946

D a c e l l o l ~
7 Ocrober 19H-1 W.,. 1946
Dace ol P\WlicarioD:
Aupa 1946
CiOV.....1Il1St' """"IOG Offt(a
".uo<'SCTOH' , ~
- ."] fOT11w lI$eof th. U. S. Boml>-
This report waS wnllen prnnaT' Y , On of n moro comprehensi"e
., rion of f1ll1 Ie. rol'or ....
ing' Sun-e,- 111 I,e preparn . __<I in this ,..,port "'list he eon-
nnlure. OOlldlls;on$ or eXI," .. , md lIS sub,"ect to further
- . 00 I pecltiC mRter'" OO\(, eo: ,
sidered as to," It Sf f oolld"CII'I\ hy the Suney.
jmerl'",w.lJ(ltl III the 1 >t 0 II _

I. SUID......,..... .
II. __' oIl"bot<l$J"phic Imtel6_
I. 0rJclD0.
2. IT_oIpbotop1.... . - . -
.. <:.......," <If pI>otocrrophlo . .....- -
III. J'bc>toI1apIUc lmtellie<_ o.p.watiot>f 10< ..,..k OQ .be J._
H _. --.-....
I. iat&lctD<e OQ <:_ -
2. Cai, at PMrI Hatt-... ..--. . ..
I. \,,,,,-1.. , ............ -
. Otbtt heiIc .. _
1\'. Ey.....'_<If Publiobed 3...tW.
I. ImU'Odll<'llooo....
2. AIr6eldo ,
3. 8I>Ippine:
. I_rialadlyMo
3. U_ard adl""
t. t>o-b pMcWts
1. "toatletx-b"""""_
I. e-t &ltd A"tiairmtl' anillrl'y.. - . ... ' -
t. ................-.-. -.... --..... -
10. ....t, &Itd-..tion - -- .. --.
II. &ltd - . - - - - --.
12. S-h iatdlit- --.. ..
\'. ,..,;u.;,..;,;;J;; '
W II- .... -_.- . --- -.
2. 1'bot<IF&phIc; l..teIUse- &ltd lbe f .., .. -: : - - .
EUlhlt of I'I>otop'&PIIJe 1.. ...., O.p"'''uoo, or Per>IQ<lJ>eI,
TralnIq, .00 !"ros....... ud <If the "deqllMY <If
l. ru",.-_......... .. .'" .. - - -- .
2. Ot'paiAtlOG..... .... . .- .
3. p-'nft............ . -.:::::._::: :.::::::::::
4. Tralnl..,.......... - .-..... . _ _
5. .......... -.. . .... -...... . ...........
6. Pb<>lOftaI>by........ .


Duti.., World W... n ;...0;.. .......... a '
UDOUttt 01 innhtllt.1e tWa --ac0. ..
the_yo 8Ida.....,t ...
tbe pbot<nphic iJltelIi,-:e __........ _ ...I
land. IlItd 10 -n .,.. dle iaplGD t .....
orpniQtiooo., _hoda. ..... tIalw,... ..... 1IIpDIl:.iIo U .....
Pl.n.0tte, ."idl _
-=It of the speciali-.l "'10k of .-- iPofl..- .. .I _
P..-nUIft"'''1 UId Itt' _ .....
in'dli,..-. In Puu Two 10 lilled briow of..... .. '
SJ-wiZltd fiekIs i5 tnluated ill detail
P.r1 Report.
P.r1 TW'tI-.-\.ir6e1ds.
P.rt Th---e....puted Bomb
I'.rt Foul'----Un.n Al'N. Ant.lyo;;..
P.n. Ciar>o:ftm-t,.tId
P.r1 Su-Shipping.
P.1'1 InltUigeuce.
Pan and AIlI;.iruoft .-\ttillery.
Pan Ten-Roads and !
Par1 Elenffi_lndusui.1
- IL <iI:) J. T... 1JIft
lA. J. W. o.r.t-, V8IIJI
r.... U,l a. o. n.t.. usn
R"" nJ It.."...,
r.... 0,) a. W. --... rSJO:
....... C. ('. IJISa

r.... 1i1!'1 S. I.ak.
Y:ilo:. G. n GelI. ['8D
CY Clark \', Robinson.
Y:?c It. R. .\Iountjoy. l'SXR
I_' e s. S...I .-......... * ...__ ..--__...
.... _ "*II<'Od_ of __-... __
Li. W. USSR. Chief
lAo (ig) R. W". <-r. ('SSK
1.1. W. P. ('0lI:. l"S:-;K
:'ol_i. Robert S. Uell"dt. Al'S
laJW&lrial AlWJ/y"'''
'\Iajor "'brk Brown.\US
Li. T. H. l'SXR
lAo H. J. ,\l.ll"". GSXII
1st Lt. P. Alter. ACS
1st Ll. D. A. AGS
lA, Col. II. Co.l.GS)lCU
Le. 4 ..n S. (1"I'l'ell. Chid
lA, R. W.. GSXn U..\. Gn...;. AI'S
Le. U, C. :'1,,"tl-'\>l1lft"y. l'SXR
l<;t Li. L.. II. HardinII" AUS
IS Ll. J. W. She!,henl. AGS
Comdr. Richard Reeve,
IA. Comdr, R. 0.. Lancle.lS:-;R
Li. It. A.
";n;;;gll W. A. Fi-"Cher, l'S:-;R
1..1. XiooI Bi!ll!lell, USXH
Sq.1. Ldr. .. I,.... U, R.\!-
Le. W. T. Waloh,
.\bi. It S. Demlen..\U5, Chief
,\fai. A. D. Cleland. AVS
Ca"l. C. II. t;llking, AUS
1.>1 U. IJ. B. "\US
T Sb'" .J. Il. BRllIiO, AUS
T/Sb'" D. P. Holhrock, ,\ US
COIlIpultJ lJomb PloUing
...I.i. I(. C. BlISS, AUS
Maj. E. D. \\1,;le. AUS
1st U. C, H. &:hlllid. AI)S
2<1 1.4 A. \\'. Brock, ,\ US
T/Sgt:. H. It Hitch, AUS
'f/SS!, Eo H. Steilliger, AUS
1.1. C. VSNIt
('Of..I amI A-nfil.irc''(I/t
I..t. F. '\. Fleld,er,
J. AllhQIIl{h ,-jewel! with j,t<.Iilftten"" and oko>p-
ticis", ftl the beltinni,,1t nf World Wit II.
ultimately '''''' of tht D'....
j"'pOHHll1 ,in!!l" or i"".lIij"w"i' in tl...
!'Ilcific War. The.\" an important pan in
""olll!'h.""" or military ."d unal "...1;,,"" than
2. 111.11 of the ;mllOrtalll of 1'1....'..".,.I'loi"
j"'ellij.."'''c, rhe.:kol !.oy USSIlS 1"""", ill .111"''''
the ,,,du,i'IU'''' fur ,la,a ft,,", plo",o.
1)]"(),oCr! '<> be 001111", and in ... "e... J the ill_
lellil-"'''("(l prore.1 to h. CUrt",,1 "'illo;,, the
'if arcun'e)' .....,,,i,...,1. F""''''.'el.,".lhe pri",:;,,"]
sbortco",;]),,:, ill tlw l'ho,o-i"tdli/!,'nre ""rk ,1"",_
On Jill''''' ",.". ill Jields u{ ",;"",, i"'l'ol1""'" ".'''1
therd"", did ,,'" ll'",.,ly "If",! the l''''''''' of AHt,,1
3. A eollsidenl1 iolt of th... tt....1of "'/;""1
and l;Ci.nlilic on photo
is of the utmost ;mpo'1all<:l". .\ II
t 1'''1 'llll_ il b<.'<;o",e, op.... uo".lly 'Ill
prnct;cal to uk.. " ..ri.1 w.r
tim. p10010K''''l'hic w,lI ""'\l""',.
sHppl\" ,;t,,1 i"fol'l,,"t;<lll 'h" ..."e"'.I.
",,,e1, 'of \\"hiel, lie obln;n,,1 in .olhcr. """",er.
N0' "II of t hll di,..",ilie,1 'I"":'" f, .. I,.I, "",I
leclmiqll'" of Wm'ld W.r II ,,.,11 bI' .."bl..:
"",I rome "ew t;qu,," w,1l h... n"'-"e<sllr.'. .\.
I.. 1\\"0 existi"g of '1""",,1>""1""'. ,.,.m..!tl
i"d",lri,,1 a""I)'.i" ."d "roon ...... ,.".1.,"'.'. w,
be Hell "'01'1 i,t! "dj""'1' of eft... ..", 1",1ot.r.,
opc""I;ollS tl",,, Ihey 10",... Ix",,, Ih.. I"''''
"'''''. . . '. lllui,
Pholo illl.lli".. "re ",,,mot "d".. , .. ,t.
. Ireeli,'en.. wilhom 1"",1,,,,,...,,1.1 ... h."/-.....
"m", c ,. I rr..."liOl' (of ,,_,
in its O"J!:"",znll"" .'" u ,,,,,, , _ '1'1, ""_
,onllel. ",,,1,,,,,,,,,,'<;1, 1m.;;,.",,,... "Ii..
. 'probl..,,,, "111....",-,. It>
1"lio" t" ils I",,*m;;. .). ,hoto-ill1elhK""n'
in 11,.. ('sl" h]"h,,,..,,, "f " , I
_ylll"" .... of a nl inblljr
Ii"" roonbin;ng all of inleJli&-
I, Ori,_
a, ,\!II... b.jrinning"f World War llihaimper-
la".... "f aetiall'ho"Ojl'npby II> ",ililary -ad IlI.nJ
illlt!lIige'"", .,. """"",iW by onl, a n .......
"",ull ll... ted",iq..... uf "bolu _u.-
a"d ,,1o<Jlu inlerp""l.t'on ..."" la,..l,- 1IIIoI\enI.
"I'ed, GemJO,,}"x ",,,id ('<)'01_. of ......... ED.
rope ..ud tl .,lo.. ... 8ril..h I-lefl """""""
.. " .11"''''1 " ,n,ight dlO"j!'" ill lM -t.t"" ..f o-
IIral,hic i",..1lijreloce. Wi,l, ,1,..;/ .
tal .... d,."""I, _led lhe U"l"', .......
for i"f"n".tioll "",,"''11 ,Ilt_""
of (;en""n i''''o;;io1\ f,m:>'>' 1""r,.1 pl""op.phy
,,'., ,h.. u"l......1"'1".'" ,.,u_ uf l1o..."'f ,_.
Within a "en ,ll<>t\ tiD'" .n org1lmRd .....-IE
uf I,hotognol;hic "-"","h.i_,1ft "'III.tI DII. and
I'hotognop1oic ;",.Ilil:""CO' um', ..,..
l hm,,!!hotll ,h.. Uri,i,h For. Ill"" thc' " ..
,he pri"lOr)" """"... nf In tht Eu""......
th... '"r.
b. E'rh in ....p.......'''"li''''' of 'Iw l'o".,.]
S,."" .":'",,1 forres we"" -oml l<1 Engl.od to oil-
..-r'e Ihi, ",,"':." (]r'1'lol'od phOlo ;,,"'ll1l1"h.... ,y.....
,."'. lo"on ,heir ...."'n'. thry bo1<:o"... """"",,,blo-
f"r ... ",,10001 of I'holopapl". m-
'NI""'n,ioh .t Ihe .'i.,.1 .\,r St."o". All.""""
D. C,. "d.n A..\F...h..."ll""",,,,1 .. n.II,' .t ,h..
r"i,.,,."it} of ..r """'pJ ,,, lI.r'
r,;J>u,'I<. 1'",m.yI,"""i., , , .
e. tlf tM elfort ,1"ri,,!! ,he ph.......
(of d"n'I"I",,,,m ur .\",.rino" I'IoOl"lC"',I.h,c ,mel:
Ii ",..... "'" "........."'ril} ,1.,"01<.11<, ''''''''''Ii". but by
f:r till' !! ,""I problem wos to Arm)' aDd
" .,. "ftit", Oil th.. "1",,,,,,,,,,.1 IN-fuh,.... uf
I'hlJ.:"n_",' ;n ,hi, nt'('t......1r.' ;n,I, rillnl i, on 1""....... 'n
".., ,I"". An,l <Ii ....""""!:"'!!. Unri,,!! Hit:! nm"y
'''-'k 1'1""0 ...._i..".....1 '" lor
""nl .rea.. "r'" .1... FI..., nd ."xiou;;.o ,wIllOl"
, ... 11' ,,,I Ilf 1'"..10 i"lfl".. ",.-. lot",d :lU.
I",ri" ..'""I>lc_ ......n.'>'"'1'1....,.
,..h .""'e'nNI , .. ,,,hfr 'H_ ..I Yet.
", .1", A"",,,,,,,,,, ..."i"... 1
''''''''''11'''''' in II..: "IM"'"1 i",l' III ll".,l.I"",,,,1. Npw
... h"ll . tI ... G,Il""'1-."d .\lln. til<'
_;mi,., i"'I>n, d .".1 ... p"ir
im.UI"' ......... <':lIn.. to I"" .....
f:ll<1or in I,l.nuin/l" a".1 "xf'(11liuC'
1. Uus of />holographic h,lelligellcti
ll. '1'10(> i"ilid 1I"" of pho.og phic i""m".,,....
'" .1", 1'...Ifi. I.TJ!"I.,-
.".1 .i""...I,. """,,,;nll .",1 flot--
I",n;'--' iru;t.ll..ion- I ........ in. idenlif,-
i"Jt ,hip" .........,i'lg d"",."e.nd ..""m)
1''' ........mo1 n,," 10" .,>'i,i,,'. 1l10N! phOI"I1",pIL'
1""",,,(> ","il"I.>I,. "lid ,,< I'lnll"ing" 01
fi , "..i,,<'<.1 ,'Onfid,",... in I'hulogTllI,hie i"'el1i
1- , ,I........1.... of 111l' ,,on. <I""e h
". Io.''''''r .....,l.'\' .nd ,,"'.... "' i.liZl'd
b. TI.... fi nd onellf II... n)(O,l im_
of ,h ",,,Ii ..... wa.s ("<)n.... ,,-nl> tl,p
'"11.I,"j, or 1.lI"h.." alld del""",_, (>_\il". amI
ll"tl"l'\..a,er "l'l'l'Oa..l",,, in 1"1"I",,.,.,io,, fc'r Am
I,hil.>ious 1.,,,linp. Other intf'1,reI.
lion j<.o" ilJ<"ludfd II... p....po"'uon of lIu"... qu.n
'i".... of .ir 1.'1-...... ,,,1 ".., ..
,ioll of _il.... I III .dnoceof AUiftl """upa,ion) lor
lllrli"ld_ an.1 <>ther i"".lIftlilln$ on J'I",,,..,,,,h.ld
',r,'n"r,.. ,h(> of illi/IOManl '''l''>'. the
I,I""Il'!! ,,( I",,,,b faU" lor boml,i"g" .c
r"......' ."d ,1... 1'....I"' ...,i(m 01 gritldet.l .,,<1
ph''lfq!'''l'h, for .ir .nd .... PI'Ort of
""""00 1......1....
r. "U1 until ....l,l1i,-.l..-I.l.. illih. "ftr th.t
11............ Ot'<'aOilln 'II ulili"" Ih.. sp.cial;Zl'd 'eeh.
"i'ltll'" of ;11<1"'1 rial /,h"IO intelli"",n"" "Iti.-l, ltnd
1_" ... <lewloped in lhe Europe,," ,
.\,. """h of tliff...... I...... in lempo of
.uadI_ .nd or I...ine<! II(>NOIIl... I. ho -
"'fr. lIx1lL-tri.1 an.h'", in .1... I'.cifir r
.......1....1 II", lI... r ve;lo<:tioo i, h.d .u.i <1 in
J. Grou'lh of Photogr"phir '"Iellige"ee
". \I"nII II ... In """I ", "r ph<>'''l(l1lphie
ill'el"J''''alioli. "lid willt IIIl' ,'e,:oguilioll
..f i,.. import."..... Ih. dp,,,.,,tl lor u.i"...11)('1 ".
'M'11'(1M', . ""'L.....'''..II.. origi".II i".
ing quoth .. r .... a.iI ,,'(>1'8 ,he "Ululler of
....1.....-.1_ .-h"", ..h training "'as ,,erod. Fn"m."
inillal db of:!j "nicet'!l, thelolal "nml>t-r lrai"...1
l.>y ,10.. Nu,-," ...h,.,) !!I't'''" '" l':\l. Fr"IlI"
11",,1, , ,I". 11\11111.><.'1' of onit'l''''' 1I'"in('d
I,.,' ,I \AF ....... 10 a 101.1 of 3,Uli. kl"
IUxi"'.'fl)' 1t,l(l froll' OIller 1>",,1("11$ III ,he ""n
ice.. .\_\ F ",h",,1.;, f"r .."Ii"oo "M''' "f..........b-
1i,1.....1 ., :salt l Cily."d Mne""l
Fi"I.1. N. Y. ,\bO"l 200 ",ldi';01l31 A.\F onicers
\\"(>,.., ,r"ill",1 illd,e C.mml lmerl'l'(>'alio"
I'"i, "I .\I.dmenh"llI. 1-;1\1:'1"",1.
b. III .ddi,ion IOlh" .\AF and N",-, pho,o in
IC.,'..... f ...... ..,'...... 1h"nd,....I fficT"" ""d me" i" II...
.." .tld "'-.ralll"..,,,,,,d ..n;".,....... ",I nWn in
,"" .\rnn G..."ntl Fo...,...., ....... '",in..d in l'how
int.. of ' O"'n. IJt'<:a.",... Ih.
"'''''''11,10,,1 aft' ... I"oll,h pri"r,o i""".
"r .1"pall. lillIe 01' no I'h"'''l;l"Rphil' in'.Uigenc-e
0" ,I,,' J"l'''''''-* ho",.lall<l "'as l'"bli,J,etl b)' ,h"se
fo........ , \"OI'''''''l,,,,nrl, "0 ..... l""'ioll "f ,hpir ,..ork
",.d.. 1")'11,,,
". Ih".... "'h 00 c.!"'ral .J",ini_t""i,e
"j,....",'.'. for _\AF ..n'" II(>T'S(lnnel.nd
ooll"""l"ellrl, no ehf("k 0" ,heir
",ent lind di'1!'il",li"". lIO .. figlll"('>( on lI""ign.
",.nl r.ll be ci,,,I, 11 h., l>een ''''<'im.''''1. how
e,"". ,hal "PI,,..,,,;,,,.,.l, h.11 " e"elllll'Uy
......;"'''.....1.0 1o"'('r,,,,""loll ro",bool'lll "'1l'.ni"'lioU!'.
i..... "quadro..,;. 1:'""'1"',M! ...;""" 1"'.... ,heir
prill"'I.. l du'r ....,. 10 ,upI,lr Ihelr mm..
vIli....t'>l ... i,h of boml>illJ.: re$lIll,. The
."her half 10 AAF headq"aI1ers.
,<"1'"1''' ,h(>y w,,,'ked in ""n, rnl ;nt<"'l'r","lioll
The major;I)' of ;lIiti.l ".'" to Ihe
Coni i"...nt.1 .\ ir Fol'Ceil (>;01''''liu)(> for lurt h.r .s
o,e."...,.) ."d 1001ber .\.\ F ...i, h;n
ih.. 7,1l1'" Ilf Ihe Interior. Th....."'.ining olticetl!
..f..... ... i'l..d dirN:ll)' o'el1lC .'L
,f. Of tl-'l1 "Hicl'rs J.:1"(iIU",,,1 rh,'
kllOulll' .\"a",-",Ii l;(il N"n'. illdll<linl? la
WaH". Ill, M.rin nd :1 Ann)';' 120 01 ,he WI
"....1 <.>fIi...r:l ..f 10 01""'" "11ia1!;e;
Il'ooUOj.!rapl,,.\Cl. ecr.)..oo "'fre "".er acti....
i" I'hOio imerll....l.lillll. Whil. Arm,' l,hOl')-
gnlllh ieintell i",,,,,,.,. Ofl"lCt'N f. i1'1)' .".,,1,' <1,$-
Thr ""!i'J' .n<l elli(i... of phOl''l(..phir In.
'0" 1."11" deJ.,' ,10,1'..,,<1"111 "1"''' .h..
f'''''''''''ork i,hi" which Il Imlt",
lio,,;;. Illu ......... '11 a '''''''''ril''''''' "f ,I.. fu"".
IiOll of ......h 1">ot..IIIl.I1i/-"l" ..... "'l"lnila'lOI' "I..rl.
...ol'koo 00 ," .,,,1 of 'hr rel.uolNul' h.d
10 the OII..r ;., '_I) to an .doqua'f ' ,"""'1
uf ,he 'llbjfCl 01 ""I"",rt.
I. PholOgr"phir fNlelligenu on G.."m
. The ""i.,. ""'" di.....,ll) ""1K't'"nH'ti ..'i, 10 1"><)('"
graphic in.... lif:O" .... "'m Oil .1'1." ....."' "'"' otI
at Guam. 11.. _\ml.'' C""",I In'rrpm.." ....
en" i",.. 10 ,t.. T-..I""h
.IUI ,11(' :\"...,.-. I'ho'0J:"'l'hic /01....,.........'''..1
5<1""dl....11 T..-o inwllij.,'<""" Iu lI'f e:>rri... r
,",k "nd ",,,'lllC<'" 1I...'1.1I,e ""'I'hil>i"u, alld
10""'" Dlld.r C;"CI'O \ .,,,1 10 ,hf ..1-
...1ll:"t't11......\quartlT' of Cll,('I....C;nU't:I_\. 111-
'f.""", T..o ..... "'lIK'f'n....1,,,. ""''''ilk'''l.... , ...-
gree ,,-it h tI.. "''''I(> 'Jl"" of 'I>foe;"h;'" ., It.. COO,
'ral Inteql"" .. lIm, rni,. In 1>rV1>re.hlu>u1
",,,ne liai..", ..... lIIainl.", ...1 b., " ,h. 1"'0 ..r_
lo[lllri:,mi"ll". "'IIlI,,,llu .IIIJlIi r.. 'he work tor
,I.... P.n of Il,i. "'.,, due 10 ,h... fao. ,bat
both " .... 1 I,holl'llral,h,- IIk.. b, ,I... :10.1 11..
frnIl'hic 1l.......,"..i_tIc.! Sq".dron. In.r'1"'''' 1 ""
." .1"" '"""I"",.,hll- lor ,t.. inl....,.m.'_ ..1 .. 11
... I'II, f ...." Xa"" .. nd ll.ritw"ht)(.."..I>h...
"1"'_ad tt-
l" lV1'ier '--
b. In additioll te tilt phet 'J .
., ('Il" &fItI1 -r-."'; I
.....'.. o- wilIo ..
lfllII"..... of I'" T-.a, D widrt
...on.j In...l1...... (-.. .,
U'O.\_ , iobo -1t.iPI7 ...........
...1<1..... "",Iud... II"" I"..paration of ....,.
"""110.100 'nl..ll1....... ....,..v..
1. V_.'urlH-I>or
..\1 I ri 1I.rt.- ,M... I ft. 1M .....
" .." f c:"'(I C."("POA .,.
,I.. J .."'I (Ph,.... Par- (........ "'-
.110/ H. Ih,,,....I1.. ,.. "'l,..,di.n.... u"nlf'I:.. Iau.r
I" of ,h. ".r.l,h"'ollra.l.hir in...lh..............
....rk... in '1... 11.....'111,1'10'" "'1"", of JI("I'OA. g.
1.."u 11 dala 1 0 f phntc..
/-..... 1
'. ,nit' '1' "'f lIir "'I"'fla
.nd .t I' "' ra. .- of ...-W
f ..ri '" u..- "IT 1 pho-"l III1t'II........
""",,,,, "f JKPO.\
.1t,1 II11 ...'l'....'.llon "rod",,,,,1 ....nolan!
,..Il\'ellill"n.... rel,,n>, l>uri,, Ihi. l-"""'>d
,I "-'" ... """len"'" d"I,lirall." "f r"1tt ....
, " JICI'O.\ and tJw I,,, ,"Ut><. bur
Ihi, , bl"e<"I,- ..10",,,,,,,..110,' nizal_. r
J. V.its i.
"..\,\F ..o ..... in
lh I...."'ibih" ..f ,h"lmolo .,'.h."u"'l ....1""1
,,[ ,1 h,-t.", ('hid of .\.ir :;t.t f.... Inrfn,
::.'<"-- " .. h
.........',,_1 ...... -">JIff'&lQoa! dn,- .i..J'hlf
.lIh ,"dlNnal and 1"IIf'
........ ""PO".h' lu"",i, rll,,,, ---c,"" It..
1.11..,. II." of .10 "':11> '0 I""""" tl", JOlnl
T.,j.,'<' (;""11' wnll .11 rrqUN'" 00'
Idlir.........\nnJ. X...ynd R_\F 1"'N>UlM'1 ..."'
""Ii" ill 1m. .orir.
b. ....,'Y ,,'ell,l'f't,r _:II> 1,.
l".w '" ..... l'bIttqmorb' ( ",..
u",\fl- It.. Int..lhf:"W'l' (;,.,.,,,, I.hn_"", "I
.....,..1 1",..11>1-"""'" It" pnrIripall...-fmJ<:llI funt
Ii..". "N" . .....-"'h.nd II .. 1",1ll""'li""
"f 1..,,,lbook....1th tgh .nek of I'I.nnmll " .
r""' ...... "n<\f'rt"k from ,i ro "_. i ........1."'''''
'" -1-'-1 rt'lf'M"'- f lhe .I , ("'.'f_ ..f"'tat
.nd It.. :.: ) D.' " '. l>riaIanl., ..........
,>on ",.... "'-iI ;n,.. .luI'!''''''' and
........ _
"el'fI ln1O'rJ'1'l1Ud J*"Id
quatlly."...iDed &.ldl_.:..'::,
ElTOl'Il 'n ronw.,.
paUy by the f..,. tb&t. ...: ......
d.-ly c...pped flhM -'- .....
liIIwe an"",,,t of Iijthl All pt."", -'-...
"",ull IoUl .....rl, IL .
l(nJ>hfl. Had Q>or1' -m. .... drnMd
'''''''pea"""" of pbOl<ljlnplq obow' ,
In,,,,,'" ""ri...... ..-ith th_ of of
""'lie of tl,i. dltlitllh,- ",i"'t 10.- ,--==
,., .
"" U III ....I'l'd film. ...... _ ur ita .."""'iril)' far
chlorophyll, "'0<11<1 ha,'" _hmi"ealfd i.....tihtioe.
of ""'!lPed W""" nurf-' tim"",..
.\,r6eld ,W>m,fic.ti"" _
combo _ v, ''''''Co
. 1. ""-"<>un.,....,,,-",,,. IN ."" __ etc.,.
"hen Phll,loyed 10 "upple....m ean<! "l'Io,ek Ilf'lUJKl
",ror,,,u,o". " !':, I"'r <,<,,,r eacc-u for tl>e fINdo
on "'!llch II ,. 1Iel1lpt ....1. HO'r idontloo..
I,on ""Sa,IM'pt 1On ""I>' [,l, per of lh.. &.Ido
su....eyed. lor ,..;thoul II;" _l>l.ea!lCl' 01 n<J
dala It " ... ""hi""'. I....,-ible 10 blak...n..
co"een"ng .irlield use. 11;i ..-a., I.....
tl<1ll.. rme ,,/'ar Ihe elld of rhe ,..a. the
l.ellcal ,il"'lio" rorced Ille Jopo...- ro connlt
mall)' liclrls to u.."", other lllan IIIQ;e oril[inealh
l1l\ended. .
<:. .\ Ihoro1lgh ground clri 01 llar".",. conlrol
to,,e..-.;. ohOI'" and otl>erJol.'"""" aim.,ld facili!i..
pTOred 10 be ;mpra<1icable. American. fo..... had
oceuI,ied field:; eand bod ren""lpled rociliti""
to "" e lheir o.-n u........\1 the JOll_
a" thell1....I_ ho<I ",mo,-ed <true"""" "'hid,
wpre iml"'Hont lhe ,; ."d.1 n...rh.11
ooids. ... rs and buildmg" hod bl<el, of
th..,. Ct,ntents. .\1 fp,," firld, ",hilh .......... Ia
ti,"'!ly u1\louch....J. r.<ilil''''' "'ere oppH>;<i"la,ch'"
""I"'H"'I, ohOOngh >Onll' 'ra"dard.t.'l'" bUildi"!-,,,
,,-h,rh ho<l been from their oHhooo;< tl-e
we", >lot rortl'rtl.,.
d. A romplel" "........",j ,1i'1"''''''I ....."
"'Mal;o impTIICl ,cable """'_of Ib" rime
m D",king all ."""role check of ""1."",1 tui"'a,"
"'hich ",oullli for mile< ow' rlll' .Joplln"", """n-
In ]>1 .,.. of a JmHuul ch;>(,k. JOI>One"" "f
fiei"l. "" .nd ma!'" ""'110 .."",I
a.-...s l,lolted ,,"'" obtlli .....l for ...,..... 1 airfield..
Th "l'Io,eb ;ndical" thot most llrell'! in ",hich
pl.n hod 00." parked "'"re (1eI..<:ud. 0fI11' in 0
Ie... ea_ h.d J'I>O"_ rnllloo,floge """""",led '"
1'"",,,.r.I' ,
" .<c>o-...." ,,"'''' I.'....'.
..._.r _.
- -
...., -
da""iHt'tl b,\" ETO SlandaTlI.
w.e'... 01'10 such ""Ieb'l>ri.... as ()I".
d.\Ulll A," D'\lme) LRlldi"g
orl lhe has,s of d,,,,e,..iolls. surfacend
fnc,ht 'os'. mQd" ill such c1""",ifi"al io,," we",
'" " f,w "'.tn"..... nllrihlliable to ",i,tnk,,,, in fiel,l
"'"85Ure",."t. h'll ,he majon'" we", ""u;;.,d
" misimel'l'ret"lion of field ,,,rfaciug. i" 80
pel' cc"t or the eJlSC8 ,,-here "urfaeinl! wo. ill error.
Ihe f",ld had" rair"'e"lher mlher lhan "n al\_
Il\ 1"'"Cl i"", liel,ls el.. in,ed 1'0'
lenllal '''MU'''' or he",-,\" airtlrt,m"" by the Eu
rolIC"n SJ&lem weTl' olten llSelI for figh'ers Or
trai"ers onl,\". Similarly. Helds cloim"d!til fighter
(lo'on,C'l we"e !'OBlllimcs 1l>el1 for hea,-ier 1)1"'" 01
planes. I" .h'!l1.1he ETO field potent i.! el.",ifi.
cation sehlo'" tnoe itlenlific.lion "r actu.l
field Il",-,.
(:)) In !he "-,,,lll.. lioll of ",,,,,,ay ""tI H,ld
"'elJ'u'....llW\\t" ;t ""as !t1l th"l a" error ...
or r, I",,-cent conld l>I' allowed ".-ilh
o"l cho,,!-";ng lhe operatio,,"1 dect;\"enelll of the
'''IX}}t. Of airfields ci,ock",1, 41 were me",,
Ul'ed co,..-{'Clly wilhin 1 perctlll 01 ael"al dimen-
4 "'OTl' were wilhin percell1. aud 4 or lhe
l'l'n",ini"j.: 1(1 were wilhin 101",,,,."1_ The 1I1ajor
c"u"" for e"ror w"s f(>t",d to he in"ceul'll.le defin;
tion or field ond runway li"';1>-
(4) ,\ ltholl!;h H IICTeem of !Iw i,1 airdrome-
lhecke,l ro,' s"rlnei,,!; wen' rel'0H",,1 correclly.
,'r,'"'''' were made iUlhe idenlifiCl\lion or
SUrr"e'es III >;c'-ernl mnjor fie!,ls. In.1l "'_ of
error, field ser"icenbility was o,-e""'I;",_lOO.
r, , ./
_ .
..llIetllII)U ,[oo,;t"".'In""
... M m",,'",'.
n,le"rM)"" "r.n",.... ;._
,,"'I "''''''''1' "url"<'i".
""""rn.,.,l"" hi" ,..... _.
'<: M
" .

