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Stenografia Inglese adattamento del Sistema Gabelsberger-Noe alla lingua inglese (ad uso degli stenografi italiani) Barack Obama's inauguration speech (21.1.2013) th Balolown, arth. a ofaler ee oe en ob a PAPA 00 Oy hor ng yh Cle Sih ngole. A+ Soap ld yee bee ATS, a= 60 Sel vr Comey, AA, 677 9.000 Sw fl be ly Vale a onl” (Barak Chawuer), (Erminio Soldati - Milano, marzo 2013) Presentazione Le lezioni di “Stemografia Inglese” costituiscono un corso completo di Stenogratia Gabelsberger-Noe adattata alla lingua inglese, ad uso degli stenograft italiani ed ha lo scopo di fornire un utile e completo strumento di studio @ chi desideri stenagrafare nella lingua inglese con il sistema GN- Come & note, infatti, per poter stenografare in una lingua straniera sono indispensabili due pre-requisiti: avere un'ottima conoscenza della stenograffa nella lingua italiana ¢ un'altrebtanto ottima conoscenza della lingua straniera nella quale si vuole stenografare- Ml corse si articola in sole Hove lezioni, presentabe ih modo semplice e chiaro, tutte corredate da nuterose esemplificazion! ed esercizi e completate da tre serie di brani applicativi di diversa difficolta e comtehuto, per uh totale di 20 pagine- In appendice si trova un utile repertorio di sigle e fraseagrammi- Questa & Funico corso per Fapprendimento della stenografia in lingua inglese corredato da esercizi applicativi anche per la parte teorica e colma una lacuna venutasi a creare @ causa deltimpossibilita di procurarsi precedenti adattamenti (il noto dei quali era “Stenografia Inglese” di Enea Benenti)» Liefficacia di questo adattamento & il risultato di numerosi anni di insegnamento della stenografia in lingua inglese e francese presso il liceo linguistico “Giuseppe Giusti" di Milano, unica scuola (unitamente alfist- tecnico linguistico~ commerciale “A Manzoni” di Milano}, nei cui programmi era previsto Vinsegnamento di questa materia nel terzo e quarto anno di corso, con risultati eccellenti- Il risultato raggiunto in termini di applicabilit’a det sistema alla lingua inglese, mette in risalto le duttilita del sistema GN sia dal punto di vista teorico, sia da quella pratice, per la perfetta leggibilité, (ottima sintesi grafica ottenuta e la velocita alla quale uno stenografo ben preparato pud pervenire’ Erminie Soldati Milano - aprile 2013 La Stenografia GN adatiata alla lingua inglese © La vegola base da seguire 2 quella di scrivere te parole seconde {a teoria enunciata net “Manuele Ufficiale della Stenografia Italiana” di Enrico Moe, integrata con segni ed abbreviazioni spetifici per la lingua inglese, sequerdo il criterio fonetico. Cost, ad esempio, le Parole sequenti saranno scritte secondo it loro suono (approssimative): book (uk), sehool (seul), job (giab), black (blak), Free (Fri, see (si), building (bildin), ece. Alfabeto fonctico-stenografico: vacali, semivocali, consonanti: ’ , pe > yf ite Fit terenapreg? ise ta if fa] [b] Ok] [9] fa) fe) (ted tas 3] Ch] Li] [1] [en] [n} fo} [pl Cl Es] U1 C0 (8-3) fu] Ee] Id [yl [ed Vocali ‘Suoni rappresentati per approssimazione fonetica, con le regole del simbolisme di F je{ bed, red, send, egg, leg, bread, else, met, pet: £067 BE - [oi] gir, Bird, erm, service, loam, early, eam, pearl: picRiedbevaneae ys jo] letter, better, offer, butter, jotter: LE LL “ [se] man (men), candy, matter, black, bad (bed), ca aufdu) mrt olan tb (te) wl Suioni rappresentati, per approssimazione fonetiea, con le regole del simbolismo di.A: Jas] ask, army, pass, far, guard, glass, staff, calf: an ap 78 t0f my I] mut, club, done, love, trouble, under, cut, glove: wPctebicuitithy 4 a) 9 Suoni rappreseniati, per approssimazione fonetica, con le regole del simbolismo di : |is] me, speak, see, meat, feet, leaf, piece, Peter: [i] pin, give, guilt, cynic, is, it, bill, mill, bit, lip: 2, } {2| dog, dock. god, job, sport, lost, gospel, forest: en ene x lbp ph a aH all, lord, straw, cause, sort, Faw, port, fort: net ole fl. Suoni rappresentati, per approssimazione fonetica, con le regole del sitmbalismo di Us |u| put (sigla), book, foot, look, bull, bush: [u:] too, tool, goose, true, blue, spoon, move, do: ~ pag. 1 Semivocali (wl well, wale, warning, wind, water, winter, woods eC. Cum de AWG Ip] yes, yet, yacht, youth, young: pp Peal HE ee 3) Lettura (parole isolate) po 2 wey Latah, be; aff ae HEP, anor. ha. gaat rn Ake: oe 2 [yf owe; Cbs € ba; oh Led Plo tat i toe dog Ln “gee fat ape PEL WS te 0 ay: ee Stil: Cul G 6 OP Hl! 20 tlh fk he 2) Traserizione dell’ esereizio precedente. ‘Any, angel, angry, apple; book, back, black, basic, bull, blue, blood; cut, cat. kit, car, cotton, class, cup, er0ss, college; church, chow, cheap, chief. desk, dot, done, disk, drum, distri(e}t egg, eggs. easy, east, Eddy; flag, foot, feet, ftont; get, got, garden, Google, group, gun; german, genius: imagine. if, it, import, imprint, ignorance; job, joke, juice, jingle; look, lost, list, loop; met, meet, moon, market; need, net, noted, nears open, off, offer, orange; pen, print, park, post, pool, pull, pope, progress, Peter, queen, quick, queue; red, Rome, residence, room, route, rook; stress, stop, smart, smoke, sister shell, sharp, shark; total, tetm, true, train, too; ugly, use, under, unkle; vocal, visit, village; wall, went, wood, week, wanted, winter; yes, yet, yacht; 200, ere, zone, 264 3) Esereizio di lettura (brevi frasi) (nota: so £ saw e- ; i nomi propri si sottolineano) vlig- fp al! en ‘Sigle:a the of to in she and (to go to); unioni di parole: it is-it's, she is/she's, sent it, saw it bin PE FOE? Bes, wr en “pet Ags bb pent. Cay poe b a} fe segrosiny ey 4d plo feys alle Phe ces Dates Jito wall Lai: Varncay® abs “Wel lak: ven wtf. ge legs fT CE pte dye; ale xe Ly ls Pe . f, At pec 4 260 Us pala ‘ 4) usec dell’ esercizio precedente. (Le parole fra parentesi si scrivono unite) ‘Acred desk: a green tree: (it is) a pen: on the desk; a cup of tea; (it is) easy to speak; a glass of milk: Peter is at school; Paul is in the church; she loves cats and dogs; Frank saw a quick red fox; she's an angel; she's so glad to see Mark; the school is in front of the post office; is it true? The black stone in the garden; she printed a book and {sent it’) tome; the red car is in the garage; the tain stops at the village; a long queue at the post office: (it is) so easy to use Google; she got fost; George is my best friends the luggage is on the train; she (saw it!) under a tree; ‘she needs a large shelf; last week she wanted (to go to) Paris; she went to Berlin in winter. 1D Quando possibile convenient, ITs ree a sg aI discendere« sega af simBole precedent (facol tative) ed © Suoni specifici della lingua inglese sono rappresentati con segni stenografici specific’, come viene esposto in questa lezione. {h] 2 hen, head, heaven, hot, here, hill, hard, home: RB ta Ae 998 a [9)[0] Si rappresentano con lo stesso segno: iniziale di parola Pree vaca < ther: ¢~ (0) thought, think, through, both, months, bath: Ebb PEE go dt” |) clothes, smooth, mother, father, gather, gathering: rhiney) Pol fot lis-gel > fox, box, mixer, socks, accent, excess pita Phwercnl ad a @ exp- si scrive esp-: explode, export, express) “aK! F0 meres P peep ‘port, express) Fe fp (1 & in parole frnncesi come: garage, massage, rouge: al’ 2a!” é altrimenti si riduce aS; pleasure, measure, usual, casual: 2, 2, G50. Se. in f show, shop, sharp, short, machine, ocean: dd ad yy # Per sur ry come: issued, sue, insuanes, pressure, appreciate 055 ye >g/ eB