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Respiratory Urinary Glandular Structural

Your body is an amazing organism. It consists of inter-dependent

systems listed below. When all the body systems are working in
harmony with one another, you will have more energy, vitality and
feel more emotionally balanced. Through her experience and
training Yvonne can determine which system or systems need
attention and are not functioning well. Then through her
knowledge of herbal remedies she can recommend a program
which will guide you to optimum health.

The Digestive System

Body System #1
The digestive system carries out a series of physical and
chemical changes by which food is broken down in
preparation for absorption from the intestinal system into
the bloodstream. The digestive system includes the mouth,
pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine
(colon). Digestive juices, called "enzymes," cause the
chemical breakdown of food. Further processing takes place in the
small and large intestine. Imbalances in this system affect nutrient
absorption and therefore impact all other body systems. The circulatory
system is often affected by imbalances in the digestive system as
unwanted toxins are absorbed and elimination is stagnated. The need
for efficient digestion cannot be over-stated.

The Intestinal System

Body System #2
The intestinal system is part of the digestive system and
consists of the small and large intestine (colon). It is here in
the small intestine that the vital nutrients which the body
needs are absorbed into the blood. In the large intestine
water is absorbed from the digestive waste. The waste is
subsequently eliminated from the body. Peak efficiency results from
good muscle tone, a healthy bacterial environment and sufficient
amounts of indigestible fibre that give bulk to the stool.

Imbalances of the intestinal system affect all other systems. The result
is a general decline in health caused by the build up of waste and toxins
in the body. Herbalists traditionally start a program by cleansing the
intestinal system before addressing other concerns, since the intestines
must carry away the toxic by-products of the healing process.

The Circulatory System

Body System #3
Consisting of the heart, blood, blood vessels and lymphatic
vessels, the circulatory system is an incredible network of
over 60,000 miles of blood vessels. With the heart at its
centre, it transports lifegiving oxygen to cells while carrying
away harmful by-products. Maintaining this system requires
pure water, regular exercise, stress management and good
nutritional support. Imbalances in the circulatory system can affect all
other systems, particularly the nervous, respiratory and gastro-intestinal

The Nervous System

Body System #4
The nervous system consists of the central nervous system
(including the brain and spinal cord), the peripheral nervous
system and the sensory system, including the eyes, ears,
nose and tongue. Its prime function is to communicate
responses between the internal and external
Imbalances in this system interfere with our response to the external
environment and can cause us to react negatively toward stressors. A
nervous system imbalance can affect all the body systems and interfere
with our overall well-being.

The Immune System

Body System #5
The immune system is not an organ or group of cells;
rather it is the sum of the body’s defense functions against
unwanted invaders. It is made up of white blood cells and
T-cells, macrophages, lymphokines and enzymes such as
immune globins, superoxide dismutase and histamine.

The overall function of immune defenses is to correctly identify and

eliminate metabolic waste, cell mutations and allergens. Immune
processes are a part of every cell and affect all the systems of the body.
A healthy immune system is essential for good health.

The Respiratory System

Body System #6
The respiratory system is made up of the lungs, trachea,
throat, mouth and sinuses. Its prime function is to supply
oxygen to the blood. It also functions to trap and expel
airborne toxins.

Imbalances of the respiratory system often affect the

immune, circulatory and nervous systems.

The Urinary System

Body System #7
The urinary system is made up of the kidneys, bladder,
ureter and urethra. Its prime functions are to maintain
proper fluid balance in the body and remove toxins from the
blood to eliminate them as urine.

Imbalances in the urinary system often affect the glandular

and circulatory systems, particularly the reproductive organs, adrenal
glands and the major blood vessels.

The Glandular System

Body System #8
The glandular system is made up of the hormone producing
organs of the body, including the pituitary, thyroid,
parathyroid, thymus, adrenal and pancreas. The glands
perform a myriad of regulatory functions, including
temperature control and metabolic rate.
Imbalances in any of the components of the glandular system can
impact many different body systems.

The Structural System

Body System #9
The structural system is made up of bones, teeth, muscles
and connective tissues (tendons, ligaments). Its prime
function is to provide the body with form and frame, and to
give the body the ability to move and work. Calcium, one of
the most abundant minerals in the body, is used constantly
to replace old bone tissue.

