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Like any human and rational undertaking, evaluating outcomes of instruction requires careful planning and execution.

This is something that cannot do in a single snap or an impulsive behavior. The presentation will dwell on the 3 STAGES: 1. BEFORE : Preparation of Test Instrument 2. DURING : Administration of the Instrument 3. AFTER : Utilization of Test Result Table of Specification (TOS) The TOS is design or blue print that serves as a guide to the test constructor in ensuring a valid, reliable, and objective test. Through such a device, we are in better position to assure a fair and just measurement of the outcomes of instruction in our curriculum. Advantages of TOS 1. One immediate advantage of the use of TOS is that it ensure an adequate coverage of instructional objective and content taken up within a certain prescribed time frame, lets say one academic quarter. Since there is definite time limit for the test, one cannot possibly cram a lot of subject matter in it.
2. Another advantages of the TOS is that it emphasis the weight of the test. It

can specify what could be considered as must that would constitute the 75% of the total value of the test. The balance of the test can be given to the wants or enrichment matter. 3. A third benefit to be derived from the use of TOS is that it helps in attaining an unbiased distribution of skills measurement. Without this table, a test constructor, following the path of least resistance, may concentrate more on the lower levels of thinking skills. Purpose of testing, cognitive skills can be categorized into the following:
1. Remembering, which is defined as the ability to simply recall previously

learned information, facts, ideas and principles.

2. Comprehending, defined as the ability to restate or interpret previously

learned information. This may include routine manipulation or simple reproduction.

3. Thinking, defined as a more or less complex intellectual activity involving

analysis, synthesis and judgement.

4. Objective / Content , this portion correspond to the minimum objectives set

for the academic period concern

5. Skills / Concept , this column will include the specific skills corresponding to

the objectives. These could fall under remembering, understanding, and thinking. example, objective type or essay type.





6. Type of test Item, this will indicate the particular test item type to be used

7. No. Of items, for each type of test, the entry indicates the number of test

8. Item No. , this indicate the number of sequence of the item type as it will

appear in the final form of the test

9. Score Count / Percentage, this will include the corresponding weight of the


Measurement An instrument or device to measure individuals achievement, personality, attitudes, intelligence and among other that can be measured quantitatively. Tests Questionnaires Rating Scales Checklist

Evaluation refers to consideration of evidence in the light value standard and in terms of the particulars situations and the goals which the group of individuals are striving to attain. ; qualitative

Passed / Failed Standard / Substandard Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory Excellent / Average / Below Average

Different Types of Test The quality of test construction depends largely on the part of the classroom teacher. Every teacher is interested to know how far and how deep he can facilitate, orient, and guide the students with the knowledge, ideas,

abilities, skills and attitudes that she wishes to build up in order to achieve his teaching objectives and make students responsive to the changing needs of the society and compete globally with other graduates of the world.

1. Paper & Pencil (Classroom) 1.1 Non- Essay or Objective Supply Simple-recall Completion Selection Alternative Response Multiple Choice Matching

A. SUPPLY Simple Recall Type

Item appears as a direct question, a stimulus word or phrase, or a specific direction.

Construction: 1. Item should be very brief phrase 2. Direct-question 3. Blanks for the response should be in column preferably at the right column of the item. 4. Question should be worded that there is only one correct response. 5. Make minimum use of textbook language in wording the question

Sample of Simple-Recall Type

1. Convert 1 cc to ml 2. Convert 50 kg to pounds.

1. ______ 2. ______

Completion Type filling the blanks;

a statement that has to be completed with phrase.

an appropriate word or

Construction: 1. Give the student a reasonable basis for the responses desired. 2. Avoid giving the student unwarranted clues to the desired response. 2.1 Avoid lifting statements directly from the book. 2.2 Omit key words or phrases rather than trivial details. 2.3 Whenever possible avoid a or an immediately before blank. 2.4 Do not indicate the expected answer by varying the length of blanks or by using a dot for each letter in the correct word. 2.5. Guard against the possibility that one item or part of the test may suggest the correct response to another item 2.6 Avoid giving grammatical clues to the test answer.

Sample of Simple-Recall Type Most important procedure for preventing the transfer of microorganism, and therefore nosocomial infection, is correct and frequent __________________.