w 8) Lettura 5 hed sh kw MII BAMA, Shah hPS ool ffs Jt Jf ne Se J JAD Yves e5 Bie es oe ge Boge 7 IT he he's/his this that there some with you are be will of (of; ak omg lal? Unioni diparole + p¢ 4% Zi acd # J, hell, you'll be, you Tm, Pim sure, , that you will, OPW Ev etn Per ntl al Ol pol ~aby h = = PS othe ee Reena Ag leray Peal he Bincmes Pat af PPilbn. Ab Penge d Amen —secther sass yah, be YN La OD BAN 8 ve. 6) Trascrizione dell"esercizio precedente (e parote fra patentes tone si postono sersere wile) [te paroleeltere fra parents quads poston onietter] A) hill, hard, here/hear, ham, half, heavy, hope, hook; throug, think, thin, thriller, thumb, truth, both, month, monthly, smooth, father; execute, exclude, box, boxes, expend, exper, express; garage, usual, pleasure, shark, shows, shoot, shoe, ocean, sure, assure; B) (CID) go there with John. I wrote 2 long letter. ‘This moming I went [to the] garage with George. (If you) want some hans, (take if), (it is) here on the table. I saw aman near the tree. (I'ta) happy to see you and Philip. CYou will be) there next week. (He's) a young student. His father is at home with Mark, (Ill be) at school at 12 o'clock (oc). I ‘think that all I see is true, All (that you will) hear is secret. (I'm sure) that (he'll) come here with his friend. = pig. 3 © Anche per linditasione dei dittongh’ si seguono le vegale generali del sistema, salvo la semplificazione del suono [ei] ridatto a [e] (es. name: ne~mi page: pe-gs date: de-t, ccc.) ¢ il segno speciale (ia) della stenografia italiana, utilizeato anche per rappresentare in inglese il suono frequente di [ai] [cil medio di parola si riduce a fe): name, date, late, gave, cake: play, say, stay, way \ai| my, fly, pie, tie, line, light, might, night, sight jou] J. doth, cold, open, oak, soul, slow, snow [ats] now, cow, how, house, south, town, mouse [>i LL. boy, joy, toy; loyal, royalist lio] __~ ‘here/hear, beer, idea, fear, austere, sphere Jes] air, ware, dave, fai, haie, bear, pear Joo more, store, bore [ual poor, sure (us| musio, tube, mute, cube, student (on guesti casi si preferisce mantenere la forma degli stessi sterogrammi ‘in italiano: musica, tuba, mato, cubo, studente}, ‘few, new, queue pha (ua) pure, during, fewer, cure, endure, newer pO Pn a Ged 7) Lettura an guurh 8 Tb ott apt On; Ble starr ee a i an - ig Greens how b yb She? awCOxrerd wh; 2924 ayy Capen U1 C; 09 ts Bab oh ry fp mn ? “y Oa Sf Sf se a i Sigle: what where alwais from for however time we can, (to be able to); es a Uniont di paroles (what are, where is, I'm not sure, to do, we are not, I ea do, for you, Ill be) BSA? POE? BT pen. AAG pall then xctrtiy the Pandora t. Be IE, SA A fomc ah ph ts = AghiZ bok tte Aye Bondy 48) Trascrizione dellesereizio precedente A) shame, baby, take, cakes, games, same, aim, aid, play, may; by, Tike, reply, my, tie, high, light, sign, wine, bike: low, slow, show, road, roads, goal; town, towns, now, bow, south, ‘mouth, ground, sound, bound; noise, toy, toys, avoid, moisi, epoist: gear, here, fear, bea, rare, pair, share; door, floor, more, store; sure, assure; musical, abuse, abwsive, accuse, tube, few, new, 1B) (What are) you doing? (Where is) my friend Paul? I always go there by plane: (11 be) in the shop from 8 0:12 ‘clock. ('m not sure) (1 be able to) do all you asked me. However (Il) ry (to do} my best. (mn sue) (to be) in time, (We are not) very happy to leave by train. (.can do) all {I want). This cake is (for you), (It is} oo expansive forus. = pag. 4 OConsonanti mute: in conformita con il principio fonetico, di norma, non vengono seritte. [b] bomb, climb, thumb, lamb, comb, limb unrhane {| knife, know, knob, knuckle, knock neff nlanett ma [| gnome, campaign, sign, foreign, reign, long AQ rym