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Supplemento online a il Balboni.

Corso comunicativo di italiano per stranieri

per gentile concessione dell’editore © Bonacci Editore - Torino 2015 -

(Traduzione di Sabrina Schatz)

(Work in progress: include le Unità 1, 2, 3 di A2)

Le parole in nero sono del volume A1, le parole in rosso sono di A2.

a. Non diamo le parole usate per la grammatica, come ‘aggettivo’, ‘prefisso’, ecc..
b. Non diamo gli articoli, i numerali e le preposizioni, le più comuni congiunzioni, i principali pronomi,
gli avverbi di uso frequentissimo.
c. Le espressioni legate a una parola sono insieme a quella parola, usando solo la lettera iniziale: ad
esempio, memoria, a m., dove a m. = a memoria.
d. Per un aiuto, le parole derivate sono messe insieme a una parola base (solo nella colonna
dell’italiano), per esempio:
▶▶ accettare, -zione, -bile: creazione del sostantivo, accettazione, e dell’aggettivo, accettabile; il suffisso –
ale, il più comune per creare aggettivi partendo da un nome, non è indicato;
▶▶ agricoltura, -ìcolo: si indica quando un suffisso cambia l’accento, come agrìcolo;
▶▶ aggiungere/-unto: diamo i participi passati irregolari: -unto = aggiunto;
▶▶ America, -ano: creazione degli aggettivi di nazionalità;
▶▶ felice, in- : creazione del contrario con prefisso;
▶▶ felice, -ità: creazione del nome con suffisso aggiunto all’aggettivo.
Queste indicazioni aggiuntive sono date solo nella versione italiana, non nelle traduzioni.


A A.C. / D.C. P14 BC / AD v. Chr. / n. Chr.
abbastanza P10, P3 enough genug
abbassare P17 to lower herablassen
abbellire P17 to make beautiful verschönern
abbracciare P17 to hug, to embrace umarmen
abitudine, abituato P9 habit, used to Gewohnheit, gewohnt sein
a caso P17 at random zufällig
accarezzare P17 to stroke liebkosen
accento P13 accent Akzent
accettare P22, -zione P25 to accept, reception akzeptieren, Annahme
aceto P19 vinegar Essig
(essere d’) accordo P7, P13 to agree, -ment einverstanden sein, Vereinbarung
acqua GI.2, P11 (dare l’) P1 water, to water Wasser, gießen
addormentarsi P2 to fall asleep einschlafen
adesso P6 now jetzt
aeroporto P13 airport Flughafen
affitto GI.4 rent Miete
affumicato P24 smoked geräuchert
agenzia (immobiliare) GI.4 real estate agency Immobilienagentur
aggiungere, -unto P23 to add hinzufügen, hinzugefügt
aggiustare P3 to repair, to fix reparieren
aglio P23 garlic Knoblauch
agricoltura, -ìcolo GI.8 agriculture Landwirtschaft, landwirtschaftlich
aiuto, -are P16, P9 help Hilfe, helfen
albergo, -ghiero GI.8 hotel Hotel, Hotel…
albero GI.3, P16 tree Baum

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A alcuno P10 some, any jegliche/r
alfabeto, -ico GI.1 alphabet Alphabet, alphabetisch
allegro, -ia P11 merry gutgelaunt, Heiterkeit
allontanare GI.3 to put distance between entfernen
allora P11, P3 then also, damals
almeno P13 at least mindestens, zumindest
alto, -ezza GI.1 high, tall hoch, Höhe
altro P10 other anderer
alzare, -si P17 to lift, to get up heben, aufstehen
ambulanza P25 ambulance Krankenwagen
America, -ano P3 America, -an Amerika, Amerikaner
amico, -izia P2, -chévole P5 friend, friendly Freund, Freundschaft, freundschaftlich
ammalarsi P5 to get ill krank werden
amministrazione GI.8 administration Verwaltung
ammobiliato GI.4 furnished möbliert
amore, amare, -ile P3 love, to love Liebe, lieben, liebenswert
analogia P17 analogy Ähnlichkeit
anche P8 too, as well auch
ancora (di nuovo) P7 again, once more wieder, noch einmal
andare P5 to go gehen
anello P19 ring Ring
angolo (di strade) P9 corner Ecke
anima P18 soul Seele
anno, -uàle GI.3, P9 year Jahr, jährlich
annuncio, -are P12 announcement Ankündigung, ankündigen
ansia P6 anxiety, fear Angst
antibiotico P25 antibiotic Antibiotikum
(in) anticipo P16 before time im Voraus
antico, -ità P13 ancient antik, Antike
antidolorifico P25 analgesic, painkiller Schmerzmittel
antipasto P24 starter Vorspeise
antipatico, -ìa P18 unpleasant unsympathisch, Antipathie
anulare GI.3 ring finger Ringfinger
anziché P17 instead anstatt
aperitivo P17 aperitif Aperitif
appartamento P15 flat or (American English) apartment Appartement
appena P7 as soon as sobald
applauso, -audire P18 applause, to clap Applaus, applausieren
appunti P3 notes Notizen
arabo P14 Arab(ic) Araber, Arabisch
arancio GI.3, -ciata P11 orange, o. squash or (American English) Orange, Orangenlimonade
orange soda
archeologo/-gìa P13 archeologist Archäologe, Archäologie
arena GI.16 arena, amphitheatre Arena, Amphitheater
Argentina, -ino P3 Argentina Argentinien, Argentinier
arma GI.4 weapon, gun Waffe
armadio, -ietto P15 wardrobe, cupboard Schrank, Spind
architetto, -tura GI.16 architect Architekt, Architektur
aria compressa P17 compressed air Druckluft
arricchire P17 to enrich reich werden
arrivederci P5 bye, see you later Auf Wiedersehen
arte, -ìstico GI.8 art Kunst, künstlerisch
artigiano GI.5 craftsman Handwerker
asciugamani P19 towel Handtuch
ascoltare P1, -tore P28 to listen zuhören, Zuhörer

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A Asia, -àtico GI.1 Asia Asien, Asiat
asilo GI.8, a. politico P28 kindergarten, political asylum Kindergarten, politisches Asyl
aspettare P13 to wait for warten
assicurazione P10 insurance Versicherung
assolutamente P22 absolutely absolut
assomigliare P29 to look like, to resemble ähneln
assumere, -unto, -zione P26 to employ, to hire anstellen, angestellt, Anstellung
attaccare (unire) P11 to stick, to glue anbringen, kleben
attacco (tra tubi) P17 hose junction Anschluss
attenzione P5, fare a., stare -nto, P6 (to pay) attention Achtung, aufpassen, vorsichtig sein
atterrare, -aggio P13 to land landen, Landung
attore P11 actor Schauspieler
attraversare P9 to cross überqueren
augurio P28 best wishes Glückwunsch
aula P2 classroom Klassenzimmer
Austria, -ìaco GI.1 Austria Österreich, Österreicher
auto(mobile), -ìstico P19 car, automobile Auto, Fahrer
autore P17 author Autor
autostrada GI.1 motorway Autobahn
avere P9 to have haben
aver luogo P14 to take place stattfinden
avvicinarsi P6 to get near sich nähern
azienda P26 company Unternehmen
azione P13 action Aktion, Handlung
azzurro GI.3 light blue himmelblau

B baccalà P24 cod Stockfisch

baffi P30 moustache Schnurrbart
bagnare P1 to wet nass machen
bagno P15 bath, bathroom, toilet Badezimmer, Bad
bagno schiuma GI.4 bath foam Duschgel
baguette P19 baguette Baguette
balcone P15 balcony Balkon
ballo, -are P11 dance Tanz, tanzen
banana P23 banana Banane
banca GI.4 bank Bank
banco P3 school desk Schreibtisch
bancomat P21 cash dispenser, cash point, teller Bankautomat
barba P30 beard Bart
basso, -ezza GI.1 short, low niedrig, klein
basta! P11 that’s enough, stop it! Es reicht! Hör auf!
bastare P7, P11 to be enough genügen
battere GI.3 to beat pochen, klopfen
battuta (di un dialogo) P22 line (in a dialogue) Einsatz (Gespräch)
baule (automobile) P11 trunk Kofferraum
beige P27 light brown beige
bello, -ezza P17 beautiful, handsome schön, Schönheit
bene P10 well gut
benvenuto P4 welcome willkommen
benzina, -aio, fare b. P25 petrol, gasoline Benzin
bere, -vuto P17 to drink trinken, getrunken
berlina P11 sedan Limousine
berretto P27, GI.4 cap Kappe, Mütze
bianco, -ezza white , whiteness weiß, Weiße
biblioteca P12 library Bibliothek

