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HOW TO MAKE A MILLION Dollars Your guide to financial independence and perhaps even wealth.

Author's Note: We are presently working on improving the layout and editing of this manuscript...but thought it a priority to put up the information and make my manuscript available online as soon as possible (at the price of perfection with details and layout -not my strong point- just ask Bill!). If you come across any glaring errors or have any suggestions, Bill and I would appreciate your feedback/input to make the work better for future readers. Please feel free to email me at . We'll work hard in the meantime on improving the quality, editing and presentation. Thanks for the help and hope the information is useful to you and you make your millions.

Table of Contents "The art of getting rich consists not in industry, much less in saving, but in a better order, in timeliness, in being at the right spot." - Ralph Waldo Emerson



INTRODUCTION: I am starting this manuscript in December 1994, having just seen all my writing plans go up in smoke. My dreams of making my millions lie in tatters after having been taken for a ride by a UK publisher with my five books; however I was rather gullible and impulsive. So after that initial shock last week (when I found out the dreadful news), I have regained my senses. I'm starting to think clearly once more (for the first time in my life perhaps!) and I'm about to try a different tack. Been watching too much America Cup yachting. Anyway, with nothing in the bank having lost our "fortune", I am totally desperate. There are no jobs in this "hick town" at the bottom of the world. So

I'll try and write the theory about how I would do it if I had some money to get started. I'm really trying very hard now to make my "millions" to rescue us from penury. I've been wracking the little brains I've got for the last few days, once I regained my senses. Perhaps if I can find a gullible publisher who feels sorry for me and my deaf wife, we must just do it. I really hope it works. So here goes.... This short account will give you a bit of background to my rather perilous position (financial, emotional, spiritual, etc, etc) , when I was writing this manuscript... I forgot to get rich in the "highflying" 80's when I "worked" in the conservative corporate world in South Africa, New Zealand and in Australia (briefly). After dropping out of that corporate world, where I felt like "a square peg in a round hole", I started HOW TO MAKE A MILLION in 1994 filled with great hope about my financial prospects as a writer. This turned gradually to utter despair and total torment as our hopes were dashed over the ensuing years. I write this piece as a real "down and outer"- virtually penniless ,other than the dole. Thanks New Zealand -a very beautiful, but more so a very caring and

compassionate society. Now how did I get myself into so much 's..t'? For the last three and a bit years since I was made redundant as an insurance manager, I have devoted my entire existence to making my "fortune" as an a author. However, my writing dreams have been shattered .The false promises of a UK vanity publisher have buried my hopes of even very modest riches in the dust. I have earned any money for three years, other than a few parttime jobs. My marriage has broken and I'm in a very tiny "city" with the highest unemployment rate in the country on the other side of the world to my family and my beloved "New South Africa". So what are your prospects son? Like Humpty Dumpty I'm trying to pick up the pieces and glue the thousands of pieces of splintered glass from my rather shattered ego together once more. With superglue! Yet amidst it all, I keep on with my writing, my quest day after day, because one day, I believe I will 'make it'. Whether my literary 'talent' (if any that is) makes a million or not, I don't care, because I love what I do anyway. So who cares? I'm starting this work while I'm poor as a churchmouse. But then I've been living in poverty for three years. I hadn't earned a cent for two and a half

years. No wonder I'm in my present financial predicament .I can't even afford clutch fluid for my 'old banger'. So I use gearbox oil. Oh no! Yesterday I found it wrecked the whole clutch system after working fine for a month. No wonder my dear wife "chucked " me out as a "no hoper". I've lost our house, our marriage, but not my beloved children. Never ever. Yet I still believe I'll make it eventually and be wealthy. One day...perhaps in the not too distant future. It must be foolishness, sheer stubborn mindedness that keeps me going. Or is it blind faith...or perhaps just divine inspiration. Well here's "how to do it" by someone who hasn't. At least not yet! I live daily in Hope. My faith in my ability and following what I believe is God's plan for my life .That is what keeps me going forward in the midst of a very uncertain future; but in spite of it all , I'm happy doing this. Its what I want to do...because it's MY life and I can do with it what I want. Perhaps even totally "stuff it up", but I don't think that is God's will for me! That was written three years ago ... and now it's all changed for the better. Hopefully, after reading this manuscript you'll find out how. I ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE AFTER READING THIS WORK THAT YOU WILL MAKE A MILLION

