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The Teachings of Soke Draconis

The Initiate


Grandmaster Brady Cameron

My heartfelt thanks to Kimberly Crawford who with her loyal
dedication and commitment as both Editor and Contributor on this
project helped make it possible to bring my story to you.

Introduction.................................................................... 1
Chapter 1: The Interview with Maximus ......................................... 7
Chapter 2: My Introduction to Soke Draconis ............................... 11
Chapter 3: Reconfiguration of Consciousness ............................... 38
Chapter 4: A Time for Growth ...................................................... 78
Chapter 5: Mind-Spirit .................................................................102
Chapter 6: The Follower ..............................................................113
Chapter 7: 30 Principles of Creation............................................125
Chapter 8: Creational Formula ....................................................149
Chapter 9: Reactive Power ..........................................................205
Chapter 10: Universal Creation Chart ...........................................211
Chapter 11: The Spiritual Path of the Universe .............................219
Chapter 12: Goals and Obstacles ...................................................223
Chapter 13: The World of Essence ................................................245
Chapter 14: How Others Perceive You..........................................264
Chapter 15: Metaphysics ...............................................................316
Chapter 16: Mental Time Continuums ..........................................325
Chapter 17: The Prepared Mind.....................................................340
Chapter 18: Energy-Beings............................................................344
Chapter 19: Creotology – Making the Magic Happen...................355
Chapter 20: Integration ..................................................................363

As I sit here in my Martial Arts Institute now open for business, I

watch my staff, which is my family, work with the precision of a
championship team. I can now see that the time for another school
has come. With everything secure in my surroundings, my attention
now turns towards this - the book I am about to write. I find my
hands very slowly begin to peck away at the keys with my mind
relating the experiences of my journeys that have taken place over a
20-year period. I feel my ascent into the material that I will write
onto these pages of expression bring rise to my memories that I do
not wish to hold back. I feel my heart tingle and my blood rush
through my veins. My body is heating up from the emotional feeling
that now begins to flood my very sense of being. I feel the
wonderful intensity of experiences that have gone by with the years
that I can still re-live so vividly. I know both you and I should
prepare for an experience from this book that could hold both our
spirits in captivity until it is complete. I cannot help but to get lost in
the writing of this book as I sense the need to convey what I feel to
be a very heartfelt and perhaps life-changing story for both of us.

This beautiful summer day in Las Vegas, Nevada, is rich with

rewards for stimulating me, and I find myself wanting to do more on
this day, so here is the story and my message to you, the reader, or
perhaps, the next ―Initiate.‖

The Draconis family referred to The Initiation as ―putting you
through it.‖ The Initiation teaches you to have respect for yourself
and for your fellow person. In fact, the level of respect that you
show others will be a direct connection to how you see and treat
yourself. We are all connected and made of energy. However, it is
the consciousness that we work through that separates us. The
Initiation taught me that the more expansive our consciousness, the
greater the reality we experience. The experiences that I would have
with Soke Draconis would prove to be my most successful and
heartfelt. The Initiation that I undertook with my Soke was so very
moving, there is no way to captivate your imagination and move you
into the experience without sharing the complete story of what I
have been through as a result.

One of the main lessons that Soke Draconis always taught me was
not to live only inside my head but rather to move my ability to
create to the outside and change things around so that there is
congruency. With the inner and outer world working together, there
are peace and harmony that bring about a beautiful tranquility. The
serenity of life is the prize possession of feeling the beauty you can
create and the relaxing calmness of your incredible passion. When
others perceive your projection into the environment, they feel and
see your spirit cry out and express its beauty in the way that it
organizes its life and the presentation of yourself.

The cognitive dissonance of saying one thing but believing

otherwise displays itself in the misalignment between your words to
others and the direction of your actions. In fact, with people who
lack integrity, words are vain and deceptive most of the time. So it
is far more truthful to watch the actions of another, and there you
will see the misalignment they are dealing with inside. In truth, one
of the most powerful lessons that came to me during my Initiation
was this realization - you cannot talk your way out of what you have

experienced your way into. It is like catching someone in the act of
a wrongdoing and then listening to them try to lie their way out of it.
When you act in such a way that others see your misalignment it
lowers your value to others and lowers your own level of self-
respect. The price you pay for misalignment is too great of a debt.
We all need integrity in a world where so many use deceit and take
no responsibility for their actions.

The Initiation taught me that when you judge others you are not
judging them personally but rather the action of what they did. In
reality, most people are not even coherent of what they do or why.
All they need is a little justification if they want something that is
bad or wrong. Through awakening the immortal will, misalignment
goes away. This clears your path to your future, and you can now
forge ahead with passion and swift decisions. The Initiation teaches
that nothing moves forward until you say it does. Your immortal
will is the whole of your law and directs change like Mozart at his
greatest symphony.

The Initiation makes you the responsible individual for where you
are and where you want to go. It would become my ingrained
thinking process to move forward with my ambition towards
continuing to learn and accepting nothing from myself except the
best I can do in any situation - this is the path I choose purposefully
to pursue. The Initiation calms the noise all around you and allows
you to focus and see that which is truly important. When you live
your life as if nothing you do is complete, you feel lonely and unable
to comply with your dreams. You cannot even find the energy to
focus a goal in the direction you need and want to go. The feeling of
being a stranger in your own skin is deep and very compelling. The
feeling allows you to begin the descent deep into a cave in your
inner void. You become just an echo crying out from the shadow of
what you know is possible. Lost in your rants to the outside world,

your voice for freedom never makes it from within your own private
abyss. The Initiation teaches the emergence of your soul and the
freedom to focus your attention. My Initiation eventually became a
worldview that, at the time, I did not even know existed.

The Initiation took me deep into the beliefs that make up the known
reality we consider our daily life. I realized beliefs are fleeting in the
moment and hold no real significance except for what we assigned to
them. The power we give beliefs will change the perception of
reality and that changes what life holds for us. The value of
managing our beliefs is among the greatest things we can learn and
bring under our direct control. Although beliefs and thoughts run
parallel to each other, beliefs are far more important because our
thoughts come from our beliefs. Beliefs are the filters that create
perception and set up the doorways for the interpretation of reality.

The Initiation taught me that life is an abstract reality and that the
real life we want to live, and are capable of living, resides oppressed
deep within the conscious mind. We condition ourselves to be
abstract machines of movements and learned concepts. At our most
basic level, we repeat patterns within the subconsciousness of our
minds. We learn to oppress our beliefs in order to forgo the
projected good of others. I learned that political correctness is a
thinking disorder intended to help in the surface world of everybody
getting along together. The idea of us all getting along together,
while deep inside we feel things we are not supposed to express to
one another, is the very thing that oppresses us all and stops us from
making any real progress in creating a world filled with love and
companionship. The Initiation taught me we could all live together
and get along with one another as soon as we can see each other (and
ourselves) fully. This means no blinders on and nothing to prevent
us from saying what we really want to say and finding our way
through the belief maze so wonderfully constructed for us.

Neglecting to clear false beliefs from our vision obscures our view
from the truth of how to create real love and compassion.

The Initiation taught me to be as independent as you can and never

give your power away to others. The personal power we possess is
awesome in its workings. The personal power we possess is beyond
anything most people will give themselves credit for and is far
beyond what the powers-that-be care for us to realize. The Initiation
will remove these aforementioned blinders. The Initiation is about
living as you choose. As a result, the world becomes a better place
because you serve as a leader. It is from your example that another
may dream and achieve because you helped them to cause a change
in their personal life.

The world needs leaders and this is the foundation of The Initiation
of Creotology. It teaches you to think, create, and then live in the
world you choose to feel. The decision to be in control creates a by-
product feeling of joyful invigoration each new morning. Having
direction makes you feel the ambition that is deep inside us all. It
helps to remove the strings that bind us to the old beliefs that
previously would stop us from switching to the life path we desire.
Each breath of air smells cleaner and each action you take makes
you feel stronger and more entranced naturally with what we can
accomplish today. The Initiation is not for those people who do not
care about life or who want others to take care of them from the
cradle to the grave. The Initiation is about you and the relationship
to the life you want to be living and how you are going to build it for

The process of The Initiation will take you into the knowingness that
you claim and will make you feel as if you want to scream from the
mountaintops so everyone may share in The Initiation of prosperity,
love, and health. The journey may be long for some and short for

others. We all arrive in our own time, but all that really matters is
that you arrive. The ability to operate as a fully independent being is
the grand prize of life. Ultimately, the gift of life we pass to our
fellow man allows them to feel the control of their own life through
their exerted wisdom, expansion of their energy and what they can
truly create with their ambition and then partake of their rewards.

When I came to my end of The Initiation, I found many new

discoveries. Among them was that, for the first time in my life,
when I had my meals, I actually tasted them. I could drink and taste
the vibrancy of the drink. I could think and then feel what it was I
was focusing on and the connection between it and myself. My
sleep was never so deep and refreshing. I could breathe the air and
its smell was crisp and soft with energy within it re-surging life. My
thoughts were deep and articulating with what I wanted to
experience from life. My friendships were alive and had profound
deep meaning to them. My zeal for life was rushing through me like
a wind blowing at gale force, flowing with the current of life. My
steps had focus and meaning and for the first time, I moved with real

I am now going to attempt, the best way I know how, to tell you the
story of my Initiation with the Draconis Family. This volume will
serve as a bridge from the life that you have now, allowing you to
cross over into the mental realm of existence your spirit cries for. It
will provide the stimulation your mind requires in order to feel alive
and in command of your destination. Welcome, my friends, to ―The
Teachings of Soke Draconis –The Initiation.‖

Chapter 1


As I write this story to you, an individual has walked in and is now

asking me questions about learning Creotology and concerning Soke
Draconis. The staff is busy with other things so I must tear myself
away from what I am doing to tend to the needs of the guest. I invite
you to come along for this interview.

―Hello!‖ I said, "Welcome to my school. How may I assist you

today?‖ The individual introduced himself as Maximus. He
explained he was doing research into the schools, the teachers
available, and wanted to know how much time I would have to
answer some questions. I replied, ―Maximus, my time is your time.
That is why I am here. I will take as long as you need so that you
can feel good about your decision to learn Creotology Martial Arts.‖
Maximus asked me to describe the Head of our Federation, Soke
Draconis. I explained, ―He is very complex and elusive, but I will
do my best.‖ I then offered him a seat across from my desk.

I noticed Maximus bore a striking resemblance to Barry Gibb of the

Bee Gees. His hair was bushy and thick. He was about six feet tall
and very athletic looking in stature. He wore a pair of faded Lee‘s
blue jeans, with a flannel button-up shirt. The shirt was in good
condition with colors of orange and black in a checkered formation
all over the shirt. The top two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned
and he wore a gold medallion about the size of a quarter that had a
Viking boat on it parting his bushy looking chest hair. I also noticed
Maximus walked with pride and observed he had power about him
in his stride across the floor. He had confidence and was very
articulating with his voice.

I cleared my throat and relaxed into my chair before I began

speaking, ―Soke Draconis had come here from Sweden to teach the
art of Kempo-Jujitsu. He is a very large man at six foot six and two
hundred and fifty pounds. His hair is platinum blonde and he has the
most amazing sky blue eyes. While he has a sense of calm around
him, at the same time, he can be incredibly intimidating. He is as
quick as a cat, strong as a bull, and has the courage of a lion, but
there is also tenderness about him. He somehow always seems to
understand your problem regardless of what it may be. He can
inspire personal greatness in you; make you feel as if you truly are
the creator of your Universe. It is very important to him that you
always make your own decisions. He has a smile and a kind word
exactly at the precise moment you need it - every time you need one.
He will make you want to do your best for both him and yourself.
He will assist you in a gentle way to define and re-define yourself so
there is nothing in all of life that can stop you from becoming who
you wish to create of yourself.

―Soke Draconis sometimes explains jokingly that obstacles are only

life‘s way of slowing you down because you are too exhilarated.
This way you learn your lessons along the way so you appreciate
your creations and know there is no difference between the thinking

of a reality and the actual physical manifestation of the reality.‖
Maximus asked, ―Could you explain that last point please?‖ I
replied, ―Sure, the shortest distance between reality and
manifestation is seeing the transparent line that exists between them.
Reality is a perceptional observation of organizing information into a
model of what you prefer or resist. Manifestation is the act of
information gathered together and formulated with other processes
and systems that produce the conformity with the reality. All that
separates reality and manifestation are the ―ideas‖ that are created
about the two.‖ Maximus asked for clarification again, ―Can you
give me a clear example of that last statement?‖ I thought for a
moment and then offered, ―Let‘s take weight loss as an example.
Because of the ideas that exist about energy and matter, there has
been a separation created between the two and therefore, we have a
separation in our ideas about the two as well. We perceive a
difference between the perceptional act of thinking about losing
weight and the physical movement we perceive as necessary to lose
the weight. There is no difference between these two actions except
the idea that exists and separates them as two separate actions. In
reality, they are the same. Manifestation is only another level of
reality since it is all energy. We have just become very good at one
consciousness, but lazy in others.

―Soke Draconis says whenever there is a goal that has manifested the
real desire is experienced because it was the feeling of obtaining this
goal we were really after to begin with.‖ I continued, ―Soke
Draconis owned the school I trained at in 1980. The school was very
popular. It was clean at all times and operated very efficiently. You
could tell there was a lot of serious training happening within the
walls of his school. While there was an intense training energy
present, it was always secondary to the compassion and family
environment readily present.‖

Then Maximus asked me about how I came to meet Soke Draconis
and about my own training. I told him, ―That is a very intuitive
question. This could take awhile.‖ Maximus smiled and said, ―I
have all day.‖ I began to tell Maximus my story.

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Chapter 2


Most kids have a friend we look up to, but also look upon as a rival,
and I was no different. My friend‘s name was Brian. Unfortunately,
for my friend Brian, I always seemed to be a little stronger, bigger,
faster, and even a bit more intelligent. Maybe I just had better
instincts, I was never really sure. Whatever the case, our rivalry
drove Brian into a fit of rage much of the time. He was always
trying to find something that he could beat me at even though he
never really succeeded. However, he did have something brewing
that I was unaware of at the time. He had been taking martial arts
for about a year.

I discovered Brian‘s secret by accident one day when he got into a

fight with the neighborhood bully, Fat Cat. I do not mind sharing
with you that when the situation came up, I felt scared and
intimidated. I was sure that Brian was about to come to a bad end.
Fat Cat was huge. He stood an intimidating six foot two with a four
hundred pound body. He had brown hair that he wore in a ponytail
and a face that looked like it had been in several wars because it was

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all scarred up. Fat Cat threw a punch at Brian‘s face but Brian
reacted with the speed of a mongoose, caught the punch, and
directed Fat Cat‘s arm to the ground. Fat Cat had no choice but to
go with the arm to the ground. Brian got on top of him and placed
an arm lock on him. The fight was over faster than it started.

Much to my surprise, not only did Brian not meet his demise, he also
really impressed me with his ability to beat a punch along with the
speed with which he redirected both the punch and Fat Cat to the
ground. He easily had the toughest neighborhood bully on the
ground screaming in pain. I instantly wanted to know where he got
his newfound knowledge and skills. Suddenly, my mission was
clear, my intimidation and fear had turned to focus and excitement.

After this needless moment of violence was over, I asked Brian if he

had been studying martial arts or something from a book. He said
that he had not, but explained that he had an instructor named Soke
Draconis, who was teaching him. I asked him to tell me where the
school was and why he had not let me know that he was training in
the martial arts. He told me it was because it was going to be his
advantage over me the next time we wrestled. I informed him that,
unfortunately for him, his secret was up and I was going to this
school to learn for myself.

As I was walking down Belmont Street that afternoon, I came across

a big brown brick building with a sign that read "Soke Draconis
Institute of Martial Arts.‖ I had passed by the place several times
before, but I did not really understand what ―martial arts‖ were, nor
did I have a real interest because I was busy with boxing and other

It was a beautiful place, very tranquil yet with a powerful energy

emanating from the landscape and building that just seemed to pop

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all throughout your body when you were in the presence of it. The
building was an unusual design of an Old English brown brick
building made with small bricks. The front yard was perfect in its
cut. The edges of the lawn were very trim and neat. The small
sidewalk led you up to three small steps that delivered you to the
front door of the school. There were two huge trees in the front yard
- one at the very front on the right side of the lawn and the other
hovered over the left side of the building as it grew recessed in the
yard. There were yellow and red roses that ran along the side of the
front building with evergreen bushes and bonsai trees in between the
rose bushes. There was a four by six-foot bay window on the left
side of the building a few feet below the tree. The overwhelming
energy and emotion I felt rushing through me was so great that I
could not explain the power and the presence it projected.

I decided to go in that day and, luckily for me, there were no classes
going on at that time. I came in the front door and walked down a
hallway about 20 feet in length with a narrow ceiling the color of
dark onyx stone, which made a very powerful impression. The walls
were perfectly white and the floor was made of hardwood. I
continued to walk and then made a left turn into a room that was
about 1,800 square feet. Perhaps 1,500 square feet of the room had
matting on the floor with a wooden border all the way around it.
The mats were black and blue. I would soon learn that ―tatami‖ is
the term used for the matted area.

Soke Draconis: “The tatami or matted area is where we do our

martial arts training. It is somewhat soft to help make falling
safer and more comfortable.”

The place I had entered is a ―dojo‖ which means ―school‖ or ―place

of instruction.‖ I did not see anyone as I looked around. The walls
of the dojo were white and were as clean as could be. There were no

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stains on the mat. In fact, it was spotless. At the very end of the
tatami was a large picture window, the same one I had seen from the
outside of the building. The rest of the floor was hardwood and the
ceiling had two rows of light fixtures that were in the shape of four-
foot diamonds.

Then I heard someone enter from behind me. In a very deep and
articulate voice he told me his name was Soke Draconis and that he
was the Head Master of the school. I introduced myself to him and
mentioned I was a friend of Brian‘s. He invited me into his office
and offered to sign me up. I said, ―Hold on a minute. First of all,
how do you know I even want to join?‖ He explained how the fact
that I had come to the school told him I wanted to join and any idea I
had against doing so was only an obstacle, which I was creating to
stop myself from taking action. Well, I did not like the fact that he
was right, but I did appreciate his level of confidence.

As I walked through the office door, I noticed the floor kept a

consistent theme with the room we had just left. The floor was a
nice hardwood floor, shiny and well maintained. Soke Draconis‘
very well lit office had two huge windows; both three feet by two
feet and a pair of white blinds covered each. The walls were made
of dark cement and had drawings of Vikings, Viking boats, farms,
and oceans. The wall seemed to be explaining a story and exhibited
lots of energy.

He had a huge desk about eight feet in length, about two and a half
feet wide, and had five legs supporting it. There were two legs at
each end and one leg was in the middle. Each leg had a sort of a
bend from the top of the leg to about two-thirds down and then the
leg straightened the rest of the way from there to the floor. The desk
was an even brown and the top covered with glass to protect the
wood underneath. The top edge of the desk was beautifully carved

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all around with Celtic knots and the legs carved on the edges with
the same pattern. It was a unique design that held a lot of character.
It was as if you were looking at a large docked Norse boat that was
now sitting perched on a stand.

Two huge black upholstered chairs sat in front of the desk, and like
the desk, were brown with five legs. The black upholstery on the
chairs was ornately trimmed in gold. The chairs were so large it
looked like I could sit in one and still have room for someone else to
sit beside me. The edges of the armrests had been carved with Celtic
knots like the carvings on the desk. I told him the chairs and desk
were both absolutely beautiful. Soke Draconis thanked me and
informed me he had made them himself. This astounded me. He
said that he loved to do woodworking in his spare time, as it was one
of his hobbies. I supposed this all must have taken a lot of time, but
he replied, ―Not really. What took the most time were all the
carvings. The carvings took me more than six months, but it was
great fun doing it all.‖

Behind me was an enormous bookcase. It had to be more than 12

feet long and had 10 shelves on it running all the way along the
length of the wall; each was divided by a centerpiece and was
completely full. I had never seen so many books except for when I
visited the library. At the bottom of the bookcase was a cabinet.
The cabinet held a book with a mythical look about it. It was brown,
old, and stained. It just sat there like a sore thumb standing out from
all the other scenery. I had great anticipation about this particular
book and wondered why it was on display as it was. ―What could be
in something that looked so very old?‖ I thought to myself. The
only words visible on the book were ―The Initiate” written in a
Viking style font.

I asked Soke Draconis what was in the book. He explained, ―That

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book is the book of warriors.‖ ―Warriors! What kind of warriors?‖
I asked excitedly. ―Men and women who have become family
through a very special test called The Initiation,‖ Soke Draconis
replied. I remarked, ―No offense, Soke Draconis, but that is a funny
term.‖ With a soft and meaningful stare, Soke Draconis softly said,
―You are right, I guess it is.‖ Then he said with a little laughter,
―Wait until you see what it means.‖ ―I will get to see what it
means?‖ I asked hopefully. As he leaned back in his chair that
looked like an Old English throne, Soke Draconis grinned, ―I believe
you will.‖

As my attention went back to the room, I noticed both the bookcase

and the cabinet matched the chairs and desk. Soke Draconis told me
to have a seat in one of the chairs. He said he knew I wanted to take
the martial arts, but asked if I could afford the $65 per month cost of
the course. Now that was a great deal of money for a 15 year-old,
particularly at that time. When placed on the spot like that I
immediately thought of an old man I knew named Smitty, who ran a
local grocery store and wholesale shop. Smitty had asked me a few
times if I would like to work for him, so I told Soke Draconis that I
did not have a job, but was certain I could get one.

Soke Draconis then asked, ―Before we go on any further I need to

ask if your mother and father approve of you taking the martial
arts?‖ I told him I did not have a father and I did not think my
mother would mind. He handed me a piece of paper and said, ―Here
is a release form. Take this home to your mother and have her read
it. If she has any questions, please have her call me. You can ask
her to sign it and have her drop it off, or you can drop it off.‖ I
assured him I could do that, but then he said, ―Before I give you this
form, and I accept you into my school, there are a few things I would
like to know.‖ ―What can I tell you?‖ I asked. Soke Draconis
inquired, ―First, tell me why you want to take the martial arts.‖ I

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began to share my reasons with him, ―It‘s because I have a
competitive friendship with one of your students, Brian. Brian and I
are friends, but we are very competitive with each other. Just the
other day I saw him get into a fight with the neighborhood bully we
call Fat Cat. I thought Brian did everything he could to avoid the
fight, but the bully would not leave him alone. Fat Cat threw a
punch at Brian. Brian intercepted the punch and took him to the
ground. Fat Cat said his arm was hurting bad and asked Brian to
please let go of him. Then Brian said, ‗If I let you up, is this fight
over and done?‘ Fat Cat answered him, ‗Yes, it‘s over. You are
really hurting me!‘ Brian got up off Fat Cat and helped him up to
his feet, held out his hand in a gesture of friendship and said, ‗Let‘s
end this today and be friends.‘ Fat Cat nodded in agreement, and
they shook hands and agreed to be friends.‖

Soke Draconis remarked, ―That was a very interesting story.‖ I

continued, ―It gets even more interesting. As you know, Brian is
only about five foot eleven and weighs around one hundred and
eighty pounds.‖ Soke nodded to confirm that he was aware of this.
―Well, here is the most impressive part. Fat Cat is about six foot two
and weighs close to four hundred pounds.‖ Soke Draconis
commented, ―That‘s a big boy.‖ ―That‘s why I am here today, Soke
Draconis. I do not want my friend, Brian, to be able to take me out
like he did Fat Cat.‖ Soke Draconis observed, ―That‘s very
interesting,‖ and began laughing.

Soke asked me if I would like to have a glass of iced tea. I told him
that would be wonderful, so he got up and went into the next room.
I heard no noise from him while he was in there. A couple of
minutes later he came walking out with a tray holding a pitcher of
tea with lemons in it and two very large glasses with ice. He asked if
it was okay with me if the tea had been sweetened with lemon and
honey during the process of making it and setting it in the sun. I

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thought that was fine, so he poured each of us a glass of tea over the
ice and then I took my first sip. My taste buds were alive. I actually
felt as if I had taken the Nestea plunge. I noticed even the glasses
were cold and this was a new and different experience for me. I was
compelled to ask him, ―How did you get the glasses cold? I‘ve
never seen that before?‖ Soke smirked a little and remarked, ―That‘s
an ancient family secret.‖ I was full of curiosity, ―When will I be
able to know this secret?‖ Soke Draconis smiled and said, ―Now is
as good a time as any. I keep them in the refrigerator.‖ I laughed,
―Some family secret!‖ He smiled again, ―Well, you know, some
secrets are better than others.‖ Soke Draconis then asked, ―You told
me why you want to take martial arts, but what will you do once
you‘ve learned the art of Kempo-Jujitsu? In other words, how do
you feel it will help you grow?‖

I paused for a moment, thinking about my answer, and I took a deep

breath before I spoke. Part of my answer was embarrassing and I
really did not want to tell him, but the environment and his
demeanor made me feel everything was okay. I told him I really did
not have much of a family and I lacked personal guidance. I had
seen what studying martial arts had done for my friend Brian and
thought I could use that type of direction too. I said it with my head
down a bit, as it was still somewhat embarrassing for me to be
talking about my situation. Soke Draconis understood, ―You seemed
to be embarrassed when you said that. Are you?‖ I admitted that I
was. Soke Draconis asked me why and I told him, ―Because I do not
like my life. I wish I had a better family and I do not feel like I have
the opportunities that other kids have.‖

Soke Draconis then told me, ―I have some wonderful news for you,
Brady, first of all, it does not matter where you start in life. Really,
all that is important in life is to know exactly where you want to go
and exactly how you plan to get there. As far as your family goes,

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do not hold anything against them. They have played their role
perfectly for you. The shortcomings you may see inside of them
may be the ones you are resisting inside of yourself and do not want
to have. We all come back to this planet of abundance and enter into
co-creations with friends and family, people who I call fellow
explorers, so we can learn from each other and grow. As far as
direction goes, only you can assume the degree of responsibility that
can change your life. So you see, Brady, it really is all about you.‖

I sat back for a moment and drank my tea. Much of what he said
made sense, but I did not really understand this ―responsibility‖
thing. As I finished my iced tea, Soke Draconis handed me a folder,
―Here is what I want you to do. I want you to take this release form
with you. I am also giving you some information about me along
with a class schedule. After you have found a job, which allows you
to finance the classes, tell your mother you have found a job and can
pay for the classes yourself. Then ask her to sign the release form
and tell her you will assume full responsibility for getting yourself to
and from class. Assure your mother that you will wash your own
uniforms and you will pay for your own classes. There will be no
burden on her at all.‖ I thought to myself that it might not be much
of a burden to her, but it would be to me. It felt like a lot of
responsibility, but I told Soke Draconis I would return in three days.
He said, ―Okay.‖ As we shook hands, Soke Draconis told me to
look him in the eye, and then he said only one word, ―Deal.‖ I could
not figure out what happened to me in that moment when I looked at
Soke in the eyes and shook his hand. It was beyond words, but it felt
as if I had just experienced integrity.

Taking Responsibility

I left the school, which was almost right on the corner of Morris

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Street and Belmont. Since I was there already, I thought to myself,
―Smitty‘s Grocery Store is just up the street. I could go talk to
Smitty right now.‖ I tightly gripped the folder in my hand and I ran
over to Smitty‘s.

Smitty was a very well liked businessperson in our neighborhood.

All the community respected him. Smitty‘s store was a new, large
blue building, roughly triangular, of about 20,000 square feet. It
sported a huge sign on top of the entrance that read, ―Smitty‘s
Grocery and Wholesale.‖ The inside was a little weird since it was
shaped like a triangle, but had a wonderful wide-open feel when you
walked through the store. The aisles were spacious and the whole
store was very well lit. When you walked into the entrance, there
were carts to the left and there was a coupon stand for discounts
going on inside the store. The walls were made of a light bluish-
gray brick and the floors were an extremely clean pearly-white. The
store was also a great place to eat and it always smelled as if bread
was baking in the oven.

I walked over to the front entrance and Smitty was sitting right there.
Smitty looked like he just came out of the fields from working all
day. He was always happy and excited and his appearance was like
that of a grandpa. He had a pair of Levi's jeans on, a white Fruit of
the Loom shirt and a pair of work boots, like people wear on
construction sites. He had silver colored hair and blue eyes, about
five foot eight and leaned forward slightly when he walked. I
always thought his head got to where he was going before his feet

Smitty asked me, ―Why are you running? Slow down!‖ I explained,
―I don‘t have time to slow down, Smitty. I‘m on a mission.‖ Smitty
suggested, ―Well here, take a drink of this cold pop, catch your
breath, and tell me what your mission is, boy.‖ He always called me

- 20 -
boy. I told Smitty I was going to study the martial arts. Smitty
looked at me puzzled, ―The martial what?‖ I exclaimed, ―The
martial arts, Smitty. It‘s cool!‖ Smitty was an old country kind of
guy, and he had to ask me, ―What do you do in them classes?‖ I told
him, ―We learn how to fight, so that we don‘t have to fight. It helps
someone to have a disciplined way of thinking.‖ Smitty said, ―That
sounds right fine,‖ in his country voice. I broke the news to him,
―The best part, Smitty, is that you are involved in it.‖ He informed
me, ―I am too old to be involved in those martial arts.‖ I explained
to him further, ―No, Smitty, you don‘t understand. I need a job.‖
Smitty immediately said, ―Well dang, boy, why didn‘t you say so?‖
I asked him, ―Do you have any work?‖ To which he replied, ―Boy, I
am busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest here.‖ I
asked excitedly, ―Then I have a job?‖ Smitty said, ―Okay, but under
one condition.‖ Then he paused for a moment, ―On second thought,
there are two conditions. First condition, you will be at work on
time and you will always give me your best effort. Second
condition, you don‘t use any of those martial arts on me. Now shake
my hand and look me in the eye.‖ I immediately shook Smitty‘s
hand while looking him straight in the eye. We both agreed it was a

Then I asked Smitty, ―How much do I get paid?‖ He chuckled,

―Well, son, you are dealing with the world of high finance now.
How does $3.35 an hour grip you?‖ I replied, ―It grips me just fine.
I‘m rich!‖ He asked me, ―When do you want to start work?‖
―When do you want me to?‖ I exclaimed with so much exhilaration
I could hardly contain myself. Smiling at me, he suggested, ―How
about this afternoon at 5:00 PM? You can work five hours a day,
five days a week, with Saturdays and Sundays off.‖ I said, ―That is a
deal.‖ I told him I would be back at five o‘clock that afternoon. He
mentioned that I should always be at least 15 minutes early. I
assured him, ―15 minutes early. That's 4:45 PM. See you then!‖

- 21 -
I left the store and ran all the way home, which was about five
blocks away. I went in and told my Mom that I had a summer job
working for Smitty. I let her know that he was paying me $3.35 an
hour, and I would be working five days a week and be off on
Saturdays and Sundays.