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B bicchiere P19 glass (Trink-) Glas
bidè P15 bidet Bidet
biglietto P12 ticket Ticket
bilingue, -ìsmo GI.4 bilingual bilingual, Zweisprachigkeit
binario P12 train platform Gleis
biondo P14 fair hair(ed), blonde blond
birra P11 beer Bier
biscotto P11 biscuit, cookie Keks
bisogno P11 need Bedürfnis, Bedarf
bistecca P23 beef steak Beefsteak
blu P14 (dark) blue blau
bocca P30 mouth Mund
bolletta GI.4 bill Rechnung
bombola, -etta, P17 gas canister Gasflasche
bonifico GI.4 bank transfer (Geld-) Überweisung
bordò P27 dark red weinrot
borsa P19 handbag Handtasche
bosco GI.3 woodland Wald
bottiglia P11 bottle Flasche
braccio, -cia (plur.) P24 arm Arm
(a) braccetto GI.3 arm in arm Arm in Arm
Brasile, -iano P3 Brazil Brasilien, Brasilianer
bravo P7 good, bravo gut, brav
brutto, -ezza P17 ugly hässlich, Hässlichkeit
buon(a) giorno/sera P1 good morning/evening Guten Morgen/ Abend
buono, bontà P7 good gut, Gutheit
burocrazia GI.4 bureaucracy Bürokratie
burro P16 butter Butter

C (al) contrario p16, P28 (on the) contrary im Gegensatz/ -teil, andersrum
(di) colpo P2 suddenly plötzlich
(fare la) corte P22 to court Hof (machen)
(per) caso P8 by chance zufällig
cacciavite P11 screwdriver Schraubenzieher
cadere P1 to fall fallen
caffè P4 coffee Kaffee
caldo, -lore P11 hot, warm heiß, Hitze
calmo, -a P24 calm, quiet ruhig
calzino P27 sock Socke
cambiamento P26 change Änderung
camera (da letto) P15 (bed)room (Schlaf-) Zimmer
camera singola/doppia P1 single/double room Einzel-/ Doppelzimmer
cameriere P16 waiter Kellner
camice GI.4 white coat, smock, alb Kittel
camicia P14, GI.4 shirt Hemd
camminare P13 to walk laufen
campagna GI.1 countryside Kampagne, Land
campanile GI.16 bell tower Glockenturm
campione GI.5 champion Champion
cane, cagna (femm.) P7 dog Hund
cantare, -nte, nzone P28 to sing singen, Sänger, Lied
cantautore P28 author and singer Liedermacher
capelli P14 hair Haare
capire P13 to understand verstehen
capitale GI.3 capital city Hauptstadt

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C capo GI.1 boss, head Chef, Kopf
capolavoro P18 masterpiece Meisterwerk
cappuccino P4 capuchino Cappuccino
carabiniere P10 an Italian soldier-policeman Karabiniere, Polizist
carattere P30 character (of a person) Charakter
caratteristica P30 characteristic charakteristisch
caricare, s- P11 lo load laden
carne P19, c. macinata P23 meat, ground meat Fleisch, Hackfleisch
carota P23 carrot Karotte
carrello (della spesa) P11 grocery cart Einkaufswagen
carro attrezzi P11 tow truck Abschleppwagen
carrozza (di treno) P12 train coach Waggon
carta GI.5 paper Papier
carta P19 (igienica) P19 (toilet) paper Toilettenpapier
cartina P9 map (Land-) Karte, Mappe
cartolina P12 post card Postkarte
casa P1, c. a schiera GI.5 house, terraced h. Haus, Reihenhaus
casalinga P16 housewife Hausfrau
casino (rumore) P29 mess, noise Lärm, Krach
casolare GI.5 country house Landhaus
castano P18 chestnut brown brunette kastanienbraun
causa, -are P28 cause Grund, verursachen
caviglia P25 ankle Knöchel
cavolo! P18 gosh! Meine Güte!
celeste P27 very light blue hellblau
cellulare P5 cell phone Handy
cemento P29 concrete Beton
cena, -are P17 dinner Abendessen, zu Abend essen
centesimo P19 cent Cent
centinaio, -aia (plur.) P9 about a hundred ca. hundert
centro GI.1 centre Zentrum
certificare, -zione P9 to certify bescheinigen, Bescheinigung
cetriolo P23 cucumber Gurke
chiamare, -si P4 to call (an-) rufen, heißen
chiaro, -ezza P27 clear, light (colour) klar, hell, Klarheit
chiedere, -esto P20 to ask fragen, gefragt
chiesa P14 church Kirche
chiodo GI.3 nail Nagel
ciao P1, P5 hello, bye Hallo, Tschüss
cibo GI.6 food Essen, Nahrung
cielo GI.3 sky Himmel
Cina, -ese P3 China China, Chinese
cioè GI.4 that is, I mean das heißt/ bedeutet
cipolla P23 onion Zwiebel
circondare GI.3 to surround umgeben
città GI.1, city Stadt
cittadinanza GI.4 citizenship Bürgerschaft
classico GI.8 classic(al) klassisch
cliente P5, P7, P8 client, customer Kunde
coca (da bere) P11 coke Coca Cola
coca(ina) P29 cocaine Kokain
codice fiscale GI.4 tax payer’s code Steuernummer
cofano (automobile) P11 hood Kofferraum
cognome P2 surname Nachname
colazione P17 breakfast Frühstück

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C collega P24 colleague Kollege
collina GI.1 hill Hügel
collo P27 neck Nacken
Colombia/iano P29 Colombia Kolumbien, Kolumbianer
colonna P3 column Kolumne
colpire P6 to hit, to strike, to surprise schlagen
coltello P24 knife Messer
coltivare, -zione, P29 to grow plants, to cultivate anbauen, kultivieren
come mai? P24, P2 why? Warum?
cominciare P9 to begin beginnen
commento, -are P8 comment Kommentar, kommentieren
commercio GI.8 trade, commerce Handel
commuovere, -mosso P17 to move bewegen, gerührt
comò P15 chest of drawers Kommode
comodino P15 bed-side table Nachttisch
compagno P5 (class)mate (Klassen-) Kamerad
compilare P20 to fill in ausfüllen
compito GI.2 task, homework (Haus-) Aufgabe
compleanno P28 birthday Geburtstag
completo, in- P1 complete komplett, vollständig
comporre, -sto, s- P24 to write a composition, to be made of komponieren, bestehen aus
compositore P24 composer Komponist
comprare P19 to buy kaufen
comprensione, in- P1 comprehension (Un-) Verständnis
comunque P13 however wie auch immer
concerto P14 concert Konzert
concludere, -uso, -sione P18 to conclude schließen, beschlossen, Schlussfolge
condizione P17 condition Bedingung
condominio GI.5 block of flats Mehrfamilienhaus
condurre, -dotto P17 to lead führen
confondere, -fuso, -sione P18 to confuse, to mix verwechseln, verwirrt, Durcheinander
confrontare P10 to compare vergleichen
connettere, -nesso, dis- P28 to link, to connect verbinden, verbunden, trennen
connettore P28 connector, link Anschlussstelle
conoscere, -enza P5 to know kennen, Bewusstsein
conquista, -are P14 conquest Eroberung, erobern
consiglio, -are P6 advice Ratschlag, raten
contemporaneo P18 contemporary gleichzeitig, zeitgenössisch
contento P7 -ezza, s- P2 happy, satisfied (un-) zufrieden, Zufriedenheit
continuare, -zione P14 to go on weiter machen, Fortsetzung
conto (corrente) GI.4 bank account Konto
contorno P24 side dish, vegetables Essensbeilage
contratto GI.4, P26 contract, agreement Vertrag
contributo, -uire P26 contribution Mitwirkung, beisteuern
contro P13 against gegen
controllo, -are P1 control, check Kontrolle, kontrollieren
controllore GI.4 train or bus conductor Kontrolleur
convincere, -vinto, -vinzione P7 to convince, to persuade überzeugen, überzeugt, Überzeugung
copia, -are P1 copy Kopie, kopieren
coprire, -erto P3 to cover entdecken, bedeckt
coraggio, -oso P13 courage Mut, mutig
Corea, -ano P9 Korea Korea, Koreaner
corno, -a (plur.), cornuto GI.3 horn, cuckhold Horn, betrogener Ehemann
corretto, -ezza, s- P3 correct (un-) korrekt, Korrektheit
corridoio P8 corridor Flur

