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1 1. O texto abaixo pode ser chamado de: ( ( ( 2. Escreva 3 Greetings (cumprimentos) que voc conhece: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3.

Escreva o nome dos cumprimentos de acordo com as figuras. Utilize as palavras da caixa abaixo: Good morning Good evening Good afternoon - Good night ) address ) address book ) telephone number

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 4. Faa como no modelo: _________ _________ _________ 5. Responda em ingles o que se pede: a) What's your name? _____________________________________________________________ b) What's your telephone number? _____________________________________________________________ 6. Let's draw: FIVE BIKES TEN COOKIES



2 1. Encontre no anncio a seguir uma palavra em ingls e sublinhe-a.

Notebooks Sony Vaio: descontos at R$ 500! 2. A que categoria pertence essa palavra em ingls que voc encontrou? Marque com um "X" a opo correta. ( ( 3. ) FOODS ) SPORTS ( ( ) DRINKS ) MUSIC ( ( ) TECHNOLOGY ) CLOTHES

Preencha a Registration form. Football School SURNAME:__________________________________FIRST NAME:___________________

NICKNAME:________________________________DATE OF BIRTH:______ /______/______ ADDRESS:___________________________________ ZIP CODE:______________________ CITY:___________________ STATE:______________________ HOME TELEPHONE:______________________ Date::______ /______/______ 4. Ligue as palavras aos seus correspondentes significados. Date of birth CEP City Pas Country Data de aniversrio Zip code Cidade 5. Pinte os lates de reciclagem. PAPER 6. Responda s questes a seguir: a) What's your name? ________________________________________________________________ b) What's your telephone number? ________________________________________________________________ c) What's your city? ________________________________________________________________ 7. Leia a Registration Form com ateno e a preencha com seus dados: 8. Ao preencher essa Form, voc participar de qu? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 9. Que palavra (palavras) em ingls te ajudou a saber o tipo do evento que a ficha traz? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 10. Retire da ficha de inscrio a data que acontecer o evento? _____________________________________________________________ PLASTIC CAN GLASS

_____________________________________________________________ 11. Faa a coreespndncia entre as perguntas e as informaes retirada da ficha de inscrio acima: What's your name? ( 1 ) How old are you? ( 2 ) What's your telephone number? ( 3 ) What's your city? ( 4 ) 12. Circule 4 palavras cognatas no anncio abaixo e escreva o que elas servem para dizer: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Age ( ) City ( ) Name of participant ( ) Telephone number ( )

3 1. Look to the pictures below. What can you see?

I can see___________ 2.

I can see____________

I can see_____________

Retire os verbos que voc conhece do anncio e escreva para que eles servem: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3. Ligue os imperative verbs: Help Save Recycle 4. salve recicle ajude

Construa o sintagma nominal usando as palavras do quadro que possam qualificar BEACH, CAR e TURTLE NOISY DIRTY SMALL DELICIOUS POLLUTED CALM CLEAN BIG

5. Circle the endangered animals: MONKEY PANDA CAT AFRICAN ELEPHANT BLUE WHALES ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ b) Can you recycle trash? ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ c) Can the teacher play the piano? ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ 7. Pass these sentences to the negative form. a) My father can recycle trash. ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ b) My brother can ride a bike. ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ c) I can play the guitar. ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ 8. Para que servem esses verbos? O que eles podem significar? Save________________________________________________________________________ Respect______________________________________________________________________ Help________________________________________________________________________ Recycle______________________________________________________________________ Protect______________________________________________________________________ 9. Marque a lacuna correta: DOG 6. Answer these questions.

BIRD a) Can you swim?

The boy is speaking: ( ( ( 10. D o nome dos animais em extino em ingls: 11. Desenhe uma BLUE WHALE em seu habitat natural: ) Recicle garrafas ) Reutilize garrafas ) Reduza garrafas

12. Complete as frases usando o verbo CAN ou CAN'T de acordo com suas habilidades: a) I ........................ swim. b) I ........................ play the piano. c) I ....................... ride a bike. d) I ....................... play basketball.

4 1. What do you like to do? I like_______________ I like_______________ I like_______________ I like_______________ I like_______________ I like_______________ 2. Match what you don't like. Violence Hamburger Have friends

Maths Tomatoes Melon Dance Help the people 3. Complete the sentences with the correct verb to be in the present. a) My mother________________very fun. b) My friends________________studying English. c) I________________9 years old. 4. Answer these questions. a) What's your favourite color? ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ b) What's your favourite subject? ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ c) What's your favourite sport? ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ d) What's your favourite food? ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ 5. Match the words below with their correct meaning. Quiet Fun Bossy Shy Nice TMIDO LEGAL CALMO DIVERTIDO MANDO

6. Corrija as frases abaixo com a forma correta do verbo no tempo Presente. a) My father collect small cars. ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ b) He like chocolate pizza. ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ 7.

