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The nineties of the last century were a period of

The expectations of public opinion
huge challenges for Bra zil. The frustra tion of
Brazilian citizens with their experience of instabil- Brazilian public opinion has paid a lot of attention
ity and stagnation during the eighties led to the to events in which Brazil was an interested party
implementation of major structural reforms, in commercial conflicts with other countries.
which bore hope of a renewal of economic Among those which were more intensively focu-
growth. The strategy of promoting industrial sed on by the media, and hence were more expo-
development through high levels of protection sed to public curiosity, one might mention the
for the domestic market, dominant since the fif- litigation with Canada on the subject of subsidies
ties, was left behind, as were exchange-rate and in both countries for the export of airplanes for
fiscal incentives for exports, measures which had regional passenger transportation. There are
been used to address the crisis during the eight- some other examples, like the imposition by the
ies. Brazil offered a more favorable treatment of US of sanctions against Brazilian exporters (as
foreign capital entering the country and adopted well as exporters from other countries) of steel
a relatively open commercial regime. The coun- products. Or the conflict with multina tional
try's participation in the WTO perfectly repre - pharmaceutical corporations which produce
sented the new vision dominant in Brasilia for medicines distributed free of charge by the
Brazil's insertion in the world of international Brazilian government to HIV-infected persons, as
commerce. well as the deadlock in the negotiations on
barriers to and subsidies for agricultural products
Shortly after the end of the nineties a new fed-
imposed by developed countries.
eral administration took charge, as Luis Inacio
Lula da Silva became president. The time is now The Brazilian experience in these cases has been
ripe to draw a balance of currently predominant variegated and helpful in building knowledge
visions of the Brazilian experience with more concerning the opportunities and limitations
open markets and, in particular, with the WTO. implied by the rules of the WTO for developing
The present article will take into account public countries. In the case of exports of civil aircraft,
opinion as well as the assumptions of experts on the Brazilian public could follow closely the pro-
commercial issues and international affairs, with- cess through which the system used to finance
out losing sight of the positions of members of these exports was forced to undergo several
the new administration. modifications before reaching conformity with
Mariano Francisco Laplane Brazil in the WTO FES BRIEFING PAPERS May 2003 Seite 2

the WTO. The Organization also questioned the More specifically, in the case of commercial re-
incentives used by Canada, in part accepting Bra - gimes and of the WTO's action, the resistance to
zil's line of argumentation. Also in the case of the liberalization of commerce in some developed
medicines for the government anti-AIDS program, countries that represent important markets for
public opinion followed closely, and with great Brazil has strengthened the perception that
interest and sympathy, the position of the Brazi- concessions made unilaterally by Brazil have
lian government, which was supported by the simply not been met with an adequate response.
governments of other countries as well as by More generally, Brazilian public opinion has be -
numerous NGOs. This position departed from the come sensitive to the argument that Brazil should
idea that the war against a disease like AIDS has make further concessions, for example within
created a situation in which public interest must GATS, only if some kind of compensation can be
have priority over the commercial producer inte - guaranteed.
rests. The agreement that finally was reached on
this question was interpreted by the media and Concerns of the experts
public opinion as a victory in the fight to defend
Experts obviously see aspects whose importance
the interests of developing countries.
public opinion can only guess at intuitively. How-
These two last cases have resulted in a positive ever, there are some common points which are
evaluation by public opinion of the role of bound up with the fact that experts and the me-
multilate ral negotiations and of the WTO itself in dia mould public opinion on these issues. There is
promoting international commerce. But the a certain measure of consensus among Brazilian
sanctions imposed by the US on steel exporters experts on the fact that Brazil faces a very diffi-
and the sluggishness of the negotiations aimed at cult challenge in negotiating simultaneously on
liberalizing trade in agricultural products provo- several international fronts: at the WTO, the
ked contrary reactions. For Brazilian public opi- FTAA, on an agreement between MERCOSUR
nion, these two cases were frustrating experien- and the EU, and within MERCOSUR itself. These
ces, as they evidenced an asymmetry of power in difficulties have arisen from the superposition of
favor of developed countries when it comes to various agendas for parallel negotiations, which
the definition of the rules of the game in world increases the uncertainty as to the results of one
commerce - to say nothing of the efforts aimed negotiation with a view to what might be agreed
at building, within the WTO, a more balanced upon afterwards as a result of other negotiations.
institutional architecture.
For Brazil it is critical that negotiations on
At the end of the nineties, Brazilian public opi- multilate ral rules within the WTO should be cohe -
nion showed a certain measure of disenchant- rent with the commitments set out in preferential
ment with globalization in general as well as with commercial agreements like the FTAA or the
the impacts of pro-market structural reforms on agreement between MERCOSUR and the EU.
the growth of Brazil's economy. This state of More concretely, the results of negotiations on
mind can be attributed to the direct experience, agricultural products are of the utmost relevance
during the second half of the nineties, of poten- for the implications of concessions on industrial
tial destabilization generated by other countries' products that MERCOSUR might agree upon du-
crisis on Brazils' economy, as well as of the ring regional negotiations.
instability of the flows of funds for external finan- Many experts point to one other very critical
cing. Such frustration does not mean that public
point here, viz. that no additional restrictions
opinion is now in favor of revoking the reforms.
should be made, other than those already
Public opinion seems simply to want to see imple- existing within the WTO, which affect the capa-
mented some kind of additional mechanisms
city of developing countries to implement measu-
geared to promoting development and reducing
res aimed at the promotion of economic growth.
inequality. The will that globalization should In this sense, experts are proposing a reassess-
contribute more intensely to sustainable develop-
ment of TRIMS, or demanding, at least, that
ment and more equity was clearly manifested by
TRIMS not be widened and calling for a sensible
the participants of the World Social Forum, which
met twice in Porto Alegre.
Mariano Francisco Laplane Brazil in the WTO FES BRIEFING PAPERS May 2003 Seite 3

