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EhLib history

Version 5.0
+ At design-time grid can show such components as DataSource, DataSet,
DataDriver in its the bottom left part. These components can be selected in
object inspector by mouse clicking. It allows to find quickly and
select components which is connected to the grid.
+ New mode - RowPanel. In this mode grid allows to show out cells of record
one under another and change height of every cell separately.
+ Grid can have special panel of detail information for record. It is allowed
to put any control from component palette on this panel. At run time, panel
hidden and user can open it by pressing on a '+' sign which is shown at the
begining of every row.
+ Grid can scroll data smoothly and by small steps of one pixel size.
Grid can scroll data smoothly vertically and horizontally.
+ Hot track. Grid can highlight a cell or a row under mouse cursor.
+ Grid can show vertical line in gradient mode between data rows and bottom
part of the grid.
+ In mode Column.AlwaysShowEditButton grid shows EditButtons in shadow mode.
It doesn't irritate eyes by big amount of edit buttons in the grid.
+ New property EditButtonsShowOptions is added in the Grid of
type TEditButtonsShowOptionsEh.
TEditButtonsShowOptionsEh = set of (sebShowOnlyForCurCellEh,
sebShowOnlyForCurRowEh, sebShowOnlyWhenGridActiveEh,
When Column.AlwaysShowEditButton is True, this property allows to
customize, in which cases it is need to show EditButtons.
: See detail information of new features in file AboutEhlib5.txt.

Version 4.51
+ Added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010
Version 4.5
+ Added TextEditing property in the TColumnEh object. Use this property to ban
showing text editor in the data column cell.
+ Added OnHintShowPause event in the TColumnEh object and TDBGridEh . Write th
event to set duration pause before showing hint.
+ In TColumnEh object and TDBGridEh is added OnDataHintShow event. Write this
event to set text, font, color, position and other parameters of hint
window for every data cell in the the grid column. This event is call only
if Grid.ShowHint is True.
+ In TColumnEh object and TDBGridEh added OnAdvDrawDataCell event. Write
this event to draw data in the data cell of column. This event calls always
regardless of Grid.DefaultDrawing property. Set Processed to true to define
that you processed drawing in the event code. Otherwise grid will call
default method for drawing. You can, if need, change parameters ARect and
Params and call Grid.DefaultDrawColumnDataCell or you can leave Processed
in False and don't call Grid.DefaultDrawColumnDataCell. In last case
OnAdvDrawDataCell will work like OnGetCellParams event.
+ In TColCellParamsEh class added properties:
BlankCell: Boolean. Set this property to force show cell as a blank
3D cell.
SuppressActiveCellColor: Boolean. Set this property to suppress color
of the active cell by the color that you set in the Background property.
TextEditing: Boolean. Set this property to ban showing text editor in the
data cell.
TColCellParamsEh class is used in such events as OnGetCellParams and
TColCellParamsEh class is used as a type of Params parameter in such events
OnGetCellParams and OnAdvDrawDataCell.
* Some bugfixes.
Version 4.4
+ Added possibility to move the column by in the grid at Design-Time.
+ Added possibility to select the column in the Object Inspector by clicking
on header of column.
+ Added property DrawGraphicData: Boolean. When property is True, the grid
draws image from TBlobField with BlobType = ftGraphic in graphic mode.
+ Added OnGetRowHeight event. Write this event to set height of every data row
in the grid. The Event is caused when data is changed in DataSet.
The Event is caused only when grid is connected to TMemTableEh and MemTable
not in TreeView mode.
+ Added dghAutoFitRowHeight in TDBGridEhOption type (OptionsEh). In this mode
the grid calculate height of lines dynamically using text in data cells for
a columns that TColumnEh.WordWrap = True. This mode works only when
grid is connected to TMemTableEh and MemTable not in mode TreeView.
Grid updates the height of the lines not in all cases. For instance, grid
does not update the height of the lines when you change Grid.Font property.
In this case you need to call Grid.UpdateAllDataRowHeights where this is
+ In the mode when dgRowSelect is in Options, scrollbar works in smooth mode.
(The Step of runner is not limited by the áolumn width).
+ Added dghColumnMove and dghColumnResize in TDBGridEhOption type (OptionsEh).
Now you can control of resizing and moving of columns separately.
+ Added dghShowRecNo in TDBGridEhOption type (OptionsEh). Set this value to sh
record number in the indicator column. It works only for DataSet which
IsSequenced = True.
+ Drawing of 3D title cells in Flat mode is changed. When
ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled = True, grid draws 3D cells in gradient style.
* Some bugfixes.
Version 4.3
+ Added support of CodeGear RAD Studio 2009
* Some bugfixes.
Version 4.2
+ Added support of Delphi 2007.
In DBGridEh
+ Added IndicatorTitle property of TDBGridEhIndicatorTitle type:
The Upper left cell can react as button, draw the badge-triangle,
and display the dropdown menu on mouse clickling ( with possibility of
drawing global menu, which adjust using global property -
DBGridEhCenter.IndicatorTitleMenus and IndicatorTitleMenus.OnBuildIndicatorT
IndicatorTitle property has a next subprotperty:
DropdownMenu: TPopupMenu - The Local dropdown menu, appearing when you
press the upper left cell of the grid.
ShowDropDownSign: Boolean - Specifies whether to draw the badge-triangle.
You can set this property to show that the pressing on upper-left cell
will show the droped down menu.
TitleButton: Boolean - Specifies whether the upper left cell will act as b
Besides the DropdownMenu will be droped down only when TitleButton = Tru
UseGlobalMenu: Boolean - Specifies whether the global
DBGridEhCenter.IndicatorTitleMenus property will be use when building me
Added OnIndicatorTitleMouseDown event. Occurs when the mouse click on the
upper left cell of grid. The Cell must be adjusted in state of working as
(IndicatorTitle.TitleButton = True). You can call DefaultIndicatorTitleMou
method in this event to pass control to a global object - DBGridEhCenter.
Added OnBuildIndicatorTitleMenu event. Occurs when need to build list of men
before menu is shown. You can call DefaultBuildIndicatorTitleMenu method
in this event to pass control to a global object - DBGridEhCenter.
Added OnCellMouseClick event. Occurs when mouse click in any cell of grid.
Event pass coordinates of the cell and offset of the mouse for upper
left corner of the cell. You can call DefaultCellMouseClick method
in this event to pass control to a global object - DBGridEhCenter.