Igh] high, night, though, weight, plough wad Ces {i| calf, talk, walk, chalk, almond; ¥ Ctr bnwae Io] [t] |v] isle, often, listen, answer, sword, write A asl cian ate [0] morning, going, spending, doing, meeting spre yer & Fin qui si é affermato che lapplicazione del principio fonetico @ In prima regola che si deve seguire nella trascrizione delle parole in lingua inglese. Tuttavia, qualora 'applicazione di detto principio non risulti soddisfacente, sia per il tracciato, sia per la facile 0 corretta comprensione dello stenogramma, sari il principio grafico/ortografico a prevalere, utilizzando tutti quegli accorgimenti grafici atti a differenziare fra loro gli stenogrammi, come & esemplificato di seguito (s fra parentesi tonda sta per “sigla”): 1a) tendenza a mantenere lo stesso tracciato nelle due lingue, anche se il suono é diverso (anche per le sigle): - D/ g ef ah ~e £ Zz a ‘music/musica, student/studente, urgenVurgent, curve/curva,tube/tubo, people/popolo (sigla), number/numero (3) 1) differenziazione grafica degli stenogrammi in caso di omonimia o per migliorame la lettura, quando, ‘owviamente, sia il caso (ad es. wed‘wait'weight _, lev/late__:8il senso della frase a restiture il significato): fe wy a, a y [Cor wim avn ndd |p Sosow, been/being, too/to, pool/pull, of (sVoff, iveat, man/men, not (syno (know)/any, yearlear, at/act, fat/fact ©) omissione delle cosiddette “consonant mute” es. doctor activ, ece) - of 2 / / 7 nr nA of QP w a ae ee active, direct, observe, aimire, acknowleilge, accept, express, export (per®: excellent, exception, extra, ec.) dates 24h H ym. 22 le wet led. rhe lee, Oxf, Beas 24 goed) lub ed. Wathen “C26: Pan cad! Abn 99 bh 2A Or pve POLL 2 ts 2 hc - 0 how GL (11). “rn AAs a (erry) Pra fe” 2 sae “~possible) 8 i- aggre —e hse. 10) Traserizione. He spent all the night leepi Ling] [to the] market to buy almond{s] and cestnut{s}.'m ‘writfing] a long leter [to] my daughter Sue. t. He has a good (s) knowledge of the Italian market. Robert is a young manager of this fim. The director told us: “It is 4 o'clock and Paul is late!” We went [to] a meeting in Glasgow last week. He usually walk{s} half an hour inthe morning. 1 often listen [to the] music by night. [sword you that I didnt go {to the] meeting with the director. Sicily is an isle [to the] south of Italy. This year I'l write [to] you every month, In this case our firm will assure you all the possible assistance by our export affice in Milan, I sav Jim through the window. © comisione di terminazion verbal Come 2 previsto dal MU del Noe, le terminazioni verbali del passato -ed e di -s dei verbi alla tt! persona sing. delt'indicativo presente, intuibili dal senso e dal costrutto della frase, possono essere omesse (quindi, ‘non altinizio di frase), come pure la terminazione -ing del gerundio. Le omission, inoltre, come 2 stato anticipato negli esercizi, si estendono a tutte quelle parole, tanto frequenti ¢ ripetute in inglese, che riguardano determinate strutture grammaticali (omissione di to in: “to go to, “to be able to”, ece: omissione di $ nel plurale). 11) Esereizio applicativo. (in rosso le possibili omission’; Ze nuove forme siglate sono in corsivo) sites Sg 7 was, were, him, when, while, people, I had not, about, behind, already, one as 7 Ws Ata travel agency. A few days ago my uncle wantled| / (a Ly yen y22u¥ C/ 7 a ticket to Paris and, as he was very busy, he askied). 4//yo 4 9% 4 9 me fo go to a travel agency and get the ticket for him. 2 >.< Ly. /- Hy, 2 When | arriv|e<) there, I was surpris{ed] to see the place es sa, spo ~ wee crowded with people; I had not realiz|e«\] that so many Ag ly Boe he ye people travel nowadays! I waited half an hour and, 7 h,p0 Py09- while waiting, I look{ed| about and admir|ed] the fine _, S-., ht as / posters on the walls. Pais a At last the clerk behind the counter turn| ec] to Adena af Coed me and ask/ dl] me what I want(ec!