Feeling the time was right to let my mother know I wanted to take
martial arts at the school I had found, I presented her the folder. My
Mom said, ―I know that place, it‘s just three or four blocks from our
house. That‘s where I‘ve seen that tall, handsome, blue-eyed man.‖
I shouted, ―Mom, that‘s my instructor. You can‘t call him
handsome!‖ Mom informed me, ―I don‘t care if he is your
instructor. He is handsome.‖ Then my Mom said jokingly, ―You
can tell him I said so if you want to. I‘m not scared of him.‖ ―If I
promise to wash my own uniforms and pay for the classes myself,
can I take the course?‖ ―Sure,‖ she said, ―but what about when you
go back to school?‖ I assured her that I would just reduce my hours
at work. I would save all my money during the summer; and it
would be fine. Mom asked me, ―What do you want me to sign?‖ I
took out the release form and my mother read it and signed it.

I looked at the clock, and it was only 3:30 in the afternoon. I had
one hour and twenty-five minutes before I was to begin my first day
as a man joining the workforce. I jumped in the shower, put on
some clean clothes, and took a clean shirt with me. I walked over to
the school, knocked on the door, but no one answered. When I
pushed on the door, I found it to be open so I entered and walked
down the hallway. As I turned left into the training room, I found
Soke Draconis sitting at the end of the mat by the big wide picture
window with the sun shining in directly on him. He didn‘t move a
muscle or even acknowledge me. He seemed perfectly still. I really
didn‘t know what he was doing, but I guessed it was something like

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meditation, so I sat down on the bench and waited. After seven or
eight minutes, he let out a loud breath and stood up. He wasn‘t
wearing any socks or shoes, but wore a pair of black ―gi‖ pants, a
white muscle shirt, and his hair tied back into a ponytail.

Soke Draconis walked over to me and acknowledged, ―Brady, you

are back so soon.‖ I replied, ―Not only am I back, but I have sealed
our deal.‖ Soke Draconis was intrigued, ―Oh, is that right?‖ To
which I stated, ―Consider it a fact. Here is your release form signed
by my mother.‖ Soke Draconis asked me quizzically, ―What is the
extra shirt for?‖ ―For my new job,‖ I declared, ―I am now working
at Smitty‘s Grocery Store.‖ Soke Draconis said, ―Oh, yes, that is a
very nice store.‖ I explained further, ―Yep, I get $3.35 an hour
working five days a week, five hours a day.‖

Soke Draconis crossed his arms and let out a small smile from the
right corner of his mouth. Then he let out a small breath and stood
for a moment looking at me before he said, ―This is quite an
undertaking isn‘t it?‖ Confidently I replied, ―Yes, but I can do it!
I‘ll make about $83.75 a week.‖ Soke Draconis agreed that was a
pretty good amount of money. I was feeling very proud of myself
and mentioned, ―Other people recognize it too.‖ Soke Draconis
asked, ―Oh? How do you mean?‖ I explained myself, ―Smitty said
himself that I was now in the world of high finance and Smitty
should know since he is a businessman.‖ Soke Draconis smiled and
said, ―Well, we can‘t dispute that now can we? Since you have
secured your financing, come back when you have time. I‘ll sign
you up and get you a uniform.‖ I told him that I would be back the
first chance I got.

As I walked out the front door of the Martial Arts Academy, I knew
one thing; I was not there when Jesus walked on water, but it sure
felt like I was walking on air! All the way over to Smitty‘s, I had

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pep in my step, energy bouncing all through my body, and for the
first time in my life, I felt like I had a completely new perspective on
myself. I honestly felt larger than life itself. After all, I had a job,
I‘d have money soon enough, and I was on my way to studying the
martial arts. I had made a friend and I had something to do with
myself for the summer besides wandering aimlessly around my

I entered Smitty‘s store and was greeted by Smitty waving at me. I

waved back. As I walked up, Smitty introduced me to another boy.
―Brady, this is Daryl. Daryl, this is Brady; shake hands boys. Daryl
is going to show you what to do. He is one of my very best workers.
Just listen to what he tells you, and you can‘t go wrong.‖ Daryl said,
―Come with me, and I‘ll show you the store. I‘ll walk you around a
couple of times so you‘ll understand where everything is. You
probably know your way around already because I‘ve seen you here
many times before. What made you come here to get a job?‖ I
shared with him, ―Smitty has wanted me to work here for a while. I
really need a job. I‘m taking martial arts classes over at the Martial
Arts Academy.‖ Daryl pointed towards Morris Street and asked, ―Is
that the building over there?‖ I told him that it was. He asked,
―Have you taken a class yet?‖ I explained, ―No, I first had to secure
my financing and my mother had to sign a waiver.‖ He commented,
―I see. Are you excited about it?‖ I stated unequivocally, ―Actually,
I am.‖

Daryl began to teach me the ropes. ―Well, we just got a huge order
of produce delivered, so let‘s go out back and unload it. Smitty likes
to keep his produce cold and fresh.‖ We went out back to the
refrigerator and he opened up the door. Then Daryl asked me, ―Do
you want to load or unload?‖ He moved over to this rather large
conveyor belt. I told him I would load, he said okay, and we went
straight to work. All I had to do was pick up the boxes, raising them

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just a little higher than waist level, and then put them on the
conveyor belt headed towards Daryl, who unloaded the boxes and
stacked them in the refrigerator. It was easy enough work. The
boxes only seemed to weigh about 20 or 30 pounds each, but it was a
big truck and it took us about four hours to unload. Every hour
Daryl and I would switch places between loading and unloading.
This Daryl seemed like a pretty good guy.

After we were done unloading the truck, Smitty said, ―You guys
must be hungry.‖ We both said we could eat, so Smitty offered,
―How about you guys take a break?‖ He said, ―Here‘s ten bucks.
You guys go take an hour lunch over at Big Daddy‘s Pizza across
the street, if you want.‖

Well, you didn‘t have to ask us twice. Our work aprons were
already off and hanging where they belonged as we headed out to
make our way across the street. We both ordered two large slices of
pizza and a pop and then we started getting better acquainted. Daryl
had a watch on, so he kept track of our time. ―Smitty doesn‘t like
people to be late,‖ he explained.

I asked Daryl how old he was and how long he had been working for
Smitty. Daryl said he was 19, he was married, had a baby boy, and
he had dropped out of High School. When I asked him why he had
done that, he told me he had gotten his girlfriend pregnant and
couldn‘t earn enough money working part time to take care of his
baby. He said, ―It‘s a pretty good deal. I‘ve been working for
Smitty for two years. Not only does he pay me pretty good, but he
actually pays for me to go to night school so I can earn my diploma.‖
I commented, ―That‘s pretty nice of Smitty.‖ Daryl told me, ―One
thing is true, Brady, Smitty may talk like a hick, but he is no dummy.
Education is very important to him.‖ I replied, ―Yes, I can see it
matters a great deal to him.‖

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After the hour was up, we returned to work. I only had an hour left
on my shift so Daryl showed me how to set the produce out in the
grocery store and how to rotate the older produce to the front and the
newer produce to the back. He also taught me about the watering
system that kept the produce wet. After my last hour went by,
Smitty tapped me on the shoulder and said, ―You did a great job
today. I‘ll see you back here tomorrow. I want you to work from
twelve to five.‖ I asked Smitty if that was my regular schedule. He
asked me, ―Could you handle that Monday through Friday?‖ I let
him know, ―That would be a great schedule for me because the
martial arts classes are in the evening.‖ Smitty chuckled, ―Well,
don‘t you just have it all planned out!‖ I grinned, ―Smitty, I am a
man with a plan.‖

After I clocked out, I walked by Soke Draconis‘ school. I looked at

the window and noticed that he had the blinds up. He was in there
punching and kicking around on the mat. I thought it looked like he
was having fits and I wondered what he was doing, but I was beat, so
I headed home to bed.

I woke up at about nine o‘clock in the morning, ate breakfast, and I

headed out to work. As I was walking by Soke Draconis‘ school on
my way to work, I saw my friend Brian coming out. Brian said, ―Ah
ha! You joined the school, didn‘t you? I heard you even got a job
with Smitty to pay for the membership.‖ I told him, ―That‘s right,

I pointed at him and then at myself, and I said, ―Nothing has

changed. It is on between you and me.‖ He started to laugh, ―Yes,
but I have a year‘s training advantage on you.‖ I declared, ―That‘s
true, but you‘ve got to admit that I‘m faster than you, twice as
strong, and I took boxing for two years.‖ I think you can see by now

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that although we were close friends, we had a very serious rivalry
going on between us.

I asked if Soke Draconis was inside. He answered, ―Yes, Soke is in

there.‖ I motioned, ―Step to the side. The man is coming through.‖
Brian started laughing. He said, ―Oh, Yeah? What is ―the man‖
going to do?‖ I let him know, ―Why don‘t you just follow me. You
should be used to that by now.‖ He laughed again and said, ―Ha!
Just wait until I get you on the mat.‖ ―I don‘t need my shoes
shined,‖ I replied. We went into the training hall and Soke Draconis
said, ―Good morning, Brady.‖ I said, ―Good morning, Soke
Draconis. I found this guy bumming around outside,‖ and pointed to
Brian. Soke Draconis started to laugh. He said, ―I can see it is going
to be interesting with you two around together.‖ Soke then walked
into his office and brought out my uniform with my white belt.
Make no mistake about it; it was at that very moment that I knew I
had officially arrived.

White Belt Beginning

Soke Draconis looked at me and said, ―Class is this evening at six

o‘clock. There will be another one at 7:30 PM until 9:00 PM.‖ I
told him I was going to go to work and would be back at six o‘clock
and would take both classes. He then looked at Brian and asked if
he was going to be there. Brian informed him, ―I will be here for
both classes too.‖ Soke Draconis remarked, ―That‘s good, because I
would like to have some of my green belts and brown belts come in
and help out with the white and blue belts. You can think of it as a
pre-instructor class.‖ Soke explained, ―I refer to it as The
Leadership Club.‖ I thought to myself, ―A pre-instructor class?‖
Then I thought, ―Man, oh, man! He does have a twelve-month head
start on me. No matter what I do I can‘t make up the time

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difference, but I can study hard and maybe I can learn faster.‖ I
asked Soke Draconis how long it would take to get my blue belt and
green belt. He explained to me, ―Brady, you are already looking at it
the wrong way. It shouldn‘t matter how long it takes to get to a belt.
What should matter to you is the journey itself and what you learn
about the martial arts and yourself along the way.‖

He said that this was a common question and handed me a sheet of

paper describing the six belt ranking system. The paper described
how everyone starts their training as a white belt and can expect to
remain at that level for between four to six months. The time
difference depends on how fast you learn and how well you apply
yourself. Blue belt takes four to six months and the same conditions
apply. Green belt takes four to six months and again it depended on
how hard someone worked. It said Sempai-ship, or third Kyu brown
belt takes a mandatory six months. Next was second Kyu brown belt
and first Kyu brown belt, both of which also require a mandatory six
months each. Then it explained that the Shodan first-degree Black
Belt test requires a one hundred and fifty-question test of
terminology and techniques. The first-degree Black Belt test will
involve all the physical techniques. The understanding of those
techniques is tested in front of a board and the student must score at
least ninety percent. After I read the page for a while, I turned to
Soke, ―If someone dedicated themselves to study and came five or
six nights a week, could he achieve a blue belt in four months?‖ He
said it was possible.

Brian and I bowed to Soke Draconis. That was when I learned the
traditional handshake of placing my left hand on the right shoulder
while my right hand shakes their right hand. As we bowed out of the
dojo and began walking down the street back to our houses, I told
Brian that I thought joining the school was really exciting. Brian
affirmed, ―Yes, Brady, it is the best thing I ever did. Soke Draconis

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has totally changed my life.‖

Something occurred to me, so I asked, ―Brian, how are you earning

your money to pay Soke Draconis?‖ Once I thought about it, I
realized Brian‘s family had less money than my family, and we
barely got by. Brian asked, ―Oh, you haven‘t heard?‖ ―Heard
what?‖ I asked. ―My uncle died and left me a little bit of money, so
I took the money I received and paid Soke Draconis for eight months
up front. I offered the rest of the money to my Mom, but she said
she had also received money from the estate. She wanted me to use
my money for myself just the way my uncle would have wanted it,
so I also bought new clothes and shoes.‖ I thought that sounded very
responsible. Brian told me he got a job as an usher down at the
Morris Matinee. He also worked at the concession stand and various
other odd jobs. ―Wow! That‘s great!‖ I said to Brian, ―This is my
cut off. I have to go to work.‖ We said we would see each other
later at class and both of us went our separate ways.

I arrived at work exactly five minutes before I was supposed to be

there. I came in through the employee entrance in the back and there
was Daryl. He said, ―Hey, Brady! How are you doing today?‖
―Daryl, I‘m doing fine! How are you and the family?‖ He replied
everyone was doing great. He also said his wife now had a part-time
job and her mother agreed to watch the baby. He said, ―She is really
great with kids and it‘s working out really well.‖ I agreed, ―Mothers
have a way of knowing.‖ Daryl let me know she had a lot of
practice since she has nine children of her own. I told Daryl I was
delighted to hear things were going good for him.

As I clocked in, Smitty came up and asked me how things were

going. I told him, ―Wonderful! Life is good.‖ He hesitated a
moment before he spoke again, ―You know, Brady, I wanted to talk
to you about those martial arts classes you‘re taking.‖ I answered

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him honestly, ―I‘ll tell you what I know.‖ He said, ―Well, I am
sixty-four now and my wife says both of us need some exercise.‖ As
it turned out, they had been thinking of taking martial arts for some
time. Smitty said the only thing stopping them in the past was that
they thought other people would make fun of them. I explained,
―First of all, Smitty, trust me when I tell you that Soke Draconis
would never allow that in his school. The second thing is, it is a
very family-oriented school and everybody pretty much knows
everybody. The fact that an older couple, like yourself and your
wife, would take martial arts classes would probably make the
classes seem more worthwhile to younger people.‖

―We meant to make our way over to the school before,‖ Smitty said,
―and I asked my wife Eva what she thought about it. She thought it
would be wonderful because she had actually spoken to Soke
Draconis several times. He often comes in and shops here. She said
he is a very wonderful and handsome man. She never fails to
mention that part even though I always tell her she can leave that
part out. She just smiles and says, ‗You know there is no other wolf
on the farm but you.‘‖ Smitty thought about it for a minute and
continued, ―Okay then, Brady, I think I will take a little break this
afternoon and call Eva. If this is still something she wants to do,
which I am sure it is, maybe we will go over there this afternoon and
speak to Soke Draconis.‖ I told Smitty I thought it would be the first
good move in what would soon be a life full of many good moves.
Smitty replied that he had made his mistakes, but he did learn from
them and that was why he was successful.

After Smitty and I spoke about the school, Daryl and I got busy
stocking the aisles. Several hours later Brian came walking into the
store. I asked, ―What are you doing here?‖ He replied indignantly,
―I have money, and I can shop wherever I want.‖ (You really had to
understand our relationship. We were good friends, but we gave

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each other a hard time, most all of the time.) I then told Brian he
was the biggest loser I ever met. He offered, ―That is only because
you haven‘t met yourself yet,‖ and we both broke into laughter.

Later, as I was putting up new signs in the front window, Smitty and
Eva came walking up. They were both glowing with big smiles on
their faces. They proceeded to tell me what a nice guy Soke
Draconis was and how they had signed up at the school. Smitty
shared, ―He even gave both of us brand new pairs of pajamas to
wear.‖ I smiled, ―That‘s wonderful you two. Welcome to the
school!‖ Then he and Eva went into the back office.

As I finished putting up the new signs, I heard an all too familiar

voice calling, ―Stock boy, oh, stock boy!‖ I already knew it was my
friend Brian. I turned around and said, ―What do you want? My
name is Brady, but if calling me "stock boy‖ makes you feel better
about yourself, call me what you want.‖ He asked, ―Could you run a
price check for me on these potato chips, please?‖ I told him, ―I‘m
certain they‘re already priced.‖ He then held up a bag of chips
between both of us and stated, ―Oh, really? I don‘t see it anywhere.‖
I let him know, ―You are really cruising for it. You know that?‖ He
didn‘t let up, ―I‘m sorry white belt…did you say something to me?‖
I asked him, ―What does that mean?‖ He replied, ―It means you
must have respect for those of us with higher rank than you. I am a
green belt you know.‖ As you‘ve probably guessed, I‘d have
jumped out of my skin if I could have. I wanted him and I wanted
him right then. Brian said, ―Tsk, tsk. I can see your blood is starting
to boil.‖ It looked like he was really enjoying the situation. It
suddenly dawned on me how he had the upper hand because I was
allowing him to get the best of me. I decided to defuse the situation,
―You‘re right. It was our fault for not having the price on the chips.
It reflects very poorly on me for not properly doing my job.‖ Brian
said smugly, ―That‘s more like it. About time I got a little service

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around this place.‖ I got the price check. Brian bought the chips and
left the store.

After work, I went straight to the dojo. Class was not until six
o‘clock, but I was there at six minutes after five. There was a
gentleman there who was about 45 years old named Larry. I noticed
that he was wearing a brown belt. I introduced myself and told him I
was there for my first class. I asked him if he had the time to work
with me until the class started at six. Larry told me he would love

We got on the mat and Larry began showing me the basics like how
to bow onto the mat and how to bow off. He told me that ―Rei‖ was
the Japanese term for the bow. Larry then started running me
through the beginning postures, which were the basic self-defense
stances of our martial arts system. The first posture I learned was
―Shizen Hontai‖ meaning the natural posture. Then he taught me
that the next posture ―Jigohontai‖ was our defensive posture. He ran
through these stances with me and taught me how to bow in
properly. Next, he ran me through our front and side postures. It
was a very informative 55-minute session.

Six o‘clock rolled around. About three minutes before class was to
start, Soke Draconis came walking up to the mat just as all the
students came pouring in from the locker room. There must have
been about fifty-five of us there. Soke Draconis divided up the
classes and then he and Larry took me, along with the other white
belts to continue running us through the bow in and the stances.

They taught us how to drop our center so that our stances were more
powerful. I had to admit, this centering technique was very
interesting to me. Soke then explained to us that centering was the
entire basis for the martial arts. He said it was the number one

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technique and it was important always to know how to center. Soke
Draconis taught us a very simple and easy way to center ourselves
effectively. He would have us stand perfectly straight and then
breathe in through our nose very slowly. As we breathed in, we
were to imagine we were getting taller. He instructed us to feel and
make our body stretch. When at the height of our breath we were to
spread our legs out straight across from each other and relax our
breath out slowly, while bending our knees, but keeping our backs

Try this for yourself and just let your breath ease you into that
position. I have to be honest with you, I don‘t know if I was doing it
right or not. I seemed to be doing it okay and it sure did create a
profound difference. In fact, to make a comparison, easing yourself
into your center is just like easing yourself into a spa. Class was
great and I was having a lot of fun.

Suddenly, Maximus said, ―This centering technique sounds

interesting and you and your friend Brian had a serious competition
between you two don‘t you?‖ I explained, ―Yes, it‘s very
competitive, but we‘re very good friends. We understand the nature
of our friendship.‖ Maximus thought that it was good that we at
least had it in perspective. He then asked me to tell him more, so I

When it came time for the second class to begin, I stayed for that
class as well. Once again, Soke Draconis ran us through the same
techniques he had shown us in the first class. I noticed the second
class was considerably larger class than the one earlier and had
different people. Smitty and Eva showed up for this class and we all
took it together. Eva and Smitty really enjoyed the centering
exercise. We went through the entire class and as it came to the end,
Soke Draconis closed (as he did at the end of all his classes) with a

- 33 -
deep breathing five-minute meditation.

After class was over everyone stood around and talked for about 15
minutes. The building began to empty out. When nearly everyone
had left, Soke Draconis said, ―Brady, I would like to speak to you.
After your two classes today do you still feel comfortable with your
decision?‖ I responded, ―Yes, but there is one thing really puzzling
me. How did you know I really wanted to join?‖ Soke Draconis
clued me in, ―The simplest truth of life is that there is a motion in
everything we do. We limit our motion by second-guessing our
intentions. The first thing you think is normally the correct thing to

When I left the building on that day in July of 1980, I felt a profound
feeling of warmth and sensed I had just changed my life for the
better. That impression would prove to be correct. Maximus said he
thought it sounded like things were really coming together for me, to
which I agreed.

At the next class with Soke Draconis, I found it very trying and
difficult to adjust to things. As fast and as strong as I was, I also had
a bit of an attitude, along with a rather large ego. I soon began to
find out how fragile my ego really was. I had gotten a little frisky
during class and started showing off. Soke Draconis had told me I
had very fast hands and that was a good thing. He said the problem I
had was I did not have the emotional control with which to guide all
that power. Since I could not control the power, the power was
controlling me. Under my breath I whispered, ―I don‘t know what
he meant. I didn‘t understand the lesson.‖ Soke Draconis looked
back at me calmly and decided perhaps a demonstration would be
best. He told me we learn best through our experiences and this
lesson was to be no different.

- 34 -
I need to mention here that at my first class, I had taken notice of a
girl named Melissa, who also attended the school. I had had a puppy
dog crush on her for at least the last two years. Although she did not
live directly in my area, she only lived about four blocks from my
neighborhood. I originally found this out because a friend of mine
knew her, even though they both went to a different school because
of the school busing program.

Melissa was a very beautiful sixteen-year-old girl with long brown

hair, green eyes, and a smile that could light the darkest day. She
just seemed to be one of those people who had such a gentle
disposition. It seemed as if she would never harm anything and
nothing in nature would harm her. I had seen her around the
neighborhood at various locations such as our local grocery store and
the theater. I could remember two occasions where we were both at
the public library at the same time. I tried to muster up the nerve to
talk to her twice, but I just fell short both times. I guess it would be
true to say that my own fear of rejection and low self-esteem played
upon me like a large neighborhood bully. No matter how badly I
wanted to meet her, I just could not invoke the magical incantation
of, ―Hello, my name is Brady, what‘s yours?‖ I suppose, at the time,
it was one of my greatest regrets, but now I had a new opportunity to
bridge the gap between the two of us. Since we were taking martial
arts together, I figured this was my chance and I was ready to take it.

Obviously, Soke Draconis had noticed this because he used it against

me. He brought me to the center of the mat and instructed all the
other students to take a seat. As everyone kneeled, Soke Draconis
told me he wanted me to try to hit him in any way, anywhere I could.
He instructed me not to hold back and to give it everything I had.
Well naturally, at 15 years of age, I wanted to show off for this girl.
The more I tried to hit him, the more I found I could not. The more I
couldn‘t hit him, the more frustrated I became and the more

- 35 -
embarrassed I felt. It made me begin to wonder what Melissa was
thinking about me. I was feeling like an egg that was just cracked
and all of my substance was oozing out of me. I had just
encountered the falling of my ego.

We all know how it feels to have our ego crushed, especially when
we do it to ourselves. I was too tired to lift my hands to try to throw
even one more punch. Soke Draconis put his hands on my
shoulders. He stated that I had great ability, but just like everyone
else in the room, I had not learned the cornerstones of that ability
and what fuels it. Soke Draconis then made the comment, ―Don‘t
worry about your ego, Brady, it is far more egotistical to worry about
having an ego.‖ Well that made me feel bad and good at the same
time. The fact he had given me a way out with his little
announcement made me much more comfortable. I felt as if my
chances with Melissa were still intact and alive. Soke Draconis
asked me to stay for a while after everyone had left because he
would like to talk to me.

At the end of class, everyone cleaned the school from top to bottom.
Maximus said, ―Wait a minute! Why are you cleaning the school?
That doesn‘t seem right. Aren‘t there janitors for that?‖ I replied,
―That‘s true, but we do it because it helps keep the cost low for the
school. We made the mess and it‘s our responsibility to clean after
ourselves. Even Soke Draconis helped clean up after every class.
We just did it when we were there for our class. It did not take very
long at all because everyone had a small job to do. Those who
finished quickly went and helped the others. It was a very friendly
and effective way of keeping the school very clean. Everyone was a
contributor and felt they had a hand in the school, as it was
extremely family-oriented. Soke Draconis was kind of like the
father and it was all centered on him. We all grew in the presence of
his strength and understanding. He was always kind and quick to

- 36 -
encourage us, both in school and in life outside of class.

Soke Draconis always did a little extra for all of us as well. He

would take us out to eat or to movies and would help us with
personal matters, if we felt we needed it. He taught us always to
handle our own business and troubles whenever possible. Asking
friends for help was only for extreme and rare situations from time to
time when we could not handle things ourselves.‖ Then Maximus
asked me, ―How did your meeting with Soke Draconis go?‖

- 37 -
Chapter 3


After everyone had left, Soke Draconis and I had a meeting that was
really exciting and motivating. I felt as if I was going to launch right
out of my seat at any point in time. Soke Draconis began to explain
that I had the gift of charisma and a lot of abilities. He thought that
one day I would make a wonderful instructor. At that time, that
seemed too wild for me to comprehend, but I listened if only because
it was great for my bruised ego. He told me how the martial arts
were originally ―Bugei‖ (very military in nature), but that they later
evolved it into a sport competition. Soke Draconis thought that this
was the wrong application. He thought the martial arts had grown as
a sport, but not as a way to learn to improve the self. He then said
that the spiritual connections of the Bugei and the ―Budo‖ (more
spiritual and harmonious - less military), were right. It was far more
important to learn responsibility and the attainment of the higher
self. The important thing was to learn to create from within our
essence, that is, to learn to protect ourselves from violent conditions
and situations and to not attract those types of events into our life.
He explained that karma works to our advantage, rewarding right

- 38 -
action as well as punishing poor choices. Maximus said, ―I never
thought of it like that. This sounds fascinating, please continue with
what Soke Draconis told you.‖

I shared with Maximus how Soke Draconis taught me that in order to

learn to be a great teacher I would need to learn all about myself first
along with how to handle my emotions and compulsions. He stated I
would need the cornerstone to any good self-exploration program. I
had to ask Soke what that meant. He replied it was the foundation of
―consciousness.‖ He explained it is the ability to explore my own
consciousness and to detangle myself from all my old creations. It
means to be able to align myself with what I personally choose to
create and to regain the balance of my own consciousness. Also, to
understand what I do and most importantly, why I do it. Soke
Draconis said if you walk around with your consciousness very
heavy it could weigh you down and stifle your personal growth at all
levels. This was the path of failure, confusion, and mediocre living
at best. Living this way, most of my creations would be by default
and not designed by purpose. Maximus asked me, ―Then, if I am
hearing you correctly, you are saying we have things in our
subconsciousness we do not even know are there that are causing us
to not create properly?‖ I then replied, ―Not things, Maximus,
beliefs are the creators of our reality.

―Soke Draconis gave me an exercise that I will give to you. It

produced extreme changes in my levels of consciousness. It also
enabled me to know myself, which is the self that I chose to create,
and helped show me there is no self outside of that self. The
alternative is to follow the self of chance or to make future
movements designed around default plans. We call this exercise the
―Reconfiguration of Consciousness‖ - it is designed to get you back
in control of your consciousness and to clear your personal ability to
see and to understand your own motives and intentions. It will help

- 39 -
you to clarify what truly matters in your life and to help relieve past
doubts and misunderstandings about those prior creations. You will
also be digging up painful experiences. You will encounter anchors
that block your happiness and are the reasons for all your failures in
the past as well. These anchors eventually make you think you ARE
the anchors. By empowering your conscious ability to make
decisions you can start on a new course of action instead of
following the old road maps that you know so well, especially the
ones that don‘t work for you.‖

Maximus said the program sounded intense and very informative. It

seemed like a real serious commitment, but with a lot to discover. I
replied that it was and it should be. I explained further, ―Think of it
this way, Maximus, what could you create and experience if you had
someone you respected and looked up to right there to help you
grow? Someone that gave you an ear when you needed it and did
not tell you just what you needed to hear, but gave you ways to
discover it for yourself, so the truth you arrived at was your own.
You are accountable for your failure, but you are not your failure, or
the ideas you may be associating with those failures. If someone
were available to give you information when you needed it, and
ideas about how to apply that information, then that knowledge
would turn into power. How much further along would your
conceptions be? What would that be worth?‖ Maximus said he
thought that was a very good point.

