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Christ Is

First United Presbyterian Church

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011
(*Please stand in body or in spirit)

Thought for Meditation: Mary’s Easter Day was a mixture of discovery, sadness, and awareness.
With her discovery she runs quickly to tell the others. In her sadness she finds comfort among the
angels. When made aware of Jesus’ presence she calls him “Rabbouni,” teacher. Easter continues
today as a time to relate the good news, to find comfort, and to confess Christ as the source of new

We Gather In God’s Name

PRELUDE Moderato from “Water Music” George Frederic Handel
Words of Welcome and Signing of Friendship Pads
Please add your name to the pad you will find at the end of each pew and pass it along your row so that we
can know each other by name.

Choral Introit: Hallelujah! Our Lord is Risen! Alfred Fedak

*Call to Worship

This morning we shout with joy, Alleluia! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Christ is risen!
All: Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!

*Hymn - #123 Jesus Christ is Risen Today EASTER HYMN

Verse. 1: All
Verse. 2: Choir
Verse. 3: Treble Voices (generally women and children)
Verse. 4: All

A Litany of Assurance

With the stone rolled away came emptiness

Of a tomb that held captive the Crucified, of the space that was once filled with death, of the
cross that now pointed to greater truth of God’s love in spite of ourselves.
With the stone rolled away came questions
From those whose world lay shattered, from those who would demand living proof, from those
who were seeking a sign of promise breeding confidence, assurance and trust.
With the stone rolled away came light
To illumine the darkness of suspicion and fear, to dispel the shadows of distrust, anxiety,
insecurity, to radiate with the beams of new hope and understanding the life about to be lived.
With the stone rolled away comes a future
With a truth that outshines the wisdom of ages, with space to be filled with the kingdom of God,
with the company of those who through history confess Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!

Thanks be to God; in Jesus Christ, we have a future!

Since God has forgiven us in Jesus Christ, let us forgive one another.
The peace of Christ be with you all.
And also with you.
Worshippers are invited to greet one another with the words,
“The peace of Christ be with you.”

We Proclaim God’s Word

Time for Children

Children may pick up clipboards at the front of the sanctuary after the prayer and announcements. Please return
them to their boxes after worship.

Anthem The Strife is O’er Henry G. Ley

The strife is o’er, the battle done;

Now is the Victor’s triumph won:
O let the song of praise be sung: Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Death’s mightiest powers have done their worst,

And Jesus hath His foes dispersed;
Let shouts of praise and joy outburst:

On the third morn He rose again,

Glorious in majesty to reign;
O let us swell the joyful strain:

Lord, by the stripes which wounded Thee,

From death’s dread sting Thy servants free,
That we may live, and sing to Thee.
Music: Henry G. Ley © 1992 Oxford University Press. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted under #A-715745

Prayer of Illumination

Scripture Lessons
Lesson from the Old Testament Jeremiah 31:1-6 O.T. page 733
Lesson from the Epistle Colossians 3:1-4 N.T. page 201
Lesson from the Gospels John 20:1-18 N.T. page 115

Sermon “Not Understanding”

Congregational Anthem Now the Green Blade Rises 15 Century French Carol
Arr. Maury A. Castro
Now the green blade rises, from the buried grain,
wheat that in the dark earth many days has lain;
love lives again, that with the dead has been:
love is come again like wheat new springing green.

In the grave they laid him, love by hatred slain,

sure that he would never, never wake again,
laid in the earth like grain that sleeps unseen:
love is come again like wheat new springing green.

Forth he came at Easter, like the risen grain,

he that for these three days in the grave had lain;
raised from the dead my living Lord is seen:
love is come again like wheat new springing green.

Congregation please rise and sing:

*Affirmation of Faith – Apostles’ Creed – Ecumenical Version

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born
of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he
descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven and is seated
at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness
of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

We Respond to God’s Word

Sharing Joys and Concerns

Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer

Offering Our Gifts and Ourselves


*Response – # 591 Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow OLD HUNDRETH

*Prayer of Dedication

Bountiful God, we come with our offerings in response to your love. With the new life in Christ,
we give ourselves in service to others. With the energy bestowed by the Spirit, we seek to
inflame all your people with a zeal for your way. Receive the work we do, and the gifts we bring,
that they may become a blessing in your sight. Amen.

