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Seven C’s of Communication means to write or compose correct or effective messages by

applying some certain rules or principles. These principles are known as seven C’s of
communication which are as follows:

1- Correctness

2- Completeness

3- Conciseness

4- Clarity

5- Creativeness

6- Courtesy

7- Consideration

1- Correctness:

Correctness means that there is no mistake of grammar, punctuation and spellings. It should be
grammatically correct. All information should be accurate and timely. In our messages we
should include fact words and figures, writing should be perfect and clean, language should be
of correct level and there should be proper grammar punctuation, spelling and paragraphing. If
our message or documents is not of good level of correctness then it has no effect on reader so
it may cause lot of difficulties. So the objective of communication will be failed. Double check
your spellings and grammar. So proof read it before you send it.

2- Completeness:

It means that our message should include all necessary facts and background information. It
should include everything the reader needs for the reaction we desire. We must include all
information which our reader wants. We should be answered all questions, gave examples if
necessary. If our message will not be completed to bring desirable results then the reader will
not be convinced by us. So we should keep it in mind that partial information would not work if
we have to survive.

3- Conciseness:

Conciseness means to convey information in fewest possible words. We should keep in mind
the reader’s knowledge of the subject and their time constraints. So our message should
complete without being wordy. The writer is a looser if he was unable to convey information in
fewest possible words because none have enough time to read wordy messages. So our
message should be comprehensible.

4- Clarity:

It means that we have a definite purpose of writing and make sure it is clearly communicated up
front. Clarity demands us that each and every points and aspects of our message should be
clear to the reader. We should use right level of language, proper punctuation, right spellings
and accurate facts and figure.

5- Creativeness:

Creativeness means to use different formats (vs. Straight narrative) to communicate our
message. It should include Q/A format, graphics, ideal list etc. Our message should include
different formats so that the reader may understand our ideas without getting trouble.

6- Courtesy:

Courtesy means that to show our expressions and respect to the reader. Courteous message
strengthen present relations and make new friends. We should answer our mail promptly.
Courteous message always makes it place in heart because it shows lot of respect and
sincerity. Courtesy is more important and advantageous in business writing than it is in face to
face communication and conversation.

7- Consideration:

Consideration means the message with the receiver in mind. Keep your reader's needs in mind
as you write. Ask yourself, 'Why should my reader spend time reading this?' We should focus on
us despite on others. And try to show reader benefit and interest in reader. We should try to
visualize our readers their desires problems emotions circumstances and possible reaction to
our request.

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