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C corrispondente P19 corresponding entsprechend
corrompere, -uzione GI.2 to corrupt, corruption bestechen, Korruption
corso P8 course Kurs
corto P30 short kurz
così P3 so so
costa P3 coast Küste
costo, -are P19 cost Kosten, kosten
costruire P14, -zione GI.8 to build, to construct bauen/konstruieren, Konstruktion
cottura P23 cooking Kochen
cravatta GI.4 tie Krawatte
creare, -zione P8 to create, to build up kreieren, Kreation
credere P6 to believe, to think glauben
crescita, -scere P3, GI.2 growth Wachstum, (auf-) wachsen
crisi P28 crisis Krisen
cristallo (automobile) P11 automobile windscreen, windshield Scheibe
Croazia, -ato P17 Croatia Kroatien, Kroate
cucchiaio P24 spoon Löffel
cucina P15 kitchen, cuisine Küche
cugino P16 cousin Cousin
cultura P14 culture Kultur
cuocere, cotto, s- P22-3 to cook kochen, gekocht, zerkocht
cuore GI.3 heart Herz
curva, -are GI.1 bend or curve Kurve, biegen

D (da) dio! P9 very good, very well Echt gut! Echt spitze!
(fare) domanda P5 to apply (An-) Frage (stellen)
dài! P17 hurry! Komm! Los!
danza, -are, -tore/trice P14 dance Tanz, tanzen, Tänzer
dappertutto P12 everywhere überall
dare del tu/lei P13 to be on familiar/informal terms sich Duzen/ Siezen
dare, dato P14 to give geben, gegeben
data (tempo) GI.3 date Datum
datore di lavoro P26 employer Arbeitgeber
davanti P6 in front davor
davvero P6 really, indeed wirklich
debole, -ezza P7 weak schwach, Schwäche
decidere, -ciso, -sione P16 to decide entscheiden, entschieden, Entscheidung
deciso (carattere) P30 self confident entschlossen, zielbewusst
dentro P6 inside, within innen
descrivere, -zione P5, P28 to describe beschreiben, Beschreibung
desiderio, -are P3 wish, desire Wunsch, wünschen
destra GI.1 (on the) right rechts
detersivo P19 detergent Waschmittel
dettato P2 dictation Diktat
dialogo P1 dialogue Dialog
dietro P6 behind, at the back hinten
difendere, -eso, GI.3 to defend verteidigen, verteidigt
differenza, -ente P9 difference Unterschied, unterschiedlich
difficile P16 difficult schwierig
diffondere, -fuso, -fusore P17 to diffuse, to spray verbreiten, verbreitet, Verbreiter
dimenticare, -anza GI.3 to forget vergessen, Vergessen
dimostrare, -zione GI.1 to demonstrate beweisen, Beweis
Dio GI.1 God Gott
dipartimento P4 department Departement
dipendente, in- P26 employee Arbeitnehmer, (un-) abhängig

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D diploma GI.8 diploma Diplom
dire, detto P2, P9 to say, to tell sagen, gesagt
diretto, in- P7 direct (in-) direkt
direttore d’orchestra conductor Dirigent
direttore P10 director Direktor
direzione P9 direction Richtung
dirigere to direct, to lead leiten
diritto GI.1 P29, dritto P9 straight (road), straight on Gerade, geradeaus
disegno, -are P7 drawing, picture Gemälde, zeichnen
disoccupato, -pazione P16 unemployed arbeitslos, Arbeitslosigkeit
disperato, -zione P17 desperate, dispair verzweifelt, Verzweiflung
disperazione P28 despair Verzweiflung
distanza, -ante GI.3 distance, far Distanz, entfernt
distributore P25, P9 petrol station, gas station, petrol point Tankstelle
distruggere, -utto P16 to destroy, to tire zerstören, zerstört
divano P15 sofa, couch Sofa
diventare P13 to become werden
diverso, -ità P2 different verschieden, Unterschiedlichkeit
dividere, -isione GI.1 to divide teilen, Teilung
divisa GI.4 uniform Uniform
doccia P15 shower Dusche
dolce, -zza P24 sweet, gentle süß, Süße
dolore P25 ache, pain Schmerz
domanda, -are P4, P20 question, to ask Frage, fragen
domani P8 tomorrow morgen
dominare, -zione P14 to dominate dominieren, Herrschaft
donna P10 woman Frau
dopo P5 after nach (-her), später
dottore (medico) P25 doctor, physician Doktor
dottore, -essa P15 degree holder (Universitäts-) Absolvent
dovere P8 must Pflicht
droga P29 drug Droge
duomo P7 cathedral Dom
durante P29 during während
durare P5 to last, to continue (an-) dauern
duro, -ezza P18 hard hart, Härte

E economia, -òmico GI.3 economy, -ic Wirtschaft

educato, mal- , -zioneGI.3 well-mannered, uncouth erzogen, schlecht erzogen, Erziehung
educazione, -tìvo GI.8 education, -al Erziehung, erzieherisch
effetto P28 effect Effekt
elementare GI.8 primary grundlegend, Grundschule
elettricità, -ìsta P19, P21 electricity, electrician Elektrizität, Elektriker
emozione, -are P4 emotion, to move, to touch Emotion, bewegen
entrarci P18 to be relevant, to have a role damit zu tun haben
entrare P14 to enter, to get in hineingehen
equilibrio, sq- P6 balance (Un-) Gleichgewicht
esatto, in- P7 right, correct genau, richtig
esperienza P13 experience Erfahrung
esperto P18 expert, specialist Experte, Spezialist
esprimere, -presso, -ssione P14 to express ausdrücken, ausgedrückt, Ausdruck
essere, stato P13 to be sein, gewesen
est GI.3 east Ost
età P9 age Alter
evento P13 event Ereignis, Event

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F (di) fianco a, a f. di next to, on the side, beside nebenan
(in) fondo a P9 at the end/bottom of am Ende von
fa (di tempo) P13 ago vor (-her)
fabbrica P29 factory Fabrik
facile, ità,-are P13 easy einfach, Leichtigkeit, erleichtern
facoltà (università) GI.8 faculty Fakultät
fame P11 hunger Hunger
famiglia, -are (agg.) P15 family Familie, vertraut
familiare (automobile) P11 station wagon Kombiwagen
farcela P13 to succeed, to make it es schaffen
fare un giro P16 to take a walk eine Runde machen, umhergehen
fare, fatto, dis- P8, P9 to do, to make, to build Machen, gemacht, auspacken/
faro (automobile) P11 light Scheinwerfer
febbre P25 (to have a) temperature, fever Fieber
felice, in- P30, -ità, P2 happy (un-) glücklich, Glück
ferie P26 holiday Ferien, Urlaub
fermare P17 to stop stoppen, anhalten
ferro P5 iron Eisen
ferrovia, -iàrio P12 railway Eisenbahn, Eisenbahn…
fianco GI.3 side Seite
fidarsi (+di) P17 to trust vertrauen
figlio P13 son Sohn
figura P20 picture, illustration Bild, Abbildung
fine, -ire, alla f. P8 end, to finish Ende, enden, am Ende
finestra P2 window Fenster
fiore P29, -ire P5 flower, to bloom Blume
fiorentino P7 florentine Florentiner
firma, -are P26 signature Unterschrift, unterzeichnen
fischio, -are P18 whistle Pfeife, pfeiffen
fisico GI.8, P30 physical physikalisch, körperlich
fiume GI.3 river Fluss
foglia GI.3 leaf Blatt
foglio GI.4 sheet Papierblatt
fondere P18 to fuse, to unite verschmelzen, vereinigen
forchetta P24 fork Gabel
foresta P29 forest Wald
forma, -re, s- P3 form, shape, to form Form, formen, Schräge
formaggio P23 cheese Käse
formale, in-, -ità GI.3 formal formal, informell, Formalität
formazione P5 training Ausbildung, Formation
forno, -aio P15, P19 bakery, baker Ofen, Bäcker
forse P29 perhaps vielleicht
forte P10, P7 strong stark
fortuna P5, -ato, s- P17, P10 luck, -y Glück, Glückspilz, Unglück
foto(grafia), -grafare P2, P19 photo, picture Foto (-graphie), fotografieren
frac GI.4 tail coat Frack
Francia, -ese P2 France Frankreich
frate GI.4 monk, friar Mönch
fratello P16 brother Bruder
freccia P12, P11 arrow, blinker, indicator Pfeil, Blinker, Zeiger
freddo P11 cold kalt
fresco P27 fresh, cool kühl, frisch
fretta, -toloso P16 hurry Eile, eilig
frigorifero P15 fridge Kühlschrank

