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Dermatofitosis ----------------------------------------------------- dermatofitosis is one contagious usually superficial Infection of queratinizada Epidermis and queratinizados Annexes ( Hairs and

Nails produced by a group of Fungi called Dermatofitos are also known with the name tineas or tineas . Most habitual they are those than affects to Nails English plants and interdigital spaces of Feet ( Foot of athlete ), hairy leather and any zone of Skin lampia in any anatomical location . They produce square clinical very varied, from slight Symptoms to intense inflammatory injuries .

The dermatofitos are including in three sorts:


Microsporum canis Microsporum Gypseum


Trichophyton rubrum Trichophyton tonsurans Trichophyton interdigitale Trichophyton mentagrophytes


Epidermophyton floccosum The three have a common physiological characteristic and that saprofitos share with some other species of Fungi : they use present Queratina in the skin, the hairs and the nails. The differentiation of these sorts is not sufficient by the clinical characteristics of the injury but it requires the culture in average suitable. The majority of them grows with facility in means of culture of Laboratories

They are possible to be maintained viable during years in objects that contain rest of cereal grain, given off hair, corneous grudges, rest of pens, straw, etc. Protected of the drying can live in grounds on wood of toilets, clothes, carpets and esterillas during a considerable time. If they make contact with enemy with a suitable guest they can return to settle down on the individual and to give rise to an infection. The contagion can take place from mammalian animal (in the habitual surroundings cats, dogs, rabbits, horses,

cows), from other people infected (in public swimming pools, showers, sharing towels or clothes) or from the ground.

More common etiology and semiologa

As great part of Micosis tineas usually is opportunistic affections that prosper before states of Immunodeficiency (an immunodeficiency can be due to distress or one depression ); more frequent causes (etiologies) usually are some deficiencies in Hygiene, for example " foot of atleta" it indeed receives that name of its frequency between the sets of sportsmen who infect Esporas when being above the humid floors of the baths and clothes (by this the continuous hygiene of the floors with lavandina or substances is recommended antifungi) and the use of footwear type Ojota or Sandal when taking a shower in these lugares. Other factors prearrangers are the sufficient lack of solar illumination, ventilation or, on the contrary, the excess of humidity and heat in the inclined zones to this type of affections. The more frequent semiologa or groups of symptoms is comezones, ardors, rubefacciones (skin reddening), moultings, cracking and even disagreeable scents, all these symptoms can be present in these micosis or only some of them.

Clinical, Infection by tinea is classified in agreement with the region of the affected body: Tinea capitis is the infection of the hairy leather. Tinea corporis is the infection of the trunk and extremities. Tinea cruris (it dyes crural) is the affection in ingle. Tinea manuum is the infection of Las Palmas and interdigital region. Tinea pedis (" athlete foot) mainly affects on the feet in the plants of the same and the interdigital zones. Tinea barbae infection of the beard and area of the neck. Tinea faciale infection of the face. Tinea unguim ( Onicomicosis ) infection of the nails. If the tinea is in nails or the most probable skin it is than is a queratoflico fungus and if it is in the hair is probable that he is melaninoflico .

Habitually they respond or to the Anti-fungal treatments with (or antimicticos). At the moment a great variety of applicable made up as much of topical route exists as oral, of great effectiveness: Griseofulvina, Imidazoles '( Clotrimazol, Econazol, Miconazol, among others), Tolnaftato, Alilaminas, Ciclopirox, etc.

The incidence of dermatofitosis is universal and affects to both sexes and all the ages, existing differences as far as the geographic distribution of the different species. Diverse circumstances of sociological type (migrations, trips, changes in habits of Hygiene, universalisation of sport practices) and even climatic cause that Epidemiology of the dermatofitosis is very money changer in terms of few years. The tinea is very common, especially between children, and can be infected (except versicolor Tinea ) by direct bonding of skin to skin, as well as by means of utensils contaminated like combs or the clothes. The tinea propagates quickly, from the ground (his natural Reservorio ), the skin or hair of Animal Men and as much that the infected ones still can be contagious before presenting/displaying Symptoms of Disease . The human beings can contract the infected animal tinea: dogs, cats, and others, domestic as as much nondomestic.

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