(even if it's only cents or Italian lire)! In the past few years of 'enforced hibernation', I have been studying the subject of success and why certain people are successful. What are the "magic ingredients" to being financially successful, to becoming a millionaire? In this work, none of the ideas mentioned are original. I have simply summarised the writings of many famous writers. AUTHOR'S NOTE: When I mentioned this work on my Internet site, I didn't realise it was so far from completion. I haven't touched this manuscript for a few years and too my horror I see that it requires a lot of editing and proofreading. Please accept my apologies. I am sending it to you as a summary of the writings of many esteemed authors. It is in abbreviated form from my research and notes. It needs A LOT OF TIDYING UP AND CORRECTION, so please excuse the lay-out. I'll be working on this book (along with my other 12 works) and one day you'll see it in pristine condition as a proper tidy manuscript. However, I thought I'd get the basic facts out to you in the meantime. I hope you get some useful information and we can all make our millions in the not too distance future. THE CONCEPT OF ABUNDANCE

Summary of the book but source material adapted by me and put into my own style: CREATING ABUNDANCE How to bring wealth and fulfilment into your life by ANDREW FERGUSON (Piatkus Publishers) 1992 Seek something more than money - look for abundance in every sphere of your life. Money and affluence are not the primary measures of success in life. A pile of money can become worthless overnight. Abundance is the key to feeling wonderful and fulfilled, however much or how little you may have. This book attempts to set a new approach and attitude to money, wealth and abundance. Do you want a new car, or perhaps a new home? You can achieve a new empowering relationship with money. The book gives step by step action plans, so that you can change your values, beliefs and priorities immediately and allow abundance (and the money you need) to flow into your life. There is a close correlation between abundance and happiness. Having an attitude of abundance will help you to feel good about yourself, your work and your attitude to money. It will change the way you think and encourage you on your journey to wholeness and personal success. The first step to personal growth is self acknowledgment.

There is never enough money or prosperity to create abundance. In modern society we are obsessed with money. But what's it all for? Our attitude to money and our self esteem are closely linked. If you are embarrassed by it, you are making a clear statement about your self worth. Those who value themselves and have a positive attitude of their own worth find that their needs (financial, physical, etc.) are always met. They always have enough money and resources. Money has no importance of itself, only in terms of our reactions towards it, what it means to us and what we do with it. Money should never be an end in itself. We want it, we fear it, we are even suspicious of it. Western society is very materialistic putting money first - it says it is the only good - then comes family and relationships. Money is no measure of abundance. It's more of a block. The most honest politicians this century have been Lech Walesa, leader of the Solidarity movement and later Prime Minister of Poland and Vaclav Havel, playwright and PM of Czechoslavakia? This book searches for "the middle road" towards abundance. Ask yourself: What is your relationship with money? What does it mean to you in your life? It's all a matter of dealing with the belief systems in your life. Do

you have worries regarding debt, eg. do you ever think will there be enough to bury me? Is your level of worry and anxiety acceptable? In today's world there is such pressure to conform, to be like everyone else - successful? However, worry only creates more things to worry about - so it's a waste of time and energy. Worry takes the joy out of life; it stops us achieving our potential and invades our personal relationships. Our real concern is not with money, but with abundance in our lives...and this has very little to do with money. Don't worship it. An obsession with it is often the root cause of our unhappiness. What does money represent to you? 1. Does money represent security? Or is it a fear of running out of money, or perhaps losing your job? 2. Does it give you power and capacity to make a difference in the world? Then you are powerless and you can lose it overnight. When you rely on money for power (like those who buy people), you have no real power at all. Money may represent wealth and prosperity - but that concept is meaningless and transitory. Many people work hard for 40 years punishing themselves then retire for 10 (or die within 6 months of retirement - "what a life, mate". It's so sad

