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Kus.4~0and SHIGEO
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku Gnioersity, Aobayama, Sendat

Faculty of Education, Shiga University, Hiratsu, Otsu 520, Japan

Yokoyama previously reported tive tlc and cellulose column chroma-

hallucinogenic intoxication of volun- t'ography. Microanalysis suggested
teers who ingested fruiting bodies of the molecular formula for 1, while the
Psilocybe argeniipes I<. Yokoyama sp. mass spectrum showed fragment ions
nov. This mushroom was first identi- a t m,le 204 (fl, i\I+-HP03), 160
fied as P. s u b c a e r d i p e s Hongo (1) but (fi-K(CH3)2), 159 (fi-SH (CH3)2)I 146
n-as described as a new species after (f1-CH2S(CH3),). The ultraviolet
more careful investigation (2). After- (uv) maxma at 221 nm (log e, 4.27),
wards, the same species was found 268 (3.84), 280 (3.74) and 290 (3.64)
in Kyoto, Osaka, Shiga, Saitama, were similar to report'ed data ( 3 ) and
Niigata, and 1Iiyagi in Japan (2). were attributed to a 4-substituted
I n the course of this distribution tryptamine derivative (6). The
survey, a case of accidental poisoning nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr)
with the mushroom v a s reported in spectrum displayed the presence of
Siigata; three individuals had ingested tn-o K-methyl groups (6 2.95 ppm, 6H,
an undetermined quantity of the s), an ethyl amino group (3.4 ppm,
mushroom, which they mistook for 4H, m), an a-hydrogen on an indole
an edible mushroom, Armillariella ring (7.20 ppm, lH, s), and three
mellea (Vahl in F1. Dan ex Fr.) Karst. adjacent hydrogens on an aromat,ic
(Japanese name: Saratake) (2). Since ring (7.3 ppm, 3H, m). On treatment
the isolation of psilocybin and psilocin with 1% HCl, 1 provided a product'
as the psychoactive principles from (2), n-hich showed Kf 0.21 (silica
Psilocybe mexicana Heim. by A. Hof- gel, n-PrOH - 5% SH,OH = 5 : 2 ) , and
mann et al. (3), these compounds have tR 5.4 min. in hplc, n-hile I showed
been isolated or detected from many R f 0.19 and t l t 6.0 min. These
species of this genus and other genera results are an indication that the
(4, 5 ) . Therefore, psilocybin or its isolated compound (1) was psilocybin
related compounds were expected to and the hydrolysis product, psilocin
be contained in this neir species, (2).
P.argentipes. In July and September, The methanolic extract of the same
1979, and in June, July, and Septeni- mushroom collected in September,
ber, 1980, colonies of dozens of fruiting 1979, was fractionated to an etheral
bodies of this species were found solution and an aqueous solution.
gron-ing in the botanical garden of The etheral extract \vas chromato-
medicinal plants of this Institute. graphed on silica gel, and ergosterol
Psilocybin (l), mp 21S-228', and ergosterol peroxide were isolated.
Cl2H1i0,X2P, was obtained from the The aqueous fraction \\-as chromato-
methanolic extract of the mushrooms graphed on a cellulose column, and
collected in July, 1979, after prepara- psilocybin (1) n-as isolated along irith


