Sei sulla pagina 1di 16 Introduccin La Base de Datos PostgreSQL es un producto de cdigo abierto y est disponible sin costo.

Postgres, desarrollado originalmente en la UC Berkeley Computer Departamento de Ciencias, fue pionera en muchos de los conceptos objeto-relacional que actualmente estn disponibles en algunas bases de datos comerciales. Proporciona soporte para el lenguaje SQL92/SQL99, transacciones, integridad referencial, procedimientos almacenados y extensibilidad de tipos. PostgreSQL es cdigo fuente abierto descendiente de el cdigo original de Berkeley. Requerimientos Para usar el soporte PostgreSQL, necesita PostgreSQL 6.5 o superior, PostgreSQL 8.0 o superior para habilitar todas las caractersticas del modulo PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL soporta muchas codificaciones de caracteres incluyendo codificacin de caracteres multibyte. La versin actual y ms informacin sobre PostgreSQL est disponible en y la Documentacin de PostgreSQL. Instalacin Con el fin de habilitar el soporte de PostgreSQL, --with-pgsql[=DIR] es requerido cuando se compila PHP. DIR es el directorio base donde est instalado PostgreSQL, por defecto generalmente es /usr/local/pgsql en sistemas linux. Si el mdulo de objetos compartidos est disponible, el mdulo PostgreSQL puede ser cargado usando la directiva extension en php.ini o la funcin dl(). Configuracin en tiempo de ejecucin El comportamiento de estas funciones se ve afectado por la configuracin de php.ini. Opciones de configuracin PostgreSQL Nombre por Defecto pgsql.allow_persistent "1" pgsql.max_persistent "-1" pgsql.max_links "-1" pgsql.auto_reset_persistent "0" pgsql.ignore_notice "0" pgsql.log_notice "0" Tipos de recursos Hay dos tipos de recursos utilizados en el mdulo de PostgreSQL. El primero es el identificador de enlace para una conexin de base de datos, el segundo recurso contiene el resultado de la consulta. Constantes predefinidas Estas constantes estn definidas por esta extensin y estarn disponibles slo cuando la extensin haya sido compilada con PHP, o bien sea cargada dinmicamente en ejecucin. PGSQL_ASSOC (integer) Pasado a pg_fetch_array(). Devuelve un array asociativo de campos nombre y valor. PGSQL_NUM (integer) Pasado a pg_fetch_array(). Devuelve un array indexado numricamente de campos numero y valor. Cambiable Registro de Cambio PHP_INI_SYSTEM PHP_INI_SYSTEM PHP_INI_SYSTEM PHP_INI_SYSTEM Disp desde PHP 4.2.0. PHP_INI_ALL Disp desde PHP 4.3.0. PHP_INI_ALL Disp desde PHP 4.3.0.