|. Ianswered that 27 yy 27 ge want|ed] a first-class return ticket to Paris, I also eli hoa Mek EE enquir|cd| about trains and I was inform{ed] thatthe _,» eg as _— 6.30 a.m. train had been postpon|| 10 6.50am. 5%, fi “wf 16% T begged the clerk to reserve a seat in the train, but 7/4 eo % ~Ke/ he repli[ed] that all the seat|s| were already reserv|c<|| op ee Devnet and that the only chance to get one was togoearly © —- 4/7/44 to the train. ~ pag. 6 - © Abbreviazione dei prefissi Per labbreviazione dei prefissi valgono le stesse norme abbreviative previste dal MU del Noe, con Vaggiunta di aleuni prefissi specifici della lingua inglese (es. down-, out-, under-, with-). La tendenza & quella di mantenere immutate le forme stenografiche gid assimilate per la lingua italiana (es. transport/trasporto, observe/osservo, objective/sagettivo, eee!) Esempi (fra parentesi la parte che viene omessa, in genere ultima letra): ete bi bw GB? of ae a(b)-a(d): abnormal, adverbe, advise; b(e): belong, betray; ci(r)e/(um): circulate, circoneise, ro Gwe a: 2d rye es: cl” circumstance, circumference; co(n): concrete, congress, consign; cont(ra)-(er): contraceptive, A*® vd old s: ge eh, [ipo pte ¢ / / contraband, counterpart, counter-attak; dow(n): downgrade, downstairs; f(or): forename, foreman; a ae got VA he i(n)s native, inconvenient, incoming, inspire; in)i(er): interpreter, intermediate, interesting; vr L eS” 83 See et ee rte, 0(b): objective, observe, obtain; ou(i): outline, outlook; over): overdose, overland, overlook: ae / ‘ a 4 A a sia Re 2° a of CeCe Ee oe 7 (er): perplex, perfect; pr(e): prepare, prefix, prepaid; r(e): reeyele, refuse, reply, resolve, result; a bY fh: fh flag: as = e C hL tu ke semi): semifinal, semicircle; sub: substance, subway; sup(er): superior, superiority, supervise; © Lf Ge: ew eh Ch #@ fra(ns): transport, transfer, translate; under: underline, understand; wi(th): without, withdraw Sieg rf ¢ f Tr rsh py 4 before, contrary, down, downward, indeed, inform, into, instead/of, out, without, person, present e = / J I) Mettare. “65S? 208 — Ye be Prd [er tk, Ca, COl pra ff A Af. lop Pil pp ALT toler npr. AEA by), “Jb tag. 5 Sf. lip Pe ye, LT. mane ah, a ee Oey Py ete plat Paria 13) Trascrizione. Can I see you before you go? She had her head down and she didn't see him. This can cause a downward spiral in my town. Dear Sir, we want [to] (inform you) about our new firm. (We have) few information indeed. (If you) pour hot water into a glass, it may crack. I knoked tw (tw:2 ), without reply. The bomb exploded killing 12 person[s}. The present system has many failing[s]. That's all for the present, Miss Gordon. (If you) want [to] have your meal [at] 7 o'clock instead of 5 o'clock, (you can) pag. 7 = @ Abbreviazione dei suffissi | suffissi pitt Frequenti sono abbreviati come 2 previsto dal MU del Noe, ai quali se ne aggiunge un nuovo gruppo, specifico della lingua inglese. A) Suffissi abbreviati come in italiano: ta Z e Pt nP nA MiP PP aed b en jon: nation, national, action, convention, passion, election, sensational, operation, position, eye 2 ey £2 ahr ol” te solution, occasionally; -ment: moment, document, payment, management, sentimental, elementary, we OA re kK Se ce: Bb bh af clements; -our/tor: colour, flavour, favor, doctor, director; -ble/bility visible, visibility, sensible, a ght gsi Yop of 7 0a: sensibility, responsible, responsibility, compatible, compatibility; graph -graphic graphy: “a 2 hea f Ww Ce ka ke telegraph, telegraphic, telegraphy; -gram: program, telegram, -ture: picture, pictures, signature, WH > fp ae Bf / / tM yy vo Hf pa future, nature; -tune -itude: fortune, opportune, attitude, latitude; traffic, rapid, sufficient, yh — aft Fp nett a é he eo Periodic, sporadic, ethic, stupid, lepid; -cious: precious, delicious, artificious, capricious, ts Ben 3k hp Berhad Af inefficacious, malicious; -ute: dissolute, minute, astute, resolute, dispute (perd: execute, refute) Fn ee Eee ingest Oh Cd stitute: institute, prostitute, substitute, constitution, institution 14) Lettura (le parole serie in corsvg fra parentesi sono sige nuove da imparare) . nen, av. Pprclhy,? Pe. Cppecrs spp erfaeconds). 