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1. UNICEF is part df the United Nations.

United Nations Children's Fund (originally known
as the United Nations International Children's
Emergency Fund) is an outgrowth of the ravages
of World War II, because children were among
the world's worst sufferers. President Truman
in February, 1946, established a survey mission
headed by former President Herbert Hoover.
Upon Mr. Hoover's recommendation and that of
other public officials, the United States Govern­
ment supported the creation of a special body
within the United Nations to make emergency needs
of children primarily in the war-ravaged countries.
UNICEF was established by the United Nations
General Assembly on December 11, 1946. (This
information is taken from UNICEF, Facts and
Fallacies, 1966.)
The United Nations is for complete and total
disarmament with a subsequent one-world govern­
ment. This collectivist idea was proposed in 1945
and is mandatory in the United Nations charter.
It was the subject matter of many international
conferences and studies under Dean Atcheson and
Alger Hiss. The men who are presently directing
the United Nations are the same men, or new men
trained by them, who have directed the steps to
world government over the last few years. Under
the collectivist interpretation of the treaty clause,
anything brought into the treaty; by the executive
branch will be enforced as laws of the United
States. the Constitution or laws notwithstanding.
The {ltv visions of the treaty- or executive agree­
ment make possible total and complete remodeling
of our government, our political system, our econ­
omy, and our laws; and the new system is auto­
matically constitutional under the new doctrine.
In other wor,ds the treaty clause is a device for
changing the Constitution without submitting the
change in the form of an amendment submitted to
Congress and the people. The planners and archi­
tects of the United Nart:ions are attempting to
surrender the sovereignty of the United States to
a United Nations police control. UNICEF is a
propaganda arm of the United Nations and is di­
rectly helping the United Nations by giving the
impression ot being a humanitarian effort by, the
nations of the world, thereby helping in: a false
world peace.

2. UNICEF has the endorseme nt of the Gen­

eral Board of the Natio-naJ Coum:il of Church(;1s
of Christ in America. The National Council of
Churches has a long-standing policy promoting not
onl, y the one-world government as it is shown in,
the United Nations but also promoting a one-world
church. The idea of a one-world church is alien: t o
the Scriptures and i s actually anti- Scriptural. The
Scriptures declare that we ought not to have fellow­
ship with unbelievers in an organizational unity.
But this is precisely what the General Board of the
National Council of Churches is tryin:g to promote.
Inside the National Council of Churches leadership
are men of varying shades of belief an4 unbelief,
and it is my considered opinion that the leadership
of the National Council of Churches are doing
everything possible to destroy, belief in the verbal,
plenary inspiration of the Word of God, which
must be maintained if historic Christian faith is to
be preserved.

This plot against the Word of God by the Na­

tional Council of Churches should be a cause of
concern to true Christians everywhere. The focal
point of attack is against the deity of Jesus Christ,
and when the leadership of the National Council
of Churches makes attacks against the virgin birth
of Christ, they are saying in effect that Jesus Christ
is not God the Son: and not equal with God the
Father. The world-wide ecumenical monster, the
World Council of Churches, of which the National
Council is the United States affiliate, is the modern­
day Tower of Babel, even as the United Nations i s
the modern-day Tower of Babel in the secular field.
When: the General Board of the National Council
of Churches promotes UNICEF, they are in effect
calling for the creation of a one-world government
even as they, are calling for a one-world church. The
pronouncements and policies of the Nation:a1 Coun­
cil of Churches are not to be followed because they
are formulated by men who deny that the Bible is
the Word of God and that Jesus Christ is the Son
of God.

3. UNICEF cdroperates with Communism. Not

only is the United Nations comprised of. Commu­
,n:i91: countries with equal representation but also the
governing board of UNICEF has Communists sit­
ting on it. Of the 30 members on this board, four
are from Communist countries. This means that
. Communist influence is felt in every major decisioo
of the executive board of UNICEF. Com­
munism is not to be trnsted, it is a world-wide
criminal conspiracy whose ultimate goal is world­
wide domination. Communism has been respon­
sible for the killing of millioos of people and the
enslavement of more than one-half of the world's
population at the present time. Communism is con­
trolled by a few men at the top of the ladder who
are pulling strings around the world, gaining ever­
increasing control over the world's population. Ac­
cording to a report given in UNICEF - Facts and
Fallacies, put out by the tJnited States committee
for UNICEF, United Nations, New York; the
UNICEF administrative staff has Communists on
it. According to the 1966 report, the UNICEF ad­
ministrative staff is composed of 741 persons from
64 countries. Of these, 97 are United States citi­
zens, 11 are citizens of countries with Communist
governments. Of the total employed, 172 persons
are professional and executive staff and comes from
47 countries. Of these, 39 are United States citi­
zens; 9 come from countries with Communist gov­