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F fronte P30, di f. P20 forehead, in front of gegenüber, davor
frutta P11 fruit Frucht, Obst
fruttivendolo P19 greengrocer Obsthändler
fumetto P1 comic strip Comic
fumo, -are P14 smoke Rauch, rauchen
funzione, -are P4 function, to work Funktion, funktionieren
fuoco P23 fire Feuer
fuori P6 out, ouside außen, draußen
fusilli P23 type of pasta Nudelsorte
futuro P1 future Zukunft

G gamba P25 leg Bein

gas P15 gas Gas
gassato P22 sparkling gashaltig, mit Kohlensäure
gatto p7 cat Katze
generale P12 general generell
genio P13 genius Genie
genitori P16 parents Eltern
gente P20 people Leute
gentile P18 gentle, kind freundlich, höflich
geografia, -àfico GI.8 geography Geographie, geographisch
geometria, -ètrico GI.8 geometry Geometrie, geometrisch
Germania, tedesco P2 Germany Deutschland, Deutscher
gesso, ingessare P25 chalk, plaster Kreide, Gips, vergipsen
gestire, -tione P18 to run something, to manage etwas führen/händeln/managen
ghiaccio, -ato P25 ice, frozen Eis, gefroren
già P13 already schon
giacca GI.4 jacket Jacke
giallo GI.3 yellow gelb
giardino GI.5 garden Garten
giocatore GI.4 player Spieler
giornalista, -ìstico P28 journalist Journalist, journalistisch
giorno P9 day Tag
giovedì P9 thursday Donnerstag
giro P9 tour Tour
gita P9 trip Ausflug
giungere, -unto P18 to arrive an-/hinzukommen, hinzugefügt
giusto, -ìzia, in-GI.2 right, justice richtig, Gerechtigkeit
gola P25 throat Hals
gonfiare, s- P25 to swell aufblasen, (an-) schwellen
gonna P27 skirt Rock
governo, -are GI.2 govern, to rule Regierung, regieren
graffiare GI.3 to scratch (zer-) kratzen
grande, -ezza P6 big, large, great groß, Größe
grattacielo P29 skyscraper Wolkenkratzer
grazie, ringraziare P1 thank danke, (be-) danken
Grecia, -co, -ci P14 Greece Griechenland, Grieche
grido, -are P17 shout, cry Schrei, schreien
grigio P30 gray grau
guadagno, -are P26 earning, profit Verdienst, verdienen
guancia P30, GI.3 cheek Wange, Backe
guardare P9 to look at schauen
guardia di finanza GI.4 financial police Finanzwache
guerra P13 war Krieg
guidare P29 to drive fahren, lenken


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G gusto, -are, -oso P14 taste Geschmack, schmecken, schmackhaft

I icona (web) P8 icon Icon

idea GI.2 idea, opinion Idee, Meinung
imbruttire P17 to ruin, to make ugly hässlich machen
immaginare, - zione P3 to imagine vorstellen, Vorstellung
immigrato P28 immigrant Immigrant
imparare, dis- P5 to learn lernen, verlernen
impero, -iale P14 empire Reich, kaiserlich
impiegato P20 employee, white collar Angestellte
importante, -anza P2 important wichtig, Wichtigkeit
Importare GI.1 to import importieren
impoverire P17 to impoverish verarmen
improvviso P6 sudden plötzlich
inaugurare, -zione P18 to inaugurate einweihen
incredibile P18 incredible, unbelievable unglaublich
incrocio, -are P9 crossing, crossroads Kreuzung, kreuzen
India, -ano P3 India Indien, Inder
indicare P28 to show, to indicate (an-) zeigen
indice (dito) GI.3 forefinger Zeigefinger
indovinare P17 to guess (er-) raten
industria, -ale GI.3 industry Industrie, industriell
infatti P4 indeed, in fact tatsächlich, in der Tat
influenza P25 flu Einfluss
informatico GI.4 informatic Informatiker
informazione, dis- P10 information Information
Inghilterra, -glese P3 England England, Engländer
inizio, all’inizio P3, -are (at the) beginning, to begin (zu) Beginn, beginnen
innalzare, -mento P17 to lift aufheben/emporsteigen, Erhöhung
innamorarsi P29 to fall in love sich verlieben
innovazione GI.2 innovation Innovation, Neuentwicklung
inquilino GI.5 tenant Hausbewohner, Mieter
insalata P19 salad Salat
insegnare, -ante P2 to teach unterrichten/lehren, Lehrer
inserire, dis- P3 to insert einfügen/inserieren
insieme P14 together zusammen
integrare, -zione P14 to integrate integrieren
intelligente P10 intelligent intelligent
interesse (di banca) P21 interest rate Zinsen
intervista, -are P28 interview Interview, interviewen
invece P17 instead, on the contrary stattdessen, anstatt
inventare, -zione GI.2 to invent erfinden, Erfindung
invitare, invito to date, to invite, invitation einladen, Einladung
ipotesi P4 hypothesis Hypothese
Irlanda, -ese P7 Ireland Irland, Ire
iscriversi, -itto P5 to enroll in a course einschreiben/anmelden, eingeschrieben
isola P14 island Insel
istituto (scuola) GI.8 school Schule
istituzione P13 institution Institution
istruzione GI.8 instruction, education Anweisung/Anleitung

L laboratorio P14 workshop, laboratory Workshop

labbro, -bra (plur.) P24 lip Lippe
laggiù, lassù P20 down/over there da unten, da oben
lago GI.3 lake See

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L lampada P15 lamp Lampe
lasciare P16, to leave (ver-) lassen
lasciar perdere P16 to let go, let it go gehen lassen
lasciare in pace P17 to leave someone alone in Ruhe lassen
latino P13 Latin Latein
lato P6 side Seite
laurea GI.8 university degree Universitätsabschluss
lavandino P15 basin Waschbecken
lavare P17 to wash waschen
lavatrice P15 washing machine Waschmaschine
lavello P15 sink Spülbecken
lavoro, -ratore P26 work Arbeit, Arbeiter
leggere, lettura P1 to read, reading lesen, Lesung
leggero, -ezza P27 light leicht, Leichtigkeit
lento, -ezza P3 slow langsam, Langsamkeit
lenzuolo P19 sheet Bettwäsche
letto P15 bed Bett
lezione P9 lesson Unterrichtsstunde
libero, -rtà P1 free frei, Freiheit
libretto di circolazione P10 vehicle registration Fahrzeugschein
libro P3 book Buch
liceo GI.8 high school Gymnasium
lilla P27 lilac, light violet lila
lingua, -ìstico GI.8 language, linguistic Sprache, sprachlich
liscia (acqua) P22 still water, not sparkling stilles Wasser
liscio P30 smooth glatt
livello P10 level Level
lontano, -nanza P20 far, distance entfernt, Entfernung
luce P21 light Licht
luna GI.3 moon Mond
lunedì P9 monday Montag
lungo, -ghezza GI.1 long lang, Länge
luogo P7 place Ort, Platz
(di) lusso GI.5 luxury Luxus