+ In module DBGridEh.Pas appeared the new global object DBGridEhCenter of

TDBGridEhCenter type. This object is intended to manage a behaviour of all
objects of TCustomGridEh type or inherited from it. For instance, in
DBGridEhCenter you can specify the list a menu to be appearing in the
drop-down menu of the all grids when clicking on top left grid cell.
Besides, you may write the event of this global object and it will be
caused at activations of the similar event in any grid of the project.
Global object - DBGridEhCenter has a following properties and events:
IndicatorTitleMenus: Is the list of menu, which will be formed when
clicking on upper left cell of grid is occured. This property of the
global object will work for all grids, which IndicatorTitle.TitleButto
n = True.
(itmVisibleColumnsEh, itmCut, itmCopy, itmPaste, itmDelete, itmSelectA
OnBuildIndicatorTitleMenu: Occurs when need to build list of menus befor
menu is shown.
OnCellMouseClick: Occurs when mouse click in any cell of grid.
OnIndicatorTitleMouseDown: Occurs when mouse click upper left cell of gr
+ Added global variable - DBGridEhCenter. This variable controls the part of
behaviour of the grids. You can set properties, or events of this variable
change the behaviour of all grids.
Changes in the other objects and procedures.
* The Corrections in ADODataDriverEh, SelectCommand, UpdateCommand... properti
now have a TADOCommandEh type.
* The parameters of OnAssignCommandParameter and OnGetBackUpdatedValues have b
changed in ADODataDriverEh object.
* All dfm files stores data in the text type.
* Fixed drawing lines in the gride when TColumnEh.HideDuplicated = True.
* Fixed memory leaks in the search box TDBGridEhFindDlg.
* Fixed error in the search dialogue, when invisible columns is present.
* Added support ftWideMemo.
* Fixed error of the recirculation in TPrintDBGridEh component when printing
the rows with height above of the page height.
* Fixed error when developer create new TDataDriver component on Form using
Popup menu 'Create DataDriver...' of TMemTableEh components.
+ In TDBLookupComboboxEh, Added support of the Memo fields.
* Fixed error of entering values from previous record (using Ctrl+')
when DBGridEh is connected to TMemTableEh.

Version 4.1
+ Added support of Delphi 2006 (Under VCL.Win32 and VCL.NET).
* Fixed a error of the grid twinkling in the tree mode on opening a node.
* Fixed a error of filling a list of values in the filter when
PickList and KeyList properties for the TColumnEh is filled .
* Some other bugfixes.
Version 4.0
* This version does not support Delphi 4 and C++ Builer 4 anymore.
+ New components:
TMemTableEh - dataset, which hold all data in memory.
TDataDriverEh - Delivers records in TMemTableEh and processes changed record
TSQLDataDriverEh, TBDEDataDriverEh, TIBXDataDriverEh, TDBXDataDriverEh
and TADODataDriverEh
See detail info in AboutEhlib4_0.Txt
+ Added Action property or TBasicAction type in TEditButtonEh. So edit buttons
of the Edit controls can be associated with action.
Version 3.6
+ Added support of Delphi 2005 (Under VCL.Win32 and VCL.NET).
+ Added Tooltips property in TDBEditEh, TDBDateTimeEditEh, TDBNumberEditEh,
TDBLookupComboboxEh. Allows to show the whole text of the edit control in
special hint window if text does not fit in visible area. Text is displayed
when the mouse cursor situated above the edit control.
In TDBGridEh
+ Added OddRowColor and EvenRowColor property to draw odd and even
rows with different colors. It works only if sequence numbers are availabl

