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C H A P T E R 7


7.1 Introduction

Recently, Barston (1991) has studied the linear

stability of plane, parallel flows of an inviscid,
incompressible homogeneous fluid by a method different from
the standard normal mode method, and obtained many
sufficient conditions for stability for flows with finite
number of inflexion points. The significance of Barston's
method lies in the fact that it proves stability to
disturbances more general than normal mode disturbances. In
this thesis, in section 2.5 of Chapter 2, we used Barston's
method to Kuo's problem and obtalned many stability results
which are generalizations of the corresponding results of
Barston for Rayleigh's problem. In this chapter, we usc
Barston's method to study the linear stability problem of
swirling flows of an ~nviscid, incompressible homogeneous
fluid confined between two concentric rotating cylinders to
two-dimensional disturbances.

Drazin 6 Reid (1981) have studied the linear stability

of swirling flows of an inviscid fluid to two-dimensional
normal mode disturbances and noted that the stability
equation for two-dimensional disturbances is more closely
related to the Rayleigh stability equation for parallel
flows to which it reduces in the narrow-gap approximation.
Drazin & Reid have proved that a necessary condition for the
instability of the swirling flow to two-dimensional normal
mode disturbances is that the gradient of the basic flow
vorticity must change sign atleast once in the flow domain.

In this chapter, we discuss the linear stability

problem of swirling flows of an inviscid fluid to
infinitesimal two-dimensional disturbances which are more
general than two-dimensional normal mode disturbances.
First, we prove the generalization of Drazin & Reid's
criterion : the swirling flow is stable if the vorticity
gradient vanishes nowhere in the flow domain. Then, we prove
that the swirling flow is stable if the gradient of the
vorticity vanishes throughout the flow domain. Further, we
obtain sufficient conditions for the stability of those
flows whose vorticity gradients have a simple zero or two
distinct simple zeros in the flow domain. In fact, we show
that any swirling flow whose vorticity gradient has a simple
zero or two distinct simple zeros in the flow domain can be

made stable by the addition of a background swirling flow to

7.2 Formulation of the Problem
Consider the motion of an inviscid, incompressible
homogeneous fluid confined between two rigid coaxial
cylinders of radii R1 and Rz with R, > R, > 0. The
governing equations in cylindrical polar coordinates
(r. 8, z) are then given by

d t r
- va = - p5 '

, uvr , - pr '


where = (u , v, w) is the velocity vector, p is thc

density, p is the pressure, ac

5: + u %; + g: + w d z-

and a suffix denotes partial differentiation with respect to

the corresponding variable.

The boundary conditions are
u = 0, r = R1' R 2 ' (7.5)

Consider the basic flow given by U = (O,V(r), 0 ) .
p0 = po(y) with constant density po, which satisfies the
governing equations (7.1) - (7.5) provided pO (r)z - 9 - - .

Here V(r) and po(r) are twice continuously differentiable

functions of r in the flow domain,and a prime denotes
differentiation with respect to r.

If the perturbed flow variables are given by

po + p(r, 8 , t), then the linearized perturbation equations


From (7.81, it follows immediately that we can choose

a Stokes' stream function ~ ( r e,

, t ) such that

Now, eliminating the perturbation pressure p

between the equations (7.6) and (7.7) using (7.8) and

( 7 . 9 1 , we obtain
Barston's stability analysis of Rayleigh problem
(Barston, 1991) is based on an equation for the Fourier
transform of the disturbance stream function w with respect
to the apace variable x . But, for our problem, we introduce
a function 0(r, m, t) defined by

@(r, m, t) = I w(r, e , t) e-im9 d e , 17.11)
and do the stability analysis based on an equation for @ .
The equation for 0 , obtained from (7.101, is

~&i + im I pP + (V
+ p) ,
14 = 0, R, < r < R*, t>o, (7.12)

where P = - s; [r:;~ + F:, (

) = 9Bt
-- ( ).

The associated boundary conditions are

0 = 0. r = R1, Rz' 17.13)

If O(r, m, t) = $,(r)e-ikct, then the equation (7.12)


which is the stability equation for two-dimensional normal

mode disturbances (equation (15.571, page 81, Drazin h Reid,
1981 1 .