B. SELECTION Alternative Response

Limits the answer to only two options in a forced-choice situation. True False Agree Disagree Yes No Correct-Not Correct

Construction: 1. Avoid double negatives 2. Avoid long or complex sentences

3. caution.

Specific determiners (always, never, only, etc.) should be used with

4. Include only one central idea in each statement. 5. Avoid emphasizing the trivial 6. Exact quantitative (two, three, four) language is better than qualitative (some, few, many) 7. Avoid a pattern of answers

Sample of True or False Direction write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false 1. Warm water removes fewer oils from the skin that hot water. 2. Dry your hands thoroughly from fingers to forearms. __________ __________

2. Bar soap is recommended because it may harbour microorganism. __________

Matching Type Checking the ability of the student to associate factual information

and recognize example of a concept.

Construction: 1. Using heterogeneous material must be avoided. 2. Unbalanced matching type. 3. All options must be related to each other. 4. Option item must be listed in the right hand column and item to identified in the left hand column. 5. Option column must be arranged in alphabetical.

Sample of Matching type



1. Help us recognize each other and learn __________ about color, motion and distance. 2. Help us to learn each other through communication __________ 3. Learn about our world by feeling it, learning the size, texture and shape of thing. __________ 4. Helps us enjoy life and helps us learn about unsafe condition. __________ 5. Helps us to select and enjoy food. __________ Multiple-choice Test Best test form in testing outcomes.

A. Hearing B. Senses C. Sight D. Smell E. Touch F. Taste




4. 5.

Most valuable and widely used in standardized tests due to its flexibility and objectivity scoring. It consist of a stem or an incomplete statement and a set of options, one of which is the appropriate response.

Constructing 1. Items should have 3-4 alternatives. 2. Stem should present a single, clearly formulated problem 3. Simple, understandable, exclude extraneous words from both stem and alternatives 4. Include in the stem any word that are repeated in each response 5. Avoid all of the above (can answer based on partial information) 6. Avoid none of the above 7. Emphasize negative wording

1.2 Essay Type

a measuring instrument for evaluating knowledge of the subject matter or to measure skill in writing where it tests students ability to express ideas accurately and to think critically within a certain period of time.

Suggestion in Constructing an Essay Examination by Laurentina Calmorin 1. It must be planned and constructed carefully in advance. 2. Show major aspects of the lesson in framing questions. 3. Precaution on the causes of unreliability should be taken. 4. Phrases the question vividly so that its scope will be clear to the students. 5. Time limit on the coverage of each question.

TYPES of Constructing an Essay Examination

1. Recall. The basis is given 1.1 Selective recall Name the head of state in the world who have been awarded as the WORLD WHOS WHO OF MEN. 1.2 Evaluating recall Name five departments in the Philippines which have had the greatest influence on the economic development of the country.

2. Comparison of two things 2.1 Specific. There is single designated basis. Compare medical hand washing from surgical hand washing. 2.1 General

Compare medical from surgical.

2.3 Decision. for or against

In which, in your own opinion, can you do better, a medical hand washing or surgical hand washing? Why
2.4. Cause & Effect

Why surgical hand washing given more stress than medical hand washing?

3. Summary Summarize in a paragraph, four or five sentences, the rationale of hand washing.

4. Analysis Analyze the characteristics of climate change to the world.

5. Statement of Relationship Why is knowledge on technology helpful in studying nursing.

6. Synthesis. Reaction to the statement Health is wealth

7. Criticism. as to the adequacy, correctness, or relevance of a pointed statement or students answer to a question on the lesson. Practice makes Perfect

Advantage of Essay Examination

1. Easy to Construct, with regard to the preparation of the test, an essay

examination is easier to construct and it saves time and energy as far as the construction is concerned because it involves few items.
2. Economical, when it comes to duplication facilities..because the question

can be written on the board. It is also advantageous for schools with lack duplication facilities.

3. Trains the core of organizing, expressing and reasoning power, An

essay examinations trains the student to express, organize, and reason out their ideas.
4. Minimize guessing. Response to an essay examination consist of one or

more sentences or even paragraph, guessing is minimized.

5. Develop critical thinking. An essay examination develops the student to

think critically. Essay questions call for comparison, analysis, reorganization of facts, defence opinion and other mental activity.
6. Minimize cheating and memorizing. Because essay test are evaluated

in terms of content and form and that an answer to a question is composed of one or more sentences.
7. Develops

good study habits. Student comprehension rather than memorization.





