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Re: teacher training report

by OULGOUT Abdelouahed Yesterday at 9:03 pm

Dear Soufiane,
Thank you so much for registeration.
Well, here are some views that might help you develop your paper:
What is Teacher Training?
Teacher Training is a very special issue to tackle in Modern ELT. It refers to the process of
learning how to put a set of ELT theories and approaches into practice. That is to say, the series
of actions, skills, and strategies a teacher or a teacher trainee has to adopt and adapt to so as
to successfuly aquire the ABCs of effective teaching inside the classroom.
Why choosing such an issue?
Teacher Training is a modern field of study in ELT. It is so developing and alive as the nature of
ELT is. That's why choosing such a topic is so special and natural, especially as it is related to
the actual field of ELT as it is in action. Probing into such issues will surely develop our applied
of ELT and make our researches so meaningful, so fruitful.
What to tackle in your Teacher Training research?

At first when you attend a classroom as an observer, you will have to jot down all that you have
observed. That might include the following basic points:
1. The Observation Stage:
When you first attented a class, you probably noticed a number of elements related to the
teaching atmosphere. These will include:
A teacher in action; a group of students; settings; classroom (walls and displays,
blackboard...etc); teaching materials (textbook, handouts, bookcase...etc)
2. Planning:
Then you notice that the process through which the teacher goes through is not arbitrary, but
there is a plan with definite stages, clear objectives, timing, and other procedural steps. The
plan depends on the lesson being taught as well as the method being adopted. That is to say, a
teacher my resort to a PPP procedure (presentation, practice, and production) in which he strats
a lesson presenting the target items to be taught, then after checking students understanding,
the teacher moves on to the practice step engaging his students in some practical exercises,
tasks and activities, then comes the production stage where students have to produce
something of their own production using what they have learned. A teacher may also resort to
an OHE method in which he provides students with somes examples (e.g. a dialogue)
highlighting the target items with different colours, then he lets students observe them and try
to come up with the rule. Later on the teacher provides students with some tasks to experiment
the rule they came up with. This later method is purely inductive as oposed to PPP which seems
a little bit deductive.
3.Classroom management:
It has to do with a set of practices, choices, and decisions a teacher resort to to effectively
control his classroom and meets his lesson objectives. The elements to be controlled in the
classroom are so many. These in cluse the following:
- Time management:
To what extent a teacher has respected the lesson duration as well as the amount of time
devoted to each phase of the lesson? Does a teacher set time for tasks and activities? Does he
use a stop watch?
- Space management:
What kind of settings is the teacher using in class? Are they comfortable? Do they easy to
control? Do they allow cool group work for students?
What shape are they like? Are they in U model? O model?....
-Behavior managemet:
How does the teacher deals with disruption and off-task behavior? Does he resort to
punishment? If yes, what sorts of punishment does he adopt?Does he ask the administration for
-Teacher-Students Rapport:
How does the teacher treats his students? Is he so friendly? Cruel? How does his students deal
with him? Are tghey close to him? Does the teacher motivate his students to learn?
-The managment of the phisical space:
How does the class look inside? Is it so clean? Is there enough lighting? Is there a bookcase? Is
there a computer center? How is the blackboard? What kind of BB is he using? Blackboard?
Whiteboard? Interactive board? Are there some wall displays? Class rules on the walls? Some
visual aids on the walls?...
- Teaching materials:
How does the teacher deals with the blackborad? Is it well-organised? Is his handwriting
readable? Does he stick to the textboard? Does he skip some activities in the textbook? Does he
make any modifications and adaptations? Does he provide extra-documents and handouts for
Does he assign any homework?
-Evaluation and assessment:
How does the teacher assess students learning skill by skill? do his assessements fit the official
standards (e.g. Content validity; reliability...etc). Does he repespect the official guidelines?
-Error correction:
How does the teacher corrects his students mistakes? Does he resort to self-correction?Peer-
correction? or Teacher-correction? Does he tolerate his students mistakes when students are
engaged in fluency-oriented activities? What techniques does he use to correct accuracy-based
mistakes? Does the teacher analyse his students mistakes? How does he do that?

I hope these very few hints will be of utility for you.

Best luck,



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