M (da) morire! P11 very much wahnsinnig, sehr

(per) mano, a manina GI.3 hand-in-hand (an der) Hand
maccheroni P23 macaroni Makkaroni
macchina (auto) P13 car Auto
madre P13 mother Mutter
Maestro P16 Maestro, used with artists Meister
mafia, -oso P13 mafia Mafia, Mafioso
magazzino P18 storehouse, warehouse (Waren-) Lager
maggiore, -anza P4 bigger, larger, majority größer, Mehrheit
maglia, -etta P27 pullover, T-shirt Pullover, T-Shirt
mai P22 never nie
maiale P29 pig, pork Schwein
mal(e) P10, m. a, m. di, far m. P25 ache Weh
malavita GI.2 criminal groups Unterwelt (kriminelle Gruppen)
mamma P13 mum Mama
mangiare P8 to eat essen
maniera P4 way (of) Art, Weise
mano P19, mani P24 hand Hand
mappa P9 map Mappe
marcia (automobile) P11 gear Gang


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M mare, -ìttimo GI.3 sea, maritime Meer, maritim
marito P16 husband Ehemann
marmellata P16 jam Marmelade
marmo P5 marble Marmor
marrone GI.3 brown braun
martedì P9 tuesday Dienstag
massimo GI.16 maximum, best maximal, höchst
matematica GI.8 maths Mathematik
materiale GI.4 material Material
matita P3 pencil (Blei-) Stift
mattina, mattino P9 morning Morgen, Frühe
matto (andar matto) P13 crazy (for something) verrückt (sein nach)
meccanico P16 garage mechanic Mechaniker
media GI.8 middle school Mittelschule
medico P25 physician Arzt, Mediziner
meglio P6 better besser
melanzana P23 aubergine, egg plant Aubergine
memoria P13, a m. P21 memory, by heart Gedächtnis
meno P12, di meno P3 less weniger
mento P30, GI.3 chin Kinn
mentre P29 while, whilst, whereas während
meraviglia, -oso P3 wonder(ful) Wunder, wunderbar
mercoledì P9 wednesday Mittwoch
mescolare P23 to stir, to mix mischen, mixen
mese GI.3 month Monat
mestiere P16 job Beruf, Handwerk
metà P19 half halb
meteorologico P5 meteorological meteorologisch
mettere a posto P17 to repair in Ordnung bringen, reparieren
mettere, messo P19 to put (hin-) stellen
mezza età P3 middle age mittleres Alter
mezzo P9, in m. P20 middle mittel
mezzogiorno/notte P9 midday/night Mittag/ Mitternacht
microfono P11 microphone, mike Mikrofon
microonde P15 microwave oven Mikrowelle
miele P23 honey Honig
migliaio, -aia (plur.) P9 about a thousand ca. tausend
migliorare P29 to improve verbessern
migliore, -are P5 the best beste, verbessern
mignolo GI.3 little finger kleiner Finger
miliardo, -àrio P21 billion Milliarde
milione, -àrio P21 million Million
militare GI.4 soldier, military Militär, Soldat
mille, mila (plur.) P21 thousand tausend
minerale P22 mineral Mineral
mini P15 mini, little mini, klein
minore, -anza P4 lesser, minor kleiner/geringer, Minderheit
minuto P9 minute Minute
mito, -ìtico, -logia P17 myth Mythos, mythisch, Mythologie
mobile (in casa) P16 piece of furniture Möbel
moda P28 fashion Mode
modo di dire P22 idiom Redensart
modo P4 way Art, Weise
modulo P20 form Modul, Formular
moglie P16 wife Ehefrau

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M molto P6 very, much, a lot sehr, viel
mondo, -diale P29 world, worldly Welt, Welt…
moneta P19, GI.4 currency, coin Münze, Währung
monolocale GI.5 one-room flat Einzimmerwohnung
monovolume van Van
montagna, -oso GI.1 mountain Berg, bergig
monte GI.3 mount Berg
mordere, morso GI.3 to bite beißen, gebissen
morire,-rto P29 to die sterben, tot
moro P18 dark haired dunkelhaarig
moschea P3 mosque Mücke
mostrare P2 to show zeigen
motociclista P3 biker Motorradfahrer
mozzarella P22 mozzarella Mozzarella
multa P10 fine (to be paid) Strafe, Bußgeld
muovere, mosso P3 to move bewegen, bewegt
museo GI.16 museum Museum
musica P11 music Musik
musulmano P29 Muslim Muslim

N nascere, nato P2, P14 to be born, born geboren werden, geboren

naso P30 nose Nase
natura GI.5 nature Natur
naturale (acqua) P22 natural, still water natürliches/stilles Wasser
nave GI.1 ship Schiff
navigatore P9 navigator Navigator
nazione, -alità GI.4 nation, nationality Nation, Nationalität
nebbia, -oso P27 fog, foggy Nebel, nebelig
negozio P19 shop Laden, Geschäft
nemico GI.5 enemy Feind
nero GI.3 black schwarz
nessuno GI.2 no one niemand
neve P27, -icare P24 snow Schnee, schneien
niente P19 nothing nichts
nocciola P30 light brown, hazel brown Haselnuss
nome, cognome P2 name, surname Name, Nachname
nonno P16 grandfather Großvater
nord GI.3 north Nord
normale, a- P8 normal (a-) normal
nulla P3 nothing nichts
numero P2 number Nummer
nuovo, novità P16 new neu, Neuheit
(di) nuovo P7 again, once more wieder, nochmal
nuvola, -oso P27 cloud, -y Wolke, wolkig

O obbligo, -are P26 obligation, to be obliged Pflicht, verpflichten

occasione P6 opportunity Gelegenheit
occhiali (da sole) P27 glasses, sun glasses (Sonnen-) Brille
occhio P14 eye Auge
occidente, -tale GI.1 west West, westlich
odio, -are P7 hate Hass
odore, -ato P13 smell Geruch
officina P16 mechanic’s workshop Werkstatt
oggetto GI.1 object, thing Objekt
oggi P17 today heute


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O ogni tanto P22 sometimes manchmal
olfatto P14 smell Geruchssinn
olio P19 oil Öl
oliva P23 olive Olive
ombrello P27 umbrella (Regen-) Schirm
ondulato P30 wavy hair wellig
opera (musica) P28 opera Oper
opera P14 opera Oper
operaio GI.8 (hand) worker Arbeiter
opinione P7 opinion Meinung
ora (60 minuti) P9 hour Stunde
ora (adesso), per ora P19 now jetzt, vorerst
orario P26 timetable, schedule Stundenplan, Zeitplan, Öffnungszeit
orchestra P13 orchestra Orchester
ordine, -are, dis- P15 order Ordnung, ordnen, Unordnung
orecchiette P24 type of pasta Nudelsorte
orecchio, -chie (plur.) P30 ear Ohr, Ohren
organizzare, -zione, dis- P11 to organize (des-) organisieren, Organisation
oriente, -ale GI.1 east Ost, östlich
oroscopo (e i segni zodiacali) P6 horoscope, zodiac signs Horoskop (und Sternzeichen)
oscillare, -zione GI.3 to oscillate pendeln, Pendelbewegung
ospedale P25 hospital Krankenhaus
ospite P2 guest, host Gast
osso, ossa (plur.) P25 bone Knochen
ovest GI.3 west West

