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Una pequea sonrisa andaba por el mundo feliz de la vida.

Primero fue al nio que estaba al otro lado de la calle One little smile went on its merry way. First it went to the boy across the street

Luego pas a su mam, que estaba enferma en el hospital. Next it was passed to his mom, who was sick in a hospital bed.

De ella rebot a la otra persona enferma que se encontraba en el cuarto del hospital. From her it bounced to the next sick person in the hospital room.

Despus de quedarse all un rato, sali por la puerta en la cara de un visitante. Subi al bus

After it lingered there for a while, it moved out the door on the face of a visitor. It hopped on a bus

Se peg al conductor, quien se la pas a su esposa cuando lleg a casa. Ella se la pas a su nio, que a su vez se la pas alegremente a su ta.

The smile fixed itself to the driver, who then passed it on to his wife when he got home. She passed it on to their young son, who cheerfully gave it to his aunt.

La sonrisa se pas el da de persona en persona, en ocasiones, en ms de una persona a la vez. La sonrisa, que unos a otros se pasaron, dej su huella en cada corazn; y de esa forma el gozo perdur. And the smile went throughout the day, to this person and then to that, sometimes to more than one at a time. The smile, though passed on to another, left its trace on every heart; the joy lingered on.

Nunca se sabe qu decisiones est tomando la gente en el momento. Tu sonrisa o el poquito de amor que, de forma sencilla, le transmitas a alguien, bien podran ser la respuesta a sus oraciones, y ese gozo siempre, de alguna manera, volver a ti nuevamente. You never know what decision is brewing in someones mind today. Your smile or the bit of love you passed on to someone in a simple way could be the answer to another s prayersand the joy will always, in some way, come back again to you.

Life cycle ciclo de vida Smile sonrisa Street calle Visitor visitante Driver conductor

Wife esposa Aunt tia Trace huella Lingered perdur Pass on transmitas

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Art by Evye. The Family International

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