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Special Report: Discover A New Treatment For People With

Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

Hello, I am Dr. Keith Lynch and I have been practicing in Charlottesville, Virginia

since 1998. I am one of six board certified Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractors for

Sherman College. What we do is we decompress the brain stem area without any

twisting, popping or cracking. I am also a member of the “Treating Fibromyalgia

Discussion Board” where there are over 700 doctors using these exact same

methods treating patients with Fibromyalgia.

If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, you have probably seen over a

dozen doctors and they have ruled out MS. They have ruled out rheumatoid

arthritis. They have ruled out lupus and now you have the diagnosis of

Fibromyalgia. Since you are reading this report, either you or someone you love

have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and what I am here to share with you

today is what makes us different from all those other doctors that you have seen for

this condition.

First of all, we treat patients neurologically as well as metabolically and I am going

©2011 Dr. Keith P. Lynch – All Rights Reserved.

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Special Report: Discover A New Treatment For People With
Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

to go over that for you. What we are going to talk about first is how we test and

identify metabolic problems and how we treat those. When we do our testing we

leave no stone unturned to try to find the cause of your Fibromyalgia. Did you read

that? The cause of your Fibromyalgia.

If you are like many of the Fibromyalgia patients I’ve treated, you’ve been to dozens

of doctors. You were probably prescribed Amitriptyline or Neurontin. You are

probably taking Ambien or Clonazepam. You have probably taken numerous over

the counter medications and probably tried anti-depressants or anti-anxiety

medication. Maybe you are on Lyrica ,an anti-seizure drug, it’s not the Fibromyalgia

cure all. All these drugs are designed to do is stop your brain from feeling the

symptoms that you are receiving from your condition. In other words, we are just

trying to cover up the light on the dash board that is telling us something is wrong.

Nobody’s identified the actual problem that is causing your Fibromyalgia condition.

In our office we are willing to find the cause and we are going to do it through

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Special Report: Discover A New Treatment For People With
Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

extensive testing. We are going to start by doing blood tests. These tests are

going to help us find out what’s actually happening in your body. We are going to

do a thyroid panel. We are going to do a complete metabolic panel. We will check

your lipid panel and we will also do a CBC with auto differential. In other words, we

are going to find out what your red blood cells and white blood cells are telling us

about what is happening in your body.

Now you have probably had numerous blood tests. Let me tell you something,

when you get your results back from Lab Corp or Quest Diagnostics, the reference

ranges that they have are quite wide. Let’s take TSH for example. TSH stands for

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. The reference range for that is 0.45 to 5.0. That’s a

really wide range. Your optimal range for TSH is 1.8 to 3.0. So I would tell you,

you need to run these tests and you need to know what the optimal levels are.

Because that’s going to tell you what’s actually happening in your body. When you

have a chronic condition like Fibromyalgia it starts to affect all the systems in your

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Special Report: Discover A New Treatment For People With
Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

body. That’s why you need to have these tests run.

The other tests we are going to run are sensitivity tests. In other words, we need to

find out what you’re actually ingesting that is making your condition worse. You

don’t know unless you test. We test for gluten intolerances. These tests include

gluten, wheat, barley, oats, and rye. We also test for milk sensitivity, eggs, and

soy. You need to know if eating these things contributes to making your condition


Here are some of the symptoms that are associated with these sensitivities,

Chronic Fatigue or Chronic Pain. If you've already been diagnosed with

Fibromyalgia or think that you have Fibromyalgia, you already have Chronic

Fatigue and you already have Chronic Pain, frequent indigestion, bloating after

eating, constipation, diarrhea, and sores or ulcers in your mouth. Some people

also say they vomit often. We don’t really run into that too much. The only way to

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Special Report: Discover A New Treatment For People With
Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

know if these sensitivities are affecting your condition is to test for them.

The next test we would do is adrenal stress index. This is a salivary test similar to

a DNA test. Your adrenals are two small glands that sit right back on top of your

kidneys. Your adrenals and your thyroid are very important to your endocrine

system. Your endocrine system tells your body what type of energy levels you are

going to have. So if you have Chronic Pain and you have Chronic Fatigue and you

have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia you already know that you have an issue

with this. Do you know what is causing it yet? I doubt it. You need to have these

tests run to know what is causing this. If you have issues with your adrenal glands

you are also probably going to have insomnia and blood sugar issues because

these are the types of things that the adrenal hormones cortisol affect. Cortisol

levels go up when your body is under stress.