P (in) prova P26 on a trial basis probeweise

pacco P23 parcel Paket
pace, -ìfico P7 peace Frieden, friedlich
padella P19 frying pan Pfanne
padre P15 father Vater
paese GI.1, Paese P23 village, country Dorf, Land
pagare, -mento P11 to pay, payment zahlen, Bezahlung
paio, paia (plur.) P27 pair paar
palazzo P14, GI.5 palace Palast
palco P14 stage, theatre stall Bühne
palmo GI.3 palm of the hand Handfläche
pancia P25 belly Bauch
pane P16 bread Brot
pantaloni, -oncini GI.4 trouses, shorts Hose, kurze Hose
papà P15 daddy Papa
paradiso P8 paradise Paradies
parallelo GI.3 parallel parallel
paraurti P11 bumper Stoßstange
parcheggio, -are P9 parking lot Parkplatz, parken
parco GI.3 park Park
parente P16 relative Verwandte
parlare P13 to speak, to talk reden, sprechen
parmigiano P23 parmesan cheese Parmesan
parte P14 part Teil
partire, -tenza P12 to leave, departure abfahren/-reisen, Abfahrt
passaporto GI.4 passport Pass
passare da... a... P10 to go, to move from... to... von…nach…gehen
patata P19, -tine fritte P11 potato, French fries Kartoffel, Pommes
patente P10 driving licence Führerschein

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P paura GI.1, -oso GI.3 fear Angst, ängstlich/furchteinflößend
pausa P9 pause, break Pause
pavimento P2 floor (Fuß-) Boden
pazzo, -esco P18 crazy, very beautiful verrückt
pecorino P12 sheep cheese Schafskäse
peggio, -ore, -are P5, P6 worse schlechter/schlimmer, verschlechtern
penna P3 writing pen and a type of pasta Stift, Nudelsorte
penna, -etta (internet) GI.4 pendrive Kugelschreiber, USB-Stick
pensare, -siero P9 to think denken, Gedanke
pensione (anzianità) GI.8 retirement Rente
pensione (hotel) P1 pension, guest house Pension, Gästehaus
pentola P19 pot, casserole Topf
penultimo P1 last but one, next-to-the-last Vorletzte
per cento (%) P21 per cent Prozent
pera P23 pear Birne
perché P9, P28 why, because weil, warum
percorrere, -corso P17 top tread, to follow a road ablaufen, Strecke
percorso P9 itinerary Wegstrecke
perdere, perso P17 to lose, to miss verlieren, verloren
perfezionamento P5 high level training Verbesserung, Fortbildung
periferia GI.5 outskirts, suburbs Peripherie
permesso (nel lavoro) P26 leave, during a workday Arbeitserlaubnis
permesso di soggiorno P20 residence permit Aufenthaltserlaubnis
permesso P16 permission (to enter a room) Erlaubnis
però P18 but, however aber, jedoch
personale P2 personal Personal, persönlich
pesante, -ezza P27 heavy schwer, Schwere
pesce, -are P24 fish Fisch, fischen
pestare P17 to step on (zer-) treten
pettinare, s- P17 to comb kämmen
piacere, dis- P18, per p. P1 pleasure, please gefallen, Vergnügen, Bedauern
piacevole, s- P11 pleasant angenehm
pianerottolo GI.4 landing (along a staircase) Treppenabsatz
pianeta P10 planet Planet
piangere, -anto P17 to cry weinen, Weinen
piano (di casa) GI.5 floor, storey Stockwerk
piano (lentamente) P25 slow leise, langsam
piantina (mappa) P15 map Pflänzchen
pianura GI.1 plain Ebene
piatto P19 dish Gericht (Essen)
piazza P2 square Platz
piede P25 foot Fuß
piegare GI.4 to fold falten
piegarsi P17 to bow, to lean, to bend over sich beugen
pieno, -ezza P25 full voll, Fülle
pietra, -oso GI.16 stone Stein, steinig
pioggia, -voso P27 rain, rainy Regen, regnerisch
piovere P24 to rain regnen
pisello, verde p. P27 pea, pea green Erbse
pistola GI.3 pistol, gun Pistole
pittore GI.5 painter Maler
più GI.1 more mehr
piumino P27 duvet Bett-/ Federdecke
pizza, -iòlo P22 pizza, pizza maker Pizza, Pizzabäcker
poco P6 little, few wenig


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P poi P5 then, after, later dann, später
polizia P20, -iotto P16 police Polizei, Polizist
pollice GI.3 thumb Daumen
pollo P23 chicken Hühnchen
Polonia, -lacco P29 Poland, Pole, -ish Polen, Pole
polso GI.3 wrist Puls, Handgelenk
poltrona P15 armchair Sessel
poltroncina P19 office armchair Sessel
pomeriggio P9 afternoon Nachmittag
pomodoro P19, p. pelati P23 tomato, pealed tomatoes Tomate, geschälte Tomaten
ponte (vacanza) P7 long weekend Brückentag
popolazione GI.1 population Bevölkerung
popolo P14 people Volk
porre, -osto P18 to put legen/setzen, liegend
porta P2 door Tür
portare P14 to bring, to take, to carry bringen, tragen
portiera (automobile) P11 door Autotür
porto P18 harbour, port Hafen
posate P19 cutlery Besteck
positivo P6 positive positiv
posizione P16 place, position Position
possedere, -sesso P18 to own, ownership besitzen, Besitz
possibile GI.1, im- possible (un-) möglich
posto (in macchina, in treno) P10 seat Sitzplatz
posto P12, al p. di P7, a p. P19 place, instead, alright Platz, an Stelle von, in Ordnung
potere (nome), -ente, -enza, GI.1 power Macht, mächtig
potere (verbo) P9 can können
povero, -rtà P13 poor arm, Armut
pranzo, -are P9 lunch Mittagessen, zu Mittag essen
prato GI.5 field, meadow Rasen
precario GI.8 temporary employee Zeitarbeiter
precedente P16 previous vorherig, vorangehend
preferire P16 to prefer bevorzugen
prego! P16 you’re welcome Bitte! Gern geschehen!
prendere nota P3 take notes aufschreiben
prendere, preso P9 to take, to catch nehmen, genommen
prenotare, -zione P12 to book, -ing buchen, Buchung
preoccuparsi P19 to worry sich Sorgen machen
preparare, zione P24 to prepare vorbereiten, Vorbereitung
presentare, -tore P11, -zione P9 to introduce, –duction vorstellen, Präsentator, Präsentation
pressione P17 pressure Druck
prevedere, -isto, -isione, im- P1, P5 to predict vorhersehen, vorhergesehen,
prezzo P12 price, cost Preis
prima (rappresentazione) P16 premiere Premiere
primo piatto P24 first course, entrée erster Gang
principale GI.1 principal prinzipiell
problema, -emi P3, P10 problem Problem
produrre, -uzione GI.1 to produce herstellen, Herstellung
professione GI.8 job, profession, -al Beruf, Profession
professore, -essa P9 professor Professor
profilo P8 profile Profil
profumo P14 perfume Parfüm
progetto, -are GI.2 project, plan Projekt, planen
programma P9 programme Programm

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P proibire, -zione P16 to forbid, to prohibit verbieten, Verbot
promettere, -messo P1 to promise versprechen, Versprechen
promuovere P17 to promote, to pass an exam fördern, promoten
pronto soccorso P25 emergency room, first aid Notaufnahme
proprio (avverbio) P16 indeed wirklich, tatsächlich
proprio (pronome)P16 own eigen
prosciutto P22 ham Schinken
prossimo P26 next nächste
protagonista P13 protagonist Protagonist
provare GI.2 to try probieren, versuchen
provenienza P13 origin Herkunft
provincia GI.3 province, county Provinz
prugna P23 plum Pflaume
pubblico GI.8 public Öffentlichkeit, öffentlich
pulire P24 to clean putzen, säubern
punta (delle dita) fingertip Fingerspitze
punto P21 point Punkt
puntura P25 injection Spritze, Stich

Q quaderno P3 exercise book (Schul-) Heft

quadro P1 painting Gemälde
qualcosa P4, some/anything irgendetwas
qualcuno P7 some/anyone jemand
quartiere GI.16 district, borough Stadtteil, Stadtviertel
quarto (15 minuti) P9 quarter Viertel
quasi P29 almost fast
questura P20 police headquarters Polizeipräsidium
qui/qua P20 here hier
quindi P19 then, and so, therefore also