for DataSet(DataSet.IsSequenced = True) and DataSet.RecNo return valid inf

+ Added dghRecordMoving value in TDBGridEhOption type (OptionsEh property).
Allows to move records in dataset. Record is moved by striking and
moving mouse over indicator column. By default grid calls
TDatasetFeaturesEh.MoveRecords, where code save values of record, delete
record and insert new values in the position specified by RecNo.
+ Added OnMoveRecords event of TGridMoveRecordsEventEh type.
TGridMoveRecordsEventEh = function(Sender: TObject; BookmarkList: TStrin
ToRecNo: Longint; TreeLevel: Integer; CheckOnly: Boolean): Boolean of ob
BookmarkList is a list of bookmarks which need to move.
ToRecNo is a destination RecNo.
TreeLevel is a destination level in tree list, used only when grid connect
ed to
CheckOnly - determines whether the function have to return result, are the
re enabling
to move BookmarkList to ToRecNo, but does not move BookmarkList.
+ Added OnSelectionChanged event. Occurs when multiselected area has been ch
* In AdvTech\MemTableEh: Added possibility to filter data in TreeList mode;
usage one
array of records by the several datasets; moving records in TreeList in
dghRecordMoving mode.
Version 3.5
+ Added HighlightRequired property in TDBEditEh, TDBDateTimeEditEh, TDBNumber
TDBLookupComboboxEh and TColumnEh, TColumnDefValuesEh. Determines whether n
eed to
draw dotted red line under the text editor for empty required field (when
TField.Required = True and field is empty).
+ Added OnCheckDrawRequiredState event in TDBEditEh, TDBDateTimeEditEh, TDBNu
TDBLookupComboboxEh and TColumnEh. Write event need to change if need to dr
aw a
condition RequiredState (dotted red line under the text editor).
+ Added property Layout: TTextLayout in TColumnEh. Specifies the vertical pla
cement of
the text within the grid cell.
+ Added property HideDuplicates: Boolean in TColumnEh. Determines whether to
duplicated values in the column.
* Changed image of 3D borders in grid when the Windows XP themes active in ap
* Procedure ExcecuteDBGridEhFindDialog is renamed to ExecuteDBGridEhFindDialo
* In AdvTech\MemTableEh: Added indexes and autogenerating the list of values
dropdown box in filter cells.
Version 3.4
+ Added support of Delphi 8 (VCL.NET).
In TDBGridEh
+ Added property ToolTips in Footer and ColumnDefValues.Footer.
+ Added property SumValue: Variant in TColumnFooterEh.
+ Added property ShowImageAndText in TColumnEh. Allows to show Image from Ima
and field Text in grid cell simultaneously. Set ImageIndex in OnGetCellPara
ms event.
In TCustomDBEditEh
+ Added property Images: TCustomImageList. Images from imagelist can appear a
t the left
part of TDBEditEh, TDBDateTimeEditEh, TDBNumberEditEh or TDBLookupCombobo
+ Added event OnGetImageIndex: TGetImageIndexEventEh.
TGetImageIndexEventEh = procedure(Sender: TObject; var ImageIndex: Integ
er) of object;
Event is called when Text or Value in TCustomDBEditEh is changed. Set new I
depending on Text or Value.
Version 3.3
For TDBGridEh
+ Added new form 'DBGridEhFindDlgs' - find dialog in DBGridEh. Dialog allows
to find text in the grid: In specified column or on whole grid;
From any part of field, Whole field or From beging of the field.
Set new dghDialogFind value to OptionsEh to allows find dialog in DBGridEh.
Default shortcut to show find dialog in the grid is 'Ctrl-F'. When dghIncSe
also included in the OptionsEh then first pressing 'Ctrl-F' enters the grid
the Increment Search mode and holding 'Ctrl' press 'F' again will show the
find dialog.
In TDBGridEh
+ Added dghDialogFind value to the TDBGridEhOption type (property OptionsEh).
In TSTColumnFilterEh
+ Added KeyField, ListField, ListSource properties. Now you can adjust combob
in SubTitle Filter cell. If Column.STFilter.ListSource is not empty then gr
will create combobox for such filter cell. ListSource defines the list of v
in drop-down list, ListField defines field whose values are displayed in
drop-down list, KeyField identifies the field in the ListSource dataset who
value will takes to build filter expression.
In TSQLDatasetFeaturesEh
+ Added SupportsLocalLike property. Determines if the dataset supports 'Like'
keyword in Filter property. Modules from DataService directory of EhLib arc
rewrited to support this property.
+ Added AutoAdd property of Boolean type. Determines that the edit control wi
add new Text in MRUList automagically when control loses focus. Default val
for property is True. You can use it (set to False) to fill MRUList manuall
for instance from database table.
* Some bugfixes.
Version 3.2
In TDBGridEh
+ Added ability to fill cell by the value from previous record.
You can use "Ctrl+'" key to do it.
+ Added dghDblClickOptimizeColWidth value to the TDBGridEhOption type
(property OptionsEh). Adding this value to OptionsEh property
allows grid to set optimal column width (to fit text in cells of column).
on double-click on ColSizing line.
+ Added ability to show special row (under title) where you can enter
expressions in cells for filtering records in dataset.
(Expression in the cell can look like: "1", ">=1", ">1 AND <=5", "%TestStr%
When cursor reside in the filter cell they can press ENTER to apply filter.
For automatically filtering data in dataset need to add one of the units
EhLib... (EhLibADO, EhLibBDE, EhLibCDS) to 'uses' clause of any unit of you
project. Now EhLib have objects to filter data in the TClientDataSet, TQuer
TTable and TADOQuery. You have to write and register your own object to fil
data in DataSet that not present in this list or you can write
TDBGridEh.OnApplyFilter event for every grid.
Added property - STFilter: TSTDBGridEhFilter with subproperties:
property Local: Boolean - grid does not use it, but object that
perform filtering can determine whether it will filter locally
in dataset or on the server (by adding filter expressions in
SQL 'WHERE' clause).
property Visible: Boolean - Specifies whether the filter row is visible.
+ Added OnApplyFilter event.
+ Added ApplyFilter function in TDatasetFeaturesEh class.
In TColumnEh
+ Added new property - STFilter: TSTColumnFilterEh;
with properties
DataField: String - Specifies the field name that use to
filter data if Column.FieldName is not fit for it.
Visible: Boolean - Specifies whether user can enter expressions
in filter row for this column.
ExpressionStr: String - text expression in StFilter cell.
Expression: TSTFilterExpressionEh - coded expression in StFilter cell.
Version 3.1
* Changes in TRegPropStorageManEh:
'Key' property moved from 'published' to 'public' part.
(C++ Builder does not support HKEY type in published part).
Added RegistryKey property of TRegistryKeyEh type.
+ Added (in source included version only) preview version of the
TMemTableEh component. Dataset, which hold all its data in memory,
furthermore can fetch data from other dataset's, unload changes
back to dataset and support special interface, that allow to
view all data without changing active record.
See detail info in AdvTech\MemTableEh\readme.txt dir.
+ In DBGridEh: Added support of IMemTableEh interface in DataSet
that allow to view all data, without changing active record.

Version 3.0
In TDBDateTimeEditEh
+ New values in TDateTimeKindEh type (property Kind).
TDateTimeKindEh = (dtkDateEh, dtkTimeEh, dtkDateTimeEh, dtkCustomEh);
+ Added EditFormat property. Now you can type custom date/time format using
next format elements: 'YY', 'YYYY', 'MM', 'DD', 'HH', 'NN', 'SS'.