that people put off to age 65 (and it's getting later as politicians delay the "great day") what they could enjoy right now. Rather put money aside to fund the vision you're working towards. Live your dream now and enjoy it, eg. by drinking ouzo in a Greek tavern. Why not see your savings as a dream and not fear. 3. Does having a substantial amount of money in the bank mean success to you...proof that you are a winner in the 'game of life'? Is it the primary focus in your life, or is it just a means to an end, a sign that you are on the right track? I believe money is not measured in smart cars, high salaries and other symbols of success, which merely appeal to the human ego. Well in my perilous position I have to say that, don't I! Often money is a substitute for love and appreciation. Hard to get that when one has no money... says he from the "poorhouse"! 4. Do you love money or hate it? Does it make you feel comfortable or uncomfortable? Either way it runs your life. Money has no value; only society gives it a disproportionate value. Money does not measure success, wealth or self esteem and it especially does not measure abundance. Look what you spend your money on. What are your personal priorities?

Is it? food home personal growth your children health books and art theatre, parties, presents, your own business, travel, charities, etc. Doing this short exercise will tell you your real priorities in life. Where do we learn that money is all that matters in life? We then pass the ideas we picked up from our parents on to our children. Many people these days (men especially) undergo what is termed a mid life crisis: often there is a conflict between career (material rewards) and your spiritual self (finding your true purpose in life and doing what you love). Money has no importance in itself, only in terms of our reactions to it.


My study of motivation. My greatest satisfaction in life is helping and caring about people. Should have been a social worker! Are you happy at work? If work isn't fun for you, change it. Make major decisions about the direction of your life. Work is meant to be fun. The steps to transformation: Like me, you may want to leave the "fur lined" mousetrap", the security of a big company to try self-employment.

Question the assumptions of your career path. Is it "superficial/meaningless"? Are you perhaps having a mid life crisis (my wife says my life is one continuous one). The author looked at self employment. I believe the most important aspect of a business is the development of personal vision and individual excellence. I have "jumped railway tracks" now into virgin territory where I create my own tracks day by day. My spiritual journey is the ultimate journey of discovery: the discovery of self (without having to become a monk). Attempt to integrate your working life with financial survival; because your business can, sorry must, be financially viable to survive. But first you have to convince and believe you can do it yourself. What character traits do you need for this?: I believe. Trust, commitment, letting go, a clear intention, the right attitude and most importantly, pain - the ability to endure and then overcome it. If you are taking or considering major steps into this new field, I'm happy to share my growth and experiences with you. The author drastically changed direction in life.


Energy follows form, then gets harnessed (like the 'hosses'). Worry blocks energy, ie. money. Stop worrying and abundance will soon start flowing into your life. You CAN ACHIEVE IT...far easier than you may ever think. Deciding to do something is not commitment - booking the ticket or investing in a business (or an idea) is. Think big, but start small. Say you're looking for new customers, otherwise People assume you're too busy to spend energy on them. Remember, worry blocks energy. Work is the context for personal growth, the ultimate growth workshop. Learn to see work in a different way - as fun. The concept of PROSPERITY: Beyond prosperity consciousness. Focus your consciousness on prosperity (positive thinking), rather than on poverty (negative thinking) and all your needs will be met. This concept originated in 1937 with Napoleon Hill in his ground-breaking book THINK AND GROW RICH. Hill interviewed the richest men of the day: industrialists like Henry Ford and steel tycoon, Andrew Carnegie. Hill made it his life mission to find out what distinguished the most financially successful people from the rest. His findings:

Exceptional degree of clarity of purpose - minds sharply focussed on the object of their desire. These men shut out anything that undermined this objective and constantly reinforced the positive. They had faith in THE INFINITE POWER (God or whatever you choose to call the Great Creator) and took substantial amounts of time to meditate. In this time they drew on their creative imagination. Hill concluded that real success involved a spiritual aliveness. A SUMMARY OF THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill The essential elements: 1. DESIRE * Fix in your mind exactly what you want - in precise money terms. * Determine what you will give in return be a "go-giver", not a "go getter". * Set a date when you will possess the money you desire. * Write it down, sign it and repeat it aloud first thing and last thing every day. * This is your ambition, your burning desire, your passionate purpose. * See, feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money. 2. FAITH

* Have faith in yourself and in the Infinite, to create positive thoughts and good "luck". * Know that your dominant thoughts manifest concretely, eventually. * Concentrate on positive thoughts 30 minutes every day and on self-belief 10 minutes a day. 3. AUTO SUGGESTION. * Create a quiet place to focus on your desire with total faith every day. * Keep a written copy of your statement of desire in a place where you keep seeing it. 4. SPECIALISED KNOWLEDGE. * Go to those who can give you short cuts to specialist information. 5. IMAGINATION. * Use synthetic means of imagination to organise things. * Use the amazing power of creative imagination to tap into new ideas, inspirations and hunches. 6. ORGANISED PLANNING. Create a definite plan for acquiring what you desire, and add this to the statement of desire. * Don't procrastinate (nice long word). Begin NOW, ready or not. * Develop yourself as a leader with courage, self control, a sense of justice, decisiveness, a pleasing personality, sympathy, understanding, mastery of

detail, willpower to assume responsibility, cooperation and a readiness to do more than you're paid to do. 7. DECISION * Decide to do it...develop will power. 8. PERSISTENCE * And don't stop until you get it. Keep saying YES, when everything else points towards NO. 9. POWER OF THE MASTER MIND * Enter into a friendly alliance with one or two more people you need to create and carry through your plans, and be clear what you offer them in return for their cooperation. * Select life and business partners carefully, and retain selfreliance. I'm trying to improve a little in this area, but I'm not a "technical boffin". * Meet with your Master Mind group twice weekly or more often until the plan is perfected. * Maintain perfect harmony with every member of the group. Not easy sometimes with different personalities and agendas. * Recognise that a group of brains creates a third force that is spiritual in nature. 10 SEX TRANSMUTATION What does that mean? Exciting!

* Tune into the irresistible energy of sex, love and romance, especially available between the ages of 40 to 60 (in my prime then). * Transmute biological sexual desire into spiritual creative force and enthusiasm. Sounds "airy fairy", instead of getting down to action. * Recognise that personal magnetism and charisma is simply well directed sex energy. Hope for me then! * Experience the spiritual quality of love that connects you with infinite intelligence. * Do only what benefits all, serving others. 11. THE SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND. * Feed your sub conscious mind with positive emotions - feelings of desire, faith, love, sex ,enthusiasm, romance and hope. * Exclude all negative emotions...fear, jealousy, hatred, revenge, greed, superstition and anger (used to be my downfall). 12. THE BRAIN * Put your brain in gear, your subconscious sending out positive thoughts, your creative imagination receiving that thought energy and auto suggestion broadcasting to the world. 13. A SIXTH SENSE * Creative imagination is a guardian angel that is available through mediation and inner development.

* Select your cabinet of "invisible counsellors", draw on their strengths and seek their help in solving difficult problems and responding to opportunities. * Overcome indecision, doubt and fear. The six "ghosts of fear" are: poverty, criticism, ill-health, lost love, old-age, death and most importantly, a susceptibility to negative influences. Always remember, you create your own reality, because you control your thoughts which always "concretise" into getting what you expect to happen. Your beliefs about money will determine your attitudes to wealth. For example: if you believe it's hard to come by, or there's never enough to go round. However, fear and negative emotions only have power over us, if we run away from them and try to pretend they don't exist. The way to wealth creation, I believe, is spiritual. No amount of money can create a feeling of abundance, fulfilment or even wealth... and prosperity consciousness is not the accumulation of things. Don't see life and success in purely material terms. Riches do not produce fulfilment, fun, happiness or anything else that makes life worth living. Be patient and allow your ego to give way to a higher consciousness then all your