7 eb 20. au [dimsorry) Lym, “20 “Hf ee ty ee “¢ Tye? poo gata —/ bei phy a [their) Log. Cpr a. efpersen), twhe) f@ara yl boy, bn a8. gh PHA dow? Pre chit os? > rb he) bavi frav-glomovnte 2 pp! 15) Traserizione (e parole in rosso sono sigle nuove) There was no Solution for Hilen. Was the payment of rent (tobe) optional? A moment isa very short period of time, for ex. @ few seconds. They waited until the very last moment. (Un sorry) but (she is not) in, at the moment. The biggest problem at the moment is unemployment. (Do you) think that improves the flavour? The flavour of @ partc(a)lar food or drink is the taste that it has. The children were responsible for cleaning dicir own rooms. A _Beographer is arson who studies geography or is an expert in it. We all had our pictures taken. They are adopting our atitude to Fife. She took the attitude that acting was a sort of recreation. Iti) one ofthe most deliciously tender of al ‘vegetables. This has given children in institution a better chance of being adopted. A payment is an amount of money that is paid to someone. = pag. 8- B) Suffissi specifici della lingua inglese: a9 of St A at ~tys-lies (sd ometéono i segni piccoli che precedono): activity, activities, honesty, city, reliability, pe a ~ % o , penalty, penalties, duty, duties; -ful/fully (si scrive staccato): careful, useful, beautiful, beatifully, og i pa wat yee Fee ‘wonderful, faithful, faithfully; ~ness: frankness, happyness, weakness, usefulness; -less: bloodless, oe te Gt bie Pas = aS sightless, useless, uselessness, toplessness: -ever: wichever (s), whatever (8), however, whenever eet Ae Re ae eon = (6), wherever (s); self myself, yourself; himself (a), herself (), itself oneself, themselves (s), age gal ail 4, met ee leadership, headship, relationship, championship, clerkship, (shipment); , Z a a a”, ty fee ~vard reward, jaw, towards), rewarded, crossword (ast wor, first word pe ood: childhood, ~ BO? nl ee ae f- ow adulthood, manhood, parenthood; thing: anything, nothing, something (8) (good thing, many : oe : we! Ti ee mr aa Bt Be things, al things, ece.); one: anyone, someone (8), no-one, everyone (3), -day: Sunday (3), oe. we &. 2 pee Le ae. Monday(s), Tuesday(s), Wednesday(s), Thursday(s), Friday(s), Sarurday(s), birthday, eyeryday (8), Bhan gt fh oe Sp ef of no holyday; -up/or: get up, stend up, grow up (anche inziale; upword, upgrade, update, upset, upper class) LoLettura / vad, 668 Mobbenily) at? Sates Gf esgic (omcvsany Maral 8. enue Lap, OL nee tof se lt lin, 2a als abe SPALL aby twit vba eB otf ne. Ban, LGB OR Rafe tool, OA wt” ues, Brg on GHA ene te hex g*Ceraryfhing) bow AL Inebniag), “oh (toward) aod “og Teta april tl £2 19) Traduzione - (If you ae) responsible far somnrine oF sameone (you have) contol and authority Over dhem and (it is) your duty to make sure that ccessury tasks are carried out. He finally picks up 2 book: to look at the pictures. Pil go to the ‘market on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. (You have) to get up at 8 oslock. He told me many things about his childhood ‘The relationship between two. things i the Way in wiv they are connected or linked. (hay grown up in the district. He sctually washed