Library is divided to design-time and run-time packages.

EhLib[XX] - run-time package and DclEhLib[X] - design-time packages,
where [XX] is digit number of VCL version:
[40] for Delphi 4, [50] for Delphi 5, etc;
And EhLibB[XX] with DclEhLibB[XX] for C++ Builder.

Upon installation, all components is placed to the separate page in

components palette with name - 'EhLib'.
Note that Delphi IDE does not move components to the new default
place when you install new version of same component(s). So if you
already has EhLib installed, then installation new (3.0) version
does not move EhLib components to the 'EhLib' page on components palette.
To force Delphi IDE to move compontes to the default place on
components palette do next:
Open menu: Component->Configure Palette.
Select '[All]' line in Pages listbox.
Click 'Default Pages' button.

New componetns: TPropStorageEh, TIniPropStorageManEh, TRegPropStorageManEh.

Components realize technology to store components properties to/from settings
storage such as ini files, registry etc.
+ Added (in source included version only) design-time ClientDataSet edit
window. See detail info in AdvTech\CDSDesign\readme.txt dir.

Version 2.6
+ Added Windows XP themes support (Only under Delphi 7).
+ Added (in source included version only) preview restricted
version of EhLibCLX - EhLib under Borland Component Library for
See detail info in AdvTech\EhLibCLX\readme.txt dir.
+ Added (in source included version only) preview version of technology
to store components properties to/from settings storage such as
ini files, registry etc.
See detail info in AdvTech\PropStorage\readme.txt dir.

Version 2.5
+ Added Delphi 7 support.
+ New units: CalculatorEh - TCalculatorEh, TPopupCalculatorEh
DbUtilsEh - Utilities to sort data in DataSet from DBGrid
EhLibADO - Register object that sort data in TADOQuery
EhLibBDE - Register object that sort data in TQuery
EhLibCDS - Register object that sort data in TCustomClientDataSet
In TDbGridEh
+ Added possiblity to sort data in DataSet after sorting markers
will be changed. You have to add dlgAutoSortMarkingEh to OptionsEh,
set TColumnEh.Title.TitleButton to True for required columns,
keep OnSortMarkingChanged event empty, add one of the units
EhLib... (EhLibADO, EhLibBDE, EhLibCDS) to 'uses' clause of any unit of your
project. Now EhLib have objects to sort data in TClientDataSet, TQuery
and TADOQuery. You have to write and register your own object to sort data
in DataSet that not present in this list.
+ Added SortLocal property in TDBGridEh. Objects that sort data in DataSet
can use this property to determine how to sort data, on client or on server.
+ Changed highlight coloring in TDBGridEh for multiselected cells and
active cell when TDBGridEh have not focus when color mode have more then
256 color. I recombinate you to use dgAlwaysShowSelection in Options
and dghRowHighlight in OptionsEh.
If you want to keep old method of highlighting for all grids set
DBGridEhDefaultStyle.LuminateSelection to false (at run time).
In TDBNumberEditEh and TColumnEh
+ Added dropped down calculator in TDBNumberEditEh and TColumnEh for numbered
fields (need set TColumnEh.ButtonStyle to cbsDropDown).
In TColumnEh
+ Added DisplayFormat and EditMask properties.
In TColumnFooterEh
+ Added DisplayFormat property.