Complete com o verbo correspondente. Use a caixa de verbos abaixo: Play tennis - sing - dance - play football Ronaldinho likes to ____________________ Lady Gaga likes to ____________________ Guga likes to _____________________ 8. Complete a orao utilizando o verbo corretamente no Tempo Presente: a) I sing very well. She ________________________________________________ b) You read many books. He ________________________________________________ c) They collect stamps. Sara ________________________________________________ 9. Unscramble the sentences: 1. twenty-five I years am old. _____________________________________________________________ 2. Venezuela. are We from _____________________________________________________________ 3. my is book. This _____________________________________________________________ 4. is John engineer. an _____________________________________________________________ 10. Answer: a) What's your favorite Sport? _____________________________________________________________ b) What's your favorite food? _____________________________________________________________ c) What's your favorite color? _____________________________________________________________ 11. Leia o texto abaixo e sublinhe as preferncias de Dustin: Dustin is 11. He is a student. He likes to play golf and ride a bike. Dustin' s Dad teaches him to play golf every day. His favorite food is spaghetti and his favorite dessert is chocolate cake. Dustin likes Astronomy news. 12.

Ligue: Boring Intelligent Fun Shy Honest 5 1. Read the following text and answer the questions below. a) Que texto esse? ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ b) Para que serve esse texto? ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ TEACHER: George, go to the map and find North America. GEORGE: Here it is! TEACHER: Correct. Now, class, who discovered America? CLASS: George 2. Quais so os personagens dessa piada (joke)? ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ 3. Sobre a estrutura da piada acima, marque um "X" na afirmativa correta ( ( ( ) Possui ttulo. ) H uma frase que introduz a noo de tempo e espao. ) Existem personagens. Divertido Honesto Tmido Inteligente Chato

4. O que simbolizam as letras Q. e A, no incio da charada a seguir? ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ Q. What has four legs but can't walk? A. A table! 5. O que voc entendeu da charada acima?

________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ 6. Complete com os WH: WHERE WHEN WHAT WHO WHY

a) ___________________is your father? b) ___________________are you crying? c) ___________________is your birthday? d) ___________________is your house? 7. Match: Where When Why What Who 8. Quando Por que O que, qual Quem Onde

Leia as duas prximas piadas. Consulte o vocabulrio em anexo na prova. Voc sabe que a palavra ANT designa o animal Formiga. Essas piadas poderiam ser passadas para a lngua portuguesa sem prejudicar o entendimento? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 9. Kids Jokes About Animals: Q: Where do ants eat? A: At a restaur-ant. Q: What is the biggest ant in the world? A: An eleph-ant. As marcas da joke " Q" e "A" representam: ( ( ( 10. A piada abaixo diz o seguinte: Como as abelhas chegam escola? De nibus escolar. ) nome das pessoas que falam ) o lugar onde acontece a situao da piada ) a pergunta e a resposta da joke

How do bees get to school? By school buzz! O que a expresso buzz quer dizer em relao abelha? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 11. A piada abaixo diz o seguinte: Como as abelhas chegam escola? De nibus escolar. How do bees get to school? By school buzz! A expresso buzz est no lugar de outra palavra em ingls. Qual? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 12. Answer: a) What's eleven plus three? _____________________________________________________________ b) Who is He? _____________________________________________________________ c) Where is your teacher now? _____________________________________________________________ Vocabulary: Eat: comer Biggest: maior World: mundo 6 1. Leia o texto abaixo e assinale a alternativa correta. a) Ana is at DisneyWorld now. b) DisneyWorld is in Los Angeles. c) DisneyLand is in Orlando. d) DisneyLand is in Los Angeles. e) Ana doesn't like DisneyLand. 2. Leia o texto abaixo e assinale a alternativa correta. a) DisneyLand is the first of Disney's parks. b) Orange Stinger is a fireboat.