needs will be met. Prosperity consciousness says all that stands in your way to financial success is poverty consciousness. The block to abundance is resistance - it stops you coming into the light to being yourself, growing and learning. What do you need to learn from the last experience to come through this one successfully? You don't have to be rich to be a human being - just have the courage to be real, the 'real you'. Always be true to yourself. Step by step guidelines for ethical living: Don't hard sell - so people are defensive or are awkward about saying 'no' to you. Hear and respect what people are saying. If you had all the money in the world, would you still be selling the product or service? Don't associate with people whose sole objective is the accumulation of money. Listen to your intuition - distinguish it from your ego. Do what you love and it will make you feel good about yourself put your labour where your love is. Try to avoid fear, anxiety, tension and worry. Change your attitude to life. Remember, money is only of value if you value nothing else The only thing that stands between you and abundance is you - so be still and

listen and listen to that quiet inner voice deep within you (your intuition). I believe that everything that happens, happens for a reason; there are lessons to be learned from every experience, no matter how painful at the time. Good can come out of anything. However, we all have a great reluctance to make mistakes, feeling we have failed when we do. Affirm the positive and let life happen for you, not to you. The only wrong decision you can make is making no decision. when having a simple clear out (of clothes, papers, tapes, letters, possessions and especially, grudges) leaves space for new things to come into your life. Always try to see the best in others. When we are driving a car 90% of time we are off course and making minor corrections (like an airline pilot). Changes: What do you really want to change in your life and why? What is the problem, the block? What's stopping you from being the person you'd like to be? How do you resist change? What do you need to do to make the change work for you? Is there perhaps a block in yourself? Is it YOU? Move out of your comfort zone, because nearly all change is growth. However, we all have a strong resistance to let go of the past, to change old habits and beliefs - to move from the known to the unknown. Work is meant to be a place to

grow and not to wither. Write down what you CAN do, rather than what you can't do (like most people). What positive statement do you have the greatest difficulty accepting? Don't suppress it, but work on it. The "I can" is far more important than "I can't". The higher you go, the harder you fall; so don't go too high. Others say "I won't make it". Find a quiet spot and write down your self defeating messages. Write down: "I can do anything!" Bear in mind it might have taken you 30 or 40 years to create your current state of mind. There may be many doubts and beliefs that nothing works for you. These negative thoughts need to be erased from the mind. We each have a unique way of perceiving reality. Change is growth. Resolve to face the challenges and act on the blocks towards success. Choose thoughts of abundance. Jot down the changes you want to make in your life. What blocks are there to achieving your goals? Examine your belief system that creates the block. Take at least 10 minutes a day to listen to your old beliefs and empower new ones. Imprint them into your consciousness. Once you take responsibility for your own destiny you can CHOOSE to change. Success comes in 'cans' - there are no 'cant's'. Only you can choose not to. If

you want to change the world, first change yourself. (Changing the world used to be my "great mission" in life). But it takes plenty of time. As the saying goes, 'Rome wasn't built in a day'. Change requires great effort and commitment. Resolve to change and write down the action steps required. "More haste less speed", writes he after this morning wiping a disk, because he was in a hurry. Three days solid work down the drain. "Oh bother", he said... to the great consternation of the neighbours. The discomfort of undergoing change is nothing compared to the pain of resisting it. We create our own environment and are responsible for everything that happens in our lives - our unique reality. This comprises: our thoughts, feelings, groups, the people with whom we come into contact, the books that we read, what we get and don't get out of life. We can choose to be miserable and to blame others for the misfortunes that befall us. Or we can change our programme-channel. You should take 100% credit for your successes too. Don't forget that! Don't be a victim with a "victim mentality". Develop new skills. Remember positive people attract positive energy to them. People feel like doing things for them. Others feel comfortable recommending them and like being