FIG. 1
1 R=H*POa 3
2 II=H

ala-trehalose (3), mp 95-97', C12H22011, psilocybin was detected in specimens

[a]D+169". of Psathyrella caiiiiolleaiia (Fr.) A. H.
Quantitative determination of psilo- Smith and Agrocybe fariiiacea Hongo.
cybin was examined, and a combined Sumerous species of Psilocybe, Paiiaeo-
method of Dowex-1 chromatography litia, Paiiaeoliis, Copelatiilia, Coiiocybe,
and hplc was found to be useful. Plioliotiiia and Gymizopiliis have so
The method n-as applied to the far been reported as psilocybian species
determination of psilocybin in speci- (4,3 ) . S o w three ne\\- mushrooms.
mens of P . argentipes, other species, G y m t i o p i l u s liqziiritiae, Agrocybe f a r i -
and cultured fungi; the results are iiacea, and Psathyrella caiitiolleaita,
summarized in table 1. The values can be added as psilocybian species.
obt,ained for specimens of P . argetttipes
are similar to those reported in other ISOL.\TIOS
OF PsILocrnIs.--l)ried fruiting
Psilocybe species (7). bodies (16 g) of Psilocybe n r g e n f i p e s col-
Psilocl-bin n-as found to be con- lected in ,July, 1979, at the botanical garden
tained in the cultured mycelium of of medicinal plants in the Institutute of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohokii Univer-
P . subaeraiiginasceizs Hohnel, although sity, were estracted with methanol (100 ml)
it \vas not detected in the, cultured a t room temperature for one dag. The solu-
tion was decanted, and the residual mrish-
fluid after filtrat'ion of the mycelium. room was extracted again with 11eOH.
This compound was not detected in the This procedure was repeated three times.
mycelium and the fluid of cultured P . The solution ivas concentrated in i ' i i c u o and
streaked on ten preparative, 0.5-1 mm,
subcaeriilipes Hongo (,Japanese name : silica gel, tlc plates (20 x 20 c h i ) . The tlc
A isomeshi-bajiitake. I t is interesting plates were developed with n;propan1)1-5~~
that psilocybin \vas not detected in SITIOIl ( 5 : 2 ) . A band of silica gel of l i t
cti. 0.1 was collected. The adsorbant was
specjmeas of G y m t i o p i l u s spectabilis
(1:r.) A . H . Smith (4),which has been 'llelting points were determined on a
said to be p,qychoactive in this country. Yanagimoto hot stage and are uncorrected.
llicroanalysis w a s performed in the analysis
It was detected in a specimen of a center of this institute. I r spectra were ob-
species of the same genus, G. liqui- tained with Shimazri Ili-27G photometer.
111-nmr and W - n m r spect ra were determined
ritiae (1:r.) Karst, n.hich has not been on a JSbI FS-100 spectrometer with TSIS
said t o be toxic. .A small amount of as internal standard.
1. Occurrence of psilocybin.

Species analyzed' Origin of collection Concentration8

of psilocybin
St rophariaceae
Psilocybe argentipes K . Yokoyama sp. nov.. . . Aobayama, Sendai 0.144). 1670'
(July, 1979) (2.97-3.43%)
Aobayama, Sendai 0.534.5570
(September, 1979) (3.59-3.657,)
Izumi-ga-Take, hliyagi 0.0184).027~0b
(1979) (0.384.5570)
Kyoto (1979) O.OO34.O@l7,
Psilocybe subaeranginascens Hohnel (cultured) Mycelium 0.0174.0187~
Fluid ND
Psilocybe subcaerulipes Hongo (cultured), . . Mycelium ND
Fluid SD
h7aematolomafasciculore (Fr.) Karst., . . . . . Aobayama, Sendai ND
(October 7, 1979)
Pholiota squarrosa (Fr.) Quel.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Y a s b n , Sendai ND
(October 9, 1979)
Stropharia aurantiaca (Cooke) I m a i . . . . . . . . . . Yonezawa KD
(October 14, 1979)
Gymnopilus spectabilis (Fr.) A. H . Smith. . Oguni, Yamagata ND
(September, 1979)
Miyagi (Sept. 9, 1979) ND
Gymnopilus aeruginosus (Peck) Sing. . . . . . . Yonezawa, Yamagata ND
(October 14, 1979)
Gyrnnopilus liquiritiae (Fr.) Karst Yonezawa, Yamagata (0.0124.0297,)
(October 14, 19i9)
Coprinus comatus (Fr.) S . F. G r a y . . , , Aobayama, Sendai ND
(July 25, 1979)
Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) A. H . S m i t h . . Aobayama, Sendai (0,084,157~)
(July 20, 1979)
Psathyrella celutinu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pvliyagi (1979) ND
Conocybe antipoda (Lasch) Kuhn. . . . . . . . . Aobayama, Sendai ND
A grocybe farinacea Hongo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aobayama, Sendai (0.24.476)
(July 18, 1979)
Aobayama, Sendai SD
(July 24, 1979)
Agrocybe semiorbicularis (St Amans) Fayod Aobayama, Sendai N
(July 18, 9 )