c) The weather in L.A. is cold. d) DisneyWorld is the first of Disney's parks. e) The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is a fireboat. 3. Leia o texto abaixo e assinale a alternativa correta. a) Ana likes DisneyLand. b) Ana doesn't like the weather in Los Angeles. c) Los Angeles is monotonous. d) The first of Disney's parks is in Orlando. e) Ana doesn't like DisneyWorld. 4. Considere os procedimentos de leitura, relacionando-os ao texto acima, e assinale a alternativa correta. correto dizer que esta embalagem refere-se a a) um novo suco vitaminado, de banana com potssio. b) uma vitamina lquida, enriquecida com clcio. c) um suco de tomate, enriquecido de vitaminas A e C. d) um suco de vegetais, que possui tanto clcio quanto o leite. e) uma bebida "light" que veio da vaca. 5. Considere os procedimentos de leitura, relacionando-os ao texto acima, e assinale a alternativa correta. Leia as declaraes a respeito do novo V-8: I. Possui nutrientes variados. II. Suco enriquecido com vitaminas e potssio. III. Apresenta nova embalagem. IV. Seu corpo precisa das vitaminas do novo V-8. Das declaraes acima, a) todas esto erradas. b) todas esto corretas. c) somente a III est errada. d) somente a I est errada. e) I, II e IV esto erradas. 6. Considere os procedimentos de leitura, relacionando-os ao texto acima, e assinale a alternativa correta. "And you thought calcium came from cows." Podemos entender a frase anterior como: a) Somente o leite possui clcio. b) O leite fonte natural de clcio. c) Nem toda vaca fornece leite. d) Voc acreditou que o leite s viesse das vacas. e) Leite de soja to bom quanto o leite de vaca. 7. Considere os procedimentos de leitura, relacionando-os ao texto acima, e assinale a alternativa correta.

Temos sintagma nominal em: a) "... like vitamins A and C, ..." b) "New Calcium Enriched V 8..." c) "... calcium came from cows." d) " much calcium as milk." e) a and d are correct. 8. Considere os procedimentos de leitura, relacionando-os ao texto acima, e assinale a alternativa correta. "It's rich in other nutrients your body needs." A frase anterior adequada a qual das declaraes? a) Please, send me more information about "New V 8." b) How old are you? c) Remove the plastic wrapper before placing in microwave. d) Do not put the toy in the water. e) What's your name? 9. Leia a mensagem do e-mail e responda a questo. A good answer to Walt's questions is: a) You don't like to rollerblade. b) Hey, Bro! Sorry, but I do speak English. c) I don't play the guitar, Walt. d) They dance very well! e) I don't like rollerblanding. 10. (Extrado do site: O e-mail de Alorn Noisette apresenta as seguintes informaes: a) nome, idade, tipo de pessoas com quem quer se corresponder. b) nome, idade, interesses, tipo de pessoas com quem quer se corresponder. c) nome, idade, sexo, e-mail, interesses, tipo de pessoas com quem quer se corresponder. d) nome, sexo, interesses, tipo de pessoas com quem quer se corresponder. e) nome, e-mail, tipo de pessoas com quem quer se corresponder. 11. (Extrado do site: De acordo com o texto, Alorn Noisette a) is a girl. b) is a boy. c) is looking for penpals in the USA. d) is 11 years old. e) likes dancing. 12. (Extrado do site: Leia as sentenas abaixo e assinale a alternativa correta. a) Alorn Noisette quer se corresponder com jovens do mundo todo.

b) Alorn Noisette quer se corresponder apenas com meninos. c) Alorn Noisette quer se corresponder apenas com meninas. d) Alorn Noisette gosta de nadar. e) Alorn Noisette no gosta de ler. 13. (Extrado do site: Com base nas palavras cognatas, nas palavras conhecidas e no assunto tratado, deduza o significado da seguinte expresso: "I don't mind if you are a boy or girl". a) No me importo em me corresponder com meninos. b) No me importo em me corresponder com meninas. c) No me importo em me corresponder com meninos e meninas inteligentes. d) No me importo se voc menino ou menina. e) No me importo em me corresponder com adultos. 14. (Extrado do site: Com base nas palavras cognatas, nas palavras conhecidas e no assunto tratado, deduza o significado das abreviaturas lke e gil. a) look e girl. b) look e Gilbert. c) like e Gilbert. d) like e girl. e) love e girl. 15. Este produto dirigido a: a) adultos. b) crianas e adolescentes. c) adolescentes. d) crianas. e) crianas, adolescentes e adultos. 16. Quantos curativos h na caixa e quais as principais caractersticas do produto? a) 20 curativos com tamanho natural, estreis e para proteo contra picadas. b) 20 curativos com tamanho especial para crianas, estreis e que deixam a pele respirar. c) 20 curativos com tamanho natural, estreis e que deixam a pele respirar. d) 20 curativos para proteo contra picadas, que deixam a pele respirar. e) 20 curativos que deixam a pele respirar, em tamanho duas vezes maior que o natural. 17. Questo relacionada questo 47. Retome o texto e assinale as palavras e as expresses que justificam sua resposta para a questo 47: a) 20 Band-Aid Character Strips with The Wiggles, general protection purpose. b) 20 character strips, general protection purpose, The Wiggles. c) 20 character strips, sterile, breathable, junior strip. d) 20 character strips, help cuts heal twice as fast. e) 20 Band-Aid Character Strips with The Wiggles, help cuts heal twice as fast, general protection purpose. 18.