1(; IT
". (I). or the air raeilitie-s tun.ide.....l. 1-'<"
"'''' "'''tak,e"I., ule"liHed. 0.11I of the"" "'h
plUI or h",d whid, I ,. 1 I.
"""" I r m
, '/.""10;.\' u'" "'!; ground; the odlCr " a bo 1-
,\""nl the ",ari"" waysol which were "'i.i"leTJ'M:'1
!<enpla"" r"H'Ili'. E"""I" for th".." 1'0""..... all
W"re i<lemiH"d as Mill", am! w;thi"
"'-"lIlI 01 .ad"'luale ...... pl>ic no field.
we"e om'lletL
made ,,\l >'(JIllt or 110, mot'e eou'1'I;""lc<1 of
pll<'lUg"n<I,hie ;"tlllig"uce (inelmling intlu,tri,,1
"ntl urbau 'II"" a'u,ly';,,) which h,,<t Hot heen IU""
tI"e"",1 ou Ih,' ,m"l1l". Ie,,", seltled is\""ds or lhe
Pacilie. FIlItl",r,;l lI"as relt lh"t such" g'\lt\l,d
check would rl'CO"Ullelldlll;onS <'(}ntt"uing
till' ruturo of intclli;,'t'nc.. which, if
h('('de<I, would help to huild " ,,,,,,listie postwar
c. At'l... rtIillgl)." l'hotog,."phie-iuh'llige"ce sec-
tion II"OS ;Il the 0-2 Di"i,io" ...r the
U"ited Slah';; Stralegic Bn,nbing Sunc). For
pllqXJ>C3 of Iilhl ""dr. I",,,,,,,,nel W"ij <1i,;t!ed inlo
,'"ch .."n"r,,ed will, oue of Ihe sl'ecializt-d
"uhj''''t" of photogr"phie inlerprct"tio" npoll
which """Illation l'el>o,ts we'll to he writlen, "il"
Iield_: shil'pi"lt; i"du,t,-i"t "n"lysis; u"ban ",,,,a
""al)",is; OO"'I'Uled bomh plotl in,::; COIISl ""tt "uti
"i"lmft '''1ill,.,-)"; "leell'tJnics: ea'l\ouO"/.,,,. con
""ahnent, and tle'C"pt iou; ",",,1< and ,." iI,-o,,,ls: "ntl
beach i",ellige_uee.
d. Section IV. 1:,"I"ation or Published Ma
t,'rial. iij I"I'!!"I.'" "sunnn",'y of the l'cl>O'1S written
..." these s"bjecB. but it "Iso i"('\lUlt'!l" sectio" on
rel,,!ion or 1'hOlOg1"11l'hie intcl\;gclll'e and the
"l ...."ic 1>o,,,h. which su,,"""I'i"('$ obscn-ations of
photo i"te'I"....le,-,; 10 phys;',,1 d,,,",,)!c
di,-isioll leaIHS "I Hirttihim" anti N"b",,;aki.
2. Airfields
a. Aidieltl repol1S f'-om all pholOgn,phic.iutel-
ligCllct' "nits, "lthough dilTeri"g in fOI'm, coului"ed
Ihe SlIme type or in rOI1l",tion, nOl'lMlly
(I) Location, 1>oth descr;pti,-.. "nd goo-
(2) Cl"Sliifitalio" hy actllul uS<!. und po'
lenti,,1 ",.,. nc<-orlling to a mcthool or c1"s;s.ifk"lion
d.,,-eloped in lhe ITO.
(:l) A b"iel ...r the ph.vsi,-"I char
aCleri,tics of Ihe field inclutling ,,"mlJo.r, \en/.'1h.
width, Q}ielltation. and s''''faei,,!;" or "unw"y";
l\\,oni>e,. lylIC, coml it io". "nd <1 iSI>o,il iou of 1,!m\CS;
tleli,,""tion or dispel'sal area.; descripli"n or hall'
"r,,! olher rneilitie.; and identificutiol\ "!l,1
I,,"nlion or defcnses aud dl.",t,"""i ... i",lllll"liollS,
b. Wit h tIKI exc(.'l'tiul> of r"cililies a,al ,Iispersa!
"' on which ehecks csnnoL he eusil)" p,'eslmtetl
in labula,. rorm, lhe or 'ICCH"a,'y or Ih"
airfield infOl'n'ntion repol'lctl on J"p"" (for 611
"ir f"cilities) i8$howu in Tnhle l.
4.. 0ther Parifir Photographi, '"Iel/ige"re
... '''''iew would he compl",e wilho111 !'Qmn
lllt'fllio" of thn I,hotogrnl'hk ill\erprclN"ll who
d on (""'riel>; sud ,,-orkc-d "'ilh
t"mm,,,,,ls. Thpir work WIlS of pri",,,,')" i"'ljO'"
lanC<! Ihrou!;hou{ Ihu "al'. Since Ihe enl'ier rc-
poHS wc,,, ahn""t enl i.....l.'" of a" imlllt,di"le i"etic,,1
nalure, ,uppIC",,,"t,,1 10 th" b",i" phol"
intelli.....ute 1,r<)tluee<1 br Ihe sho,,,b"ilCtl "nits,
thPJ lire nOI s"ilahl" roo' unluntioll. Ko ''''ports
on Ihe .J .. homei""d had been di,I"ibuted br
the An'l'hibious Foree;; "1.lhe timo II... w,,,' endcd.
C'''''''''I'lCllIlr nO f"Hher refe''''''''' 10 carric,' or
"",phibious work will he m..d" in l.his repoo1_
b. Si,"il"rly, reports
wrillen b,l" il\l"rpreters wilh the Fn E",tern .\;r
Forl'C:; "re Il01 HIlIt,,,ted becllUse the;,' cOUlem
wilh the '/"I,ane5C home i,lands from" photo
inlellij!Cnce ,tmHlpoinL d,d noL tle,-elo]> umil ",'ry
latl> in lhe war "",I w"s eWll the" pri"""'ily "f "
laelieal "ature.
I. llltrod",tio"
a. Dur;ng Ih.. c"r1i""t sragl'S or Ihe war. phott>
/!raphie"nlellige"ce oflicers we'''' ""riously h,mdi-
Clipped by au iU\:OlIlplehl or 11w in,lall,,-
tions IUld "'Iuipm""l wer", altlmpting 10
imerpre1. Ilealizil\g" lloMl ",uch or lhis ig"o'"''''"e
001lld be elimillllle<l b.,' ""rel"l groll",] ,uT\'eys or
oceupied islands. pholoi"tdlib'l:nce Hd<1
le"mS were ""ut to Kj,h. ,',lund", Tarnwa a"d
e6P.where. Sillce Ihese ,u'Tel's "idcd u;",en.
dou"lr in illlprm'ing 110, "f pholOgraphic
interpTelali"n. it beenme established policy I"
check ,,"ork by ground sur,-eJs or c"pHlred
b. \\1,en the s"d<1enl)' capitulated ill
AU!,'1,,;;1 it WaS felt Ihat rhe photoj!ral'hic
intellil,,,,nCll mi"",on sho"ld be completed b,l" an
on.the-sI>o1 cval"at;"" or work done on Ihe Japa
UC5e homel""d. I",porl"nt could lhus he
.\ imporlllnt 'Hlmini,tJ"ali\'e
function w.. the .."",il-'l'",e"t of I'hOlogrllphic ;1"
lel'l'"-'I,,lion IW'''''''''''' th'\l"j.:h"llI Ihu Na"",
CCpl ",ithin the I'Rcilk Oct',on "...."s, whcro lI;"'ign.
me"t WIIS by JICPOA. ""tll"ler. ncar lhe entl of
the war. 1,.'" Co",Airl'nc.
<'OI'IC'<'1IlinJ! h...,I_l."'\, (lr ....wtn"'nt, from ,118
,'. The "f of
IWt-, ill ,lef,I1".... ""d
el "I;('. i,,,llalio,,, ...... "'i.......1 "ilh ..
j,. ro",id"n'd i" ....... io" 1"-41.
f..\irMdt l'<lU"t, ....... i"dUlk<;1 ll;. .... 1
I",n- of .. ,.fit-I,\ ....I>On' a,,,1 ,,- al;o .li_II'
i,,,,I.d .".1., .i"'.... f' I"'n,. Th.....,
h,I",1 tot .. l, fur ""eh 1i..1.1 .\ (' tH...... ami
(l1"''''''i"",,1 ",,,I "(lnol"'''nli"",,1
i I I ,\hh""l1h "i"'I"\,f! .ounl' ",'n' " 11"".'
'ntl'(lrtnm I,ha (If
an,1 ...... he,.,f" -(In ,nbit-rt f(lr ",.Iu., i"".
,... ., lilt Ie ...,.I".li"" i, I".,..ibl.. :'<io
J!T'>II1"I.he<-k ...,,,Id .... m.d............ 'L..., lhe, ..-.,.d.1
\uir..d ","",,,,I, (If pl.".... p m
lit ,h i",.. "f l,h'>l:0l1n'P"r. and "" ,,,..h " 1.
\\"el'(' ,1"p"",.". "m,i"l, w
.... .... '0 .'", """,. II". II """ .wr "f 1""'''''
p....... "1 duri,,/l' ..... rI .. i" p"rind,,-
........ 1.-....I ....' ""'''lOry .nd tI"'''''fo of 'I"""
lio""blr h.bility. E' ..n if .....,,, , .-0,,101
IlOII n ,;,orilr i"d""" ... I""'."I>.t .nr l",nk"l.r
I:!) In of tl", .. n.r of glVl""1
ehet:J,;" '-"'rI.i" rondll,ion$.. ill ,,,,!!ud lu ,\ (' C""
he from the f'"IlJ!llIenluJ e,-ide""" II,-"il
... i"'port.n, of 11_ is ,h"l ,he", are
<'<'ft.i" f.<'ION in lhe ",""iou"lId id<-nlj.
fira.ioll of 1'1.,_ ...hid! ..rro'" i, ,i,.bl.
.\1"", impon.", i._ ,he .hat .ire ft
10 lit' -n 10 be id<-nl ifieo:l .ntl'l....... fore ronnlS ...ill
be IQ'"'.. r 11..,1,"'''' ."d ...,'..,.....1 """"''''''"1'
n,.., 11,100'" I) ..\ "''COlId fnelor i, Ih,,, "'''''I
il,",' Il.e OI)('I'o,ionnl of " pl""e
(J".ek of fu..t lack of 1"''Is. etc.) !'a"" be ....'"
i".u aeri.. 1pl'OIogral,h,,<llh...... fo.... -e """'lJle
.i,,-.... f....i11 br o......-ima'fd. .me. 'J"J!" of
dill'it'ully '0 lilt' id....tifica'ion of d",nmr
.jl'('".... fl....hil-h .... lIr defieo:l ide.rll;fkalioll .1
the I,holographir ""1",, ",.. il.ble....d "'hieh "
1.. 1.,ilt to <lef)' idc".ifi,.",;Ol' "1,,1111"'1 ."l" 1,.
)'PI. IIr'I';'" Il,,-{' iuh""'111 pl",,,,
('{',UI', ".1' .... ;",'"I".bl.. ill ,le,pnnillinl'" lhlct""tioll
;n 1,1..... 1IlO\.. . ,he iltll>On.'lC'e (of Op...... 1iOIl.1
/iekl,. Ionlion of parted pla...... for b,'
our f."""",,,- .he .1,pean!'lCll' of 11f'" 'nleli of ..
<'11If,. ,he po(ffili.1 th\"Nt of J."""..,... .ntl
()l'<"(I_jot,nn,. ,I... Iocalio" of .ire.... f1 .e;t .nd
J. Shipping
n. !'rom Ihe ""r1ie-., dn)', "f ,h.. l'",ific iu
f","",li"" c'Ollc.. rning 'HII'I,I "nil nil"
"ha,,' ,hipl'injl' of 1....Il1.. 10
tlK' .1Iifd folT<"!. ,..,-,t! " major
",HI...,.. of Ihi, I" 1,10010.
...."hir inl"I1'n'l"'-'; 1)(Irt ....\ un: til "....1 ."d
",..n-hant .... il' u>o....." nt (:!) ....... l
,,-ilhin lI"roo",. indlllli"J! ,hil'''"ildi,,1'" .. nd rel..i .
nnd (:II recoA1lltion fent"....,. of II..Wunnl cI""......
'YI"" llS d",,lop..d. n"th .h",y lI"d
N"'T lI"il' i __ r"IIO'1 IJ,,1 Ihe "'''I'k
dmw IlJ th.. N.. W"S "'0"" ex'en,i,... "10"" alMI 'n".... gen...... ll) ui'ed.
h. Ahhon. the .. "d fo"" "f shill"i",:::
.... l"Irti'Il.I" lly ,.ri 1,,i.h ;nlherourse
of lI... war I"""", all f.n into "'... of Ihrff
b,,_ie ,... t .. ... : n'I"'rI" ;...." ...... 1
"I,,rl>. lind 'IM",i,,1 "'1""'1><.
(I) Fb,h "'1""'1><. in Ihe f",'''' of
..-ere \I,er ph"',,I1.... ph, ... ,..." l..d
ship" or Nlil' ,i,,118 of
Report.':' i"dll.l..d ".n "d d.911 of ... ,..1 "";110
/-o-ro&;; .on,..!!"", of ope...., ional ."d '>Oil
o""....l;onal ",.. ",hanl shilliling-nd Ulr"l of
llhOlu ro,cr.
(2) Oe"..ntl "h;pP;"1(" rel"H1$ "hil'
mO""",em 1111<1 IItl;"ily (shipb"ihlill!!...el'ni .. inl(.
o",filling. 1"1'.) f".. ,he IIllljor "lit! na,.1
ba_ ill J"pa... ReP0rl" li"'ed .he ".rne .",\
of each 11....1 u"it. .nd .lso ,he 'JIl<'.
1..!Wfh."d lOnnaI-'" of each "'.....,h.1II '"<'S-
.\ rol"",n oUllined brie"J th...ctiy.
i'r "'-"""r'cd for each (b"i1dinl1. unlOO1dinJ(.
beached. CIC.).
(:1) 51',-",;,,1 reporlS II1"IIIII,tl """I""hrnsi"..
,h;pl",ildi"l! ,,,,,Ii,,,, of .'""nl,:
a.;o..( lI",lIl report,: tnj:l't 1,IIOI0j1.... I'h" lInd h ...
oor ,11O...inl!" 'I......xact location of n 1
un;U!: .'MI "eldlt'!) of TM:'" n l
cia. .nd IJ'''''': "'lIOn, i","lfd in ronjUnc1ion
wi.h Ih.. 1l-2!> ",ill.. l'roA.... "'. delCribing
.J"PI"'l'!!t" ' ........p;nj1 n"'''''........ lind li<ti"j1lntltlion
"",11)'1""" "r ,,,nke"
". \\"hen A"",ri... " forc.. OC("upi..d Juplln. ,h..
PI>! ."d ronf11Jl;on in shippin,::: ]'('('Oro, .ml Ihe
...... I dostnlC.ion .1 .11 I)()r\a .nd n....1 '--
mad.. it ....I). dilli<-.lll to any coml,l... e
l-"rQuntl c"""k of pIIOlOj1nll' ..m,e1lC<'
S"l!io:-ient information i9 .\.il.. ho...e 10
"""dude Ihl Ihe .""un,c,. of ,,11 ph"geII of fihip
"'tWA, ....
Alt .. ,. Jol, au.elI , M
.1, 1100 "J.I, alta, Ifttl
O.....tta Ilat ta II.'....' ..
S..ion fl "'."!hoeU _ , _ htrot.
can" u , ...._. _ .
I'net 0fI , " t.,,,t .u" f.lIet
10 I". '.QiI __'.
."1(, In
... '(fonu '''"All
"01. in Ita j
.0 r'oorl
"0 ,.,o.t