evaluation of the sunstance of a future agree- Public opinion as well as the experts and the
ment on investments within the WTO framework. administration (new and old) show a strong
continuity in their view that such a regime would
The new government be beneficial for everybody involved, developing
The new administration has maintained a posi- countries included. But public opinion, experts,
and the administration share some concerns
tion in favor of a further opening of international
about the dangers that a stronger integration in
commerce within the several scenarios in which
Brazil is engaged in negotiations, including the the world economy might represent for develo-
ping countries, if no reciprocity is forthcoming
WTO. Up to the present moment, the changes
from the developed countries. Such concerns
that have occurred can be described as points of
emphasis, not as changes in direction. would be justified if there were not a series of
safeguards concerning the particular needs of
The new administration has reinforced the those countries that still have a long way to go to
negotiating teams by creating a new agency improve the living standards of their populations
responsible for FTAA negotiations and the agree- and in diminishing the inequalities within their
ment between MERCOSUR and the EU. This societies. Brazil's recent experience has shown
agency is independent of the agency in charge of that the defense of such interests could find a
multilateral negotiations within the WTO. It is favorable space within multilateral negotiations,
anticipated that the greater level of specialization as the case of medicines for fighting HIV has
of these teams will permit a more efficient fol- clearly demonstrated. The case of aircraft exports
low-up of each of these processes. It can be said has also demonstrated that in this field it is pos-
that, in a certain way, the team reorganization is sible to effectively defend Brazilian interests
an answer to the concerns expressed by experts against the restrictive commercial practices of
regarding the capacity to conduct several more developed countries. Such experience will
complex negotiations simultaneously. On the nourish Brazil's decision to continue participating
other hand, it can be argued that this separation in the WTO with a view to overcoming, in its
of teams could be a reflex of some measure of sphere of action, the obstacles that still exist to
fear that multilateral negotiations might proceed the creation of a freer worldwide commercial
at a pace much slower than expected. Under regime which could be more favorable to econo-
such conditions, the teams that negotiate mic development.
preferential agreements should be granted a
However it is necessary to make here an observa-
broader degree of autonomy.
tion containing a certain degree of concern: Up
With regard specifically to the WTO, the new to now Brazilian participation in the negotiations
administration appears to agree with the of the WTO has been followed with interest by
aforementioned concerns of the experts. It is public opinion as expressed in the media. But
claimed here that in order to make feasible a new there is no reason to anticipate any highly effec-
round aimed at opening its economy, Brazil must tive interventions on the part of organized civil-
wait for adequate concessions by the other society groups (e. g. labor unions). The activism
countries involved. This position was evident of these groups on behalf of the creation of the
when offers were recently made by Brazil on an FTAA has not been accompanied by any similar
opening of its service sector to international inte- interest in the negotiations at the WTO. It may be
rests. The timidity of this proposal appears to re - that due to the complexity of the negotiation
flect a certain frustration regarding the sluggish processes at the WTO, organized civil-society
progress made during the negotiations on groups have a more clear vision of the implicati-
agricultural products. ons of the FTAA on their more immediate inte -
rests. It may also be that the degree of organiza-
Conclusions tion of these groups is insufficient to enable them
In summary, it may be said that Brazil's participa- to follow all of the negotiation processes cur-
tion in the WTO is rich in experience and in rently in progress. Be this as it may, greater
contrast. Brazil has shown itself to be actively in mobilization of civil society would allow the
favor of creating a worldwide commercial regime. above-mentioned concerns in public opinion,
Mariano Francisco Laplane Brazil in the WTO FES BRIEFING PAPERS May 2003 Seite 4

among experts, and within the new administra - Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil (1992); coordinator
tion to be translated into more effective Brazilian of NEIT (Nucleus for Industrial Economy and
action as regards the WTO. Technology) at the same university; professor at
the Institute of Economics of UNICAMP.
Mariano Francisco Laplane is a Ph.D. in
Economics at UNICAMP - State University of
In the run up to Cancún, Focus on WTO contributes through conferences, workshops and publications to the international debate
on the Doha development round. It is part of the international work of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
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