Disadvantage of Essay Examination

1. Low validity. It has limited sampling 2. Low reliability. Low reliability may occur in an essay examination due to

its subjectively of scoring. The tendency of some teacher is to react unfavourably to answer of student whom considered weak and give favourable impression to bright students.
3. Low Usability. Essay examination is time consuming to both teacher and

student wherein much time and energy are wasted.

4. Encourages buffling.The tendency of the student who does not know the

answer is to bluff the answer just to cover up the lack of information.

5. Difficult to correct or score. Difficulty on the part of the teacher to

correct or score due to an answer to a question consisting 2 or more sentences.

6. Student with poor penmanship. Some teachers react unfavourably to

responses of students having poor handwriting and untidy papers.

Kinds of Test Intelligence Aptitude Performance Achievement Personality Prognostic Diagnostic Preference

Accomplishment Speed Teacher-made Intelligence Test

Scale Standardized Placement

Measures the intelligence quotient (IQ) of an individual as genius very superior high average low average borderline mentally defective

It function is to establish the ability to think abstractly or to organize parts of a situation into a coherent whole.

Personality Test measures the ways in which individuals interest with other individuals or in terms of the roles an individual has ascribed to himself and adopts in the society.

Aptitude Test a predictive measure of a persons likelihood of benefit from instruction or experience in a given field such as arts, music, clerical work, mechanical tasks, or academic studies.

Differential Aptitude Test Battery (DAT) National College Entrance Examination (NCEE)

Prognostic Test
this test predicts how well a person is likely to do in a certain school

subjects or task. National Secondary Assessment Test (NSAT) Entrance Exam

Performance Test is a measure, often making use of manipulative materials, which involves no, or a minimum of, verbal instruction. Kohbs Block Design

Diagnostic Test

Army Beta Test

identifies the weaknesses of an individuals achievement in any field and which serves as basis for remedial instruction. National Achievement Test Prelim , Mid term, Finals

Achievement Test measurement of what has been learned by student of the subject matter taught in school.

Teacher-made Test National Elementary Achievement Test (NEAT)

Preference Test measure of vocational or avocational interest or aesthetic judgement by requiring the examinees to make forced choices between members of paired or grouped items. Skilled / Vocational

Accomplishment Test measurement of achievement in which this test is usually for individuals subject in the curriculum as a whole. Scale test has series of items arranged in order of difficulty. Binet-Simon Scale Teacher-made test

Speed Test (Alertness test) measures the speed and accuracy of the examinee within the time limits imposed. equipments troubleshoot assembling and disassembling

Standardized Test provides exact procedure in controlling the method of administration and scoring with norms and data concerning the reliability and validity of the test.

Board Exam

Teacher-made Test constructed by the teacher to determine how much the pupils/ students achieved the goals or objectives of the learning tasks this test is NOT as carefully prepared as standardized test. Placement Test used to measure the type of job an applicant should fill, or a test to measure the grade .

Related Learning Experience means opportunities in which all students may participate in high quality programs that provide industry related and subject matter related learning experiences that prepare students for further education, future employment and lifelong learning.

Purpose: 1. To determine the background ability. 2. To determine the development in each student. 3. To determine the ability of student to apply nursing theory. 4. To determine learning difficulties of each student. 5. Development of self-evaluation 6. Effectiveness of teaching strategies. 7. Conducting research

Evaluation Instrument 1. Observation. Daily teaching learning process Questionnaire consist of question in which the student respond to each item by encircling the option or by use a checkmark. Checklist to exhibit desired behavior Rating Scale record an appraisal along with meritorious achievement of student

Anecdotal Record design to determine what happened and what the behavior of the learner probably means.

2. Written Communication Method, application of theoretical knowledge.

* Nurses Notes * Nursing Care Studies 3. Oral Communication *Nursing Patient Conference

* Problem Oriented Method * Process Recording

* Nursing Team Conference


Preparation of Test Instrument

STEPS IN CONSTRCUTING TEACHER MADE TEST 1. Planning the test 1.1 A careful statement of the philosophy of the institution and the objectives of the particular subject should be available. 1.2 Adequate provision for review should be made by taking into consideration the availability of facilities and equipments. 1.3 The purpose of the test should be defined. If the purpose of the test is for diagnosis, it should be reveal the specific weakness of the students as basis for remedial instruction. However, if its purpose is to appraise the critical thinking and reasoning power, the scores are to be used for classification and grouping. 1.4 The nature of the test must take into consideration the conditions under which it is to be administered. In planning the test, such factors as age, experience of the examinee, duplicating facilities, cost of materials, and testing environment must be critically considered. 1.5 Length of the test must be determined. The time element is determined by the purpose it is to serve

2. Preparing the test. 2.1 The first draft of the test should be prepared as early as possible. 2.2 The test should include more than one type of items. 2 or 3 types of objective items may be used to minimize monotomy on the part of the examinee.