(Business Reply Mail Card. Ferrets Magazine. BowTie, Inc. 2002.) Este texto um carto-resposta para: a) a assinatura de uma revista de esportes radicais. b) a assinatura de uma revista sobre criao de ces. c) a assinatura de uma revista sobre bichos de pelcia. d) a assinatura de uma revista sobre criao de gatos. e) a assinatura de uma revista sobre fures. 19. (Business Reply Mail Card. Ferrets Magazine. BowTie, Inc. 2002.) Quanto voc economizar se fizer uma assinatura para receber 12 revistas bimestrais, ou seja, por dois anos? a) US$ 19.95 b) 17% c) 37% d) US$ 29.95 e) US$ 5.25 por ano 20. (Business Reply Mail Card. Ferrets Magazine. BowTie, Inc. 2002.) Observe a orao: Foreign add $8/year surface mail or $14/ year air delivery. Como voc interpretaria essa orao? a) Que, para pedidos fora dos EUA e Canad, deve-se acrescentar US$ 8.00 por ano para assinatura de revistas enviadas por transporte terrestre e US$ 14.00 por ano para assinatura de revistas enviadas via area. b) Que, para pedidos fora dos EUA e Canad, h um desconto de US$ 8.00 por ano para assinatura de revistas enviadas por transporte terrestre e US$ 14.00 por ano para assinatura de revistas enviadas via area. c) Que, para pedidos fora dos EUA e Canad, o preo da assinatura anual US$ 8.00 por ano para assinatura de revistas enviadas por transporte terrestre e US$ 14.00 por ano para assinatura de revistas enviadas via area. d) Que, para pedidos fora dos EUA e Canad, o preo da assinatura por dois anos US$ 8.00 por ano para assinatura de revistas enviadas por transporte terrestre e US$ 14.00 por ano para assinatura de revistas enviadas via area. e) Que, para pedidos fora dos EUA e Canad, deve-se enviar uma ordem de pagamento no valor de US$ 8.00 por ano para assinatura de revistas enviadas por transporte terrestre e US$ 14.00 por ano para assinatura de revistas enviadas via area. 21. (Business Reply Mail Card. Ferrets Magazine. BowTie, Inc. 2002.) Quanto voc pagaria por uma assinatura de um ano desta revista para ser entregue no Brasil por via area? a) US$ 19.95 b) US$ 29.95 c) US$ 43.95 d) US$ 33.95

e) US$ 5.95 7 1. Leia atentamente o texto abaixo: Making a Cake It's three thirty in the afternoon. Jeff's mother is in the kitchen. She's making a cake. Jeff is in the yard. Mrs. Clark: Jeff! Jeff: Yes, Mom. Mrs. Clark: Come to the kitchen. Help me. Jeff: What are you doing, Mom? Mrs. Clark: I'm making a cake. Read this recipe, please. Jeff: OK, Mom. At seven o'clock, the Clarks are at the table. Mr. Clark: Pass me the sugar, please. Sue: Here it is, Dad. Jeff: Give me the milk, Sue. Sue: OK. Mrs. Clark: Eat your cake, Jeff. Jeff: Hmm! It is delicious, Mom. Mrs. Clark: Thank you, Jeff. But don't put your finger on the cake! ... Please! According to the text, a) Mrs. Clark has two children. b) Mr. Clark doesn't like sugar. c) the cake is horrible. d) Jeff doesn't put his finger on the cake. e) the Clarks aren't nice people. 2. Leia atentamente o texto abaixo: Making a Cake It's three thirty in the afternoon. Jeff's mother is in the kitchen. She's making a cake. Jeff is in the yard. Mrs. Clark: Jeff! Jeff: Yes, Mom. Mrs. Clark: Come to the kitchen. Help me. Jeff: What are you doing, Mom? Mrs. Clark: I'm making a cake. Read this recipe, please. Jeff: OK, Mom. At seven o'clock, the Clarks are at the table. Mr. Clark: Pass me the sugar, please. Sue: Here it is, Dad. Jeff: Give me the milk, Sue. Sue: OK. Mrs. Clark: Eat your cake, Jeff.