(alla) romana P22 each one pays for his/her food Gesamtsumme geteilt durch alle
R Anwesenden
racconto P3, -are P14 story, to tell, to narrate Erzählung, erzählen
radio P19 radio Radio
raffreddore P25 cold (disease) Erkältung, Schnupfen
raggiungere, -unto, bile P7 to reach erreichen, erreicht, erreichbar
ragù P23 meat sauce for pasta Ragout (Soße)
reale, -altà, -alizzare P14 real, to implement real, Realität, realisieren
recensione (facebook) P8 comment Rezension
regalo, -are P26 gift Geschenk, schenken
regia, -ista P16 stage or film direction Regie, Regisseur
regione GI.3 region Region
registrare, -zione P14 to record aufzeichnen, Aufzeichnung
regno, -are P17 kingdom, to reign Königreich, herrschen
reparto P25 department Abteilung
residenza GI.4 residence Residenz, Wohnort
responsabile, -ità, ir- P26 responsible verantwortlich, Verantwortlichkeit
restare P14 to remain (ver-) bleiben
restauro, -are P16 restoration Renovierung, renovieren
resto (soldi) P19 change (after a payment) Rückgeld
riccio P30 curled hair lockig
ricco, -hezza P13 rich, richness reich, Reichtum
ricerca, -are GI.8 research Suche/Erforschung, erforschen
ricetta P23 recipe Rezept
richiesta, -edere P20 request Anfrage, anfragen


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R ricordo, -are P2 memory, to remember, to remind Erinnerung, erinnern
ridere, riso P1 to laugh lachen, Lachen
riempire GI.1 to fill füllen
riflettere, -essione P17 to reflect reflektieren, Reflektion
riga P5 line (in a text) Linie, Zeile
rimanere, -asto P14 to remain (ver-) bleiben
rinunciare P18 to give up aufgeben
ripetere P1 to repeat wiederholen
riposare P2 to (take a) rest ausruhen
risolvere, -olto P6 to solve lösen, gelöst
rispettoso, ir- P5 respectful (un-) respektvoll
ritardo P17 (to be) late Verspätung, spät sein
ritmo, -ico P18 rythm Rhythmus, rhythmisch
ritorno, -are GI.1 return Rückkehr, zurückkehren
riuscire P15 to succeed gelingen, schaffen
rivista P22 magazine Zeitschrift
romanzo GI.4 (r. giallo) novel (detective story) Roman
rompere, rotto P25 to break (zer-) brechen
rompiscatole P16 nuisance, pain in the … Nervensäge
rosa P27 rose, pink rosa
rosso P14 red rot
rovesciare P1 to spill umkippen, auslaufen
rubare GI.3 to steal klauen
rucola P22 arugula, rocket Rucola
ruolo P4 role Rolle
ruota P11 wheel Rad
ruotare, rotazione GI.3 to rotate drehen, Drehung
Russia, -o P3 Russia Russland, Russe

S sabato P9 Saturday Samstag

sabbia , -osoGI.16 sand Sand, sandig
sala P14 hall, large room Saal, Halle
salame P23 salami Salami
sale, -are P19 salt Salz, salzen
salire P21 to climb (hinauf-) steigen
salsiccia P23 sausage Wurst, Bratwurst
salute P22 health Gesundheit
saluto, -are P5 greeting, taking leave Gruß, grüßen
salve P4 hello Ich grüße Sie/dich!
sangue P25 blood Blut
sanità, -ario GI.8 health service Gesundheitswesen, Sanitäter
sapone P19 soap Seife
sapore P24 taste Geschmack
sbagliare P14 to make a mistake einen Fehler machen
scala GI.4 stairs Treppe
scambio, -are P29 exchange Austausch
scandalo , -oso P16 scandal Skandal
scappare P17 to flee (ent-) fliehen
scarpa P19, s. da ginnastica P27 shoe, sneaker Schuh, Turnschuh
scatola P8 box Box, Kiste
scegliere, scelto P22 to choose wählen, gewählt
scena P2 scene, situation Szene, Situation
scena (teatro) P14 scenography Szene
scendere, sceso P21 to go down, to descend heruntergehen
schema P12 scheme, table Schema, Plan

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S sciare P3 to ski Ski fahren
sciarpa P27 scarf Schal
scienza, -tìfico GI.8 science Wissenschaft, wissenschaftlich
sconto P19 discount Ermäßigung
scopa P19 broom Besen
scoprire, -erto P3 to discover, to uncover entdecken, entdeckt
scorrere P17 to flow fließen, strömen
Scozia, -ese GI.1 Scotland Schottland, Schotte
scrittore P13 writer, author Schriftsteller, Autor
scrivere, scritto P1 to write schreiben, geschrieben
scultura, -olpire, -tore/trice GI.16 sculpture Skulptur, einmeißeln
scuro P27 dark dunkel
scusa, -arsi P5 sorry, to apologize Entschuldigung, sich entschuldigen
secolo P14 century Jahrhundert
secondo me, secondo i giornali P17 in my opinion, according to the papers meiner Meinung nach, laut der
secondo piatto P24 main course zweiter Gang
sedano P23 celery Sellerie
sedere P2 to sit sitzen
sedia P15 chair Stuhl
segno P6 sign, symbol Zeichen, Symbol
segretario, -teria P8 secretary Sekretär, Sekretariat
seguire P9 to follow folgen
seguire, -ente P18 to follow folgen, folgend
sembrare P29 to seem, to look like scheinen
seminario P9 seminar Seminar
semplice P12 simple simpel, einfach
sempre P22 always immer
senso P14 meaning of a word, body sense Sinn, Gefühl
sentire P14, -si P17 to hear, to feel hören, (sich) fühlen
senz’altro P6 certainly, no doubt, indeed ohne Zweifel
serata P11 evening Abend
sereno, -ità P2 calm, happy heiter/gelassen, Seelenruhe
serpente P17 snake Schlange
servire P17 can be used to etwas kann dienen/servieren
servizio, -dis P21 service Service, Misstand
sete P11 thirst Durst
sezione P13 section Abteilung, Abschnitt
sfida, -are P9 challenge Herausforderung, herausfordern
sgabuzzino P19 closet Abstellraum
shampoo P19 shampoo Shampoo
sicuro, -ezza, in- P26 safe sicher, Sicherheit
sigaretta P17 cigarette Zigarette
sigla P26 acronym Kürzel
significare P7, -ato P5 to mean bedeuten, Bedeutung
signore, -a P8 sir, lady Herr, Dame
simbolo GI.1 symbol Symbol
simpatico, -ìa, anti- P10 nice, funny (un-) sympathisch, Sympathie
sinistra GI.1 (on the) left links
sistemare P5 to put in the right place in Ordnung bringen, (an-) ordnen
sito (internet) P7 website Webseite
situazione P6 situation Situation
smettere, -esso P1 to stop doing something aufhören, aufgehört
socio P5 shareholder, companion, member Kompagnon, Mitglied, Teilhaber
soddisfatto, -fare P9 satisfied, happy with zufrieden, befriedigen