PGSQL_BOTH (integer) Pasado a pg_fetch_array(). Devuelve un array de valores de campo que es numricamente indexado (por nmero de campo) y asociado (por nombre de campo). PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW (integer) Pasado a pg_connect() fuerza la creacion de una nueva conexin, en lugar de volver a utilizar una conexin idntica existente. PGSQL_CONNECTION_BAD (integer) Devuelto por pg_connection_status() indica que la conexin de la base de datos est en un estado no valido. PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK (integer) Devuelto por pg_connection_status() indica que la conexin de la base de datos est en un estado valido. PGSQL_SEEK_SET (integer) Pasado a pg_lo_seek(). La operacin de busqueda empieza desde el inicio del objeto. PGSQL_SEEK_CUR (integer) Pasado a pg_lo_seek(). La operacin de busqueda empieza desde la posicin actual. PGSQL_SEEK_END (integer) Pasado a pg_lo_seek(). La operacin de busqueda empieza desde el final del objeto. PGSQL_EMPTY_QUERY (integer) Devuelto por pg_result_status(). Indica que la cadena enviada al servidor estaba vaca. PGSQL_COMMAND_OK (integer) Devuelto por pg_result_status(). Indica la conclusin con xito de un comando que no devuelve datos. PGSQL_TUPLES_OK (integer) Devuelto por pg_result_status(). Indica la conclusin con xito de un comando que retorna datos (como un SELECT o un SHOW). PGSQL_COPY_OUT (integer) Devuelto por pg_result_status(). La transferencia de la copia de salida de datos (del servidor) ha empezado. PGSQL_COPY_IN (integer) Devuelto por pg_result_status(). La transferencia de la copia de la entrada de datos (al servidor) ha empezado. PGSQL_BAD_RESPONSE (integer) Devuelto por pg_result_status(). La respuesta del servidor no se entendi. PGSQL_NONFATAL_ERROR (integer) Devuelto por pg_result_status(). Un error fatal (un aviso o advertencia) se produjo. PGSQL_FATAL_ERROR (integer) Devuelto por pg_result_status(). Un error fatal ha ocurrido. PGSQL_TRANSACTION_IDLE (integer) Devuelto por pg_transaction_status(). La conexin esta libre actualmente, no es usada por una transaccin. PGSQL_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE (integer) Devuelto por pg_transaction_status(). Un comando esta en progreso en la conexin. Una consulta ha sido enviada a travs de la conexin y an no concluido. PGSQL_TRANSACTION_INTRANS (integer) Devuelto por pg_transaction_status(). La conexin esta inactiva, en un bloque de transaccin. PGSQL_TRANSACTION_INERROR (integer) Devuelto por pg_transaction_status(). La conexin esta inactiva, en un bloque de transaccin fallida. PGSQL_TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN (integer) Devuelto por pg_transaction_status(). La conexion es mala. PGSQL_DIAG_SEVERITY (integer) Pasado a pg_result_error_field(). Segn la gravedad; el contenido de los campos puede ser ERROR, FATAL, o PANIC (en un mensaje de error), o WARNING, NOTICE, DEBUG, INFO, o LOG (en un mensaje de aviso), o una traduccin localizada de uno de ellos. Siempre esta presente. PGSQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE (integer) Pasado a pg_result_error_field(). El cdigo SQLSTATE para el error. El codigo SQLSTATE identifica el tipo de error que ha ocurrido; esto puede ser utilizado por las aplicaciones de front-end para llevar a cabo operaciones especficas (tales como el control de errores) en respuesta a un error de base de datos concreto. Este campo no es localizable, y siempre esta presente. PGSQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_PRIMARY (integer) Pasado a pg_result_error_field(). El principal mensaje de error legible para un humano (generalmente

una lnea). Siempre esta presente. PGSQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_DETAIL (integer) Pasado a pg_result_error_field(). Detalle: un mensaje de error secundario opcional que transporta ms detalles sobre el problema. Puede funcionar a varias lneas. PGSQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_HINT (integer) Pasado a pg_result_error_field(). Sugerencia: una sugerencia opcional qu hacer con el problema. Con esto se pretende diferir el detalle y ofrecer consejo (potencialmente inapropiados) en lugar de hechos concretos. Se puede ejecutar en varias lineas. PGSQL_DIAG_STATEMENT_POSITION (integer) Pasado a pg_result_error_field(). Una cadena que contiene un entero decimal que indica la posicin del cursor como un ndice de error en la cadena de la sentencia original. El primer carcter tiene el ndice 1, y las posiciones se miden en caracteres no bytes. PGSQL_DIAG_INTERNAL_POSITION (integer) Pasado a pg_result_error_field(). Este se define como el campo PG_DIAG_STATEMENT_POSITION, Pero este es usado cuando la posicin del cursor se refiere al comando generado internamente en lugar de la cadena enviada por el cliente. El campo PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_QUERY siempre aparece cuando este campo esta presente. PGSQL_DIAG_INTERNAL_QUERY (integer) Pasado a pg_result_error_field(). El texto de un comando generado internamente falla. Esto podria ser, por ejemplo, una consulta SQL emitida por una funcin PL/pgSQL. PGSQL_DIAG_CONTEXT (integer) Pasado a pg_result_error_field(). Una indicacin del contexto en el que se produjo el error. Actualmente esto incluye una pila de llamadas de rastreo de funciones, procedimientos activos y consultas generados internamente. La traza es una entrada por lnea, lo ms reciente primero. PGSQL_DIAG_SOURCE_FILE (integer) Pasado a pg_result_error_field(). El nombre del archivo en la ubicacin del cdigo fuente de PostgreSQL. donde se reporto el error. PGSQL_DIAG_SOURCE_LINE (integer) Passed to pg_result_error_field(). El numero de lnea en la ubicacin del cdigo fuente PostgreSQL donde se reporto el error. PGSQL_DIAG_SOURCE_FUNCTION (integer) Pasado a pg_result_error_field(). El nombre de la funcin en el cdigo fuente de PostgreSQL que informa del error. PGSQL_ERRORS_TERSE (integer) Pasado a pg_set_error_verbosity(). Especifica que los mensajes devueltos solo incluyen la severidad, el texto principal, y la posicin; lo que normalmente cabe en una sola lnea. PGSQL_ERRORS_DEFAULT (integer) Pasado a pg_set_error_verbosity(). El modo predeterminado produce mensajes que incluyen todo lo anterior adems de los campos de detalle, sugerencia, o contexto (que puede abarcar varias lneas). PGSQL_ERRORS_VERBOSE (integer) Pasado a pg_set_error_verbosity(). El modo detallado incluye todos los campos disponibles. PGSQL_STATUS_LONG (integer) Pasado a pg_result_status(). Indica que se desea el codigo numerico del resultado. PGSQL_STATUS_STRING (integer) Pasado a pg_result_status(). Indica que se desea la etiqueta textual del resultado del comando. PGSQL_CONV_IGNORE_DEFAULT (integer) Pasado a pg_convert(). No hacer caso de los valores por defecto en la tabla durante la conversin. PGSQL_CONV_FORCE_NULL (integer) Pasado a pg_convert(). Utilice SQL NULL en lugar de una string vaca. PGSQL_CONV_IGNORE_DEFAULT (integer) Pasado a pg_convert(). Ignorar la conversin de NULL en las columnas SQL NOT NULL.