J ...... NAVoL UNITS

.. 0<_ , , .
I :h'p,t:.J,:."'" ,,",,",,' =;:=:"5.;:"-""
1,----.. . ... ...-'1--__;;:;___... ."\ ...
.'"'''' ...,.J.... DO ,." ,h." 0 "", ..., "."' ',""0 "".m"""",. ',,'......1"0.".11 ..aJ'" ""It.
...D""",",,, "'on.......
.., 'G
n'o,..... ,... , ..
_ ,. ,.. __oln(""_''''' ....
\'0."........ of 'ho " "" ."..1 ..,0_""" _ ....".,
ll ,.,...,.,
,-elol''''''''' uf tht! ,IMST )lcrd",,'1
Shipping TQllIwgtl) rodino:: lis ""., per-
iu,,"ed,nte l.... as 10 type ,,,,,1 IOn-
""b'e "lid wu ""doubte,ll.l of g,.e"t III
"d,i""I"1,( tl'e kind l,>f "cc"mc)" indic"lcd in II,e
"lpo"l. Oil Yokol"""", nala nO\\" n,"il,,\.ole on the
Jal'''''e,re mercIJnll1 I""()g,."m ,,,,,I de,;IJ,.'"" f"n-
l\lrell ,,100 illll,l,-"te II", efF"di\'e llfOe of th".))IST
syslem In ool'I'oclly 1111"l"IlI'e1inJ( Ibe <Iiml'llSio"$
nnd Ci(llllb,li Iies of """i",," lie\\" sit ip l,'Pl'!!.
Pl Tbe mOi;! oollll)f'ehen";HI ... ns<;eSll-
me,,! of na"al ('_1$ was made "fter tbe crip-
Yokohuma, is believed to be ;mlic1Iti,-e (>f lhe RC-
nr I'hOlO'.rt1'I,hie ill1dli..',,,,,,,, NlI'0I'U; on
shill mO'Clllents.
To"'" ,""k"h.."
:l!l J.nuo't lllf."i __ 31,120 Jl.\,:!OO
11 n'''''''yll:. U;;,;;OO oo.lal
(3) One of the III<'l"1 "i ..'nificalll L...."lIi[,u,ioll$
lIlMde !oj' phot<>graphic ,hipping in_
,e1lil!"utt...>tie ...hiell I)('rmiued quick,
timates of enemy 1<'HnlNge!l, Wug the de-
rnid, on ",mnflllls "f Ilw J"palle;;<l lice!
011 anti 'liS .Jnl., whell lIlfljn" w",.,.hip" ;11
K"r" ha"bo,' ",ul "iei"il ,. WN.., Prior 10
Ihe al\.llckil. 1''''b'''1 plool;,!!,",pl", "nd >Ill dia
gn.." i",lic.Rli,,1,! 110" "XRel <1i,p""i,iol1 of !he J"p-
'Ill........ nllits we"" 10 Ihecar"ie,' t""k fo,""'.
This ill fOl'mnl iOll 1",,,"('<1 10 I", ,'x' '''lIldy ,"Iuable.
both for bridinJ! pil,,"s "nd 'Ill nid in limlil1!;
Illrgets (Io"'i"l! tlw raid". COlllp""isol1 of th..
""110" wilh Jnl"IIl""'" '''IIOIH
of dam"b"" 10J,.",lher wilh I1n e,,,,,nin,,!i,,,, of the
ship;! Iloel1"",IH,;<. I"I'.venls Ih"l ,ht '''110'1. Wn8 nc-
"u.... le. exccpt for II ... "",l."."ln"d"hle omis,;ion of
und"rw,"er ,,,,d inter"al d""'''l!e. Fi ..",ro 2 illus-
trales the c.)rrectn('>o; "lUI .k,niled ""Ium of dill
I"I'.I'"rting. Sil1ce the Kill'" damage ",.,.,,,,,,,,enL'
we", lUnde from ".m,,;den,bl)' helu'r phOlogrnphy
110"" wns oblaio.'ll. Ihe)" n"" nOi Iypic"l
with t'e>1>CC1 to n",1 complele"ess of aU
d'"''''b''' a,,-,<";Smell! work. bm Ihey do denlO"';lrale
conclusivcl)'lhe high dCI-,,"t.'C<:>f oblainnble
with adequale I'hQlv..",,phy.
(5) Altloollgh oo",iderable informal ion on
J "l",n.."., ",,,,,,nc,,,ia1shipyllnls was I' "llilable from
Allied engineers a"d lOurist.;! who ),ad "i,ited Ihem
hefore Ilw war, "e")' lillIe was know" coneer"ing
Ihe bcilit ;es, nnd prodnction scl'edules of Ihe
hom" "a"al hase;; n"lil I,hotogl',phy "'liS ;;.,en""d
lllie ill Duri"g mOSI of the 1"5t of Ih..
war il wu pClSiiible 10 keep adl'!:luRle nnd
""loed"l"" of enemy ship co"",,,ue'
lioll and repair from 1'1001'.... phie in'elli.,'1."ncc
alon". lnformnlion w"s furnished olilhe
lay.oul "nd facilitiCli of ship)'nrds. tlisc.wery of
new yards, of ships under conStrncl;ol1, prog-
ress of ",,"';truetioll 0" parlicular wl1.'s, a"d extenl
and type of ",pair work. Ag in lhe caSOl of othe,
phll;;es of shipping jnlel"l""llllio1l. Japa"ese "hip_
b"ilding rworos were not complele enough 10
pro"ide a comprehensi,e check of 1'[ report!!. yet,
dllla was aVllilabletoevnlllllt.l! phOlographic
imelligetK't' on the majoo' part of shipb"ildi"g "c-
kno,,'n as "progress 011 the wnSil." This ill-
formation indicales that PI ,..,ports on shipbuild
ing "cti";ly were ace".... le. Of Ihe
four ships checked al Ishikllw..jimn 5Ioi]>y",d. re-
(Iuiring an a'e..... !!e of 8(i <I,,)" frQ'" kecllnying 10
lllunching.lhe IRunchinl! ,late 1,ti"'Rled pholo-
graphic imerprele'";i preocded lhe lll,,,,ching dalll
5110"'11 ill Jnl'ane;jC ",-"",rds by lUI a"erllge of "'\12
days. Thi. tendenc)' 10 o,,,resti,,,,,le In[)IlIlCSC
IH''ress Was duo 10 the f"ct thai illll'I"..,le1'8 wern
;nnUl'need in lheir "-_I;n,,,t''! lJy Jl"Ot"()
of .hip el\".I1"II<"tio".
4. lndflstri..J"An..l)'sis
n. FOllr Iyp\!!! of i"dll" "i"l ,,,,,,Iy.i 'el",'1. """''''
wrilleu hy pholog""l'h;c-imellib",nCll IInils i" tho
l'llcilic olld in W",hin!!'on, ","ndy: 5I1r"e)" ,"('.
po"!.;;, funcli,,"nl a""ly5is (1"/A) l'tlllOl"ls. SII'UC-
IlIml nl1l,lys;s (S/l\) snd d"",a..", """,-'SIl-
menl (D/A) ""po,!.;;.
(I) wer" prepa"ed by the Cen_
t,."l I"t('l'p'''l11lion U"il Twcnliclh AI', Inlc"I'"o"
'1''''0, J lCI'OA. nnd ACjAS !mdlig'"l"<.l i" Wash-
i"I,'1on. Thell.imn,.}" l'''tL>O>oU of Ihc...'C repo!"ts waS
thu co",pa.. isoll uf aelilllphotngral'h. with gronnd
data l)l..,pared I'riQ" 10 pl""ng"llphic reconllnis
sn"OO of lh.. ho",eln"d, Ii,,>;!. 10 """,",I'lain if reporled
tnrgolg tl3'i.led, ""d ",,,,olldly, '0 dd.'r",;ne Ihei"
exaCI loc"tion a"d eXIClil. Sll]"\'ey mporls also
li51e<l all)" II"rellOrtcd Inl'goli> olld "ne",ple<l to
ela..,if)" Ihen, functionally.
(2) !"",wl;/)"," <tfllJl!l$;s rrp/)r/S we'"() pre-
pared b)' OIU. ACj A5 jlllt'llij,.","ce n"Il, 10 a much
leSStlr eXtent, b)' Inle,'p"'" Two. "'hero,'er llOs-
silJlc, cach '''I'"rt eo",,,ined "n ",,,,lysis of II single
t''''b",t ill le""'S of pl"nl f"ncli"". and or Ihe spe-
cific f""ction of cnch >"'1>01\\'''1. Analyscs we''''
\I:.""d "pon" of I'lall1 si.c. locnlion.
lInd services (t'O"SIIOIllllil,n. powe'. etc.). a",1
"lIOn e study of buildinl! "",1 PQ"it;OIl
ill relnlion 10 Lldj" SI"UClll1"1)S. h\ addition to
giying Ihe bosk i,lenlificll!;"" or " tar.."'1 llnd ils
individual "n;l$, '"('llO'1S of typc l"'o"idcd a
numcric,tl ",f""c"cing for all
comllO"cnt par18.
Structural a""l.'lm rep<>r/s were pre-
1'0"",1 b)' ACjAS ["H'llij!cnee ""d to" ,,,"d,
"xlcnl CIU. To lho d"l!I'l'C po<>ible, ''''1O,t!!
liSled the ,i .e, tI,,,ul,,,r of floors, Ihe slr"e-
lu,,, a"d "."lcriala "scd in ,...."sln'ct;()". and Ihe
CO",b"sl;h;lil.'- ""d of
paclo bu;ld;nj! wilhi" " pl''''1 arCIt. ThCStl stud;""
w.,e s"I>st'luc"d.\" "S<'([ iu ",aking I'ceo,,,me,,<la-
,io,," conee,."inj! ,,,,,1 we"llOll '''']I,ire",ents
fol' homb;"I-'>J.
(4) Dam"y" asses""l',,1 rcports wel'll p",.
pore.l by CIIJ. Op.,.",io"s ,\"alssis Sect;on, A-2.
Twenlieth AI', lnterpr(ln Two. lind ACjAS 1,,-
lellil!"nce. The...... ,,,,lOr!6, prcpil1'e<l from" study
of both p""'r"id lInd pOl'ln,i<l phOlogmph)", li!!1ed
II", pstPll1 "ltd l"I'veril, f d
. 0 unap to plUd. roof
'" tet,"S "f .'M:O:ilically .Miht<1 dam
/otUrJl"" ."d, ""e....wcr '''-;lJI", " ...
. ... eauoe of tL-
t ""'''j,.''', ,. e.. h!1llll br lire Th f
, . . '" orn,,,fD,A,...
p"r18 "'."s d'''''J,'''ed tb penllil an .lI"ecth, toonlJllli<o
e,'"h"'I'o" of proll'l<.1io" 1_.
b. ., .,
. p- 'n lIlotna tea"",
rna e" detilled stud)" of a Clilofully ""Iectrd
of I.arget. "",ll the .llPCi6c of
ch''l'k'"l( :-i,,\. all<l D.\ rel'011ll. T
... d,O>j<'" .... lilll( to (I) Ilw nUUlhcr
5, A, ond J) A '''[lOrt' "'''ieh I,., ,_,
""'" ..-r'Utll
eae.h.a",l Ii) iudu.t]'y 'h, It
'S hpl"'''',.1 II,,,, th,. l"rl-",t6 >;elceled "'l'l1'lltlll.
"';"'" of i,,,I".,lri,,1 Jol'''". ", w"l1 a,
"ar,,t)" r,( Ihe problem" of ."oh'.i, e".
cllU"ICreo:l. Ahogl'lh"r " 101,,1 of :101' 1,1.""
"e,,, "n"lp...,l lor f"ndio,,; 21 of the,;p Wt",
cht.::kc,1 for building col\,lruClio"."d tl for
d"'u"gt, """"...."lenl. Of Ihe 100nt "'CI"C .ir_
C.dl or o"",afl "ork,. ;- ,n're lll""i,ioll_
or plonlo<.:\ "en ,leell'lan", 4 WHe oil
,"",,c>; or chc,,,ienl norb. 0'''' "., 10M"" ill.
d".lr)" plant, and 0"" n""f"I'I'Ou, ,,;et.),
Airemfl "lid "iremlt 1'",.
tl",n'n",,'" bet'""", of Ih., lOll I"'i"r;", ".... I"
Ihe "f 11,,* ,al'!;el 'YSIN;''''
e.. It i, e,;<1,"t r,."", d.l. and 11,t ex.
Ile,.,enC<.'l of Il,.l. .. et'rtain lin\;l .
tions. i", .. ... n,.., Clln ,10 a rela,
li"ely con,pl.'e llnd """." u""lul job ;n the f""c-
t ;01\"1analy,;, of ill,h"'l'i"llnrl-"I'. For 0cc'1llin
g"""l' of ;nd"51 "il'S in whith ind i"i<l"al ,I nll1 ""'.
11OSSl,><S eosil)' """"lIni>",,1 d,,,rocl,,i'li,,,,. photo.
graphic iUltll'rt't('l-; working" from phOiogMtl'bg
alon" """ i,lc"lify wilh ",o""naIAe ct'rtllinty ,100
rn"cI ion of 001h Ihe pl"nt ""d iI, <'O,nl",ne'" nnili<.
I "on und ,1",,1 'I'<>l'ks. ,.,.;Iwo) "'I.. ir h)'<Iro.
electric nud Sl ..,,,,, I",w"r pI01\h. expl""i.c work>.
"I"minwn ,,,,d al"",iltR oil refinerie'!, a"d
.1oil'.I",,,,ls f"ll in Ihi, (""lIo"y. 01"."1.1'11'. "I in
dll.lI'i,'S ,"ch nS a;re,-"f, .ugi"p pl.lIbirf,."",.
asse,nbly pi"",.,. ("tl1ain d",,,il.,.l 1'10"". m.I-"'o,
sium plums. ""d le'1 ili>.r .-"n o"li".ril..
bo idenl;fied and ,,,,,,I'7,,,d. hul "", >oI1INi",,,,, boih
iu .1Ich a ",a,,"tr as ",ok,' ;,l.nlificlllion diftK1,1l
0" i"'I'"",ilJl,'. lu Ihi. ,.. "'d 1I1"{l1l1l' al'\' i"d""
lti"" (c. g.. ",r!I'n,,,e ", mblS 1''''01<\ in wltieh
''''"ct,"-es "I"(' of " tl""iJ!n con"n01l 10 ;l(',w"l iu
,lnSI!"ies, but whcro buildi'lg" orc lni.l 0111 ill
Io.,icnl plltIC"" 10 o<:l"""o<lal. !lo,,' of 1'1\"'-
_ud_ ...
.. lmo,", (phot", II J lao
sndlOCn.. ( al ...nloo_
'adJ' '-
1/"..... aut<llllObile worb. ....
and Itilt mill_I. fUndinncu":...
"ll00ut Rr"ulld informuiDD, ....
'" b'o"t,. th" fUI>I1'OII of primary bllildbwl
of"." I... dPt".....,llfoIl. Eten ..ithoal
f"nn.liOl', 'n II". third _ ..
lI''''e" ....... !l""<'tol ew..ili<-uioo-. ... ".__
, ,- [ . .. 'ry .......
1'). .tIl,ltNry. ,,,. ...1 in.I.... ,.,..
(I) ""u,.., indi.,d,,"1 inlPTJ......'"" cannot be
.tllCt"l<'(! 10 lot f.""I,or "Ilh tht' buiJdinlC .......
a"d ]>1"."""'" ,,""" i" .U 'nd,... r..... il '" _II,.
""........ 1)' f'-,r ..,h ,,, "1....i ...tA! III I ....".,n 1YJ>f'
"I' J/I""'I' of ,,,,I,,,, n..... K,,,,,, Iodlt" 0' II... al'p.r-
.11'" "f huildll11r' '" lIot f"r. fllnrliOllll1
a"aly" I" ,10 ""''''' .....m jill:>: I tun...1...., be
f.",ih.r "illl 'I_iii., i"d,,>!ri.1 , -. Un,."
.'.11.... ,\L: .\S Eval ..._
"Ill' "'('("u.", dl<'. ''''t. h.,e In i"ti,,,.,{' 1o.,..1,,1lt'"
"f !'''''''''''_: lrau,..-Imdll,ulal UllCrt, ...,rkinJ ill
I),"........""n".,. ""'''ch of Jl'G ""'" ""lied 'n I"
......','. '1'10" a",,,allt<' ....."""" r"'lhe
I" ptr ....lIt ......." ... "f ,\ "'I>ort-
.h"...l ill \\'''''"'''''1'''''' "wr ,I"", 1''''.1''' ....1 .1
( ;,,"m.
(; ....,,,",lmf,,n".I!l.1l "" .I.!'."...., i",I"...
tri.I"I."I_. ",,,.<:iall.. ,h,..., built ""I"", lhe "lIr.
....., ....lnl" ",-,Ie""i", ."d .,d! illn""a,uroL1J
1Il ..."..,
F .\ I'"n .... "Il "l""',fi... <I....ib.. Ytt i" the
f",""". e"en if !!"-",,,d inf"MllOlio" i, .,1rnueh
Ii,nill. .._ pl.Ill_.", ],uill .I.>O'e I'm,u,:1
.",1 ill ."",ni.""" "-lilt ,l.nd.,,' ""'-ij.'l,.
Illlel"\,,,,,.rs,;!Hluld be able to ....1"'". ,,,,b,
""mi.l .,no""1 of .-aln.ble infonll.,i"" '"'
loo..,i. intl""'r;"" bel'll'gi"l! ,o.n ".,i"".
d. Fitld .101" J,..lh..,rtd ill J.I"''' ind,..'I"" thll
Ihe ...", of ""lu,lriollJ"ildi"l! 'In""nrc,. frtllO
.erial C. ""nn.1 ""lho<l f"r <Ie...
mininJ!' pl.,,' ,"h,embilily ", 6.... and hil--I, ..,pI,..
,i,.,... 11... ..ut'{"P<. of S A ",po"in!' i, exl'l.i" 1
1". ,h. foct lhal ".oden, indu>trinl bUlI,li"" ".
-lNtl"'" i> ,Iandani .11 OWl' lh,' "orl,l.
\\h.", N,,,,ln>C1M.>n dt,i.l... lroll' lilt ""r,u. I....
'ou.., "f li",il.,i<o'o,; in "'I>pli.,.. (lack of
lu",hrr. _h'Pl. 1 or """",,,,,, of 1...."li..ili.,.. '"
d.,..ign ,lit1al l b)' d.. 1'""'.1..",,, .,1 ""rtl",,,.k,...
or ".,u lph."",,,,,a (hlf,'"",,,,,,,.I'\'
kl1"w" ... of arebill'Ct' .,..1
'1)1'<',6... 11)" in Ill' ca,.. .. f 11.,,"'1. ... 1<> "" ...1
blul,I",..: of ,...ilif",,"'" l'I'''''"''';',tI .,.
tleked ..-"h fll.....1 f,., ...II,'i'"" LOtI.
de. ;,ncl, ,-",ndm",,,, Jill I" "1 d.,,,,,il'!"-o ....
10",...1 by Ib" roof. ... 110<0 .... ,r 'I If ... f .
",,..,rel., r lurf<1 01.1,1... 1I ",,". "f lho-
"Il.I"'i ,1>,,"0_1 'lobnIo. 1",1 :,0
l"heouhtaoom""""""l',," .. fl" '1... ".bJimo
.\, ......fl pW'l_
--qua... fHt "f " ...\.
ot'luoJ doJaal:"'." 1.;1 .:!OO oqaa f-.
I ddt of:::' I-"'" <ftI1. T.., , t:'" ........
1"..... 10 f ,.............>;I1t aIId ..f"'''' ...-.h--
qlldovnlOf IftJ:If,,,,...,j _7'O-1r _...u.. In
"'I...... 01 .....f ..............
I"'"f'd by plMot''l!I'Illoh><- no- 60M
"'-k .JM>nd a.;uIlll t< ....r, oW .......
uf ;..&:'.;;'11 ... _\.ldi.-.:i _,... dam
lU:"...hirh _ Dull f,.. .-.....1
;11 utherJI..-I.wu- t 1J-'mC
"',ldmr" "'1..-1 Ih... I iJOr\BWO of ma-
', .......I ...--ret< "',Id,1o 1l:'4lrd I 'u,pn-
..... 1I'1u-t .' 11.0 f
II Fun""'I"ly. _I, ..llIII ....
t'OI><"rol" ....1' 1,.1 -'I (rae
lioo ut Ih" ,<)lll III I I """ Jlr-- plan..
1"",dore <utb in.... "f
11I-I1..,;.lh .f...I,bIo",,,,"lll'..,...
;oWl,.....".... "'I",M- I,t dlm.\1" 1",1
,llmlgl' r-Iabli"""" by 6.M ,.bt-.-(r;,.
s...,... .., " ,. ,_",
...., -...... _..... _.. _-
II ou _.
..'',;.,,l,o Jill"" wo.k"" in lhe "oli,,"
II", ""';llt. (.",n a,,,1r'1"""u,, I
ill that oountry.o. [rowlllal" ".
with", II,, "",mIT fo. inlerrl.til",.1 in.
".',a,,<1' ''0'''1'''';''<;. III '],('0(' ., 1'''-'
"d..l ""IJ m"a"..., ...mOUllI 0( in(o.m.ti"n. Y...
,In lillliled lire """"''''"''.1 1\-'"
of I.' pl" ,.. o( Ihe buildi"!:,, c1'''fk.-ll ... _ (, ....,""
I" I,.. ., rel"'"OO by l,hOl.o i"'".I'......... lioN
'"."N ......... ill th" e:>Iimlllon of C""I: ..ite "';Ihi"
""illlinj.",- ond in the illll:rp t;\IIl of mllh<".,riotl
1,.. d.t-.;1I1:! ...11 and ""Mhq ...m f ..."",