The next thing we will be testing are immune panels, in other words your immune

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Special Report: Discover A New Treatment For People With
Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

system. Now you immune system has two parts to it, it’s got your TH1 and your

TH2. Let me make that really simple for us. TH1 are your T cells, these are the

attacker cells or the killer cells, natural killer cells that they are called. These are

like soldiers that go out, find a problem in the body and attack it. Your TH2

dominance is your B cells or your regulatory cells. These are like the sergeants

and generals; these are the ones that tell the attacker cells what to do and when to


If you are having a problem with your immune system, then it is literally attacking

your body. It could be attacking your brain. It could be attacking your joints like

what we see in rheumatoid arthritis. It could be attacking your thyroid like what we

see in Hashimoto's. Or an auto immune condition where the body actually attacks

the thyroid tissue. These things have to be tested. We’ve got to find out which one

of those if either is a problem. If you’ve got a problem with TH1 that means you

have an active antigen happening in your body. What is an active antigen? An

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Special Report: Discover A New Treatment For People With
Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

active antigen is a yeast, a bacteria, a virus, or it could be heavy metals. It could

actually be foods that are passing through your intestines. These things have to be

identified and they have to be addressed. If you are having an auto immune

condition that’s the first thing that needs to be addressed, everything else gets put

on the back burner because auto immune conditions trump everything else when

you are trying to treat this type of a condition.

The next thing we do is access the function of your gut. We test for H Pylori.

H Pylori is a bacterium that can live in the gut and when it gets out of balance it

creates all kinds of gut problems. The other thing that we test is intestinal

permeability. Intestinal permeability has to do with your intestines being like a

screen and what that screen does is it only allows small digested particles of food

to enter into the blood stream so that they can be absorbed and utilized by the

body. When there is an issue of intestinal permeability or a leaky gut syndrome,

what happens is that screen of the intestines inflames, it opens up. Things that

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By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

should not be able to pass through start passing through. This can create all kinds

of problems in the body. We need to know if that’s an issue, because that needs to

be addressed. That could be causing an auto immune condition in your body.

The next thing we test for are nerve transmitters. If you have a decrease in

neurotransmitters in your brain, that means you have a decrease in acetylcholine,

dopamine, serotonin, or melatonin. And if you have an imbalance or a decrease in

these neurotransmitters, it can actually increase the amount of pain that your body

is feeling.

Your hormone levels will also be checked. Hormone levels can become out of

balance due to a lot of these chronic conditions and that makes your condition

worse. Women often times have estrogen and progesterone ratios that get out of

balance creating polycystic ovarian disease or PCOS. These are the types of

things that make you more susceptible to cancers and tumors. They make you

more susceptible to heart disease. All this needs to be assessed to find out what’s

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Special Report: Discover A New Treatment For People With
Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

causing your condition, which direction is it heading and what needs to be

addressed to get these things cleared out. Did you know that if you have a problem

with your intestines it may not be clearing excess estrogen from your body, creating

imbalances between estrogen and progesterone? Do you see how all these

systems are intertwined? If you don’t look at everything you don’t know what you

are dealing with; often times that’s what we see with our Fibromyalgia patients. We

check for inflammation with our tests. Inflammation is often found by finding high

levels of CRP or C reactive protein in your body.

We also look for homocysteine levels to be raised in the body. When there is a

chronic condition and chronic pain like what we see in Fibromyalgia, inflammation is

almost always up, we need to find out why. These other tests I mentioned, these

are the things that are going to tell us what is causing inflammation and the location

of the inflammation.

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Special Report: Discover A New Treatment For People With
Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

Glutathione is an antioxidant. Glutathione and superoxide dismutase or SOD are

two compounds that if measured they can tell us exactly what your cellular health

is. Your body’s health is dependent on every cell's health. So the barriers or the

lining of the blood brain barrier level in your lungs and in your intestines, if you have

low levels of glutathione you are going to have permeability. You are going to have

increased inflammation. You are going to have chronic pain. This is one of the first

things that we may use as a natural treatment modality to start bringing things

under control, putting out the fires of inflammation in your body that are causing

your Fibromyalgia pain.

We also do neurological treatment or brain based therapy. Let me explain how

that’s done. We do extensive neurological testing to find out which parts of the

brain may be under firing or over firing. In other words, there’s an actual speed or

rate of frequency of firing for each part of the brain and we will be testing for which

areas have a decreased frequency of firing. Once we know that,we can actually

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Special Report: Discover A New Treatment For People With
Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

get these areas to start working properly. How do we do that? We may use

vibration therapy. Vibration is taken in from the body, brought up the back part of

the brain into the central part of the brain and then back down to the cerebellum. If

you have a problem with one of those feedback loops, if there is a decrease in

frequency of firing, that’s not going to happen. It is going to cause the postural

muscles in the spine and around the joints to lock up causing you joint pain. We

use vibrational therapy, auditory stimulation, visual stimulation, olfactory stimulation

and caloric stimulation. All of this is designed to increase the frequency of firing of

the brain because when the brain starts working right everything else in the body

starts working right.