The Eucharist
The Invitation

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving & The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
It is truly right…

Our Father …

Distribution of the Elements

Communion Hymn: Alleluia HONDURAN TRADITIONAL

Verses 1 through 4
Verse 2: Alleluia. Alleluia. (3x) Verse 4: Alleluia. Alleluia. (3x)
Christ, the first-fruits from the grave. Glory, love, and praise to God.

Verse 3: Alleluia. Alleluia. (3x)

Christ has given us new life.
Text & Music: Honduras; Arr. John L. Bell Arr. © 1995, WGRG the Iona Community (Scotland) Admin. GIA Publications, Inc.

Prayer after Communion

Almighty God, you provide the true bread from heaven, your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Grant
that we who have received the Sacrament of his body and blood may abide in him and he in us,
that we may be filled with the power of his endless life, now and forever. Amen.

*Hymn I Danced in the Morning LORD OF THE DANCE

Verses: 1, 4 & 5

Words: Sydney Carter Music: 19 Cent. Shaker Tune Adapt. BY: Sydney Carter, Arr. John Birch
Copyright © 1963 by Stainer & Bell Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission of Hope Publishing Co.

We Go in God’s Name
*Charge and Blessing

Allegretto Maestoso from “Sonata for Winds” George Frederic Handel

Special Thanks to Devin Glenn and Peter Fernandez for their contribution on Trumpet and to Kylie Kerr
and Brendan Lanoue for their contribution on Bells this morning.

Today’s reader: Dana Parker

Upcoming Readers:
May 1 – Gavin Crobok May 8 – Bill Jaffarian

Next Week’s Sermon Topic:

May 1st – “Wanting Proof” Scriptures: Acts 2:14a, 22-32; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31
Prayers of the People – April 17, 2011
• Please pray for Leslie Kelly’s friend John in that he overcomes his anxiety.
• Prayer of thanksgiving that Sue Connelly and Shirley and Don Bowes made it safely back from
• Please pray for Marg O’Connor as she goes through Cancer Treatment
• Please pray for friends, Karen and John and their son, Nick. Nick returns home from
Afghanistan in May and returns to Afghanistan in August. Karen, a breast cancer survivor, has
her annual screening this week.
• Please pray for the family of John Daniels who has recently died.
• From Kerry Welcome, please pray for the family of Ann Manzar.
• From Miriam, please pray that the organizational effort of meals comes together with ease for
Betsy Belle while she goes through Dialysis. Please keep John & Betsy in your prayers as they
cope with her illness.
• Prayer of Thanksgiving for Jackie’s strong leadership
• From Claudia, Please pray for Michael’s friend, Ben, who has a brain tumor and Aileen as she
copes with MS
• From Marlene, please keep the victims of the tornoado in your prayers

Welcome To First United! It is a joy that you have chosen to enrich this worshipping community with
your presence this morning. We hope you find a spiritual home here, a place of love, support and
service. Following worship, you are cordially invited to gather with the community for a time of
refreshment and conversation in Fellowship Hall.

Special Thanks to our Coffee Hour Hosts for May!

May 1 – Roof Task Force Committee May 15 – Bonnie McCaig & Joan Rogers
May 8 – Jennifer Nelson
Please sign up and share in creating our fellowship time. Questions? Call Don Lutz – 283-6920


May 1st Informational Congregational Meeting - There will be an informational congregational
meeting held directly after the church service on May 1st
The Rensselaer County CROP walk will be held on May 1st, starting at the TAUM offices (392 Second
St., Troy - at 2nd and Jackson). The walk raises money for the Rensselaer County Food Pantries and
for Church World Service Programs, including disaster relief. Registration is at 12:30 and the walk
begins at 1:30. Any interest in walking? See Martha Juenger to pick up a pledge sheet. If you
wouldn’t like to walk but WOULD like to make a pledge to this great cause, you may catch us in the
fellowship hall every Sunday after the service during the month of April. FUPC usually raises $1000 -
let’s try and surpass that goal!!!
Bible Study Every Wednesday Night at 6:30: Bible Study conducted by Interim Pastor Jacquelyn
Pinkowski in the Rose Room. The focus will be on the scriptures for the following Sunday’s scripture

Meal Coordination for the Eadie’s

As many of you know, Betsy Eadie is dealing with kidney failure and will soon begin dialysis. She is
probably a candidate for a transplant, but finding a donor is a very large challenge. An associate of
hers is beginning the process of coordinating offering the Eadies' help, particularly meals. Her name
is Jennifer Hurd. Jenn's contact information is: or 518-283-5187. She prefers
emails but phone calls are fine. Be aware that any phone messages will be returned, but may take
a day or two. Jenn also has a resource that offers meal ideas and recipes for the diet restrictions that
accompany this health issue.