Version 2.4
+ Added MRUList property (Most recently used values) in all edit
controls and TCloumnEh. If MRUList is Active then in time of edit text
the special listbox will be dropded down where users can select last entered
values. When user leave edit control or inplace editor in the grid the value
will be added in MRUList.
MRUList: TMRUListEh = class(TPersistent)
property Active: Boolean - MRU list will drop down in time of edit text.
property CaseSensitive: Boolean - take into account char case.
property Items: TStrings - list of items.
property Limit: Integer - max count of items. Old will be deleted.
property Rows: Integer - Count of rows in dtop down window.
To distinguish MRU dropdown box from other, all other dropdown boxes have 3D b
+ Added new component - TDBCheckBoxEh.
Can works as in data-aware mode as in usual not data-aware mode.
If DataField and DataSource properties is not assigned then
checkbox works in usual not data-aware mode.
Have Flat and AlwaysShowBorder properties to show in the flat mode.
In TDropDownBoxEh (TColumnEh.DropDownBox, TLookupComboBoxEh.DropDownBox) add
ed property
+ ListSource of TDataSource type.
This property will be used when lookup inplace editor in the grid or
LookupComboBox have focus. It allows to have different list of
lookup list values for different records of master data.
In TDBSumList
+ Added OnAfterRecalcAll event. Event is call after SumList recalculate
aggregated values.
In TDbGridEh
+ Added OnSumListAfterRecalcAll event.
Version 2.3
+ Added C++ Builder 6 support.
In TDBDateTimeEditEh and TDBComboBoxEh
+ Added OnCloseUp and OnDropDown events.
In TDBGridEhScrollBar class (DBGridEh.VertScrollBar, HorzScrollBar)
+ Added property ExtScrollBar: TScrollBar.
Now you can attach external scrollbars to the grid.
DBGridEh.VertScrollBar can be show in three mode:
Always show, Never show, Auto show.
Use property DBGridEh.VertScrollBar.VisibleMode.
INCOMPATIBILITY: To be more look like DBGrid component the DBGridEh component
select row (multiselect) on first mouse click when Options have dgMultiSelect
value and AllowedSelections have not gstRectangle value.
Version 2.2
In TDBEditEh
+ Added properties WantTabs and WantReturns.
INCOMPATIBILITY: In TColumnEh all published properties moved to public section
New TDBGridColumnEh object added that inherited from TColumnEh and have
properties in published section. TDBGridEh uses TDBGridColumnEh to create
columns. You can have incompatibility if you inherit TColumnEh object.
Use TDBGridColumnEh object now.
+ Dropdown box in TDBLookupComboBoxEh and TColumnEh for look fields
now inherited from TCustomDBGridEh. Now dropdown box can have
MultiTitle, can fit columns width to window width, can have column lines
and row lines, allows to change column widths, can have sortmarkers in titles,
have event that calls when user press title, allows to change characteristics
of individual column.
RESTRICTION: In EhLIb compiled under Delphi 4 or CBuilder 4 dropdown box
can not resize or move columns or click the titles.
+ Added new unit - DBLookupGrid.Pas, contains TPopupDataGridEh component that
uses as Dropdown box in TDBLookupComboBoxEh and TColumnEh for look fields.
In TColumnEh
+ Added property DropDownBox of TColumnDropDownBoxEh type
TColumnDropDownBoxEh = class(TPersistent)
property AutoFitColWidths: Boolean;
property ColumnDefValues: TColumnDefValuesEh;
property Columns: TDBGridColumnsEh;
property Options: TDBLookupGridEhOptions;
property UseMultiTitle: Boolean;
using properties of DropDownBox property you can control
dropdown box for inplace editor of columns that connected
to lookup fields.
In TDBLookupComboboxEh
+ Added
property AutoFitColWidths: Boolean;
property ColumnDefValues: TColumnDefValuesEh;
property Columns: TDBGridColumnsEh;
property Options: TDBLookupGridEhOptions;
property UseMultiTitle: Boolean;
in TLookupComboboxDropDownBoxEh object
(TDBLookupComboboxEh.DropDownBox property)
In TColumnEh and TDBLookupComboboxEh
+ Added events
OnDropDownBoxCheckButton - Occurs to define is there title can be pressed
OnDropDownBoxDrawColumnCell - Occurs when the dropdown box needs to paint
a cell.
OnDropDownBoxGetCellParams - Occurs when the dropdown box needs to paint
a cell.
OnDropDownBoxSortMarkingChanged - Occurs after changing sortmarker.
OnDropDownBoxTitleBtnClick - Occurs after clicking on title button.
Version 2.1
Added new file EhLibConsts.Pas - contains resource of strings.
Added partially support of BiDirection.
Added partially support of the Double-Byte Character Set.
In TDBGridEh
+ Added property FieldColumns;
property FieldColumns[const FieldName: String]: TColumnEh; default;
So you can use next syntax to access column by
filed name: DBGridEh1['FieldName']
In TDBEditEh, TDBDateTimeEditEh, TDBComboBoxEh, TDBNumberEditEh and TColumnEh
added property
+ EditButtons of TEditButtonsEh type.
Class TEditButtonsEh is a collection of TEditButton classes.
So the edit controls and columns can have several edit buttons.
In TDropDownBoxEh added property
+ SpecRow of TSpecRowEh type.
In TColumnEh added property
+ DropDownSpecRow of TSpecRowEh type.
TSpecRowEh = class(TPersistent)
property CellsText: String;
property Color: TColor;
property Font: TFont;
property Value: Variant;
property Visible: Boolean;
property ShortCut: TShortCut
property ShowIfNotInKeyList: Boolean;
TSpecRowEh represent the special row in dropdown box for lookup
fields in column of DBGridEh and in TDropDownBoxEh class of
TDBLookupComboboxEh component. This row will be active when lookup
field or lookupcombobox have value equals specrow value or when
value not in list of key value.
* In the OnButtonClick event for TDBComboBoxEh,
TDBLookupComboboxEh, TDBDateTimeEditEh the Sender parameter is
TEditButtonControlEh object. Use TEditButtonControlEh(Sender).Parent
syntax to access the edit control whose button have been clicked.
Version 2.0
EhLib 2.0 does not support Delphi 3 or C++ Builder 3.
In TDBGridEh
+ For columns that attached to lookup Fields it support
possibility of changing values if TField.KeyFields and
TField.LookupKeyFields is kept a list of several
names of fields (list is separated by semicolon).
+ In TDBGridEhOption type (OptionsEh propery) dghRowHighlight
value is added - it allows to highlight current record.
+ Added crpDropDownRowsEh and crpDropDownWidthEh values
in TColumnEhRestoreParam type, it allows to save and restore
DropDownRows and DropDownWidth properties of TColumnEh
in/from the registry or ini file.
+ Added property AllowedSelections: TDBGridEhAllowedSelections;
TDBGridEhAllowedSelections = set of
(gstRecordBookmarks, gstRectangle, gstColumns, gstAll);
Defines what types of selection is available in grid.
dgMultiSelect value in Options property also affects
available of selection.
+ Added property ColumnDefValues: TColumnDefValuesEh
TColumnDefValuesEh = class(TPersistent)
AlwaysShowEditButton: Boolean
EndEllipsis: Boolean
AutoDropDown: Boolean
DblClickNextVal: Boolean
ToolTips: Boolean
DropDownSizing: Boolean
DropDownShowTitles: Boolean
Title.Alignment: TAlignment
Title.Color: TColor
Title.TitleButton: Boolean
Title.EndEllipsis: Boolean
Title.ToolTips: Boolean
Title.Orientation: TTextOrientationEh
defines default values for newly created colonies.
In TColumEh
+ Added OnNotInList event. Operates when user enter
a text not kept in the list of values. If this event
is assigned then user is automatically allowed to enter
a text not kept in the list. Event makes sense if row
is based on lookup field or PickList is filled or
PickList and KeyList is filled.
+ Added OnGetCellParams event:
TGetColCellParamsEventEh = procedure (Sender: TObject;
EditMode: Boolean; Params: TColCellParamsEh) of object;
TColCellParamsEh = class
property Col:Longint;
property Row:Longint;
property State: TGridDrawState;
property Font: TFont read FFont;
property Background: TColo;
property Alignment: TAlignment;
property ImageIndex: Integer;
property Text: String read;
property CheckboxState: TCheckBoxState;
property ReadOnly: Boolean;
Requests the parameters of cell before draw/editing.
+ Added OnUpdateData event:
TColCellUpdateDataEventEh = procedure(Sender: TObject;
var Text: String; var Value: Variant;
var UseText: Boolean; var Processed: Boolean) of object;
Operates when writing data from InplaceEditor in DataSet field.
You can change text or value, UseText defines what parameter
is used for writing: Text or Value. You may themselves write
data to the field and sets Processed in True.
+ Added OnEditButtonClick event:
TButtonClickEventEh = procedure(Sender: TObject;
var Handled: Boolean) of object;
+ Added OnEditButtonDown event:
TButtonDownEventEh = procedure(Sender: TObject; TopButton: Boolean;
var AutoRepeat: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean) of object;
TopButton - when style of the button ebsUpDownEh, defines
that pressed upper button.
AutoRepeat - repeat events if mouse is keeping pressed.