Jeff: Hmm! It is delicious, Mom. Mrs. Clark: Thank you, Jeff. But don't put your finger on the cake! ... Please! It's possible to conclude from the text that a) Mr. Clark loves chocolate cake. b) Sue is happy because is her birthday party. c) Mrs. Clark needed help to make the cake. d) Glenda is a good friend of the Clarks. e) Jeff was a bad boy. 3. Greg Evans (, February 11, 2005) No primeiro quadrinho, por que Luann parece brava com Tiffany? a) Porque ela est usando o seu batom. b) Porque ela no deu o telefone de Aaron para Luann. c) Porque o telefone que Tiffany passou para Luann estava errado. d) Porque Aaron deu seu telefone para Tiffany. e) Porque Tiffany no deu o endereo de Aaron para Luann. 4. Greg Evans (, February 11, 2005) Ainda no primeiro quadrinho, a resposta de Tiffany para Luann : "But you're no one, Luann". O que Tiffany quis dizer com isso? a) um jogo de palavras com a primeira frase de Luann, que diz: "Aaron said to give his address to everyone", pois every, neste contexto, significa todos indiscriminadamente e no one significaria ningum ou algo insignificante. b) um jogo de palavras com a primeira frase de Luann, que diz: "Aaron said to give his address to everyone", pois every, neste contexto, significa todos e no one significaria algum especial. c) um jogo de palavras com a primeira frase de Luann, que diz: "Aaron said to give his address to everyone", pois every, neste contexto, significa ningum e no one significaria ningum em especial. d) um jogo de palavras com a primeira frase de Luann, que diz: "Aaron said to give his address to everyone", pois every, neste contexto, significa algum especial e no one significaria ningum ou algo insignificante. e) Que Aaron disse que Tiffany no podia dar o endereo dele para Luann. 5. Greg Evans (, February 11, 2005) Por que Tiffany parece desesperada quando Luann ameaa jogar o batom no vaso sanitrio? a) Porque aquele batom muito caro. b) Porque o batom no lhe pertence. c) Porque a cor do batom saiu de linha. d) Porque foi Aaron que deu o batom para Tiffany. e) Porque aquele o nico batom que Tiffany possui. 6. Greg Evans

(, February 11, 2005) Leia as descries abaixo e escolha a que melhor se adapta s caractersticas de Tiffany. a) She's Queen Of Anyone Below Her (everyone) and she has this need to make all men on earth adore her. b) She's older, totally confident and mature. c) She's one of those intelligent, quiet, sensible types and a bit a pessimist. Everything's impossible to her, except getting straight A's. d) She's a happy teenager who has a lot of friends and is in love with Aaron. e) She's very conservative and likes to watch old Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers movies. 7. God and the man A man visits God and says "God, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" God says "No, ask me anything at all." So the man says "God, you've been around for a very long time, so, for you how long is a thousand years?" God replies "For me a thousand years is only five minutes." The man then says "that's interesting God. And, for you, how much is a million dollars?" God replies "For me, a million dollatrs is only five cents." The man says "Really? Well then God, could you lend me five cents please?" God looks at the man, smiles and says "Of course my son. Just wait five minutes!" ( According to the text, a) God lent some money to the man. b) The man had a million dollars. c) The man made no question to God. d) The man smiled a lot. e) God didn't give the money to the man. 8. God and the man A man visits God and says "God, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" God says "No, ask me anything at all." So the man says "God, you've been around for a very long time, so, for you how long is a thousand years?" God replies "For me a thousand years is only five minutes." The man then says "that's interesting God. And, for you, how much is a million dollars?" God replies "For me, a million dollatrs is only five cents." The man says "Really? Well then God, could you lend me five cents please?" God looks at the man, smiles and says "Of course my son. Just wait five minutes!" ( You may infer from the passage that a) God answered all the questions. b) The man asked for a thousand dollars. c) God had no money. d) The man waited five minutes to get the money. e) God asked the man five cents. 9. God and the man