aBased on dry weight of specimens and the figures in parentheses were obtained on the
MeOH extracts. The values were determined by the combined method of an anion exchange
resin chromatography and hplc except with b.
'hleOH extract was analyzed on hplc directly.
"Samples of all collections utilized have been deposited in the Institute of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Tohoku University.

extracted with methanol. The solvent was mp 218-228-, A n a l . Calcd. for C12HliOl NIP:
evaporated, and the residue was dissolved C, 50.75; H , 6.03; K,9.86; P, 10.90. Found:
in n-butanol saturated with water. This C, 50.26; H, 6.07; N, 9.58; P, 10.55. Mass
solution was chromatographed on a cellulose spectrum m/e: 204 ( f l , hI'-HPOa), 160
column (10 g) with n-butanol saturated (f,-N(CH3)2, 159 (f,-NH(CH3)2), 146
with water as the elution solvent. Frac- (fl-CH,h ( C H S ) ~ ) ,130, 58. Uv h max
tions of five ml each were collected. (MeOH) nm (log E): 221 (4.27), 268
Psilocybin (1) was obtained from fractions (3.M), 280 (3.74), 290 (3.64); tlc: Rr, 0.19
32-42 as colorless needles (4 mg) after (n-propanol-57, SH,OH = 5:2). Hplc: t ~ ,
recrystallization from n-butanol saturated 6 min. (column: 4 mmd s 2.50 mm, column
with water. I t had the followingproperties: temp.: room temp., packing material:
Lichrosorb S H z , eluant: 0.5 hf K H z P O ~ undissolved material was filtered, and the
(pH 5 . 5 ) , flow rate: 1.0 ml/min.); 1H-nmr filtrate was applied to a column containing
(pyr-ds) 6: 2.95 ppm (6H, s ) , 3.4 (4H, m), 10 ml of Dowex 1 anion exchange resin and
7.20 (lH, s ) , 7.3 (3H, m). eluted with 60 ml of 0.01 M KH,HCOa, pH 9
Psilocybin (1, 10 mg) was dissolved in 1% buffer, followed by 60 ml of 0.1 M KHqHC03
HC1 (2 ml) and heated on a boiling water buffer. The 0.1 M buffer elution fraction
bath for one hr. After the solution was was reduced to dryness in m c u o and sub-
cooled to room temperature, NaHC03 was mitted to hplc analysis.
added, and the alkaline solution was ex- One ml of water was added to the dried
tracted with ether. The ether layer was residue, and 5 p1 of the solution was sub-
washed with water and dried over NazSO4. mitted to the analysis. The analysis condi-
The residue, after removal of the drying tions were: column, Lichrosorb NHZ, 4 mm
agent and the solvent, was examined by 6 x 250 mm; room temperature; eluant: 0.5 M
tlc and hplc to detect psilocin (Rr 0.21; t R K H z P O ~(pH 5.5); detector: uv (220 nm; 250
5.4 min.). nm). Adenosine was used as an internal
standard for the correction of the determi-
ISOLATIOS OF PSILOCYBIN ( I ) , ERGOSTEROL, nation values using a calibration curve. The
ERGOSTEROL PEROXIDE A N D a,a-TREHALOSE limit of the detection was proved to be 1 ng
(3).-Dried fruiting bodies (30 g) of P . by this combined method of the ion exchange
argentipes collected at the same place on resin chromatography and hlpc. A peak,
September 9, 1979, was extracted three which was expected to be attributed to
times with MeOH a t room temperature. baeocystin, was found next to the peak of
Methanol was evaporated i n e$acuo and the psilocybin for the extract of P . argentipes
residue (4.5 g) was extracted n-ith ether (100 collected in July, 1979, but work for identi-