I have included the ―Reconfiguration of Consciousness‖ for you, the

reader, beginning on the following page to assist you in beginning
your journey to self-discovery.

- 40 -

Important note: When you begin the Reconfiguration of

Consciousness on the following page, please write as many
answers as you feel that you can. Dig for the answer that
feels right or sparks that certain emotion, one that makes
you think, ―there it is!‖ The success of this blueprint
depends on how far you are willing to dig.


Home Phone:
Cell Phone:

Date of Birth:
Age: Male or Female (circle one)
Height: Weight:

- 41 -
(1) Please give a spontaneous answer for each individual statement.

Life is:
Life is:
Life is:
Life is:
Life is:

(2) Please give a spontaneous answer for each individual statement.

If only life were:

If only life were:
If only life were:
If only life were:
If only life were:

(3) Please give a spontaneous answer for each individual statement.

If only I could:
If only I could:
If only I could:
If only I could:
If only I could:

(4) Please give a spontaneous answer for each individual statement.

If only I could not:

If only I could not:
If only I could not:
If only I could not:
If only I could not:

- 42 -
(5) Please give a spontaneous answer for each individual statement.

My mother is a:
My mother is a:
My mother is a:
My mother is a:
My mother is a:

(6) Please give a spontaneous answer for each individual statement.

If only my mother would:

If only my mother would:
If only my mother would:
If only my mother would:
If only my mother would:

(7) Please give a spontaneous answer for each individual statement.

My father is a:
My father is a:
My father is a:
My father is a:
My father is a:

(8) Please give a spontaneous answer for each individual statement.

If only my father would:

If only my father would:
If only my father would:
If only my father would:
If only my father would:

- 43 -
(9) Please give a spontaneous answer for each individual statement.

I can:
I can:
I can:
I can:
I can:

(10) Please give a spontaneous answer for each individual statement.

I cannot:
I cannot:
I cannot:
I cannot:
I cannot:

(11) Record your formal education.

Grade School:
Jr. High School:
High School:
Additional education:

(12) Who was your favorite teacher? Why?

- 44 -
(13) What is your informal education?


(14) What are your favorite hobbies? Why?

(15) What are your special interests?

(16) Who inspired you in the hobbies and interests mentioned above?

- 45 -
(17) What skill have you picked up of which you are proud?

(18) Who do you think would be surprised at your new skills?

(19) What accomplishments are you most proud of?

(20) Why are you so proud of these accomplishments?

- 46 -
(21) About each accomplishment above, answer, with your feelings -
who was wrong about you?

(22) What is your marital status? What is your current relationship

with your ex-partner, if applicable?

(23) What ex-partner, if any, would you want back in your life? If
you could only make them do what?

(24) If you could take your ex-partner and your new partner and put
them together to make one partner, what would be the first thing
you would change? Why?

- 47 -
(25) What is your current employment? How did you get your job?

(26) What do you dislike about your manager? Why?

(27) What do you like about your manager? Why?

(28) What do you feel is the hardest aspect of your manager‘s job?

- 48 -
(29) What is the hardest part about your job? Why?

(30) Do you think your boss could do your job better or worse than
you could? Why?

(31) What would you do for employment if given the opportunity?


(32) Why have you not pursued the above job?

- 49 -
(33) Complete these statements in a spontaneous way.

a) My family is:

b) My friends are:

c) My employment is:

d) My physical body is:

- 50 -
e) My emotions are:

f) My beliefs of spirituality are:

g) My beliefs about the Universe are:

h) My free time is:

- 51 -
(34) Look at your answers and ask yourself, ―Do I feel this way, or do
I believe I am supposed to feel this way?

(35) If you could establish a relationship between your feelings and

the feelings of others, what would it be?

(36) If you could make someone believe five things about you, what
would they be? Why?

(37) If some of the answers from the following questions feel wrong
to you, but you thought you were doing the right thing, ask
yourself, ―Would I be happier dealing with this the way I do
now, or according to how I feel it should be?

- 52 -
(38) Please describe your marital status and how you feel about that:

(39) Do you feel that your previous marriage(s) or relationship(s) did

not work out because of you, because of your mate, or because of
outside influences? If so, why do you think this?

(40) If you could take back the mistakes that you have made in the
past, how do you feel things would be different?

(41) Please create (in your imagination) your ideal relationship:

- 53 -
(42) How do you feel you could create this ideal relationship?

(43) List the names of your children and the current status of your
relationship with each of them:

Name: relationship:
Name: relationship:
Name: relationship:
Name: relationship:
Name: relationship:
Name: relationship:

(44) What interest and purpose are you trying to teach your children
for a better future?

(45) What is your mother‘s name, and what is your current status with

- 54 -
(46) If you feel your relationship with your mother could be better,
explain how. Then, explain how you are going to achieve this:

(47) If your current status with your mother is good, speculate how it
could be better and how you plan to do this:

(48) What is your father‘s name and what is your current status with

(49) If you feel your relationship with your father could be better,
explain how, and then explain how you are going to achieve this:

- 55 -
(50) If your current status with your father is good, speculate on how
it could be better, and how you plan to do this:

(51) Beginning as far back as you can remember, what were the major
events of your life? Give spontaneous answers: 3 years old to
10 years old:

(52) 11 years old to 16 years old:

(53) 17 years old to 25 years old:

- 56 -
(54) 26 years old to 40 years old:

(55) 41 years old to 55 years old:

(56) 56 years old to 70 years old:

(57) For each of the answers above, whom did you think about most
during each period? Be spontaneous with your answer:

- 57 -
(58) What period of time did you like best, and why?

(59) What did you stop doing in your life that you love to do and

(60) What aspect of your current creation of yourself do you like


(61) To whom do you most relate?

- 58 -
(62) How do you feel about that?

(63) List the people in your life who have had the most influence on
you. Why?

(64) List the people you consider the most supportive of you:

(65) How does that make you feel?

- 59 -
(66) List the people you consider the least supportive of you:

(67) How does that make you feel?

(68) List the people who rely on your support:

(69) List the people who have abused your support:

(70) What aspects of your health concern you?

- 60 -
(71) What are your frequent worries and what do you feel would
eliminate them?

(72) What are your strengths?

(73) What are your weaknesses? Why do you think they are

(74) How do you feel you could turn your weaknesses into strengths?
(Use your imagination.) To put it another way, how could your
weaknesses be useful? Are they serving a purpose for you now?

- 61 -
(For example, part of you could be using fear of challenges as a
way to protect you from failure.):

(75) What are your principle desires?

(76) If you could receive an award, what would it be for? Why?

(77) Whom would you want to present the award to you? Why?

- 62 -
(78) Who would you want most to know about your award? Why?

(79) What do you consider to be the most important thing in your

life? Why?

(80) How did that thing become most important to you? Why?

(81) How would you like to be remembered?

- 63 -
(82) What hurts you the most? Why?

(83) Besides yourself, who would you like to see succeed? Why?

(84) If you could have five people in your life apologize to you, who
would they be? Why?

(85) So often, we have said, ―If I had known then what I know now, I
would never have done the things that I have done.‖ Think about

- 64 -
that area of your life when you have felt like this and write it

(86) Identify your fears and write them down:

(87) What do you feel it would take to gain control of and eliminate
these fears?

(88) Acknowledge that you have beliefs about yourself and write the
ones that you work through in your daily life:

- 65 -
(89) After you identify your beliefs, write which ones you learned
from personal experiences and which ones you feel were
indoctrinated into you:

(90) Take a moment and speculate what the world would be like if we
all had the same beliefs. How would that feel?

(91) If you decide that we do not have the same beliefs, what does
that tell you about the nature of reality?

(92) What would you like to experience from your beliefs?

- 66 -
(93) Now, after answering that last question, what do you feel comes
first, the beliefs or the experiences?

(94) Do you feel most people are too judgmental of other‘s beliefs?

(95) Have you been judgmental of someone‘s beliefs? Explain:

(96) Let us assume for a moment that beliefs are the most powerful
building tools of the world. What would you build? Be
imaginative and enjoy:

- 67 -
(97) Why did you want to build what you built in your last question?

(98) Who would you want to see it?

(99) Whose praise would you want? Why?

(100) If beliefs do control our experiences, then how does that change

- 68 -
(101) Where do you place most of your attention during the day? How
many main centers of attention do you think you have, on the
average, each day?

(102) Do you spend most attention on your own creations or someone

else‘s? Why?

(103) How does that make you feel? Explain:

(104) If you had to explain your life to someone, how would you
describe it and how does it feel when you describe it?

- 69 -
(105) Do you feel that your spiritual principles are your own, absorbed
from some particular writers or acquaintances, or have they been
indoctrinated into you? When you decide, please explain:

The Interview Continues

I shared with Maximus how my first huge realization came to me

after I had done the ―Reconfiguration of Consciousness‖ exercise.
Every day my life was slowly changing because I was changing
myself. The exercise helped dissolve old issues, concerns, and
problems that I did not know I had held onto. After I removed these
mental blocks, my own personal blueprint began to open up and
expand in many ways. Maximus asked me, ―What was your greatest
discovery?‖ I replied, ―The ability to recognize how we are able to
compete and to do anything we choose if we choose to participate.
Ideas shape where we are going and what things come from our
beliefs. The blueprint is in the mind and the brain only reacts and
hunts to fill in the gaps of reality. The brain only achieves what it is
capable of conceiving. There is no real identity struggle when we
realize how, at any given moment, we are only ―experiencing‖ what
we think ourselves to be.‖ Maximus commented that it was like
having a dream, but being in total control of the dream.

- 70 -
Maximus wanted further clarification again, ―I‘d like to be clear on
this issue. Could you give me an example?‖ I enjoyed that he was
asking questions, ―Sure. Think of yourself in this manner. Perhaps
you have an idea of what being a son is, and you act accordingly.
Then you have another idea of what it means to be a friend, and you
act accordingly. Then to be a father, you act in another manner. To
be an employee, or an owner or manager, you act another way, and
so on.‖ Maximus saw the point, ―You‘re right, I never thought of it
that way. What else can you tell me about this experience?‖ I
replied that the most important thing to remember is no matter what
you think, and what you believe, and whatever results create from
your beliefs, you are only the observer in the experience and the
creator of the space for them to happen. I can actually tell you quite
a bit about the experience itself, but I‘m not the only one who has
experienced this.‖ Maximus asked, ―You aren‘t?‖ I told him, ―No,
let me explain. The exercise I performed created a profound shift in
me. I was really curious to see if anyone else had experienced
something similar, so I began to ask questions the next day.‖

I saw my friend Brian at the grocery store where I worked, ―Brian

may I ask you a question?‖ Brian answered me, ―Yes, what is it?‖ I
asked him, ―Did you do the ―Reconfiguration of Consciousness‖
exercise?‖ ―Yes, I did,‖ he stated. I inquired, ―What was your take
on it?‖ Brian confided in me, ―I resolved a lot of old issues. It
helped me see some of the sticky points in my life and greatly
changed how I relate to my mother. It even made me see things
about you and me. And helped me to understand why we have the
type of friendship we have.‖ I had to ask, ―What was that?‖ ―We
resist the same things in each other because we have the same fears.
You have a great fear of me beating you in something and not being
able to live it down, just as I have those same fears of you. For a
long time, I resisted many things about our relationship, even though

- 71 -
I like you a lot as a friend. I did not know how to confront those
fears and the fact you kept confirming them. In a way, Brady, I
attribute much of my success to you.‖ I asked surprised, ―To me?
Really?‖ He told me, ―Yes, if it were not for my sincere desire to
beat you at something I would not have explored so many different
areas of my life. In fact, because I did have that need to beat you at
something it made me explore many things I would never have
thought of myself.‖

We both just stood there in silence, neither one of us saying

anything. We did not have to. We existed in a space together that
said it all. I spoke again, ―I also had many of those realizations
Brian, except my goal was never set on beating you at anything. I
would just naturally do what I did. There was never anything
personal behind me beating you.‖ Brian acknowledged, ―I
understand now, Brady, but you know the old saying, at least in the
competitive world; you do not get better at competing with someone
who is not better than you are. You have to play against someone
who can help you raise your game and that is what you did for me.‖
I agreed, ―Yes, in a way we have learned how our friendship has
been both rich and rewarding for both of us.‖

Brian then showed me his hand, ―Even though it is not as important

to me now as it used to be, I still get satisfaction from one other
thing you may not have thought of. I will get my Black Belt before
you because I started martial arts one year before you did. So, no
matter what, even if I lose against you in everything else in my life,
I‘ll take great pride in knowing I got my Black Belt before you did.

I chuckled, ―That is all very interesting, but I have two things to say
about that. One, I have not heard the fat lady sing yet. Two, you are
a long way from Black Belt territory yourself. So the way I see it, I
may be two belts down, but just know this, when you go home

- 72 -
sleeping or are out visiting your friends, or doing whatever it is you
do, know that every waking moment that I am awake, not sleeping or
at work, I will be putting in time at that school. And even if I don‘t
get there before you, it is possible for me to get there right at the
same time. Remember, Soke Draconis told us he counts time in two
ways. He counts how long you have actually been in the martial arts
with him, but more importantly, he also counts how many hours you
put in. So while you may put in only three hours a week, Brian, I
will put in ten or twelve.‖ A puzzled look came over Brian just then,
and I could see there was a moment of weakness. Like the lion that
was going to bring down a prize gazelle, I was going to exploit that
weakness. I realized at that moment that Brian questioned his own
passion to commit to such a course of discipline as I had. Brian then
smiled at me and said, ―I think perhaps we should both go back and
redo the ―Reconfiguration of Consciousness‖ exercise.

After Brian and I finished bullying and playing with each other, I
went to the other end of the store and stacked the apples. I looked
around and there were people everywhere laughing and joking. I
was quite impressed by how busy the store was. I never realized
how both the operations Smitty ran in the one location were so busy.
After I was done stacking apples, there were boxes to cut up for the
dumpster, so I continued on. There were so many shipments coming
into that store every day, a man could have a full-time job just
cutting the boxes up.

Smitty walked up to me, pulled me over to the side for a moment

and said, ―Brady, I have to ask you a question.‖ I answered him,
―Sure. What is it?‖ ―Eva and I found out about the self-help
program that Soke Draconis offers. We thought doing something
like that would be fun, so we signed up for it. Did you happen to do
the ―Reconfiguration of Consciousness‖ exercise?‖ I started
laughing and said, ―Yes, I did.‖ He asked me, ―What were your

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thoughts on it?‖ I told him that I found it very insightful. Smitty
said, ―It brought up a lot of things about me that I really didn‘t know.
I will be honest with you, Brady, I think this is about the deepest
thing I ever did. As I went through the exercise, I kept feeling like
somebody was taking one-pound dumbbells off my shoulders. I was
actually beginning to feel lighter and lighter. Anyway, I just wanted
to see if you had done the exercise. Your taking those martial arts
classes is the reason that we got the ambition to do it.‖ Smitty
laughed, ―Soke Draconis sure is something, isn‘t he?‖ I agreed he

After work, I went over to the dojo. I walked into the school and
saw Soke Draconis was in his office. I could see he was signing up
two more guys, and there were three girls and another guy waiting
on the benches outside his office. I walked in and Larry was there
along with another man, a brown-belt named Michael. I asked Larry
and Michael if they had done the ―Reconfiguration of
Consciousness‖ exercise. They both said they had performed the
exercise and professed it was what allowed them to get where they
were now. I do not know why I asked this next question. I just did.
―Is Soke Draconis‘ self-help material the only thing you studied?‖
―Absolutely not! We read many self-help experts. Soke Draconis
advises us to study as much as we can. He pushes for growth
outside of the dojo in all ways,‖ they explained. I thought to myself,
―I might just have to look a little more into this self-help course, this
Creotology way of thinking.‖

That evening I performed the ―Reconfiguration of Consciousness‖

exercise over again. I had a few new realizations and a few takes on
some old ones occurred to me as well. I actually felt slightly dizzy
after I finished the reconfiguration exercise. I felt lightheaded, but
began to realize there were things still bothering me. I was carrying
around things I had forgotten to let go of. Man, was I wrong in

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thinking I had completed the process! I needed to redo the
―Reconfiguration of Consciousness‖ procedure some more. As I
worked through the process again, I noticed my answers had
changed. I discovered we need to keep digging most of the time for
the real answers. One thing was for certain, it was really working.

After I came back to the dojo the next day and began my meeting
with Soke Draconis, he realized I had made it through the exercise
and could tell it had affected me deeply. He told me my experience
would make me more effective at handling other people‘s problems
as well. Essentially, we all want and need much of the same things.
When you can learn to extend help to yourself in an unconditional
way then you can learn to do the same to others. Soke Draconis
said, ―It is a very interesting thing about dissolving beliefs. If you
are not careful you could dissolve your entire Universe.‖

He then asked me what my beliefs were about my spirit. He started

with questions relating to where I thought it was. Then he wanted to
know if it was important to me to have it right now in the dimension
in which I was currently working. The most bizarre question he
asked had to do with how many ways I thought the spirit experiences
itself. He said, ―My point is this, if you picture an experience in
your head, and you are looking at the image creating the experience,
then who or what is doing the watching?‖ It was strange to think
about something I had never ever contemplated in all my natural
days. Then he asked me if I thought my spirit was one-dimensional
and works at a datum level, or a stratum level. Well, I hope you can
realize that I did not want to appear dumb, but I had no clue what he
was talking about. At this point, I really wasn‘t even sure if he was
even still speaking English.

He adjusted his large frame in the big solid oak chair that he had
made himself. The chair was very comfortable - which is something

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he did not mind telling you. The reason I know this is because he
told me that so many times I could only hope maybe the day would
come when he would let me sit in his chair. He gave me a smirk,
―It‘s okay, don‘t feel bad, Brady, I allow no one to sit in my chair.‖
This was his sense of humor. In an ironic change of voice, I said to
Maximus, ―To know him is to love him.‖ Maximus gave a small
grin and nodded his head.

Soke rubbed his goatee and relaxed deeply. Then with confidence,
he let out a moan of contentment. Then there was only silence for
about a minute. I could feel the quietness in the air and the energy
bubbles in the room popping and fizzing in and out of existence, like
awareness and consciousness. It felt as if one moment I was there
and the next moment I was gone. Soke leaned forward and broke the
silence that was creepy enough to have felt almost as if a spell was
cast and then broken. Then he said, ―Enough for tonight, go home
and rest. You have had a hard day and you need your time to do as
you please.‖ He always had a way of making you feel busy and
important, even if you did nothing at all.

Maximus asked what I thought about after that meeting. I told him I
went home, taking in the nice summer air and the images of the
night, the neighborhood, and the world seemed to be lifting off my
shoulders. I felt more space around me then than I had at any other
time in my life. I felt some type of movement around me. Although
I was unsure of what it was, I had no doubt it was there. After I
made it home that night, I lay in bed and thought about the things
that Soke Draconis had said to me. I contemplated our conversation
and all the things that he and I had discussed. I wondered what my
spirit was, what it did, and how it did it, and even why it did it. The
weird and stunning thought came into my head, ―If I can experience
myself in so many ways, why wouldn‘t my spirit be able to do the
same thing? Is my spirit only one-dimensional, or is it like a

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receiving and processing form of intelligence that can multi-task and
work on the stratum and the datum level?‖ Yes, I did learn those
two words that Soke Draconis used by looking them up in the
dictionary. Understanding the meaning of those words made things
begin opening up for me and started me questioning the magnitude
of my existence.

―If my thoughts had the ability to create reality, then so did my

spirit. We are what we project. Was my spirit inside of this body or
outside of this body? And if it was outside, where was it? Why
couldn‘t I see it?‖ I then thought, ―Wait! If I can‘t see my own
thoughts except for the images of some of them, well, maybe I am an
image of a thought that my spirit is having somewhere. It is having
many thoughts and images and maybe they are all working in
different realities. Maybe I am experiencing so much more than I
think. Enough for now, I am tired and will try some more

Maximus then said, ―This school, this martial arts, it isn‘t a cult or
anything, is it? It seems very spiritual.‖ I acknowledged his
observation, ―That is an excellent question. Things that congregate
under the same beliefs are a cult. The difference here is there are no
beliefs that you have to believe. There is no rigid format about
acting a particular way in order to prevent something bad from
happening to you. We present self-exploration through exercises
that allow you and only you to examine and determine your own
beliefs. Whatever you decide to believe is okay with everyone here.
We just don‘t go into the God principle. We only train the spirit in
this so-called physical life. Whatever your belief in God, whatever
you think he or she is, it‘s always okay with us and always will be.
There is no exception to that.‖ Maximus said, ―Well, that‘s nice to
hear.‖ I assured him, ―Don‘t worry, I understand.‖ Then Maximus
asked, ―What happened the next day?‖

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Chapter 4


The sun was shining through my small bedroom window when I

awoke and all my thoughts went to Soke Draconis. Mostly, the
thought came to me that I had to get to the dojo and share my
thoughts from last night. I arrived early for the Saturday morning
class. Larry and Michael were already there along with a Sensei that
I had never met. His name was Sensei Greg. Sensei Greg was a
first-degree Black Belt under Soke Draconis. It was fascinating to
meet someone who had been with Soke Draconis all the way from a
white belt to a Black Belt. I had the opportunity to observe him for
about 15 minutes. He walked with a lot of confidence. He moved
with grace, as if he didn‘t have a care in the world. I heard him
laughing and joking many times. He made the statement that life is
great four or five times within 15 minutes. When he said it, he said
it with so much conviction and passion, so much enthusiasm, that
you just accepted it as true. He came out and introduced himself to
me and to the other 30 or so students that were there. This guy could
motivate you and make you feel like you could run around the block
30 times without even breathing hard.

After class was over, I wanted to speak to Soke Draconis, but the

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Soke was not there yet. I then asked Sensei Greg if I could wait for
Soke in his office in one of the big comfortable chairs. Sensei Greg
said that would be fine. This Sensei didn‘t have the impressiveness
of size that Soke did. He was only about five foot ten, with brown
hair and brown eyes. His hair was collar length and very well
groomed with no beard or mustache. He was of medium build,
about one hundred eighty pounds, and in great shape. He had a
black gi on and black belt with white gi pants. If you have never
been in the martial arts before, this is a very cool thing that all of the
people want to do. Everyone wants to wear a black gi top with white
bottoms or vice versa, because the only thing the lower ranks could
wear is plain white. Sensei Greg was very soft-spoken, but also very

After Sensei Greg let me into Soke‘s office, I began to look at his
chair. I had never really noticed it before, but it truly was quite
remarkable. As I sat there, the light from the window shone across
it. The upholstery was black and trimmed in gold. It was built and
fashioned after the Old English throne chairs. It did seem to have a
slight Gothic look to it, but very beautiful and most definitely
something in which a king would sit. The chair had about it what I
could only describe as an aura, a real presence. While I was in the
room I noticed that it was very quiet and calm. Before I knew it, I
found myself getting very sleepy. I did not understand the feeling of
sleep coming over me, only that the atmosphere in the building was
so warm and inviting it was creating a feeling of a relaxed flow. It
just seemed to make you want to go to sleep. I did not resist. I just
followed that energy. I just let go and then I had this remarkable

It was extremely lucid and all was centered around me and from me.
I was experiencing many feelings and emotions. Everything existed
from my point of reference and all space and time were only ideas

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that existed at certain points of opportunity. I created those
opportunities. Everything had a flow that just could not sway me in
any way because I was in the control center and my individual
Universe was growing by leaps and bounds. What an incredible
feeling. The feeling was unstoppable, but then I thought, why would
anyone want to stop it? There was no need to stop it. I just
experienced the vibrations, and the warm inviting rush from the
experiences that came in at all times. There was no death, only
concepts that can be controlled. I could hear myself thinking, ―Let it
go, let it go,‖ but I did not feel like I was holding on to anything,
only the creative energy. I also began to sense the vibration of the
edge of my creational space. With each new thought, there was
another expansion in my Universe and borders were forever
expanding. Then I began to understand that this must be what the
spirit feels like. It has no judgments or associations. It has no lower
nature physical qualities. It does not hate. It does not feel
jealousies. It does not feel inadequate. I thought it would be
amazing to exist like that in the here and now, as we perceive it. I
began to feel the flowing energy of Soke Draconis enter the room
right before he woke me up.

I awoke energized and alive and I truly felt like I could conquer all
things. Soke Draconis asked me if I had had a good dream, and if it
was vivid in detail. I asked, ―How did you know I was dreaming?‖
He explained we are always dreaming, just at different levels of
participation. He then gave me that coy little smile of his, ―We do
have more than one level of consciousness, you know.‖ I said,
―Maybe I experienced astral projection.‖ He asked me, ―Where did
you project to?‖ He smiled and when I asked why he was smiling,
he said, ―In order to astral-project, your spirit would have to be in
your body. Your spirit, itself, would have to be in full control. In
order to do that you would have to know exactly what the spirit is.‖
I would have to have a moment later to think about everything he

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had just said to me. I had read many astral projection books, but I
could not deny the sense his statements made.

Before I could say another word, Soke Draconis said, ―Not right
now, please hold that thought. We have other things to discuss
before we go into something like astral projection.‖ I said, ―Like
what?‖ Soke Draconis said, ―You have a job now, new hobbies,
new friends and a chance at a great education. In order for you to be
able to take full advantage of the situation you find yourself in, it is
going to be imperative you design a personal mission statement.‖ I
asked, ―What is a personal mission statement?‖ Soke Draconis then
explained to me that it was a wonderful way to evolve a
consciousness. He explained how when you write out a personal
mission statement, you always start with your long-term goals. Your
long-term goals should be in direct proportion to what your personal
dreams are. He said, ―The best way to achieve any goal is to
understand exactly why you want this goal and what this goal is
going to do for you and others. Our personal goals are what control
our personal level of determination and that determination will be
the very thing that decides what we truly get. The thing that pulls us
into what we truly want in life is personality and essence.‖

Then Soke said, ―Before we go any further, I think we should hold a

group class on this and give others an opportunity to hear this
information.‖ I thought that was a wonderful idea. He thought for a
moment and then spoke, ―Let‘s do this. Let‘s get on the telephone,
gather up a few of the other guys, and call all the students and tell
them what we are going to do. We are going to hold a special class
on personality and essence.‖ I suggested this might be a good time
to get more people to enroll in the school. Soke asked, ―What do
you mean?‖ I explained, ―Well, everyone has a personality and an
essence, right?‖ He agreed, ―Yes, that‘s true.‖ I told him, ―Then I
have two ideas.‖ Soke was beginning to grow excited, ―I love ideas.

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Tell me what they are?‖ ―How about we make up flyers that
describe exactly what we are going to do and let‘s put on that flyer -
Goals and Obstacles, Essence and Personality. Do you know the
difference? If not, that could be what is holding you back. Come to
the Soke Draconis School of Martial Arts on Saturday, June 28th, at
2:00 in the afternoon. There will be free beverages and free

Soke Draconis looked unsure, ―Free beverages and barbeque? This

could cost me a fortune just to get a message out.‖ I raised the
question to him, ―Yes, you will have to spend a little money to make
it happen, but what if that message converts the people who attend
into students? What if people come here and they really have a good
time? They see friends that they know, old friends they haven‘t seen
in a while, and they make new friends. They are exposed to new
information they have never heard before. Lots of those people
could become so impressed that they could sign up that very same

Soke saw the value of my idea, ―You know, Brady, you have an
interesting marketing head on you. How would you like to be in
charge of this?‖ I had never before felt such a sense of pride, and I
had the sheer tenacity to seize the moment of opportunity and make
it become something special. The Soke was going to entrust me
with this. I was not going to miss this opportunity to grow. ―There
are a few things I will need,‖ I told him, my mind already reeling.
He said, ―That‘s good. What‘s the first thing you will do?‖ I told
him that it seemed only logical to me that I write down the goal
describing what I want to accomplish and what exactly I want the
end result to be. Then I‘d create a material list of what I would need
to get it done. Soke Draconis then asked, ―What else?‖ I was
thinking fast on my feet now, ―I could use some help to get some
things done, but I‘m sure some of the students will kick-in to help.

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I‘ll need some money in order to purchase materials.‖

I then thought to myself that perhaps I could get some of the

materials given to me as a donation or a trade off. I asked Soke
Draconis if I could find several people who might be willing to
donate some of the material, would he be willing to give a free
month of training at the school in exchange. I told him, ―This is a
win-win situation because if they donate the material and we give
them a month worth of free classes, if they do not show up, we have
received free material. If they do show up, it is even better, as many,
if not all of them, will join. As you said, Soke, if they did not have
an interest, they would not be here in the first place.‖

Soke Draconis looked concerned, ―Well, I have only one small

problem. I‘m kind of a traditionalist and I think marketing and
advertising like that may be wrong. I shared my logic on the matter,
―Not at all. You‘re advertising on your window out there. You have
business cards. Anytime you talk to anybody outside the school
about your martial arts, you‘re advertising. Think about all the
people who could benefit from this valuable information and
teaching, but would never come to join a school because they have
the wrong perception about the martial arts. They‘ve never heard of
the martial arts, or just flat out do not know about the benefits and
results. You are doing those people a huge favor by placing this
valuable information into their hands. There is nothing wrong with
that. Think of it this way, Soke.‖ He saw I had a valid viewpoint,
―Okay. Point well made. All right then, I will give you as many
one-month free martial arts memberships that you need for trade.‖ I
exclaimed, ―Alright! Now I have a million things to do. I have to

I practically ran out the door and then did run for about four blocks,
straight to a printer who ran a store called Macy Printing Shop. The

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owner was a man named Tom Macy. He was a big man, about six
foot one and weighed close to three hundred pounds, with sandy
brown hair and blue eyes. I knew that he had two boys close to my
age who might be interested in studying the martial arts. I entered
the printing shop to introduce myself.

