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Inglese (writing) 22/11/2021

In Italia abbiamo molti fenomeni di inquinamento, tutti di vario tipo tra cui: l’inquinamento
ambientale, come la CO2 emanata dalle fabbriche, dell’acqua, come la plastica che riduce la vita
marina e acustico, che in molti centro-città si sente. Da pochi anni l’Italia si adopera a ridurre
l’inquinamento, adottando i vari progetti emessi dall’ONU.

L’Agenda 2030 è un programma d’azione per le persone, il pianeta e la prosperità sottoscritto dai
governi dei 193 Paesi membri dell’ONU, tra cui l’Italia. L’agenda ingloba 17 Obiettivi per lo
Sviluppo Sostenibile, in un grande programma d’azione per un totale di 169 traguardi. L’avvio
ufficiale degli Obiettivi ha coinciso con l’inizio del 2016, guidando il mondo sulla strada da
percorrere nell’arco dei prossimi 15 anni: i Paesi si sono impegnati di raggiungerli entro il 2030. Gli
obbiettivi citati sono:
 Eliminate Poverty
 Erase Hunger
 Establish Good Health and Well-Being
 Provide Quality Education
 Enforce Gender Equality
 Improve Clean Water and Sanitation
 Grow Affordable and Clean Energy
 Create Decent Work and Economic Growth
 Increase Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
 Reduce Inequality
 Mobilize Sustainable Cities and Communities
 Influence Responsible Consumption and Production
 Organize Climate Action
 Develop Life Below Water
 Advance Life On Land
 Guarantee Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
 Build Partnerships for the Goals

Da quasi tre decenni l’ONU riunisce quasi tutti i Paesi della terra per i vertici globali sul clima
chiamati COP ovvero” Conferenza delle Parti”. Da allora il cambiamento climatico è passato
dall’essere una questione marginale a diventare una priorità globale. Quest’anno si terrà il 26eismo
vertice annuale, di qui il nome COP26. La COP26 sarà presieduta dal Regno Unito che la ospiterà a
Glasgow. I Paesi si presenteranno al vertice di Glasgow con piani aggiornati di riduzione delle
proprie emissioni. Gli obbiettivi imposti dalla Cop26 sono:
 Secure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach
 Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats
 Mobilise finance
 Work together to deliver
In inglese:

In Italy we have many forms of pollution, all of various types including: environmental pollution,
such as CO2 emitted by factories, water, such as plastic that reduces marine life and noise, which in
many city centers can be heard. For a few years Italy has been working to reduce pollution,
adopting the various projects issued by the UN.

The 2030 Agenda is an action program for people, planet and prosperity signed by the governments
of the 193 UN member countries, including Italy. The agenda includes 17 Goals for Sustainable
Development, in a large program of action for a total of 169 targets. The official launch of the Goals
coincided with the beginning of 2016, guiding the world on the way forward over the next 15 years:
countries have committed to achieving them by 2030. The goals mentioned are:
 Eliminate Poverty
 Erase Hunger
 Establish Good Health and Well-Being
 Provide Quality Education
 Enforce Gender Equality
 Improve Clean Water and Sanitation
 Grow Affordable and Clean Energy
 Create Decent Work and Economic Growth
 Increase Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
 Reduce Inequality
 Mobilize Sustainable Cities and Communities
 Influence Responsible Consumption and Production
 Organize Climate Action
 Develop Life Below Water
 Advance Life On Land
 Guarantee Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
 Build Partnerships for the Goals

For nearly three decades, the UN has brought together nearly every country on earth for global
climate summits called COPs or Conference of the Parties. Since then, climate change has gone
from being a marginal issue to becoming a global priority. This year will be the 26th annual
summit, hence the name COP26. COP26 will be chaired by the United Kingdom, which will
host it in Glasgow. Countries will come to the Glasgow summit with updated plans to reduce
their emissions. The objectives imposed by Cop26 are:
 Secure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach
 Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats
 Mobilize finance
 Work together to deliver

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