e. O'n.. j. ....."""..' .....1 ""_ 1101' _ o(
lhe lh...., In"'" of illdU> \hboaeh
,h".....""" minor oiL......., tltC''''''1l .....
""",,,1 Ind lId l d.",agt in l"I'j.. ..n1 to IIIf
of 10 indi..itl...1buildillj! or "f ..
hili ldilill" Ihe re!"'"f'd pll1l1 tocol- fOl" --'t In'" of
t1 .. '.-ere '-"rr ...... in ll1""""""'t
.ull Ib 1"01Iot.6. n- 'ul ..b .."... Ihe
In'I 1I1 of ;ndi,id,..1 D ,\ ""","- .i1K"l'
,1"",i.,Oll._ ull th" l.r.."'" ",.tu; of ,h" pllnt ....rt
Ij. 1",,,,,1 on Ih"",. II ...." lire ""iniotl of ,,,..,,
nit;". ;"""'"III."d ]10,;lioo. ..t
rnl 10 tn.goolS was ('(Ill,;de.. II..... Ill."
.... 1"',-tr.,1 h) photo '1'1,,_ opinioo ....
'"'' b, lhe Ull ,Iw 1,11-', ut
"'''''''''('.\'. 'rllc,hal ill n 10'" ;""",\l..
\1"118 in of report.d ,t_m.g.>.
I'ft."'" t ' "''''O'p "hlrl. _I I, ._ "" 1 p'-. ,..
....... , ...,_ of .. _ ..., bo _ _ ....,..., , ,.,,,,_u ""..,., ,...
,'" ._."lol... ... ..," _ 'r Ok!. ..,.,.. u_ ., " ,''' p,"'""" ',... pi.., I. , .
be c1...nlled u 0) (t) .......
idcntilled (i. 8-. !lOt reported), ud (01)
th.-.buiJdi,,1/'! in tt..fIrM ...
toontO'd as oorl'llCl. Ih<>oe in t"" laic 1_U wr.,.
(31 To facilitn"". cnmpui80n of __
rneif.l of th. th.... ty!"'" of .11I.1,..., 1tmcIi..a
"",I .OCUrn<T from form..l... bued GI't
,h. IlHme cri'eri Ct,: jmlpld. t'- doopllllcliDr
"" of huiJdinjll'l (A .",] 8\lill. hbDtl
0"0 .nd tlL..... dCI>eodi"Jt Oil tot.1 ..... of iDlltnJI..
t'oll8 i" the "I.nt (D, t:. .,,<1 }I. M""ht>d Two."". ""'-':<1 Oil fo...."'I. C' "-ere .rb'lrarily
j[roullOd .i'h .\I$hoo One.
,. UrNII Ar" AfUiysu
., ..or!< "" urbna
.""'" i,",IOOO'd prentid of citi"" ond poIII_
""' .. - ... -,..... ..
.." ..,.. olo_ of ,,... ""l<!> .-
I'""", ...,"'t<_- .......... CONfWENTlAL
the fOI'll,"I" IISI,I in <:<>101,,,,,,tioll, Th_ formul...
""" O:"'ClI ill p"", Ele"en-Indll$lrial AlII.lysil,
11,, 1""'I><.o:e< "f "'1K>rl ,t >"lIki",,! to,
M,l' ,hnt lonnlll"e ,\ lI11d /l ...I".,'...."t tht "",,,,,,,,t_
IIge of wt,,1 "umbo'r of b"il<li"j(ll cor"""I)' i"""r_
preted "5 '0 f"""ti"" "lld ... ,
10,'11",1" C ""1'""'*"" ,he of ,I... """"
"f "l""111 corl'",-1ly ;II,c'l'fl'too<.l; alOd
form"lnc D, Eo "nd F '''l'..-"t the
"f .1",,,1 1'1"", ""''', c",'r",""l)' illt0'l're""d h '"
r""e,;"", "",e,,,,'I'. K",I <lo"'.!':".
(2) III Ihe (;>I .... "I "']'''Clur"l .".I)',.i. nud
dlltll"j.'t' "-"",",<Inc,,, (fm""111,," II, C. End F).
e"lllllll,inn "f ma'er'.l "'as Il I'l'I..ti" .. ly
1ll!'1.. mn, Ie,' in ,h", Ihe ""al,._i. "-as right
or In f"neti"llSl (forn",I,," ,\
und w". not the c."", C'''''l'nrin/:, i, with
th" llo"""I',,\',,, ..d huihlill/! f"nClion rould
, d....... ,.hol. 101.", of 'ho t,,,,, .'
'"'" ..t , .,'"'.n''' 0 """
,...,., ......<lo" "" .'..,.... " o,",,{ ''':....... ,. """ ...." h"'" '0 """
".".,.,,,, - . t th1O
""OIu,,1 u"mj",U;{m ",as oft"" m01'6 III ense <
t '"'" du",age w"rr"nlcd, ',Illd
., "ed(obel""""ccll,"ntel'"'' Ie) ,
ur:lw,lh' PNH'('" '0 be. . _ .
, .,., ,,llie o.lil\icult, \\"HS "xl'''l''el\",d ,,, n
. .j" 1 mad"
t" lIC,'1 I
;'1' ,he g""al<"" pun <or ,"d".lr,n I;() L'
(1)1,,,IOS()l\n<! II. r , .
f. '\c<.,,,,,,".I' or or I h.,,,e 'nICS" . ,,1< ""I
I ',,1 is ,1",,,," ,t"I""c,,lly 1l,.g'R
hS, r
rl l') t""'" the". Jl'''' two lm.,Cdll." " .
nl" _. . ..he ,'"d,<,,!.
r"..,m b,' whICh 1IH'.' I
' . re shown 1"1" I
TIll'nf,,,.e, lIn, ""CII',"'," ,;.!'II,'"" , hs
t,pc of ",,"1y.,is. 1'01'
. khl Ill<' of ,'lllC ,
mIl' d, of 10'"
"""h,.i" "n ti", 1""i" or ,h, 1"'l'C<'II'alZ" I,.
lIIu,,I>(>,. "r l",ild'"'''''' ('lrIWL wlle''''''s ,lie g:r,"l';r
mllrked "E" il1<1i"1I1" "c"",.. on tile bll.". the
nf lOla I "n'" of i,H"II",wl\s H'
plllnl COl'r,'Ct, 1 ' I' IIle
( I) (','I'il "I let 'e'.... UI1 "11<'11 bill' g'''1' ,"" l'
,'.."'" .
,.. , Iud........ ....t 'Blt."I" -., IJiodud
It) o.-..J d .... J,;- Oil lin..
"len, "-ere _,\ (on Hln>J.ilm. ..k,. On.
o.nd nit. The JTU hUll"""",l
area of 1.- per ....'1 h,ut-., "aea-...k,
""" '_6 ...-er.l II,,,,....... 'hall did
,l!I'lJOIDd"""'J". _b.-,....d..-itlo p-..d ,..,.-
...... ' P ,0....
lJ-1 per ('fftt II tl.- per
ot S.p....kind 11.1 p'" 'III II l"b.. TIle
laller f4:ure c' (If no .ipn6<al_ "'..... ,I..
raphy .... ,uaolfquale fur a ('1\181.1,," a........"UI<'M..
""",,t> bet....d ,00"""......I
the ...h.bil".. of rn; ro _I IIIll'tb
nd:.. 0. lb JTG ....... t--
.,. oulldanl< f romrv _ f..... II -.
UII""'U AMO IIl/1l' 1I0U

"'1.CItlFY II.
AlliU/II{N T AII0 "UllllIOMS

IIISCEll..lll(OlJS 1.""STlHS
". '" .,.
8. fOil PRIMARY BUILDINGs ...... 2 - CONhNI.-
(.) in lrea;l "boP:.., roof ......ff "..,.
...:.roplu: 10<1 in lliM",Pf''''
on-... "l'TOl'S mAd. In of <J..n,;,IY
.n" nell in erro", ..-e.., not -'!-'1liliraDl.
(b) In ),...nerlll . .....,'dCllli.I.w,'i'S ror
d"linca,ed, Al'OO attack ""Iui.."".,,1.o w.'"
,"eh it h.d not been <'01l.j,Jered """"",,*n' '0
....I.. ral.. predomillalldy OO"'IQ<:'",ial fl"Olll p .
domin."lly nsi<len'i.l db... lIo , . !!"'''' 1
"'o<Ii"" lh.' u- distrid.s 1 _rt...
difJ.",nl chracteoi'ltirs Illd 00lI1d h.,.., 1_
l ....nled
(1:) .\lin...l ",,,,idenl;al Ind ",n,,"fnrlurillJr
tones ....e'" 1,"')I'en \(I b.,.. oolTt'Cll... ,le611l'd.
'"d ill IlJ(o,t ..... _ ...1;'fll<1(>1"1l.. ZI._1
(d) Ston,!lt ....,...-.. ..I... iJrIl
"lied I....... u'" UUlnllfllCl:unD' ..... qUll.. "flen ..r-
ne<.l OIl ill .Iora/-"" buildin,...

'" .,.
II. 11';-
oJ. (l}II1'
1. n,
Oil C"EIl'Ul
(l} , I") IndiCIt .. r .. 10"'" d' Ihln .clvil d, ..AgO

A.. fOil All llUILDINGS
Oil CftUlICAt f!A
III SCEllAMrOllS ClJSTRI ES r.'C'C'+--:",
,.,..ClIOIUl AUlUn
ponm, AW _tile I.,...
.IIlIIlUDitian m piJIa -t Ibe .....
nv_Db. At Ib. .... of ;;;,;;;;
..ail.b1f t'- piJIa _ ..
JI;1l1.....h ... from """ _ .... putilIdutr
bo.tffl<d moo..ts,
i: So Japall_ infonnatiflll ..
,,.11,,,, (If A.\ .... ....... r1.11Q1ll_.a.r)
....s .... partly Io''':'a_ "" ...,.,..._
.- II.ot"l....".1 l..tll" .- dIa1 _
lIf'"llll, """I. ,,, .11'- ,..... i, ; hel-ed IW
ltw be>t l,ft"lo i"l1ill"'l'''' can ,10 In ropM to
II,hi". I 1I... "al. <of
a.ail.blt- "It) l"r, rt,..10.....'" of )10 _ UlrI
'UIllr'-1 llt.1 ueh "''''1;'10,",,1_ m.y bo:- -' f.... AA
mhi". IlU"'"
k_ roa.." tid.".... ordi......
i1y .ilher ca..."''''1 .". rllll,b,....1 in ,.., (photo
............'" ",-",," ........... ,..."", .....' ..............
l h" ,.1> ," - >0,"',
I1nk paue1'll wel'C f''CII"enl chllnii:es ill II"k ill
hllllllllioll. wer" ","<le ill lite Oill1 "re" Illone in 00
eyell l1"k i"lelligellc,', tOl) per'1Il ""r'"1I<1
nl (he lime or 1'1",lol!r"phr. W"h lik,'ly 10 be ill-
e01""-,,,1 in mllll" 1'II'1icul"l"li witltin " r,w ,,","'ks.
COll>'P<\"clld.,. II"".' "'"('liS ""'-cI,,,1 photo-
).(r,,]>i,,"ll.'" ,hortls i.,fol'c lhe end or Ihe w",. w.. ,"\,
"",d f", ooml"""li",' P'''"lIOECi'
f. "!'"ble a '"01111"''''$ dllre""'''' "s "CIXll1c,,1 by
1'1'01<> willt 1100"" rep""I"d hy the
.1"I'"ne"'l ro,' Cily lind for Oila. "nd
\',,, airfield,. "",l g't'Ps soll'e i"die,.. ioll of lhe
"....,,,,,,,y "r i,I"nlilkllli"" of ,\1\ delen",,'. S"""I",
It"" ><,lo<:led n" "" "X'Hllph' of " hll'go lI1'h"" de
reusc '''"CII. Oila "id;..hl """ I",..", <I,'f,"""
al'\''', nnol ,,,,,l C,,,
.1<,re",," ,,,...,,,,, ,\11 dlt....kiHg WllS <1oHIl "I-."i,,,t flak
tnlll",or I\.'"u,hll by CinCI'''c-CinCI'O,\.
L"-e\llIlK>t\ ;nleq"',,tnlio" h.'" IlIte'"l',.,,1I Two, CI U.
n,,<1 .l1C1'OA. alH.I n"';""l hy \"Ier .
1'1'Qn Tw" '" H"W 1'1'olo...... beca",e n,"il"bl".
g. \\"hell llw lIc<:ur:\cy of illler!,''''''lioH
rroll' lite fi!'1ll"Ps in lable. it should be nOI",1
lhul "Hl51 crl'''''>' or omi"gi,,". 01' en"",,, in which AA
'''1>011'''' hy I'J wel'e "ot sh"wn 0" JUI'""'"'" "'''I'S.
we"" ;n ","Cn" l"ckin/!: lld'''l",'le 0" l-ecem photo
j!''f\phic em-""age (p";,,"ipall)' 1',,1"1, of the SasellO
"ren ).
h. II C"" be "Ialed ge"e,""lI.'" tl"" "'''''I
pUr]"""'" n"d Itc,,"y ""li"irontfl hlll1e";es we", de-
l'-"'Icd and, wilh" rew uceptions, cor"",(11)' i,le,,
lified br I)'pe. Stnml",,1 bailer)' ro,' lie\'-
1In.,. CD
, ,
' .
., ,
" '"
" "
1I...y ",\
1>0 n
Tolal ]loa,'y ,\_\ 0'''' 71, ""n
' 79
' 2,1
" " "
...",oma,;< ft,,.apo"
3i>fl n'
170 '
Cle, "",I '1'''0, "i,h ''''I:"ni2l1liO)II
ror "('Ii";,, "I ,1"1'''11, Produc-
l'Oll or I 11"'1''', lI,ull""\'I"'rlHi"" 01 n.k
II"nOlllled 1'""1,''''' "lid 111"b'CI wo,'k
"h.... Wa,;dOllP ""Iy lI1 IlIh,,'proll "'1<0.
d. Vor P'"1>o<" "f "'P""1 in!!, ""1 illi ,.."" rl W"III"
ons were di,-;d"l il\10 r"u,. b>u<i. dll,,;e;;, ,,","pl.,
dunl I'"r.,.:"'" (1)1') lInd <In'r).
""liai,..,r"fl (11".\) ""l"l11nlir
we"lK>us (A Ir) II:l.:.! 1"-'lIm). and 1l1"rhine 1-'\1'"
(MOl (j.j'lI\llI and III1,h'r), .\ S(lI"dll,,1 0\'1 ,)r
,,'M ,.....,1 1" imli"lIle dw,"" 011 all
Illlll's. IIIHI phOln;:nll'h, On which nnk
plott"'\. & ...."".... IIll1chill(' l!u'" n", highly mohile
"ml "Iso dillicllit In ""', they w"", n'ported
,impl., as "mph""IIWllt" (1'IC,,t""I\l" lc" th"n
r".( in diallleter) willt "" in,linltion "" 10 ,--Iwlh,,.
,lte "",plaoeme111 wns .-.cell!,i,,I.",. rll1]lI.'.
e. Br lhe lime lit, n::'SB::; ,,,'r;,-e<l in Japa'"
l"palll:>'(' anli"i,,'raft had "Irtady N"
aUll,,1 Ihe l"rJ!"'''1 .\.\ rrollliltei,'''''-
lind collo<:l ...llllP'" ill e"nlral dump$ r"r
10 11M! Ame,.i"",,,-. Fo,. lhis ,..."son, onlS
a few hell'-S weI'<' g'1....lI"d ch...hd
b,' PI field Ie""". The l"<',,,ai,,der of the d"l" on
WaS l!"lhe''<'tl f""" .Inp"ne....' ",,,ps "",]
rrom A.\ company "nd b.,u,,\ion
commandcrs. Unfm'H1nal 1ll00;1 "f lhe J"l'n
,,_ m1l1'" l're><enl<'tl d,e ,Ie fen". piclllre nS il wns
n the ,-er.'" end or Ihe ".nr. ".h",...,.:;; Ihe I":;;t pl"<'.
phOlOg'I'Rphie oo,".... !-'t! of l'<)me al"<'1I.S was
a!l milch as' :l 1l1011d,s old. Siu"" ehsub't!!! in the
ooo,.,...or.. boI
",,,,,,"ted" 01.,11",,, CD "h tlak ",a.",
repOrted .. hoa'-J- CD Oil ftak mal"',
12 1>1' and 3t AW ;0 a,_ "0' "",....-eJ by l'hnl"'lrnl,hj',
"W rel"'rted" b.-,-y "" on fla' map.
I 3 "'P""ed .. Dl' "" tlak ",ap
17 reported .. Ill' a,,<1 1 rel"'rted .. _\ ,,- 0" ft ,"ap.
, Ie ...."'.. ;" 01',
, \7 r<I""W! a. al11,o""ll10,, .",ra... 0" Jap mal' a,,<1 "I>o"ed .. h..,-) All 0" ,"ap_
'fuu .. oj 1.I"p'o. T"" .. ,mo>.
p"lnho....1. ,,,,I., 10<1, ' "",,,"d.V
N" ....
n."".... IConwtlT _.
""._ ,,,...,_T.,
r_trul..... __
IWrt:bIia!"_mI ndu_ 1
l"oorwlltalor...____ 80
II) n..faiI_of .......
lft't _ .....I;pr _trOI ndu _ ...
ahd to ,.. r...t dial. thtt -nil&'
....... "ftooI. aIlatho.J 10 IIIlIl;ptlbol'lf.
loll Whoa ....pIa-l ill .........
lijrb,-" ..... ooaoily idnl!iIod, bat __ ....
lDIJhi... lil(hb and ..bPn _1Iod 011 ........
t<6ratioo ...... mp.-lJIo .t anilaltla
pbot'crapbic __
i.1..._ RllF "al_ .......
,,' I"" """'l(hiDblr I)-peo. tllll "llpoIl" ad
tl... .\<k<"'k. <'......-Iy. _ tIIeir
al>J-l'I""" bI<cam!- falPiliar 10 phoeo
f..... dillicull;,.,. .....,. ........,.",1""'" it!
I.ilno........ hill., di....ll" ....... -..tnwl fa ..
illl.",,"",ali,... of ..di" "'ali"".. In I"'" .....,...
"f RDt 1,"'1"""'1' ....... aDd in I"'" ..Ia>o<ihtioa
"f ...d,,, -la'''''''' b) .--. 11...,. obip.
.... H -phur<JllftPbic ill-
"'1"n.- ....... hif!:br,-
a. "" 1"I lhe .,..... II hj_of l'IUII
ouftap>. "",,,,,,ah, m I,"'finf'<1l rP Ul,o,.l'JP'>UDI!
...""""""io,,). an,1 """'1>lioI, (d ,.... of .......)...
a"d ,h,p""i... 1 ...... '''''UCOl' i ....:1 "P""ial6elda
of pllOlO it"Crpnotat i"". In-","",I. 'I... ........ n.....I"'"
in" rou,i .... ,n.o"""r., II... .. in rPlalion
10 .la,nla,,1 ....hj<":f; of 1'P,';'rtin/l (P. . ai""kL-.
."d imhl'II}'I. on,1 ""'" ntll
.i' ....r p"rti""larly ,,,... ... elf .ilDlifio:anl.
1I",,'..'e. "'Mn 11 aP.i.1 homha"laK'llt "f JI..n
f"......1t.... .1...." I .Ii p..... Ht.1 D,ihlary aod
r.r,I',",-.. th. "I
ami ""'...... lm..!'It "oo,lP"ry ......" iQl",,"BDL The
war .tI<lOO before Jo,>a_ au 1"" to hida -
...hirh h.d conIbmed ....
(tIl I-'inall,.,inloz-a::thttw' .......k ..
1)1..... "f tll'l1""t1.... JII*ieM...
inll""t.all'l "'IooMa ..
". The <'atli"", ......... -
So,,,th ami &mth.... Paci8e ia tile
eiludly beea""" "I unfuqjna:; lIJllICI1 pna.
"'-I"il'm"nl. Afttr IJv. u.-. ::ft- -,
'"1IIl'tlll'N ..ll'J1'troniea Oilblr1.l
Ih"r"",!,M.,' ..1. nlft
...,.,.. ",oItl., ,h_minated UIIlwith lhi. i""'-l
...ct:Qraeyof _
ll.... "'.lallal""'" 'II tI", D __ 'a ..
.,. d I r .-""""'.t """
",., ,,...n tnl ,t
d. Mldar ..... ill tbe Nqpo 8hoto, the
S""..ei SimI". "nd tlte home iaIaDda of ,
, . a)MII
II "'I\!! "I'Vl" lite of npori.
""'''I"t ,,,,, a,,<1 l'''.luetiun........ _1DO<Wm and
ofh'" ,,,".... I" iden'ity lhaD lboo i_all
IiOtlH "","""mp""" ...rli..., Yonunately. IhiIs ......
tl",,, 011'.., l,y iml'fOnd tochniq_ "f
id.,mifie.t ion.
e. 0"1" eollN1ed by ,h. made il .......
,ilol.. I" "he<:k on lhe"
Silolo. the Sa"...i 51"'"0. and Soulhern KVJIllhu
Infol1l",ti"n on .'apan.... illl!l.n.'iona .."; IlItlh:
c,'c<1 f'x"n i"lt'l'<'gllliOll of J..._ army and
",,"." "Ri,,'''' \\'1", 1'....1........ Silullion 1Ilap!' for Ib.o
",,,,as li,,,,,1. Som., diffieull.' "-.s "l:'OlIntl'l'fd in
",aki"):",, acc"'.'(' .... 1ll'C..... "flb. oon
ill .J"p"""" radllr d"'ignali""" Ih.
"""." f"r .J.p.n""" Mldar ollieial. to Ii!'! i,,!'talla.
pl""""d Or "nd". ""H,trudio"., fi"i,h.,.-1.
ntld lh,' complete lack of coonlin.oti<>tt M\\1!ett
J"I'""ese arm.'" lInd """)' n,I ,mil,'!. 11\.....,,11,
of Ih., c""'l'''ri ..... ,," maLic ,,,moIB.i..,.1 ill bhle 4.
f. Bo(h ,he .,le<'\."";'" "'I>ort .....itte" ill lhe
li,.ld on new r."I". Iyp"" ",,0.1 lh" publi.
e"liol>$ p.e1'1\1'('(1 hy Ih.,I'1'0W"'l'l,ic 1",pl1ig<'''ec
Center ill W"shin/llon jJrt:lW'd W bE' hilihly a="
,"te (figl,rtl 8), O"ly of 'he
... f"und In be of que,tionabl and m
Ihis instm'Nl tI,, fi",,1 proof i, 1101 il.hl
O"ly on" "i"."ifi",nt er",. i" i",erp", lioll " ..-
",,,de in Ihe PIC re]lorl 0" Jap.".... ..\.11
Ot he, 'YI>es of "Icc, ",,,i il,>t"II.,i{)tlS ('On,.,Md In
l),e PIC hook were ('Orrc<:t.
1;. ,\ ,hI',,"..... pl"n to "reel dn"'''')' ",d.r
"ear Mtual i",t"lIalions l)robably "'oold h:,'e
1 ,hfli,ul!v }(>r
c"used photo i"hrp"'t.'" .. il
t Ihe J ap"nl'O<' pl." ,,'a, ",,1,' l"'rt1a y
, .., ""' of

e-' "",'odb'
" """'T....
""" N,." J.p
7 87. "
1> r>o,O
10 '5".';
So"' .........,..."'0" '''''to'
t--;" ,----
T,.., .... 1- _leO '."'-
, """""
6 6 \000
8 8 1000
\ 7 10 \

Ka',"'; Slto'o
S,,,,,he," K}'u,l,,' aud "'..,-
ern 1.lau,l. _
'able ,toe, "0' ;",1",1,' ,.,Ia< ,,,,d,, co"."",,-
"0" Ole,. '"I",,,,d "l'rolJ.ab'e" I" 'he
""ab, .'o,k 01 'fwu ,,' eh"""" I", ...Iu
_,io" h",a""" ",,,,,t I'."fi. ,'I."."o"i.. i"teq","'Mio" w''''
do"" the",.
''fhe d".""".., 'u Ree",ao)' 01 ,he do,'" ,," """.,,,,
""'" ,l,a' done 0" ,h" "",,110' 1"'a,,,I. i.d"" to ''''0 facto.. ,
(a) \l,e i"h...", ,l,mooll,' "f lo... .Lt<h .,,'all i""511.
,io, .. iu. land "'8>'., 0",1 (1)) ,he ..1M;"" i".,t,'q"ae)'
of "",'er"o" i" "",,,he'" K)''''lou n., """,paml "i'" ,h.
,"'all i,la"d".
'Hada, <l.f.".., "re l>oh'" "' wllieh co"""""'
,10"" "I 'a,lar .... a'e l"u,,,1. Ol.'(',allo"al ,.da, ;"fOl_
",at;on ,he I""atl"" ul dd,,""" I",i".. I. ul I""".')'
, The ,a"l. "how, ,h. I><,,,,,,".g. "I ('0"'''' Ide"tlflo.,i",'
10' 'he """ 00 "H." Ide""",.,lo,, wa' ."etltl't.;I, Thi.
,ahle 1lI",na,.. ,,'.Il ,l,e ;,0" 01 wo,k 'l'al U" ,,.,
<lone by ('ained 'VM', ""'''II adoqHal.<'
:-a"I'" liho'" 8
:'\a,,,,,,1 Sho,,, \0
K)""h" a",1 .'e.'
ern",1;. IS
;,'a"""i Show
"""lI,e", 1,),,,,1,,, a"d ,"',,"'_
,,'" ;.'a",t,
To,al l

