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Social health

There are three aspects of the definition of health. Those three aspects are physical, mentaland social health. Social health can be applied to both societies in general and to the individual. Social health of a society is defined as how well the society does at offering every citizen the equal opportunity to obtain access to the goods and services critical to being able to function as a contributing member of society. Making sure that there is equal access for all must be a key foundation for the society and access to goods and services that allow citizens to contribute and to maintain their life must be protected. The World Health Organization first introduced the idea of social health in 1947. They defined the concept of "health" and included social health as an important factor in this overall definition. According to their reasoning, the better an individuals social health, the better their overall health. People have also been found to live longer and to have a much shorter and simpler recovery when they fall victim to illness if they have a high degree of social health

Assessing Social Health

Indications of the degree of social health of the society can be found by examining a number of situations that exist in that society. A socially health society must fall under the rule of law and laws and regulations must be applied to all citizens equally. The wealth of the society must be distributed in an equal manner based on contribution to its generation. Public access to the decisionmaking processes for the society must be ensured and guarded. Finally, access to the decision making process regarding the use and level of social capital must be made available. Social health can also be assessed in individuals. Each individual interacts with people every day. How well a person interacts and deals with these situations is reflective of their social health. Other peoples reactions to the individual also determine that person's social health. The final measures of social health for any individual include how well he interacts with social institutions and whether he conforms to accepted societal morals and norms. While many of the fundamental skills needed for social health are taught during the formative years of childhood, some skills must be developed as individuals

grows and matures. These skills will be influenced by the character qualities of the individual and by his personality traits. The degree of social skill that a person develops or acquires as they grow and matured will affect how well they are able to adjust to the norms of society. An analysis of the degree of social health for any one individual will include determining the general state of well being felt by the individual. This will be indicated in part, by how well they are able to adjust to the requirements of their society. It will also be evident in their ability, or lack of ability, to function in society as a normal citizen. Social health for the individual is also indicated by looking at a person's relationships with others. The degree with which a person merges with others and is able to cooperate and work together with others in society indicates their social health. This bonding with society provides support to deal with life in the areas of stress management, resistance to illness and speed of recovery. The degree of support the individual feels from society will help him deal with stresses of life as they arise. Furthermore, feeling a part of the society and solidly conforming to the norms and mores of the society help in fending off bouts of illness since failure to be a part of society can lead to isolation. In turn, isolation can lead to depression, which often lowers an individuals resistance to illness. On the individual level, social health can have a positive personal result as well. As an individual feels the support offered by being a part of the society, he may also feel the encouragement to better himself through personal growth. This growth may be in the form of an increased education or the development of a talent. Not only does this yield personal benefits but also it provides a benefit to society as a whole. Thus, improving the social health of the individuals can improve the social health of the society.

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