In TDBSumListProducer
* State Of working group operations goCount is changed. When in
TDBSum installed by GroupOperation = goCount and
FieldName <> '' that SumValue will contain an amount of records
for which field <FieldName> is not Null.
In TDBLookupComboboxEh
* Component has changed an ancestor, so possible inconsistency of
functioning with the preceding version.
+ Supports working with lookup fields that containing in
TField.KeyFields and TField.LookupKeyFields properties the list of
the several names of fields, in the same way possible enter a list
of several names of fields in DataField and KeyField properties of
combobox. List of field names must be separated by semicolon
(For instance: 'CustNo;EmpNo').
+ Added OnButtonDown event:
TButtonDownEventEh = procedure(Sender: TObject; TopButton: Boolean;
var AutoRepeat: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean) of object;
TopButton - when style of the button ebsUpDownEh, defines
that pressed upper button.
AutoRepeat - repeat events if mouse is keeping pressed.
Added 4 new components:
TDBEditEh - to edit text values.
TDBDateTimeEditEh - to edit date or time values.
TDBComboBoxEh - to edit text values with capacity to
select values from list.
TDBNumberEditEh - to edit numeric values.

Common features in all components.

Can works as in data-aware mode as in usual not data-aware mode.
If DataField and DataSource properties is not assigned then
component works in usual not data-aware mode.
Have Flat and AlwaysShowBorder properties to show
in the flat mode.

Have Text (String type) and Value (Variant type) properties.

Moreover Value can accept Null value or:
String type for TDBEditEh and TDBComboBoxEh,
TDateTime, TDate, TTime, Double type for TDBDateTimeEditEh,
all numeric types for TDBNumberEditEh.
Have an OnUpdateData event that occurs before writing data
in DataSet field or in internal variable when not data-aware mode.
Event is call when component lose the focus or
when DataSet send PostData event.

Individual features of components.

TDBEditEh, TDBComboBoxEh and TDBLookupComboboxEh have WordWrap
propertiy to show and edit multiline text. Don't forget to hang
up AutoSize propertiy if you want to change and fix a height of
the control.
Version 1.7
+ Added Delphi 6 support.
In TDBLookupComboboxEh
+ Added AlwaysShowBorder propery.
* Some bugfixes.
Version 1.61
In TDBLookupComboboxEh
+ Added OnNotInList event. Event occurs when the user enters a value
that isn't in the lookup list.
In TDBSumListProducer
+ Added group operation goAvg to calculate average values.
In TPrintDBGridEh
+ Added OnBeforePrint and OnAfterPrint events to write specifyed action
before or after grid have been printed/previewed.
In TDBGridEh
+ Added possibility to set aggregate fields in footers at design time.
So you can use more powerful mechanism of aggregate values imbedded
in TClientDataSet component.
* Some bugfixes.
Version 1.6
+ Added new component TDBLookupComboboxEh:
Provides all functionality of TDBLookupCombobox and adds
several new features as follows:
Can have flat style.
Allows assign values as to KeyValue property just and to
display Text property.
Allows to type (assign) values to Text property not
contained in data list (Style = csDropDownEh).
Allows to hold KeyValue and Text as not affecting to
each other values. Take effect when KeyField, ListField,
ListSource, DataField and DataSource properties is empty.
Drop down list can:
Show titles,
Have sizing grip,
Automaticaly set width as sum of DisplayWidth of
the list fields (Width = -1),
Automaticaly drops on user pressed the key.
Edit button can:
Show DropDown, Ellipsis or Bitmap image.
Have specified width.
Have additional events: OnKeyValueChanged, OnButtonClick.
In TDBGridEh
+ In Flat mode shows edit buttons just as flat.
In TColumnEh
+ Added DropDownShowTitles property.
* Some bugfixes.