We also use laser therapy in our office. The laser system that we use is the

Erchonia Cold Laser. The Erchonia Cold Laser is used by professional athletes like

Lance Armstrong, the New York Jets, the Kansas City Chiefs, even the US

government; the Army uses the Erchonia Cold Laser. Why? Because it decreases

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Special Report: Discover A New Treatment For People With
Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

inflammation, it reduces pain and it speeds healing. We also perform detoxification

therapy in our office. We use the EB Pro. You have probably heard about it, it

sounds like a foot bath. There is an actual water bath that you put your feet in. By

putting your feet in the water, it creates your connection to an ionic field. That ionic

field increases the amount of ATP available to your body so that it can flush out

toxins and inflammation. This makes a huge difference for your treatment. I know

because I use it personally.

Once we have run the necessary tests to find out what is happening in your case. it

is like taking a puzzle out and putting all the pieces on the floor in front of you. You

start seeing which things are priorities and we start treating the highest priority first.

Remember when I said earlier if you have an auto immune condition that’s one of

our major priorities? We have got to take care of that ASAP. As we start to make

those changes in your body what are we going to do with the testing that we’ve

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Special Report: Discover A New Treatment For People With
Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

done? We are going to re-test. We are going to treat, test and re-test so that we

know what’s happening and how quickly your body is going to heal. These are all

very important things to know. What you need to do now is you need to ask yourself

certain questions.

How has your Fibromyalgia affected :

Your Relationships? Your Finances? Y our Family? Your sleep?

Most people when I sit down with them and they have Fibromyalgia tell me how it

all started. Everything was fine until a certain point and then they start telling me

about when these symptoms started. Then the symptoms got worse and then the

symptoms spread and now more issues are appearing. They go to their doctor,

their doctor comes in and says, “Mary tell me what’s happening.”

Mary says, “Oh I got this going on and this is new and this is new”, and they look

back through the chart and they go, “Oh, you’ve got Fibromyalgia don’t you? I bet

this is a flair-up of that Fibromyalgia”. And you never have these tests run. You

need to have these tests run because you have think about, where is your life going

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Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

to be if you don’t take care of this condition in a year? Where is it going to be in

three years? How is that going to impact you? What is it worth to you if we could

improve your condition?

If you are serious about exploring these effective alternative methods and getting

your condition cleared,I want you to call our office (434-245-8456). I am offering

you two free visits to come in and consult with me to see if you are even a


You see, I don’t accept every single person that walks through the door. There are

some ground rules that need to be understood before we work together. First of all

if you are eating gluten and you’re sensitive to gluten from your testing you have

got to stop. There are going to be dietary changes that you will to need to make,

life style changes.

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Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

What are dietary and life style changes? There are going to be things that you

can’t eat, there are going to be things that you should eat, exercise, sleep, all these

things are going to be taken into account and that’s going to be your responsibility.

Many of these tests aren’t covered by your insurance company and your doctor.

Your insurance company and all these outside factors are not responsible for your

health. They are not and they will tell you that. They will say although that may help

you we deem it to be not medically necessary.

You have got to make a decision whether or not your health is necessary to you

because you are going to be the one that has to make these changes. I will work

with you if you are a candidate for this care. So come on in. Give us a call and

come in and make an appointment for this. I’ll sit down with you and review any

blood tests that you have already had run. I’ll look at any MRI’s, X-rays and any

diagnostic testing that you have that is going to help us identify what’s happening in

your case. We will go over that together.

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Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

On your second visit I’ll actually sit down with you, tell you whether or not you are a

candidate for care. I will tell you what tests would need to be run and what

treatments would need to be performed and we will go over everything at that time

regarding fees, insurance, scheduling, and how often you need to be here. All of

that will be gone over. You’ll have a complete plan on how to tackle this problem

before we ever even get started. If you are serious about ending this condition, we

will put together a Fibromyalgia program for you and we will work with you on that.

Only you can make this decision to take responsibility for the quality of your life.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Lynch call


1410 Incarnation Drive, Suite 202C, Charlottesville, VA

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Fibromyalgia Pain
By Dr. Keith P. Lynch

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