Uso bsico Este sencillo ejemplo muestra cmo conectarse, ejecutar una consulta, imprimir filas resultantes y desconectarse de una base de datos PostgreSQL. Example #1 Ejemplo resumido de la extensin PostgreSQL

<?php // Conectando y seleccionado la base de datos $dbconn = pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=publishing user=www password=foo") or die('No se ha podido conectar: ' . pg_last_error()); // Realizando una consulta SQL $query = 'SELECT * FROM authors'; $result = pg_query($query) or die('La consulta fallo: ' . pg_last_error()); // Imprimiendo los resultados en HTML echo "<table>\n"; while ($line = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) { echo "\t<tr>\n"; foreach ($line as $col_value) { echo "\t\t<td>$col_value</td>\n"; } echo "\t</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; // Liberando el conjunto de resultados pg_free_result($result); // Cerrando la conexin pg_close($dbconn); ?>

PostgreSQL Funciones Notas Note: No todas las funciones son compatibles con todas las versiones. Eso depende de la versin de libpq (librera cliente C de PostgreSQL) y cmo a sido compilado libpq. Si las extensiones de PHP PostgreSQL faltan, entonces es porque su versin de libpq no los admite. Note: La mayora de las funciones PostgreSQL aceptan connection como primer parmetro opcional. Si no est siempre se usa la ltima conexin abierta. Si esta no existe las funciones retornarn FALSE. Note: PostgreSQL cambia automticamente todos los identificadores (ejm. tablas/nombres de columnas) a minsculas en el momento de la creacin y al hacer las consultas. Para forzar el uso de maysculas se debe escapar el identificador usando comillas dobles (""). Note: PostgresSQL no tiene comandos especiales para mostrar la informacin del esquema de la base de datos (ejm. todas las tablas de la actual base de datos). En cambio, hay un esquema estndar llamado information_schema en PostgreSQL 7.4 o superior que contiene las vistas del sistema con toda la informacin necesaria, es facilmente consultable. Vea la Documentacin de PostgreSQL para ms detalles. Table of Contents * pg_affected_rows Devuelve el nmero de registros afectados (filas)

