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Half Life 2 + Counter Strike Source Steamless Install

Readme by Jaxor

Quick Install Directions

1. Unrar HL2+CSS.rar
2. To install Half Life 2, run "HL2 Install-Update.bat"
3. To install Counter Strike Source, run "CSS Install-Update.bat"
4. To play, run either "play_HL2.bat" or "play_CSS.bat" on the
*Note: Counter Strike Source does not need to be installed to play
Half Life 2. However, Half Life 2 needs to be installed to
play Counter Strike Source.
**Note: All install files may be safely deleted to free up 6.4GB
of space.

Advanced Install Options

- To install Half Life 2/Counter Strike Source to a specified
directory, edit the "CSS Install-Update.bat" or
"HL2 Install-Update.bat" by finding the first line starting
with '::--' and read and follow the directions below it.
*Note: Counter Strike Source must be installed to the same
Directory as Half Life 2, otherwise install will fail.
- To install Half Life 2/Counter Strike Source from a specified
directory, edit the "CSS Install-Update.bat" or
"HL2 Install-Update.bat" by finding the second line starting
with '::--' and read and follow the directions below it.
- Half Life 2/Counter Strike Source does not need to be started
by running the "play_HL2.bat" or "play_CSS.bat" files.
Optionally, shortcuts may be made and placed where desired
(eg. start menu). This may be done by making shortcut(s) to
hl2.exe found in the ..\root directory. Right click the
shortcut(s) and click properties. The following parameters
must be added in the target field at the end:
"-steamlocal -game hl2" for Half Life 2
"-steamlocal -game cstrike" for Counter Strike Source.
- Official Steam updates may be applied to Half Life 2 and
Counter Strike Source if you have access to the cached GCF
files from a valid Half Life 2/Counter Strike Source
account. These may be found in the ..\Steam\SteamApps\
directory. By replacing the GCF files found there with
the GCF files in this installer (GCF files found in CSS
and HL2 directories) the latest official updates may be
obtained. Once replaced, just run "HL2 Install-Update.bat"
and "CSS Install-Update.bat" to apply updates.
- To uninstall Half Life 2 and Counter Strike Source, just
simply delete the install directory (default
"C:\Program Files\Half Life 2").
- This install can be installed side by side with other
current and existing valid Steam games without any risk
or issue of losing a valid account.

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