around. On the other hand, negative people have a big black cloud hanging over them and people run for cover as soon as they arrive (or cross to the other side of the street). Hardly surprising they attract other miserable people. We are responsible when things go wrong in our lives; although no one is necessarily at fault or to blame. Just be PATIENT - it all takes time for our "messes" to get sorted out and to climb out of the "deep s...t". Boundaries and limitations can be pushed back and overcome, eg. the 4 minute mile. Once it was beaten, Roger Bannister removed the barrier for others. Was it mental? What training, learning and preparation was necessary? Years and years of practice. Review the situation you find yourself in. Ask yourself: How likely are you to succeed? Say to yourself, "I have absolute control over how I think and feel in whatever context I find (or rather, choose to find) myself. Why do I say that? Because, we choose where we direct our consciousness. Our perception of a situation decides the nature of a situation for us, so that it becomes our reality. Some multi-millionaires are totally miserable, being terrified their money will run out some day... whilst other people are very happy and get by with "two brass farthings" to their name.

In life we have a choice: to learn or to make the same mistake over and over again. You can continue to reinforce your old belief systems or question old assumptions. Re-evaluate and experiment with new belief systems. This gives you a new perception of the world and consequently your experience of life changes. You are in the situation you are now, because of choices you made in the pastsome right and some wrong. You have created a new reality for yourself. We create our reality only in the sense that we control where we direct our consciousness. Allow abundance to flow into your life. 1. Alignment and vision. Be clear and specific. Have a clear visual picture in your imagination. Be passionate, positive and purposeful. What is it exactly that you want and why? Attune yourself to the centre of your being - this is a oneness with God our Creator and is interconnected with all of life. Relax and let go of all thoughts, feelings and attachments. Meditation and affirmation helps us connect with our inner selves. It changes the reality of the self, our environment and our relationships. Have a strong commitment to your vision and it will be

realised. From small acorns large oak trees grow. Your higher self, your soul has all the answers. The key is having clarity of purpose. Visualise your ideal self, as well as the ideal life you want. Keep on track, as we are easily drawn into the backwaters and side alleys of life. Review your priorities and your progress towards your goals regularly. Take one step at a time. Deal with things from moment to moment. Focus your energy, commit and then let go... Ask yourself: * How do I need to see this situation differently? * What is the lesson I can learn from this experience? * How can I relieve the pain? * What is the next step to move forward? The path you are setting out on is the journey of a lifetime. Don't you think it deserves at least 10 minutes of your time each day, just to meditate, to reflect. Clarify why you want it. What we focus on expands. Zero in on your target like a lasar beam. Enlist others to help, we can't do it on our own, nor live in isolation. As John Donne said, "no man is an island". Commit your energies then let go and let God. In modern western society, standard of living is seen as being more important than 'quality of life'. The more you have, the more you want to preserve your standard of living.

The preoccupation with acquiring material possessions and success distracts you from real growth for your self. Many executives feel dissatisfied after battling up the corporate ladder all their working lives My advice (if it counts for anything)... When all else fails, just be yourself. Have a higher quality of wealth. Find your inner peace with the forces of nature and the plan of the Universe. Ask yourself: If the debts were cleared, how would you be different? Would you spend more time with your family, become self employed, or perhaps travel? Would you buy a "little place" in the country. Accept learn, let go of old feelings and beliefs and move on. However, letting go is often a huge emotional wrench. As the Beatles sang... all you need is love, because love is all there is. Fulfilment is a journey towards wholeness. Happiness is a state of heart, as well as of mind. The Seven Steps to Abundance: 1. Find the vision. Unless you know where you're going, you are unlikely to get there. Any place where you are is a good place to start. Ask yourself: What activities have you most enjoyed in the last 10 years? What is fun? What do you treasure?