Mr. Macy was standing at the front desk and said, ―Hello, Brady,
how are you?‖ I was genuinely surprised, ―I am shocked that you
know my name.‖ He told me his boys had pointed me out several
times before. He stated, ―You‘re very strong and a great athlete.‖ I
think I may have blushed, ―I‘m flattered. In fact, athletics is part of
the reason I am here today. Have you ever heard of Soke Draconis‘
Martial Arts School? That is the place down on Belmont in the
brown brick building. I am taking martial arts classes down there
now, and I feel it has changed my life. I have learned how to fight
so that I do not have to fight. It teaches me great responsibility. I
am in control of my destiny.‖ Mr. Macy said his boys could use a
little of that. I sensed this was my cue, ―Well, it is interesting that
you say that, because I came here to strike a business deal with you.
If you can give me 5,000 flyers printed with what I need them to say,
and you bear the cost, I will give both of your sons a free one-month
membership to the martial arts school. They can come every single
day of that month if they want to.‖

Mr. Macy smiled broadly, ―That sounds like an excellent deal. I will
do it under one condition. Are there any people down there my age
taking the martial arts?‖ I replied excitedly, ―Of course there are!‖
He asked hesitantly, ―Do you think you could let me have one of
those one-month memberships as well? Perhaps I could come down
to the school and participate in that hobby with my boys. I have
been really looking for something that we could all do together.‖ I
felt as if I was on a roll, ―I will do better than that. For another 5,000
flyers, I will give you your own 30-day membership plus two other

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30-day memberships that you can give to whoever you want, but
each person is only allowed to use one membership.‖ He knew a
good arrangement when he heard one, ―That‘s a deal. When do you
need your flyers?‖ I told him what I wanted them to say and asked
how quickly I could have them. He replied with joy, ―How about
tomorrow afternoon? I will put a rush on them.‖ I felt very proud,
―Mr. Macy, here are your memberships.‖ We looked each other in
the eye, shook hands, and that was all there was to that.

As I left the printing shop, I had a remarkable feeling of

accomplishment. I had just spent my time doing something that I
felt was worthy, and I noticed the strangest thing, it did not even
seem like work. I was actually having fun.

As I ran back (I was walking and running a lot those days), I passed
old man Elmer‘s bicycle shop. He had a brand new Huffy ten-speed
bicycle on display and I thought that it sure would make getting
around a lot easier for me. It would also save wear and tear on my
shoes. My Mom was always complaining that I was going through
shoes too fast anyway. I went into old man Elmer‘s bicycle shop
and asked Mr. Elmer how much the bike cost. He replied cheerfully
that it was $65. I thought to myself, ―Since I am in the world of high
finance now, I could probably afford that bike.‖

Mr. Elmer asked what I was doing that day. I explained to him that I
was responsible for a special promotion and that I was out running
some errands in support of making it all happen. Mr. Elmer was
curious and asked what the special promotion was about, so I told
him that it was for Soke Draconis on Belmont Street. Mr. Elmer
commented to me that he knew Soke. I decided to share with Mr.
Elmer what had me so excited, ―He is putting on a special
presentation this Saturday. He is going to teach us about goals and
obstacles and about personality and essence.‖ Mr. Elmer thought a

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moment, ―In other words, it is a self-help seminar. That‘s something
I wouldn‘t mind listening to.‖

Right then, I had another great idea, ―That is exactly what it is Mr.
Elmer. Would you be willing to barter for one of your nice ten-
speeds that you have here?‖ He hesitated briefly, ―I don‘t know.
What do you have to barter?‖ I asked if it was true that most of his
business is selling to kids and their parents. ―Why of course,‖ he
answered, ―the kids are a huge part of my business.‖ ―If you could
entice them to buy a ten-speed, they could have a free 30-day
membership to the Soke Draconis Martial Arts School.‖ He asked
me how much the cost was for the classes at the school. I looked
him squarely in the eye and blurted out, "$65!‖ He was excited now,
―That is exactly what the bike costs!‖ I was thinking quickly on my
feet again, ―I could give you ten 30-day memberships to the school,
and you could give them to whoever you want, or, I have another
idea. You could sell ten bicycles with a free one-month pass
attached to each one. That way, whoever buys the bike is getting a
$130 value for only $65.‖ He seemed pleased, ―That is a great idea.‖
Then I suggested, ―If you want to make some flyers you could bring
them to the self-help course on Saturday and pass them out.‖

Mr. Elmer sat down for a moment, rubbed his baldhead, and thought
about it. I could tell he was excited as he recognized my offer held
validity for him. He asked if I could get Soke Draconis to sanction
the plan. I asked him to let me use the phone in the shop. Mr. Elmer
took me into the back room where I called Soke Draconis and
explained the whole thing to him. Soke Draconis thought it was a
great idea that I had the merchants working together, and that for all
my work and effort, I deserved something out of it. As I put the
phone down, I told Mr. Elmer that if he agreed then Soke Draconis
agreed. Mr. Elmer made his decision quickly, ―All right, Brady,
you‘ve got a deal. Not only am I going to bring flyers to the school

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on Saturday, but I am going to stay for the seminar myself.‖

I took out my passes and counted out ten of them. I authorized them
and explained how we would not date them until Mr. Elmer actually
sold the bikes. Then all he would need to do is validate the passes so
the expiration date was 30-days from the date of purchase. Mr.
Elmer was smiling, ―I want to thank you Brady. This is a great
opportunity for me also.‖ I handed him his memberships and he
said, ―Come on, Brady, let‘s go pick out your bike.‖ I was so
excited. I picked out a black Huffy ten-speed. As he was taking it
off the rack for me, Mr. Elmer made sure both tires were filled up
correctly and holding air. He even threw in a free water bottle
holder for me. He gave me the bill of sale for the bike, we shook
hands, and I was on my way. Now that I could really get around,
there was no stopping me.

I went back to the dojo and told Soke I needed to use a phone, so he
took me downstairs to the basement. There was a little desk and
chair down there already and he plugged in a phone for me to use.
Right away, I called several of the members who I knew their phone
numbers from memory. I told them what was going on and asked if
they could help me get the word out about the event. Then they
called their friends who were members and told them about the
upcoming affair too.

At 9:00 the next morning, about 30 of us met at the school and let
everyone know the whole plan. I laid everything out, explained that
I had to be at work before noon, but I needed someone who could go
to Mr. Macy‘s printing shop and pick up the 10,000 flyers. Brian
immediately offered to take care of this.

The next task was going to be a little harder, ―We need to look at a
map and figure out how many houses we can cover passing out these

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flyers in groups of two. Sempai Larry and Sempai Michael offered
their help and they seemed like the right guys to get the job done,
―Good, you two are in charge of that. We need people who can start
passing out flyers today.‖ So, we organized the groups and figured
out how many flyers each group needed, figured out how many
streets we would cover and how far out we would go from the
school. It was decided that covering the direction of the four winds
would be best. We broke up the groups into teams and that way we
had all four directions covered.

I then rode to work on my brand new ten-speed. I do not mind

telling you that life was good. Now the only thing I had left to figure
out was where we were going to get the meat for the barbeque. I
thought, ―I have to get to work. It will come to me.‖ As I pulled up
on my bike, Mr. Smitty was standing out back of his store. He asked
me where I got the bike. I explained the whole thing to him. Mr.
Smitty then said he and Eva had received so many wonderful
experiences from the ―Reconfiguration of Consciousness‖ exercise
that he would like to donate the hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, and
condiments for the barbeque. I could not believe my luck. I told
him that Soke Draconis would be extremely thankful and Mr. Smitty
said it was a wash because he was also very grateful. I offered
Smitty an idea, ―We will place a sign by the food letting everyone
know of your generosity and place coupons there for your store if
you would like to.‖ Smitty said that would be great since he had
some coupons in the back and this was a great opportunity to use
them. I clocked in and as I was working, I felt a feeling of
confidence wash over me that things would be alright. For the first
time in my life, I could honestly say I was proud of myself, and I felt
this inside. It was such a great feeling.

After I got off work that evening, I went to the school, got on the
phone in the basement, and I called everybody to get a progress

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report. To my surprise, they said that they had already passed out
5,000 of the flyers on that same day. They also informed me that
they would pass out the other 5,000 tomorrow. I was so excited I
hung up the phone and ran up the stairs to Soke Draconis and I told
him of the great news. Soke Draconis was elated, ―Brady, I am
extremely impressed. You are really quite the little businessman.‖ I
shared with him, ―Well, it is a great cause, and it is something I truly
believe in.‖ Soke Draconis understood what I meant, ―Yes, it feels
good to work with essence.‖ It hit me like a ton of bricks that I had
experienced exactly what it feels like to be working from within
your essence. Soke Draconis gave me a little smile because he had
realized it also. He confirmed, ―It feels good, doesn‘t it?‖ I said,
―Absolutely incredible!‖ ―Why don‘t you go outside and lay down
for about 20 or 30 minutes and let that feeling integrate inside of
you? That way you can always remember what it feels like to work
within your essence and feel the passion of life.‖

As I lay out in front on the mat, looking out the big picture window,
I thought to myself, "I could never imagine the experience of life to
be any better than this.‖ I got up after about 30 minutes and told
Soke Draconis I was leaving. I bowed to him and went out the back
door, got on my new bike, and away I rode. I decided to ride my
bike around and show it to some friends. As I was riding, I felt the
sun upon my face and the wind in my hair. It was a remarkable
feeling to know I had gotten to where I was right then by making the
correct decisions and following through.

I saw some friends of mine about a half block ahead of me. It was
Brian and Doug together with a guy named Timmy, so I stopped to
talk. We ended up going down to the park about a block from where
we had met up. When we got down there the park was almost
empty. Both ends of the basketball court were completely empty
and someone had replaced each of the nets on the basketball court.

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Man, this was great. I parked my bike away from the basketball
court, and we played basketball, two on two, for several hours. As
night came, I got on my bike and rode home.

I put my bike up in the garage, locked both doors, went inside and
told my mom about the bike I had now. She thought that was a
wonderful thing. That was the first time I could recall my mother
giving me a real compliment. She told me that it was very clever
how I obtained that bike instead of following some of the other male
role models in the family, which she quickly added, were not many.
―Maybe your calling is to be a businessman or a salesman. I hear
they make great money.‖ I agreed with her, ―Yes, maybe a salesman
or a businessman.‖

I took a shower and went to bed, as I was very tired. I woke up the
next morning at 7:30, all bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to go.
After taking my shower and eating breakfast, which consisted of
oatmeal and cinnamon with a cut up banana, I unlocked the garage
and took out my bike. I checked both tires and then I was off.

I went to the library and waited for about 15 minutes for them to
open. The librarian, Mrs. Donaldson, opened the door promptly at
eight. She was a short woman who stood about five foot five, brown
hair, brown eyes and a medium build. I went inside and I asked her
where I could find books on business and sales. I looked through the
books for a half an hour just opening one or another and glancing
through them. Finally, I picked up two books that appeared
interesting and since I had some time I sat inside within the air-
conditioning and read a few chapters. When I got up and walked
down the book aisle, I could not believe my eyes. There was
Melissa sitting at a table.

I had never been able to talk to her before, but it was time to change

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all that. I went up to the table and introduced myself to her. She
replied, ―Silly, I know who you are, we take the same martial arts
class.‖ I said I was just trying to be well mannered by introducing
myself first. She giggled, ―I already know who you are so you
cannot introduce yourself to me.‖ ―Yes,‖ I blushed, ―that makes
very good sense.‖ I laughed aloud and so did she. She said, ―I heard
about what you are doing with the barbeque this weekend at the
school. I think that‘s great.‖ I felt proud, ―Yes, I think I have a flair
for it, so I am reading these books to see what I can learn.‖ She
thought that was a fantastic idea. I wanted to know what she was
reading so I asked her. She told me, ―I am reading a novel by Steven
King.‖ I took notice, ―Oh, you like scary movies?‖ She said she
loved them.

We sat and talked for another 30 minutes and then we both read for
about 30 more. For some reason, and I could not explain why, I felt
it was time to go. I told her to have a good day and I would see her
in class later. We exchanged smiles and were on our way. I rode
around until about 9:30 that morning.

Maximus asked me if that was all that happened between Melissa

and me. I told him it was very strange. After seeing her more and
more in class and then talking to her, I felt there was not much of a
connection between us. I felt that something bigger and better was
coming and that my connection to it would be indescribable. I had
discovered that I simply appreciated her beauty and peaceful nature.
Maximus said he could relate to that. He had known a couple of
girls like that before in his lifetime.

I arrived at the school and Soke Draconis was not there. A guy and a
girl were outside of the school sitting on the steps. I pulled up on the
sidewalk next to the steps where they were sitting, being very careful
not to get my bike on Soke Draconis‘ grass. (He was very particular

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about his grass.) I asked them who they were and what they wanted.
They said they had seen the flyer and that they wanted to join the
school. I introduced myself, ―My name is Brady, I‘m a student here
myself. It does not look like Soke Draconis is here yet, but I could
let you into the school if you want to come in and wait for him. I
would be more than glad to wait with you.‖

We waited about 15 minutes and started to get to know each other.

We talked a little bit before I told them that I was not a salesman or
representative for the school, but that I could probably sign them up,
since I knew where everything was. I asked them to wait there for
just a moment for me to return. I went into Soke Draconis‘ office
and brought out two contracts, two release forms, and some
information about the martial arts system that was taught at the
school. I explained our system of martial arts to them and exactly
how it worked and showed them the men and women‘s locker
rooms. I gave them a class schedule for the classes that were
available and told them they could attend as many of them as they
liked. Soke Draconis taught us that if you are not willing to work
out a minimum of two days a week, religiously, do not commit
yourself to it. They informed me that they were married and wanted
to do this together. I told them I thought that was a great idea as we
encouraged a family atmosphere at the school.

I let them know that it would be $130 for the first month for both of
them and every month after that it would only be $100 each month
and that would cover them both. I explained to them this was a 36-
month agreement, and that if they signed it, they are obligated for the
full 36 months. They assured me that they understood and then they
signed the contract. I gave them their copy and they gave me a
check for $130. I gave them a receipt out of Soke Draconis‘
checkbook and informed them, ―I will be right back with your

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I was in Soke Draconis‘ office getting into his closet, which I have to
admit I was very nervous about, and I heard Soke Draconis talking
to Richard and Katie. All three of them were laughing it up and
joking. I brought out two uniforms, handed them each one, and
shook their hands. I welcomed them to our school, then wrote down
their first class and gave them both the traditional shake. They left
the building happy and bouncing. I thought to myself about how the
atmosphere was so contagious, but then my thoughts went back to
the situation at hand, and I began to wonder if perhaps I had
overstepped my bounds. Soke Draconis smiled, looked at me, and
politely asked if he could see me in his office.

Maximus asked, ―You were scared that you overstepped your

boundaries by signing those people up?‖ I confirmed, ―Yes, I was
not officially an officer of the school to be signing people up.‖
Maximus understood, ―I see your position. So then what

―Well, once we got into the office, I asked Soke Draconis if I could
talk first.‖ Soke did not seem to be concerned, ―Absolutely.‖ I
began explaining my actions, ―I had no right to sign those people up
because I realize I am not an authorized representative of the school.
I might have said something wrong that would have stopped them
from joining the school. Sitting here thinking about it now it seems
it was a foolish thing to do on my part. I was really just trying to
sign them up to help you out, and I truly enjoy talking to people.‖
Soke Draconis then said, ―Brady, you have nothing to apologize for.
What you did took a lot of initiative and more things become lost by
indecision. You are a representative of the school, and you are a
student, so who best to tell other potential students about the school
than the students themselves. You knew the cost of the classes and
the location of all the needed contracts. The only problem is that

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you are too young for your signature to be legal in a court of law.
That is easy to remedy because when they come back tomorrow
night for their first class, I will just take all their information from
this contract and have them sign it again. I will sign in your place.
Other than that, there is no problem at all. In fact, more and more I
am beginning to see one undeniable fact about you young man. You
have what some people refer to in certain circles as a golden tongue,
the gift of gab, and that is important. Contrary to a popular belief,
that may be one skill that cannot be taught. Some people are just
naturally better at it than others are. I think you are definitely one of

I gave Soke Draconis the progress report saying, ―Today the other
5,000 flyers will be passed out and after today all 10,000 flyers will
have been handed out. In fact, would you like to hear some other
good news? That couple that we just signed up came in because of
my flyer.‖ Soke Draconis smiled and asked, ―Is that a fact?‖ I felt
good telling him, ―Yes, that is what they told me.‖ Soke then
reached into his pocket and handed me $25. I was shocked, ―Soke,
what is this for?‖ He looked like a proud father, ―You are a working
man, and you deserve to be paid. That is your commission on that
deal.‖ I asked Soke what a commission was. He informed me that a
commission is a percentage that you make as a salesman whenever
you sell something. This is not something I had expected to happen,
―Soke, I cannot take this.‖ He let me know, ―You can, and you will.
You have earned it. It is yours and that is the end of that story.‖

I had already been around long enough to realize that when Soke
Draconis said that it is the end of the story, then that is absolutely the
end of the story. I accepted the $25, although I felt awkward, but I
had to admit it was sweet putting that money into my pocket just for
talking to somebody about something that I would have talked about
for free. I thought to myself, ―Oh, if somebody wants to pay me to

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talk, they had better watch out, because talking is the one thing I
know I can do!‖

Soke Draconis looked at me with the strangest look and said,

―Brady, I have an idea. How would you like to work here at the
school selling memberships? I will pay you $4 an hour plus $25 for
each membership you sell. Every membership that you sell, not
including the ones that I sell, you will make $25, as long as they
enroll and pay for their first month.‖ I told Soke I thought that beat
lugging boxes. He explained to me, ―We have to do it right with Mr.
Smitty. At class this evening let‘s bring Mr. Smitty in and tell him
what is going on. The worst case scenario would be you give him
your two-week notice and may need to finish it out with him.‖ I was
elated. I told Soke that I had to go to work at the store, but I would
see him tonight.

During work, Mr. Smitty asked me how things were going. I let him
know that things were going great and told him about the
memberships I had sold. He said, ―You really are getting into the
world of big business.‖ We both laughed.

When I went to the school after work, Soke was in the office talking
to two people and there were three other people out on the bench
waiting. My first thought was that we had a rush on people signing
up. I then noticed that they all had flyers in their hands. The flyer
did not say anything about enrolling for the classes it only explained
we were having a self-help promotion. I then wondered what a flyer
could do if it was aimed directly at signing people up. I put that
thought away, for the moment, and introduced myself to the three
people sitting there as both a student of the school and Soke‘s
assistant. If you think I did not feel big saying that, you are sadly
mistaken. They all said they would like to see about signing up to
take classes at the school. I asked them if they had taken martial arts

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before. They all said they had not, so I pulled up a chair and I asked
all three of them to scoot in a little closer. I asked each of them to
tell me why they wanted to take the martial arts. I got the normal
answers about wanting to learn to defend themselves and for

After talking for about a half an hour, answering their questions, and
explaining the schedule, I asked them straight out if they were ready
to join. All three of them said ―yes‖ they were ready to get started. I
tapped on Soke Draconis‘ door and heard him call out for me to
come in. I announced, ―Soke, I am very sorry to bother you, Sir, but
I have three new members outside right now who want to sign up. I
need membership agreements, release forms, three gi uniforms, and
the receipt book.‖ Soke nodded and gestured, ―Brady, take what you
need, and while you are at it, welcome Cindy and Charlie to the
school. They just enrolled in the school too.‖ So I welcomed them
to the school, got the material I needed and got out of Soke‘s office.
Just as I completed signing up Melinda, Gary, and Richie, and saw
them towards the door, Brian entered the room.

Brian was aghast, ―What are you doing signing those people up?‖
With a strong look of self-confidence, I looked Brian right in his
eyes and proclaimed in a loud and authoritative voice, ―I am Soke
Draconis‘ new assistant.‖ Now Brian looked shocked, ―What?‖ I
gloated, ―Perhaps you did not hear me. I am Soke‘s personal
assistant.‖ ―How did you do that?‖ Brian asked in amazement. I
said, ―Because, as usual, I am me, and not you.‖ Brian looked back
at me with a despicable look on his face. He said, ―I am absolutely
convinced of it now. Your blond hair and blue eyes, and always
seeming to get everything to go your way, I am convinced of it.‖ I
took the bait and asked, ―Convinced of what?‖ ―You are the anti-
Christ,‖ he said. I was smirking now, ―You flatter me, but you don‘t
really have to because I like you anyway.‖

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Soke Draconis came out of the room and walked the two new
students to the front door. When Soke came back down the hallway,
Brian immediately spoke to him. Soke and Brian did the handshake
and then Brian asked Soke Draconis if it was true. Soke replied, ―Is
what true?‖ ―Is Brady really your personal assistant?‖ Brian was
demanding to know. Soke Draconis said, ―I guess you could look at
it that way.‖ I showed Soke the three new contracts, each one of
them with the enrollment fees attached to them along with the
receipts. Soke then affirmed, ―Congratulations, Brady, that is
another $75 you just made!‖

Brian‘s face turned deep red, and when Soke stepped away, he
stepped up to me and exclaimed, ―That‘s it! I‘m going to rain my
vengeance down upon you. You and me, tonight, on the mat.‖ I
enjoyed the fact that I had got to him, ―You are going to lose. Why
put yourself in that situation?‖ Brian replied, ―Because I have to,‖
then he turned and left. I knew that although we were friends, there
were bad intentions behind that statement. I just could not bring
myself to be scared, so I walked into Soke Draconis‘ office and
made him aware of the situation with Brian. Soke Draconis laughed
and said, ―You two kids will learn, eventually.‖

Then Soke really made my day, ―You are going to need an office,
Brady.‖ I thought, ―Me? With my own office?‖ I was only used to
seeing bankers and people who owned their own business have
offices. There was one part of the school that I had never been into
prior to that day. As you walk through the training room, about
three feet before you get to the back wall, you make an immediate
right hand turn and that is Soke‘s office. He had a big picture
window there so he could see the whole training room from his
office. If you walked about eight to nine feet beyond Soke‘s office,
there was another door that remained locked. Soke unlocked and

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opened that door and revealed a room just big enough for a desk, my
chair, two other chairs and a file cabinet. It had a phone jack and
Soke told me that it was in working order. The room just needed to
be cleaned and some boxes moved out of it.

A couple of the students who were my friends dropped by. I said I

would pay them $5 apiece if they helped me move the boxes down
into the basement. They did and I paid them. Soke Draconis said he
would have a desk and a chair by tomorrow. I asked inquisitively,
―A chair like yours?‖ Soke calmly said, ―Keep dreaming.‖

That evening after class, the Smitty‘s came in. I walked over to
them and said that Soke, and I, would like to speak with them. They
calmly listened as we explained the whole situation to them. Mr.
Smitty, with a very happy look on his face said, ―I think that is a
splendid idea. There‘s nothing to feel bad about, Brady. You are
getting a raise plus commission. You are moving up in the world,
son, and that is what it is all about.‖ Smitty looked at Soke Draconis
and said, ―So the kid is really good, huh?‖ Soke answered him,
―Well, he has sold five memberships in two days, never having been
taught how to sell. On top of that, the five people that signed up did
so after having seen the flyers.‖ Smitty said, ―My goodness, he does
have a gift. This is definitely good for you.‖

Then Smitty turned to me, ―If you have any suggestions for
increasing my business, please let me know. I am always looking
for new ideas.‖ I grinned, ―Actually I do have one. Being a
customer and an employee, I was able to look at the situation from
both points of view. If you notice, when people are standing in your
produce aisle, they are always picking up the produce and feeling if
it is soft. If it is not they set it back down.‖ Smitty was listening
intently, ―Yes, I hate that, they bruise my produce.‖ I continued,
―My one idea is kind of split into two parts. Have your produce guy,

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who really knows what fresh produce is supposed to look like, go
through the produce every day. Have him take out the un-ripened or
bruised produce and place it in a separate pile away from the fresh
produce, and then discount it slightly because it is already bruised or
un-ripe. Then have someone standing there with a fresh produce
plate and a little bit of cheese dip and that way people can taste how
fresh your produce is. There is no need to sort through the produce
to find the good stuff because all the good stuff is right there in the
front, and all the damaged and un-ripened produce is discounted.‖
Smitty said, ―That is a great idea and we are going to try it
immediately. You don‘t have to give me a two-week notice. I
understand the situation. It won‘t be hard to find someone who
wants a job. You can pick up your final paycheck on Friday.‖ I
thanked Smitty for understanding. He said not to give it another

Then Soke Draconis stated, ―It looks as though you have one more
problem for this evening. Look out my window on the mat.‖ I
turned and looked out the window to the training room and there
stood Brian in all his glory. Brian stood on the mat in his uniform,
with his green belt on, his arms crossed, staring at me through the
window. Soke Draconis stood up and declared, ―Let‘s go handle
this.‖ He said to us both, ―I will permit this because boys will be
boys, and I would rather that you do it here under my control instead
of where one of you could be seriously hurt. I do want to call your
attention to the fact you are both friends. Is it just going to be
grappling, striking, and kicking, or a combination of both?‖ We
both agreed to just grappling.

I went to the back room, got my gi on in a hurry, and was back on

the mat in record time. Smitty and Eva said they wanted to watch
this and they took a seat. Soke laid out the ground rules, ―When I
say stop, stop.‖ He made both of us put on headgear and a

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mouthpiece. Then Soke gave us the green light, ―Alright boys, do
what you have to do.‖

We stalked each other for a couple of minutes, each one of us

wanting to make the first move, but not wanting to be the one to
commit first. I was a little unnerved that he knew more techniques
than I did and, unlike boxing, I could not use my hands to start with.
I decided it was all or nothing and I grabbed his leg. We both spun
to the ground. My back was on the mat and I was looking up at the
ceiling. Brian was on top of me, looking down on me. He was in
mount position. I was in the guard position. He was trying to get a
chokehold on me, but I was so strong that I was able to prevent him
from getting it. Suddenly, I grabbed his arm and wrapped it around
his throat, so I was able to curl my body over to the side, rotating his
body. As I held onto his wrist and applied pressure to the forearm,
he tapped. Soke Draconis immediately yelled, ―It is done. Stop!‖

I released Brian and we both lay there. I don‘t know what he was
feeling, but I really felt no sense of victory at all. I felt that this little
out of control barbaric display was beneath us both. Brian and I both
made our way to our feet and Brian conceded, ―That was a good
technique, you did well.‖ I came clean, ―I have to admit, I was
scared when you were on top of me. That was very awkward for
me.‖ We shook hands and laughed it off. Brian immediately
defended himself, ―It could have been a different story if I could
have kicked,‖ and that is exactly what he would have done. I saw
his point, ―That is true. You have longer legs than I do. You are by
far a superior kicker to me, but don‘t forget, I have better hands than
you do. You could have connected with a kick and put my lights
out, but if I could have used my hands to hit you with, you would
have heard the fat lady sing.‖ Smitty and Eva got up laughing and
giggling and said goodnight to us all. We said goodnight back to

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Maximus wanted to know, ―Were you really scared?‖ I admitted,
―To be honest with you, Maximus, I was horrified.‖

Soke Draconis asked both of us to sit down and talk. He wanted to

know if either Brian or I had ever heard of the mind-spirit. We both
said we had not heard of it. We sat in the middle of our mat while
Soke explained.

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Chapter 5


―The mind-spirit is the reflection behind the projection. It works like

a giant hologram throughout the entire Universe, like vast highways
of multi-dimensional roads of traffic, which carry infinite amounts of
vibrations, experiences, and information, never compromising it. It
always works from within a secured life and energy, using the
liberation of energy and matter in some dimensions as a higher
interchangeable source of momentum and perpetual motion. It is the
ultimate reality maker, the essence behind personality, and the basic
fundamental life giver. It is a giant experience junkie from which it
obtains the feeling of life.‖ I was astonished, ―Are you telling me
that there is no God?‖ He replied with a warm smile, ―I never said
that. We are talking about spirit. Not a possible source that begins
all existence and is open to anyone‘s interpretation.‖

I commented about my science teacher not really believing there was

a God and how it really confused me. Soke Draconis shared his
viewpoint on the subject with us, ―Everyone uses God in a different
way, and that is okay. He, she, or the force, is broad enough to exist
in whatever way the individual needs for his or her God to exist. It
is all a very intrapersonal experience. Anyway, what is going to

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happen to us when we pass on from this dimension is not all that
important because our mind-spirit will work out all of that on its
own. As great as science is, and we owe so very much to science, it
is a flawed concept.‖ ―How can that be?‖ I asked somewhat
confused. ―It is based on facts,‖ replied Soke Draconis, ―and a fact
today is a discovered untruth tomorrow.‖ Again, I inquired, ―How
can that be?‖ Soke continued, ―A fact is nothing more than the
confirmation of an observation, and that observation is flawed by our
perception. Therefore, observation breaks down as a source of fact
because everyone has a different perception of reality. As far as that
goes, there is no reality, only perceptions. So a fact is nothing more
than a very solid definition of what you hold a truth to be.‖

I queried, ―Because each of us has our own perceptions and facts

about God, is that why God is such a touchy subject?‖ ―Correct,‖
replied Soke Draconis, ―an argument over God is just two people
trying to convince themselves that they are right. It really does come
down to a matter of security. They want to know their world is
intact and not stripped of its own beliefs. Therefore, we all rather
convince ourselves of our own immortality through the use of the
God principle.‖

Then Soke Draconis looked at Brian and me and asked if we were

hungry - we both said we were. He asked us if we liked Chinese
Food and we both said ―yes‖ we did. ―Then let‘s go get something
to eat, my treat, and there we will talk about the structures of the
mind-spirit.‖ Brian and I got dressed in our street clothes and we all
made our way out the front door. Soke Draconis pulled the door
closed and locked it. We went to his truck. It was a black 1965
Chevrolet in mint condition. He was delighted to tell us that the
engine and transmission had been completely rebuilt. It was my first
time in his truck and it was just like his office, warm and in the flow.
There was a large crystal hanging from the mirror and when light hit

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it, it gave off all different colors of light fragments. They appeared
to look the same, but they were different. Soke Draconis said that
the crystal represented our mind-spirit and that each light fragment
represented a different reality that was being produced by the spirit.
I thought, ―Wow! What a beautiful way to sum up what I had
dreamt earlier.‖ Because of that dream, I could really grasp this

Soke Draconis was quiet as we drove and so were we. I am sure we

were all sharing the vibration of the drive. There was nothing that
needed to be expressed, because it was already being expressed in
the vibration itself. After about 20 minutes, we pulled into Ryan‘s
Steak House. We ate fish, bread, pasta, vegetables, and iced tea with
lemon. I cannot express why, but it was a great and wonderful
feeling to share the space.