7.3 Properties o
f the Operator P
Consider the solutions 4 of (7.12) and (7.13)
that are, for each fixed t)O, twice continuously
differentiable functions of r on IR,, \I. Then, with

respect to the complex inner product (f,g) = J

Rz f g dr.
where a ' in the superfix denotes complex conjugation,the
operator P is self-adjoint. Also, the operator P is
positive and admits an inverse P-' (an integral operator)
which is also positive, compact and Hermitian. The kernel
of P-' is the Green's function for P. That la, if

then @ can be expressed in terms of :, by means of a

suitable function G(r,sJ as

Hence, equation (7.12) can be rewritten as

t = - in W t , t>O,

where W = I! t ( V 1 + X)'p-"

The Green's function for P can be easily computed and is

given by
!4oreover, the equation

W = X9, (7.18)
together with the boundary conditions (7.13). has
non-trivial solutions only for a denumerable number of real
values X,,X,,A n... of A: the eigen values of the
symmetric kernel G(r.8) (see Tricomi, 1985).
Also, multiplying the equation (7.18) by @ and then
integrating it over (R,, Rz) using (7.13), we obtain

Equation (7.19) with the help of Rayleigh-Ritz inequality


Since P-' is a compact Aermitlan operator. ( 1 P-',( is an

eigen value of P-' (see Rudin, 1986). Hence. we have
II P-4 I 4 A-l. (7.20)

7.4 Stability Analvsis

The swirling flow with velocity (0, V(r), 0) is
said to be stable if every solution @ of the equations
(7.12) and (7.13) is bounded uniformly in t; that is, for
every solution 9 of (7.12) and (7.13). there exists a
non-negative constant b such that

r t
Now, consider 19(r, m, t)lz = If 6 ( r , m, t)dr('

Then with the help of Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we get

since , = , = rR + dz~dr,

we have

<P-+, r) it rRz rl+'lz dr.


Inequality (7.22) together with (7.20) and (7.23) yields

If we are able to construct positive Aermitian,

time-independent operators G such that (t. 4 ) = <to, GCo),
t20, for every solution? of (7.17), w h e r e t o = C ( r , m, O),

then we have
<Io, e0>= < C, 4 > 2 6 i I ? 111, =or (7.25)

where 6 > 0 and 6 is independent of t. Hence, inequality

(7.24) gives
14,(r, m, t)lz s log ($1 ~-l6-l<t,, W O >= R(r,m). (7.26)

Inequality ( 7 . 2 6 ) demonstrates the pointwiae boundednesa of

4, independent of t, which proves stability for perturbations

of wave number m.
Now, we shall prove the following theorems.

Theorem 1 : If the basic flow profile V(r) is such that

(v'+ 0 for any rc IRI, R21, then the flow is stable.

Proof : If (V
+ p)
* 0 for any r s lRI, ~ ~ then
1 , the

operator ir(V
+ p) I
I-' is well-defined. Also, we have

ac < C , I ~ ( v ' + ;)'I-' I> = < i , I~(v'+ ~ ~ ' ~ >- l

as lr(V1 + Y)'l-l and lr(V' + Y ) ' I - ~ Ware Hermitian.

Rence, the operator G defined by G = ) r (v't ): '1 is a

positive Hermitian operator satisfying

<c,, 4,)= <(, Go 2 6 1 I C 11' ,

where6 = min Ir(V ' + V

' -/ 1 .
Thus the theorem is proved.

Theorem 2: If the basic flow profile V(r) is such that

(v'+ !)'= 0 in [RI, R.1, then the flow is stable.

Proof : If (v'+ :)IE 0, then equation (7.17) becomes

Therefore, we have
aE <r, r > = < r , r > + < r, r > = 0.

That is, 1 1 ( I?= 1 1 rolf. Thus, inequality (7.24) yields

1+(r, m, t)lz s log ($1 II
A-l r ~ f . (7.29)

This proves the theorem.

Theorem 3 : If the basic flow profile V(r) is such that

(v'+ 'll)' has zeros in tq, R z l and that V at every zero

r = s of ( V 1 +I T ) ' has the common value C,, then the flow
v- C
is stable if either - - - - - - 5 - - 2 0 for all r E IR,, R z l or

v- C
P a £ : Assume that lim ------:--
exists and is finite for

every zero of (~'t p)' in IR,. Rzl. Define

G . (rW-C)
------- k - =
------ %-- + p-l. It is clear that G, is a

Rermitian operator, satisfying

for every eolution of (7.17).
v- C
NOW, if - - - - - - 5 - - 2 0 for all r r IR,,Rzl, then GI is
r(~'+ y)'
positive and
< Z , G, Z ) 2 (< , P-I?). (7.31)

Inequalities (7.31) and (7.23) together with (7.30) yield

Using (7.32) in (7.22), we get

j@(r, m, t)jZ 5 log (-f)
R, <C o' Gi eO). 17.33)

This proves the stability.

On the otherhand, if M < -A-',

then < Z , G, r >S (M + 11

A-I) l? < 0, so that -GI is

positive and hence, we have stability for disturbances with

wave number m satisfying

also, we have stability for every m.

Hence the theorem is proved.