9. ElectroNics
". El,"-=ttVni,'!l as ddi,wd hy pl",to imdlib"'"C'"
i"c1"des (bolh ;;('''I':h a"d lire,colllrolt.'"l""')'
nuli"sl.,ion'. MIdi" fi"der.!. S('arehlighls.
a"d sollnd IOCI,IOr;:. Th" I"ner
Iypes of M'lUipnW'" 1""'e he<lu inelud"d 1...e"1I,;(' of
the s;mil".it), or their 1I;;(' ""d siti"g'. The .1"1'".
'"'''' we.... Ihlll belie",.,.,; in ",ilit"ry use of r"d",.
,md. Ihough tleit her "S ",I,-""c,,,1 ill ''<l"ipmenl u,,,,
"s eftieieut ill its u;;(' "S the Allies. 1",d a
",,,,,bel' "f selS in opeMltio" thmughollt the Em
pil'f!. E"en hefo..., the w"r. Japanese ,,,,dio WlIS
w"ll de....lop,.d. and ,I".ing the ",,,r m"ncrO"S tlew
Slalions were e..-tablished on ottll)"i,,): Pacific
islands. noth HDt i",tallatioos. empl"y,,,1 in
quantil)' for ai. "a"ig"';"" n("eds at J"pn"'-":l<l "ir-
fields. and searehlighls were c,'{,ensi,'el)' ll!!<"L The
efforls "f phOl" interpreter.! in th" fie\d "f ell'cC-
tronies were '" th" 1",,,,li,,,,
and identificnti"n of """I'd, ""d fire...,o",."l ,.",1''''.
1>, EI"''1...,uil"lI "'''S disseminated
,hroug-h "'elli" to $"tisly ,..,ryin): Ol'e'lI-
,i"n,,\ "",,,k
(1\ Tar,,"'t ph"tos ,Ii'll'il-",Ied "
",ea"S "r rep"rli"g' amI di_mi,,,,li,,!! intelligene"
0" parti""I"r eleclronics inst"ll",ions "",110 I'ro-
"ide i"f""n"tio" for "ir ,t.ik,'.. "/!l'insl
,h""" inslallatio"s.
(t) ,\1\ ",<I",' "",I "",,,..,ltlil!ht
11l,1" r fo,,"d i" defe""", ,,,... W"'e pl"t 1"'1. 1",,"'II"'r
with AA and ,,,,,,iti,,,,,,. ,," IjIOOJ,OJ
""oJ l flnk '''''llS.
(:I) Simil"r i"for","li"u w"s pl"ue<l "n ,i'n
ation mal>;! of d.r.,tll<' "re"S 1""p:,,'e(1 fur
"",phihiQ"M "p""'li",,,,-
(4) Electroni' reports were I'rep"''l!<.1 ,1,,-
"".ibi,,!! newl)' di!je')\'er<!d tJ'llC!! of i",tnll"t;"ns
ami ch"....ctui,li,'S. ond pre:,eu,inl! tIll' in-
terpreter', i,leo of ll",ir "PI"",runc",. in llw fon"
of atl inte'1)f\'ti.... dl1l willg.
([0) l"fol1nal rep"'U were m"de to r.dHr
co"ntermeasure uni<o. listing RClf
8), wry IO! .. ""'I'f! local"d in lh" lIla" "iew alr"l'd"d
urial 111"""'ltraJlI,s, WhO!.... I",m"""'"lly co,'-
e,..,1 ill Ihis ma"ner. (n.'<llIemly lhe 0,,1,. way til<)
I'hot" illletl'rclN' "'ilt"ht detecl cn was
fnlh> "Hi,,1 oblique ph"lo):r"phy (Ill
...hich fir;lIj1: apertlll'{'ll ll .... ,isible. En,n
1f<::lmiqu6 ...""Id di,tinctl." lim-
ilPd T"llUlts.
n..... "'U- ...
fvnetioll-n,_ CIOmIIIf1
tJw, .... ..-.D, ...,
tiono of wanboal-.,
e. n.._........
wu dintUd toward &J.1UdiDg of ftII
t'" w,,",,_of the .
and. ' ... d...aroyo", .......ncllrmd_.....
....... JNI"i.Uy .......-1'" by _ "'""'II' '-*'-
llo.i, ,I b "td I.... .n.,n (photo 10), AU"
..hip. "" ...-fully I and id1'rItiW. 'br-
Il"t "bOl''l/I'1II'I", ""', 1 fOT ..niIn fIllIliI
ilrifA'd pil"", .. ilh .hip Iorati,_ ....1 nllDi&ed tile
l""en,i.1 et't<;1i,_ "I euuo",lIa,:e dq""l the
Ku"" !!trite.. "f 1'1.. .luI]'
f, I.irly Il""rl':ll """ "f ne'lli.., ad
IlInll"hilllf i" II ... ,..".rin!!"f A (' renc_
.ml ."li.i....l':lfl ... '1,1....." ....,"'_ O.mi-bed bam-
boo frami't " r.\ {' "",.!t,....,t.... 11Iho. ildid
"'" 00,,,,,,,,1 11.. ",r.ln"'''1 ir...lI, mado detfo<lioa
"rll,I."e .'ilhill d18iro1t, if ""I' la'l,.....;ble. F..--
errOI1_. '0 <:aa,oulllj!1' Illti.i""raft hallm n
.u"",-fol. Ii",t 1:w.-co_ the halle,., ..
>;Iill eridem, I"d 1-*"""... _\,\ r-iliono
w."" ol'en unro"ert'd to penn'l firi",., tbt limooo
of photograph.,'.
j!. Wooded .""...... f",,'ti,,/!, ,,0 eri<ti"ll: .......
",'ere Il.<ed ,.,.,'l'OCI;,.lr b]' the J'I"'_ for
di.p",...1 "f "il dmn,. "...,rafl
,,,,"'ollitioo. Ind otlo.... 'n "f ligbt miln." ""p"
pli1'& Onl}.t 1.'1!I' ,;t duml'" ,he
n""ral u..... eoreri!)ll ..." 'hill. .ud "1 utftl
.lre t....,k _i-.-it-.- ri.-ible 00 Pb<>iUjlrlI>h\. ...,
"'0l'lll:l' of this kill<l d ected.
h. .\ lJ'Ue it ool1yillj! I...ilk i.;lln,l.. lbe
nl<lSl ...moulloge- in tho home ;"llud; .....
"f smlli TIm_ <'OL<t d.f...."" IfUD".
un""'"elled _",lIligl". o.ooil....d.r. ".n mili
I.,,' buildinf!". Ind OlilN i,,;t.JlIUOIU' of ,lmilar
.;";of,en dl'l...... i<'>n. -'Iu,hofd.. d'lIicull]'
in I"",,'ing roa..<t def.""" /!'I'll.> ....- <In.. t" the .111'1-
,_ ..nll,I.,'inj!'d",,,, io ... "'" .lId........
lu.'""- In ......e...1 in.<t."""" ...""",.,e.1 I_'ll"".
..I'.... Ipproad..d by ,,,,,,..l, ..llN'f.d 011 ti,. oppo'
oite 'id-e of a hill.
. asi;,' ,b. ""'" .ff....1". ,lapall"" , ...ltlll'l""
u..:d, Ilid .potenlially ,he grea,..... ,h",.t lu I,hotu
...., ,htprar'U"" of Importllll
",ilill>:!' Ind indll_1ri.1 farilil .... '0 .],.,eo", of
IInrl.f'l1"lund ,uno.l.. Br the end of lhe ..... ai'
c.'udl:'in/:" from d...iled efl.. of the J.p"
a"""" 10 ,'omoulloW' on th.irl'acilk
Onll''''''''', il was eXpc<'le,1 IhO! ...lati",,'I) ;lIte,,_i,'.
(omoull"..", mea,un,; woul,l I.. 1' ill
,I,,[n", pl"I"''' ..\(1unl1y. llhh(>ll'""""" euelltm
work W,I' dou. ,m aud ..
118(' of ill Ihe h"".. ;.Ialld, ,,'Il! 0011,
1_ eXle".i," d,o" h.d been .",ie;I,.,ed
nud di,l1l01 0pl', O"r",,,,, ,,"" ill cOI"l'rel..,,_
.i'"III""", '\Pl'"l-e"d..- Ie"' J"pan""" uft;(,i.l, ......
'1",,,.iLI<\ for c"nyill/! Oil' calla'utlljre Ill""""""'
Iho1"01I1"1I1,1' 1I1'1>l'l!Ciotc,1 Ihe npl""'I':I""" of lhcir
WOtk fmlll 'he air. :-m.ll ill'lali"'i",,, "el'! often
well. hUI "ittl"I,1> .",1 ill,lu,";I; Ur
/-."''' w,", <lenll wilh Oil a pi" ..",e.1 ba,i,.pI'l!>'Uln.
"bl,. wilh Ilo ,,,1., '0,,10 aliI' ",er.n plall. C.,no,,-
1'" ill\, a"d j,'lIrni.hed uNi W\:ffllh. I'rin<:ip.1
me,!ia used 011 Jar!!e '.'gel 8trl1S, nnd nei,her of
these (lI"sed Ihe I'h,,1(> ;lIt.. ",""'h <!il!iclIlI].
In tnCl, I'" inl iull' "f fllClory
rllIlWO)"!! (ph(>,o 0) ",-,c..<ioll.l1.'" ossiSed In'" m h,s

d. II i. poilSible ,h., ",moJol'""_ realifA'd
!'"l'llle"dollsOOol IIlId I'!lali"e fillilil.r"f .llemptmg
10 cnmOllll"j,'elarge l'n''''''' '.rj,"" .... .n.l enlll,
Ihei,' ctT",18 ,,-ere much "a'.... etr"'1'\'1' III ,he ""m
(>ldl11l!'"!'-" "f ,;mali 1'181'" rol",lrltCl'"
dllr;,," lh.. war, The ,'o"d",d di,per.;oe<[
o 1 . f' I "",..,'!<'d
(uoed primoril.'" in I ,e al...,ra t """.' .'
f I
. of low .rehed w....-..l.1I ,ory.
o IIn,,""" n 1.0 '11"1 .......
ill' in "I' 10;;0 ;:, r...", . Ie 0" It If'
f I _olnlotll'_
,;1.... 10 lake Hd,'a"llIj!\' 0 ".lUra __ ..,
. . I f I 'Il_ olon, ",tro'" "'"""",,
froqllem;,' "'lhe reo lI, d
'1' 10rl>1cllde<1 "-il h , he ,UffOll" ,ng
"H e...a. Ie" co . , roof" We'"
le.,.llin olld ill mo"'" m".IIce"., . ",.re olle"
"",lded. ;\hhollgh pl."'5 (>f lh" I.
. f, Ihe", ,,-..1'1' fire] m
11"1.'<1 10 ",reno . ""Il" rail","'"
(hUll III1;lIIp,-uwd roads or n.rro
g .
Interpretative pUHective 'ketch .. ade
prIor to the end 01 the war was enclo,ure
to an Interpron Two Photograph'C
igence Report.
It 'Il",trato' the probable appearance
of 'hnOarti 23.30 loot b"ilding
with 28 loot antennil. (Antenna appearance
partly conjecture.)
Ground photograph at left
TACK I 6 Receiving antenna, O.. ;ko (u'h'Vo
School, This 11 double ,tlndard
,,'. ,.- ,.,.""".,""' ",,,, ,...,.,..._"('<'
"",eu 3.- _., _ '" ,oa , ..".. ".;:: a , _ '",,'. 0 .
...,...."", 'odl<o'" ,oa .,'" """..
....1.. -
<:0_""""'-"'_"'''-''__''_ ,...., .. _. --_.-
.... ,,_._--,.. __..........
.......' "f ,('"btl .,-ti,-,". la" ,..1.- _ <Jt "'"
.t.... ,,,,,",ibrd In ""1",,,-;nJ "' ..... "a'
for ,I Irw f"I\<'1,_
IJI ... 11,," un" I. "'t.... "i .....,1 '" "ir_
",id -htht.... On 1 .. , .. .... "-'"
"tilt i".Ji<.,,' "'" .. ht< I.,. " " 1"",.."" t "f""".\
into" ",th...... "-ht1hrr,, "" till ...",.,. '.,.n
,,,"'tl'l.'n""'oJ r",..or,-. 1".. d,,,,, """u,,nly 1...-..-
till .....""lill/1" In ... "",I.nI , i,,'''P' d,or1rll"'.
'''''''''1., utr,,1 of 'l",il a".! , k orlll-ill.
f,"",,1 '0 I.. ,L. ...,"'... ",,,..1., 1 '" ,ht f".,,1;""
of ,Ill' lu"".I, ,,, _I"", ,1"ri"l!" ,h....o"k.. 'HI
Ih.. .I""........ llOI.",I,,1. lh. """h,nal;"" or ll
illf"n".'l<'" .".1 i", ..lIil'''''''''' pro-
onl._ a re'" underground "Iam- "-tl'e
ill 01...... '; '. ,h.. ('(II<;{ru<1iou of lu,,,,,,1
I._ I'" farluti"" for, I oJ"I",,,,"1 of UUlL_ oJ""'j!
",nd,i"in,!! ",,,I J-;o;tUlbl.:r "., h..lli,,,.""11 10
ll,,,mH' .".jOt l>rtIf",,,io"" III (",...,.
f,.,, "'01'(' ,,,o,,,h,. "" ;"'I"'"",,l I"'''''''''.ll"'' "f
....... "'i.1 "at ;,,,ho-t";"" ",il'lol I.. ,... I "
111l' ,rend 1,,"aI'tl ,1J.
I..,.n",,,,,,,, ,li'I""",,1 "f i"du",ry' " .... 1","I.r1}
,',-iol"HI ill .ircrnfl ;",h,,,,r.'.\h<>ll"ril,,:r W,
.i",,,,fl ,,_mhly Ot 1,1."t.> "' tllhtr
,,", .. ,11.\ "" 1",'1i"lIy ""<1"r"v<,,,d.' ,h "" ..f ,ht
(I) ,\ f('ll' of ""d""I;"""'''' tkwl"I'",,,"I'
l""'S"Il I in J"il"" W.J'(' i,lc,,1 iool ftl"" phUl''!"llhl
,,,,..10 ,.. 'a"A, .",-b ,b', ot (I'u".. , ,,, ...
..... d-,,.... ...e.I1
""- ... -....
1'1..".. _hitfs .,. til II. _ .......
...11 .re Itbl,. Ie ....
'i,""'thec_o.._,. ....
01 i"WJ-aI............ .....;I, ..uifJ ..
IIY-. Ciun J"'UI_ er.I-
-n;YllJ .... Il() ............ of a.; .....
....l.o /lUI,. 10 bf d-w-.
II. 0I1wr If..., IY _I d_........
bf 11'lCM. .\1 in ....... of __
n IJ.ot .._ 01 ,... .........
",- "-d _1. (If 1M. _
;nlftp"",,,,- .\t\U<b Ill.... tn..
(>lili mI I'd,,","......... Iaak f.... 1.d -._.
-t"""..... n... i...L ..:... ",,"h ..f ....
and oI.t. bw. v<-l 1M) "lIlobud pi lila err
Ii.....110. no. i-.lW_ no.
...... A' .." ..
I"....' , ...."., .........10' ,. 1010 '0 - .""....
,';,100 Ow ",lid,le ni,".", '" "'111'" 10 M1b-
Wrrlln"",n ,11-1''''''''1 "r ;"d"""l')'.
j. In 11>" .1I0it"hioo; it in-
1<q'l'ete,.", the Jallll'_ Il8e (If d.._,. i,..II.
j,,,'lI! >tculld ,,"l)' ." II".... fJ' ".........,Itn>Il...]
The I." 'n'" of _
"ft<-n .,,,,,,I.,ed br dun'.,i.., .\,\ "'.
und .;I"C... ft (phuto It). ltal"...)"" f.bri ioIloo
"'ere often 11)- ,I... im....
l,,1Il dulllm;"... .-hkil had
.,.,pied in delail. 1ft... 'luile f""f\ltllllJ uu.;,,";.
Ilret...1u ....1. n .. ido1'lti....t,OIl of .'.....,d' ....
("nher by J.",,"$ """ of inuptr.
a.i," 1,Ialll!'\ .... tifroys. It t. ,"una,,,, lhat h..
Jo"",ttet and duo,,"Ws lila.. "I' .bum
per """lof tI.. !()(al.ppa""n li"",,f1.1 JOE__
fields. 1lw ll>OSl iQ'l"'n"/lI how.
gnl>hi" inte... an 10;(' 1(1 in\.trprel .,,11.
..., .,......' , .... >"In, T " ' S , AI'
I' "." ,"" ,...." 0of t. " _ ,,,,,'1,.., ...... n " ,,, ,.
H'. , ... , I ' " ..,.,. 0' "'l'lOOO .. '
I. Contribution oj' .
or... w.,-II
n. I'h01Oj!rBphit- illleUi....", ,
. _ .."'o...... v......
por1,,,,1 '<lnl1'lbm,u" I" the<oflie' _., 1m
tho;> I'"eili" Ill,,,,,,, of
' ',. .1' . II w.. the
">lC ""mt.. " ",fol'",,,ti"";11 . d .., .
"'" .11. d,c of ,"_
Ie ," "0 "1\>1\t,6,.ti"" ."d 100.. .
""""'." tld,'''ses, rhe p"',Janllio ,.....
, "0 .....,10 mwlh
j!"'"e... I '" .11"lJdural .nd , '
f' d' . (a<nage_
u,,'uto '" of <la,,,:
"I:e t" u""""Il"lro,,1 lhe of
IJUmbll\j! res,dts to I'roville d.,. forlhe.
pr",,,,01 of "c<:u'''C)' and l"ctiCil .,,<Ilhe del" P-
Ii"" of nire",_ft In lotr
"lthough lms,e mfor",aliOl' .-a" oollecte<l f
S'''''''''''. phot<J inICl'I""le1'8 ."pplil't1
HI'I''''1""t 1"'."1 of Ihe tOI.1 intelli,.."", u;ro. The
Inti', I!roull ",c.l"ded the "'porting of mo..e.
"'''nt. "Oll" rU'1'o". nnd the cou"li,,&! d
i<l ..milk"li,," of nio-er"ft "I airiltkh;'
p'" ,1 ril<e "na I)'.;s of ",'b"" ......,,: ."d Ih"
f"nclio",,1 ",,,t1.,,isof illdu,ll'inl plonb. Fin.lh.
interp"ele1'8 "'orki"ll" f",m P)lOlogr&plu.
,...'ermj! are"S "f ""idellliH.ble aelil'ity j!'..
"I'('ns of "'1(l..rl!",u"d ,lel"eloptll"nt I. nlthough nol
nlw"r$ "ble 10 1"'O"i,lo tl,.. i"ili.1 SO"",e of jutel.
li!-'Cl\,,,. f""ille"'l... ",,,,,,, nule 10 oon6"" or 'le",
do"l)1 rul reports fro", other OOllr<'l'S.
b. In ,,11 of Ihe import."t 6eld$ of 1,1>0I01;:nlp1oio
..",oe cl"'Ckcd Bombing Su.... tea",s in
''''I'"n Ihe Icclmiqucs for dnl" from
phot "J!"'l'hs 1'''''''",1 to be v."io"1Iy """,,,1. .",11 he
in'eJlij:(('''ee ooUceteo:l to be, with bm f.,, ell'''p'
'''''I'eet withi" the limits of ottu..."=, ,..,.
'l"il... Fo,llI""leh. the I'l'incll",l ,hot1<:<>m
misinr"rl';""lltion of .i",n.f1
"",I ot.h"r dummy instnllal ions. (lle oWmsl;m.lior,
of airfield ""d roAd surfacing. "nd lhe fail"", 10
detect ;ml'o,.tl",t u"de,.ground I'lanl$-<Iid ,,(I(
1I,,,,,t I,. "II'('CI the rou"'" of ,\ Ui"d Ol"'nlt iol1$. Had
Ihe fully rroli_l Ihe "trtlC,ireness
d,wel'1l' oo""'r"cl",1 durnmi"" .nd exp"nded Ihe,r
">!.'. 01' h"d Japanese engin""," been "ble lo 1>lI1 11\
opo"'lio" ,. "",abel' uf
11"""1(1 faclo"ie;; "'hich wern llndl'r <:00>1",,:1100.
Ih.. ;n"d"'l"ac., of phoWgrnphic {1/1
Ihe"" sllbj""" """ld h.,e H;l;IUnl<1 """,h
1I1...nt"" significance.
"",,,,,1.,, "'pUl1,,,-1 b..- 1'1""":':'''l'bi,' ,I'
n ",,,I< f",'", 10('(;'"'''' or c,"'h.... nllh"r ,hm, 1.><
e""'" "f ""y j""bilily 1o 1"I"",:"i... il '" " .1.,,,-,.1"'
I'hol"l!rapk, I"i,,,. 10 II,.. eml "f Ih... w""
'H'" ......h"...I<,... !. ""d il f'''''hl II"" ,I,,'" l('fl
l\n do,,!}, "" I" 11w of Ihi... in:,,,\l,,
ti"" ","
l. On" li""ll>ll1e'i,... or II". IIhich. nl-
11"'''ld, uot In d'''''''l'li''n.
did wo,1< "J!'.i'l-111w pl""":,:"uphi(" i""'"I"'<'I"" w"s
til<' " ..... "f f"elori,... ,"ull'"hlic ft>r
i"dll,Hin! di,]>,,.,.u1. theul'n;.
"",I .'<'O"omic"lly ,,"illlp''''lant 11',.,'(' all
fM li:;:l" ",,,chiuing of llircl"llfl "nil o"lnane<'> p",H.
'rl,i, I'r"l",hlv Wll' .I"" ",,,,,-. '" "u """I"
,f 1",;1<Iiu:.: ':1""'" II, " ,...,ul1 "f url",,, llnd i",l".
t"i,,1 ",id, Ihanl,',," 10 ret Ih..
,'('",,,ins Ihat """.1 ,li,p"r,,,1 of thi, I<ind w". nOl
by l'holo!-.,.,.phic in'.'lIi:...<1,....
II. RQI1ds I1"d Railroads
n_ Th" illler!,,",,I,,li"l\ "f r"nds. l'"ih",,,ls. "nd
hrid......,. pl\)bnhly Ihe lea<1 de,.,.I0I'(>(1 of n"y
plm..., vf Ihe wo;>rk on ,h" J"l>l\nes<' ho",,,l,,nd.
.\hhm'l!h ""hedul,'tl for "I the Ii"", the
"-ar l"nd 'm""p"rl"li"" w"" "..I "n
,,,," I""!!," in Ilw h"",el"u<l ,hlliu:.: Ih.. WIlt'. It
n,,' lImil ,"'nlllle'K""",'''' "f '!<'I"ih",lpl""";"1!
ro, 11"1 iUI'",i"u or ,..'''Ihe"" K.'"u,hu Ih"t "ny
"ilicllnl work ,," , .... ..d. I'\lu-
li,h.,] a"sil"blll fo;>r ",""lu"lio" un ""mh
"nl K"",hu CO"";ol,,<1 or ] ;.o.ilOO"'''l';J l'Ul"l,nrled
,,, ,I,,;w Ihe 1'"",1 "n<1 ,,,il nelw,,,.I<. Th""" ",al'"
lIer<' dl<'cl<etl "1,.",in';l similar nml'" 1""I'pnn><1 Loy
Ih" .I"psu"'!". ", Ihe ' .... IU61 "r Ihe

