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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter July 5, 2011

Pastors Notes As I type this part of the bulletin, it is July 4thAmericas day to celebrate our Independence!!! Happy Birthday America!!!! I can hear the sound of fireworks going off, many places have closed for the day in honor of this great and momentous day! I hope that you had a great 4th of July! Many met with family for cookouts, BBQs, a day at the lake or whatever your family tradition is. I hope that sometime throughout the day, you reflected on how truly blessed we are as a nation. God has been good to America! If the truth is known, Hes been much better to us than we have to Him. Weve wondered far from our humble beginnings. Weve forsaken the God that brought us so far. I talked about it Sunday Morning. I told you that if God could preach a sermon to America, it would be a 5 point message (taken from Prov. 14:34) - 1) Righteousness. That word denotes the who is in power & authority; it denotes the standard and also denotes that once we know who is in charge (God Almighty) and what the standard is IT IS OUR STANDARD. 2) Reward.For those that abide by His righteousness, the nation is EXALTED. That word means set apart or lifted up; it means to be safe and also means to be strong. 3) Rebellion. The key words that shifts the verse of Prov. 14:34 are the words but sin Anyone that is going against righteousness is living in rebellion. That denotes missing the mark or meaning your aim is bad. When you are living outside the bounds of Gods Word, YOUR AIM IS BAD!!!! It also denotes cockiness. When we think we can do things on our own and dont need God, weve gotten cocky just like Samson who woke up and said Ill do as Ive always done and shake myself free. Boy, we he wrong! 4) Reproach if there is a reward for righteousness, then there is a consequence for rebellionits called reproach. Reproach bring disgrace, dishonor and defeat. One last thing I think God would want to tell us. There is hope for a nation that has gone the way of rebellion and reproach. 2 Chronicles 7:14 give us the answer and the Lords last point: 5) REVIVALif My people which are called by My name shall humble themselves and pray; and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven; I will forgive their sins and WILL HEAL THEIR LAND!!!! If we want America back, it starts with the church getting back to where we need to be with God. We must quit laying blame on the Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party, Independents, etc. Gods people need to get right with God, seek His face, experience revival and GOD WILL HEAL OUR LAND! Im ready for revival!!!! How about you?

Our study on Sin, Transgression & Iniquity will continue this Wednesday Evening at 7:00 PM. We need to be equipped with the truth of Gods Word so that we can effectively help others in their understanding of their walk with God. We will be dealing with Transgression this week. Please make your plans to be with us!

Thanks to everyone who attended our fellowship on Sunday evening!!! We had a great time! Thank you for bringing the ice cream and sweets and special thanks to everyone for chipping in and helping with the serving, fixing of drinks, etc. Thanks to those that helped set up tables and for everyone that helped put tables and chairs back. It take ALL of us working together to make things happen. What a beautiful picture of the way the church was designed to function. If I havent told you lately, I LOVE YOU ALL AND AM SO BLESSED TO PASTOR THIS GREAT CHURCH! Please take every opportunity to meet and greet new people in our church. So many are looking for opportunities to meet new friends and looking for opportunities to use their gifts and talents for the Lord. I had the privilege of sitting with a new family Sunday night and enjoyed so much their fellowship. We even talked about church membership!!!!! Praise God for the new families that He is sending our way! Im so excited about our future and know that God is ready to do a new thing in our midst!!!

Thank you so much for the support youve given to our Youth Ministry for their upcoming missions trip. You gave just a little over $2400 to be used in the materials and things they will be using for their projects once they arrive in Jamaica. They will be working at the New Testament Church of God and weve been told that most likely, ALL the trips expenses can be counted for missions credit. Im so excited as I can see how God is blessing mightily through the giving of missions. I hope to be able to announce soon a special missions service or weekend. I want to remind you again, that God is leading me to lead us to OPEN THE HAND and one area is that of missions. I wanted to mention this to you in another way at another time, but I just cant wait. I want Woodruff Church of God to build a church somewhere in another country. I want it to be our church. We will fund the materials, our men/women will be the ones to build it, we will dedicate it, hopefully preach, sing and hold the first service in it and if the Lord wills, support the pastor of that church. I CAN SEE IT HAPPENING!!!!! What would the name of that church be? OPEN HAND CHURCH OF GOD. Dont you know that God will bless them and us by simply being obedient to the Lords voice? Im ready to go!
ATTENTION MEN: The Band of Brothers Mens Ministry will be meeting this Thursday in the CLC at 6:00 PM. ALL men are invited to come out and join us for a time

of fellowship and ministry planning. Discussion about the upcoming ministry trip to Bamberg Church of God will be discussed. Wed love to have you to join us for that trip and would value your help in planning. See you Thursday!