the clothes Aim: Upgrading isthe process of replacing a product with a newer version of the same product. Be very careful with knives, The usefulness of his latest reorganisation has been disputed. The activity of leading a sroup of people or an organization or the ability to do this, is called teadership. "Science says the frst word on s»wehig, and the Inst word on noting”. The Tonsard Parenthood Program as been developed by the Paren-Infant Rescarch Insitute. npg © Le cigle ¢ le unioné di parole i,t gta: mi aN gn ip poh’ pl Spel aie ae en eis prem sid eee: inne page renin enti oi a sijo, ohe od empties tepprndineno, Tia, te iden al nn anere pt, saan gradiabmenh Preest nag crcl aplatiohstrovarta spits, i mana a ao che 68 na Psa Focenone appcre err Frdamental «2 ‘riferinsd per la loro formaxions somo i sequenti, sudativisi per grupp! specific: @) Sigle: Zs i il ly ci i * BAe tpg F mY fy 4 f $l dit bl edb ei re pr rt ial en a i da dele de eta ane fo ae Be nen Nn gp oy Pm ‘= hank commer, comission, contesray, omertioncomary rit ify, ou, ding, ee sre, oneratet, ed zg Peh bw 8 wy eM oj, HE sm i hh el ee ne or é fat & oe eo Se Poin, quatication gy, qomntiv questi, penn, eb, sean, te. idle ce neo com WH 5 seivona satto ia bas, omettendo WH woe ee I, ad ge ee 5 what, whatever, when whens, whoever whet, wherever, wher which, while, wEilest, who, whole-whom, whose, hy tigen drab reer og ye 2% th a, hs he het thet. he, hey, eee ein the hn ere hy eo gt Si vera ds ss be, a a ee; ole sen, il sl, ca. come Spiced tng le > SB Dae aig ee Oe Ee git Pang heme ba cin Ms ee Tine te Seis en ines, Smt oy. a emits sen einen sien. i, wen ee ctf tay 2 ich i ot oc: at lve oh pt a pe pep, ap ep sem ial ah tm Sigel ma © de gre elt catia a 6 Cy & Pept 4 nt wb mc ers eA Mh hg, eg Sri ts Set ae, oe ce ne Sony, Med: Tei, We: Thy, Saturday Spy dt aa tga 7 og aos 1 oe 2 eo SN fi Be aly: ain Bland gh Get ra, ies Stes, Ee, Epc: pos rar; band hunt, ind ‘Sigfe eoapocin eon, profes) 0 iia! space! deitinglne= roe 5 = aw me mH os z - cery-eerans, reno eveing eee; some: mca onan ming som some meee ae ee a tae fo fos ee - ences, semen eels warren rd: cer wher wheres whores hn Cae BY Unioni di sigle ¢ aii parole - Br saguite si scompliicane linn’ cast dele nvunnerevel union di sige di Parole che si possono esequire, traendone grande vantaggio nella cintesi ¢ nella velocita di sertttuva Sulla base degli ‘serpiripertati, ne potranme essere fatti tanti altri, sempre arendo presenti critert di legit, di convendenca ¢ el lao di conoscersa personae dela ingaainglse. Si consiglia,tuttvia, di lmieare Nuco di queste forme ai eax pit Iraquont, aincht la lore applcecione sia profcua. Uni icant ta AE Ab Bs AE Ain ty Og 1 fm, Y'm:not,t'm sony, ve, 've not, Im sure, can, T would, I could, I should, Ido, 1 do not, 1 did, I id not, F111 not, PL ye be, Thad, I be able to, | sould be, | mesure you: lve: he is, he is not: it: itis, itis nok; We: we are. we are not, we are somy sabezatcodil an oo a Sh le 6B te be Ba € & A By EP em Be ‘edo Hit, we hidve, de have nol, we should not be, we assure you do, ils do yon, did you, did yu nt yee -~ A xh 46 “tes ? ce wil shally will you, shall you, yond, could, should: would you, could you, should you, shall be glad: ares ave hi: vee we FF Ik he ‘te you, ate you no, e you no yet, have you, hive you not, you, had you no; 0: ou, to be oe able 0 da; Pot tty (a se — h Fy Og x we if ifyou, if your four Hyon rei you ae not st — ti: that You ar, thal You wil b, that yi wl be able, that a ee ee (hat i not, tha you haves this i, this is not: vou: you ate, you are not, for You, to you, by you, thank yo, Uniong a (prononne personals coniplemante) + di you a! sivbelo precast (anche com icone dw se poste), a Me ke, ha og ap a