I remarked, ―I thought we were going to have Chinese.‖ Soke said,

―That was the agreement, but I really like this place and just drove
here without paying attention. Let that be a lesson.‖ After we were
done eating what seemed like most of the buffet, Soke Draconis
began, ―What do you know about the structures of the spirit?‖ I
didn‘t mind telling him the truth, ―Nothing.‖ Brian shook his head
and shrugged his shoulders. Soke Draconis imparted his wisdom to
us, ―Consider this then, if you will...


―Beliefs are not only what make up consciousness, but they actually
act like a filter, allowing you to only see one aspect of reality. If you
think of a belief as, let‘s say your bedroom, you could stand in one
corner of your bedroom and see a certain viewpoint of that particular
belief. If you stood in another corner of your bedroom, you would

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see a different viewpoint of that same belief. Therefore, you can see
that inside any particular belief, there are a number of ways in which
that belief can be viewed. Beliefs also contain structure and
information. The more information something has, the more that
thing reveals itself. By this very idea, beliefs are very intelligent and
have life. You know the old saying - life will find a way to beget
life. The reality is that life is only a struggle because of the ideas we
create and the ideas others try to impose upon us and insist we

―Life becomes a struggle when you hold subconscious beliefs you

are not aware of and which you are working through. This would be
a large part of the population. This type of behavior is not good
because it creates cognitive dissonance, which means; we act in a
different way than how we think. We have no personal alignment.‖
Soke Draconis continued, ―I say to you, life is not a struggle, but a
participation that is in direct alignment with what we want to
experience. We resist anything that blocks or interrupts that process.
What we resist creates a struggle against change and necessity. It is
through necessity that we use consciousness in a responding way to
create a bridge into the next possibility of existence. We create a
branch to the parallel Universe of our mind-spirit. The mind‘s spirit
contains, within itself, every one of these realities and extrapolates
all the information and experiences into the great subconscious

―Here‘s another way to understand the mind-spirit concept that

might be easy for you. See yourself as a dot on a piece of paper.
When you have a new thought, you go around in a circle as if it is a
vortex. You just keep spinning and spinning, and the force of all
that spinning keeps all your creations or realities in place. When you
have an idea and focus on it, that idea stays in place. When you are
done with the idea, you take your attention off it, it dissolves, and

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then there is only the mind-spirit left, which is the original dot. Like
a vacuum, it sucks all of this creation inward and becomes smarter
by design. You know what they say; life without a plan is not much
of a life. Part of the reason for this is when you have a plan, and it is
your focused intention, you liberate the mind particles to develop the
self-determinism needed to fulfill that blueprint. It is through the
corridors of the mind that all existence is found in its entirety and

―The Equation of Creation is to create it, experience it, extrapolate

the information from the feeling, and then dissolve the creation.
Please remember it is not my intention to change your spiritual
values, only that you explore them to their fullest potential and then
use your own natural spirit and intelligence to do the rest. With the
mind-spirit, you can and do create whatever space and time you are
in, and you always will. The question of ―who‖ is always
determined by the answer of ―The You.‖ People keep asking, ‗What
is the who?‘, ‗What is the void?‘ When we track it down to its
spiritual essence, it is, in fact, you.

―The problem is, a question and an answer is a duality and the

problem with that is how nothing can exist in between the two
conditions. That is where the illusions take root and begin to grow
within us. As the illusions grow, they take you deeper and forever
into the structure of no way out. Either life means this, or it means
nothing at all. It is in these paradigms that our confusion grows, and
then before we know it, our illusions have become our own realities.
As the portal of the brain concept has shown, these illusions can
keep us trapped forevermore. Pondering life and looking for one
explanation after another is certainly not a bad thing, but when we
continue to try to think our way through what we should be
experiencing, it does begin to take some of the sizzle out of life.

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―The concept of existing in the ―now‖ means to be neutral and non-
judgmental about the past and the future. All that matters is the
vacuum you are in at the moment of the here and the now. That
means to exist as source, but to experience so as to be within the
vibration of life and feel alive.

―Beingness is when we go forth and do work, liberating and shifting

energy into reality. We create judgments, commitments, and
possibilities. When we are being, we do not. We are just in the
void. The void means to have no concept, no judgments, no
contemplations, no jealousies, or hatred. There is only the flow of
uninterrupted energy. We are in a neutral state of experiencing and
riding the vibration. We create no dualities, have no expectations,
and make no judgments about what we are experiencing. We just
experience. This is also known as being neutral. When we are in the
void, we are omnificent and we are all things. When we are not, we
are doing, creating it into reality. Structures are things, containers
that we create to hold our energy in a very specific form, which, of
course, formulates a certain experience that induces a certain
vibration and creates a certain reality. Think of it this way - a
structure allows us to place or to pour our substance into something.‖
I made a relative comment, ―All the Eastern and Metaphysical books
that I have read said that it all came from the void.‖ With a little
smile, Soke continued, ―Let‘s talk about that and see what we can
explore together.‖

Maximus then asked, ―Does all the spiritual knowledge material get
taught to you while you are doing your martial arts training?‖ I told
Maximus that was a very good question and the best way to describe
it would be to say there is a very spiritual tone to our martial arts
teachings, but we are very careful not to include too much, which is
why we have the Creotology Workshop courses. That way if you
want to participate in the personal development programs you can,

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and if you do not, then you do not have to. Maximus confirmed, ―So
it would be possible to take the Creotology personal development
courses without taking the martial arts and vice versa?‖ I said,
―Absolutely! Please remember, Maximus, this is all about your
freedom of exploration.‖

Maximus inquired further, ―Would doing both martial arts and

Creotology together be more beneficial?‖ I replied somewhat
eagerly, ―That is another excellent question. I get that question a lot.
In Creotology, we have a thing called optimal placement that
suggests thinking or feeling a solution to your situation will leave
you in the best possible placement for your next move that should be
made. This way you make your move based on the decision that will
leave you at the best placement for your next move. You may
already have spiritual beliefs that you are not willing to explore
beyond at this time, but perhaps you will at a later time. It really is
all up to you.‖ Maximus got my point, ―It sounds really liberating.‖
I confirmed, ―It is. That is why I am here today and we‘re having
this conversation.‖

Soke Draconis carried on with his explanation, ―Who came from the
void? The idea of potential came forth by way of energy released by
way of the spiritual essence. All ideas contain the self-fulfilling
prophecy of all possibilities being brought into potential, which
sparks more potential. Like one idea inspiring another idea, or
Mother and Father giving traits to their offspring, all ideas exist at
different vibrations. The idea has no creative beliefs and action to
assert its perception of reality. The ―who‖ is you, and you manifest
reality by way of moving energy (attention) from one idea to the
next. That which is without attribute is the clear light that is source,
both neutral and void. The idea of creating reality - which is ―you‖ -
has attributes that we work and rework by way of our ideas and the
expansion of all possibilities.‖

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I was hoping Soke would not think me to be stupid with this next
question, ―There is no source that has sin or scar tissue?‖ Soke
Draconis smiled gently, ―Only the idea of duality and the idea that
you need to be punished about a guilt that was never your fault.‖ He
then said, ―The fixation on finding something you never lost,
something you believe you should be experiencing and are searching
for, is truly one of the greatest spiritual flaws. It is much like the
dog chasing its tail.‖ I noted, ―That‘s a pretty extreme statement
don‘t you think?‖ Soke Draconis wanted me to understand and
offered, ―Everything is perfect in its form. Only our ideas about
something taint it. The idea is the only thing that does not last
forever. It may be a very solid idea, but it moves to another level of
consciousness and changes its vibration content by existing as
another idea that spawns from the original. Please understand that
once one thing encounters another, the two continue to influence
each other at some level. It is in this universal truth that we find the
answer; the more things change, the more they stay the same. I will
admit it is an odd concept, but odd or not, I believe it is true.‖

As we drove back to the school, Soke provided us with an example,

―Look at all these structures. All of them are different, but they are
the same in their starting reality. They were all just energy at one
time. Through the power of someone‘s beliefs about what needed to
be done, an idea was born in order to put that belief into structure.
The idea also brought about the intention as to what type of
difference this structure was to make. There is no difference in their
existence, only in the observation that they are different. All of these
structures come from the omnipotent void. They are all, at their very
essence, a realized form of reality but each with a different direction,
like different parts of the same course.‖ I wanted to comprehend
what he was explaining to us, ―I do not understand that term and the
way you‘re using those words.‖ Soke Draconis asked us to allow

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him to explain.


―The energy-being moves forth the energy to bring all possibilities

into creation, spawning new potential into perceivable reality, and
then participating in the structure. Now, what we have to keep in
mind is that structure is a very powerful tool. It contains ancient
wisdom and variables of the unknown, but helps to satisfy our need
for the exciting feeling of discovery to learn its explored secrets and
the information that it can give us. Try to understand the
consciousness in which it was formed.‖

Maximus needed more details, ―Wait a minute, did you say

consciousness?‖ I explained, ―Yes, consciousness is anything that
has structure, pattern, and details. It is something that has been
extracted from within spirit, whether yours or mine. Everything that
exists now has some level of consciousness. All you have to do is
fire it up and give it energy. Give it a different level of determinism
and the consciousness begins to grow from where it began.‖
Maximus commented, ―In all the spiritual books I have read, I have
never been exposed to that concept of consciousness before.‖ I
replied, ―Let me share with you what else Soke Draconis had to say
about this.‖

―Energy creates movement and movement is an action. A

perception is an action that draws on structures. Energy and
perception only solidify a structure into a deeper concentrated form
of reality, which then shifts the perceptional value of the structure.‖
I made it known to Soke that I would have to integrate this
information because it was far too much for me to comprehend at the
time. He provided me with further clarification, ―Actually, you will

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not need to integrate it. You only need to give the reconfiguration
exercise more time to dissolve your issues, thereby creating a space
for you to release the substance that you have been holding onto
about your issues, including the ones that you do not even know that
you have.‖

I was not at all defensive when I let him know, ―I don‘t think that I
have any unresolved issues.‖ Soke Draconis grinned, ―Then you are
what I would refer to as a ―flow master‖ my son. That means you
have nothing obstructing your way to creating the realities that you
prefer.‖ This raised another question from me, ―How would I know
if I am truly a master of flow?‖ Soke Draconis let out the largest
laugh I ever heard him give. He said, ―You will know if you are a
great master of flow if you have the ability to create anything and
everything into your life right now and have no obstacles about
doing it.‖ ―How do I start this?‖ I asked. Soke seemed to know
exactly what I needed to hear, ―You are the flow master. You tell
me.‖ I sat there for a few moments and then I began to laugh. I told
Soke that I was not even sure what I wanted. To which he said was
a step in the right direction.

―One of the very first things to do is establish exactly what you want
with great clarity and tremendous detail. You must be able to build
great passion for this thing you feel you want.‖ I was a little
confused by this, ―How can I feel I want something before I truly
have it?‖ He clued me in, ―Well, lucky for you, and all of us, the
mind does not know the difference between what it is experiencing
and what it is imagining. See if you can produce a thorough image
of what you want, complete and detailed at all levels. What I mean
by this is that your image of success should incorporate into it what
it smells like, feels like, sounds like, the condition of the
environment you are in, and the people who are in it with you. See
what you are doing at that time, completely in every way.‖

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I wanted to learn more, ―Would you show me how to do this?‖
Almost as if out of nowhere, Soke produced and handed me a leather
binder that had ingrained images of planets coming from one
another. Written in Viking letters were the words Into the Flow
Consciousness Course on the cover. Then he assured me, ―All the
things that you will need are contained within this binder.‖

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Chapter 6


―What will it tell me?‖ I asked enthusiastically. Soke Draconis said,

―It will instruct you to know what you want, how to experience what
you want before you create it, and how to know exactly what you are
willing to do to get it. It will help you create an alignment between
your fundamental beliefs, your beliefs about why you want what you
want, and your thoughts about creating a plan of action. Then you
can decide if your idea is truly something you want to take action
on.‖ I asked, ―So I have to make a plan about what I want?‖ He
responded, ―Yes, this is called a major and refers to a goal. Then
you will learn about minors that reference obstacles. You will also
learn about what we term as Followers.‖

―Why do I need followers? I don‘t need anyone watching me do

this.‖ Soke laughed loudly again. ―It‘s not you that I am laughing
at, Brady, but your innocence. A follower is a deeply held belief that
resides in your subconscious mind and actually will try to create
against you whenever you create a conscious goal. This is also
known as second guessing yourself.‖ He offered me an example,
―Try this. Make this statement out loud or to yourself. Say aloud, ―I
can create anything I want, whenever I want it‖ or, perhaps try this

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one, ―I have everything I want.‖ You will get the picture quickly.‖

Soke Draconis and I sat for a moment before I made the statement,
―I have everything I want.‖ I couldn‘t believe what happened next.
I actually heard this voice as if it were a ghost, it said, ―No, you
don‘t.‖ Now I really understood the point. This Follower had been
with me as far back as I could remember. Soke Draconis then
smiled gently, ―See what I mean?‖ I grinned, ―Yes, I do.‖ ―Good,
Brady. The binder contains a course that has 30 Mental Procedures
that are designed to give you real life experiences so that you may
learn through easily created world lessons instead of just word
lessons. Take the binder with you, do as it instructs you, and bring it
back to me in two weeks.‖ I said that I would do as Soke had
instructed me to do.

Maximus said, ―You know, Sensei Cameron, I think I have had my

first epiphany. I have come to the realization that someone or
something else did not destroy most of the creations I have brought
forth in my past. I destroyed them myself. I have been getting in
my own way of creating my majors because of my follower. This
truly liberates me and gives me a new perspective.‖ I surmised,
―Maximus, it seems to me that you have been blaming another for
your failure.‖ ―Yes, I have been,‖ he admitted freely as he looked
down at the floor and softly wiped a tear from his left eye. I could
feel the energy from him to me shift. I could tell this was a profound
feeling for him. I relaxed and integrated myself into his energy. I
offered, ―Would you like to explain it to me.‖ Maximus was
surprised, ―You wouldn‘t mind listening for a moment?‖ I smiled,
―Not at all.‖

Maximus cleared his throat, sat up higher in his chair and began,
―My father and me, we started a bookstore. He put up most of the
money for the bookstore. I brought my managerial expertise and

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experience. My father became very ill and was unable to work with
me at the bookstore. My thoughts began to turn towards my father
and my attention shifted from the bookstore to him. I was very
angry with my father for getting sick and blamed him for the failure
of the store. It was not him at all. It was me and my own follower. I
am not controlling my attention.‖ I offered consolation, ―That‘s very
good. That is a solid realization, but do not have guilt over it. Bless
it and let it be. Move on to your next creation.‖ Maximus was
growing spiritually, ―I will do that. I will also forgive my father for
something that was never his fault in the first place.‖ I encouraged
him, ―Maximus, I think you are well on your way to becoming a
Creotology Creational Master.‖ ―Thank you,‖ he replied.

I was eager for him to understand the concept, ―When you allow
such things to enter your subconscious, they become accepted truths.
They have not been challenged and when these beliefs remain in our
subconscious and go unchallenged, they become your daily actions,
which end up a manifestation of your subconscious.‖ Maximus got
it, ―Yes, I can easily see that.‖ "But, please remember that all
subconscious beliefs are not bad, as you will see in the Chapter of
―Crystallizing Realities,‖ the subconscious can become a very
powerful tool.‖ Maximus asked, ―A tool for what?‖ ―For creating
realities in an effortless manner,‖ I explained. Maximus did not
quite get it yet, ―Well, that sounds very confusing to me, because
you said first that it can be bad to have unchecked beliefs in your
subconscious, and then in your next breath you say it can be a
powerful creating machine.‖

―Think of it this way, Maximus, the mental and the physical are
joined together, but they serve two different functions. The physical
is like taking a piece of string and pushing it up a hill, but the mental
is like taking the same piece of string and pulling it up the hill.‖
Maximus said, ―I‘ve never heard it explained like that before.‖

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―Yes, it is an intriguing concept isn‘t it?‖

I informed Maximus that the implications of that concept are very

far reaching. I told him, ―The spiritual world is the energy cocoon, if
you will, that manifests the mental realm, the emotional realm, and
the physical realm. Each one of these realms serves a very specific
function. They all work together, which of course, creates flow.
Think of their connection as the spiritual world is all energy flow,
but it needs a medium to produce its effects. What we know about
electricity is that all electricity has to have a conductor and a place to
ground. The spiritual world produces the energy that creates our
concept of earth, which is a grounding effect, and our mental state
serves as the conductor. The body itself is just a giant antenna. It
receives information and either reacts or responds.

―The Creational Master always responds to the information instead

of reacting. Reacting is a function of the animal brain. It is the fight
or flight instinct. Responding is a function of the Creational
Master‘s brain. All of our struggles come through misalignment and
through not fully understanding the concept of pushing a string up a
hill or pulling the string up the hill.‖

Maximus was curious, ―Is that why we feel we should exercise, but
people begin to feel tired and lethargic and make excuses?‖ I was
enjoying this, ―Yes, but you could feel energetic about exercise if
you were to create alignment between your mind and body. This
would produce the neurological effect of energy, a feeling of
passion, which would make you move towards doing the exercise in
a more effortless fashion. It is linked and driven by your impulses to
succeed at something, to receive a gift, or to experience something
of tremendous happiness. When we can create an effect at will by
always being in the flow, these things in life no longer become
something you have to forcefully get yourself to do, but rather

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become something that you‘re willing to do.‖

The New Guys in Town

When we pulled up to the school there were two guys waiting at the
door. They said they wanted to join the school. Both of them said
they had studied other martial arts before, but wanted to join because
this school was much closer to them. I was not sure why, but I felt
uncomfortable with them. I felt they were there as a plant from
another school and were planning to spy on us. I did not like the
idea of that at all.

I approached Soke Draconis about my feelings on the subject. He

asked me, ―Why does it matter if they are spies from another
teacher?‖ ―If they came from another school, they are here to steal
our knowledge to take back to their school and their teacher.‖ He
flashed that ―everything is okay‖ smile again and explained, ―If they
think that I have something here to teach that is so great, then I am
honored that they would want to steal it; but the knowledge I have is
not mine alone, it is in consciousness and is there for all.‖

This type of attitude frustrated me because, growing up in my

neighborhood, you had to protect what was yours. If not, people
took it, and then you were without. Soke explained further, ―First,
we own nothing. All things, no matter what, are energy, and if they
need it that bad then they need it worse than we do. Besides, a
Creational Master never worries about loss because he or she is the
creator and can have anything they want.‖ I still did not like the idea
of them thinking they could come there and act like we were so
stupid that they could do whatever they want. Soke Draconis said,
―You are getting all worked up over nothing. You are not even sure
if that is why they are here. They could really just be two guys

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wanting to learn martial arts, and besides, they are welcome to all
that I have. I think you and these guys may become friends, if you‘ll
just give them a fair shake.‖

Maximus commented, ―Wow! You were really worked up weren‘t

you? Can I ask why?‖ I replied, ―I was feeling protective about
Soke Draconis. I did not like the idea of them taking what I
perceived as ours. I also was probably a little jealous.‖ Then I told
Maximus that class was about to begin when Soke Draconis said,
―Brady, why don‘t you be the class elder brother to Matt and
David?‖ I thought to myself, ―Soke, I do not even like these guys.‖
I thought about voicing this again, but when I looked at him, I could
tell there was a reason behind his method. Even though I did not
like it, I agreed and tried my best with it.

Then when I turned and saw Matt talking to Melissa that was it! I
really did not like these two guys right then, so tonight they were
going to get class the hard way. I was not going to let anything
slide. When it came time to grapple, Soke asked for Matt and me to
match. I thought this would be my moment to shine. I could get
him for my suspicions and for talking to my girl. Then I thought,
―Well, she was not mine yet, but she would be.‖ When we began the
match, I could tell I was stronger, but he had confidence. I could see
it, and when I saw that he moved well, the fear came on. I wondered
to myself how I would ever live down the embarrassment if this guy
beats me in front of Soke and Melissa. Well, it happened. My worst
fear, I was pinned down and even worse, you guessed it, I tapped;
total defeat. I was crushed. I remember lying there on my side and
feeling like a vacuum was all around me, sucking in all the air and
the energy of everyone‘s attention. It was a bad feeling. Then
during class, I saw Matt and Melissa looking at each other. She
never looked at me like that. This was bad. I was stunned and had
no idea what to do.

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After class, Soke told me it was a good match, but that I was
depending on my strength too much. ―Matt had used position,
leverage, and confidence to win, but there is always tomorrow.‖ I
instantly thought, ―Right, tomorrow. Yes, it is on. I will win
tomorrow.‖ I saw Melissa and Matt talking right before we were all
getting ready to leave. Then I saw him help her with her coat. All
those things I never did. He was going to walk her home and David
was going too. Well, I instantly invited myself.

As we walked Melissa home, I felt tension in the air. I was tense

and tight, but I seemed to be the only one who was feeling the
intensity of the situation. They were both joking and being friendly,
so I began to think that maybe these guys are not so bad after all.
They had been complimenting Soke Draconis and said how
knowledgeable he was. They were glad they joined his school and
were planning to be there long enough to get their Black Belt under
him. They called it their Sensei-ship. I thought that was an
interesting term and had never heard it before.

After we dropped Melissa off, I asked the guys if they wanted some
pizza at this shop just down the road. They said ―yes‖ and they
would even buy. I thought, ―Great! Two free meals in one day.
How lucky can you get?‖ As we walked, we grew to know each
other a bit. It was clear there was some sizing up going on, though
there wasn‘t any feeling of a threat of any kind. We arrived at Big
Daddy‘s World Famous Pizza Shop and ordered a large pizza. We
went outside to sit and talk while eating our meal.

They asked me how I came to know Soke Draconis. It seemed odd

to me that they both were about six feet tall, had blonde hair and
blue eyes, and that they were brothers and well mannered. They
seemed to be in flow with the moment and everything was okay.

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Then I asked Matt if he was interested in Melissa. He replied that
she was nice and he would see how things went. I told him I had
been interested in her for quite some time. He asked me why I had
not made a move before now and I admitted I did not have an answer
for that. He asked, ―Are you afraid of something?‖ I told him,
―Rejection.‖ David said, ―So much of life is lost by rejecting
opportunity because of fear of rejection. We make ourselves reject
life itself and end up with nothing.‖ Matt agreed. I wanted to know
where they learned that concept. They said their father had taught
them that. I told them it sounded like they had a very smart father.

Matt then said, ―Hey, let‘s play dimes, nickels, and quarters.‖ (For
those who may not know this game, whoever has the oldest coin gets
all the coins.) We played and laughed. I remembered Soke
Draconis‘ words, ―Give it a try you may become friends.‖ He was
right. They were two really nice guys.

After we were done eating and playing coins, we walked around. As

we turned a corner and started to walk past an alley, we came across
a mugging going on. My blood was pumping. I was excited and
scared at the same time. Both Matt and David were calm. They
said, ―We have to help that guy,‖ and we headed down to the end of
the alley.

Matt said to the mugger, ―Let the guy go. If no one gets hurt, we‘ll
forget the whole thing and everyone goes their own way.‖ The
mugger shouted, ―Mind your own business and take your friends
with you, or I will hurt you.‖ With the size of the knife this guy was
holding, it could easily have happened. David said that he would
give the mugger $50, no one gets hurt, and we all leave happy. That
made things worse as the mugger decided that if we had $50 then he
wanted it also, or he would cut us too. Matt repeated David‘s offer,
―We will give you the $50 as soon as you let the guy go.‖ The

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mugger then took the guy‘s money and pushed him away. David
said, ―Well, now we are going to give the money to the victim to
help with his loss, since the mugger has been paid.‖ The mugger
made an aggressive move toward Matt, and he did not even flinch. I
saw David move parallel to Matt, but I did not know what to do.
Matt gestured, ―Think about it, you got the money. Just go!‖ The
mugger, however, now wanted their money also, and I thought,
―This is not good, we are going to get hurt or killed here.‖

At this time, Soke Draconis came out of nowhere and told the
mugger that he realized he was mugging for money. What he does
makes people fearful and perhaps the mugger should feel that type of
fear. There was silence and you could feel the intensity in the air
bouncing off you like little electrical volts. There was a very long
silence and I could see that the mugger had realized that this was a
very bad position for him. I could also tell that he was terrified.

Then Soke said, ―I have another possibility. You can come by my

school tomorrow so we can talk about some very exciting
opportunities for you that could get you the money you need to live
on. It will also get you out of the prison that you are in and the
prison that you are headed for.‖ He then walked over to the mugger
and placed his hand on the shoulder of this man and said, ―Give me
the knife and come see me tomorrow my friend, and I promise you
that you will not be sorry.‖ Then he gave the mugger his number
and said if he needed anything at all before tomorrow to call him, no
matter what. If he felt hesitant to call him, or he contemplated not
coming in, he should pick up the phone and call him. Soke said,
―This will change your life forever.‖

Soke held his stare into the eyes of the mugger. Then the most
profound thing happened. I saw the muggers face begin to soften, he
was no longer a mean scary mugger, but a person like us only lost.

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The mugger said, ―My name is Tony, I could use some help because
I am lost. It seems no one cares enough to try to help. I do not know
how to do it myself.‖ Soke calmly said, ―Honor yourself by showing
up tomorrow and take control of your life. You will be among
friends just like you are now.‖ Then Matt and David placed their
hands on Tony‘s shoulder and we all left.

Maximus said, ―You must have been terrified.‖ I admitted that I was
scared out of my mind. Maximus commented, ―Matt and David
seemed to be a little more than what met the eye.‖ I thought that was
very perceptive of him. Then Maximus asked, ―What happened

The Next Day

Still glowing from the night before, I hurried off to the school. I
really wanted to see if Tony would show up or not. Soke was in his
office doing his 10-minute breathing ―kata‖ that he does every day.
A kata is something that you do to practice the mechanical
movements of a particular martial art and you can do the same thing
with breathing movements as well. Soke was big on breathing
movements and even how you breathe just sitting and standing. He
said that most of us breathe incorrectly, and that we do not take in all
the air we need with every breath. Oxygen is the way to energize the
mind and body and that serves to enhance the spirit.

I looked to the right of me and there was Tony. He asked me if Soke

Draconis was there. I said he‘d be done in a few moments and I‘d be
sure he knew Tony was here. Tony said, ―I have a feeling he does
know.‖ I thought, ―You‘re right. He does.‖ Soke came out and
gave Tony a huge hug, welcomed him like the King of England, and
then gave him a tour around the school. After about an hour and a

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half, Tony came out of the office laughing and smiling. He looked
like a changed man and was lit up like a Christmas tree. He was
excited and motivated. I overheard him tell Matt that for the first
time in his life, he felt like he had a real opportunity, a way to find
himself and to be happy. On the side of the mat, I saw Matt and
David exchanging power punches and kicks to the groin and the
solar plexus. There was no pain and I whispered to myself, ―Wait a
minute! That clearly is not right.‖ I watched for about 10 minutes in
amazement as these guys showed no pain at all in any way.

Then Soke came out and said, ―Brady, come here please,‖ in his
deep and very precise voice. ―Please go into my office, I will be
there in a moment.‖ In his office he told me he thought I had been
doing well, he was very pleased with me. He said that it was time
for another lesson and cautioned me that this one would require
patience and an open mind.

I then asked who Matt and David were. Soke replied, ―Friends.‖ I
asked like rapid fire, ―How do they fit in? Where did they come
from? How are they doing that stuff they were doing out there?‖
Soke said that all would be revealed in time. I could tell that, for the
moment, this subject was going to go no further.