* pg_cancel_query Cancelar una consulta asncrona * pg_client_encoding Gets the client encoding * pg_close Cierra una conexin PostgreSQL * pg_connect Open a PostgreSQL connection * pg_connection_busy Permite saber si la conexin esta ocupada o no * pg_connection_reset Restablece conexin (reconectar) * pg_connection_status Obtener estado de la conexin * pg_convert Convert associative array values into suitable for SQL statement * pg_copy_from Insert records into a table from an array * pg_copy_to Copiar una tabla a un array * pg_dbname Obtiene el nombre de la base de datos * pg_delete Deletes records * pg_end_copy Sync with PostgreSQL backend * pg_escape_bytea Escape a string for insertion into a bytea field * pg_escape_string Escape a string for insertion into a text field * pg_execute Sends a request to execute a prepared statement with given parameters, and waits for the result. * pg_fetch_all_columns Fetches all rows in a particular result column as an array * pg_fetch_all Fetches all rows from a result as an array * pg_fetch_array Fetch a row as an array * pg_fetch_assoc Fetch a row as an associative array * pg_fetch_object Fetch a row as an object * pg_fetch_result Returns values from a result resource * pg_fetch_row Get a row as an enumerated array * pg_field_is_null Test if a field is SQL NULL * pg_field_name Returns the name of a field * pg_field_num Returns the field number of the named field * pg_field_prtlen Returns the printed length * pg_field_size Returns the internal storage size of the named field * pg_field_table Returns the name or oid of the tables field * pg_field_type_oid Returns the type ID (OID) for the corresponding field number * pg_field_type Returns the type name for the corresponding field number * pg_free_result Free result memory * pg_get_notify Gets SQL NOTIFY message * pg_get_pid Gets the backend's process ID * pg_get_result Get asynchronous query result * pg_host Returns the host name associated with the connection * pg_insert Insert array into table * pg_last_error Get the last error message string of a connection * pg_last_notice Returns the last notice message from PostgreSQL server * pg_last_oid Returns the last row's OID * pg_lo_close Close a large object * pg_lo_create Create a large object * pg_lo_export Export a large object to file * pg_lo_import Import a large object from file * pg_lo_open Open a large object * pg_lo_read_all Reads an entire large object and send straight to browser * pg_lo_read Read a large object * pg_lo_seek Seeks position within a large object * pg_lo_tell Returns current seek position a of large object * pg_lo_unlink Delete a large object * pg_lo_write Write to a large object * pg_meta_data Get meta data for table * pg_num_fields Returns the number of fields in a result * pg_num_rows Returns the number of rows in a result * pg_options Get the options associated with the connection * pg_parameter_status Looks up a current parameter setting of the server. * pg_pconnect Open a persistent PostgreSQL connection * pg_ping Ping database connection * pg_port Devuelve el nmero de puerto asociado con la conexin

* pg_prepare Submits a request to create a prepared statement with the given parameters, and waits for completion. * pg_put_line Send a NULL-terminated string to PostgreSQL backend * pg_query_params Submits a command to the server and waits for the result, with the ability to pass parameters separately from the SQL command text. * pg_query Execute a query * pg_result_error_field Returns an individual field of an error report. * pg_result_error Get error message associated with result * pg_result_seek Set internal row offset in result resource * pg_result_status Get status of query result * pg_select Select records * pg_send_execute Sends a request to execute a prepared statement with given parameters, without waiting for the result(s). * pg_send_prepare Sends a request to create a prepared statement with the given parameters, without waiting for completion. * pg_send_query_params Submits a command and separate parameters to the server without waiting for the result(s). * pg_send_query Sends asynchronous query * pg_set_client_encoding Set the client encoding * pg_set_error_verbosity Determines the verbosity of messages returned by pg_last_error and pg_result_error. * pg_trace Enable tracing a PostgreSQL connection * pg_transaction_status Returns the current in-transaction status of the server. * pg_tty Return the TTY name associated with the connection * pg_unescape_bytea Unescape binary for bytea type * pg_untrace Disable tracing of a PostgreSQL connection * pg_update Update table * pg_version Devuelve un array con el cliente, protocolo y versin del servidor (si est disponible)

pg_affected_rows> <Uso bsico Last updated: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 add a note add a note User Contributed Notes PostgreSQL Funciones cc[plus]php[at]c2se[dot]com 25-Mar-2009 05:12 Parsing a postgres array can be a tricky problem, he's my take on this, it handles multi-dimensional arrays plus escaping using a nasty regexp to determine the limits of each data-item. <?php function pg_array_parse( $text, &$output, $limit = false, $offset = 1 ) { if( false === $limit ) { $limit = strlen( $text )-1; $output = array(); } if( '{}' != $text ) do { if( '{' != $text{$offset} ) { preg_match( "/(\\{?\"([^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\"|[^,{}]+)+([,}]+)/", $text, $match, 0, $offset ); $offset += strlen( $match[0] ); $output[] = ( '"' != $match[1]{0} ? $match[1] : stripcslashes( substr( $match[1], 1, -1 ) ) ); if( '},' == $match[3] ) return $offset; } else $offset = pg_array_parse( $text, $output[], $limit, $offset+1 ); } while( $limit > $offset ); return $output;