A man visits God and says "God, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" God says "No, ask me anything at all." So the man says "God, you've been around for a very long time, so, for you how long is a thousand years?" God replies "For me a thousand years is only five minutes." The man then says "that's interesting God. And, for you, how much is a million dollars?" God replies "For me, a million dollatrs is only five cents." The man says "Really? Well then God, could you lend me five cents please?" God looks at the man, smiles and says "Of course my son. Just wait five minutes!" ( "...if I ask you a few questions?" This sentence could be translated into Portuguese as a) " eu perguntar a voc algumas questes?" b) " eu perguntar a voc mil perguntas?" c) " eu perguntar a voc muitas perguntas?" d) " eu perguntar a voc apenas uma questo?" e) " eu perguntar a voc cinco questes?" 10. God and the man A man visits God and says "God, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" God says "No, ask me anything at all." So the man says "God, you've been around for a very long time, so, for you how long is a thousand years?" God replies "For me a thousand years is only five minutes." The man then says "that's interesting God. And, for you, how much is a million dollars?" God replies "For me, a million dollatrs is only five cents." The man says "Really? Well then God, could you lend me five cents please?" God looks at the man, smiles and says "Of course my son. Just wait five minutes!" ( "God replies" has the same meaning as a) God asks b) God looks c) God smiles d) God answers e) God waits 11. God and the man A man visits God and says "God, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" God says "No, ask me anything at all." So the man says "God, you've been around for a very long time, so, for you how long is a thousand years?" God replies "For me a thousand years is only five minutes." The man then says "that's interesting God. And, for you, how much is a million dollars?" God replies "For me, a million dollatrs is only five cents." The man says "Really? Well then God, could you lend me five cents please?" God looks at the man, smiles and says "Of course my son. Just wait five minutes!" ( O homem no conseguiu o dinheiro porque _______________________________. a) ele teria que esperar cem anos. b) ele queria mais de um milho de dlares.

c) ele teria que esperar mil anos. d) Deus ficou muito zangado com ele. e) o dinheiro j tinha sido emprestado. 12. Can you find the 25 words hidden in this grid? When you have clicked all the letters in a word, that word will appear in one of the categories below. The letters with a gray background are part of more than one word. Letters that go black when you click on them are not part of a word. If you click more than three of these, the game is over. If you finish the game with 25 words in their proper categories, going from small to large, you have won the game! Source: Games Zone online Como estudamos no incio do primeiro semestre, as instrues de jogos possuem oraes com duas funes: 1. explicar como jogar; 2. dizer o objetivo do jogo. Escolha a alternativa abaixo que traz sentenas que explicam o objetivo do jogo. a) When you have clicked all the letters in a word, that word will appear in one of the categories below. b) Letters that go black when you click on them are not part of a word. c) If you click more than three black letters, the game is over. d) Can you find the 25 words hidden in this grid?(.) If you finish the game with 25 words in their proper categories, going from small to large, you have won the game! e) The letters with a gray background are part of more than one word. 13. Retome a alternativa que voc escolheu na questo anterior e identifique as palavras-chave que o(a) ajudaram a descobrir o objetivo do jogo. a) Gray, background, more, one, word. b) More, black, letters, three, game, over. c) Clicked, all, letters, word, appear, categories. d) Letters, black, not part, word. e) 25 words, proper, categories, won, game. 14. Leia o enunciado abaixo e use os parnteses para classificar com o nmero 1 as oraes usadas para fornecer informaes, e com o nmero 2 as oraes usadas para dar instrues sobre o objetivo da atividade. Em seguida, escolha a alternativa que apresenta a seqncia numrica que voc utilizou. Visit the site (____), go to comics and locate Luann. (____) Then click at Meet the Characters (____); Read the information about Luann, Bernice, Brad and Aaron (____) and choose the text that best describes the character. (____) a) 1; 2; 2; 1; 1 b) 1; 1; 1; 2; 2 c) 2; 2; 1; 1; 2 d) 1; 1; 2; 2; 1 e) 1; 2; 1; 2; 1 15. Leia o enunciado a seguir e use os parnteses para classificar com o nmero 1 as oraes usadas para fornecer informaes, e com o nmero 2 as oraes usadas para dar instrues sobre o objetivo da atividade. Em seguida, escolha a alternativa que apresenta a seqncia numrica que voc utilizou. Go back to question 43 (____) and tick the key words or expressions that helped you to answer that question (____) a) 1; 2 b) 1; 1 c) 2; 2

d) 2; 1 e) 2; 0 16. Agora, faa a atividade proposta na questo 44: Go back to question 43 and tick the key words or expressions that helped you to answer that question. a) Site; locate Meet the Characters; Read the text. b) Visit; go to comics; locate Luann; click; Meet the Characters; Read; information about ...; choose, text; best describes; character. c) locate Luann; Then; the information; and character. d) go to comics; Then; Read the information; text that best. e) Visit; comics; then; the information; that best. 17.