ml, three times) after addition of water. fication is still progressing.
The ether layer was washed with water and
dried over XaZSOa. After removal of the CULTURE OF PSILOCYBE spp.--Jfother fungi
inorganic reagent, the solvent was evapo- of Psilocybe fasciata (IF0 KO.30191) and P .
rated; the residue was chromatographed on subaerug~nascens(Yo. 30219), provided from
silica gel (3.5 cm d x 25 cm, 50 g). n-Hexane- the Institute of Fermentation a t Osaka,
ethyl acetate (5:l) eluted ergosterol, which were grown in steady culture on a pH 6.5
was identified by tlc, mass spectrum and medium of peptone (0.5 g), malt extract
comparison of the 1H-nmr spectrum with (0.2 g), yeast extract (0.2 g), glucose (60 g),
that of an authentic specimen. n-Hexane- and dist. water (100 ml) at 25" for two
ethyl acetate (5:l) eluted ergosterol per- months. Cultured materials were divided
oxide, which was identified by comparison into mycelium and fluid. Mycelium was
with an authentic specimen. extracted with hleOH, and the extracts were
The aqueous fraction (2 g) was chromato- submitted directly to hplc analysis. The
fluid was submitted to ion exchange resin
graphed on a 2.5 cm @ x 35 cm column of cel- chromatography, and the acidic amino acid
lulose (50 g). After elution with n-butanol fraction was submitted to hplc.
saturated with water (2 liters), psilocybin
was eluted with the same solvent (600 ml), ACKSOWLEDGMEST
and was obtained as colorless needles (103 This work was supported by a Grant-in-
mg) on recrystallization from the elution Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science
solvent. After psilocybin, a,a-trehalose and Culture, Japan.
(3) was then eluted. I t crystallized as
colorless prisms (680 mg) from methanol, Received 18 August 1980
mp 95-97', mixture mp 9 b 9 i o , [ a ] ~ + 1 6 9 " ,
mass m l e : 235, 163, 145, 127, 73; ir max LITERATURE CITED
(KBr) cm-l: 3400-3250,905, 840, 800; 1H-nmr 1. K . Yokoyama, Trans. M y c o l . SOC.Japan,
(CD,OD) 6: 4.90 (2H, d, J = 3 Hz, anorneric 14, 317 (1973).
H). a,a-Trehalose acetate: mp 74-75'; 2. K . Yokoyama, Trans. J f y c o l . S O LJapan,
I3C-nmr (CDC1,) ppm: 61.8 (2C, t , CHzOH x 17. 349 11976).
2 ) , 68.2 112C,d, Cq, Cql), 68.6 (2C, d, Cz, Czi), 3. A.' Hofmann, R . Heim, A. Brak, H.
69.9 (4'2, d, Cat C31 and CS, Cs j , 92.1 (2C, d, Kobel, A. Frey, H. Ott, Th. Petrzilka
c1, CII). and F. Troxler, Helv. Chim. Acta., 42,
1557 (1959).
SCREEXISG PROCEDURE FOR PSILOCYBIS.- 4. G. &I. Hatfield, L. J. T-aldes and A. H.
The fresh mushroom salmpe was extracted Smith, Lloydza, 41, 140 (1978) and the
with methanol by leaving a t room tempera- references therein
ture for one day. After removal of the 5 . R . A. Weeks, R . Singer and W. L. Hearn,
marc by filtration, the filtrate was reduced Lloydia, 42, 469 (1979).
t o dryness i n twcuo. The dried residue was 6. T . R. Govindachari, N. Viswanathan,
left in a desiccator for one day; 0.1-0.5 g of B. R. Pai and T. S.Sauitri, Tetrahedron
the extract was weighed exactly, 1 ml of Letters, 901 (1961).
water was added, and the solution was ad- 7 . D. B. Reuke and D. T. Leslie. J . Pharm.
justed t o pH 9.5 with 570 ",OH. Any Sci., 66, i13 (1977).

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