b. The interprelation of ,,,ill'ond,, aud .... ilro"d
bridl-""" W"S genernlly .\';" ,.esul1 of
construClion ",ethoos u"",] through
oUl Ihe worM. little dilficuh\' WllS ""I",deneed hy
r. Tlw int"1"I""' al ion "f '..... d5 and ,,,,,d lH"idgeo<.
wl,ile 1"",.il>l) "d"IU"I.. f",'planuing i""'l'lllcli,,"
"f Ill<' l'Olld 11"'''''1''''''''110'' nelwm'k. """ "nli,,,ly
imuleo:luale.-. I.>:."i,; for ''Slim",iuj! l<.>all-ca,r)'i,,!,
esl'aci'i.... all "n' il-ely 100 oplimis.
Ii" piel"re of hOlh I"Ond" ",,,I ro"d bri,Ij!"I'l;". The
Ct"".i<tenc\" of "rWr ill ''''I!n'',l 10 rond ,"rf"ci"J!"
'Uld bridie eo"'Ir"di"" i. "ttrilHlted ,,>: (I) "
l... k of ..."li7...lio". ou the 1''''1 of Ihe
in'-oln'd. of th" tliff,.,-ell"" 1J<.IWl'<''' Ihe l"O"d
H."h''''S of .1ul''''' "",I t1"l>'e or the l1"ih'<1
,;"d (:!) II", ;nhel'l"t c1iflir-ult.\" ill ''''''').I";"i,,o: 'H,i
'"" 'j'I"" "f 1''''.1 ,,"d I>ri,I:.", """,!I'ud;"" .." """-
tind I'h"'''Il,"phs "I Ih" !'Clll" ",,,,l,,hlc.
d. net...'_ 10 w,upil"d wvul\d i"f"""",.
tiou. j"", obli'l"" 1'1"'IllIl'"'l'hy. ""d ;utCI'J>ntc,-s
ill 1",","po,'lnti"" "o"sl"ucti"" w""ld
lUlI'c lx'C" ;"",dunbl" ;" Ihe "'Ol'k done on
subjecl .\".'" f"llI'" wO"k ,houlc1. Ihe"r",,,. t"h
Ih,'S<) f"CI"'''' "",,,,,nl.
12. Beach I"uflige"ee
a. B,'ach "'''s 0"" "f tla' """,t ;",-
1'011'"'' I'I,n5"" of i"t,Hil!'"""
11""UIlI",,,llh,' w,"'. Although. f,,,t,,,,,,\<I)". il 11'",
not I""-'C:SOIII'" I.. c"'''l'ldc the bench intellig"llee
I'r"g'''''' f",: J"P"tt1SC h"",el",,,I. l''''sid''l'"hle
oll til(' w"s I'"hli"hed pri",' 10 V.I
c1n.'". A:,"""l1<l ch,'C1< of or "''''' imp''''I''''t
'""1'llS ",,,,Ii,,d W"" "",.I,. b.'" a B",nhill:': 5111'1'''.'"
renm. br the
.JaI'H"ese II..-d,v:,:,"" Depnl't",enl.
b. Co",p""is<m of Ih" fidd da'" wilh pul>li,hed
1'1 '''I",,ts .... ,,,,15 tlllU the Hlm. .. i,,1 W'"
",,,,,,,,,,,c ill "II i"']l"'111111 TI1l''''' WllS
Iit ll c it iIf,',... ",, In'l We"''' t h" ,I."",ri I,I 1"" . of 1,",,,1,,,
"""Ie by th" li..ld """n ",,<I ,hO><' "o"tai,wtl ill
1,1,oI111!""pl,i"-int"llil!cnec ,,,porl". UC]lor!ed "n,l
aelllnl depths 11'''''' lIS ",ueh ill ag:",-eu,,nt
as ,vuhl be c,'l>e<)te<l sin"" " numbe, "f storms h"d
mnde ",;""" da'u....", ill Ihe l""lile ,h"'i"g Ihe in
t"n'"I!n>1 ........ " Ihe Illki';j!of 11' fm,n
which d,te,,,,i,,,,ti.. weI'(' ,,,,,,Ie. and Ih"
tuking of Icad litll' wundi"b"" h.,' the .lal'''''e,;o,
c. These checks, "';Ih Ihose mad" III
Ol<iMwII ""d "I",,,.he" ill the Pncific. pro"e Co",
c1l1si,c1..- tim!. j!i,'"'' ad'''l,,"te photul!l1lph)", pho
10!'I'Ilphie i"I"l"I)("I't"n;o Can f"""i,h det"ile...1 "C<:U'
"'Ie il\fo,",,,tion (scldm" olJt"i"nble in ",,,, 011,,'"
"'"..-). I'il,d to the ouc,-ess of nn "",phibiou', opel"
"t1"n; i"fo1""',lio" ou the ""t",." of n hPnch.
d"pths. olfsho,.." bench tlere"",,-_. I.,,,ch ,. il_. ,,"d
"'0.1 oth"r f"troes eomi,,!, H"de,. tl,e
h..nch imdli ..'C"ce. The facI thllt Ihi, inf","Ha-
liou 11'.' ""t "h,'''j's ol>t"i"ed \\"IIS 1'1"'11)' due 10"
f"ilur" 10 pltoloj!r"phie f"lIy.
'I'ho,'Ough of eommnnd ""ll s,,,1f
ollie",r. w;lh the potentilll utilil)' of photog'""l'hie
inl"Hi!:!.. "",, in n"'l'hibiou" "p..r.lion. is.'...."'"li,,1
10 f,,11 Hploit"tion.
,- .
e.o.ol .-
.11K110l1 of lUpt lIIllI briIIlw__
lll'aplbl """..ill&' ..... IlIIi'-tiaa 01 ...
tlOla n- iUlIIltftIed UpIJ ...
",fonuauon wbirh DD _ of wrw.
har............J'l'd ...u, lID<l_m_
""y _pon&iWe for decti_of.lllWidq
_ 1><1 attBclra.
1. PhoJ0tr.pbjc lllkUi,_ .."',....
. It J' .h"o.t ",ni........ Uy Ut"epIftl thai atcaie
"-lIh odott """"1 ocien1ilit .....
",,,,,..,,t.: "",,10 as l'<OCket .1><1 ;.t PropoLliOll llIld
el....1.l'o"'col1y C<"'lrolled a,i...iJe,.. ..... l'lI'l'OIalioa-
tll'<! ..... n... '1"""'ion ""I"rally "n-: Bow
h.", 1'-01 ...,tlul_nr.,; .Jfllt1l'd photo iDlelli.
ou lbe I i, of 1 Napaaki
."d lI,rooj,i" ell .., ......"'ideration nf 0I.ber
10a'''''1 II", u,.. of phoIu
'" Ih.. f"h''''', 1I 'ppeo.,." thai I,how imell,...-
b.s nOl been mBde <>b;.,ltt". '1'1.- f.<'I"", ha....
...... ",,1 tl", em]ll...,i. 10 "" .,bitted ill doe
directi"" of grealer ""rlceU1n.lion on urba" "11<1
b. I" 1'''' "' .,.. ].'"_>is rol"" .,om;"
"""eepl of" ,i",il.. 10 lhal fml'lO)'l<1
for." urban."", raid. Tbemetbodsu""" r"......I.
l'.li"l! """",,,n;" ,... Inen.biti,, ("""-,idtrali",, of
i.I<I,,-'1'".'". ut ilili"" in.n'l",n.lN>n. """"-
illl!. ]I"I'"I.lio". ood other e<:oJ>omie flOt1""') """
physical ,uhl.. of. (consid.n.lion
of Ihe di"erse S1l'U<:!ural In"'" of buildi",.. ."d
11><0 extem Ibu _b ..-ill d""'''''......:J by " I_r.
lieul.r ,liolributi"" of ,l,.,.onlC\;,... .........
Ih 11.. "" Ih_ ,<>"'tl I.. 1' 1.. ,.., f"r &,..
... i<l.... 11 prim.ry <Iitr.....,..,.. !.orl..- n ]Ilo.""i'lj[
for." .'ot"ie f<ll'".n onJi",,'".'" .....
i. lhe in ]lnnciple from lbe <Ii..
l";b"lion of "-MJlOIt' lilt; or I.B1 o'cr.
..-i,Ie ..... to lhe of. <ingle poi",
for B single .ellllOn ..-hiclt "'ill "f""l lhe

c. .\ltboogl. re'risiOll of lhe I.'V'" ron""'l" f ...."
..] i"slall.lioua or planlS to I.l'j.... "rl."
.nd i,,<lustri.1 ortaS greatl.... "I;II"I"ts ,he ..orth
of urban ..... anal";" it in 00 .-.,. rc<IlJ<'I'il the
,.. I"" of ind"",ri,,] ..,.u.. F .\. S .t.
ond 0 A ",pon< ..-ilI he ""ll1irl'd for impol"
I.nt .nd ,oq:t"'l .i,hi" ........
."d for ;rnpon."1 nlili'o..,..nd l'l'get.
,,-bieb f.lI ool;;ide cily 1,mil&
hislllOlt ....
ha.... _ to all __.,
of aa1itarilJ .-;;;;.
in th;. and other
lIyin UId.
'lUn.,."oenu tho, job of p/lGt<cn.pIliDg ,'''-
..U <loot. R"..,....r, fran doe I&Nldpomi ota;
photo. and by _pvisnn wi&lr. ....
...... ,n ooald J-
...'donbly b.u.l>r 10
of 00.'''...... II i,; ......mod that _rdt and ...
,-,.j"l"""nt in ..,rial!'hot<>Jrraphy ... br;DdiJec:tall
Im,.rt! the "I,,iou.. lI'>al. "f I.'l:" ..,.w., ..... plio.
t"lt:nl>by ..1Ii.h """ br and ..
plJralM, .nd hillb I",rfonnt.t_ "'rT long
ph,It"lt:l"l'pbie !,!anN. . .....
It. III .SUIlUrt.lIJ'. unIe- it Lrron_ optrali.-lly
""l'racT'cd to tak" ...ri.1 pllW>p'Otphs dllri"' .....
,i""'llill"t <'&1\ ""1'Ply rita)
ll,forn...t,oo 00<lC<!'f1\1Iljl" tl....n "'. n""," of.-hieb
..n br nb!ai"...1 in no ,.dotr ;"..... S",.U of
the di,..,rsilitd .nd "llCri.lir.lo<\ and leclwiolt*
of World W.r U ..ill Ill' apl'lihlrnd ..... ""'"
I<!t:hni'l ",i1\ Ill' ............,'. Imt it .!'I_rs tIw
1"0existntg lirld$ of s", ion, namrly
mdu"lnal.".I.'.,;t$lJld un..n ..........1J"i... -.rill br
.""" more """",uti.1 adjUMt-_ of "Ilk"nt military
op.ntio"sW.lI Ihloyh..... ....r.
II al'pea.l"l .\;00 lhal 1'11010 .."not
..,hie'", il$ ....Iimum .fecti.....- ""itOOul funda
mt'",.1 th.lIp'" in iI, o'Pniu.tioo .nd lIlodi6<:o.-
li"'l of 1"'r<U1I1..L l..illi",. and .-.,.d, pro-
...n,-... n .. ;oluti<>n 10 it,; _ l',""",i"lt p"""'....
10 I.. U, I"" ..... "f ,,;,,"Ir
"y<te", for .11 t1.. ,.......i"""'" ....
I"'rt of ""ilied .... "",nbinl''"
.n pl.._ of ..... in .11 t1.. ""nire-..
!I n"",.t ill,J'!'fries ,'it"IIO ".",' "."d "I,;t). be"n illl.
""'t,,ut ill l>e",.... "\'0 pI",", th,"'O
, , . w"nld "",,,'h' tt",,,
g"""" nO" ...
. ". Fll'1he"",,,re. nlth""l(h tl,,
I>l'",.,.t Ill,e c I, .' . . .
< ow' Ii"h! H",c\ut""!! l>llllt
" .. .
I'-"d"r in thiS WUf were. eMil)'
" ,', ,,,,,dllCI;OU. ",,..11
II< t" ,ll
I" j",u ,,,,d ,t""l. nh""ill'" ,,,,,I "",. "ot '.... 11
II' led r"I' llllllel'j:ro"urlpl"lnind Ion of t I,.." I'
t".""."d,,"< '1u""tit;,.;; of ",I\" m"t,'r,,,ls, WllSlt'!!.
f"I"'-"'. ,""IIlt'ul. In ,,1lhollllh """'y
w,," ph",t,;of 11." f"tlll'e pl",,,,.\
." ;0 I;kel" th,,' n"'Jont, of 111-
Ill" l'rll"""" .' .'. .' .
,1",lrv. iU,.llldillj!: Ie, ".pOll "llIth 11.,,,
,,"lIl' !;\'IIU> "re d"pendent. WIll ""le In
"n thesllrfll"'"
(.1} Ot 111'1' typl" of undeqrro"",1 il'" a1I11tiot"
,,,ch lIS "id\c\LI
I:u"".hiu.c: oites, "",1 eua,t d"fense po"'t.lOns "ughl
Ily he ,Meel",1 by photoS'''' pille ItII "rp"e-
",rs. but if c!e"el"ly th"'y co"hl be
ell,ill" ,,,,"ccal,,d. '1'0 II j!l"Cllt Ihe 01'
f"ih;'" nf photo ,nlell,geuee ;n c,,>;eS of tl,," killd
1\"0"ld d"pcnd upo" the of phOlo c",'-
e'''f!C du,.;ng eullslmetion.
t The .. of pholo '" thc
ruturo w;ll d"!,,,,,,,l lIOt only on the faelors mCll-
"ho,e. but nlso ou tlte degree to which Ihe
ICf,.<Oll" '.... neeming the operntiOll of photo ;me\li
IMI'ned ill \'orld \\","'jl a'"fl hl'Kle<.\. fhe",
fore. "I) .-eport would be complele W\lhOltt "n
el'"luMion of or6",n;1.ot;on. of
the l'et"$OlInel. tmin;"g. and ..,,,,,,,,,,h
"Illl of tilt' "d"-'I"nc)' of pho!;>j!:,."phy. Sme,,- thIS
e"ahllltIOI\ IS to 00 of in",,.est 10 IIlc
"""ler thun the ",,,in b<x1.I' of the rep0l1.
it hIls uS ,\ "nd is
wmlll"ri .ed here.
(I) O,'yo"izlI/;o".-The
tinn,,1 frllmewo,.k wilhin which photo Int"lhl!""ee
worked III Ih,,- I'l,cifie wllr WIIS not snl;sf"dor,..
II led (0 of elfort betw"en II". A" F ""d
Ih" NIl,"j". I"ck of """"I;nntion bel".e"H ph(}lo ;11'
te\li;!,,'''''' "-,,,I "thcl' I'h",;(ls of int;ll;j.("uce. "n,1
III the pt'Otl\lctim, of photo.inle!li
1-'l":lIee mnlel'I"L To "lim;t\"t<llhese shorlco",i"g:>
it I. thnt on<ll'"llil-...."et.
teno be ""tabli_hed for nll the !!CI'I'i,",s as ,It'
p"rt of II Illlilled ;ntellil,'Cnee system. con,b;n
nil phases of ;ntelligen"e in Ihe U. S. ",.",('<1
d. In of future pre- p'lSt
"rllo", It fell Ihal the e,,'-I-
ing mNhods lloctl by j-rO will 1""vI,le. with Ihe
few n,odifie"tious III "\Trlmn ,\rell
(I'a,t FOil" of 11."
:;;eel Ion Heporl). " lIP'll"1y c<>I"plelP pict '"'" of t hc
economk lIlId ... 1ch"mch'rl" iei< "f cily "''"S.
n"clluo;(' of Ih" e<)H"d"""lJle I i,nc ,"t'<]ui","tl for Iwep,
"1''''1011. It i, ol",,"gIJ ,'<.-.::<>"u"..",I",1 th.. t urI",,,
"l'C" n""h''''''' IJ". ,t",,,c! oil nUlllili
lanl\" imPortunl I,,,,il:" cil;"'. ouch aCfinl
"u,l ;"fll"m"li"" ", io ""nil-
.. ble. Stllllies of I ,p.>.e''"lhol1gh IH"""'I,lelc
Ihrough bck of d,"".' would I>l' 1,"'"I""h\" ;1\ Ih..
t"'ent of nn o\\lbrellk of 1t000Iil;II"", oince;t "ppc"rs
\\"likdv th"l thc.... wo"ld bt lime for such w,,"k
I t is ,,1>0 t h"t ,n.""lJ
.<ell II", ",,,d,. of lIli In'I""IlIl,t ,\mcr,c"u c,ll"'" \(,
d"""'..,i,,'" th"ir "ul",'mb;\ily ",ul 1111I5 lin
lIdeqUllt" bIos;$ for pl"",,i"j!: <:OUI\I<'I'
c..\ .-e,olutio"'''y fatlot" thlln "IOlmc power
Of ruekt'l but Olle "Iso likely 10 h",'c "
profound elf""-I on thc fHlll'" "f pholO
;s the prllc\ire of plac;ng "'h,l 1I"1,,,tn,,1
und m;lilar," f"cililie;; underground.
(1) A ;rell_e"",,-uwd prog"'''' of "",lc"gTt"",,\
fnct<JrI' eonstnlcl;O" eouhl n"llily Ihe
of !,hotog,-nph$ ll.'" ""'Hr,,, of
on ;ndUST r;e;. ..... pnrl ic"la rl." if
ter, ,,"as sUltllble for ,lig!!ing luntlelS ntHI con
their ent .... "Ct)!!. rnder such e"",litiotlS i(
is douhlful Ih"t The ;nlerp....te' ,,"oul,1 \)(' uble to
detect more till'" " ,,,,,,Il p,.''''''IU!,..... <>f Ihe en
I..nre!' 10 lI"deql","""n,lpl"n1S. Even wlwre he ,lid
nOte ent .... nl_ "ml t ueli,;ly. he llOI 00
;;tIl'<' thul .he)' letl \(> " fllctory, "01' if il ",ere "
could he m"ke IllO,"" Ihan " '... """I[h
""e>Ol of ;t5 SI"" "1\11 function. III fuct. "Ith""I[I,
it possible that methOl18 m"y bl, dc,clop".'l fl)l'
detecting undt..,.groltl,,1 plantS from. the 01
lI8$OC;"ted facilil ;e;!. su<:h 8S ot her"'ISO': unexplamed
rollC"ntnttionS uf ",,,,rkers' hO"$ill!!; l!,e only reo
liable 8i;b15l.l'''CC th"l'hotol,'l'nphic ;l\lel'I""tcr CUll
pro"ide at pre;ent is Ihe photogml'hic
lion of undergro"nd plonu rel',rrted from olher
Def;l,ile Ihe potentilll of
';!,blernueull ""r 1,1,,"u from" !!<'eUf"Y $l"lId.
point il unlikely ml)re lholl " sIlI."n
f...o..lion of in,lu,.lry <:5-",nl1nl 1O ",,,r productIon
",ill be pl",-ed ll11deqcl'Ound. DUfing World W"r
I] _ aDd t..u.r .... -w. ....
d bod all P'- iIlMrpnten .......
1 \llIrt. .... '..,.rxrjO:
n,ia ..... not,of-,. _
lhe _ .......1lOian bod -'''--1It o.w.
......1t Briabuw. IIJld II Adak. ..........
c, Sommbina.tionof1llUta......e..
.......- ... DO .ai..p, COlIIIIII&DdIr willa..
'\llllOtiI1 10 the _ ..ppm, IIDIII"
i"' lhat lbe ......uti.. nrJallialiaa JII"'fidlIll
.tl<'<\u pbolo 10 all ...... of"
...... ;." .11adti1lJ,' llw,l....- "'-IlIIId. e.--
'l....mly each lIeM"i.,. """""'""" fOIIDI1 i& _
... ry 10 pboto-in...lli,
under his 0'"' <'011I...1. ..... _
drastic .lI'on" 10 piD cloRr t'OO!'diIIatic- _ ....
t.n'l'lcd, La'l!!l'ly the endta..... of lilt
.\d..."ccd !nlClIill""'" c.n_ uncIIIr C'UICPM:,
rome di..;";"" of II"OriI; ...... _p1iobod in 1M
..".tion.nd """,,"illj!of lIak. ...
rool"'Tllion ..... ",rricd "" in I!MI
of .i......ld. "',.ipping. radar. and damata-
rellOl"l,," n... I,rimal')' 11 of lhia in
..... roordinal;"". 1Io.......,r (>III,. to ....
the "'.,.,n" or .'-AF .nd S.ry- uni'" _ ..
consl",."I. Dtlph"'"<m of .lI'.,... ((>lltiJnIed IIDIil
,he end of I"" .... r.
,]. I" Wbing!on. the ....erbl'Pilljl of flut<'CiaIl
bel,....." the .\(' AS l'hoto E lualion SodiOlland
I'lt ,,'.s ""I "" weal lb., CU' and In-
'.1'1'"'11 T,,'o. "'h..,, I'le 1 yond ita
1'1''''''')" !"''ll(<' of , ... ,nint.nd .- b!o opar'
o'i<>n.l .or". o h""IM l'bOl" EnilIItwn Sco-
1;00 fo.-J< 01 1;00.1 ...orlI f(>l" ..-.d>. WeI
,llIp]ical;",' booro"'" .,'idem. E...... 1,,",- dlro!IIta
... In oroer 11.,a, l,hOlographic inlfollipnce <all
"1"""IIle at, IllllillDlum elli<iency in , ... lulu"" il
is i",pl-,",,'i ..... ll,". itll hi",""'Ydurilll W'orld w.; II
II<: ex"",ined in critical lillhl, and that. 001I.....
of ",-'li"u be ...bieb WO\lId aPJ-f libl,.
,,, CO""f'C\. shonwmings. The following llflCtiorul
1"""""1 c""c1usions and on pho-
to.l:l"llphic;mclligellt.., organiution. un lilt .,.,.
""""0'1. lI>1i"il1l1:, ."d P""""""" and OP
tilt ",leqllllCJ of I'hOlngrr.phy.
2. OrKtmiz"tio"
n. iloIlo "' Gu"", und in W",JulIjIIon.lh".\rmy
"nd S"'1' ",,,;nl,,jll('<1 se""....te I'hoco-inlellil""""
llqp",izntiolls with ,,"crl"I'I,i"lt fn"ct'"",. 1),0
SI';le ""me ,,!JaMs lo,,"anl coordi"a.iOll on tilt I..n
of the lowe,' ""h"lo".. thisl,.."l1d ",MId"... ",.<Ie
" dcnt of ,1"l'lie'S';oll ""a'"oid"ble.
b. At GUllm, tJ,c CellI,...] Intel'J)re1ati'm Unil
""d lutC"I)l"<lll Two both is.-ueJ and
on shippi"g alld .ircraft.. both "rolC .ir
Ilcld 1"'Il<l'1>. hoth did damage as>Oe$.lIICIlIJ! Oil lm-
por'"lll i",II,.lriall.rb"";;.""th did A.k
lnt ion. and for" li",e ""I h issllOO ""porls Oil urbsn
IlI'en [II ,,11 of this work. II.. sobjr<1 lIlal
lcr of Ihc l'ellOltS "f Ih" '"." nni,,, wBi; labn from
the San,,, I'h01llgmpllil a"d co",ai"..1 .boul Ihe
SlIme illf"""",i"n. C"fonon"e]y, lI,,"'crel', ....
, ,., I '" sim,ificalll (\e..
[lOl1S nOl. illfrt>(l',cIII (I el'll( 1 ..'
l"il" This enll"",1 collf,,,ion, and f?r 1_
i" Ihe eO',",1 i,'clless of phOIO IIltclh!,"!"?".
111"",' of Iho dii'Crep"t,.,ies bel,,'('Cn the ,wo ";'IS
"'" ';l1l'ib",,,,1 10 Ih. fllct lh.r bOlh w..... un c'
, , IdeI' mst.n' P""""""
1I1''''"L'<1. ",)(1 ...,1' weI" '" I "b";"",
10 !,."'L work ""mple'ell qllickl)', '\I"OS
prog",,,n of liIl1""" "".I joint work .1"'1cd ill
mH, ".(I ll"l'lieuti"" wos I'limi""1cd.
Joinl w01k wos "tlell'I'""l '" IWo (l) by
ll$Signing S,,"ol ...,.,. 10 the 1'10010 E,'''\'
"Rlinn Sc<1ion for wurk with Army und 1t.\F
onil"'rs. lind j"inl 1'1ll.tlicution of
hllUdbooks with Ihe WOIk di,'ide,l bel Wl,,-'n ,\Cj.\:;
R,ul !'IC. In Ihe li,."t co"". working re.,,,hs were
b"lJO(\: in Ihe SI'OOIIIJ. ,li"ided ""Ihorit, bllo de.
layll. due 10 (}'C" "Iyh. laYOIII. lIml
co"lents of hnndbooks.
e. in adllilion 10 Ihe ,Iinicllitic. caused bJ ""I'll'
I"tion of Army lIud SII"y photo.illll'q>relntioll
\lnilS. "ddition,,1 re.ult.'(] fro", the
:;I'p"mlion of photo intellij,,'C'"ll f1..,,,, olhe.' illlel-
ligen,,,,. :Sol ouly waS Ihis trne i'l
where duplienli"S lIud 'Jllcool-di""(ClI
"!"",,,,,i,,,, thrivClI. but il W"S ,,1;;0 I rue ill the thellh"'"
of "l"",,,,i,,n. The i",li"idu"l ollieer ill
r"",b"t radio intellil,,'C'''-'''' pholO'
graphi" illlellib'ellcc, IIi r technic"l illlelli/,"'"l'l:. fI"k
intellib",nce, ,...1<1,,1' ",,,I lunguuge in
lellib"'''''\lII"II$ tOO ofh,n ill-aware"f th" 1'",hle"'.
lInd Ihe 1'(>ll1ribulions of those in ,pecialt;<l\l "Ihe,'
Ih,,,, his 0,,'11. As .. result. ''''I''''''IS
issued hy dilre,,,ut ,p"ei"li,,",'1 unils ,,'nded 10 gi"e
" f'"IIb""enl .. r) view of the o"em\l int<\lib'Cuc<:
I,iet","". In "ddition. the ""p"mli"n of
fil"" behmging to "l]l"''IIle imellil,;enee u!lits
t.,.",;e<l dela)'s ill gathering ,nllleri,,1 from widely
scaltered sourees, ""d "l\l'f:o<;ilaled the cOll,l,lI,t "se
of liai""n iu WII,hing-
Ion. The onl)' trnc ulIlnl'leof a" organizllliun. in
which Ihe ""rions intelligenoo slJ(.'{;ialti.,g of both
't'6 were wmbined, wns theJoinl Imelligell11l
Celller I'acilic ()c,,1I1l Areas Rtl'enrl H",.l>o". 111_
lerproll Two lind CIU both nttempled \0 ol'e,'CO",e
Ih" h"ndie"l' of sep"ration "nd occ"sionnl isol"tiol\
from olher ","1"'Ce! of intelligence by e>tublillhi"g
uno"ieilll lilliwn with ou,er lib",,,des. They
nchie\'ed port.i"lslll"Ce5S in this "ud"",'or. "nd
this III the e"'llense. of CO'lJlidemble ell'ort a"d th"
loss of ",uch ,"I""hle time.
f. A final """ret! of WnS the O"l,,"'"'
iUlio",,1 rel:.lionship !letWP.ell phOIO illlellig,'nC('.
1,10<"0 r<!<"OII",.i".",IIce...nd pholO lobol'"tory I"cil.
ities. Photo in Ihe field wlIS g""e,'.lIy
oT!"'a,,iZl'd RS 1",'1 of photo 1"OCO''''I,issnnce which
"I!lO included Ihe l,holo.r"""""ai"""n<'<l "'l,,"dnm
and ,loe ph010 l.. The pholo looo"'tol')'
"'n, b'<ll,eraUy eilher n part. of Ihe ..iren"l S<'luod
rQll or" II"il ill the phol" ....
. There w,,,' ""') dill.
,.. 110 ill ]\]("1111,,1 ()f 'oll :
(I) I'hOlO iu1<,lli"....11"" \\'11$ ""I rc
Inh.d I" oIl",, i",,'Uil,'Clll" hy II ... eh"", of 00"'_
,,",n,1. To pholO Ihi$ lI.ennl lIml i",.
",,,di,,le lI"IOC,io,'S .. f IhOSll in ch,"'j..'C of pholo inte1_
Iil("nc,' ,,"il$ wcre g>:nc,nll.l not ""ffici('ntly coglli.
,mll "f (.ithcr the p,."l>lelll' "f pmdw'iug pholo
inlellij:('lll" ",. i\.< "'I,,lio" 10 "Ih". for"" of intd
To Ihe wholl> lidd "f intelli ....'Hce il
n"""" Ihnt one of its nlllSt in'I""1"nl cOIllI""'CIIIS
WIIS Hot coor<linnled with t1w other com
(2) The phnlo i"lelliWn1" "nit h"d only in_
conlllol "f phologl't,phic lll!,,"'ol""y fneili
ti..... Complele opel'lIlin,,,,1 m,d "dmi"i,I'''li,'c
,,,nt,,,l of Ihe-"" f"cilili"" ,honld hnl'(lbeen in Ihe
l",,,dsof till"'" i""hllr!.,,,ol ph<>IO i"lellig"nl"
"illl.., o"ly tlll')' \\".,... in " tn imel
lil-",,,t co"lI'1ll "f p''I>llnltio" p"iorilil'>!, " hy fllc-
10" in the production of I'holo
g, 1'0 illsm" ;(,...,,1"" ('/liciency in the p"dOl'm_
m\l" of phoro inrelligellc. in the fUlU'" il is ''ffi''U-
menlled thl,l :
(I) The 1'1001" inl"lIi/!C'"'' IIf oil >*'1"Ii ..", nf
1[", r. S. AI"llll'd l"'''''cs be t..-,nsolidaled.
(:l) I'h"ro in,,'lIi!,,<elll'" be inll'g'"Il.d Wilh "II
"I he,' intellil,,'ellt'e IIH"ough of " nlli_
fied illiellig"n<:e sy51eUl wilh inlellig'''''''' ..enle,'S
"I tlulS" lll"jO!' "0",""",,13 whe"e such Sl'1"I'icc is
(:1) Technic"l "n,1 "dministra,i"e conlrol "I
photo i.IlelligenCl\ he" f"netion of Ihe 1"",,
Iei'll of the ullilied intdligenc{'
(4) COllll"01 of I'holol,;n.phic
facilil i.,g ill e>lch inletli!"",nre cente,' be" f"ncl io"
of the pholo.intelli ..",nce ""Clio" nf the """Ie".
3. PerJrnmel
. ll, The fOl' the illiti"l ...ledjoll oll",r,<;(>I1"el
11. hnd. '\"Ill.'" nutl Nn'")" l'ltolOlp'nphic ill1ellig<luee
"'''' sollnll. .\10,t ollil"C-''l! Wet" from the
I'rufe:jSiuIIll of g<..-,Iog)', IIrehiIOCI,\Jl'C.
phol<>gn"""'ell')', b...og.... ph),. and soil
ri"". As had lo:ell ,hei,' with
,,"!Ih wilh 1,1"" I'iew apllea,."IIce. "nd
"'11 h ,.,er'''1 photogrllp1os, 1>l""'611 "'Ih",ble. p",1 iC\1
10"'1)' ," ll,e Ir"inillg st"j..'" of the wOl'k, How""e,.
"'he,,,. I"""io,," I I'IIiuing wBs sp"cific" \I)"
"l'p1oe..1>le, ns '" S(l'UCI urnl IInIl1)'!lis (}1' ill 110e ,I \1t1)'
"r I",,,dlell a"d lerT&in it
with ci,'ili"" that..ace,.
liolled ,,1.0<,,'<: ""1I1d he trailoeo.! Ih.n 11__
The ,""lly illc-..ed lIlle of r:::
1I1l.. ill the d(lljing fIA"': f .lld ,nd1lllll1.1
"1,,-'dllli""'l traiuiug l1eeded thf, "ar, and tbe
pholosmphi" illiellipllce I.. ph...,. Qf
full"" l5eleclion of pe""""nel ngold 0".. In
"rb"" Seogl'llphcnln;hitll<:to; d '. etty pl.nllfl'll,
shlluld 1'1"('(I';'lIi"... ' a" lndll!lltiaIOl";'
b. Attheolllo;et,IIeitloerlheAAr
pl." fOTbUl ." """lheXu)"
m<:IIt of (lUnlilled I'hOtOg... ""'R II.. """gl'-
lC mte'1''''''eMl 1>0
weI''' all)' l'CUI ral lilel5 k","",o, , .. ,
., fl' 0 mg I "" b,lleta 'A
wh,e," 'cm'll we''ll .. \ '"
., , ' 'S _ <'Il'_I"""ct. 01
I U. ,ll\u t .e I"ek of liaison bel . ,
. ,., . "een """",I, ...KI
'I'" I""t$, the of. ,
bl" . . lInd 110.
e.lll. of ,Inurung IjUotas "e,.., ofce" 0111
"f I",,, wllh N'll''' .... '"''Jl'8.
(I) Lale ill 1943, Ihe Sa')' look
.t'f' Il's' . l' ... el'" Ito
",e.) II.n""lIo", he I'hOlogFRphie Intelli-
gcnre Center WOJ! ",,,de teSllOn.ible lor the t I
of 1111 N",)"
"Illt'(",>;. S."I.-I.oemly, II ,nuked i".I,.O'......."t
took plare '" the rotatioll and dil!tTiblltion of of-
lieel'l5, hut tlw n"ell'nting ,Iem.lld. of ""lIT "'e", ""
1"""1. "nd the Photogr"phic 11lIelliS"'"",
WllS 80 I,.,. ''Cllu"',,,l from ""d "" o"t of luueh with
field ullits, d.lIl at 110 time were .11 p"""<'>II",,1
pl'operl)" distribmed, During tIll! fi"'l ("'0 ye......
of lhe Wllr, """,,y I'hotogMlI,hie-illtelligelll:'e "ni\.o
we,'ll I1s""lly s,,,ntly o,erst"lfed. By eRrly
the initilll job of :selli"g I'holllgFRl'hic imelligerme
to ita l>ole"ti"luS('.r>l hRd Iccompli>hed. and
photogr"ph)" w", bei"" '*-'Cured III I':"""tl)" in
c,,,,,,,,,,i r"le. From Ihis lime 011, Ihe need fOT ller.
""""el inlrellsed n,pidly."d before Ute )"e.r "....
Olll, I'hotog'"Ilploic imerpreteJ"ll were III a pre",iw".
F."Om December 19H until the end of th" war,
lloe'1I was" di.linct. .honage of :Sll")' photo-
g'"IIl'hie perso",.,,1 in (he I'lei6e. ,!e.
spite f'""'I""nt ur",,,,nl requc>" tl) "'".hingum for
IUO''C. It i. {Iueslioll.hle if Ibi_ ,loon_ge w""ld
h,n'e e",isted, or III le.,1 if it "'O\,ld hll"' b.en as
""w'". if Iher<' h"d been 1 .1I0re ",.Ii,ti" [><'r!'<lI"..1
poliey. In the l'C1'rc!!Cuuli," month "f April
1\)'1":1111100"11'10 110.' ".,t mRjorily of all ".,'y 1'1>0-
Il>g,":'phic i"lelli!-,<'"ee "'as done i",ttl< I,;,
inte'l' ....le.... Wer,' 1",.,,,,,,n""11." ",,\gnNI ,n \\ ..;h.
ingtou (not includinl:" ,,,,,lent.- 0' !he ...hooll.
co'"p" ..,d with" IOtal of 281 in Ih. e"li,... l'ae,tie
l2) .MIlO'"
hal t'QIdd of.u llJ'
.... <m&ar. for'""' .... ,.....
orbooi-- iniliated ... tnt .., ..
"'ClASt IlDd 1Uer..,. ..
il'YI."... of the 8oeoluuo..... 8nDdl
hoIh kated in Waahiapln. "'.....
"".. _err. -..qrned "" dul,. ill tt..
of lhe AAF and, from th.t point ...............
II.., admmllllrr.hon of tbe n-. Oft.
IIT"'al,n the. JrI'lI1_ faand IlO ...
bilIet.. ...
........, . . ,-.---- ..
..._ to 011,... Iub& Deopue lhia. thfo TtainbIt
Command eont.nued '0 _ogn !up namhen of
ollke.... to fIlootognphjeinterpm.,lOIl trainiDJ.
n""", ,,'ho "'e... -.gtll'd pholu,
1.1Ion dUI;"'; '" the 60ld foond table of
1'0" I'ro",..."", for ... nk 10 nd f""lld thai. 0.,.
"'f,'" oftel, ..-l ... c!encal ';I."l ro mulhft'OllC"'
"fum Th" huck of 1,,,,,,,,,,iOlIlI 0Pl1011wuliea,
l"S"lher ...',tl. a lack of UVpon.."ih 10 "'oR
!,IM"P"l'h>c inlel'J'l"'l"",.1ed ",an':'1""lrlied";;
,ndustnOO!l oIIico'n, tn '"'-'Uft'! ch.1llIf'" i" clasoifi.
canOl,' so tl..t I'(lUld he 10 ""'''' _
.... rdmg lype8 of work. Since ma".. of 1'-_
ql>ll,;b ....'" gram"". lhen' ........ uodl\ll
from photop'lll'hic im"'1'"",,". bu. rl.. rale "f
(... ",ing " .... """h Ihal _I..'.,, ""Iic;"n!
l'er<'01\lld 10 keep orpl\lzalion, nl' to'I"lhor,md
Olrerwh.. Uofon"""tely. ho"",'"r. lhe I..b.... of
otgllrlluuon lhe""",lr e", not ..1........ ad",!""1e
.nd .\m>.r .d"'ini,;tTllu 1'""","",11'"'5 made it ,.......
difficult to chanll" a T 0 ..-i,hi,. a .........ahle p;.
rioo of "me. For,,:nmp!e. ilbtnme obvi"""ear1r
ill Ihatthe ""mber of in'el'f'reIe", II'M0..;-
tl'llll"terl'''''.lion Ln;1 of lhe 1'o<ent,eth .\F..-as
f!1l:'""ly illlld"""ate for lhe job ..hftd. Ahhou'
an ollidal requesl to ;nc..- lhe numher of in
,erprete'" from 3G 10 \00 deared 1'orenlielh .U
11".dq""ners in .\pril, it ""'" "ot "mill f..., ",...lls
hefore Ih.. end of lhe "..... thot th.. req_ "'d
OPl'rored. despilhe fart lhol the ad,lit;'",al oIIi-
..,,,,"""\00 "ere a... lIabl" in Wb!,i,,!r'OI' """"...1
,,,,,,.tlls prior to the end of the "IT.
e. Gene...lly the oficen: ",,1""100 for
.\.H .."d phl"ogrol,hi<'.inrellil1"n"" dou....
we", OOIUpeulll. bill is We,it.ble in lhe ilekoc
lion nf jl1'OUl" for l'",fe;tl;""al ..".k. """,,,
of ,I"""" ch<>ooeJ> ..'"re rt01. Cnl""",,atel}'. 0_
th..- .....r1' ."""I"ed fllT , ...i"i,,! hllle elfon ..-d
mod. \o ....eord 011' th_ ,,'ho ..-ere ""gudletory.
d, Seriou$ err,)l'li in l'er>lollnel wei'll
Mloo nlMde in Ihe M""ign"'e"l of t" II. nmu
ber of ell*" "Ilk",.,. who IMek",1 eilher 1..
"r prof!'&iionlll or 00'10. We'" ..d
10 p.-",itions of ""'I",,,,ilJilily. d",i,.
soon e"",'''on kn"wledb"" ,he
",i,t"kes in "",'g"'''"", WP,." ,.'!dom t't'Clitied.
,'ni,s ,," f<H'1 '''''''I' """".!!h 10 from Ihese per.
,..>nnel ,lim,'uh i,", "pre gene.,t lIy '1<'ll1hte I'ti,,'lIril.'"
for low emeienc).
P. To in,,,,... ,he """'I dHeienl 10'" of 1'1""0'
j....... phic.;ntdlij."-,tlL...' l><'tWt11le1. 'lte following is
(I) Cenll... t oontrol of Atl photogrMpltic.inlel-
ligetlL'e personnel "f Ihe C S. ArlllLd FON:Cii
I", "e,led in 'Ioe lu'"dtl""rh'r, of Ihe uuified inteHi
i!"nL"tl I'rop<,;;('d in SL'Ctioll g ,,00",'.
(2) Th"""'r imellij."'llt(' cente,"S ,h,,,,101 ,."n
trot 1".""'''tI,.1 in Ihe Ihe",,". AilSij(n.
",,'n!>; in forwllnlll''''lIs "nd AI the same time Ill"in.
t"ining clo""" li",,,,,,n wilh \\'",loi")(1(,,,.
(3) C".... f,,1 st"dy .1001lkl be ",,,de of the
of onken< n.ocig"ed 10 IIO;;iliotl, of
Ill"I" periodic check shoultl!.>e ,,,,,tie
"1"'1> Iheir I",rror",,,nec of tluty. Ini". "r C"O"'"5C.
"ppli"" to ,,"y Iype of ol)!"niz"lion. hnl il is
ticul"rly i,,,porl""1 in tl", cn"" "f pholo ",.
"hould he f""" e;,'ili"" fields clO><'ly "I
lied with their;;peeiahy.
4. Tr"i/Ji"g
". Pltotog."phic.imellib"Ctlce Iraini"g dnri"g
Ihe Ii,."t ,"1!llr of ,Ioe wnr. OOtlo til. the AM scloool
in Ihrr;'.hnrg and "t lhe 1\,,,".\' &:hool ill AM'
,-osti", almost emirel}' hasod 0" Brilish ex
perience in Eurol"" enl"1y e"rriculn
included mud, Ih,,' wu m"l'phcMble 10 lite Pa-
cific war. atld omilled s"hjt":ls tlonL would
h""e l>eo'on most \"Rlnnhle. To OO"r<J<:L Ihis sil"a
lion iu Ihe K","y school. in Ihe spring
of I!H::l, uperie",..J o"i,.. were ''etur,H'<! fl"OIII
,he !'"cif: u i",tl'uc'o,.".II,,,llhe Cllrric"lllm ...."s
complelel}' """i5ed, 10 inler.
(or duty in Ihe A rot"liol\ I'.IV-
for PI o!li<:e!"!!, ""uau"l Ihe.followlIlg
fnll. in.nred " flo.... of "ffo<:er;t from 1'",.,,,
of ,Ioe Parillc "",I 1111,,1(' i' llO\lIlible to k<lep IIMl
llChool currie"I",,, "')II,,,wh"L tllJreast of !'''cifie
proble"'8 "nd rffJ"ire,"enl3. Altloouglo a few om.
""'" were "i",i1>,,'I)' ,,,IIII'nc..1 r,'Om O"e,'S<'as It,)
. , ,'$ il\ tho ..\.\1>' Sclwol, f"w ch"nges
lIS ""trllc 0 , f I
Wt'r<.I IllH,le ill "",.,.i"uh"". 1,"1" 1 ,e r,'""",,, fot
Ihis Iha faet th"L school e1"sses Wcto SO latgtl
""d Ihe work h,<I Oil \l,,,e1,,,"s SO thero
waS lillie Ii",,, """illllJl" plann'ng ne""
A" " ,,,,,,,It. while at
lid,1 unils were ....lIIti,... fa",01"": w,th [nc.'fie
"lwr"tio",,1 method' lind ",te"I>l'el"t,otl
"'""ed,""('. AAF illte',!,"""''''' oft"" needed further
I . _ "-th wo"ld 1"1\"0 1>1'Olll",1
lI111Il1"g. .....' , .
grelltl)' hJ direct liaison w'th field lItllls.
b Tho ,,.ij:"inal '"O'''::<>l'lion of phot"I,'1"Al'hie in
lelligell(;<'l il\ 'he U. ti. Fo'"eCii th"t (!lleh photo
gruploic itl1<'q"'CIC", sJoo"!d I... Mble to. do ,,11 lYp';8
of phntogrllploic. requ,rod. h,s
b111""Io of Ihe sc]"\',ce. w"s a ,wc'L'&;,ty In the
""rl)" tluJ"' 5illcc no ",:,u.ld Jl':,lict tIm type
... r work ,....-t',i'L>(1 "f ""S \I,<I,,.,dll,,1 IlIlep"ote,', ",,,1
dms.'''ch l"'d to 00 t""in,,<lI" IllL",I.,dl L"Ontiug..n.
"ill-"- A" tloe 01 iUlcl"p''Clulinn ill
creAsed" c'O"li"\I"tion of lhis polic) woulcl h"n..
''Il<llli'''':1 ench illteq"'ele" to) 00" of 100 many
(r",l.,;,," "ntl mud, of Ihe pOlent",1 ""l"e of I'ho-
logl1lphic illle1\igetlC1l wo"ld not h"n\ been. ro-
SI">(,j,,li'.'lion w"" tIlt' ""Iy """weI' And
it WnS " "1"''''''''''0'''' tlnelnpme"," 1",1".,d",,1
i"le'"l""'ler;; !.>e,,',,,, to specialize, due to circu""
51"'IL"'" of 'lSl;ib"""e"t, ,)I' 0" lh"ir own iniliati"e,
ill suclo fields "" OO"clo intelligenL", shipping,
ai]'''r''ft, "nt! /Ink. some OmCCl'li 1"1!'
ooi,'ed ndditional lraining, to prepsl"<\ the'n for