Version 1.58
In TDBGridEh
+ Added dghIncSearch and dghPreferIncSearch values in TDBGridEhOption
type (property OptionsEh).
dghIncSearch value allows to do increment search in grid.
dghPreferIncSearch value determine that the grid prefer increment
search to cell editing.
At run time you can use next key for increment searching:
Ctrl+F - to begin increment searching.
Ctrl+Enter - to search next matching.
Ctrl+Shift+Enter - to search prior matching.
If dghIncSearch in OptionsEh and column is read only then grid
will set increment search mode automatically on first key press
and will set normal mode after 1.5 sec.
In TColumnEh
+ Added Tag property. Tag has no predefined meaning. The Tag property
is provided for the convenience of developers.
+ Added DropDownSizing property. Set DropDownSizing to True to allow
users to resize dropdown lookup or picklist window.
* Some bugfixes.
Version 1.57
TPassthroughColumn class has been unloaded. In csDefault and csCustomized
state uses the same class TColumnEh. It allows to inherit TDBGridEh class
and add new properties in TColumnEh class.
In TColumnEh
+ Allows to show tooltips text for KeyImage based columns.
When you adjust column properies to show bitmaps depending on field
values you can fill also PickList propery by values of tooltip text.
Set also Tooltips property to True and ShowHint property of DGBGridEh
to True. At runtime by moving mouse above image will forces to show
text from PickList in tooltips window.
In TColumnTitleEh
+ Added property Orientation: TTextOrientationEh;
TTextOrientationEh = (tohHorizontal, tohVertical);
Allows to draw text vertically. Only single line text support for
vertical orientation.
* Some bugfixes.
Version 1.56
Added new unit "DBGridEhImpExp.pas" that containt objects and routines:
1. To export DBGridEh at next formats: Text, Csv, HTML, RTF, XLS and
internal format for interchange between DBGridEh's (VCLDBIF).
procedure SaveDBGridEhToExportFile( ExportClass: TDBGridEhExportClass;
DBGridEh: TCustomDBGridEh; const FileName: String; IsSaveAll: Boolean);
procedure WriteDBGridEhToExportStream( ExportClass: TDBGridEhExportClass;
DBGridEh: TCustomDBGridEh; Stream: TStream; IsSaveAll: Boolean);
Where the ExportClass parameter is one of the next classes:
TDBGridEhExportAsText, TDBGridEhExportAsCsv, TDBGridEhExportAsHTML,
TDBGridEhExportAsRTF, TDBGridEhExportAsVCLDBIF or TDBGridEhExportAsXLS.
IsSaveAll parameter indicates whether to export whole grid or
only selection.
2. To import DBGridEh from Text and internal format (VCLDBIF).
procedure LoadDBGridEhFromImportFile( ImportClass: TDBGridEhImportClass;
DBGridEh: TCustomDBGridEh; const FileName: String; IsLoadToAll: Boolean)
procedure ReadDBGridEhFromImportStream(ImportClass: TDBGridEhImportClass;
DBGridEh: TCustomDBGridEh; Stream: TStream; IsLoadToAll: Boolean);
Where the ImportClass parameter is one of the next classes:
TDBGridEhImportAsText, TDBGridEhImportAsVCLDBIF.
3. To Copy, Paste, Cut DBGridEh to/from clipboard.
procedure DBGridEh_DoCutAction(DBGridEh: TCustomDBGridEh; ForWholeGrid:Boo
procedure DBGridEh_DoCopyAction(DBGridEh: TCustomDBGridEh; ForWholeGrid:Bo
procedure DBGridEh_DoPasteAction(DBGridEh: TCustomDBGridEh; ForWholeGrid:B
procedure DBGridEh_DoDeleteAction(DBGridEh: TCustomDBGridEh; ForWholeGrid:
In TDBGridEh
+ Added property EditActions: TDBGridEhEditActions.
TDBGridEhEditAction = (geaCutEh, geaCopyEh, geaPasteEh, geaDeleteEh,
TDBGridEhEditActions = set of TDBGridEhEditAction;

Specifies actions (inherited from TEditAction) that grid can update and
+ Added some functions to support edit actions.
* Although this version of EhLib can export to XLS (Biff) format, MS Excel can
accept this data from clipboard. Probably I don't completely correct write
this format. Please let me know if you have detail information about Biff f
Version 1.55
In TDBGridEh
+ Added dghTraceColSizing value in TDBGridEhOption type (property OptionsEh)
dghTraceColSizing: Determines whether the column size changes before
mouse button is released.
dghTraceColSizing is not supported under Delphi 3.
+ Procedures SaveColumnsLayout, RestoreColumnsLayout, SaveGridLayout,
RestoreGridLayout overloaded to support TCustomIniFile in addition to
+ Added OnColWidthsChanged event. Occurs immediately after the column widths
+ Added Flat property. Makes the grid 3D borders more thinner, makes the
grid rows more narrow, makes the fixed line gray.
In TPrintDBGridEh
+ Added support of the macro "&[Pages]" in PageColontitles.
&[Pages] substitutes the count of pages.

Version 1.54
+ Added C++ Builder 5 support.
In TDBGridEh
+ Added dghEnterAsTab value in TDBGridEhOption type (property OptionsEh).
dghEnterAsTab: Enter key behaves as Tab key.

Version 1.53
+ Added allows to set focus to and resize of the frozen columns.
In TDBGridEh
+ Added property FooterFont: TFont. Controls the attributes of the default
footer font.
+ Added property FooterColor: TColor. Default background color of the footer.
In TColumnEh
+ Added property ToolTips: Boolean. Allows to show hint for text that don't
fit in data cell.
+ Added property Footers: TColumnFootersEh. Allows to assign individual foote
parameters for multiple footer rows.
In TColumnTitleEh
+ Added property ToolTips: Boolean. Allows to show hint if text don't fit in
title cell.
In TPrintDBGridEh
+ Added pghFitingByColWidths, pghOptimalColWidths values in
TPrintDBGridEhOption type. pghFitingByColWidths: allows to fit grid to
page width by changing column widths (not scaling whole image).
pghOptimalColWidths: change column widths to fit text in the cells.
+ Added BeforeGridText: TStrings property to print/preview the rich text
before grid.
+ Added AfterGridText: TStrings property to print/preview the rich text after
+ Added procedure SetSubstitutes to set substitutes for BeforeGridText and

