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What is Gholesterol?

Cholesterol Panel
Things You Should

Cholesterol a soft,waxy substance is foundin the bloodstream in all your body'scells.Cholesterol and is carriedin smallpackages calledlipoproteins (lip_o_ PRO-teens). Two kindsof tipoproteins (LDLa fiOf_t carrycholesterol throughout your bodyand it is important have healthy to levelsof both.Too much cholesterol your bloodcan buildup in the wallsof in your arteries(bloodvesselsthat carry bloodfrom the heartto otherpartsof the body).This buildup of cholesterol calledplaque(PLACK), is whichcan causenarrowing the arteries. of This is called atherosclerosis (ath-er-o-skler-O-sis) or "hardening of the arteries". TotalCholesterol TotalCholesterol provides generalindication a of your riskfor heartdisease. your TotalCholesterol lf levelis too high,(over200),you are at a higherrisk for CHD,whichcan leadto heartattack.High cholesterol also a risk factorfor stroke.With total is cholesterol, loweryour number, better. the the LDL (lowdensitvlipoprotein) Often referredto as "bad"cholesterol, LDL leadsto a buildup cholesterol your arteries. of in The higher your LDL level,the greater your riskfor CHD. Reducing your LDL cholesterol the maingoal of is cholesterol-loweritreatment. ng HDL ( hiqhdensitv lipopr otein) Often referredto as "good"cholesterol, HDL carries cholesterol from other partsof your body back to your liver,whereit removes cholesterol the from your body.The higheryour HDL cholesterol level,the loweryour riskfor CHD. Triqlvcerides As a form of fat found in the bloodstream, elevated Triglycerides (over150)are oftenaccompanied by otherfactors(suchas low HDL or a tendencytowbrd diabetes) that raisethe riskof CHD.
A normalcoronary artery. Whencholesterol levelsare low, artery wallsremain smoothand slippery, allowing bloodto flow freely.

Know to Keepyour Heart Healthy

Brought youby to theAmerican Diabetes Association andHome Access Health Corporation

Heartdisease it'sthe numberone killerof adultsin the UnitedStates. Eachyear,morethan a million Americans haveheartattacks and about500,000 peopledie from heartdisease. ln No v e m b e 1 9 8 5 , h e N a ti o n aH e a rt, u n g ,and r T l L Bloodlnstitute, division the National a of Institutes of Hea lt h H ) ,l a u n c h ed e N a ti o n aC h o l e ster ol (Nl th l Education Program (NCEP). The goatof NCEp is to contribute reducing to illness and deathfrom coronary heartdisease(CHD)in the UnitedStatesby reducing percentage Americans the of with high bloodcholesterol. Your bloodcholesterol a lot to do with your has chances CHD. CHD is a disease the -btooO for of vesselsof the heartthat causesa heartattack.High bloodcholesterol one of the majorrisk factors.l-n is fact,the higheryour bloodcholesterol level.the greater your risk. We are committed helping to individuals understand theirriskfor heartdisease due to highcholesterol and providing convenient easyto-usetoolsto assist and you in managing your cholesterol desirable to levels.
Pa r t# 7 0 110 6 7 5,R ev.01/08

An arterywith a buildup of plaque. A buildup excess of cholesterol the in arteryreduces bloodflow,which can resultin a heart attackor stroke.

What Affects Cholesterol Levels? Things you can do that will affect your cholesterol levels: Diet fat Saturated and cholesterol the foodsyou eat in makeyour bloodcholesterol levelgo up. Reducing fat in the amountof saturated and cholesterol your level. diet helpsloweryour bloodcholesterol fat fats include free or 1o/o Foodslow in saturated poultry, lean meats,fish,skinless dairyproducts, wholegrainfoods,and fruitsand vegetables.Look (liquid tub varieties) that are or for soft margarines low in saturated and containlittleor no transfat fat (another type of dietary that can raiseyour fat cholesterol level). Limitfoodshighin cholesterol such as liverand otherorganmeats,egg yolks,and full-fat dairyproducts. fiberinclude oats,certain of Goodsources soluble and pears)and vegetables fruits(suchas oranges (suchas brussel and driedpeas sproutsand carrots), and b eans.

Know Your Num ber s- Find Yo ur Goal m in is Bloodcholester ol m easur ed m illigr am(s g)per (dL).The tablebelowoutlines cholesterol deciliter is important to and respective components Institutes Healthguidelines of notethat the National shouldfocuson assisting stressthat physicians patients reachtheirappropriate LDL cholesterol to primary goal as a heartdiseaseprevention coronary m ethod.
Level Total Cholesterol Lessthan 200 mg/dl 200-239mg/dL 240 mgldL and above Level LDL Cholesterol Lessthan 100 mg/dL 100-129 mg/dL 130-159 mg/dl 160-189 mg/dl 190 mg/dl and above Risk TotalCholesterol Desirable High Borderline High Risk LDL Cholesterol Optimal* Nearoptimal/above optimal Borderline High High Very High

an withCHD or diabetes; LDL levelof lessthan diagnosed -For people by 70 mg/dLmay be recommended your physician.