Imbalances in the structural system often affect the

nervous, circulatory and urinary systems. The other side of
this system is skin, nails and hair. Skin, the largest organ of
the body, shields the body from the outside environment while also
acting as a cooling system. Skin, nails and hair need to be supported
nutritionally from the inside and cleansed from the outside to help rid the
body of toxins and maintain good health.
From a holistic perspective, healthy and properly functioning organs play a vital role in overall health, effect energy
levels and are influenced by emotional well-being. In most cases good nutrition, rest and exercise are interrelated
with organ health. When functioning properly, the kidneys are responsible for filtering our blood, removing waste
products and extra water (urine). This process detoxifies the body by neutralizing and eliminating toxins; this in turn
minimizes tissue damage and prevents illness. Some kidney related disease is hereditary and often cannot be
cured. Others can be affected by existing conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure. An improperly
functioning kidney can contribute to degenerative diseases or produce painful kidney stones (minerals in urine
crystallize stones in the kidney). The liver, which is one of the largest and most important organs in the body;
converts the food we eat into stored energy and chemicals necessary for life and growth; breaks down and filters
harmful substances like alcohol or toxins; builds and regulates chemicals that your body needs; and assists in
removing waste products from your blood. There are many kinds of liver disease such as cirrhosis, Wilson’s
disease, viral hepatitis, steatorrhea, and hemochromatosis. The spleen is a blood reservoir that creates
lymphocytes for the destruction and recycling of old red-blood cells and supplies the body with blood in
emergencies such as a bad cut. During and after digestion the size of the spleen increases, if the increase in size
is significant it can rupture and requires immediate medical care. Infections such a mono or malaria, or diseases
such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, sickle cell anemia, leukemia or lymphoma can cause the spleen to
become enlarged.
Read related articles: Acupuncture, Allergy / Detoxification, Brain
Health, Cancer,Cleansing, Digestion, Fertility, Food / Nutrition, Gluten-Free, Heart Health, Holistic
Health, Pain, Power Foods, Vitamins / Supplements, Weight Management.

What is Iridology?
Iridology is a method used in alternative medicine to diagnose disease by studying
colors, marks and signs in the iris, pupil, and sclera of the eye. I would like to briefly
describe this method of diagnosis that I believe is the diagnostic method of the 21st
Have you ever noticed that there often appear clouds or marks in the iris of your eyes and
these often change depending on your state of health or age? Have you noticed that your
left eye is different than your right eye? If you have, congratulations, as many people
believe that their eye color remains the same all of their lives.
After studying many irises in great detail over many years, I have had the opportunity to
notice these changes in the irises, pupils, and sclera of eyes and have come to the
conclusion that what is revealed in the eyes, mirrors the state of health of our entire body.
That is right, the iris of the eye is actually a map where each place represents a different
body organ or system.

How did iridology start?

Iris diagnosis dates back hundreds of years, but the first iris map developed was in the
early 1800's by a doctor named Ignatz von Peszely in Hungary. He is known as the father
of iridology. In his childhood it is written that he captured an injured owl in his backyard
that had a broken leg. He noticed in one of its eyes that there was a black line but when
the leg healed, a white mark appeared where the dark mark was. This incident started a
life-long interest and study of iridology. Since then, many scientists, doctors, and health
professionals around the world have studied iridology. Iridology is taught in countries all
over the world including America, Australia, Germany, and Russia, where even classical
medicine has begun to take notice.

How can the iris of the eye reflect the condition of our body?
The eyes are connected by the nervous system to our brains. Many believe that the
brain records information on every physical and psychological event that occurs in our
bodies. If the eye is connected to this human computer we call the brain, it is reasonable
to hypothesize that colors and marks in the eyes change in response to changes in our
bodies. Through my studies I have confirmed these occurrences time and time again.
I have also discovered that there are only 2 true eye colors; blue and brown. All other
colors are signs in the eyes that point to various health problems. For example green eyes
when photographed are actually blue eyes with yellow spots often indicating kidney
problems. Many patients are surprised to find that their blue or brown eyes when
photographed closely also contain other pigment colors or marks that normally are unable
to be detected with just the human eye.
There are also what I describe as being several genetic iris constitutions, each with their
own set of physical and psychological characteristics. Each person is born with one of
these types of genetic iris constitutions and the information from them can reveal health
problems that have occurred in childhood, and problems that will occur during adulthood
and in old age. In this way, iridology is very useful for prevention of potential dangerous
health problems.
I often see patients who have visited so many doctors and gone through so many tests
and still no one is able to make a diagnosis. Through iridology I am able to find the root of
most problems and can view the body as a whole. I believe classical medicine, through its
specialization, has forgotten to view the body as composed of interrelated systems, each
dependent on the other. Iris diagnosis allows a examination of the condition of organs like
the heart, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and systems like the hormonal system and
circulatory system. etc. It provides a complete picture of the health status of each
While classical medical tests like x-rays, blood tests, cat scans, etc, reveal certain
conditions, they are often unable to detect chronic problems of where disease often
begins. Iris diagnosis is a natural, painless, non-invasive method that assists the patient in
understanding their genetic dispositions as well as their strengths and weaknesses in their
body. With their iridology results, they can learn to change some of their bad habits and
make some lifestyle changes for the better.

What does an iridology examination consist of?

Patients who come for an iridology examination do not need to bring anything but their
eyes. It does not matter if they are tired or unwell to go for an iris diagnosis. Photographs
are taken by a special microscope camera system of both eyes, and a complex detailed
analysis is made on every organ and system in the body. Recommendations are made on
how they can improve their health status.
Iridology will also determine your genetic constitution and its strengths and weaknesses.
Although it is possible to photograph even infants, it is recommended for children to be
over the age of 3 in order that they can stay still for a few seconds to properly photograph
the eyes. Genetic weaknesses can be seen even in infants and young children and this
offers the opportunity for parents to have their children examined through iridology to
prevent health problems in the future.
"Remember the eye is not only the window to the soul, it is also the map of the body"

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