We will be having special prayer for the youth and adults going on the trip this Sunday Morning. Please be much in prayer for them. They leave on Saturday, July 16th and return on July 23rd. PRAYER LIST: Houston & Brenda Cobb, Mike Cobb, Ed Shealy, Lucy Polson, Pat Brown, Mertice Whitmore, Etta Mitchell, Richard Royce, Michael Young, Ted Greene, Leon Criss Family, Larry Elliot, Sarah Jolley, Candice Jackson, Jessie Jordan, James Wesley Owens, Doris Hoyt, Angel Lynch, Jason Bright, Marty Killough, Tina Mathis, William Godfrey, R.L. Lawson, Michael Ballentine, Joseph Young, Connie Smith, Randy Green, Tish York, Sonja Ellison, Curt Ellison, Mary Anderson, Leon Parker, Gail Wood, Terry Richards, Shut Ins and Those in Nursing Homes

We are now taking deposits for our Saturday, July 23 trip to Helen, Georgia. The cost of this one day trip is $50.00 per person Please contact Betty Ball at 476-3551 to make your reservation. SAM Information Seminar- July 28th from 6-8 PM. Everyone is invited to attend this very important seminar that has been put together by SAM Leadership. We have especial guests who will talk to us about such things as Insurance, Wills, Retirement and Investments, Funeral Planning, as well as important information that needs to be provided to your family in the event of your death or disability. List of speakers includes: Rand Wilson & Jollene Priester, Faye Arnold, Ken Brownlee, Robbie Guinn, and Pastor Shealy. Please mark your calendar and make plans to attend this meeting. Feel free to invite anyone you think might be interested in attending. We will be happy to have people of any age to participate in this effort. On September 22nd we will have a special Joy Club Meeting. At this meeting we will be having a Talent Night in addition to our meal time. We ivite anyone and everyone who has a talent of any kind to be prepared to share it with us. It may be singing, playing an instrument, some craft talend, knife making, painting, anythingWe are excited about this meeting and hope to see you there!

************************************************************************ Thank you for all the calls, cards, visits and most of all your prayers during my recent hospital stay. Please continue to pray for me during my recover. I love you all. ~Darrell Cooper Thanks to everyone for your prayers and thoughts during my recent surgery. My church family is so special to me and to know that you are praying for me means so much! Love in Christ! ~ Adam Jones ************************************************************************

BEACON MEDIA MINISTRY is looking for volunteers to work the computer and cameras. Training will be provided. Sign-up on the bulletin board or contact Todd Porter if you are interested. Thank you!

No drama or praise and worship practice this Sunday, July 10th Money for Greenville Ball game due this Wednesday, July 6th. Tickets will be bought on Friday. Friday July 8: Movie Night 6-9. Children's Board Meeting: July 10 @ 4:15 Vacation Bible School Meeting July 10 @ 5:15 Everyone who is helping with VBS needs to be at this meeting. July 15: Decoration for VBS starts at 9:00. July 16: Parade for VBS starts at 10:00. Practice for silly characters for VBS will be after the Parade. If you are a silly character please be at practice. Shake it UP VBS July 18-22! Come join us to see what Recipe God has for your life! Saturday July 23 the Extreme Kidz will be delivering lunch to needed families in our community. If you would like to donate bread, chips, drinks, sandwich meat, or sandwich size zip lock bags please see Donna Burdette.

I just wanted to take time to thank everyone who donated toward the Jamaican mission trip. Without your support, this trip would never have taken place. As the day draws nearer to go, there are quite a few emotions that are starting to build, from excitement to nervousness to fearfulness. Please continue to pray for this trip! We want to make an impact in the lives we come in contact with. Please pray for our safety, health and ministry work. Again, thank you for everything you have done to make this trip possible. You can keep up with what we are doing and actually post comments during our trip at and look for the "trips in progress" heading. Pastor Jason Fowler

Greeters - Todd & Karen Rhodes Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg Head Ushers - Charles OShields and Bobby Brown Finance Committee- Ryan Ballard and Bobby Brown Usher Team #1 - Robert D. Sloan, Larry Young, Michael Brown, Dennis Crocker, Rick Priester, & Brian Arnold Van Drivers (Wednesday) :Garren Burdette and Craig Blackwell Tim Vassey and Clint Letoureau Nursery - Wednesday- Pam Strickland Sunday A.M. - Ann Knight and Lynette Tucker Sunday P.M. - Betty Ball Kiddie Church 2-3: Gina Arnold and Jollend Prister Kiddie Church 6-12: Donna and Garren Burdette Music - Wednesday - Kathy Arellano Sunday AM - Brantley Burnett Sunday PM - The Arnold Trio Praise Team - Maroon

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