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Dinos Daffynitionary. Absolutelypositelyso An incontrovertible truth Blatherings One of the ways I describe my little ditties.

Campfire story, Campfire stories (plural) My chosen term for the myths we live by. I feel (Although there may never be proof one way or the other) these stories originated in our earliest history as we gathered around our campfires.. I use the term to honor our ability to tell stories that help us make sense out of all this. Dictionary Approach and Thesaurus Approach. In the former, the definition is the reality and in the latter, the definition is an aspect of reality. Claiming the Biblical Image is the One True Image of -O- is a Dictionary approach. Claiming the Biblical Image is but one of many aspects of -O- is a Thesaurus approach. Daffynition. {Daffyfinable, daffyfined, daffyfine, undaffyfinable, daffyscribe} When the definition of a word or concept is treated as the reality of the concept, it becomes a daffynition - that which is taken to and or beyond a logical absurdity. For example, the sound Whiskey will not get a person drunk. Herenow. The state of being in the Present Moment. Holyverse. My mythunderstanding of the universe in its Totality. Immortality, Unmortality, and Amortality. Immortality is Eternal Life in Heaven. Unmortality is Eternal Nonlife in Nirvana. Amortality is the Transmigration of the Spirit from one incarnation to another.

Incompleteness. The concept that no matter what the field of study, there is always more to learn. In Science, for example, we can know everything about a quantity of water and the container it is in, but we cannot predict (Assuming a perfectly smooth interior) with accuracy where the first bubble will appear when we boil that water. In Theology, it is Agnostic in that a person, being finite, cannot know everything there is about -O-, but does not deny the existence of -O-. Loyal Opposition. {Orthomystic, as an efriend quipped.} The concept that one can agree with the basic premises of an idea (The concept that -O- is.) but disagree with the details (Such as what -O- is.). Lifestance A Persons world view. Literalista A person who takes their POV as literal truth. i.e., the Bible is literal historic and scientific truth. Meme/Memetriement. [Useful fictions for explanation.] A Meme is the mental equivalent of a gene. Genes shape the physical aspects of life and memes shape the mental aspects of life. Individual Rights, Gender Roles, and Political Beliefs are examples of Memes. Mentrients are concepts that help form worldviews. The idea that a Human is a created being that is a separate reality than physical reality is a memetriement built up of memes (The arguments for the infamous Mind/Body Nonissue, for example.) Mythunderstanding. Our understanding of reality based on the mythos we tell about it. (The Nature of Reality, The Nature of -O-, Human Nature, etc) Oneitis Our assumption the One of mathematics is an explanation of the One in metaphysics.

Panencarnation. The concept that each living being is an avatar of -O-. Unlike reincarnation, there is only one soul doing all this incarnating. Panencarnation is similar to the Buddhist concept of transmigration with one exception; -O- is the one being reborn. [This is a play on the concept of Panentheism.] Pansophy Universal wisdom or knowledge Pragmystic One who takes up a mystical practice upon seeing the positive effects it has had on others. Rational Knowledge and Arational Gnowledge. (To Know and to Gno.) Rational Knowledge is Empirical. Arational Gnowledge is Intuitive. Neither is truer than the other and they are complimentary. Together they are like the wings of a bird - in order to fly, we need both. Scientism (Also Scienceism) The treating of the Scientific Method as if it were a religious endeavor. Scietheism. Atheism based on Science. Separateness. Separateness is is a distraction caused by ego.

To me, the psyche and the soul are different ways of discussing the same reality. Therefore, Psychology and Soulcology are two ways of discussing the issue. Spitfest. A situation wherein people are no longer talking with each other but at

each other, usually in a derogatory and insulting manner. Stereoscopic Consciousness. The act of using both Rational and Intuitive modes of thought in coming to a conclusion. This is like the use of the left and the right eyes together to come up with stereo vision, which adds depth to the picture. Sticktoitiveness The determination to stick with a plan of action no matter how many times you have to start over. Symphonia Religiosa. An allusion of the various Religions to the various instruments in a Symphony Orchestra. Each instrument compliments the other and although they may be playing a little differently at each moment, there is a theme to the symphony they all play to. Theobabble. Theological discourse taken with a grain of salt, a dash of self-deprecating humor, and a tongue stuck halfway out the cheek. Theodalatry. The act of worshipping a theological concept as if it were the reality. The word God is not the reality. Theonary. A dictionary from a particular religion. Theosaurus. A thesaurus of Religious understanding. Therethen. The state of being either in the Past or the Future. Whateveritis.

Term used while engaged in Theobabble.

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