Como estudamos no incio do primeiro semestre, as instrues de jogos possuem oraes com duas funes: 1. explicar como jogar; 2. dizer o objetivo do jogo. Escolha a alternativa abaixo que se refere ao objetivo do jogo. a) Just think of an everyday object and I will ask you a few simple questions. b) Answer the questions honestly. c) I will tell you what you're thinking. d) First, press the YES/NEW GAME button to begin a new game. e) Now, I will ask you a series of questions. 18.

Com base nas instrues do jogo e na questo anterior, como voc explicaria o objetivo deste jogo? a) Formular perguntas para o 20Q responder. b) Responder as perguntas do 20Q. c) Responder perguntas sobre suas caractersticas fsicas e psicolgicas, animais e vegetais. d) Pensar em algo (animal, vegetal, mineral etc.) para que o 20Q adivinhe em que voc est pensando por meio de 20 perguntas. e) Fazer perguntas sobre minerais, animais e caractersticas fsicas. 19.

Que palavras e/ou expresses podem ser consideradas "chaves" para ajudar a responder as questes anteriores? a) I will ask, 20Q (20 questions), guess, you are thinking. b) press, move backward, unknown, sound. c) reset, sleep mode, sometimes, Yes/New game. d) instruction manual, good luck, guess correctly. e) button, move forward and backward, return, previous. 20.

Assim como as instrues de jogos, os enunciados de atividades tambm apresentam oraes com duas funes: 1. fornecer informaes necessrias para que o aluno possa fazer a atividade; 2. dar

instrues do que fazer. Leia o enunciado abaixo e use os parnteses para classifi car com o nmero 1 as oraes usadas para fornecer informaes e com o nmero 2 as oraes usadas para dar instrues sobre o objetivo da atividade. Em seguida, escolha a alternativa que apresenta a seqncia numrica que voc utilizou. Now lets see what the comic strips written in English have in common with the ones written in Portuguese ( ). In pairs, compare the comic strip you have in Portuguese with Luanns comic strip ( ) and complete the chart ( ) a) 1; 1; 1. b) 1; 2; 2. c) 2; 2; 2. d) 2; 1; 1. e) 1; 2; 1. 21. Neste simulado, reproduzimos duas partes da histria em quadrinhos de Archie, um adolescente canadense. Leia a primeira parte desta reproduo e responda. (Extrato da histria em quadrinhos "Back to school", publicada no site: O que est acontecendo? a) o ltimo dia de aula e nem os amigos de Archie, nem sua me conseguem encontr-lo. b) o primeiro dia de aula e nem os amigos de Archie, nem sua me conseguem encontr-lo. c) o ltimo dia de aula e est havendo uma festa na escola. d) o primeiro dia de aula e Archie est atrasado para a escola. e) o ltimo dia de aula e Archie est se arrumando para uma festa na escola.

8 1. Observe as imagens abaixo: My brother loves wild animals

Sandra and Steve are very different because they a) hate each other. b) are relatives. c) don't like the same things. d) love to visit friends. e) don't hate weekends. 2. Observe as imagens abaixo: My brother loves wild animals "On Saturdays, he watches documentaries on TV." The sentence above is a proper answer to

a) Where does Sandra watch films? b) How do you watch documentaries on TV? c) Is Peter watching documentaries on TV now? d) What does he usually do on weekends? e) Can he watch TV at this moment? 3. Observe as imagens abaixo: My brother loves wild animals "I love pets. Steve loves wild animals." About underlined words, it's possible to find their representatives, respectively, at a) turtle/fox. b) whale/parrot. c) tiger/fish. d) dog/cat. e) cock/toucan. 4. Aspirin Danger Wonder drug it may be, but aspirin is not suitable for children under the age of 12. Doctors have warned for years that if children take aspirin they risk developing serious sometimes fatal condition called Reye's syndrome. But despite their warnings, a recent research project showed that when children under 12 are given painkillers, one in six has an aspirin. Parents beware. (Written by Antonio Cludio Marques) The text states that a) everyone has to take an aspirin. b) only children under 12 should take painkillers. c) if a child takes aspirins it may have problems related to health. d) parents should buy aspirins to their children. e) children are normally sick. 5. Aspirin Danger Wonder drug it may be, but aspirin is not suitable for children under the age of 12. Doctors have warned for years that if children take aspirin they risk developing serious sometimes fatal condition called Reye's syndrome. But despite their warnings, a recent research project showed that when children under 12 are given painkillers, one in six has an aspirin. Parents beware. (Written by Antonio Cludio Marques) The word "doctors" has the same meaning as ______________________. a) physicists b) physics c) physicians d) physiology e) physical 6. Aspirin Danger Wonder drug it may be, but aspirin is not suitable for children under the age of 12. Doctors have warned for years that if children take aspirin they risk developing serious sometimes