-Empathy in Action: Intro to Pastoral Care, w/ Rev.William Grosch, M.D., Lynnwood Reformed,
Begins September 8, A Lay Theological Education Program 20-hour course. $250; $200 to audit.
Reg. deadline: August 23, 2011.
-Canoeing Through Creation, w/ Rev. Kent Busman, Mon, Sept. 12- Thurs. Sept. 15, Camp Fowler,
Get away into the beautiful Adirondacks for hiking, canoeing, and theological reflection on the care of
God’s good creation. $300; Reg. deadline: Aug. 24.
Register online at or by phone at 518-462-2470. Watch our website for information
on these and many other courses available in 2011. Scholarships and group discounts available for
most classes; please contact us for an application.


3nd Annual Troy Music Day Camp. Do you want to introduce your child to the world of music in a
fun-filled environment? Or perhaps you want to strengthen your child’s already-developed musical
foundation? Troy Music Day Camp is for you! This camp, which runs at First United from June 27 –
July 8 (two weeks this year!), will give your child a variety of fun-filled learning experiences associated
with music such as singing, dancing, introductions to a variety of instruments and composers, field
trips, guest musicians, and more. The camp is open to children entering grades 1-6. The program day
runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with extensions to 7:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. If you are interested in
registering, please pick up a registration brochure at church or go to to find a
downloadable form there.

Music Together – Music Together is starting their Spring Semester. They are offering classes on
Mondays at 9:30 AM, 4:30 PM, and 6 PM. Classes start on April 11th and will continue for 10 weeks.
For more information contact Carol Jurs at (518) 393-9580 or check out their website at


No Faith Education classes today. Children’s Faith Ed classes will resume in May. They will be held
on May 1, 8, 22.

Raise Our Roof Food Fair a Success!

Just a note to thank everyone who contributed their time and energy to making our Palm Sunday/Food
Fair a success. The variety of favorite foods prepared made it a smorgasbord of tasty treats. As of
press time the total amount raised for the roof fund for our historic church building was $425.00
Blessings to all and our appreciation to you for your patience and support.
From the Faith Education students, parents, teachers, and committee.

The children of the church invite you to participate in helping them put together hygiene kits, as “a way
to reach disaster survivors and those in need with the hope of Christ”. This program is encouraged by
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, through Church World Service. During the month of April we will be
collecting the following items for the kits: bar of soap (bath size in wrapper), toothpaste in original
packing, washcloth, wide tooth comb, nail clipper (no metal files or emery boards), hand towel 16”
x 28” (no fingertip or bath towels), and 6 bandages. We will also need one gallon size zip lock bags to
pack the individual kits in. We will have a container available to collect these items in the Fellowship
Hall. Then during the month of May we will share some fellowship time putting these kits together.
Anything that you can contribute will be much appreciated!

Today – No Adult Education classes

Honk If You Love Jesus! – May 8th

That is one of the oldest religious BUMPER STICKERS that we have seen. You probably had some
reaction to it, and it may or may not have resulted in your tooting your horn. Miriam Parmelee, John
Buckley, and Don Drew will facilitate this adult education opportunity on May 8. We will explore how
we react to religious slogans not only seen on bumper stickers, but everywhere. Remember John
3:18? What do you think about when you see a Jesus Fish on a car? How about a Darwin Fish? How