Version 1.52
In TPrintDBGridEh
+ Added possibility to Print/Preview of the selected area of TDBGridEh.
In TDBGridEh
+ Added property TitleImages to show bitmap in titles instead of caption.
+ Added property AllowedOperations: TDBGridEhAllowedOperations;
TDBGridEhAllowedOperation = (alopInsertEh, alopUpdateEh,
alopDeleteEh, alopAppendEh)
to forbid/allow insert, append new records; delete, update records.
In TColumnEh
+ Added cbsDropDown value in ButtonStyle property.
In TColumnTitleEh
+ Added Hint property to show hint text above title for narrow columns.
+ Added ImageIndex property to show bitmap instead of caption text.
+ Mouse wheel support in TDBGridEh and TPreveiwBox
* Some bugfixes.
Version 1.51
In TDBGridEh
+ Added allows to create one title for several columns in frozen
and nonfrozen zones simultaneously (in MultiTitle mode).
* In RowSelect mode change column widths don't move view to
first column.
+ Added selecting a columns and rectangle areas
Added property Selection: TDBGridEhSelection;
TDBGridEhSelection contains next properties
SelectionType: TDBGridEhSelectionType;
TDBGridEhSelectionType = (gstNon, gstRecordBookmarks,
gstRectangle, gstColumns, gstAll);
Columns: TDBGridEhSelectionCols;
Rect: TDBGridEhSelectionRect;
Rows: TBookmarkListEh;
see EhLib.hlp and DEMO1 for detail.
* Clicks on left top cell in grid sets SelectionType = gstAll, but not
selects all records.
+ When DragMode = dmAutomatic and dgMultiSelect is included in Options
the grid enters in Dragging mode only when user pressed mouse on
multiselected data area (not includes title, indicator and
footer areas).
This version don't support print and preview of the selected area yet.
* Some bugfixes.
Version 1.5
* Help file compiled under english localization settings
+ Added Delphi 5 support.
+ Added new component TPrintDBGridEh for printing and preview
of TDBGridEh.
+ Added new component TPreviewBox for customizing preview form.
+ Added new object TPrinterPreview to direct printable stuff to
the preview box.
In TDBGridEh
* Highlighted frozen cells in rowselect mode
* Allows press title buttons and move columns by left mouse
button simultaneously.
In TColumnEh
+ Added cbsUpDown value in ButtonStyle property.
+ Added Increment property. Works when ButtonStyle = cbsUpDown.
* Some bugfixes.

Version 1.03
New help file that can be inserted in Delphi help system.
Included support Borland C++ Builder versions 3 & 4.
+ Added dghAutoSortMarking, dghMultiSortMarking
values in TDBGridEhOption type (property OptionsEh).
dghAutoSortMarking Automaticaly marking title
by SortMarking images.
dghMultiSortMarking Allow sortmarking multiple columns.
At runtime use Ctrl + Mouse combination
for multisortmarking.
+ Added event OnSortMarkingChanged : TNotifyEvent;
+ Added procedure SaveGridLayout(ARegIni: TRegIniFile);
+ Added procedure RestoreGridLayout(ARegIni: TRegIniFile;
+ Added procedure SaveGridLayoutIni(IniFileName: String;
Section: String; DeleteSection: Boolean);
+ Added procedure RestoreGridLayoutIni(IniFileName:
String; Section: String; RestoreParams:TDBGridEhRestoreParams);
In TColumnEH
+ Added property Checkboxes: Boolean. Determine need show checkboxes
enstead of text. Checkboxes automativcaly true for boolean field.
For non boolean fill first line of KeyList for checked checkboxes.
Second line for nonchecked.
* Some bugfixes.
Version 1.02
+ Added multyline editing.
+ Added edit of memo fields.
+ Added dghHighlightFocus, dghClearSelection, dghFitRowHeightToText
values in TDBGridEhOption type (property OptionsEh).
dghHighlightFocus Highlight a focus cell
dghClearSelection Clear selected rows after selecting
dghFitRowHeightToText Fit row height to height of text lines
+ Added multiselect by the mouse.
+ Added trace a focus cell by the mouse.
* Some bugfixes.
Version 1.01
+ Added HorzScrollBar and VertScrollBar properties to control
the scrollbar in grid.
+ Added OptionsEh properties to specifies various display and behavioral
properties of grid.
+ Added SaveColumnsLayoutIni and RestoreColumnsLayoutIni procedures to
save and restore some grid parameters in/from ini file.
+ Added support to show drop down calendar for TDate and TDateTime fields.
In TColumnEH
+ Added DblClickNextVal property to set next value for some type of
column on double mouse click.
+ Added KeyList property to show bitmaps from ImageList depending on
field value and to show text from PickList.
+ Added ImageList property to show bitmaps depending of field value.
+ Added MaxWidth, MinWidth property to limit column width.
+ Added NotinKeyListIndex to show image for null field value.
In TDBSumList
+ Added support to work with no sequenced dataset as with sequenced.
* Some bugfixes.
Version 1.00
+ Added Footer property in TColumnEh object. Now you can sum
values without using the TDBSumList component.
+ Added procedure InvalidateFooter.
+ Added procedure DefaultDrawFooterCell;
+ Added function GetFooterValue;
+ Moved function CellRect to the public section;
+ Added property SumList : TDBGridEhSumList;
+ Added event OnSumListRecalcAll : TNotifyEvent;
+ Added event OnDrawFooterCell : TDrawFooterCellEvent;
+ Added event OnGetFooterParams : TGetFooterParamsEvent;
* Fixed a bug with an exception at design time when a column is
selected in the object inspector and form while TDBGridEH is closing.
* Fixed a bug while renaming a Column.Title.Caption in
UseMultyTitle mode.
* Fixed bug with unceasing redrawing of the grid if Column.ReadOnly = True
for second columns in title on several columns.
* Fixed bug that does not redraw data rows for some grid colors.
In TDBSumList
+ Added property Active : Boolean.
+ Added property ExternalRecalc : Boolean.
+ Added event OnRecalcAll.
+ Added procedures Activate, ClearSumValues, Deactivate.
* Fixed bug that does not recalculate when changing DataSet.Filter string.
* Master/detail support.

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