He handed me a very old leather book entitled “The Principles of

Creation.” It was well preserved and had that deep leather smell.
The leather was somewhat grainy and the pages had gold trim. The
book was very heavy. I noticed that the other hundreds of pages
were bound with a cord and a seal that read ―adept.‖ The remaining
bundle and cord had a seal marked ―The Magus.‖ Soke instructed
me not to open the other bundles and to only open the pages that he
had unbundled for me. He held his stare, was quiet, and I could
clearly see he meant business. Soke Draconis said I was to study
each concept and then give a report about how I could implement

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each one of the lessons into my life each day. I then encountered
―The 30 Principles of Creation.‖

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Chapter 7



How does one go about creating the reality they want to experience?
We have talked extensively about what goes into generating,
manifesting, managing, and sustaining a creation. This chapter takes
it one-step further and provides the reader with a list of ―The 30
Principles of Creation‖ which will aid you in your exploration and
understanding of the tools that are available to you on a day-to-day
basis. You will be able to understand accurately what they are,
where they come from, and how they interact with each other.

Most, if not all, of these principles are inter-related and end up

actually creating a maze. I believe a good guide can help you get
through the maze and give you a more expansive explanation and a
clearer point of view about what is going on. Before I go any
further, I would like to elaborate on the last sentence, particularly
one part: point of view. I do not expect you to adhere to what I say
in the structure of any of ―The 30 Principles of Creation.‖ I just

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want you to try and explore them, see what you think about them,
interact with them, and observe what they create for you.

I would also be interested to see what understandings you gain from

them, for it is in these understandings of ―The 30 Principles of
Creation‖ that you will extrapolate (gain knowledge) what it is you
need in order to experience the realities you prefer. I believe you
can achieve this simply by understanding and integrating the tools
we have made available for your use in ―The 30 Principles of
Creation.‖ So, let us get started with these principles so you can
begin to use them.


1. The Principle of Belief

You may ask why I started with beliefs. From my point of view,
I feel this is the most appropriate place to start because beliefs
create the reality that we experience. Think and examine this last
statement for a while. I am thoroughly convinced beliefs are the
very things that solidify ―consciousness‖ into reality. Beliefs are
what create everything there is for us to experience. Some
beliefs we share, others we argue about, but most beliefs in this
Universe are not known. For the most part, when you come
across a belief that is unfamiliar to you, your first instinct is to
protect the beliefs in which you already believe in. This gives a
very solid definition about who you are, what you are, and where
you are in your life.

When you resist a new belief, what you are really doing is telling
yourself you do not want to accept or experience it right now in

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your life. You might not be ready for it emotionally, spiritually,
or physically. You cling to your established beliefs because you
feel they have been working well enough for you to get you
through life. Since what you already believe in has been
working well enough for you, there is no need to examine any
other belief system. Sometimes when you are unwilling to
explore another belief system it is because of the persistence of
fear of the unknown and untested. There is no history or proven
track record behind the new belief. With your old belief system,
you know exactly how much pain, happiness, satisfaction,
dissatisfaction, guilt, guarantee and/or no guarantee comes with
it. The fear of losing something far outweighs the excitement of
gaining something, and so you hunker down and choose to
remain locked into your old belief system. Fear gets its power
through validation.

The key to experiencing new beliefs is to approach it without

fear or validation. Just try to let yourself experience it. Do not
let how others feel about the new belief sway or dissuade you.
Try to close them out of your experience and trust in your own
self to comprehend the belief. If you are quiet and listen to the
natural rhythm of your body and mind, you will know
instinctively if this new belief is right for you.

As you are experiencing this new belief, do not beat up your old
beliefs if you determine the new belief is more correct or better
for you. This new realization does not make your old belief a lie.
Some people really suffer from this line of thinking. When they
finally let the new belief into their mind, they tend to believe that
they have been struggling to maintain a lie. Do not worry about
this. All our beliefs are only experiences. That is all they are,
just an experience.

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2. The Principle of Attention

Attention is another powerful creator. It will not only sustain

your belief system, but will expand it. The more you place your
attention on something, the more the borders will expand. The
more it expands, the bigger the belief becomes. Attention acts
like gravity. It keeps, attracts, and sustains the particles of truth
as you relate to them from your belief system. As your attention
stays focused, you will continue to sustain a reality. This reality
remains for as long as your attention stays within the reality of
your belief system.

Think of your belief system as a balloon. Your attention is the

air that goes into the balloon, inflating it, making it expand, and
sustaining it. Your attention needs to stay focused on you and
your creations. If you and only you do not control your
attention, then you might become a target for another person to
brainwash and manipulate. Let me finish up with The Principle
of Attention by simply saying this: If you do not control your
attention, then who will? It is impossible for you to be in charge
of yourself or your reality if you are not in control of your
attention. This means that your attention is supporting someone
else‘s reality and they are benefiting from it while you sit
wondering what has just happened to you.

3. The Principle of Truth

There is no truth for you to experience until you create some, or

you allow yourself to experience someone else‘s truths. In other
words, the only truth in this whole Universe is the one that you
create. That does not mean that no other truths exist as

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obviously, other people have different truths and beliefs that they
have created. To them, their truth is just as real as yours is.
Truth is relative to the perceiver of the viewpoint. Truths are a
very picky mechanism that people fight over to convince
themselves, and others, that they are right. In reality, an
argument about truths is not about you trying to convince anyone
else of anything, you are really just trying to convince yourself of
it - an intrapersonal struggle.

4. The Principle of Pragmatism

Since pragmatism is defined as a straightforward, practical way

of thinking about things and is concerned with results rather than
theories and principles, it is interrelated and directly connected to
The Principle of Truth. As I told you before, all of these
principles are interlocked. At first glance, some of them seem so
much alike that you could actually miss the separation between
them. They are grouped as a unity.

Simply put, pragmatism teaches us that a belief system, a

worldview, or a truth is right for you if it works for you. I feel
that from all of my personal experiences it is very important to at
least interject this point into pragmatism. I believe that
pragmatism is most definitely true, or it would not be a Principle
of Creation for me. Nevertheless, remember (and this is from
my point of view only), when I create, or believe something, it is
never my intention to hurt someone else‘s creation.

True Creotologists do not need to create for deceit because

he/she believes in their power to create with the integrity of the
word. If someone gets hurt from my creations, I believe most of
the hurt comes from their perception or viewpoint about what

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they thought was true. It is like the old children‘s taunt, ―Sticks
and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.‖
There is truth in this saying. We carry a lot of people‘s
emotional dogma around and make it part of ours because we
have been taught to care for people this way. But, in reality, if
you are constantly trying to protect other people‘s perceptions
about reality, you are not helping them. You are enabling their
laziness by not allowing them to open up and explore other or
their own viewpoints and truths. I am not saying that it is your
job to do this. However, at the same time, it is not your job to
allow them to keep you a prisoner in your life simply because
your point of view does not agree with their point of view and it
hurts their feelings.

5. The Principle of Structure

The Principle of Structure can be expressed in one simple phrase:

―Think inside the box.‖ This is what structure is. Structure is
something important. It is something that is good, something
that is validated, and it is certainly something that has stood the
test of time. There is no doubt about that. Structure, like
everything else, has a flip side to it. As well as providing us with
the support we need, it can also keep us so locked in a world of
logic that we lose our will and imagination. Our attention can
only be placed on the things we know. And, if we do not know
about it, and it does not make sense to us then there is no way
that it can exist. However, in the reality of these types of
situations, we are doing nothing more than restricting our
structure of understanding by not opening ourselves up to it,
exploring it, experiencing it, or trying to extrapolate information
from it.

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Our structure does not get larger. It gets solidified. Think of the
structure of the cells in our human body. They house all of the
cell components and give structure to their cause, which is to
support the body. The structure of the human cell is porous and
waste can be passed from inside the cell to the outside of it,
where it is picked up by other bodily functions. Now just
imagine if that cell structure were completely solid and
nonporous. The cell would die because after a while, it would
become too toxic inside to support the cell components. The
same holds true for the structures in our lives. These structures
give support to your beliefs and thoughts, yet they still need to
absorb and interact with the outside world.

6. The Principle of Harmony

The word harmony is probably one of the most debatable words I

have ever heard. Harmony can mean many, many things to
different people, once again, through their different belief
patterns. It is my point of view and my belief that harmony is
the ability to align your belief system with your thoughts so that
your actions are a direct result of your beliefs and your thoughts

It is very similar to when your car is out of alignment. When

you first take your hands off the steering wheel, the car will not
go straight. However, after a proper wheel alignment, the car
stays straight after you take your hands off the steering wheel.
This same concept applies to your thinking. When your actions
are in alignment with your belief system, everything is straight,
and nothing is out of whack. This is my view of harmony. It is
the ability to walk into the room and have no idea that many
people might be staring at you. Due to your alignment, you are

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so comfortable with yourself that you are almost lost in your
flow. You will feel others who are out of alignment gravitating
to you. They do so subconsciously or consciously trying to align
themselves with the force that they feel can help them.

7. The Principle of Judgment

The kiss of death for flow is judgment. It can, and will, stop
your flow. A judgment gets ingrained within a structure after the
information within the structure gets perceived. Conclusions are
drawn from certain information by way of evidence about any
given situation. Then, from that, we create a judgment. The
problem arises when judgments are based off limited
information. I call this a blind judgment. Blind judgments are
generally made by over-zealous egos or out of pure laziness. It
takes a lot of work to get 100% of the information there is about
a particular subject. Most people feel that they can make a good
enough judgment even though they do not have all the

I believe that judgments should be approached as if you are

making a decision based upon your life. For example, if you
were on a mountaintop, had two ways down, and one way would
mean certain death, I believe that our judgment would be very
prudent and cautious. You would try to gather all the
information available prior to committing to a path down the
mountain. People tend to make rash judgments when the
outcome of their judgments does not affect or involve them.

In situations where we are judging others, what we are really

doing is passing off a reflection of ourselves onto another. When
you make a judgment about someone else, you are really making

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a judgment about yourself. You are resisting something about
yourself that you know needs fixing. However, since you don‘t
want to experience it, you pass it onto someone else and create
the identity for him or her. This way you can experience it from
afar and it is not so close to you as to make you feel

8. The Principle of Co-action

Co-action is a very important word. It means that everything is

connected. Everything in this universe is constructed from the
same set of elements. What is in you is also in the stars, planets,
and universe. We are all energy, just in a different form. So
therefore, any action or reaction is a co-action: cause and effect.

Many people do not believe in a cause and effect because they

say that we do not live in a mechanical Universe. The physical
world is mechanical energy: potential energy + kinetic energy. I
dare to say that humans are mechanical creatures because we
move through habits. Habits create patterns that allow us to
complete certain tasks every single day. This brings about daily
types of actions and results. Focused actions equal results in
most cases. Some very successful and happy people have habits
in their life. Instead of facing the monotony of the situation of a
daily basis, they create a habit to take care of the business at
hand. This takes the emotion out of the action, which is
sometimes needed when monotonous things need to get done.
Not all success is glamorous. It is hard work, and sometimes it is
boring work.

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9. The Principle of Energy

In the dictionary, energy is defined as the potential and ability to

do work. Energy turns to mass and mass turns to energy. They
are interchangeable and one in the same. You, at your core, are
the potential and ability to do work. Energy is the ability for you
to create all of your identities so that you can create and manifest
them into reality. This way, you can experience them, extract
information from them, and extrapolate what it is that you want
to know and learn from them so you can create flow in your life.

10. The Principle of Duality

The Principle of Duality tells us there is a right and a wrong, and

if there is a bad, there is a good. If there is a black, then there is
a white. In the reality of black and white, we know that there is a
grey area. In the concept of right or wrong, we know there is a
gray area. Those gray areas, most of the time, are something
called intentions and judgments. In duality, this automatically
sets up a paradigm. Automatically, it puts you in a box and
makes you weigh one thing against another because one thing
means the other. It is the box; the purpose of its creation is to
contain you by nature. To free yourself from duality, you must
free yourself into pragmatism (if it works, it is true). You will
find many things in duality that do not work for you, but you
keep doing them repeatedly. Albert Einstein said, ―To do
something over and over again and expect a different result is
insanity.‖ I agree with his logic.

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11. The Principle of Awareness

Awareness is an indefinable source of energy. The more you try

to explain it the further you go from it. Expression of the term is
pointless because the energy is a flowing state of energy. The
energy is only brought out of its free-flowing state of awareness
when the mind-spirit places its attention into a reality and
solidifies the energy into particles and forms a structure.
Awareness can best be experienced through mental procedures.
Words will never reach the meaning of awareness.

12. The Principle of Labels

We have touched on labels a little previously. Labels are

interaction, reaction, and response driven. We use them through
association. It is a way of learning for most of us. Everything
we see and are taught has been labeled either by us or by
someone else. We assign a label to things we see the instant we
see them. Most of the time assigning labels is done
subconsciously, unless it is a heightened label. A heightened
label is something that society has deemed sensitive or as a
trigger point.

For example, things that have to do with a person‘s race I

consider a heightened label. Now, once we label something, we
put certain types of information underneath that label.
Therefore, the object is replaced with the label so that the next
time we come across that object; our brain sees the label instead
of the object. I understand this is a difficult thing to understand
but your subconscious mind does this, not your conscious mind.

Also, whenever you see the object, all the information that you

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have underneath that label pops up. For instance, if I were to say
the word rabbit, everything associated with rabbit would
mentally pop-up. Your brain does not see the actual word
―rabbit‖ in its mind. It sees your association of that word, along
with all of the other associations you have attached to it. So
labels, without a doubt (as part of Principles Five and Seven),
create a structure.

13. The Principle of Patterns

Patterns are very interesting because if you watch patterns

closely enough, they reveal information not only about yourself,
but about other people and things as well. Police Officers know
that if they are trying to catch a criminal that by watching other
criminals, they can try to determine patterns of similar criminals.
They then use this information to predict future criminal activity.
So, patterns can be a very good thing for you to watch
(constructive and destructive). Patterns can reveal many things
about you: what you are successful at, how and why you are
successful at it, and your thinking and belief patterns. These
things need to be studied and brought to the forefront so that you
can find out what is really going on and fix them if needed.
Once they are brought out and corrected, you can create new
information and new experiences. It is a most empowering

14. The Principle of Evolution

Evolution is space that is occupied. In order for there to be a

creation there must first be a space for it to exist. The illusion of
evolution is just the point where we try to manifest a reality out

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of an idea, which serves as an example of a theory, just like our
model of the past, the now, and the future.

Look at it this way, the past is nothing more than arranged

energy framed in a structure to which we assigned a significant
meaning. Then we have that structure of the past serve as a
model for whatever we are experiencing in the now and in the
future. So, in theory, the future should only be pre-arranged
particles of information that we perceive as an illusion of time
and as the separation of the framework of whatever position in
time we think we are in. So evolution is only occupied space.

15. The Principle of the Higher Self

This principle is important because it ties in directly with The

Principle of Evolution. The term higher self refers to a place of
spiritual neutrality. The mind-spirit is always experiencing and
existing in many if not perhaps infinite realities. The energy
only leaves this plain of existence, but continues in all the other
alternate realities.

16. The Principle of Information

Information is a wonderful, wonderful tool that can be used to

help, and in some cases, hurt you. It can also just be neutral.
Again, everything is offensive, defensive, or neutral depending
on how you view, take on, assume, or explore the viewpoint.
The one thing that information does is predict what, how, and
even why it is going to do it. Because once again, information
reveals patterns about certain things just as patterns reveal
information about certain things.

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As you will see, The Principle of Patterns ties in very closely
with The Principle of Information. With information, as I said
earlier, you can extract what you want from the situation, and use
it to help you make an informed decision. Information can
almost make you seem magical (in a way) because the more
information you have about something, the better you understand
it and the better you understand it, the better you can predict the

17. The Principle of Action

This one here, especially in a society where people are 60%

obese, is a really hard one to grip and get a handle on because
most do not understand that the potential of energy, which is
what we are, is used through action. A perception is an action.
A belief is an action. A thought is an action. Your body
movement is an action. No matter what, we are creatures of
action on every single level. We are always doing something
that represents movement. This is exactly what we are supposed
to be doing because movements are what keep us from becoming
stagnant. Movement helps us to keep moving forward. It helps
us to keep learning and extracting valuable information, so we
can create our realities. Action is also a very important step in
putting creativity into your life so you can achieve what it is that
you want to achieve.

You can sit all day long and try to create Nirvana, Satori, or
Enlightenment, (or however you want to refer to it). However, if
you are just going to sit around and think about the things that
you want, you are probably going to notice that your electricity
may get shut off, your car repossessed, your home foreclosed on,

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there is not much food in the house, all your clothes are dirty,
and your personal relationships with friends and family have
grown quite stale. This is because you are not taking the actions
to move towards the things you want.

Action is the key to everything you do. It is not just limited to

your physical body movements. Life is action that is in motion.
Your perceptions and beliefs are actions when your thoughts are
moving. This is how we manifest things into matter and into
reality. Action is also something you have to take in order to
create flow in your life. If things are piling up on you, you are
not creating flow into your life.

18. The Principle of Will

Your boundaries are being set for you right away, even before
you are born, and before you even realize it. Even as an infant
crawling around in your crib, or the floor, you are being told
what to do and what not to do. This begins the process of your
mind setting the boundaries of your own limitations including
what you believe you can and cannot achieve. So what ends up
happening is that the more something negative gets reinforced
into you, i.e., someone says, ―you can‘t accomplish this‖, the
more your will is brought underneath control and held in place
by your attention being focused on it. When you discipline
attention, you also discipline will. Thus, if someone disciplines
your attention your ―will‖ automatically comes under attack and
immediately becomes indoctrinated. There is nothing in these
particular situations that you can do except begin to realize when
other people are doing this, and when you are doing it to yourself
(that is even bigger) and take corrective action to maintain the
focus of your attention in a positive direction.

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19. The Principle of Facts

A fact is nothing more than an agreed upon belief that gets

solidified into your reality. The more people that agree
something is so, the more it becomes a fact. You look at a chair,
and ask your friend if that is a chair. If they say ―yes‖ - your
question has been validated (perceived by more than one person
and agreed upon), and becomes a fact.

Now, let us look at this example in more detail. Why is the chair
a fact? Is it a fact merely because of perceptions? When you
look at that chair, you are really looking at what your society has
told you to look at. You are looking at an accepted belief that
has been indoctrinated into your will over a period of time. The
chair is known as a chair because no one in society has
challenged this fact. Look at the chair as if no society has given
it a meaning. You study it and look at the structure of it. You
start to associate the chair with you and your life asking yourself:
How can I use it? Can I use it? Will it make my life easier?
Will it hurt my life? I am certain these are the questions, along
with many more, that people asked themselves when they
invented the chair. However, a chair can be used for many
purposes. Think of how many things you could do with a chair.

20. The Principle of Imagination

This principle is a real powerhouse. Albert Einstein said,

―Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is
limited, imagination encircles the world.‖ The reason why he
said this is because knowledge is limited by the direct correlation

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of the information that we know about it. This is a true
statement. However, imagination encircles the world.
Imagination not only encircles the world, but it creates the world
into being.

Whatever you are doing right now, stop, and take a good look
around you, at the book in your hand, at everything in your
room, at everything outside. Take a look and just understand
that none of it was there until it was created into imagination.
The action was taken to create it into what you see as your
environment right now. Imagination creates things before it is
actually manifested into reality. It is the actual space of infinite
awareness that you go into and are able to create from within the
void. You then can bring it out and manifest it into your
Universe. So, imagination is something that you should not only
consider good, but you should also find ways to build.

21. The Principle of Theory

The Principle of Theory works right along the line with The
Principle of Imagination. When you want to try to create
something that is a necessity, you begin to create a theory. The
theory goes into consciousness about how you can begin to
create this from imagination. You then begin to give the theory a
structure to solidify it. The theory then binds itself into the space
that it is looking at so it can create a reality to physical
manifestation and you can use it.

Theory is a very good thing if you just remember that you

normally will create more than one theory about something, but
you will find that one of those theories works better than the rest.
Alternatively, maybe you will borrow from many different

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theories and combine them into one theory that actually works
for you. Listen to all theories since like I said, you may use one,
or, you may use several. This does not matter because theories
are powerful tools that come right out of the tool chest of

22. The Principle of Practicality

Here is a principle that many of us fall victims to. Many of us

have the notion that we want to follow the practical way of doing
things. I have to warn you that just because it is practical and/or
commonplace does not mean that it is the best way for you to do
or go about doing something. I am not even going to name
examples of this because I am sure that you have your own
examples of what many people think is practical, but you might
not agree with it.

On the flip side, I am sure there are some things that you and
others do that you think are practical, which might not be the
case in reality. The more practical that things become and seem
to work for you the more your belief comes into it. Practicality
can be a good thing, or it can be a bad thing; it just comes down
to your intention of how you are going to use practicality. You
can practically keep yourself a winner, or a loser, simply by
becoming aware of what it is you are being practical about.
Practicality does not have a nature all its own - it has one that we
create and define to it.

23. The Principle of Consciousness

The very second you speak of something it becomes

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consciousness. That is because consciousness is a solid
definition of imagination. You can look at a chair and be
conscious that it is a chair. That chair came from someone‘s
imagination at one time, and from imagination, the chair has now
become solidified into the world, which now has been labeled as
a chair.

Consciousness can be a very expansive, restrictive, or neutral

thing depending on how you want to use it. Consciousness is an
extremely powerful tool. I advise as many people as I can to be
more conscious everyday about the things that they are doing.
Also, to be aware to bring the things that they do not know they
are doing under their consciousness so that they can overwhelm
their subconscious and make real changes in their life. These
changes are everlasting and allow you to move towards building
your potential of experiencing and extrapolating information
from the Universe you prefer.

24. The Principle of Creation

Now, you have heard me talk about creation through most of this
book, and what creation simply means is to bring into being. A
thought, along with a belief, makes a creation. A viewpoint and
a perception are all creations. When you bring them out of your
head and you manifest them into the physical world by building
them or having someone else build them, then that is creation.
Creation is a word that encompasses everything we know to be
solid in our world, solid in its definition, and solid in the way
that we see, view, and use it. It is important to note that all
thoughts and beliefs are creations as well - even if they never get
outside your head.

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25. The Principle of Dissolve

This is the final act of creation. Once you have created and
experienced it, there is no real need for it to hang around for you
to keep using it. Therefore, you have to allow it to dissolve.

When you allow it to dissolve, you begin to release all the labels
and information, all the energy, all the actions, and all the
perceptions and beliefs about the creation up to the point of
experiencing it. The creation will then dissolve and will not be
left open to continue to grow for you. As a result, you will no
longer use this energy towards something you no longer need.
The word dissolve simply means to disperse and to let go. Many,
many more people should practice the act of dissolving.

26. The Principle of Separation

The more you place identities and judgments on your creations,

the more separation there is between the two and you can feel
that separation as well. If you look at something and place your
attention on it, the more you will be drawn to it. The same holds
true in the other direction. The more you take your attention off
it and place your attention onto something else, the more you
create separation between you and the object you were just
paying attention to.

The very act of separation comes from the control of your

attention and personal will. If you do not want to experience
something then all you have to do is take your attention off it.
And, by simply taking your attention off it, you will begin to feel
a separation and a disconnection from that creation.

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However, what you do not want to do is to resist the creation you
do not want to experience. Resistance only causes expansion.
What you resist will persist for you, so you should experience the
creation fully and then just let it go. Realize that it is only an
idea. Remember that sticks and stones may break your bones,
but words will never hurt you. It is simply an idea and it is not
physically hurting you.

27. The Principle of Identity

Identity to me is a powerful thing because an identity can be

something that you create for other people, place on them, and
ask them to wear for you. When they do not wear it for you, this
can make you very angry. When they do wear it for you this
makes you very happy because it is supporting your worldview
and belief about what they should be doing.

People also create identities in other ways that will create

identities for themselves and form habits. They begin to think
things like ―chocolate is so good,‖ ―cigarettes are so good,‖ or
―all this fattening food is so good.‖ They perceive these things
are good because the increase of serotonin and dopamine levels
in the brain let them feel they are good. However, in reality, they
will pay for it later in their life in other ways. Anything that you
create an identity for that you can link to pleasure, could provide
pleasure at that moment, but could hurt you in the long run. If
you do not realize quickly enough, this habit will move right in,
and you will become a slave to it instead of being a master to
creating useful identities. So, it is very important that you are
careful with creating identities. I will talk about identities and
entities later.

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28. The Principle of Integrity

Integrity is severely lacking in today‘s world. This is my

personal belief and I am not trying to push it on to you. You
have probably wondered why it is that everyone is so dishonest,
and why everyone tries to lie and deceive everyone else. That is
because we lie and deceive ourselves. It is as perfectly natural to
do to others what we do to ourselves. This is called self-
validation. It tends to relieve the guilt built up inside of
ourselves from these types of actions. We think that if it is good
enough for us, it's good enough for other people too. ―If I can lie
to myself, I can lie to everybody else.‖ ―If I can make myself
feel good about why I cheated someone out of something, then I
can once again place an identity on them and make myself feel
better about cheating them out of anything.‖ You created an
identity and whether someone else wants it or not makes no
difference to you since you will work through the identity until
you are able to make yourself feel better about cheating other
people. You think that this will make you feel better about
deceiving them. Greed is a thing that will take you out of
integrity. Fortunately, greed is controlled by only one person,
yourself. It is a self-creation.

I hear people say all the time that money is a bad thing, and I am
thinking, ―What Universe are you from?‖ You have been
conditioned into that belief system. How can a piece of paper be
bad or good? It is nothing more than a piece of paper! What
makes money good or bad is the intention on how you are going
to use it. If you use money for a good thing, then it is good, and
if you use money for a bad thing, then it is bad. If you want to
use money to buy drugs, or to give to the wrong people, then it is
a bad thing. However, if you want to use money for good things
like feeding the homeless, or trying to build long-term security

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for your family by buying stocks, or paying your bills, then these
are good things. Money is never good or bad. The value of
money is decided by your intentions. So do not pass the blame
onto the buck, it is not the buck, the buck stops here with you.
Stop the blame game. It does not look good on anyone and all it
does is make you look juvenile and immature.

29. The Principle of Entity

Once again, entities are things that we create out of a sense of

pleasure. Sometimes entities can directly jeopardize our
integrity, but we create them anyway. Instead of us actually
getting what we want from them, these entities are taking control
of us. And, soon thereafter, they will be operating off their own
pleasures, their own guilt, and their own selfish needs and
desires. As a result, we are pulled out of essence and into

Entities take control of you by the outside stimuli‘s realities that

you link to pleasure or pain. You take back control of the
situation by taking back your integrity and deciding what you do
consciously. Get rid of those entities that are holding you back
and controlling you. By doing this, you will no longer feel like
you are out of control, and you can get back into control again.
There is a way back and in my Anima Program, we have an
exercise that helps you to recognize this.

30. The Principle of Agreement

The Principle of Agreement is a very powerful thing because we

use agreements in our everyday lives. We make agreements with

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ourselves. We make agreements with other people, and when we
do not keep those agreements, people become upset with us. If
you are used to breaking agreements with yourself, it is going to
be very simple for you to break agreements with other people.
The bottom line here is that if you get in the habit of starting
something and not finishing it, you create an identity for why
you did not finish. The entity has now taken control over you.
You now have to find your way out of it consciously.

Here is an example that I think you can relate to. Two people
can come together because they love each other and enjoy
sharing space with each other. They like how things are when
they are together. They like how things feel when they are
together. They like what happens when they are together and
they like everything about being together. When they create an
agreement that says they are going to do this, and they are not
going to do that, identities are created.

When agreements are not held up to, or honored, then the

identities we place on the agreement are not held up and our
expectations are let down. When expectations have been let
down, then people start to attack the identities they have created
for you, which are the ones that you allowed to be held in place
by the agreement you entered into with them. This can become a
vicious cycle. I am sure you know this because we have all
experienced this more times than we can shake a stick at. I know
I have in the past.

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Chapter 8


When Saturday came, the backyard was jammed packed with people
who were curious about this course and personal exploration. There
were balloons of assorted colors hanging from the trees and
telephone poles. The chairs were lined up uniformly with each other
and all the people were happy, laughing and really existing in the
moment, ready for the adventure.

The two large barbecue pits were cranking away and you could
smell the thick scent of barbecue in the air. The energy was alive
and tantalizing with people wanting to know about themselves and
how to move to their next level in evolution. The atmosphere was
intoxicating, very friendly and caring towards each other. It seems
that people were getting along with one another, as if they had
known one another all of their lives. The stage at the front of the
backyard was having finishing touches performed on it as well as
some of the yard. All in all, we were off to an incredible start.

Soke Draconis took the stage. He stood there in silence and

everyone got very quiet and turned toward the stage. The silence in

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the air was very tense and had become too much for a dog in the
crowd causing him to let out a small memoir of a bark. He then sat
there with his ears perked straight up with his tongue hanging to the
left side of his mouth with his eye brows slanted slightly downward,
as if he was saying, ―Well, get on with it.‖

Soke Draconis said, ―The first thing I would like to say is

this…think of the brain world as an integrated source of beliefs, and
neurological effects (experiences). Now imagine that you could
dissolve your brain into pure awareness by dissolving all of the
effects of the consciousness, dissolving everything that you have
learned since your birth into the great ―I Am‖ of consciousness.

―It is important before we go any further to make sure that you

understand the following two modes of operation. The first mode of
operation is awareness. What is awareness? The easiest way to
explain awareness is not to explain it. What I mean by that is, the
more you try to describe awareness; with your judgments, your
labels, your associations, and all of your beliefs, the further you
become removed away from awareness. Awareness is not beliefs, it
just is. It is light - the wave in the quantum physics.