FUPC Remains a NUT FREE FACILITY: First United has been a Nut Free Building for quite some
time. It is especially important as a new child will be joining Unity Sunshine Pre-School that has an
AIRBORNE NUT ALLERGY TO ALL TYPES OF NUTS. Please continue to be mindful that the pre-
school uses our kitchen. Thank you for your support in keeping the building a safe environment for the
children who use our facility.
Prayers of the People There is a prayer journal at the back of the sanctuary where you may record
prayer requests to be included during the prayers of the people.
Wear A Name Tag as a sign of warm welcome for newcomers. If you do not have one, or need a
replacement, please make a note on one of the bright orange flyers at the rear of the sanctuary.
The Deacons thank those who are contributing $1 each week to the work of the Deacons. It is greatly
appreciated as we work to help others. You can either use the gold & white envelope in the pew rack
or make a special designation in your pledge envelope for this important Deacons fund.
Deacons remind you of the Care Notes in the rack at the back of the Sanctuary. Care Notes are
pamphlets dealing with topics including grief, illness, anger management and concerns with teens and
children. We encourage you to use them for yourself, your family, friends, or other individuals who
might derive some benefit from them.
Parking for Worship is available in the large lot behind the Gurley Building at the corner of Sixth
Avenue and Fulton Street or in the small lot on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Fulton Street and also
along Fifth Avenue. Please note: The parking spaces in the alley on the Grand Street side of the
sanctuary are private parking spaces that belong to Franklin Plaza. Please do not park there.
FUPC’s parking lot (Monday – Friday) – if you visit the church during business hours, please do NOT
park in the parking lot! Our parking spaces are reserved for the staff of FUPC and its tenants from 8:30
am until 5 pm Mon. through Thurs.
For families with children: Childcare during worship for children through age 4 is available in the
nursery located between the sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall. Please pick your child up as you leave
the sanctuary for fellowship and refreshments. The Respite Room, at the rear of the sanctuary on the
south side, is available for parents or caregivers of infants who may need a brief time away of worship.
Food Donations for the Troy Larger Parish: There is always a basket for food donations for the Troy
Larger Parish Food Pantry on your way into church. And if you would rather, cash buys more food from
the Regional Food bank. Empty your change into the jars at either sanctuary door.

Bulletin Announcements: Reminder - All announcements for the bulletin should be submitted to the
church office by 9 AM Wednesday each week. Announcements will be highlighted by the reader in
worship, but there will not be time for individuals to make announcements during worship. If an
announcement does not make it into the bulletin, please speak to the reader before worship so that he
or she may include it in the oral announcements for that day.
Newsletter Announcements: The deadline for submission to the Vision Newsletter is the 17th of
every month.


One Great Hour of Sharing

During the Lenten season First United has been offering several opportunities for special giving.
Following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, a disaster relief account was opened by the PCUSA to
receive contributions. This has occurred with the Haiti earthquake, Central America disasters, Katrina
relief, and South East Asia tsunami relief most recently. If you want to make a contribution to this
effort, make your check payable to First United, with “Japan” in the memo line.
Tornados have spread their damage across the southern United States, especially in North Carolina. If
you wish to contribute to this fund, mark your check “Tornado.” Since 1949, Presbyterians have joined
with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God’s love with people
experiencing need. Our gifts support ministries of disaster response, refugee
assistance and resettlement, and community development that help people find
safe refuge, start new lives and work together to strengthen their families and
First United has been receiving this offering during Lent to Easter Sunday. If
you wish to contribute to OGHS, make your check or envelope payable to First
United with OGHS in the memo line.

About the Apostles’ Creed

Although not written by apostles, the Apostles' Creed reflects the theological formulations of the first
century church. The creed's structure may be based on Jesus' command to make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In a time when most
Christians were illiterate, oral repetition of the Apostles' Creed, along with the Lord's Prayer and the
Ten Commandments, helped preserve and transmit the faith of the western churches. The Apostles'
Creed played no role in Eastern Orthodoxy.

In the early church, Christians confessed that "Jesus is Lord" but did not always understand the biblical
context of lordship. The views of Marcion, a Christian living in Rome in the second century, further
threatened the church's understanding of Jesus as Lord. Marcion read the Old Testament as referring
to a tyrannical God who had created a flawed world. Marcion believed that Jesus revealed, in contrast,
a good God of love and mercy. For Marcion, then, Jesus was not the Messiah proclaimed by the
prophets, and the Old Testament was not Scripture. Marcion proposed limiting Christian "Scripture" to
Luke's gospel (less the birth narrative and other parts that he felt expressed Jewish thinking) and to
those letters of Paul that Marcion regarded as anti-Jewish. Marcion's views developed into a movement
that lasted several centuries.