The United States Government is deeply, involved

in the propaganda of UNICEF. In 1965 contribu­
tions of various governments to the central account
of UNICEF were 26. 1 million dollars. Of this
amount the United States Government contributed
12 million dollars, an amount equal to 40 per cent of
the total government audited contributions. Private
citizens :llso make contributions to UNICEF, so
that more than 40 per cent of the total contributions
of UNICEF come from the United States tax­
4. UNICEF gives aid to! Communist countries.
Since 1946, when UNICEF was established, it has
given aid to Communists and Communist countries.
During,Ahe period from 1947 to 1950 the following
European countries received aid: Albania, Bulgaria,
Czechoslovaki;>" Hungary, Poland� Rumania, and
Yugoslavia. UNICEF gave a special emergency
allocation of- $700,000 during the 1956 Hungarian
uprising which only gave aid and comfort to Com­
munism iri the putting down of the Hungarian free­
dom fighters. If UNICEF wanted to do a true
humanitarian work they s:iOuld have given aid to
the Hungarian freedom fighters.

Even as late as 1966, UNICEF was giving aid

to Communist countries. According to the United
States committee for UNICEF the executive board
of UNICEF approved for health services: $175,­
()()() to go to Bulgaria, $43,990 to Poland, $127,230
to ':(:ugoslavia, $47,000 to' Cuba, and $109,000 to
5. UNICEF is helping Communism to keep
control of its slaves. In analyzi,ng Communism one
realizes 1that it is a controlled monolithic structure
attempting to subjugate the peoples of the world
under its control. It will use any means to realize
this goal. It will use governments, peoples, and
machinery; it will accept wheat from the United
States on a loan basis, if it can be obtained, or the
purchase of wheat, in order to maintain its con­
trol over the peoples of the world. Communism
buys arms from free countries and ships them to
countries at war with the United States. If the
Soviet DiMon would stop supplying the Viet Cong
in South Vietnam, the war would be over and the
United States forces could come home immediately.
UNICEF also is being used by Communism to
keep its slaves under control. They are putting
up a false facade of being great humanitarians .by
working with, through, and in UNICEF, giving
the impression that they are actually concerned
about the children of the world. What is the
answer td all of this? The answer is that there is
another relief program, one that is free from gov­
ernmental control and Communist participation.
This program is that of International Christian
International Christian Relief is a world-wide
relief ministry under I\:he sporusorship of the Ameri­
can and the International Councils of Christian.
Churches. Because of its ministry, needy people
throughout the world have benefited both physically
and spiritually,. Lnrt:ernational Chris1ian Relief has
maintained}. a policy of co-operation with those
agencies and councils true to the Word of God in
separating from the apostasy. It is true I\:hat many
of our Christian brethren in other countries have
suffered greatly due to their uncompromising stand
for the Word of God and for the I\:estimony of Jesus
Christ. To such as these the only channel of relief
that remains open is that of Lnrt:ernational Christian

In the field of relief, you do have a choice. The

prese� program of UNICEF as it is now being
operal\:ed should be rejected by all Bible-believing
Christians and freedom-loving Americans. The
program of Internat�onaI Christian Relief is worthy
of your praY,ers and gifts; thousands are helped
spiritually and physically as you give to this minis-
You' do have a choice! Choose today to be a part
of the relief program !\:hat not only ministers to the
physical needs of mankind but to the salvation of
their souls through faith in Jesus Christ.

Please send all communications to:

Dr. James T. Shaw, Director

Internaltional Christian Rel ief
801 Haddon Avenue
Collingswood, N. J. 08108

Copies of this tract for mass distribution will be

sent to all who request them. Please mention how
many copies you can profitably use.


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