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S soffritto P23 onion and herbs fried in oil angebratenes Gemüse
soggiorno P15 living room Aufenthaltsraum, Wohnzimmer
soldato, -essa GI.4 soldier Soldat
soldi P10 money Geld
sole P14 sun Sonne
solito, in- di s. P8, P11 usual gewöhnlich, normalerweise
solo, -amente, -tanto P13 only nur
somigliare, -anza P17 to look like, to resemble ähneln
sonno P11 sleep Müdigkeit, Schlaf
sopportare, -bile P18 to endure, to tolerate ertragen, erträglich
sopra P20 over, on, above über
soprattutto P6 above all vor allem
sorella P16 sister Schwester
sorpresa P22 surprise Überraschung
sorridere, -iso P30 to smile lächeln, Lächeln
sospendere P17 to interrupt, to stop unterbrechen
sotto P20 under, below unter (-halb)
sottolineare P5 to underline unterstreichen
spaghetti P23 spaghetti Spaghetti
Spagna, -olo P3 Spain Spanien, Spanier
spalla GI.3 shoulder Schulter
spazio GI.3 space, room Platz, Raum
specchio P15 mirror Spiegel
speciale -lmente P12 special, especially besonders/speziell
spegnere, spento P23 to switch/turn off aus-/abschalten, ausgeschaltet
sperare P5, -anza to hope hoffen
sperimentare P5 to experiment experimentieren
spesa P24 (to go) shopping Einkauf
spesso P22 often oft
spettatore P14 spectator, public Zuschauer
spiegare, -zione P3 to explain erklären, Erklärung
spina (multipla) P19 splitter, plug Dorn, Stöpsel
sporca P8 dirty dreckig
sportivo GI.4 fond of sport Sportler, sportlich
sposarsi P1 to get married heiraten
spostare GI.1 to change place verlagern, versetzen
staccare GI.3 to separate lösen, trennen
stage (pron. alla francese) P5 internship Praktikum
stagione GI.3 season Saison
stampa, -are, -ante P19 print Drucker, drucken
stanco, -chezza P17 tired müde, Müdigkeit
stare P7 to stay, to live sein, befinden, stehen
stato d’animo P2 feeling, mood Laune, Stimmung
statua P14 statue Statue
stazione P12 station Station
stella P10 star Stern
stesso P9 same, self gleich, selbst
stipendio P26 salary Gehalt
stirare P24 to iron bügeln
stivale GI.3 boot Stiefel
stomaco GI.3 stomach, belly Magen
storia, -ico P25, GI.8 history, historic Geschichte, historisch
strada GI.1 street, road, way Straße
straniero P7 foreigner Fremder
strano GI.2 odd, unusual komisch, seltsam

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S straordinario P26 extraordinary außergewöhnlich
strumento P4 instrument, tool Instrument, Werkzeug
studente, -essa P8 student Student
studiare P7 to study studieren
studio (stanza) P15 study (room), office Büro, Arbeitszimmer
stupendo P10 marvellous wundervoll
subito P8 at once sofort
succedere, -cesso P8 to happen passieren, geschehen
successo P6 success Erfolg
succo d’arancia P16 orange juice Organgensaft
sud GI.3 south Süden
suonare, -tore P4 to play, to ring a bell spielen, klingeln
suono P9 sound Sound, Ton
superiore GI.8 superior, high school obere, Vorgesetzte, Oberschule
supermercato P11 supermarket Supermarkt
svoltare P9 to turn einlenken

T tacco P27 heel Absatz

tacere P6 to keep silent schweigen
tagliare P23 to cut, to slice schneiden
tagliatelle P23 a type of pasta Nudelsorte
tailleur formal woman suit Damenkostüm
tanto P3 so much, a lot viel, sehr
tassa P26 tax Steuer
tatto P14 tact Takt
tavola P24 table (to eat) Esstisch
tavolo P15 desk (to work) Schreibtisch
tè P4 tea Tee
teatro P17 theatre Theater
tecnico GI.8 technical, technician technisch
tecnologia, -ògico GI.2 technology Technik/Technologie, technisch
tedesco P2 German Deutscher
telefono (t. cellulare) P3, P5 telehone (mobile t.) Telephon, (Handy)
televisione P15 television Fernseher
tempia GI.3 temple, side of head Schläfe
tenere P25 to keep (be-) halten
tergicristallo P11 windshield wiper Scheibenwischer
terra P29 earth, ground, soil Erde, Boden, Land
tesoro GI.16 treasure Schatz
testa P25 head Kopf
testo P1 text Text
tetto P3 roof Dach
timido P30 timid, shy schüchtern
togliere GI.1 to take away entfernen
tombino P11 rainhole, manhole Gully, Kanalschacht
tonno P23 tuna Thunfisch
torta P24 cake Kuchen
tortellini P24 tortellini (type of pasta) Tortellini
totale P19 total amount total
tovaglia P24 tablecloth Tischdecke
tovagliolo P24 napkin Serviette
tradurre, -dotto, -tore/ice, -zione P17 to translate übersetzen, übersetzt, Übersetzer
traffico P28 traffic Verkehr
tranquillo, -ità P20, GI.3 calm, easygoing, quiet ruhig, Ruhe/Gelassenheit
trasformare, -zione GI.1 to transform verwandeln, Verwandlung


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trasporto, -are GI.8 transport Transport, transportieren
treno P12 train Zug
triste, -ezza P18 sad traurig, Traurigkeit
tronco GI.3 tree trunk Baumstamm
troppo P10 too (much, many) zu viel
trovare P8 to find finden
trovarsi (in un luogo) P16 to be sich (be-) finden
trovarsi (tra persone) P16 to meet sich finden
tubo, tubicino P17 tube, pipe Rohr, Schlauch
Tunisia, -ino P29 Tunisia Tunesien, Tuneser
turismo, -istico, -ista P17 tourism Tourismus, Tourist
tuta da lavoro, da ginnastica GI.4 work suit, sweat suit Arbeitskleidung, Trainingsanzug
tutto P19 all, everything all, ganz
tv P24 TV TV

U udito P14 hearing Gehör

ufficio GI.5 office, room Büro
uguale, -aglianza P4 same, equality gleich, Gleichheit
ultimo P17 last, latest letzter
Ungheria, -ese GI.1 Hungary Ungarn, Ungar
uniforme GI.4 uniform Uniform
unire, dis- P3 to link, to match verbinden, vereinigen
università, -àrio university Universität
uomo, - ini (plur.) P10 man, men Mann
uovo, -a (plur.) P24 egg Ei
usare P7 to use benutzen
uscire, -ita P13 to go out, way out ausgehen, Ausgang
utile, -ità, in- P5 useful nützlich, Nutzen unnötig
utilitaria P11 city car Kleinwagen

V vaporetto P13 boat bus Dampfboot

ventilatore P14 fan Ventilator
vibrare, -zione P13 to vibrate vibrieren, Vibration
visita, -are P13 visit Besuch, besuchen
vista P14 sight Ausblick
volerci (di tempo) P13 to take (+ time) es dauert
voltarsi P17 to look back sich (um-) drehen
vacanza P7 holiday Urlaub, Ferien
valigia P15 suitcase Koffer
valore GI.2 value Wert
vasca P15 tub Becken
vasetto P23 jar Töpfchen
vecchio, -chiaia P18 old alt, Alter
vedere, visto P14 to see sehen, gesehen
veloce, -ità P12, P17 fast, speedy, quick schnell, Schnelligkeit
vendere GI.1 to sell verkaufen
venerdì P9 friday Freitag
venire, -uto P5 to come kommen, gekommen
verde GI.3 green grün
verdura P19 vegetables Gemüse
vero P3 true wahr
vero? P24, P3 is it? isn’t it? Stimmts? Richtig?
verso (tempo) P17 at about gegen
vestito P19 dress, clothes Bekleidung, Anzug
vetro P29 glass Glas

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V via P2, -le GI.1 street, boulevard Weg
vicino, -anza P2 near, vicinity nah, Nähe
vigile, -essa GI.4 local policeman Polizist
villa, -etta GI.5 villa, small house Villa, Haus
villaggio GI.1 village Dorf
vincere, vinto, -itore P25 to win gewinnen, gewonnen, Gewinner
vino P11 wine Wein
viola GI.3 violet violett
violenza P4 violence Gewalt
visibile, in- GI.3 visible (un-) sichtbar
viso P30 face Gesicht
vita P26 life Leben
vivere, vissuto P3 to live leben, gelebt
voce (ad alta v.) P18 voice (aloud) Stimme, mit lauter Stimme
voglia, aver v. P3 wish, desire, to feel like Lust, Lust haben
volante P11 steering wheel Lenkrad
volentieri P22 willingly gern, bereitwillig
voler bene P3 to love (not erotically) gern haben
volere P9 to want, to wish wollen
volgare, -ità GI.3 vulgar vulgär
volta P13 time (occurrence) Mal
voltare P9 to turn wenden
volume (a tutto v.) P18 volume (full v.) Volumen
vorrei P17 I’d like ich möchte
votare P1 to vote wählen
vulcano GI.3 volcano Vulkan
vuoto P15 empty leer

W water (tazza del) P15 toilet bowl Kloschüssel

Z zio P16 uncle Onkel

zucchero P16 sugar Zucker
zucchina P23 zucchini, courgette Zucchini
zuppa P24 soup Suppe


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