2.3 The item should be arranged in an ascending order of difficulty,, that is, the item are arraged from the most easy to the most difficult. 2.4 More items should be included in the first draft of the test for possible inclusion in the final draft. Less important items should be discarded.
2.5 First and final drafts should be revised and refined. 2.6 Items should be stated in such way that the whole content

functions in determining the answer rather than a part of it. 2.7 Items of similar type should be placed together in the test. 2.8 Regular sequence in the pattern of response should be avoided. 2.9 Direction of the test should be BRIEF, CLEAR and COMPLETE to the examinee.

3. Reproducing the test 3.1 To facilitate in reproducing the test, duplicating facilities should be available in every institution. ..photocopy, printing facilities.. 3.2 Every school should be provided with clerks and other facilitative staff to do typing, computerizing and mimeographing the test.


Administration of Instrument

4. Administering Test 4.1 Environment familiar to the student 4.2 Sit far apart, free from books and notebooks 4.3 Corrected typographical errors should be corrected before the test starts 4.4 Give complete and clear directions before the test begins. 4.5 Distribution of test materials must be planned in advance. 4.6 Entertain briefly questions raised while the test is going on. 4.7 Timing the test 4.8 Examinee and or testee should not be allowed to leave the examination room. 4.9 Collect the test material

AFTER : Utilization of Test Result

5.Scoring the test 5.1 Give one point of credit for each correct answer (objective test).

5.2 Two-option test, correction formula ( Right minus wrong). Students should be informed beforehand.

6. Evaluating the test 6.1 Quality of the students responses 6.2 Quality of the test itself


Types of Curriculum Evaluation

1. Intended Curriculum (Written) What curriculum designers included in course documents.

2. Imparted Curriculum (Taught)

What the teachers eventually dispensed

3. Imbibed Curriculum ( Learned) What the students actually acquired

Evaluation of Learning

1. Formative

an integral part of teaching-learning process that is done frequently to determine who among the students have not attained or reached the objectives of learning tasks. 2. Summative it aims to assess the learners achievement at the end of learning process. Unit test; chapter test quizzes

For curriculum developmental purposes used of Daniels Stufflebeams Model was suggested. CIPP model is a wholistic, systematic approach to the curriculum evaluation. Daniel Stufflebeams CIPP Model of Evaluation

Context Represent the environment, both internal and external to the school. It includes both the needs and interest of the client, as well as the environmental and sociological factors affecting the school enterprise. Feed back from the context evaluation enables the curriculum developers to adjust program goals accordingly. It provides a kind of reality test that allows the school to ascertain the validity of its assumptions about the learners and other aspects of the environment in which the program operates. Input Refers to curriculum content and learning objectives used in the program. Concerned with the curriculum content spelled out in the curriculum blue print or master plan of instruction. It attempts to validate the accuracy and adequacy of the curriculum and instructional design in meeting program goals. Process Consist of the wide range of learning strategies and resources used in the program. It also includes the personnel who carry out the program following quality control specification. Concerned with the mechanics of implementation. It is to assess the resources and strategies of the delivery package. This phase calls for frequent and immediate feedback to and from those who are part of the program. This will introduce contingent or corrective measures for the ongoing improvement of the program. Product

Refers to learning gains of the students as revealed by test and valuated against the school standards embodied in the set of behavioural indicators based on the profile of the IDEAL GRADUATE. It answer the question: When all is said and done, were the goals of the curriculum achieved optimally. This phase occurs at the end of the program implementation. Data obtained in this phase may be used as a basis for modifying the design before the program is recycle.
REFERENCES CALMORIN : Measurement and Evaluation 3rd Edition; LAURENTINA

Curriculum Development System 2nd Edition; JESUS C. CALMA

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