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- Good-Bye (Addio) George T. Whyte-Melville Francesco Rizzelli Andantino as PP | legato assai leaf and Fall - ing stan . che le Ca. don Sha. dows Lie. ve Lines of white in sul. len sea, Bian che — stri. sce ser . pon sul . Von. da, eg a — a ed (Copyright © 2002 by CASA RICORD| - BMG FICORO!S pA "Tut lat risa Al Fights Rosorved Francesco Paolo Tosti 1880 fading _ tree, fo. glie al suol, ri. sing on you neb. bia nel Va. ria me; sha _ dows ri. sing on you fon . da; Sem. bran fred . di i rat SL NS swal . lows are ma . king them rea . dy to fly, Wheel - ing Le ron.di. nel . le la. scia.noil ni. do Ver . soal . tro apo rit pp _lentamente Good . bye, Summer! Good - Esta. te, ad. dio! Ad. ‘molto legato PP Good - bye, sum.mer! Good . bye, e . sta . te ad. di_o, addi. _——- poco pitt pa Parlato ¢ PP ‘molto rall, Hush! voice fromthe far. . a. oe vo . ce lon. tan, : mn | Pocopitt “Lis.ten and learn,” it seems_ to say, “All the to _ “O.di — eim. pa’. ra” sem . bra gri. da’. re “Non di. a - mor.rows shall be as to. day. All the to. mor-rows shall be as_to _ = verso dal. Vog.gigil, Gio. ia ¢ duo . lo pol. veedal. _ -_= cord is frayed, the cruse O . gni_le . ga . me mor . tal ee NG rit. lentamente link must break, and the lamp must_ — die, Co"'_ pres Yo i Wit. oO Fe . lee dol . cez ee tees —= See ee eee erese. a poco - bye, to Hope! Good . bye, Good - bye, Good . bye, to Spe Sms add. owas ae sf O ‘spe’. me, ad . ah fish a Ne me Hope! Good _ bye, -di . 0, ad. di coe —* (by parlato crese. What = are we wait. _ ing for? ‘Ont my — heart! Per . ché . tar — tut.tor Oh! dol. cea . mor? 3 3 col canto oS me straight on the sol ba . cio mi ae eat ain my heart! What are we wait . ing ~ troan.cor un al. ‘troan.cor Pe. gnod'e.ter - na [= crescendo sempre for, you and I? A plea. ding look fe da “te v0.glio, Per cheil tuo cor a |_—_——_ crescendo sempre largamente Good - bye, Per sem Mf largamente SS Sess fos a Good. bye, Good . . . bye! per sempread.di . . of

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