What do you most want to be doing in the next 10 years? Which of your strengths and weaknesses are a joy to you? What do people say you are good at? What is special about you? List ideally what would you be doing? Ideally what would you want to be? Ask WHY do you need those things? What are those status symbols for? Define your vision. Write it down in less than 10 words. Does it involve other people? What do I most want to be doing? Why? What do I most care about? Why? What steps can I take to move me closer to doing what I really want to do? Find your niche - your unique skills? Think about who will pay you to enjoy yourself. Instead of worrying about being sacked, think who will pay you to have fun? Where do you want to work? With whom, in what sort of company? Look for a picture of your ideal environment: home, as well as work. 3. PLAN ahead carefully. Doing this reduces false starts and wrong directions. Put it all down in writing. Think big and start small. Carl Rogers said: "The only real security is the preparedness to embrace insecurity". Be the you most intend to be? Take stock, review your plan and prioritize your life goals. 4. Make the COMMITMENT. Stop saying you're going to do it and do it. Put in the work and write out the cheques. This involves going past the point of no return.

Make commitments: to yourself, to your loved ones in terms of time, energy and money. Then stick to it and take full responsibility for the outcome. 5. Spell out the details of the plan. Think it all through and concentrate hard. What are you going to do? How are you going to do it, step by step? What needs to be done and in what order of priority? What resources do you have at your disposal? What are your expenditure needs? Be flexible in your thinking, as circumstances usually change. And most important, THINK BIG. Reaffirm your commitment through a personal budget. 6. Develop a network of people to help you achieve your goals (and you can help them achieve their goals at the same time). It's a "win-win" situation. Be enthusiastic at all times, because enthusiasm is catching. 7. Take ACTION, that first step. Nothing can stop you now. "Roll up the sleeves" and get down to work. I believe the first prerequisite for success is loving what you do. I love writing. Always remember, life is not a 100 metres sprint it's a marathon. So rest when you feel you need to and don't feel guilty about it (something I have to learn!). Have fun along the journey. Persevere and persist in your quest. Take responsibility for your own abundance and your learning throughout the 'game of life'

Appreciate your abundance daily and give thanks for what you have. Have faith in yourself - believe deeply in yourself, but even more deeply in a Power greater than yourself... who loves you and wants what's best for you. The spiritual journey may take far longer than you thought, so be patient. NB: Always remember, The measure of success is not money, but learning and growth. Measure success in learning and growth - nothing else is important??? Work is a place each of us creates in order to grow. It is the laboratory for experimenting with our potential 10. When working for yourself, this is a time of unprecedented change in your life. Work allows you to put into place skills and knowledge acquired through education. It is a time to experiment with our potential and the various demands made upon us. Initially we learn to work in teams, working towards a common objective. Then gradually in our working careers we learn to take on more and more responsibility. Work enhances our sense of self esteem by giving most of us our identity. Work occupies half our waking life. For me, self employed work is the ultimate growth

experience. See how it fits into the grand plan of your life. Put people and service first, then the profit will come. Even love your employees. Try to integrate personal growth in the context of your work. Set up a business plan: put your time, energy and money where your mouth is. GROW THE PEOPLE AND GROW THE BUSINESS. 80% of new businesses fail within 2 years. Have vision and imagination. Think it all through. Think big, but start small. Self employment reflects who we are and how we're doing. Work is the place we each create in order to grow. Believe you deserve to be abundant - not more than others. It's a matter of finding a balance between your ambitions and your responsibilities. Be accountable and socially responsible. You can't force people to change. Listen to your intuition, truth and love. That is the "voice" of the Higher Power speaking to you. Wherever you are, NOW is a good place to start. The book list includes books I have drawn on and quoted, and books that have been significant in my own development. I forgot to get rich in the "highflying" 80's, when I "worked" in the corporate world in South Africa, New Zealand and in Australia (briefly). To Purchase the full book please visit our website or contact us at the address

below: The book list includes books I have drawn on and quoted, and books that have been significant in my own development. by Craig Lock email website New Zealand Enterprise Centre 318 Lytton Rd Gisborne. 3801 New Zealand Telephone +64-6-8679948 Fax +64-6-8677521

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