sent, send open sh it when il, gt have you, had you, send you sent you, wil you inform You, tld you ‘toed tenn Ay SL Bb Gc nll ‘thai yOu fr your lelfer, let us know, you must not be, we must have, in order to, up to date, more or fess, as early as ees wt Gt pt neal possible,‘ far as, as mich as, as mich as possible, as Soon as possible, as well as, from time to time, no longer, not at al, mm wn Vv 6 be of course, at your convenience, with referencerwith refines to your letter, “pig = Esercizi riassuntivi sulle sigle Side esas) 2 be ao a as ‘him, tomorrow, toward, no-one, could, why, thousand, whom, everywhere Letturn 18) 2 SoC 200m. Soe Ab? the €, ark. b-Enrlle. Sm 86 Saab Bin pent Ex wry & Lope, era lnwel MO A Ai pine LOU BAR! hs pts arb. [el ae? fn F . “hop” Wb eg. 19) Traduzione: (I've) lost sight of shiny since a year. (Have you) heard the latest news” (I've) taken my choice, (I'm) leaving, ‘wimorrow. Tus the story came to its end. (Do up) this parcel and (send it) to your friend. Mary (does not) feel drawn foward? Jahn Only 300 lian people were present atthe foetbell atch, (You are) the second to ask me this thing. No-one of you ‘colt help her. Henny is more polite than his brother. /,y (didn't you) come? A siousuad thanks for your kindness. To kone shall I debit this suen? New houses are (going up) cveryiinere. The bank issued the required documens, Sipe 0) ne LD ce ng Bg fw gy fy oangr Besa, ver, Aaa lays dieu, doubt, oherwise cannot, hose wheter, whole rout 9° he et Ahan 2-0 aL, hep Babb. oto ned (he. PEI AES An pla ttn. Aly gE Pg IE AL table Amc mas, oP ce OP be M2 DK An Daf 21) Traduzione: Keep the children quiet, I want to listen (o you) no-owzer, My mother (is not) at home now.CWWe have) payed the die sum to the bank, You use aie to cut bread. She had] go home este ofthe bad weather. {I salle? speak to him agai. (I've been) there «already. Altkough they are 30 poor they are cilru)> neatly dressed. (Iti) dfflcal! auidge. (There is no) owbr (about i), The sun went dawn, Rise your voice vs/ierwise (1 causa) xheat you). Where (are you) sgofing]? *hoae book is this? (I don't) know weer (Pm) coming (with you) oF nat. He ate the woe cake. Silewey, O Pt 2 ag ert wey “2 “who. rman, wit cunt gai anus, puns, ery Dating, een, pose, cut ” Mates 2 OP gy te? IL A CN alg y 2H, OR. eens wets, Cin Be ao 8015 e bar wrtint | a Lad ee Gace, 2. ey 2 of we pore 6 A PLP Ee ByxPy. 2. ey Aer, feet {6 2, typ 23) Traduzione: (That is) the man about whom we were speaking. (H'é0 is) that man? (When are you) going to leave? (I'l) (Give you) fordieriajormacin. We must leave nichout delay (Thee i mo) ficndship Batwoen them. {1 want 10 Open scone ih bank. He was marred ahi wi His Gets xcs to 5000s. Dinge ion ey. Aw oie has «wtiorty over the soldiers. The pew is ein that book. I knew what he would need, 50 | mad preparations b/oreli, (Hl is) in brsiness for himself (His no) possibie to give more than 10% dieu Spee an ome * a a ne a ‘ever, custnan/s, jumey, England, point, necessary, creditor's, number, indeed, principle, Gee, eoambers,pertiament aancatnires fo j.4/ "5/9. iy Bin? “leche. abivaad Wtuevre~ bse een Be 32? brag be lira yr ee A ih Lt brow Incr ~ D. TR aA ge ta Mavens. ptt, Pid 8? bauctites Bun BL eit le a Ls tigpeh 5 z, 2 ofr: HE ES be. = pag, 12. 25) Traduzione: (It is) bencath you to complain. (When are you) coming back? This work is very easy (tod). (ve ad) iy ‘air cut. Here below (you will) find the pree-ist (you have) requested. (Ive) eaten enough. (Did you) ever soe him? (Its nol) iy cesta (ta be) anpoite. (We have not yt) receved the Bil of lading: (Pike) t take arr to Fvgland. At this pone (G13) necesser wo (Clear up) the situation. The erduor requires

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