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STRATEGI KEBIJAKAN PEMBANGUNAN PERTANIAN DI PAPUA BARAT Herman Supriadt uso Analisis Sosal Ekonomi dan KebijatanPertenton “A. Yast No. 70 Bogor 16161 ABSTRACT ‘The acceleration of agricultural development in West Papsa is a mandatory a5, indicated by the Presidential Decree (Inpres No. 05/2007) and in conection withthe status of the West Papua as onc of the poor provinces in the country. Poverty is particularly found in agricultural soctor because of the limited infrastructures, lack of agricultural institution, low skills and limited number of human resources, lack of investments, slow development of agro industry, and ineffective marketing systems. SWOT analysis used in this paper indicates that West Papua Province has many potentils and opportunities to ‘develop agricultural sector even within the existing weaknesses and external threat. The potentials include the availability of productive land although this potential is not Supported by adequate infrastructure facilites and imman resoarces, Investment is ‘encouraged through prtership pattern and_incressing export setivities should contribute to the acceleration of agricultural development in this region. The serious threat to cope ‘with is the impact offre trade andthe competitive economic globalization. Tn this regard, the existing human resource quality, culture and tradition, and bureaucracy system are among the important aspects to deal with. The suggested policy strategies to accelerate the development of agriculture in West Papua are: (a) Increasing the production of estate crops and forest products 1 open export opportunity through partnership pattem programa, (b) Improving extension system, agricultural infrastructure and expor-import policies; () Carrying out conservation on land use and forest production; and () Inviting investment and developing topical transmigration to gradually overcome the shortage of qualified ‘human resources, Key words : policy straregy, SWOT analysis, agriculture developmert acceleration, West Papua ABSTRAK Percepatan pembangunan pertanisn provinsi Papea Barat rutlak dilakulcan atas dasar Inpres nomor 03/2007, dan mengingat provinsi ini termasck yang termiskin di Indonesia. Kemiskinan terutama di sektor pertanian yang dissbabkan olch keterbatasan infastrakter, bolum berkembangaya Kelembagaan pertanian, terbatasnya jumlsh dan Ikvalitas suriber daya manusia, rendahnya invests, belum berkembangnya agroindusti, dan sistem pemasaran yag belum efektif. Analisis SWOT menunakkan bahwa Papua Barat mempunyai potensi dan peluang keberhasilan pembangunan pertanian, disamping Dbanyaknya kelemahan den ancaman. Potensi lahan untik peranianseloas 2,7 jua ha, baru

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