Level HDL Cholesterol Lessthan40 mg/dl 40-59 mg/dL 60 mg/dl and above Triqlvcerides Level mg/dl 150-199 200 mg/dl and above


Beingoverweight a riskfactorfor heartdisease is and your cholesterol. Losing alsotendsto increase LDL weightcan helploweryour triglyceride, and total ll , c hole s t e r oe v e l sa s we l la s ra i seyo u r H D L l e vels. Activitv Phvsical activeis a riskfactorfor heart Not beingphysically physical activity can help loweryour Regular disease. and LDL cholesterol raiseyour HDL cholesterol You shouldtry to also helpsyou loseweight. physically minutes most,if not all, on activefor 30 be days. Things you cannot change that affect your cholesterollevels: Aqe a nd Ge n d e r As womenand men get older,theircholesterol levels rise.Beforethe age of menopause, womenhave lowercholesterol levelsthan men of the same age. Afterthe age of menopause, women'sLDL levels tend to rise. Hereditv Yourgenespartlydetermine how muchcholesterol your body makes.Highbloodcholesterol run in can f ami lies .

Risk HDL Cholesterol A major risk factorfor heartdisease The higher, the better Consideredprotective againsiheartciisease Risk Triqlvcerides Borderline High High

ManageYour Num ber s levelsare not at goal,followyour lf your cholesterol and/orbe doctorsadviceto modifyyour lifestyle can written...this withthe drug prescription compliant coronary heartdisease. helpyou prevent MyCurrent Cholesterol Levels
Total Cholesterol My Recommended Cholesterol Levels




Know Your Rlsk Categorv The maingoalof cholesterol-lowering treatment to is loweryour LDL levelenoughto reduceyour riskof havinga heartattackor otherdiseases causedby , har denin o f t h e a r t e ri e s.n g e n e ra lth e h i g h er g your l LDL leveland the more riskfactors you have,the greater your chances developing of coronary heart (CHD)or havinga heartattack.(A riskfactor disease your chanceof getting is a condition that increases a di se as e.)

Iner apeuttc Lttestvle unanges ( ILG) TLC includes cholesterol-lowering (called a diet the physical TLC Diet), activity, and weightmanagement. TLC is for anyonewhoseLDL is abovegoal.TLC is a you can maketo help lower changes set of lifestyle your LDL cholesterol.

The main partsof TLC are: The TLC Diet o Limiting amountof saturated and fat the you cholesterol eat. . Eatingonly enoughcalories achieve to or Following the riskfactors are that affectyour LDL goa l: weight. a m aintain healthy (automatically Diagnosed with CHD or diabetes . Incr easing soluble fiberin yo urdi et.F or the putsyou at highest risk) oatmeal, kidney beans , and appl es e example, ar Cigarette smoking good sources soluble of fiber. Highb l o o dp r e s su re 4 0 /9 0 r h i g h e r, on (1 o or . Addingcholesterol-lowering food. b loo dp r e s s u r e d i ci n e ) me Low HDL cholesterol (lessthan 40 mg/dL). W eiqhtManagement Familyhistory earlyheartdisease(CHD in of Losing weightif you are overweight helplower can fatheror brother beforeage 55; CHD in mother is m for LDL.W eightm anagement especi al liy por tant or sisterbeforeage 65) tha hi thosewitha gr oupof r iskfactor s t i nc l udes gh Age (men45 yearsor older;women55 yearsor low HDL levels and bei ng and/or tr iglycer ides o lde r ) (more with a largewaistmeasurement overweight than40 inchesfor men and morethan 35 inchesfor TotalRiskFactors wom en) .
* If your HDL cholesterolis 60 mg/dL or higher, subtract 1 from your total count

(a find D et e rm in y o u rn u m be r f ri skfa cto rs b o ve) to e o your riskcategory (below).