Theorem 4 : Let the basic flow profile V(r) be such that

1 ,
(V + has two distinct simple zeros at r, and rZ with
(V-Cl ) (V-C2
r, < r2 i n [R,. 5I. L e t m2 = m i n ------------- and
r 3 8
r(V + V)
(V-CI I (V-C2 )
n2 = -- ----------- , w h e r e C. = V(r.) ( j = 1 , 2 ) . Then, the
r r(vl+y)' J J

2R ( R 2 - R , l Z ( ~ z - m i n V)
f l o w i s s t a b l e i f e i t h e r mZ > -2- r

-2R (q-\)z(max V - Sz) - CltCz

o r n < --a_- r , w h e r e CZ = -----
' ~,n' 2 .

Proof : Let (V
' +
V '
;) = (r-rl) I r - r z ) h ( r l . Define


w h e r e Hz = p-'(v-CZ) t ( V - ~ ~ ) P - '+ P - ' ~ ( v + ): P-'

T h e n , we h a v e

w i t h min V < Cz < mar V. This implies t h a t

r r
By definition.

(V-C, ) (V-C2 )
C C , GI > = (C, ------ ------- r + (r, Hz C).
r(vl+ y)'
Then. with the help of (7.351 we get

[m, + 2(min V - C2) - A-

1 I I1 r lr 5 (1, G~ 1)

So, if mz)O, then Gz will be positive for disturbances

with wave number m satisfying

then -G2 will be positive for disturbances with wave

R nz
number m satisfying ma ) Rz 1-2M2-'(max V - S2) - --5-----I.

Thus if either

2R2 (R2-q)2(~Z - min Vl

m2 > ---- r
R, nz

then the flow is stable for every m.

Theorem 5 : If the basic flow profile V(r) is such that

' V '
( V + ;) has a simple zero or two distinct simple zeros in
IR,. RIl, then the flow can be made stable by the addition of
a background swirl to it.
t I
Proof : Suppose that (V + y ) = 0 at a single point r = ri
with (V +

z) t

= (r-r,) h(r), h(r) > 0 in IR,, R21. Consider

the one parameter family of flows with velocities

(0.V (r), 01, where V(r) = V(r) + Ar ( A, real constant),

1 -
with (; + :)' = (V'+ r

V(r)-V(r )
Let V,(r) = --------5-
r-r for r % r and VL (r1 ) = ~ ' ( r) .

Then, V,(r) is continuous on IR,, R21 and the choice

V- C, V, (r)+A
C, = V(r,) gives G, = --------- + p-I = -------
+ P-l.
r ( ~ ' +V)'

fience G, > 0 if A > A2 I -min V,(r), while -G > 0 if


Thus, the addition of a background swirl Ar to V(r)

results in a stable flow provided that the swirl coefficient

A lies outside the interval [A,, A21.

Similarly, if V(r) is such that (v'+ : ) ' = 0 at

r = r,, r2 with ( V 1 + PI'= (r-r,) (r-r2) h(r), h(r) ) 0 in

IR,, R21, then consider the family of flowa V(r) = V(r) + Ar

w h e r e A is a conatant.

Define V . ( r ) = --------I- for r % r.
I r-r. 1,

and V . ( r . ) = V ( r . l ( j = 1.21.
3 3 3

Then, V . is continuous on l R I . R 2 1 . For the choice


- (V-C* ) ( V - C 2 )
C. = V(r.) (j = 1.21, define GZ -------------
I I H,, where
r(~'+ p)' +

with Cz = --2--.

Now, ~f A ) A + s -min lmin Vl ( r ) , m l n V2 (I-)J , then

r r

where h = m a r h(r).
Inequalities (7.37) and (7.38) together yield

where B = 2 R ~ A - ' ~ ( ~ - R>~ )

0 and

Hence, i2 > 0 if A ) A+ + [B + (B~+~C)~~'~I

Similarly, if A ( A- s -max I max V,(r), max V21r)l, then

r r
-< > O i f A < A - - $ I D + ( D ~ + ~ E ) ' * ~where

D = 2 R ~ A - ~ ~ ( R ~ -and

Thus, Gz 1s posltlve if A lies outslde the- Interval IA-, A , ]

Therefore, the flow can be made stable by the addition of a
background swirl Ar to ~t where A lles outside the lnterval
A , A . Thla completes the proof.

7.5 Concluding Remarks

In this chapter,we have analysed the linear stability of
swirllng flows of an invlscid, ~ncompressible homogeneous

fluid confined between two concentric cylinders to

two-dimensional disturbances using Barston's method. We have
proved that the swlrling flow is stable if the grddlent of
the vorticity either vanishes nowhere in the flow domaln or
vanishes throughout the flow domaln. Also, we have obtained
sufficient conditions for the stability of those flows whose
vorticity gradients have a simple zero or two dlstinct
simple zeros In the flow domaln. In fact, if t h ~ basic
swirling flow 1s such that the vorticity gradient has a
slmple zero or two distinct simple zeros in the flow domain,
we have shown that the addition of a background swirling
flow to it reaults in a stable flow.

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