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Third Grade Science Notebook

Scientists Name: _________________


Date _____________________

Investigation 1 Part 1

What are the properties of sound that make them identifiable?

Date _____________________

Investigation 1 Part 2

Can you use the discrimination of sounds to make a code for sending messages?

Date _____________________

Investigation 1 Part 3

How are sounds made?

Date _____________________

Investigation 2 Part 1

How are high and low sounds made?

Date _____________________

Investigation 2 Part 2

How does length affect the rate of vibration, and therefore the pitch?

Date _____________________

Investigation 2 Part3

How does length affect the rate of vibration, and therefore the pitch?

Date _____________________ Investigation 3 Part 1 Can sound travel through liquids?

Date _____________________ Investigation 3 Part 1 Can sound travel through air?

Date _____________________ Investigation 3 Part 1 How is sound different when heard through air or water?

Date _____________________ Investigation 3 Part 2 Can sound travel through solids? How is sound different when heard through solids?

Date _____________________ Investigation 4 Part 1 How can pitch, volume, and the distance a sound can travel be modified or enhanced?

Earth Materials

Date _____________________

Investigation 1 Part 1

What are some to the properties we can use to describe individual rocks?

Date _____________________

Investigation 1 Part 2

How can we determine the ingredients of a rock? How can we separate the ingredients of a rock?

Date _____________________

Investigation 1 Part 3

What are the ingredients in mock rocks? What evidence do you have to support your conclusions?

Date _____________________

Investigation 2 Part 1

What properties can we use to identify minerals?

Date _____________________

Investigation 2 Part 2

What properties can we use to indentify minerals? How can your fingernail, a penny, and a paper clip help determine hardness?

Date _____________________

Investigation 3 Part 1

How can we tell if one of the ingredients in a rock is the mineral calcite?

Date _____________________

Investigation 3 Part 2

Is there another test we can do to know for sure which rocks contain calcite?

Date _____________________

Investigation 4 Part 1

What are the mineral ingredients in granite?

Date _____________________

Date _____________________

Date _____________________


Date _____________________

Investigation 1 Part 1

What happens when water gets spilled? Does water do the same thing on all surfaces?

Date _____________________

Investigation 1 Part 2

What shape does water make on a flat surface? Why does water form a dome on flat surfaces? How can you change the surface tension of plain water?

Date _____________________

Investigation 1 Part 3

Does water always flow downhill? How does changing the slope or quantity of water change the speed at which it flows downhill?

Date _____________________

Investigation 2 Part 1

What happens to water when it is heated? What happens to water when it is cooled?

Date _____________________

Investigation 1 Part 2

Is hot water denser or less dense than roomtemperature water? Is cold water denser or less dense than roomtemperature water?

Date _____________________

Investigation 2 Part 3

What happens to water when it freezes? What happens to ice when it is heated? How do the masses of equal volumes of ice and water compare?

Date _____________________

Investigation 3 Part 1

What happens when two paper towels are allowed to dray, one in a cup with a lid and the other in an open cup?

Date _____________________

Investigation 3 Part 2

What effect does air temperature have on evaporation?

Date _____________________

Investigation 3 Part 3

What effect does surface area have on the rate of evaporation?

Date _____________________

Investigation 3 Part 4

What happens when the surface of an object or material is cooler than the air surrounding it?

Date _____________________

Investigation 4 Part 1

What happens when you pour water through different earth material?

Date _____________________

Investigation 4 Part 2

How does a waterwheel work? What is the best design for a waterwheel that will efficiently lift objects?

Date _____________________

Investigation 4 Part 3

What are some of the properties of water that affect its quality? What types of water can be used for different purposes?

Date _____________________

Date _____________________

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Date _____________________

Brine Shrimp Study

Date _____________________

Date _____________________

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Date _____________________

Date _____________________

Brine Shrimp Observations

Insect Observations for Brine Shrimp

Month: (Circle One) April Monday Tuesday _____ _____ May June Wednesday ____ Thursday _____ Friday _____

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