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Terms: 1.

Air Pollution - the presence of organic and inorganic materials whose concentration, quality duration affect the usefulness of the air. 2. Basis of Air Quality Standards: a. Ambient air: gives minimum concentration of the material in the surrounding atmosphere. b. Emission Standards: gives the minimum allowable concentration and duration of the material in discharge stream from a stack. 3. Atmospheric Layer: Troposphere: roughly 12 km in depth, contains 95% of the total air mass, oxygen dependent life sustained, clouds are formed, weather patterns developed, Air pollution problem occur. Stratosphere: altitude of about 50km, contains much more naturally occuring zone. Mesosphere: not affected by air Ionosphere: " " " " " " "

Thermosphere: "

4. Dispersion of air pollutant: a. Horizontal Dispersion of pollutant - spreading of air pollutants dependent on wind speed and direction. Wind rose - a graph that represents the speed and direction from which the wind tends to come. b. Vertical Dispersion of Air - vertical mixing of air and dispersion of pollutants depends on the kind of atmospheric stability. Temperature Inversion - prevents the upward mixing and dispersion of contaminants. 5. Categories of Air pollution: a. Particulate matter: any material except water that exists as solid or liquid in the atmosphere. Aerosol: A suspension of small particles in a gas. the particles may be solid or liquid or mixture of both. Dust: solid Aerosol in the 1-300 micron size. usually applied to solid particles larger than colloidal and capable of temporary suspension in air. Fumes: Solid Aerosol in the submicron size range; applied to solid particles generated by condensation from the gaseous state, generally after volatilization from melted substance and often accompanied by a chemical reaction such as oxidation. Mist: Liquid aerosol in the 0.01 to 10 micron size range; applied to dispersions of liquid particles, the dispersions being low concentrations. Fog: high concentration of mists sufficient to reduce visibility. Soot: finely divide carbon in an agglomerated state, results from unburned hydro carbons. Smoke: combination of carbon particles and liquid droplets from combustion.

Smog: combination of smoke and fog.

b. Oxides of Sulfur: Anthropogenic sulfur oxide emissions - the result of fossil fuel combustion in stationary sources. significant noncombustible sources of sulfur emission are petroleum refining, copper smelting and cement manufacture. SO2 + OH = HOSO2 HOSO2 + O2= SO3 + HO2 SO3 + H2O = H2SO4 CaCO3 + H2SO4 = CaSO4 + CO2 + H2O c. Lead: is emitted to the atmosphere primarily in the form of inorganic particulates. can cause aggressive, hostile, and destructive behavioral changes, as well as learning disabilities, seizure, severe and permanent brain damage and even death. sources: - air emissions - ingestion of lead in food - drinking water - leaded paint 6. Types of air pollution Personal Air Pollution - exposure of individuals to dust, fumes, smoke, gases from cigarette or pipe smoking. Occupational Air Pollution - exposure of individuals to potentially harmful concentrations of aerosols, vapors and gases in their working environment. Community Air Pollution - exposure of a community to air pollutants with adverse social, economic and health effects. 7. Sources of Air pollution: Base on type of source Viable (natural) source - examples are pollens from the flowers of plants or trees, microorganisms like algae, mold, bacteria, yeast, fungi, dust from soils, rocks. Non-viable (man made) source - may be classified as primary (from combustion) or secondary. 8. Sources of Air pollution: Based on Movement Stationary sources - examples are power plants, food and food industries, pulp and paper. Mobile Source - from combustion product of the engines or motor vehicles. 9. effects of air pollutant Carbon monoxide(CO) - usually coming from automobile exhausts due to low temp. combustion. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - the major product of combustion. the cause of green house effect.

Oxides of Sulfur (SOx) - it comes from sulfur based industries and power plants. causes of acid rain. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) - source of foul odor, also causes darkening of light painted surfaces. Hydrogen fluoride and Chloride (HF and HCl) - also contributes to acid rain when combine with water vapor, produces from chemical based industries. Chloro-fluorocarbons (CCLxFx) - it reacts with the ozone layer of the atmosphere. Ethylene (C2H4) - interferes with normal action of plant hormones or growth regulators producing leaf epinasty. Peroxyacyl Nitrate (PAN) - major component of smog. Soot - formed due to incomplete combustion of solid fuels. Antimony (Sb) - solid aerosol which can cause blocking of kidney tubes. Asbestos - can cause asthma, coughing, and chest pains, may lead to lung cancer. Cadmium (Cd) - can affect nervous system. Mercury (Hg) - can cause blindness and hearing difficulties. Lead (Pb) - may cause loss of bodily coordination as it attack the central nervous system. Photochemical Smog - a secondary pollutant, reduces visibility; toxic and deadly.

10. Causes of Air Pollution -increase in population and traffic -development of industries -development of automobile engineering -Development of agriculture -World wide arms race -Thermal and nuclear power generation 11. Pollution Control Strategy -source shutdown -source location -fuel substitution -the use of correct operation and maintenance 12. Safety Engineering- is the planning and executing of the safeguarding of workers from personal injuries or death. 13. Safety - means freedom from hazard or accidents or keeping oneself or others away from dangers. 14. Hazard -things or conditions that might operate against safety or success. -things or conditions that might cause injury, death, damages to property or environment. -a possible source of peril, danger, duress or difficulty.

-a condition that tends to create or increase the possibility of loss. -effect of unpredictable, unplanned and un-analyzable forces in determining events. -an event of occuring without design forethought or direction. 15. Accident -a sudden mishap that interrupts a normal operation. -any unintentional or unplanned event or condition. -any occurrence that interrupts or interfere the orderly progress of the activity in question. -an event rapidly occurring series of events arising out of an unsafe act or unsafe conditions. - an error usually committed by man. 15. Industry - a business that has something to do with labor and capital. 16. Possible Socio-Economic Effects of Accidents A. For The Victim 1. Death 2. Disability Permanent Total Disability Permanent Partial Disability Temporary Disability 3. Loss of Wages 4. Loss of earnings capacity 5. Pain and Suffering by the victims physical suffering Mental Suffering 6. Family hardships and inconvenience 7. Social life will change or be affected B. For the employer 1. Direct cost 2. Indirect cost 3. Cost of time lost by foremen, supervisors and other executives. 4. cost of time spent on the case by first aid, attendants, and hospital department's staff when not paid for the insurance. 5. cost of damages on the machines, tools and equipment. 6. cost damages on the property or environment 7. cost of spoiled work or material 8. failure to fill orders in time

9. cost to the employer under employee's welfare and benefit system. 10.cost to employer in continuing the wages of the injured employee after his return. 11. cost due to the loss of profit on the injured employee's productivity and on idle machines. 12. prestige of company is affected. 17. Causes of Accidents Problem or hazard human error unsafe act of persons unsafe condition improper attitude lack of knowledge and skill bodily defects ignorance apathy acts of nature

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