} ?> rainer at hihn dot org 08-Dec-2008 09:07 <?php function pg_export_table_content() { /* * this function exports all contents of all tables in the file import.sql * $pg-> = my postgres db class */ $tables = array(); $mytables = array(); $all_tables = $pg->query("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' and table_type = 'BASE TABLE';"); while($row = $pg->fetch_row($all_tables)) { $tables[] = $row->table_name; } $esc[] = "value"; $esc[] = "time"; $esc[] = "order"; $esc[] = "comment"; $esc[] = "group"; $esc[] = "time"; $esc[] = "name"; $esc[] = "alter"; $esc[] = "user"; foreach($tables as $v1) { $myqry = "select * from \"".$v1."\""; $myres = $pg->query($myqry); while($myrow = $pg->fetch_assoc($myres)) { $mytables[$v1][] = $myrow; } } $handle = fopen("./import.sql", "w+"); foreach($mytables as $k1 => $v1) { foreach($v1 as $k2 => $v2) { foreach($v2 as $k3 => $v3) { if(in_array($k3, $esc)) { $mycols[] = "\"".$k3."\""; } else { $mycols[] = $k3; } $col_qry = "select column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name = '".$k1."'"; $col_res = $pg->query($col_qry); while($col_row = $pg->fetch_assoc($col_res)) { $mydatatypes[$col_row["column_name"]] = $col_row["data_type"]; } if(($mydatatypes[$k3] == "integer") || ($mydatatypes[$k3] == "bigint") || ($mydatatypes[$k3] == "smallint")) { if(empty($v3)) { $myval[] = "NULL"; }

else { $myval[] = $v3; } } else { $myval[] = "'".$v3."'"; } } $myquery = "insert into ".$k1."(".implode(",", $mycols).") VALUES (".implode(",", $myval).");"; unset($myval,$mycols); fwrite($handle, $myquery."\n"); } } fclose($handle); } ?> Demeter dot Tamas at stud dot u-szeged dot hu 28-Jul-2008 08:40 There is no need to parse a postgres array. The stored procedures should never return an array. Use SETOF instead. veggivore at yahoo dot com 22-Feb-2008 11:39 Parse a PostgreSQL array of any dimension to a PHP array. Works great if you absolutely trust the data ;-) <?php function pg_array_parse($array, $asText = true) { $s = $array; if ($asText) { $s = str_replace("{", "array('", $s); $s = str_replace("}", "')", $s); $s = str_replace(",", "','", $s); } else { $s = str_replace("{", "array(", $s); $s = str_replace("}", ")", $s); } $s = "\$retval = $s;"; eval($s); return $retval; } ?> 12-Mar-2007 05:28 Quick and dirty emulation of the mysql_select_db () function for Postgres: <?php function pg_select_db ($dbName) { $query = '\connect '.pg_escape_string ($dbName); if ($result = pg_query ($query)) return (true); else return (false); } ?> Obviously not a great example, but it at least demonstrates how to implement mysql_select_db functionality when using Postgres. Or you could always use schemas :) 17-Nov-2006 12:30 Chris KL: Will parse well {"\\"}? The second " will be treat as escaped while it shoudn't...

21-Oct-2006 05:10 Lots of advice on stored procedures didn't work for me. This did: <?php $response = pg_query( $connection, "BEGIN; DECLARE s CURSOR FOR SELECT get_consumer('harry'); FETCH ALL IN s; END;" ); ?> ..where harry looks like this: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_consumer( varchar ) RETURNS refcursor AS ' DECLARE _name ALIAS FOR $1; r refcursor; BEGIN OPEN r FOR SELECT name FROM consumer WHERE = _name ; RETURN r; END ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; Chris KL 11-Nov-2005 01:17 Here is a better array parser for PHP. It will work with 1-d arrays only. Unlike the example below it will work in all cases. /** * Change a db array into a PHP array * @param $arr String representing the DB array * @return A PHP array */ function phpArray($dbarr) { // Take off the first and last characters (the braces) $arr = substr($dbarr, 1, strlen($dbarr) - 2); // Pick out array entries by carefully parsing. This is necessary in order // to cope with double quotes and commas, etc. $elements = array(); $i = $j = 0; $in_quotes = false; while ($i < strlen($arr)) { // If current char is a double quote and it's not escaped, then // enter quoted bit $char = substr($arr, $i, 1); if ($char == '"' && ($i == 0 || substr($arr, $i - 1, 1) != '\\')) $in_quotes = !$in_quotes; elseif ($char == ',' && !$in_quotes) { // Add text so far to the array $elements[] = substr($arr, $j, $i - $j); $j = $i + 1; } $i++; } // Add final text to the array $elements[] = substr($arr, $j); // Do one further loop over the elements array to remote double quoting // and escaping of double quotes and backslashes