fatal condition called Reye's syndrome. But despite their warnings, a recent research project showed that when children under 12 are given painkillers, one in six has an aspirin. Parents beware. (Written by Antonio Cludio Marques) "But despite their warnings..." Despite is closest in meaning to ______________________. a) instead of b) in order to c) at last d) at least e) in spite of 7. Aspirin Danger Wonder drug it may be, but aspirin is not suitable for children under the age of 12. Doctors have warned for years that if children take aspirin they risk developing serious sometimes fatal condition called Reye's syndrome. But despite their warnings, a recent research project showed that when children under 12 are given painkillers, one in six has an aspirin. Parents beware. (Written by Antonio Cludio Marques) If you are not feeling well, you should talk to a ____________ and ask for a _________________. a) teacher / test b) doctor / prescription c) porter / luggage d) director / goods e) doorman / key 8. Aspirin Danger Wonder drug it may be, but aspirin is not suitable for children under the age of 12. Doctors have warned for years that if children take aspirin they risk developing serious sometimes fatal condition called Reye's syndrome. But despite their warnings, a recent research project showed that when children under 12 are given painkillers, one in six has an aspirin. Parents beware. (Written by Antonio Cludio Marques) You will have to take a ____________ if you catch a cold. a) medicine b) drug c) remedy d) painkiller e) all alternatives are right 9. Vaccination Be aware of some requirements for vaccination. If you are planning to travel to tropical areas, especially during the rain season - November to March - the safest thing to do is to get a yellow fever vaccination and a signed certificate. The travellers below should not take the vaccine: *Children under 4 months old; *People allergic to eggs or egg products; *Pregnant women; *People with low immune system (due to HIV infection or other conditions). (Universidade Federal da Paraba)

Based on the text, decide which of these people can take the yellow fever vaccine now. a) Caroline is going to have a baby next July. b) Randall gets sick every time he eats omelette. c) Amanda was born eight months ago. d) Brittany got pneumonia and is in hospital. e) Daniel developed a serious infection yesterday. 10. Vaccination Be aware of some requirements for vaccination. If you are planning to travel to tropical areas, especially during the rain season - November to March - the safest thing to do is to get a yellow fever vaccination and a signed certificate. The travellers below should not take the vaccine: *Children under 4 months old; *People allergic to eggs or egg products; *Pregnant women; *People with low immune system (due to HIV infection or other conditions). (Universidade Federal da Paraba) Which question below is answered in the text? a) Where must an ecotourist go to get the vaccination? b) What should a person do if he wants to visit tropical areas? c) How many seasons are there in hot countries? d) Who can sign the travellers'certificate? e) What should infected people eat? 11. Vaccination Be aware of some requirements for vaccination. If you are planning to travel to tropical areas, especially during the rain season - November to March - the safest thing to do is to get a yellow fever vaccination and a signed certificate. The travellers below should not take the vaccine: *Children under 4 months old; *People allergic to eggs or egg products; *Pregnant women; *People with low immune system (due to HIV infection or other conditions). (Universidade Federal da Paraba) In "People with low immune system" the opposite of the underlined adjective is: a) above b) tall c) aloud d) high e) under 12. Vaccination Be aware of some requirements for vaccination. If you are planning to travel to tropical areas, especially during the rain season - November to March - the safest thing to do is to get a yellow fever vaccination and a signed certificate. The travellers below should not take the vaccine: *Children under 4 months old; *People allergic to eggs or egg products;

*Pregnant women; *People with low immune system (due to HIV infection or other conditions). (Universidade Federal da Paraba) The expression "pregnant women" must be translated into Portuguese as a) mulheres aventureiras b) mulheres obesas c) mulheres sofisticadas d) mulheres grvidas e) mulheres deprimidas 13. Vaccination Be aware of some requirements for vaccination. If you are planning to travel to tropical areas, especially during the rain season - November to March - the safest thing to do is to get a yellow fever vaccination and a signed certificate. The travellers below should not take the vaccine: *Children under 4 months old; *People allergic to eggs or egg products; *Pregnant women; *People with low immune system (due to HIV infection or other conditions). (Universidade Federal da Paraba) The word "pregnant" in the expression pregnant women must be classified as a (an) a) adjective b) noun c) article d) adverb e) verb

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