Around A.D.180, Roman Christians developed an early form of the Apostles' Creed to refute Marcion.
They affirmed that the God of creation is the Father of Jesus Christ, who was born of the Virgin Mary,
was crucified under Pontius Pilate, was buried and raised from the dead, and ascended into heaven,
where he rules with the Father. They also affirmed belief in the Holy Spirit, the church, and the
resurrection of the body.
Candidates for membership in the church, having undergone a lengthy period of moral and doctrinal
instruction, were asked at baptism to state what they believed. They responded in the words of this

The Apostles' Creed underwent further development. In response to the question of readmitting those
who had denied the faith during the persecutions of the second and third centuries, the church added,
"I believe in the forgiveness of sins." In the fourth and fifth centuries, North African Christians debated
the question of whether the church was an exclusive sect composed of the heroic few or an inclusive
church of all who confessed Jesus Christ, leading to the addition of "holy" (belonging to God) and
"catholic" (universal). In Gaul, in the fifth century, the phrase "he descended into hell" came into the
creed. By the eighth century, the creed had attained its present form.

From the Book of Order

About Communion

W-2.4002 Church in the New Testament

The Church in the New Testament devoted itself to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to prayers, and
to the common meal. The apostle Paul delivered to the Church the tradition he had received from the
risen Lord, who commanded that his followers share the bread and cup as a remembrance and a
showing forth of his death until he comes. The New Testament describes the meal as a participation in
Christ and with one another in the expectation of the Kingdom and as a foretaste of the messianic

Sunday, April 24
9:00 AM Chancel Choir Rehearsal Fellowship Hall
9:30 AM Easter Egg Hunt Courtyard
10:00 AM Worship Fellowship Hall
11:00 AM Refreshments Fellowship Hall
7:30 PM NA Group Meeting Fellowship Hall

Monday, April 25
6:30 PM Session Meeting Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, April 26
3:45 PM Troy Children’s Chorus Rose Room

Wednesday, April 27
6:30 PM Bible Study Rose Room

Saturday, April 30
10:00 AM Labyrinth Rose Room
10:00 AM AA Meeting 2nd Floor

Sunday, May 1
10:00 AM Worship Fellowship Hall
11:00 AM Refreshments Fellowship Hall
11:30 AM Congregational Meeting Fellowship Hall
7:30 PM NA Group Meeting Fellowship Hall
The First United Presbyterian Church of Troy
1915 Fifth Avenue, Troy, New York 12180
Phone: (518) 272-2771 / Fax: (518) 266-9483
E-mail: /
Office hours Monday through Thursday, 9 AM to 2 PM

Where People with Differences Unite in Christ

Our Mission Statement
Together, we worship God through Christ and explore all dimensions of life in the Spirit;
To demonstrate God’s inclusive love, we seek to heal wounds and care for God’s creation;
To serve God in the world, we work for peace and justice.
Our Statement of Inclusive Ministry
We invite all people of every background, condition, and orientation
into the full fellowship, ministry and mission of God’s Good News in Jesus Christ.
All who join the church are extended the full privileges of membership,
are challenged to lead lives of Christian discipleship,
and are eligible to be considered for church office.
First United Presbyterian Church Officers for 2011, 2012 & 2013
The Session
Moderator - The Reverend Jacquelyn Pinkowski
Class of 2011: Debbie Brown, Sue Steele, Courtney Savaria, Karen Harpe
Class of 2012: John Buckley, Pat Carlson, Peg Drew, Chandlee Gill
Class of 2013: David Lanoue, Bonnie McCaig, Dan Rogers, Trudi Wybourn

The Board of Deacons

Class of 2011: Martha Juenger, Don Lutz,
Marsha Mintz-Botsford, Pat Rudebush
Class of 2012: Bob Harrington, Bonnie Kerr, Carol Harrington, Claudia Schwendeman
Class of 2013: Shirley Bowes, Steven Paul Bowes II, Dana Parker, Shirley Street
Pastor: Jacquelyn Pinkowski
Minister of Music: Maury A. Castro
Coordinator of Educational Ministries: Leslie M. Kelly
Financial Analyst: Carlie D’Annunzio
Administrative Assistant: Carla Fisk
Troy Children’s Chorus Accompanist Intern: Maria Elmer

For pastoral emergencies call (518) 279-7401 or (406)794-9360

or email

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