for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($elements); $i++) { $v = $elements[$i]; if (strpos($v, '"') === 0) { $v = substr($v, 1, strlen($v) - 2); $v = str_replace('\\"', '"', $v); $v = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $v); $elements[$i] = $v; } } return $elements; } 1413 at blargh dot com 12-Oct-2005 12:09 Here is some quick and dirty code to convert Postgres-returned arrays into PHP arrays. There's probably a billion bugs, but since I'm only dealing with variable-depth-and-length arrays of integers, it works for my needs. Most notably, any data that might have commas in it won't work right... <?php function PGArrayToPHPArray($pgArray) { $ret = array(); $stack = array(&$ret); $pgArray = substr($pgArray, 1, -1); $pgElements = explode(",", $pgArray); ArrayDump($pgElements); foreach($pgElements as $elem) { if(substr($elem,-1) == "}") { $elem = substr($elem,0,-1); $newSub = array(); while(substr($elem,0,1) != "{") { $newSub[] = $elem; $elem = array_pop($ret); } $newSub[] = substr($elem,1); $ret[] = array_reverse($newSub); } else $ret[] = $elem; } return $ret; } ?> anis_wn at gawab dot com 06-Jun-2005 04:45 Setting up PostgreSQL for higher security PHP connection. Case: We want to connect to PostgreSQL database using username and password supplied by webuser at login time. Fact (Linux): Apache (perhaps other servers, too) running the server as (default to) apache user account. So if you connect to PostgreSQL using default user, apache will be assingned for it. If you hard code the user and password in your PHP script, you'll loose security restriction from PostgreSQL.

Solution: (You are assumed to have enough privilege to do these things, though) 1. Edit pg_hba.conf to have the line like the one below host db_Name [web_server_ip_address] [ip_address_mask] md5 2. Add to you script the login page that submits username and password. 3. Use those information to login to PostgreSQL like these... <? $conn = "host=$DBHost port=$DBPort dbname=$DBName ". "user='{$_POST['dbUsername']}' password='{$_POST['dbPassword']}'"; $db = pg_connect ($conn); [your other codes go here...] ?> 4. You must add users in PostgreSQL properly. 5. For your convenience, you can store the username and password to $_SESSION variable. Good luck. Anis WN WillowCatkin at hotmail dot com 21-May-2005 01:43 There is an example: <?php /* * Define PostgreSQL database server connect parameters. */ define('PGHOST',''); define('PGPORT',5432); define('PGDATABASE','example'); define('PGUSER', 'root'); define('PGPASSWORD', 'nopass'); define('PGCLIENTENCODING','UNICODE'); define('ERROR_ON_CONNECT_FAILED','Sorry, can not connect the database server now!'); /* * Merge connect string and connect db server with default parameters. */ pg_pconnect('host=' . PGHOST . ' port=' . PGPORT . ' dbname=' . PGDATABASE . ' user=' . PGUSER . ' password=' . PGPASSWORD); /* * generate sql statements to call db-server-side stored procedure(or function) * @parameter string $proc stored procedure name. * @parameter array $paras parameters, 2 dimensions array. * @return string $sql = 'select "proc"(para1,para2,para3);' * @example pg_prepare('userExists', * array( * array('userName','chin','string'), * array('userId','7777','numeric') * ) *) */ function pg_prepare($proc, $paras) { $sql = 'select "' . $proc . '"('; $sql .= $paras[0][2] == 'numeric' ? $paras[0][1] : "'" . str_replace("'","''",$paras[0][1]) . "'"; $len = count($paras); for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i ++) { $sql .= ','; $sql .= $paras[$i][2] == 'numeric' ? $paras[$i][1] : "'" . str_replace("'","''",$paras[$i][1]) . "'"; }