You are in Categorv ] lf vou have Risk Heartdisease l. Highest and/ordiabetes Your LDL Goal is , mg/dl Lessthan '100 Lessthan 130 mg/dL

Phvsical Activitv phvsical for Regular activity r ecom m ended is lt everyone. can helpraiseHDL and lowerLDL and for important thosewith high is especially and/orlow HDL levelswho are triglycerides with a largewaistmeasurement. overweight Druq Treatment theyar e lf cholester ol- lowerdr ugsar e needed, ing to with TLC treatment help loweryour usedtogether LDL. Alongwith changing way you eat and the your doctormay prescribe regularly, exercising medicines helploweryour cholesterol. to Evenif you you begindrugtreatment, will needto continue TLC. Drugtreatment controls does not "cure"high but you bloodcholesterol. Therefore, mustcontinue takingyour medicine keepyour cholesterol to levelin the r ecom m ended r ange. Whentryingto loweryour cholesterol keepit low,it or is important remember followyour treatments to to for you otherconditions may havesuchas hi ghbl ood pr essur e. helpwithquitting ok i ng Get sm and l os i ng you. weightif they are riskfactors for
Source:2005. U.S Department Health& HumanServices, of NationalInstitutes l.lealth, of N ai i onal eart. H Lung.and B l oodInsti tute, N ati onal hol es terol duc ati on rogram The C E P (N C E P ). dul tTreatment anel(A P Tl l l ) P A Gui dei i nes



risk or morerist< ll. Moderate

lll" Lowto moderate ! 0 or 1 r i s k .''":.::.:"-..-",_:"

TreatmentApproachesfor CholesterolReduction You get cholesterol two ways.Your body makes in some of it, and the rest comesfrom cholesterol in products you eat. There are2 treatment methods Therapeutic (TLC)and Drug Lifestyle Changes Treatment. A summary bothfollows; your doctorwill of however, helpyou decidewhat combination work bestfor will you .

Precision For each analyte, micro-serum two samples assayed duplicateforty were in in different per (n=80),runs day.The runs 2 total standard deviations coefficients and of variation were calculated thedata presented and are below: Micro-Serum Sample Total

Easv Use to package mail dried Everything necessarycollect, to and a fingerstick sample the to Home Access Health Corporation laboratory is included each with CheckUp America Cholesterol Results available three Panel. are within days receipt thesample of of in thelaboratorv. Laboratorv Results GlassificationCompared NCEP as with Criteria When individual results Cholesterol, for HDL-Cholesterol and Triglycerides were classified accordingNCEP to criteria, majority theresults correctly the of were classified identifiedthechart as in When results misclassified this below. were higher, percentage time your indicates a small that ofthe results could actually lower be than you thereading obtain; when and results misclassified thisindicates a were lower, that percentage time your you small ofthe results could actually higher thereading be than obtain.


Y;#Jlirffi %cvoaerlriiioelt o.,,llffiot1it^rr or

206 240 40
6 .1 8 6.55 1 .5 7 2.49 7.20 1 3 .3 9

Total Cholesterol

3.0 2.7 3.9 3.4

4.8 4.4



Triglycerides 305

Accuracv Theresults theprecision formicro-serum were of study testing comparedthetesting to ofvenous blood assess bias calculate enor. to the and total

Correctly Classified Misclassified Higher


4Yo 6Yo

910/o 6Yo 3To


240 4A

Misclassified Lower

Total Cholestero HDtCholesterol Triglycerides

2 .7 3 .9

7.4 6 .7 9 .2

-1 .5

+/-3,0 +/-3.0 +/-5.0 +i-5,0



4 .8 4.4

10.7 9 .9

+/-5.0 +/-5.0



For more information,call 1-800-871-6080, 6:00 am to 7:00 pm, Mondaythrough Friday, GentralTime, or visit our website at

Method Comparison between finqerstick samples collected lav-users bv and venous samples Aspart theoverall of veriflcation validationtheCheckUp and of America Cholesterol lay-users asked collect fingerstick Panel, were to a sample later for comparison with venous samoles collected same and atthe date time, Analyte Num ber of ' Samples '
tc I

Linear Fit

R Square 127 467

Total Cholesterol

Y= 1 .0 1 6 X -4 4 1 5 0 9840 Y = 0 .9 9 3 7 X -0 9 0 4 0 9639 Y = 0 ,9 7 9 8 X+ 7 .8 0 .9 7 7 1

HDL-Cholesterol 137 Triglycerides 141

22- 141
33- 591

ft!6 {r r t


Sample Requirements The CheckUp Parer America Cholesteroi requires (3 approximately tofour - 4) three fulldrops fingerstick (apprcx of r':ately mlto 100 intotal). theblood blood 75 ml After s am p l e h a sd r iedont hef ilt e rg a p ,e -;c .a t n u te s ,th e c a s s e tteshoul dbe e a s tl 5 mi sealed thedesiccatedpcuc" sent theprepaid in foil a-C in mailerto Home the Access Health Corporation laboraic-, '0.::sirrg. evaluating In lay-user micro-serum collection adequacy untrained rates, aj--se.s rrere toobtainspecimenadequate able a of quantity quality ase-e::,eiy trained and 96:, phlebotomists. as

Home Access Health Corporation 2401W. HassellRoad, 1510 Suite Hoffman Estates, 60169 lL 800-87 1-6080 CLIA Certificate #1 4D0981 820 CAP Accred n #717 itatio 5083 Control Rev. 086, 01/08, #70110675

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