t. ThoAA F i1'I"llig<l"ce School. i(1I"1IS nol
to""ernoo with pholographic after
thei" initinl 1l1linillg, L"O"t,",>(1 dmi"" '0 Ihe
of " ge,,,,,,,,1 photO'.;mploic
COllI',*,. ,\lthollgh it did 1I0t kc"'p "l' to <lnt" on
in II", J;<!hool did 1"'0'
"ide a well 1"'01, ...""', which "n
b"OOll b"ckgrollntl fo>' OI1<"'lItio",,1 tmi"ing.
Olle o( Ihe 'ltlfo'1unAIe "L'Sults of (he lI"d'AnSi,,!:
A,\ F cu.,.ic"lll'" W"$I h"ll "IIi nillg WHJl Io"'g<ll.'" con
fined to Ihe I.'"pe of wOl'k e"cou"tc,lltl tIt a IAI'ge
pl",loi"telligcnce IInil, Ihe fIIct thai tIt, ,,0
ti"'e more tloan GO l'eree,,( of the AAF i"ter.
p1"1!le'li "ssignl!<.l to of "'l"b'""iz"lion. III
'h" spring of "'o"c Iha" l;O I"'" cellI "f tho,,",
tl"lli".<I wc.. heing A$5igned I" oo",lmt lI"ito.
whe'" th"i"I"'incipal d"ly Itl ai,' ,,,,,t
t'"'''''''ndel''' wilh "n of oomhing re
Bults. In this work th& Air
tr-inillg was inadequalo. UF i &boor.
80rne thought to lhe
L,?Qrees, wlticll wottld
lone w,th op"ratlOn.1 dutieB b!It. 1Ilon In
wem estahli.hed. AlllO, C<lUJ'IIooI
. I I' ' __-1011 of ....b-
ho "nil: ",.nua $ to ,ud ,"---pb.. ,-
, .."""'lI" ...
'" ;;chool ami III the field De1"er m.terialized .
e"Use .such work WaB "l" COflsidtl'f<l to be an :
1II1l!llogenee Scloool funetion. IT
. Sa>'.,' llChool" A_;., in lid,
,hi '0" ,to. b.. %U_ 10 tll!.. ph<.to,
1I:,:apll1e '''tcllob'l"!It,: onit...""" .." .IM OOllfl>med
w,th photogrnplllC 'nle'l'""tel'l! 011 rotalion f
o"N""''''', it" slAII' developed ..
" nllmber of llOSL COUt'li<!8, TIlle
eOllr5O'l w..s ,:,ell c<ln"""'",1 to lrai" photographic
illl"rpreters 'n tlew ICCltlliqll1.'8 .lId refresh lhem ill
old Ones. It wAS A rniSlAke. llO.e,'er. '0 Ililll lhE-
re(rllRhH COU'>jf ItS a 1'''01 for newl)' returned offi.
t'<)rs for' whom ""ere no othtr ....ign"ltn"'-
S"ch tmining sloould Ita"e been gi'.n just htl"",
omoore relurn",1 m...:st>a " "'hith ,im" ,he,'
would loa"" heen more recl'pti,.... to tnining Ind
wo"ld won Ioa"e been in a JIOiji'ion \(I"I'PI)' i,.
e. POSI gradUAte oourstS At PIC .ere begun 10
m<let tlte i"erellSed trend to......rd indi,-i<!".l spe-
tiftli .Iltioll noted "Ix,,-e. TI,. id"" Wlt'jl goO<! OI't.
10"1 ill m05L ca_ Ihe oo"rses ,,'.,re beb"'" 100 lalt.
"nd ill >;ome oonsideroble time ."d
WaR d'l"oled to subjectS of relali, minor op.....
tional i"'p<;Irtance.
(1) The cnrliest special OOtm'le .tlentlt<l by
photognll'ltie i"terl'rolers ....It'j OOlletMl! ..ith I.,r
min model ",aking. Subsequently. 2S.'J
Nn"y Ilnd Marine officers Alm,dOO lhis OOtIri!e., I"
pracl ice, te,.,,,in models were of nth"" lim""d
ope,"t ionnl use, And I'ho1ogrsp.ltie.'nlelligt."Ct
t",illi,,1,' wtlS not _ntiAI to lhe,r
TIoe lime and manpower sptnt in tramm,!!
would hll"e been !.>euer utilized in I....""ng officers
in specialt ies of b"",,a'er op"... tio".. l wliatlioa.
(2) The second mljo!' gudu.le
aHended h\" I,IoologMlphic interprettrs dtlh ..,th
lraining i'; photog... "''''t'')'. Altl'Ollgh ,&8 1'1 01.
fieers were 'rnine<! and ....'" 10 field un'\i!
the end of lhe war. fe.... e,.,r It..d opponuml)'
'''PI>],' ,heir tr"ini,,!!. I" I'n"lIce. the
. I "."- I \C,n
gra",met'1"\' lectures in t le _,e I' l .....,.- . h
lellige"oo 'course I'ro,'i<lOO inle'1'tf''''''''''''
9"ni"ienl b'l"II"MlI trai"in!! ill tlus field,
(I) Two..,..
lrial aut,.., ...
dUli.. ill the 6eId, .... dIa '"
cour.. whn "*"ell lWeI IIIIit. ....
tilt war uriQd too late to _Ill ......
-. 0I1wr pltotopaphie ...
IIXJl!t of the __rdl 011 .... depdI
.1w:tron1Ql inalallaQona, aIId
'II(. d,d IlTl", in lilt P..,i6r 1lOOII to btof
If"Ol'I tiOl8t.I""", Itld to 1't'Wt' I"" 1 III IIpICiaI.
'ud lromilllll:.
f. Wilh gre.ter '"",,,;p,t Itld I IlIOnI dlftllll
liai"')1\ .ilh field unll<\, nod Sa." IIdlooI.
""II!.t h..e 'nlrod.......J ."..,ializatiOO'II ..........
date. in .....h field. .. Jlhippinlll: and
... ,<1 for air unil oomm.l'IdN'o., airnw.ft
.ltd lir!ieltli;, ...JTitr .-<>tiI:...n'pltibiOUll ....t., aIId
indll$trill .".Iy'"" Eorlit< "!let"i ..liution _Id
h.'e I",""moo more tho,""UI' , ..i"i and woukI
b""e ",",It .p."i..h"", I,...ilable "'h .-w..
g..-\ltlwtJlt!t it "001<1 he looli..h. I>lI 1M basis
of e:.-i"'i", lmo..lel!r, 10 I"Oll:<IalII>e iJlf'C'iflc'
curri""l"m lor fUlUre 1'1 l ...inillJ:". 1M... i.....
cienl ba.ois for m.lrillJ:" C'trtoi" ..I _.
(1).\ joint l'"''l'......tioD
,"'hool he "$ublish@d for l'l-
l<1!'""pltic ml.rp.....t". nI the r. S.\rmod F",",,-
TI'iIl "",11001 should ...'" til! of t1", u"ifiod
inl.IIi,.,,,,,,, s)"stem reoomntendto! in 2 g of
'his &:hibil.
(2) Inilial trai"i.., .hnuld
rougbly '0 the haoic ..hich ...."" boing
t.. ughl in AAF .tld ...y ""boob It tloeend of lhe
.-or. /(i"jug !IIIlUI18'1' riew of the
u-. Illd ,ltniqut"o of )'1. Ind i""IOOifl,ll''' <:om,
pltle "lin...)' of Ollltr In"'" of ..-illt
elllphuis on the intenlel"'o<!ency of all illlelli
(31 bsslc , ..ining. 61udl'lll. """"'1<1
he to ""'"' deuiled l'OOl"lOt" in _h"f>O'"
ci.1ti.,." the cltrrenl milit.,.,. ami intertl.lIonal

