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Weekly Home Group Guide

Belong Week of May 1-7

Give each adult a blank nametag as they arrive & ask them to write a word that describes how they feel tonight. Encour-
age people to be honest, but use appropriate (kid-friendly) words. :) You’ll refer to this later during Adult Time.

Opening Prayer
Point out someone in your group that went BEYOND over Easter weekend in some way...serving at PBC. Thank the Lord
for them & ask for His blessings on your HG.

Become (Spiritual Disciplines, Care) // Pick at least one from each category to use in leading your group
Suggestions for Family Time
A) Think about a favorite relative (grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, etc.). What’s one of your favorite memories
about this family member? (*Note: Most likely they are special to you because they spent personal time with you.)
B) Divide into groups of 3-4 (adults with kids). Together make a list of 5 specific ways (or more) that God has personally
shown His love for you. Teach the Core Comp Personal God “I believe God is involved in & cares about my daily life.”
C) Divide into groups & have them learn the Core Comp verse, Psalm 121:1-2: “I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does
my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven & earth.” (Use motions to make it fun!)

Suggestions for Kids Time

A) Have the kids draw/color a picture of a way that God shows that He personally cares for them.
B) Have the kids make Mother’s Day cards for their moms. Be sure to get these to their dads privately before they leave.
C) Read Psalm 23 together & ask the children to make a list of the ways that God is our caring Shepherd.
D) Take the children on a supervised walk & ask them to look for ways that God provides for us through creation. (Ex: the
sun & moon for light, rain to water the plant life & give us drink, trees for shade & plants for food, flowers for beauty, etc.)

Suggestions for Adult Time

A) Go around the room & let everyone share why they wrote the particular word on their nametag.
B) God is involved in & cares about our daily lives. Pain & suffering are part of every life. Do these two statements con-
tradict each other? Why or Why not?
C) In what specific ways can you see that God is involved in & cares about your daily life? Be specific!!!!

Suggestions for Prayer Time

A) Rather than using your prayer time to talk about prayer requests, simply begin praying. Use the ACTS model as your
guide (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving & Supplications)
B) Share this quote & briefly discuss: “Prayer is not so much an act as it is an attitude—an attitude of dependency…
dependency upon God.” Arthur W. Pink (evangelist) Pray that God gives each of you an attitude of dependency.
C) Using the image of God as our “Heavenly Father,” let’s praise & thank Him for His Fatherly love & care of us.

Beyond (Evangelism, Recreation, Volunteerism, Extending Compassion, International Missions)

Check the bulletin or for the stuff going on in our church. Consider the ideas below, as well!

Community Calendar
We’re less than a week away from Mother’s Day! Be sensitive to the specific “motherly” situation in your group, but think
of how you might honor the moms at your next HG. Hint: Involve the children!!!

Church Calendar
PBC’s Base Camp (July 11-15) is a great way to share the Gospel with unchurched children. Buddy Bonanza scholarships
are available! Contact Jennifer Strand ( for questions. Sign up @


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