―The second mode of operation is consciousness. The very second

you speak something, you label it, you define it, you judge it, and
you associate it. It has now become conscious. Consciousness is
more like the particle in quantum physics. It is harder and denser. It
can be experienced and explained through a definition. The next
step for us to understand is exactly how consciousness is formed.
Consciousness is the accumulated process of all your beliefs since
the beginning of your inception.

―Now this brings us into essence and personality. Essence is the

ability to decide that you like something, you want to do something,

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or you believe in something, and you need no one else to confirm it
for you. No one else is needed to say it is true, or it is not true. It is
the freedom of being able to believe whatever you want without
having other people confirm it for you. Essence is the ability to keep
working towards your dreams and your passions even while
everyone else around you is failing and not achieving their goals.
Essence is the ability not to listen to other people when they criticize
what you are doing. Their judgments and their beliefs have no effect
on you obtaining your results and living your dreams. Essence is the
ability to separate you from the outside world, while still being able
to function as a fully integrated being, achieving your results and
desires in the world. Your source of happiness is created from inside
of you and everyone around you feels the effect.

―Personality is the opposite of that. Personality is developed through

outside stimuli. As in: This has happened to me, so I have to react.
Personality always makes you keep looking to satisfy basic and
common social fears. For example, the feeling that you must keep
up with your neighbor – if they buy something, you have to have it
also. It can work the other way too. Like when you would like to do
something to your house, but you do not, because of what the
neighbors might think. When you are trapped within the game of
personality, you must always look for outside sources to entertain or
validate you. When you are living in personality, you make excuses
for people around you, for their shortcomings, and why they are
unable to do something. At the same time, you are in personality
you also laugh, joke, and go with the flow. If everyone thinks
someone is not a nice person, it may lead you to think negatively of
him or her also.

―When you are in personality, your integrated particles of trapped

attention work at the same vibration rate as all the other people who
are working from personality as well. When you are working from

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essence, you, and only you decide where you are going to place your
particles of attention. The essence works from your own personal
blueprint of your mental scope, which is the amalgamated process of
the beliefs that form your consciousness. Your goals that you are
trying to achieve from essence have passion and true desire. When
you are following a major (goal) that you never intended to do, the
result is a hell that is filled with good intentions but little else of
what you really want. The road to heaven is paved with actions that
are in alignment with your dreams. It is created from the process of
obtaining your goals. Passion is what drives us. Passion cannot be
found in personality. Passion comes only from essence.

―I am going to give you a working formula today that will allow you
to understand the process for obtaining your goals and living your
dreams. This formula allows you to work as the old alchemists
worked. What they used to do, or tried to do, was to turn base lead
into gold.

―Without any further ado, let us work through the creational formula
of Creotology. The science of this formula makes you a scientist of
your own life and working from your own scope. It will be up to
you to produce a laboratory for these creations to be manifested in.
It is fully possible to base your life on empirical evidence, which
simply means to be able to observe it and then to measure it.‖


Get informed.

You must research and gather as much data as possible about what
you are trying to create and how to create it. The reason for this is
that the brain is a 3-D invention of our evolution on this planet.

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Therefore, the brain follows the logical conclusion to problem
solving. The more the goal and the information to achieving the
goal are in place the more readily the brain will have total efficacy in
the goal and will create it without the subconsciousness coming into
play with the mental followers.

Place your energy into the goal you are trying to create.

Once the goal and information are now formulated into a sensible
plan, think about the goal and feel how much energy is in the belief
of the goal. If you feel the energy matches the belief in the goal it is
time to move forward.

Place your full attention into the belief itself.

Place your full attention into the belief itself as if the goal and the
belief are one. Allow your attention to expand as far as it can into
the belief until you feel consumed.

This defines the borders of the creation.

You will now feel the size of the creation, and if you think and feel
that, you can consciously expand to fit the size of the creation and
thereby make it right for you.

Energy in.

Leave the energy of the attention in the goal. Then begin the process
of being proactive and bringing the material together for your goal.

―Congratulations! You are now working from within the mind that
the brain formulated. The goal will create because now it is part of
the creative process of your brain and the mind. We have

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formulated congruency.

―The following is not a step, but it is something that you should not
forget to do after you achieve your goal. Take the time to appreciate
the experience of feeling that the goal has been achieved and
experience the dream. Do not forget to tell yourself that you are
appreciative of the effort, that you recognize yourself as a Creational
Master. You can see there are some very purposeful steps of
creation that must be done. Part of the paradox is that we are
schooled at processing information, but not schooled very well in the
process of organizing information into a useable form for creating
what we want.‖

Here is the process in short order form.

 Get informed. You must research and gather as much data as

possible about what you are trying to create and how to
create it.
 Place your energy into the goal you are trying to create.
 Place your full attention into the belief itself.
 This defines the borders of the creation.
 Energy in.

After Soke Draconis was done, he said that this was a small portion
of the information, but that Creotology goes much deeper than this
into obtaining your goals. It also addresses things such as how to
decide what goals are right for you, further describes what goals
actually are, and where they come from.

Someone in the crowd stood up and said this was all very interesting,
but they were not really sure if all this stuff would work, even
though it sounded fancy. Soke Draconis asked the guest, ―Could
you explain yourself a little more please?‖ The guest responded, ―I

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encounter obstacles all the time every day, but normally I just stay
stuck in them. I just get tired. I apply more energy but nothing
happens.‖ Soke Draconis smiled and said, ―I see what you are
saying. How many of us have ever had our car stuck in mud or
snow?‖ Almost everyone in the audience raised their hand. ―Now,
imagine you are stuck in the snow or stuck in mud in your vehicle.
This will serve as an example of a personal obstacle. You are the car
and you are spinning your wheels faster and faster. You are
speeding up the engine. You are applying more gas, or in our case
more energy, but you just keep going deeper into the hole. What
you really need is some traction.‖ The gentleman said that he
understood the analogy, but did not quite see how it connected.


Soke Draconis queried, ―Would you volunteer for an experiment?‖

The man said if it would help, he would love to, so Soke Draconis
took a chair and placed it up front beside him. He told the man to
please sit down in the chair that was now facing the audience.

Soke continued, ―What I am going to do is place my forearms and

my body weight onto your shoulders. Then, I want you to try to
stand straight up. Let me know when you are ready.‖ The man said,
―Okay, I am ready now.‖ Soke Draconis then placed his forearms on
the man‘s shoulders, leaned forward onto the man, and told him to
stand up. The man could not stand up. He was struggling hard and
pushing on the arms of the chair. He was trying so hard that his feet
came off the ground. He then took his forearms off the man‘s
shoulders and asked, ―What did you experience?‖ The man
answered, ―I was trying as hard as I could. I kept applying more
energy and trying harder, but I got nowhere except for some sore
arms and now I‘m tired.‖

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Soke Draconis smiled and laughed saying, ―Don‘t worry about that
friend. That is what any of us would experience. Let‘s try it once
more.‖ The man agreed. Soke leaned his forearms onto the man‘s
shoulders again, applied his weight, and told the man to stand up.
The man said, ―I can‘t.‖ Then Soke requested, ―Hand me that piece
of paper on the ground by your feet.‖ The man bent forward,
grabbed the paper, and stood up. He heard the people in the
audience begin to laugh and giggle and talk. The man looked at
Soke Draconis instantly with a complete look of success and
happiness on his face and confirmed what Soke already knew, ―I
understand it now.‖ Soke Draconis told the man, ―Of course you do.
I have basically given a rough analogy, returned you to awareness,
and allowed you to experience your way out. It all lies in the

The man looked at Soke Draconis with great respect and said, ―Sign
me up for the course.‖ Soke said that anyone who would be
interested in the course should hold up their hands and he would talk
about what the course costs and what they would learn. More than
one hundred people held up their hands. The whole thing was
beginning to grow by leaps and bounds.

After the day was done and everyone was signed up, most of us had
writer‘s cramp. The day was a huge financial success as well as a
great triumph in making new friends. Soke Draconis looked at me
and said, ―You know, with you around, I think I am going to need a
larger building.‖ I replied, ―You‘ve always said growth is a good
thing, as long as no one is left behind.‖

Soke Draconis asked me to come into his office. He told me he

wanted to talk to me about something. We went to his office while
the other guys were finishing up on the paperwork and organizing

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the enrollment packages. I sat down and he asked me if I had a bank
account. I told him that I did not have one. He said, ―There is a
bank not five blocks from here. I bank there myself. Tomorrow
morning I will need you to go to the bank with me. We need to open
up a bank account so that we can deposit this enormous check you
have just earned commission on.‖ I said, ―A huge commission,
Soke, really?‖ He said it was $15,000. I absolutely fell out of the
chair. This was more money than I could fathom. I did not really
understand how much it was, but the one thing I did know was that it
was a lot of money!

―How close are you to getting your driver‘s license,‖ Soke inquired.
I said, ―I can test in one week.‖ ―You get your driver‘s license and
your mom‘s permission, and I will take you to a friend of mine who
owns a car lot. For around $5,000, we will get you a nice car.‖
Well, if you do not think things were looking up for me at this time,
you do not understand how it is to be 16 years old, being dirt poor
and living in a poor neighborhood.

Monday Morning

Monday morning came and I arrived at the school at 9:30 AM. Soke
Draconis walked out of his office and handed me a check from Soke
Draconis‘ Martial Arts Institute that read, ―Pay to the order of Brady
Cameron - the sum of fifteen-thousand dollars.‖ I absolutely thought
that I was going to hyperventilate. Soke Draconis chuckled, ―Calm
down, Brady, and remember to breathe.‖

We got into Soke‘s truck and drove to the bank. We went into the
bank together and spoke to the bank teller, Rosemary. Soke
Draconis said hello to Rosemary, and she answered, ―Hello, Soke,
what can I do for you today?‖ Soke said, ―Brady and I need to make

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a couple of large deposits, but first Brady needs to open an account.‖
Soke Draconis made his deposit and Rosemary asked me, ―My,
Brady, how did you make so much money?‖ I replied proudly, ―I
helped Soke Draconis put together a self-help program, or rather; I
helped promote the seminar for his self- help program.‖ She said,
―That must have been some seminar.‖ I joyfully answered that it
was indeed. I then looked over at Soke and asked him if I could
withdraw $5,000. Soke asked curiously, ―What are you going to do
with all that money, Brady?‖ I told him that my mother only owed
$5,000 on our house, and if she did not have to make a monthly
mortgage payment, it would make things much easier on her.
Rosemary said she would make it out in a certified check, and I
asked to use her phone. She told me I most certainly could and
turned the phone around to me.

Rosemary was an older lady about my mom‘s age, mid to late forties
with very short hair, and wore glasses. She told Soke Draconis she
thought she was going to cry because this was such a sweet gesture.
He granted her that it did show a high degree of responsibility and
compassion. Rosemary agreed.

I called my mom and asked her for the name of the bank and her
account number for the mortgage payments. My mom asked why
and I told her, ―Your troubles are over, Mom, I am paying off your
mortgage.‖ My mom said in a loud and concerned tone, ―Brady
Cameron, what have you done?‖ I said, ―Trust me, Mom, it is all
legal and everything is fine. Give me the information and I will
bring you home a certified check from the bank.‖ When mom gave
me the information, I repeated it and repeated it back a second time.
Rosemary gave me the certified check for $5,000 because Soke
Draconis had banked there for so long and they all knew him well.
It was obvious he had more than enough money in his account to
cover it.

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―Brady, that was a very compassionate thing you did,‖ Soke said on
the way back home. ―I definitely think that it shows you are
responsible enough to drive. I‘ll drive you by your house and drop
you off.‖ I felt strange asking, but knew I had to, ―Soke, would you
mind coming in for a moment? My mom is not going to believe my
story.‖ Soke Draconis laughed and said he understood.

We walked up to the house and went inside. My mom was sitting on

the couch and Soke said, ―Hello, Mrs. Cameron, it is nice to meet
you.‖ My mother smiled brightly, ―It is very nice to meet you.‖ She
looked over at me half jokingly, but still concerned, and questioned
me, ―Brady Cameron, what are you doing?‖ I explained the whole
story to her and Soke Draconis confirmed it for her. My mom said,
―Well, I don‘t know what to say.‖ I assured her, ―Think of it this
way - you now own your home free and clear and you don‘t have to
make the $250 monthly payment anymore. You can use that money
for whatever else you need.‖ My mom said it would definitely make
things easier and began to cry as she gave me a hug. I was
embarrassed. Soke Draconis was watching all of this. You try to be
a man, but any man will tell you that when your mom has you
locked in a death grip, and she is excited and happy about
something, there is no getting away from that hug until she is done.
The best thing to do is accept it and experience it.

My mom got an envelope and wrote down the mailing address to the
mortgage bank. Soke Draconis said, ―Instead of mailing that check,
why don‘t Brady and I just take it to your bank for you, hand deliver
it and get a receipt?‖ My mom said, "That would be wonderful.‖

We went to the bank, paid off the house, and got her receipt. The
banker told Soke Draconis that the Deed to the house would be
mailed out in two weeks. If my mother had not received it within

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those two weeks, she was to call him directly. He handed us his
business card. Soke Draconis and the Bank Manager, Adam, shook
hands, and we were on our way. I felt great. All the way home, I
wanted to talk, but I did not because I could tell Soke was enjoying
his drive. This man does not like to talk when he drives. When we
got to my house, I ran inside, gave my mom the receipt, and told her
the Deed would come in two weeks through the mail. My mom was
already on the phone calling all her family and friends and telling
them what was going on.

I got into the truck with Soke, and we drove off to the school. I went
about doing some work I had to do when I saw Soke Draconis in the
office handing cash to all the other guys that helped at the seminar. I
could hear them all laughing and joking. I heard Larry come out of
the office and say he was paying off his car. I thought that was a
good decision. Then Soke said that some of the guys were going to
help him get the desk and chairs for my office and told me to stay
there and watch the school.

Maximus commented, ―You must have been walking on clouds.‖ I

expressed to him, ―Maximus, I have no way to explain the feelings I
experienced on that day. It was truly a feeling that everything was
okay, and that I was in full control.‖ Maximus acknowledged, ―That
is a great feeling, isn‘t it?‖ I agreed wholeheartedly, ―Yes,

Maximus then wanted to know what my desk and chair were like. I
told him I was waiting at the school for Soke to return, and after
about an hour went by this person came up to the front door. He was
an older man who seemed to be naturally irate. He said he was here
to kick Soke Draconis‘ butt for taking advantage of his wife
financially during the seminar. I politely told the man, ―Nobody
took advantage of anybody. I was there. Your wife wanted to take

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the course, so she signed up and that is that. He was a big guy about
six foot one and about two hundred fifty pounds. He looked like a
big construction worker - complete with a big gut. His shirt rolled
halfway up his belly, and you could see his butt crack. I thought to
myself, ―This guy is nasty.‖ Then the man admitted, ―That is not all
that this is about,‖ and he smacked me on the right side of my head.
I did not know what to do. We both stood there for a split second
and stared at each other while the fear was building. He asked me
angrily, ―Are you going to do something or do I have to hit you
again?‖ Then I heard a booming voice declare, “I don’t think you
should do that again.” Well, knowing Soke was there, I could now
put my heart back in my chest and swallow again.

Soke Draconis walked up to the man and asked, ―Who are you and
why are you in my school?‖ The man said, ―My wife came here two
days ago and signed up for your course. I can see how you got her
to sign up. You did it with your impressive looks.‖ In my opinion,
Soke Draconis was being way to reasonable, ―Why don‘t we go into
my office and talk.‖ The man snapped back in a very smart manner,
―Yes, why don‘t we do that?‖

I went into the training room with all of the other guys that were at
the school. They all began asking me what had happened. I was
telling my story and quite shaken, but trying to act tough and hide
the tears because I had just been jack-smacked upside my head. The
atmosphere was so quiet out there that you could hear a pin drop.
After about 30 minutes, we heard Soke and that guy in the office
laughing hysterically. I was thinking to myself that Soke should not
be laughing with him; he should just jack-smack him upside his
head. I was mad and I wanted revenge. I was really angry and
wanted some action. Then Soke opened the door, walked out, and
said, ―Here, Brady, take this $10, go to Smitty‘s, and get me and my
new friend Big Jake a couple of large iced teas and two roast turkey

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sandwiches with mustard, lettuce, cheese, and tomato.‖ I thought to
myself, ―He wants me to go get sandwiches for a guy that jack-
smacked me?‖ I have to admit, I was appalled. Then Brian said,
―Come on, Brady, I‘ll go with you.‖

The moment Brian and I got outside the front door, I started
complaining big time. I said, ―This guy jack-smacks me, but
somehow I end up having to go get him a sandwich?‖ Brian already
knew the right answer, ―That‘s true, but Soke asked you to do it, and
he has to have a reason for it.‖ I thought, ―Well, that is true. I don‘t
like being jack-smacked, but I guess there is a method to the

So, Brian and I went into Smitty‘s store. Smitty said, ―Hello, boys!
How are you doing today?‖ We told him we were fine and that Soke
Draconis would like a couple of turkey sandwiches and large iced
teas. Smitty looked at me and asked, ―Brady, do you know that you
have a large red spot on the side of your head?‖ Brian began
laughing hysterically and said that was because I had just been
smacked alongside my head at the school. Smitty asked if Soke
Draconis had assaulted me. I assured him that was not the case
before I explained to him what had actually happened.

After we got the sandwiches and were making our way back over to
the school, Brian looked over at me and said, ―What do you think
happened while we were gone?‖ I felt somewhat lost at the moment,
―Brian, I really don‘t know, but one thing is for sure, if there is a
peaceful solution to be found, Soke Draconis will not stop until he
finds it.‖ Brian exclaimed, ―Isn‘t that the truth!‖

As Brian and I made our way into the front door, we could hear Soke
Draconis and Jake laughing aloud. We knocked on Soke‘s office
door and heard him call out for us to come in. Brian and I entered

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the room and Jake told me that he wanted to apologize. He was
completely out of line and out of control. He said that he had always
sported a bad temper that, unfortunately, had gotten him into trouble
on more than one occasion. Soke Draconis then announced, ―You
may want to welcome Jake to the school, because he is our newest

Jake‘s expertise was in construction work, so Soke Draconis and

Jake were going to work out a barter agreement. Soke Draconis
would supply the materials for any job that needed to be done around
the school, and Jake would supply the labor and the knowledge, at
his convenience, to fix some things that needed to be repaired. His
services would pay for his self-help program. Soke said, ―Jake is
going to pay for his martial arts membership like everyone else, but
he is going to take the self-help course and trade his labor and
expertise in exchange for that portion of the course.‖

I walked over to Jake, extended my hand, and I said, ―Jake, I would

like to start this friendship over, so let‘s let bygones be bygones and
just be friends.‖ Jake stood up, looked me in the eye, and shook my
hand. We did the traditional shake that I taught him. Soke Draconis
and Jake got up and walked around, making a list of the jobs that
needed to be done. Jake sounded very eager to get started.

As the months went by, I spent three hours a day learning martial
arts, writing memberships, and signing people up. Then the big day
came. One week before I was going to go back to high school, I was
ready to test for my blue belt. Oh, glory days! I was excited and
pumped up. My testing was scheduled for that Saturday. I asked
Soke Draconis, ―Who is going to be sitting on the board for testing?‖
He said that his brother Ig was coming from Sweden and was going
to stay the week with him. I thought, ―Wow! I get to meet another
Draconis family member.‖ I asked Soke what Ig‘s rank was and

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Soke asked, ―Is it important to you, Brady?‖ I told him I did not
know whether it was important to me or not, outside of the fact that
we are in the martial arts, and it is something I ask other students.
Soke Draconis laughed and said, ―You are starting to develop a
political point of view about the martial arts.‖ I said, ―Yes, I guess
that I am.‖

He said that Ig was a sixth degree Black Belt. I know that at the age
I am now, it is not that important to me, but I would imagine at Ig‘s
age it was. Many people say that diplomas that certified your rank,
and what federation you belonged to really does not mean anything,
but I resist that theory now, as I did then. If someone has truly spent
his time in a diligent and purposeful way, then his rank and his
diplomas can give you a bit of insight into the way he thinks, how he
has spent his life, and perhaps even the moral code that he stands for.
I am not saying that this is an absolute law. We all know there are
exceptions, but at the same time, that does not make it any less real.

When I asked Soke Draconis what time the testing was, he told me,
―Saturday at two o‘clock in the afternoon, but there is something you
should know, Brady, Brian will also be testing for his Sempai-ship.‖
I wondered why Soke told me that, but before I could put it into
words, Soke Draconis offered, ―I just wanted you to know
beforehand so that it wasn‘t a great shock to you on Saturday.‖
After I left the school that day, I rode around on my bike for a little
while and thought about my jealousy. Perhaps my feeling of
inadequacy, and the fact that Brian had started a little over a year
before I did, contributed to my feelings.

There was a movie I wanted to see so I called Brian to see if he

wanted to go, but he was not home. I was on my way to go to the
matinee when a friend of mine named Timmy caught up with me.
He asked, ―Hey, where are you going?‖ I told him I really did not

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have much to do that evening, so I thought I would go to the movies.
Timmy said, ―That sounds great.‖ I offered, ―If you want to go, I
will pay your way. I‘ll even treat at the concession stand.‖ Timmy
said, ―Wow! To what do I owe this privilege and honor?‖ I replied,
―I‘m in the world of high finance now.‖ We both just looked at each
other and let out a huge laugh.

When we got to the theater, I paid to get us in, and we went in

through the front entrance. The theater itself was set inside a big
brown building that looked like Soke‘s school. The floors had red
carpet everywhere. Like any theater, there were posters of the
movies that were playing and coming attractions. We were
overwhelmed by the smell of popcorn that was permeating the air. I
looked over at Timmy and said, ―Let‘s go get our grub before the
show begins.‖

As we made our way around the wall that divided the concession
stand from the front entrance, I saw Brian standing behind the
counter. He was filling up containers of pop and bags of popcorn. I
stopped for a moment and had an important realization. I was lucky
to be working for Soke Draconis and Brian was lucky to have started
the martial arts before me. I thought that maybe there really are no
advantages in life and everything is just relative. Maybe Einstein
had it right all along.

Making my way up to the concession stand, I heartily greeted my

friend, ―Hello, Brian, how are you today?‖ Brian said, ―Just doing
my thing, but I am not making all the money you are.‖ I said, ―After
testing on Saturday, how would you like to go to Big Daddy Pizza -
my treat?‖ He said happily, ―That would be great.‖ Timmy and I
did the normal thing that teenager‘s do and loaded up on chocolate,
popcorn, and coke. The preferred beverage for us in those days was
―red pop.‖

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Timmy and I made our way down the aisle, found our seats, and got
comfortable. I noticed that Matt and Melissa were there. They were
about seven seats in front of us, so I threw a little bit of popcorn,
smacking Matt on top of the head with it. Matt turned around with a
look on his face that said, ―Somebody better have a good
explanation!‖ I started laughing and Matt said, ―What are you doing
here?‖ I looked over at Timmy and said, ―I brought my date.‖
Timmy grabbed me and we started wrestling around in the chairs.
Matt and Melissa moved up to where Timmy and I were sitting. We
all joked and were having a really good time. After the movie was
over, we went our separate ways - I went home and fell sound

Maximus said, ―All of this must have been an incredible

experience.‖ I remarked, ―It was and it still is.‖ Maximus then
asked, ―What happened next?

I continued, ―I woke up, ate, got ready and went to the school
because I had a 10:30 AM appointment with a couple that wanted to
sign up for martial arts classes. As I made my way into the school, I
heard a jackhammer going off in the back. I wondered what in the
world was going on. Was that an earthquake? I had to let out a
laugh when I found out it was Jake. He had a big cooler out there
filled with liquid. As I went through the school and out the back
door, I signaled for Jake to stop. I said, ―Forgive me for bothering
you while you are working, but what are you doing?‖ He said that
he was jack hammering a piece of cement that was eight feet by
eight feet, because it was cracked and torn up. Once he got the
concrete up, he was going to clean it up, level it, and pour new
concrete. That way, this part of the yard would look plush and even
without any cracks in the cement. I said, ―I‘ll leave you to your
work. I have to get back inside.‖

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A little bit later, the couple showed up for their 10:30 AM
appointment. This was something new that I had never experienced.
The couple‘s names were Rita and Mike. Rita had been raped and
they wanted to take martial arts so that she could defend herself. I
could tell that even talking about it was incredibly painful, so I tried
not to mention it. Rita and Mike signed up and I told them that
tomorrow I would be testing for my blue belt. There would be some
higher ranks testing that day and perhaps they would like to show up
and watch. They would get a great idea about what we do in the
martial arts. They said they thought that would be great, so I gave
them their uniforms and a copy of their membership agreements and
I told them what time to be there tomorrow for the testing.

Just then, a delivery truck pulled up and dropped off two large
boxes. I had them placed in Soke Draconis‘ office, but the curiosity
was killing me. I kept wondering if there were diplomas in there.
Maybe my blue belt was in there, or maybe it was uniforms. Matt
and David walked in and asked, ―What‘s going on, Brady?‖ I told
them two boxes just got delivered and it was driving me nuts that I
did not know what was inside them. I asked them if they were
testing for their first kyu brown belts. They told me they were. I
said, ―You two must be excited. You are only one step away from
receiving your Black Belt.‖ They said, ―Yes, the Black Belt would
be nice, but it is the experience that has been the most rewarding.‖

About that time, Soke Draconis walked in. I told him he had two
boxes delivered to his office and asked if he wanted me to help open
them. Soke said, ―No, that won‘t be necessary.‖ Matt and David
then said they were going to work out and practice for tomorrow‘s
test. I glanced into Soke‘s office to see what he was doing, but he
was his normal self – cool, calm, and collected. He had not even
made his way over to the boxes yet. As I was peeking in the window

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again, I felt a presence behind me, it was Ig. I turned around slowly
and thought to myself, ―This man was absolutely huge!‖ He
inquired as to what I was looking at, and I asked, ―Then, or now?‖
He answered, ―Before you knew I was here.‖ I explained, ―Soke has
a delivery of two boxes and I wanted to know what was in them.‖
He smiled and stated flatly, ―You must be Brady.‖ I wondered,
―How did you know that?‖ ―Soke said you were the inquisitive one
of the group. He described you as Curious George.‖ ―The
monkey?‖ I asked. He replied, ―Yes, but don‘t worry. He did not
say you were a monkey, he just remarked that you were as curious as
one.‖ Now this was all rather intimidating because it is not often
that you see a man that is larger than Soke Draconis but his brother
was clearly bigger. I paused for a moment to steady myself and then
Matt and David came over. They all did the traditional handshake
and told Ig that Soke would be pleased that he was there. Ig replied,
―He had better be happy. I‘ve come a long way.‖ Then he said in a
very loud voice, ―Draconis! Get out here and meet your brother.
Don‘t make me come in there.‖ I thought to myself that would be
ugly. What would it be like to see those two men hook up?

Soke Draconis came out of the office and gave his brother Ig a very
large, powerful hug. They both said that it was great to see each
other and that they both looked wonderful. Matt then said the
weirdest thing to me. He said, ―They got all the height in the family.
We didn‘t.‖ I was shocked and asked, ―Are all you guys related to
Soke Draconis?‖ They had to laugh, ―Yes, we are his nephews.
We‘re the sons of one of his sisters.‖ I thought to myself, ―Now I
know who to get the information I need from. Call me Curious
George will you! I will show Soke.‖

I went on to find out that there were six brothers and four sisters and
realized his mom and dad had ten children. ―That is a very large
family!‖ I said, ―Obviously, I don‘t even know half of them.‖ To

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which Matt and David replied, ―Trust me. You do not know them
now, but you will. We overheard Soke say just the other night that
he was going to put Brady through the Initiation.‖ I thought about
that for a moment, ―Through it? Through what? Initiation?‖

Matt and David said, ―We have said enough. We will say no more.‖
In a slightly agitated voice I replied, ―You can‘t do that to a guy!
What is this ―through it‖ stuff? What does that mean?‖ David just
replied, ―You will know it when it happens. That is all we can say.
You‘re just going to have to wait and see, aren‘t you?‖ They really
knew how to get my attention. I thought to myself, ―I am so curious
it is driving me nuts.‖

I sat at the front desk and after about 20 minutes, Soke and Ig came
out. Ig stopped at the counter and looked at me. I do not mind
telling you that when a man of that size looks at you, the air gets a
little bit thin around you. Then he looked at Soke Draconis and
asked, ―Is this the one you‘re considering putting through it?‖ I
thought to myself that I was being messed with again. I asked,
―What does ―through it‖ mean?‖ Soke said, ―It means to go through
something.‖ I was getting a little uptight and wanted an answer, ―Is
there a riddle decoding book that goes with this family?‖ Both of
the Draconis brothers let out a laugh. I commented, ―What you guys
are doing is putting me through it as we speak because you know I
am curious. There isn‘t any ―through it.‖ Through what? I am
being put through it right now!‖

Ig then asked, ―Have you ever heard of the Viking Walk?‖ I

answered sheepishly, ―No, there is no such thing, is there?‖ To
which Soke Draconis responded, ―Maybe there is and maybe there
isn‘t. Either way you will just have to wait and see.‖

This was the most frustrating position I had ever found myself in. I

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couldn‘t push too hard because it was the Soke, but I wanted to
know so bad my toes were curled. The energy was building up
inside of me. I really thought I was going to explode. I thought, ―I
can‘t take it any longer. I have got to know what "through it‖ means
and what the "Viking Walk‖ is.‖ At that point, I did the only thing I
had left to do. My mission was clear. I steadied myself, took a
moment to prepare, got on my knees, and begged both of these large
men looking down at me. Soke Draconis smirked, ―At least he is
humble, but he will still have to wait.‖

They walked down the hallway, laughing hysterically, with me still

on my knees, feeling very humble. I looked over at Matt and David,
who were practicing, and thought to myself, ―What the hell, I am
already here.‖ I put my hands together and pleaded, ―Please.‖ They
both smirked and Matt repeated, ―You‘ll just have to wait.‖ I stood
up utterly broken-hearted and as agitated as a wasp on honey. I was
ready to sting, but I couldn‘t go anywhere. I sat back in the chair a
few moments and realized I was angry.