$sql .= ');'; return $sql; } ?> adaml at mimuw edu pl 02-Oct-2004 01:07 Yes, PHP does support stored procedures You have to add "select" before the name of the procedure, just like that: $result = pg_querry($conn, "SELECT procedure_x($aa)"); if a procedure returns a cursor you do something like that: $result = pg_query($conn, "SELECT procedure_x('rcursor'); FETCH ALL IN rcursor"); 74012 dot 2773 at compuserve dot com 02-Jul-2004 04:35 for just a list of tables, this works with postgresql-7.2.1: function pg_list_tables($db) { $sql = "select relname from pg_stat_user_tables order by relname;"; return pg_query($db, $sql); } abondi at ijk dot it 26-May-2004 12:11 I've found another function to mimic the following mysql list tables function ( that's more useful for my target: function pg_list_tables() { $sql = "SELECT a.relname AS Name FROM pg_class a, pg_user b WHERE ( relkind = 'r') and relname !~ '^pg_' AND relname !~ '^sql_' AND relname !~ '^xin[vx][0-9]+' AND b.usesysid = a.relowner AND NOT (EXISTS (SELECT viewname FROM pg_views WHERE viewname=a.relname));"; return(pg_query($conn, $sql)); } daniel at bichara dot com dot br 31-Dec-2002 01:04 Running RedHat Linux and Apache with suexec enabled you must include on each .php file using dl("") and remove "" from php.ini, otherwise Apache (httpd) will not start. anonymous at unknown dot com 29-Nov-2002 05:50 I just wanted to add to my previous post I've got the system up and running. Environment: Windows XP, Apache 1.3.23, Php 4.3 RC2, PostGreSQL beta4 native windows build Installation was fairly easy: 1. read the readme.txt 2. edit the setenv.bat as described in readme 3. run 'initdb' all execs are in /bin help is accessed like <command> --help 4. Start the psql deamon - you may want to create a batch file like 'D:\postgres_beta4\bin\postmaster -h localhost -D D:/postgres_beta4/data' --deamon should be up and running now-You can login into a shell from a console like 'psql -h localhost -d <username>' You must load the postgresql extension by editing the php.ini and restarting apache in order to access psql with php. And one final not: when running $dbconn = pg_connect ("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=$dbname user=$user");

remember that $user and or $dbname is CASESENSITIVE. Oh yeah, I created the data dir manually - don't know whether that was necessary Grtz Vargo mystran at wasteland dot pp dot htv dot fi 04-Feb-2002 03:46 Nice to know fact that I didn't find documented here. PHP will return values of PostgreSQL boolean datatype as single character strings "t" and "f", not PHP true and false. [Editor's Note] 't' or 'f' is valid boolean expression for PostgreSQL. All values from PostgreSQL are strings, since PostgreSQL integer, float may be much larger than PHP's native int, double can handle. PostgreSQL array is not supported. saberit at home dot com 15-Sep-2001 09:11 I tried compiling PHP from source with PostgreSQL support (./configure --with-pgsql=/usr/local/pgsql) and ran into a bunch of problems when trying to 'make'. The problem was that some of the PostgreSQL headers were not installed by default when I installed PostgreSQL from source. When installing PostgreSQL make sure you 'make install-all-headers' after you 'make install'. hubert at hubertmuller dot com 09-Jul-2001 11:36 The best way to find the separated list of tables, sequences, keys etc is: SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind='<value>' AND relname !~ '^pg_'; <value> takes: i for keys, r for relations, S for sequences Note that all tables names that begins with 'pg_' are PostgreSQL internal tables (this explain why I use AND relname !~ '^pg_' condition). passion at monkey dot org 28-Jun-2001 01:53 I've tried to mimic the following mysql database connection functions for postgres. These are assuming that you're passing in $link as the result from pg_connect: function pg_list_dbs($link) { $sql = 'SELECT datname FROM pg_database'; return (pg_query($link, $sql)); } function pg_list_tables($link) { $sql = "SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname !~ '^pg_'"; return (pg_query($link, $sql)); } !spamcraig at ahdore dot com 15-Apr-2001 08:11 If you want to extract data from select statements, you need to store the result index, and then apply pg_result to that value. Basically, do this $resultIdx = pg_query ($database, "select * from tablename"); $mySelect = pg_fetch_result($resultIdx, 0, 0); // gets column 0 of tuple 0 echo("My select: [".$mySelect."]"); I'm new to php and had to do some fiddling around to work this out. It's reasonably elementary, but not

demonstrated by the examples on these pages. Hopefully it will come in useful to someone else. bleach at chek dot com 02-Mar-2000 08:36 If you want to see all the objects in a database, you can find that information in the pg_class table. <BR> SELECT * FROM pg_class;<BR> Now this is going to be kind of long and complex, to see how psql command handles the \d and other things. use the syntax. psql -E <Database>, ie psql -E mydatabase <BR> What this will do is show the SQL command used for everything. So when you type a \d or something, it shows the SQL query used for the result.

