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Honey in its natural raw state contains 2 predominant natural sugars (Fructose and Glucose) 11
enzymes, 14 minerals, 21 amino acids, all the vitamins that nutritionists consider necessary for
health A,D,K, Rutin, Nicotinic acid, B vitamins, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic acid,
Pyridoxine and Biotin as well as Ascorbid Acid (Vit. C.).


Most honey sold today has been commercially processed, resulting in enzymes (which help
digestion) and vitamins, being destroyed and protein (pollen) being removed. This processing
involves heating and filtering through a cloth or fine filter paper. The end product will remain in a
liquid state for a long period of time. When it finally starts to granulate, crystals will begin to form
at the bottom of the jar, moving upwards (a sure sign of a refined and processed product, despite
the label “Pure” Honey).


Raw Honey was and still is credited with marvelous curative powers. A whole book could be
written on all the medicinal uses of honey, from thousands of years of folk medicine to the
scientific of the present time.

In addition to its age-retarding properties raw honey has been proven to be from beneficial to
extraordinary effective in the following:

* As honey is a pre-digested food (a process done by the bees) it enters the blood stream directly
producing energy quickly, unlike refined sugar which has to be digested.

* Proline, an amino acid in Raw honey is the primary component in collagen. Collagen is the main
structure in bones. (Proverbs 16.24—health to the bones) Calcium is also found in two forms in
Raw Honey.

* Increases Haemoglobin count and can prevent or cure Anaemia. It is rich in iron and copper.
* Is an excellent mild laxative, especially recommended as such for infants and children.

* Raw Honey will prevent and even cure Botulism Poisoning, because it contains an enzyme called
Glucose Oxidase, (this enzyme is easily destroyed with heat). Botulism spores can only develop in
the intestines of infants when chronically constipated.

* It has been shown to be useful in Rheumatic and Arthritic cinditions, especially in combination
with Apple Cider Vinegar (Dr D.C. Jarvis).

* It has been used successful in the treatment of liver and kidney disorders, diseases of the
respiratory and digestive tracts, weak heart action, infectious diseases, colds, insomnia, poor
circulation, and bad complexion.

* It is not mere theory, but has been proved that bacteria cannot live in the presence of raw honey,
for the reason that raw honey is an excellent source of potassium. The potassium draws from the
bacteria the moisture which is essential to the very existence. A bacteriologist who did not believe
this, after a series of tests discovered to his amazement that the disease germs he tested (typhoid,
Bronco-pneumonia and Dysentery producing germs) were all killed off in the presence of raw

* In this book “Folk Medicine”, Dr Jarvis an ear, nose and throat specialist reveals some startling
facts about raw honey and honeycomb. He says the honeycomb is excellent for the treating of
stuffy nose, nasal sinusitis and hay-fever. He always says that raw honey can produce healing for
skin burns and is essential in the diet of children because it provides the composite of minerals
needed for the growing body ( iron, copper, manganese, silica, chlorine, potassium, sodium,
phosphorous, aluminium, magnesium, zinc, lead and sulphor ).

* Probably the most beneficial effect of pollen (contained in raw unfiltered honey) is that, taken
internally it quickly produces the same anti-putrefactive effect as lactic foods and thus contributes
to a healthy digestive system and good assimilation of nutrients—absolute prerequisites for good
health and long life.

Eating pollen rich raw honey causes rapid combustion, consuming fats which speed up the burning
of fat, and continues through the bloodstream at a trickle stimulating the heart without harmful side

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