lIe,.,u,* tI... _ of lilt ..10m;' bomb loa9
,;hifled lhe ooncept. of .. urge! from $iu,1t ill
stall.lion; or toenlire urban and
in<!trnrill romprehNt<O'"" IM,,_ ill urbo.n
.......,,11""";" ,J,ould Ilt inoorponled into botlt
;',..i" ..nd .d'",n<'Oid I...ini", cu,,-icul.. I, is fell
Ih.1 the JTG metho<k devoloped for p..... ami
post ..... i<l of urbBn 8rea$ will. wilh Ihe
modificatiollS dQ.. by the I'hot(ll,"",phic In
telli.L"'tlNl Section, USSBS. the N'<\u;,..,,,ICI1IS
of urllAll area an.I)'si. for "I(lmie bombing Mtnck,
(") ThOl'e in eharl;'(l of tra;"i"g shoul,l COil
Iantly re,'i"w currie"l" il
the Iighl (If the elllTcnt
silllMiotl, dnd sho"ld. tl",,,,fore, be to
eslahli,!> <li"'Ct liaison with ag<'lleies re,.ponsible
for wnr plaus nnd weapons dc,'elop",eul.
5, Rese"ub
n. I" the fall uf W4:\ N'n'T phull)j,trnphic inter.
prele1'>l from d;ff"""nl lhentel'" 1""1. .... n reo
on rolation 10 the I'hoIOj.....aphir lntelli
gt'-nce Center al Ana<.'O:!tiB. D, C. They
thnt field units were iu 1l(!O!(I of hBudbooks which
woulll (1) exp'aiu the llletho<ls
".-<'(1 in nil types of photOj1:,""phie
(:n l're-"" II", C.... IUnle<:1 uperi ... nc"Cll uf ",ell whu
had uS<'<1 these. methods in OPC11ltiOll81 lhcsler;;,
8U<l (:I) provide background infOlmal ion. nut
8""ilsble to interpreters in the field. 0" i"'portant
.pecislizl,<1 81",li.... Atcordin!:ly. PIC the
publication of materi.1 On such subje<.1S as Japa.
Guns. AntiAircrnfl and CQSstal Defense;
Beadllmerpretation. Japanl':!e Catlloutlag<'.
b. In early 19H ,\etAS Intellijt{'!\("(l PIC
rollabornled Qn the of the "PhOlO'
lnterpretulion Handbook."" complete ,..,.
"ision of the l'On'J'1'1 hllndbook p"blished in mid
IfJ43. and shonly th.... reBfter be,,"'n woek joimly
on a seril!!; (If photo induSlrial shldie;; (the Pelro-
leum the Coke. 11'(11\ and 51eel Indus
try; the Aluminum Indu..t!"): lhe InJus
t!'): the Expl""i ...,;; I"dl1sll'y; etc.). Although
the""riiest w(lrk at PIC i""QI"",1 oul)' lhe r<wision
8ud RS!lI!01bl)' of ill!! written and l,hologr" ph ie
material. lster !'IC studies (c. g.. Umlerwllter
Depl h Determi""t iolt). and "diell 11I'epa,..,.1 joint_
I... with the AAF. "",,,ired wnsi.lerable
c. The role of Washingt"" phutographicintel.
lil,"'"'''' organiZlltiQ1l$ u ...".,arch """leI'S was <:(Ir
-rectly rouceiwd. he<lau;;e field "nits bad no I;me
for this work. howe"er nellS"ey. while units in
WasbingtQn had to central lilell of aeeial
photogntph)' and to file!! of other intelligence and
research agencil!$ not 1"Bi]able el.,n.h"re. In
practice, howewr. lhe Wa"hingtol\ pro.
"...... m '..." inadequate. The publication. Ihe,,,_
seh'el! were. ill mOSt cases l<!Chnically rou"d. bll1
dela)"'!! in prepanttioll. I'uhlicstion. an.1 distr;h,,_
. ,'lfr wilh Ihe occ".io""l choice of ope..
tlOll, tol,'" . I
. " ","',JV1'1ant ,,,," \l Ihem tnUd,
"onn}''' .
1_ l1""fulth'''' the." ",,/!,hl h""e !>eeu.
,I. Altho"lZh ",,,,,,, of tho delay" Wct'"
ahlo'. the ",,,ju,.it., ''<I"ld I",,, 1,." !'[,n"""t<'d.
,\mon!: a"oid"ble delnys were those call8ed by
"nd".... ('<Inc""'n ",ith style of In,b.
by lack 11\. ;!:"th"'ri"ll
"""...." ,n"te!'ial. by tlls."I"II",n of ""a,l"bl" msn.
pow,',' ,,,,d
1"",j.",I,.. by "Pl',,,..,l1t tnek of n'nl''''11'on uf the
"" ..",ne, of Ihe I".k. ,,,,,I e"e" by 1'''''.,[.1' personal
<liffe''':;I'''''' of opinion, 1Jetween ;\ nny and Na,'y
I"""""""el. on q"e;t;ons or form. E"en after l'ub.
li"al;u" receipt ill the field WaS delayed f"om o"e
t" twO ':lo"th8 b, the use of ... ,I"r i"Sle"d of n;r.
''''IiI. "lthongh intcll;".-ence materiul from other
\\'",h;nl->ln" "geneies waS hl' air. Tlw net
,..,.,,It of de1"ys ;s ilh"t",le;! III th.. case of
tl", photo industrial sll"lie;, prepared jointly by
PIC ,\C ,\5 'nlelligt'nc,. Ele"cn of these
stndi... wera from 10 14 months !>efote
th.......",1 of Ihe wnr. FO""of thede"en we,..., nCI'Cr
,,,"'pINed, twn "rr;,ed in the ficld nt, the end of
Ihc war. and only Ihree Qf the remainder ani,'ed
i" lime \(I !>e of ony "SIl. The info"111ation <:(In-
tl1ined in many of these publications WaS
needed eady as Nowm!>el' WH. Due to Iheir
nalure. these publica1inns need not h",'c bee" tIe-
laycd while !lw,,;ling addition,,1 iutellig<!nee on.
cnemy ind"stry.
e. As w the publications themsehcs. oomc, sucb
a, the Photogt'''phie Handhook.
Shil'b"ilding, the Coke. Tron ""d Stc>el l"duSlry,
the Aire'"Itfl Ind"stry. Japanese O"ns. Ant;air
"",ft and CoaSlal Defensc.).,pan,,* I';leell'Onics,
the l'elt'OI""", Indllstr,\'. t",,1 !J"de"wliter Depth
Delerm;nat;on wcrc, Whell receivcd ill tillle. ,.e,..'"
usef,,!. O,heN;. such as.lnp""e;e Aircraft Sheltcl':l.
.J"pan''''' Mil;la,,. ll"ildinj..'1l. and Ships'
fl'(l"l ,\e"ial I'hologrnphs, WCre either ohsolete or
"m'ecessary c,'c" before they WCI"" published.
f. ,\ny ""alysis of ,cscnrdl work
On ph<ltoj(nlp],ic intellij.",,,ce done dn,.;n/!' the war
can lead I" bm one condusiOll. ll"mely thnt li... l([
'm;1s were SUI'I,Iie<l with h"t a small f,."cl;on 01
the material with which thev should, anll <:(Iuld
ha.... s"pplicd.
g. I" "iew of 'ec<.'nt 1'("(llll1innary de.-elol'
,,,enIS in is c<>rtnin that th...
1'"I"e oll'hntogral'hie intellij,'t'nc'e, iu Ihe fnln,..",
6. ..phy
a. It i$ a ba.ic llhotogral.hic.imeHigel\tle uiom
ItS the n'j,'ulnrit y, scale. and quality of photo-
<:(I1erage 01\ a l'articulAr targel
the ,,\'Curacy of im... rp,...tati"" .bo iuc...,a*-
COll1l'le1c, regular C(werage iA absolulell C'l8ential
if aecUMtC" is to be acltie....<1 eOllAi,tentl): in the in.
tel'pl'etatio;>II of airfields, shipI,ing. defenses, and
eleell'(ln;cs. ,'o!' example. frtqaent eo,er-
nj!'e of airfields. plane co,,"'s may be misleadin!!.
and A/F "se arlt! important'll rn.)' ch8nge withoul
l>eing detl!C1oo. Similarly. il gaP" OCCUr bet ...eoen
dates of o"er harbors. reportillg of
ship "W\"I!", ... nts ue<:flSSllrily becomes f...
"nd witho"t I'egnlar co,ernge of ;mportalll de-
fen"" ereas. dlanj..'ei< in the <li'l'o,;iti"n of fI.k will
f,'O undetected. In the interpl'l'ulion (If nular
inSlnllt,li""s. c",,,plele ronr o"er un
import"nt, peninsulas and headlaml. i. ,naudalory.
Fi""ll)', in the lechnique;; de,'el,,1'ftI fur Ih... Il>'
,;e.."SmClll of bomb damagc. lhe "ean_ "f p"",
and IlOSt.attnck photography to the time. 01. 1.1'"
enid !>en .... a direct relationship to Ihe
of U!lSeSSmellt.
b. Ob,ionsl)". acc"rscy in Ihe a_m... nt of
<["mnge and in lhe i,lenlifiealion of airel1lfl, oa"al
and me,,,,hant ,-essel.'!, and itldu"rial plant"
ine,."ase with Ihe SCIlle of \et.
evell On small seale .,hotographs
be done on those subjects. For Sl'<:<'M!fullden.
tifieatioll of electronics in"allati,)" dcf...,,-..
, . h ""th _Ie
howe,.er, good qua It)" p 010=.._. . 1
(If 1 ; 10,000 or belter is ordin.rll)" _nu.
..... the lint; BIId ....
Marill fto.. by .....
ner il'enlft. nw.....,...,...
"'I'hy limited by the; diatlln __
huf." aIk\ J.l'ln. by lho IItiI..... at ....'e pl.""" a- (\lHJIOO...a2JJOO _I, by ...
.....-.l'M""'.nt ...1..,,,... Oft :u illrb fot!lII I-.:da
c.".........lIl by II I".. -I,'i.., clwd ba>lb b
'Iupml., e'le'lUllIe 1 f ..... 11... Jal_ "-
..IA,..1_. (,<.."",Ie",bl. l,h'''''II:'''f>b10f primary iar
I""'""" ...'._"....11' Sur ..... Min'" aiftnft..
p'"rt,cuI.rly III oonnK'liOl1 ..ilb .mp!\i,",-open.
lion!!, ."d Ihe tactical p1'Ologn.pIIy I.Un by .....
r'er'based alrel1lf, in !'Upport of lbPir OWII
o!'C"'ti""" ""IS ill,.lllabie. n.. II"BUr put of
S.,.I of Ihe Japll_>d ....
ho.e...... r. l.l'IorI'l, ""['plen",nt.1 t(l ,h.l floW!> by

d. C<>t",jclered in tJoe lillh, of dillio:ul_
.nd mimmum 0I"'-I1IIlOf..1""Iu're,;..."..... II... job of
1,IIOlQgl1lphmg J.pan 1I"'" ..ell dol1l'nd photo-
l..... phs lakeo a tretntndo<e.l... imponBDl
"'''l'Oe of inlelligtllft. from th.. .undpoint of the
l'hotQgl1lI"lir interp",wr. bowe'.r. pbocognpby
"",-,ld ha'.., bfeu COJ1>ide",bl... bet'er..\llhoongb lho
III i,wh f.....l Jengtl' oa_", u... ,,-...I00 pve 8
......""'..ble ..,.le ( .,.,..,%ilBlltely I 9J_"). -lO incb
....l'I!l'1Ij!I! "a, illCOlllplfle. r ..... in ilt1l00rtan. indO!!
trial area.. Con,opquemly. the m.jlllily of pbolo-
l ..... phif;.intelh,e."lOI! worlt h.d to be done frot"
inrh forallen,l!lh pbotopsph..... t "" .l't... ""&Ie
"f I Thit ,.,.,le ;, too _ll to permil the
phOlOl:""phic iote1']lreter 10 d<> a cool>iotenll, COllI
pletr job 01' lbe id..nlin".,ion of .i.......ftIe<:.
,ronies itlSlaJlati...... ""d def..o.-. and OIl the ...
_"",,,t Some ....."ofJal"''' in,
II",,... 1"'1'01'18111 underground a"d ",.
d ill_ullali""" ".\"I!r adequ.tely photo-
l I'....r. alOd m.ny other ......... which i""l"do<!
la'l!" .iT'6eldnd iudt""-rial pl.o"," "'..... not <'(j,..
e....1 with ....Jllnt.11I re..'UI.nty. fin.lly. 8n "a
I-.""ril., ""l'<'ftItage of th. l,holOjo. ..... ph...
,....,.,red ".... poo..l... .... iudt.'lUl'"
otherwi"" eJtCrl\ent ....-rragt.
. ('ontrol of the planning and or<knng of pbo-
lognll>h, ""U in tho h.nd; of ,thoof,
,,'nb i,..dequote .of photographIC ,no
aOO not 10. I""'nio" IQ kno...
dUlt I,hot<>gnph,' ...""Id t.. """" nh..blr from
Ul ;nl.,lligene<l $l.ndpl,lint. Sleps lakeu ncar 1116
M'KI of the .... r tended to redllctllbis but
.t no time..-as rhe lhorollghly ".lis-
1. milch hils Ix",,, said alld writlen during
lhe wllr 011 lhe j/:,""al ad"anlages of colo]", illf,.,Il'('(l
and other "peeial film", il i_ belie,"",,1 lhol a few
CO""'lClltl! on their use are nl'proprialc, F,,,,m lhe
phOlQgrRl'hic inlCrll....lers poinl of ,ie.w, \\"hal-
eWt ,he 1l00clitial "ah,e of lhe'C films uughl hn,:e
been, their colltribmiQI1 10 l'hotogrnphic inldlo.
,..",,,,,,., during lhe Pncific wllr \I'M insigllificanL.
C<>lor pllQlog"l1lphl', in pn'1iculnt, w"s ""ld(>", Pllt
tQ "nl' OOllstruct;'c use when 'l!lCu,-,,;l, and il was at
li"'e6 secured at the of "dditiQnaL more
u;;eful I... "chrou"'lic photog-tnph),. j,'T(',,'e,,1
.'<!",,,blillg" bloch in the wa.,' of cal'ltalozmg on tl",
]lQlcl\l;al a,hal\I"I."l'\l of hoyc been thll greal
difficuhie.;: of pl'OCeSSing. dlllilitntinl!..a",i han
dling il. 0.8 oo"'pan>d with l'anel"'o'm'lle I'hotQg
tnllh)', "ThCIl lhe:;" lechnical dinicul!;e_< a,\' ()\c]"
hOlO raphic interpretetl! .re 1lUlII.
oome. and. 1'1 in fhe use of color pholography, it
tiCnl!)' Ill,,! it will supplant bid
Mud of photo illlellig.mee ill
g I "
' I I' .<1""uatll l,hologral'ly, ,t '8 COl-
Rl <!,'pe,,( en vU , . , I
' I L'I tho technical nnd o"gD'''':at'ona
_enlll,1 t >at \ I.A d I Ih
. r .ori,,1 I)holograpll)' "" gcare 0 c
phases 0 .
n('('(]s of photo i litelI'b"Cllt'e. ..
I llei'Cnreh and del'e1op"WJ'L 1Il serial Ilho
() I 1,1 00 .....ared Iowai'll tho lrOals of
I' ,,""phy 8 'OU.,_ .
, I 'I- '" ",h'eh "'"y be
I","",,,, """". Cd '1' I
' _I dlll)litated, And Ill, '1.(\(, and
"a.<11\ . r
' II' I long ]""n,l(o ,,,rer,, t.
10"'Pln '*' . _ I
') '1'1 tnlnslat;"(,\" of requests for p ,otog.
(- "I I I' I 'II
I , for l,hol.Ogtnp 'y w ""' w,
mil 'r ,"IQ or " q _
\"icld I he ;nlell igcn"'l l'e<l"egted shonld he" ]"cspon
of phOlO intlllliJ!ence.. .
(;\) t u ,. c. 1'1Hltog"'l'llle r<lCQnnlllf;Snnre
he beth'" (;oordinatcd ,,,,<1 on "'"th large]"
sooale rlo"n in lhe past.
U8T or UPoItTll
The lollowl". of 01_ If. 01_
]>1.'1 report.......lIinl f 'bo '*-......,.. .......
nom"".. I. 2, aDd 3 be pom.- r........ lloolIertr.-
tondent of no.,,-.,,&, I'ttMlo.c 0....
"'..blngLoo.ll.C. P"""iIotnolto.-...u.o--.;
""port. may be had b, _jill \(l lbe 1iooMo......".
'he S""'''l' al Cravelly Point. U, n. C.
I The Ualled A'.... llt ..\qi< lIune"
S,"n""'1 Report (.:u....-. Wor).
2 The t:olled Ill.'.., !It..... Boonbihf s.......y:
O"er-all Report (Europe&!> V;,,).
J The Ell"",. or 8>..... lIo...blfIJI: on IIMI Germo.o
W.r E""oOIl\Y
.lIRea,,", D1YISJON
(By Di\Woa ..d o.-hl
'\'1",...R Did"icn 11Id"."y Report 1"-.'
5 ""I"",(io" Vi.i" '" V&noo. T""""'""........ .....

'" 'a
Ileu"",I,. 0",,1<>1' C""",,,I Co, liM'" "n M..I".
(;.,n,I".", ..1Gu""ni"c,ko. 1I0"o,'or. Ger",.")'
11".10 Sl" I\ubbor Plo,,,
'\[["'nori..1 R"porc 0" Gen""" Huh"". l"d"'''1"" Ilron.b
Am,"o"iah.rk" ....b"rg C m I, 11. L... n.,
Uta""kohle lie".. " A G, Zeit ..."d Il<>hlen, Germ.."y
WI"te",h"'l A G. I,,,,,t.k.,,dorl. Gem,.."y
Lud..-lphofen_Oppau \Iork. 01 I G F",bl"l"d"Olri.
A C, L"d"';plI,r"", Gem'''''l'
U"h"",l Ih-<ln>ge".,ion PI."t. II<>"rol'_fl<>y. Ccr,
"'''''Y. \'01 I. V"I11
Uhe"""I. .\linctal,-",\"'"'.o A G, lIa,bors
Hofi"",y, H''''burg. Ger",,,,,y ....loel ...rke A C, Crnoobrook
II"finery. ll ..mb"r,3. Cerm."l
Ith"",,,I. o....g .\lo".""oel ...,kp A C. Wilh"h"..
bu'lt Uofl,,"'Y, ll"rg. Oe""""l'
a."..rbeh.r, VI<1or, C...'rol,-U...."L C.""."l.
Vol I <t Vol Jl
..I""h. T... ,k1fW:r ",,,I Tr.""",'t A G.
Ebano Werke A G. fl ..rhurg Ildl"or)',
1I."'burg, Go""..",.
..rl>ook nhel"!'",,,_,, Sy,,'hetlc Oil 1'1.",-
Vol I & \'01 II
Oil, 1ll\'lS1011'
Ordnance Ihanoh
Oil 1l1.;"lo" Fin.. RepOrt .
Oil ))1,;,10" Fi"..1 Ret"''''. Apptn,h.
1'<0..-<1",. E'l'lo.h... I;l'ed..1 II<>ckeL' ."d Jot 1'",.
1.,11""1', W,r G......"d St",,"" "old
,-,teno1l1'pOn III
Underg"'""d .,,<1 1)1,,,.,,,,,, 1'1.",. In Cre.t"r
Th. Gorm"" Oil I"d".trl', ..r T"..",
78 .
.\1I,,101eri,,1 Her"''' 0" Ch"""...I.
Oil IIr..ntb
O"I"..n"" I"d,,"ry' nel",rt .
friodrioh ""'I'i> Cn".""""' ,\ C. Magd.h'"g.
V"rel" ruer G""I"',II,,"rik..Uo" A G,
!I<>oh,,'" Gen"."'
lIe".. h"l':"d $oh":".,,,,,,I. u.-"".."y
Rh.I"'''....II-lI''",]\. Ih,,,,,,,ldorl. G"""."."
II.""."" Goo,i"g \'crk., Ilr.""""h"'"'8. Ilnlie"dorl,
..he C",m.."y
C...."hlf..brik hie-dri,h Kn'I'I'. 'AOC'"

Molor "olll.,....nd Tooks Broooh
77 Gem...n \'ehiol.. Ind,,-,t,y n.,,,,,,,
80 !tenl\lllt \'ohicles PI.."" 1I111..,oo"n, P..ri.
81 Ad..", ()pen, I\u_'he;m, Gen"""l'
8:! l)ai",l.r 'JIo,i,-C"lIll."",,,,u \\ or"", GOggOl'O".", Ger_
83 M:.:'':l;,o"r.l..-ik A\>pburgS"n' ...... , );"""'''''rg,
SI Au'" Ij"ion A G. eh..",,,,. ..nd Z..ick..", Ge"''''''l'
IIcD""b.1 ""d Sob" "'-I, Cen".."y
86 .\I .. M<>tor li'or",", Yri<drieh.hof"", C..rrn.."y
87 \'<>iltl...der .\laoebl"""fobrik A G. PI,,,e,,, Gcn"...
88 Vol""'"","""'''''o. r lenle....", Ge,,,,'
89 lluMln& l\;AC. Bn"' r.k. Ge"""".
\10 .\Iuohie"bau I"d".,rie A G ,Mlag) JI","."';ck.
Gn,,,,,,, ...rke, Ger_

66 The Cokl"l1 h,du.'ry Ikpon.,1 G.rm.".
67 Cokiug Pl.", Ilepon So. I, Sec,in,.. A, II. C, & II
tIS Gu'eholl",,,,gobuetl., O....rh.." ..n. G.n"..,,)
611 Il,,,,., nh.l"h.... """. C..n".."y
7Q );"..",ki",I",,, E..." ...rk. A G. S.,,,,kireh.u, Cer-
Reloh.;.'erko lion" .."" A C. Hallo"dor!,
n AUgH" Th,'_o llnette A G. H.,noon'. Ge"".,,)
73 Friedrioh "n,PI' A G. Il<>rbook PI.."" Cer
Hoer<t<.-r 11""'''''1'0",1". A G, ])on'"""d,
..brik.';O" A G.
.\IU:-;JTJOSS llI\'lSI01','
Th. l)d, of .ho Gom"" Air
00 V.Weapo". (C.-<>ol<>IxJ..-j C."",o.;3"
61 .\Ir F.,..... Ib,. <>l Or.,""'I""
62 W..,he< F..,o,.. in C"",I>&, Homh.rd".."t 0[>.",
,I",.. i" 'he Th<.. ,,,,
&:I 0.,,"1>1"3 "" .."",oy" ]l ..,-y ,,,d
Horn""", In 'I'"
Sl l>e>J<:rip,l"n <>I RAF
Modl<.J Ilr,,,oh
ll.'i The "I 1I0mbi".. ,>1, Hllh .nd .\1.<110.1
C.", in Gon".n)
He, Industry llruoh
M.o_l.e Tool" !Jr""e_
M ..h",. Tool. & ..hl"o,,' .. C'I,I.,I
r..'.o ..hl"o Tool I"d"",, In Germ..,)
M 110m',,, 1\011> C<>.. C.,I"""o, Gon"..,y
C.,Jle' ."d ....d. OOonha<h,
r.s );".,,,,, (',,1.,.,_ l'",nkron 0" Go""""Y
The C...."." AI>.... I,.., I"d,,.,,,,
n ."d 8<1""1<1'. 000,,",,[, 0" Gor.".",'

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