pg_affected_rows (PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5) pg_affected_rows Devuelve el nmero de registros afectados (filas) Report a bug Descripcin int pg_affected_rows ( resource $result ) pg_affected_rows() Devuelve el nmero de filas (casos/registros/filas) afectadas por consultas de tipo INSERT, UPDATE, y DELETE . Note: Esta funcin se llamaba pg_cmdtuples(). Report a bug Parmetros result El recurso de resultados de la consulta PostgreSQL o PostgreSQL query result resource, es devuelto por pg_query(), pg_query_params() o pg_execute() (entre otros). Report a bug Valores devueltos El nmero de filas afectadas por la consulta. Si no hay filas afectadas devolver 0 (cero). Report a bug Ejemplos Example #1 Ejemplo de pg_affected_rows() <?php $result = pg_query($conn, "INSERT INTO authors VALUES ('Orwell', 2002, 'Animal Farm')"); $cmdtuples = pg_affected_rows($result); echo "filas que han sido afectadas: " . $cmdtuples ; ?> El resultado del ejemplo sera: filas que han sido afectadas: 1. Report a bug Ver tambin * pg_query() - Execute a query * pg_query_params() - Submits a command to the server and waits for the result, with the ability to

pass parameters separately from the SQL command text. * pg_execute() - Sends a request to execute a prepared statement with given parameters, and waits for the result. * pg_num_rows() - Returns the number of rows in a result

pg_cancel_query> <PostgreSQL Funciones Last updated: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 add a note add a note User Contributed Notes pg_affected_rows Anonymous 20-Dec-2007 11:02 There is something called auto-commit, when you supply more than one query delimited by ; semicolon all-or-none is done if one fails. No need for BEGIN;COMMIT;ROLLBACK when doing one query. its logic to mee pg_affected_rows() returns affected rows and if you want to do 2 queries apart from each other.. do a BEGIN and then 1 and get pg_affected_rows() then do 2 and get pg_affected_rows() and then finally do COMMIT; Anonymous 14-Nov-2007 03:45 pg-affected-rows () only runs on the LAST SQL STATEMENT executed. If you compound several statements together then pg_affected_rows might not return what you expect. For example: <?php $result = pg_query ('BEGIN; INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (\'baz\'; COMMIT'); echo (pg_affected_rows ($result)); ?> will cause 0 to be printed, because the last statement executed by Postgres was COMMIT, which doesn't affect any rows. I haven't tried this so am not certain it works, but you SHOULD be able to get the row counts you want if you split your queries up. For example: <?php $result = pg_query ('BEGIN; INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (\'baz\';'); echo (pg_affected_rows ($result)); pg_query ('COMMIT;'); ?> should allow you to get the number of rows affected by the previous query. I haven't tried this yet though, so don't count on it. 05-Aug-2005 10:31 That's not quite true, I've been able to execute multiple queries in a single call just fine. In stead, it has to do with the fact this function returns the affected rows for the last executed query, not the last set of queries specified to a single call to pg_query. 29-Jun-2005 01:15 Concering Bruno Baguette's note: The pg_query function only allows one query per function call. When you do your $sql="BEGIN; INSERT ... COMMIT;";

$result=pg_query($conn,$sql); echo pg_affected_rows($result); you get a zero, because only the BEGIN; is executed. The single query per call is, I beleive, a PHP builtin protection against SQL injection attacks. (Ie someone submitting a string paramter that ends the current query and appends another one) Bruno Baguette 28-Jun-2005 08:45 Note that when you submit several SQL queries, within one BEGIN;COMMIT; like this one : $SQLQuery = 'BEGIN;'; $SQLQuery.= 'INSERT INTO a (a,b) VALUES (1,2);'; $SQLQuery.= 'INSERT INTO b (ref_b,c) VALUES (2,5);'; $SQLQuery.= 'COMMIT;'; $HandleResults = pg_query($SQLQuery); echo(pg_affected_rows($HandleResults)); pg_affected_rows() will return 0

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