As the day went on Larry, Michael, Brian, and some of the other
guys came in to practice for the following days test. I thought, ―This
is it. I have to get even somehow.‖ I ran up to the guys and asked,
―Did you know Soke Draconis has a brother named Ig?‖ They
laughed, ―Ig? Come on.‖ I said, ―No, really. He is here now. He is
not in the building, but he is in the city with Soke Draconis.‖ They
all just looked at me with the same look and said, ―You are lying.‖
Then I got to say it! ―Maybe I am and maybe I‘m not! Either way I
guess you will just have to wait and see won‘t you.‖ They all stood
there for about ten more seconds staring at me and then they
proceeded to the mat. Many people were there preparing for the test.
About an hour later, Soke Draconis and his brother Ig came in. The
class turned and bowed to them and they bowed back.

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I stood proudly and said, ―As you all know, that is Soke Draconis,
but what you didn‘t know is that‘s his brother Ig.‖ You could hear
some laughter coming from the mat area. I just stood there with my
arms crossed staring at all of them. Oh, yeah, I was having my
moment. Then Michael said, ―There really is an Ig.‖ They all said,
―We are sorry we doubted you, Brady.‖ I turned and thought to
myself, ―That‘s right. Better give me some respect around here,‖ but
then I thought, ―What if there really is a "through it‖ to go through?‖
Maybe there really is a "Viking Walk‖ too.‖ I was driving myself
crazy from not knowing.

Ig came out of the office with a measuring tape and measured me

from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head and across my
shoulders. He slid open the little window that goes into Soke‘s
office and called, ―He is five foot nine inches tall. I think he is big
enough to go through it.‖ Soke Draconis yelled out, ―What about the
width measurements?‖ ―Yes, he‘s wide enough.‖ After that, Ig
went back into the office with Soke Draconis.

Old Smitty was standing there and said, ―You don‘t look so good,
son.‖ I said, ―What do you mean?‖ ―Well, let me enlighten you.
There are only two reasons to measure a man like that. One is for a
suit. The other is for a grave. Did you notice they did not take any
waist measurement? If it was for a suit, they would need a waist

I looked at Smitty, ―You‘re right.‖ Smitty said, ―You might want to

think about it.‖ He walked away, kind of laughing and rubbing his
head. I thought about it and it was weird. Why would you want to
measure somebody? By that time, my curiosity was just about
levitating me off my seat. I do not even think that at that point I was
attached to this world anymore. Then I thought, ―Information is
what I need.‖ I ran to Matt and David and told them I needed some

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help. They asked me, ―What is wrong?‖ I shared with them, ―Ig
measured me and Smitty told me there are only two reasons to
measure a man.‖ David said softly, ―That is probably not good.‖
Matt said, ―We can‘t talk to you anymore.‖ I asked, ―Why not?
What‘s wrong?‖ Matt said in a very concerned voice, ―Because you
have been measured.‖

I looked over at Larry, and he confirmed, ―I‘ve known of only one

other time they have done that and I have been here for over two
years.‖ I asked, ―Larry, who did they do that to?‖ He answered, ―I
couldn‘t really tell you since I didn‘t know him very well and I never
saw him again after he was measured.‖

I said, ―You guys are messing with me. That‘s enough!‖ Matt
turned back around and grinned, ―Maybe we are, and maybe we
aren‘t. Either way, you‘ll have to wait and see.‖ I said, ―I‘m serving
you notice right here and now. You are all on my list.‖ They asked,
―What list is that?‖ I said in a smart-alecky sort of way, ―Maybe you
are, maybe you aren‘t, you will have to wait and see.‖ Michael said,
―Well, neither of us got measured.‖ They went back to training and
I went back to what I was doing – thinking excessively.

The Blue Belt Test

Saturday afternoon came around. There was excitement and

enthusiasm everywhere, but there were also a whole lot of nervous
people too. A table was set up that was 10 feet long and looked
exactly like Soke Draconis‘ desk and Ig and Soke sat in two chairs
that looked just like Soke Draconis‘ chairs. Seeing those two sitting
there in their uniforms, talking and passing paperwork back and
forth was incredibly intimidating.

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About that time, Matt and David came walking in with a gentleman
who was about six feet tall, had snow white hair, and a full beard, a
bit like Santa Claus wears. I thought it was odd that Matt and David
were escorting him. Immediately, Soke Draconis and his brother Ig
jumped to their feet and bowed to him. I had to admit the Curious
George came out of me when I heard Matt say, ―Hold on, Grandpa,
and I‘ll get you a chair.‖ I thought ―Grandpa? This guy looks like
he is in phenomenal shape, very strong and extremely alert
mentally.‖ I noticed he had a suitcase with him that David was
carrying. I could tell that Soke Draconis was very pleased with the
situation and later found out he did not know Grandpa was making
the trip from Sweden.

Soke and I went into the basement and came up with another chair
that looked identical to theirs that some students had polished and
cleaned up earlier. Grandpa then told Soke Draconis that, with his
permission, he would like to sit on the board today. Soke Draconis
replied that it would be their honor. Grandpa went into the
bathroom, changed his clothing, and came out all duded up. He had
on the full uniform, including the pleated skirt that we refer to as a
―hakama.‖ He sat in the middle of the table with Soke to the left and
Ig to the right. Now the pressure was really on. As I looked
everyone over, I could tell that nervous tension was heavy in the air.

Grandpa smacked his hands together in an extremely loud clap that

echoed throughout the school. He said, ―Let everyone‘s tension go
out with that vibration. To break that tension, I would like students
to come up one at a time and introduce themselves. I will call you
by your name and you can call and think of me as Grandpa.‖
Grandpa told some jokes and I could tell this technique was working.
Everyone was laughing and the tension eased up.

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I was the last in line to introduce myself. Grandpa looked at me,
then looked at Soke Draconis, and then looked back at me. He said,
―You must be Curious George.‖ I smiled and said, ―Yes, that‘s what
I hear.‖ He then said with a stern look, ―I understand that you‘re
going to go through it.‖ I said, ―Grandpa, please do not do that to
me. All of them have been doing it to me.‖ Grandpa said, ―Did you
ever think for once, Curious George, that you are doing it to
yourself?‖ Then he winked. I asked Grandpa, ―Would it be
improper to ask you your name?‖ He replied, ―Not at all. My name
is Bulvye.‖

Then Soke Bulvye announced, ―Before we get started with testing, I

would like to do a special award presentation.‖ Soke Bulvye
addressed Ig, ―Please stand in front of the council table.‖ Then he
said proudly, ―Because of your constant study and 35 years in the
martial arts and because of your diligence and honor, not to mention
having all of the knowledge that is required for such a title, and on
behalf of all the Draconis family, you are now being made Soke.‖
The atmosphere was very quiet. No one knew how to act or what to
do. Then he said, ―On this day of receiving your Sokeship, you are
also promoted to eighth degree Black Belt.‖

Soke Bulvye and Soke Draconis bowed to the now Soke Ig, who
both came around the table and gave him a big hug. While patting
him on the back they gave him the traditional handshake and
congratulated him. They also confirmed that it was well deserved.
They handed him both his diplomas and official letter. It was a great
moment for all of us who were there because we were able to
experience a great moment of history in the Draconis family.

After the presentation, Soke Bulvye sat at the table and said, ―We
shall start this day of testing with brown belts. Those testing for
their third brown belt, come to the front.‖ Matt, David, Larry,

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Michael, and about eight others went through the two-hour test that
was their physical examination. They were not told whether they
passed or not. Then they were each handed a blank composition
book that had about fifty pages in each, which allowed them to
perform the written examination. When they were finished, they
gave the notebooks to Soke Ig and took a seat.

Next, he tested the second kyu brown belts. There were about 25
people testing for that. After two hours, their physical test was
finished and then they sat and completed the written examination.
Soke Bulvye called for first kyu brown belts. There were about 40
students and Brian was one of them. After two hours, they received
instruction to step off the mat and get their written examination.
Then Soke Bulvye called for green belts, who went through about an
hour and a half of testing, and then received their written
examination to complete.

About 50 others and I were testing for the blue belt. After about half
an hour, they told us to get off the mat as they handed us our written
examinations. The three Sokes left the table and went into Soke
Draconis‘ office. They spent about an hour and a half in there then
they came out and said, ―Time is up, give us your examinations.‖
They made everyone line up in the room against each wall and said,
―When we call your name step forward two steps.‖ They called
everyone‘s name that tested except for about 20 people. They said
that the students whose names were not called to step forward did
not pass. I was floored. I passed my blue belt but Brian flunked his
brown belt test. I was not happy that he flunked - I was shocked out
of my mind.

The Sokes went back into the office for an hour to grade the final
examinations. They came back out and said that everyone who was
called forward earlier should step forward again to form a line at the

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table to receive his or her next ranking belt. There were about 85
people ahead of me in line at the table, and even though it was not as
big of a deal as a brown or green belt, it was a big deal to me
because I was still changing belt colors. When I put that blue belt
around my waist, I felt that I had just been promoted to President of
the United States. I was very proud. Afterwards, Soke Draconis
said he was taking us all out to eat, courtesy of the school, and we
were going to Ryan‘s Steak House. We were starving after such a
long day. As we went out to eat, a very interesting thing happened.

Once we got into Ryan‘s Steak House, the Sokes sat together with
the first kyu brown belts. This is a great honor. Then the remaining
brown belts all sat as one while the green belts and blue belts all sat
together. We were all eating and having fun when I sat down by
Brian and asked him what happened? He answered sadly, ―I don‘t
know, it just seemed like I lost my edge. I guess I did not train as
hard as I should have.‖ I suggested to Brian that if he would like to
practice more, we could schedule a time together so he could throw
me around. He thought that was a great idea.

We all gorged ourselves, enjoying the day of fulfillment. After a

couple of hours, everybody began to disperse. The Sokes called for
me to come to the table. We talked and I was able to get to know
Soke Bulvye more. He had a wonderful personality and was full of
life and vigor. His eyes were clear and bright. The man was no
different from Soke Draconis or Soke Ig. He was large and in
charge and in the moment. He told me some stories of when he was
a child and how he loved the United States, but he loved Sweden
more. He believed it was more natural, not as crowded, and that life
went at a little slower pace there. I said, ―Soke Bulvye, it sounds
like a place I would like to visit one day.‖ He leaned in and said, ―I
have a feeling you will because, don‘t forget, you still have to go
through it.‖ By now, I cannot even express to you how it made me

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feel to hear those words.

At this point, Maximus asked, ―They really were wearing you out
with this ―through it‖ stuff, weren‘t they?‖ I laughed, ―Maximus, I
didn‘t know where I was going at that point. I didn‘t know if it was
real or unreal.‖ Maximus agreed, ―Yes, I see your point. It would
be disturbing, please go on.‖

After everyone left Ryan‘s Steak House, the Sokes dropped me off
in my neighborhood and I started to make my way home. I knew
they were all going to talk, reminisce, and have a good time. I even
heard Soke Bulvye make a comment about making mead. As I was
walking home, I could not help but think about the interesting turn
that my life had taken and how, for the first time in my life, I really
felt like I had a future. I had to start school on Monday and I was
thoroughly excited. I was a big shot now, I was working in the
world of high finance, I was a blue belt and I had cash in the bank. I
had a future, a high school diploma on the way, and I had paid my
mom‘s house mortgage off for her. I made tons of new friends and I
was learning how to run a dojo and how to be creative.

As I was sitting there going over my accomplishments, my

confidence was sharply increasing, and I thought there was nothing I
could not do. What an odd twist of fate it was on that day when I
encountered Brian getting into that fight with a bully. Because I
took action and had the fortitude to see it through, Soke Draconis
was now a huge part of all of these wonderful things that had
happened to me. After a while, my thoughts turned towards my
friend Brian and I could not help but think how disappointed he must
be feeling. How happy I was on this night and how very sad he must
be. Well, we all walk our own roads.

As I got closer to home, I realized I had to get ready for school on

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Monday. This was not going to be any ordinary school year. I
graduated in May and I only had to go to school until noon. It would
not be a bad gig at all to get out of school and work at the dojo
starting at one o‘clock while signing people up and studying for my
green belt.

The New School Year

I showed up at school Monday morning and walked around to see

some of my old favorite teachers and find out how their summer
was. Many of the teachers were very excited to hear about my
martial arts adventure. Most of them made the comment that I
seemed more relaxed, calm, and in control of myself. I could not
help but reflect back on some of my greatest teachers of whom I had
held a similar opinion. It felt good, really good. I walked around
that school, as if I owned it. I had pep in my step and a glide in my
stride. There was nothing going to slow me down that year.

Now as luck would have it – or perhaps, God just needs to amuse

him or herself from time to time – they put my locker right beside
the locker of a six foot one, two hundred and thirty pound high
school champion wrestler. As I approached my locker, I saw him
standing there right next to it talking to his wrestling buddies. I
thought to myself, ―I will put you in a choke hold and have you
screaming so fast.‖ Then I thought to myself, ―Calm your
testosterone down, Brady, and let‘s get the ego in check.‖

I went down the hallway and there were five of them standing by
Chuck‘s locker, and one of them was standing right in front of my
locker leaning on it. I said, ―Please excuse me.‖ He was not trying
to be nice, ―What did you say?‖ ―I said, please excuse me, I have to
get into my locker.‖ Chuck said, ―So your locker is by my locker.‖

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I simply replied, ―It would appear as if fate has decided to bring our
two souls together, doesn‘t it?‖ He was looking for a fight, ―Are you
getting smart with me?‖ I answered him slyly, ―Chuck, I saw your
IQ scores, so how would you know if I was or wasn‘t?‖ Chuck then
said, ―Are you insulting me?‖ I smirked, ―See, Chuck, that‘s my
point exactly.‖

One of the wrestlers who I had seen before blew my cover, ―I think
this guy takes martial arts down on Belmont Street.‖ Then Chuck
asked, ―Is that right? Are you a kung fu man?‖ I said proudly, ―No,
I study jujitsu.‖ He asked, ―What is jujitsu?‖ I explained, ―Well you
know how you do wrestling? We do all of that plus a ton of other
stuff you don‘t do.‖ ―Are you saying jujitsu is better than
wrestling?‖ He asked while growing even more defensive. I told
him, ―Not better, just more equipped.‖ Chuck then asked in a very
loud voice, ―What does that mean?‖ I said, ―It means you only pin
people to win. Isn‘t that right, Chuck?‖ He said, ―Correct.‖ I
continued, ―We make them submit, or we choke them out or break a
bone or something like that.‖

Chuck now reached for his loud and authoritative voice, ―You think
you can choke me out.‖ I chuckled, ―Chucky, Chucky, Chucky.
You are allowing your emotions to run away without the benefit of
your intellect, but then that would be easy enough with an IQ as low
as yours.‖ Chuck was completely fed up, ―That‘s it!‖ Then he
rammed his head into my locker door. I remarked, ―Charles, your
lack of IQ is beginning to show.‖

About that time, three of his wrestler buddies grabbed me. It could
not have been better luck as, at that exact moment, the wrestling
coach and the principal were coming down the hall towards us.
When they came upon us, they asked how things were going. I
answered, ―Just fine Principle Davis.‖ ―I was just explaining to my

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friends from the IQ-less squad that when I got to my locker it was
smashed and I really like this locker.‖ Principal Davis said, ―I will
have this fixed up for you first thing tomorrow.‖ I was pleased,
―Thank you, that is very nice of you.‖

Then the wrestling coach, Mr. Phillips said, ―You look like a big
strong boy. How come you never went out for wrestling?‖ I
explained that I had I boxed for several years while they were doing
wrestling and now I was doing martial arts and I preferred to stay in
that. ―Martial arts are a bunch of crap,‖ he said. ―You should come
over and wrestle with us guys and we‘ll show you how it is really
done.‖ I replied, ―Maybe I will just take you up on that offer one
day.‖ I could feel him bearing down on me. Also, you did not have
to be an Einstein to detect the challenge behind that invitation. I
commented, ―Well, now, it seems like we are all one big happy
family.‖ Then Chuck said, ―Yes, I think I hear your momma calling
for you.‖ I do not mind telling you that as I walked away, I was
trying to swallow my heart again. I thought to myself, ―I am glad
this is going to be a short school year for me.‖

The last class of the day before I left on my new schedule was study
hall. I was not getting any PE that year, so I went to Principal Davis
and asked him if I could trade my 45-minute study hall for 45
minutes of weight training. He said as long as my grades stayed up
where they were, he would allow it. I shook hands with Principal
Davis, looked him right in the eye, and offered, ―Just let me know if
there is anything I can do for you.‖ He smiled, ―All right, I‘ll do
that.‖ There was only one flaw in my plan. I really did want to lift
weights, it was very important to me since I love weight lifting.
However, that was the same time that the wrestling team worked out
with weights.

At the end of the day, I stopped by the study hall room to let the

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teacher know I was excused from that class and let her know where I
would be. Mrs. Williams said, ―That would be fine. Be careful not
to hurt yourself down there.‖ I thought to myself, ―It is not me
hurting myself that I am worried about.‖

I went down to the weight room and started lifting weights. For my
age, I was enormously strong. I was actually able to bench press 315
pounds for 15 reps without stopping and that is slightly unheard of. I
was standing in the background watching the wrestlers work out and
sizing up all their strengths when I noticed that Chuck was
struggling to get 315 pounds up for one rep. I thought, ―The strength
advantage goes to me.‖ There were not many guys in school heavy
or big enough to challenge Chuck, but I happened to be one of them.
I was at the correct weight to be a heavyweight wrestler. Mr.
Phillips came walking up to me and said, ―Look who it is. What are
you doing here?‖ I said, ―I just came here to lift weights and I really
don‘t want any trouble. I promise to keep my mouth shut and just
lift weights.‖ He said, ―Well, be sure you do that. I don‘t want you
disturbing real athletes.‖

After they left the bench press, which was my favorite piece of
equipment, I made my way over to it. I did 10 reps with 315 pounds
and without cheating like when you bounce the bar off your chest to
build up momentum. Before I could put the weight back on the rack,
Mr. Phillips, who was standing there, said, ―Son, I can‘t believe what
I just saw you do. You mean to tell me you are that strong and you
are not wrestling?‖ I said, ―No, really it is not my thing.‖ Chuck
commented, ―He might be strong, but I could take him on the mat.‖
I chided him, ―You couldn‘t find a mat if you had a teacher to direct
you there.‖ Mr. Phillips said, ―With a mouth like that, I am going to
tell you what your two options are today. Either you get your butt
on the mat with Chuck now, or I am going to leave this room and
boys will be boys.‖ The last option did not hold much appeal for

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me. I quickly decided for the mat option. Mr. Phillips said it was a

We went to the mat area and this guy, Chuck, honestly did not
intimidate me. We got inside the circle and Mr. Phillips said the
word, ―Go!‖ Chuck flew into me and drove me into the ground.
Now, in wrestling, being on your back is not a good place, but in
jujitsu, it is okay with me. I could hear his buddies and Mr. Phillips
encouraging him to kick my butt, but then Chuck made his biggest
mistake and did the worst thing he could do. He fell victim to what
is referred to in the martial arts as a single arm rotary choke. Chuck
began to turn blue, purple, and red in the face. This is a terrible hold
to have placed on you. I was on my back looking up at the ceiling,
Chuck was on top of me, and at this point, we were belly to belly. I
slipped underneath his right arm and using my right arm, I placed it
over his throat and the back of his neck. Using my head, I touched
his head with mine and, leaning to the right, I brought my left arm
around the top of his head to grab my right arm. His arm was
straight out pointing to the ground.

Chuck began to gasp for breath and Mr. Phillips said, ―Let go,‖ so I
let go. When I got up, Chuck got off me, and he was rubbing his
neck and trying to catch his breath a little bit. I said, ―See, Chuck,
we don‘t pin, we submit. That is what I was trying to tell you
earlier.‖ I held my hand out to shake his hand, and he said, ―No
way, punk!‖ He slapped my hand away. ―Let‘s do it again. That
was just luck.‖ ―Chuck,‖ I said, ―Luck is finding a twenty dollar bill
when you are walking down the street.‖ Mr. Phillips then said,
―Yeah. That was luck.‖ I muttered under my breath, ―Let it go,
Brady, they‘re idiots.‖

Then Principal Davis came in and asked, ―How are things going
boys?‖ We all replied that everything was fine. Mr. Phillips said,

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―The two boys were just grappling.‖ Principal Davis asked who
won. I told him I won with an arm choke. Principal Davis asked,
―Are you going to wrestle again?‖ I told him ―yes‖ so Principal
Davis stood alongside Mr. Phillips and watched. Mr. Phillips said,
―Ready. Go!‖ Chuck was a little more leery this time. He circled
around me a few times and I circled around him. Then Chuck shot
in trying to get a single leg takedown. I moved out of the way and
took his back, which means I was then literally on his back, head-to-
head, stomach to back. I put him in what is known as a figure four
choke. This is where the left arm goes around his throat and then
cuts into the elbow of the right arm, the right arm goes behind the
back of the head, and you squeeze inward. Chuck went back to
turning blue, purple, and red, and gasping for breath. I had wrapped
my legs around his waist and he was going nowhere. He had no
other options. At that point, consciousness was fading fast. He
tapped again. Principal Davis then asked, ―Brady, why are you not
wrestling?‖ I shared with him, ―Principal Davis, to be honest with
you, this is not a fair fight. I am winning because I know how to
submit, and in Chuck‘s defense, he does not have that knowledge. It
really is two different worlds.‖ I held my hand out to Chuck again
and suggested, ―Friends?‖ He just knocked my hand away again.

I headed back down to my locker, which to my shock was already

fixed. While I was standing there looking at one of my books, Mr.
Phillips came up behind me and told me he had half a mind to go
down to my school and kick my instructor‘s butt. He said he would
kick mine, but I was too young for him to touch. To which I replied,
―Life does have its little challenges doesn‘t it?‖ He said, ―I might
just kick your instructor‘s butt right in front of you.‖ I had to laugh,
―That would be an interesting feat Mr. Phillips.‖ ―What do you
mean by that?‖ He asked. I told him, ―Well, what I mean is simply
this; if you fight my instructor, it is going to look like the match
between me and Chuck, and you are Chuck.‖ He grumbled, ―Hmm.

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We‘ll see.‖

I left school and went to work. Soke Draconis asked how school had
gone. I said, ―Soke, if I may say so, my life is becoming more
interesting everyday.‖ He responded, ―Well, let‘s hope it continues
that way.

As I was sitting at my desk, looking over some appointments, Brian

knocked on my door, came in, and sat down with me. He asked,
―How is school?‖ I shared with him, ―Very interesting. I made
some new friends, although I do have a problem. I do not want to
disappoint Soke Draconis. At the same time, I don‘t want to just
stand there and get beat up and I don‘t want to be picked on for the
rest of the school year.‖ Brian asked, ―Who is the problem?‖ I told
him, ―Do you know Coach Phillips and the wrestling team.‖ He
said, ―Yes.‖ ―Do you know a heavyweight by the name of Chuck?‖
Brian paused for a minute, looked around the office as though
chasing an idea then I saw him stop and focus in on it. He blurted
out half jokingly, ―Chuck the Duck?‖ I answered, ―Chuck the
Duck?‖ ―That‘s what we used to call him,‖ Brian said. I was
surprised, ―Is that who you guys were talking about all those years?‖
Brian clarified his comment, ―Just watch him walk down the hallway
one day. He is very pigeon-toed and he walks like a duck. Let me
tell you, he is very sensitive about it, too.‖ I commented, ―Believe
me when I tell you, Brian, making him more sensitive is not
something I need to be doing right now. He‘s very disturbed with
me.‖ Brian asked, ―So what are you going to do?‖ I clued him in on
my thoughts, ―I honestly feel that it is going to come down to a fight.
I will do everything I can to avoid it. I guess that means I‘m going
to have to stop insulting him.‖ Brian offered, ―Just try to be his
friend.‖ I supposed, ―Why do I feel this is one time the mission is
going to be easier said than done?‖ Brian responded, ―Yes, he can
be a bully, and he‘s not very intelligent, academically.

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At this point, Maximus commented, ―You were really in for it,
weren‘t you?‖

I felt there was no way out of this. When Brian asked if I could go
to lunch, I said, ―Let me ask Soke Draconis if I can slip out.‖ When
I went into the office, Soke Draconis, Soke Ig, and Soke Bulvye
were sitting there. They were all drinking water with lemon, eating
rice and broccoli, fish, and cut pineapple. I asked Soke Draconis,
―May I go to lunch please? He answered, ―By all means. You are
probably hungry after being in school all morning.‖

Soke Bulvye looked me square in the eye and said, ―There seems to
be something weighing on your mind, Brady. What is it?‖ I gave
him a quick version of the story and I noticed that Soke Draconis
had a weird look on his face. I cut the conversation short, ―All right.
I am going to go to lunch now.‖

As we were walking down the street, I told Brian that a very strange
look spread across Soke‘s face when I mentioned Coach Phillips
name. Brian said, ―I don‘t know why. I don‘t know of anything
between them. Of course, that doesn‘t mean anything.‖ We went
over to Smitty‘s for lunch because Smitty had installed a new deli
area with tables and chairs where people could sit and talk. It was
becoming very popular and had good food, comfortable atmosphere,
and was reasonably priced. Everybody trusted eating the food being
served when they went to Smitty‘s Deli.

Brian and I sat and had chicken salad sandwiches with chips, along
with those large green dill pickles and iced tea. Brian then asked me
if I wanted to work out that night after class and I said I did, so we
agreed to meet later.

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After lunch, we went our separate ways, and I made my way back to
the school. Two guys were getting out of a car when I walked up. I
went on into the school, sat at the front desk, and then they came in.
I asked politely, ―May I help you?‖ They told me, ―Yes, we would
like to see about taking martial arts.‖ I invited them into my office.
They said that they had been taking Tae Kwon Do, so I asked, ―Are
you still going to continue taking that?‖ They said "no" that it was
not really their style, and they were looking for something else. I
explained to them about our style of martial arts and that we do as
much stand-up fighting as we do ground fighting. The person who
trains in both ways has a higher chance of winning a fight, but our
main goal is to learn to fight so that we do not have to fight. One of
the guys, whose name was Donny, said, ―Isn‘t that a weird concept?‖
I shared, ―If you think about it, it is no weirder than learning to fall
down so that you can begin to walk. When you master the fear of
falling down, walking doesn‘t seem to be much of a challenge
anymore.‖ The other guy, named Jeff, looked over at Donny and
said that made a lot of sense to him. Donny and Jeff both said they
would like to sign up, so I signed them up as new members, gave
each of them a gi and their copies of the agreement. We shook
hands and I scheduled them for their first class.

Soke Ig and Soke Bulvye were going to drive around and check
things out. I guessed they were going to do some sightseeing. Soke
Draconis said, ―Brady, I would like to see you in my office for a
moment.‖ I handed him the two new memberships along with their
enrollment fees. He congratulated me and said that was an
exceptional job. Soke Draconis made it a rule that he always
complimented you for anything you did, no matter how trivial. He
then asked me if Coach Phillips was a major problem. I stated, ―I‘m
not sure yet.‖ Soke Draconis nodded his head in a way that I was
not accustomed to and with a stern look on his face, he told me,
―You let me know.‖ As I got up and left the office, I thought to

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myself, ―That was a very chilling experience.‖

Matt, David, Larry, and Michael came in for an afternoon workout.

Matt and David were helping Larry and Michael to practice for their
next level of brown belt. Then Larry and Michael would be ―uki‖
which is a word in martial arts that basically means the assistant. In
this particular case, the assistant is the one that gets thrown around
by the higher ranks so that they can practice their throws, but it is a
unique opportunity for the assistants because they get to see material
they normally would not see that soon.

We ended up hiring an attractive young woman who was about 20

years old to help with the administrative tasks. She came on the job
and took the front desk over. We also taught her how to write
memberships. That way, people would not have to wait around
when Soke and I were in class and they could get their information
right away. Our telephone seemed to ring a lot so we needed
someone to take care of that as well. Her name was Nancy and she
was beautiful. She had long blond hair, big blue eyes, and the body
of a professional gymnast. She really believed in staying in shape. I
am not implying anything, and maybe it was just the ―Curious
George‖ in me again, but it seemed that whenever she and Soke
Draconis looked at each other, there was a twinkle in both their eyes.
I thought to myself, ―Could this be the future Mrs. Draconis? Oh,
the possibilities were endless! The big guy needs someone like

I snapped back into reality real quick when Brian politely smacked
me on the back of my head and said, ―Pay attention.‖ ―Class has not
even started yet,‖ I replied. It seems Brian knew me very well, ―It is
getting ready to begin and I know what you are up to.‖ ―All right,‖ I
agreed and looked straight ahead.

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Brian mentioned, ―By the way, I heard they were going to put you
through it.‖ I asked, ―Where did you hear that? Do you know what
it means?‖ Brian replied, ―Maybe I do, and maybe I don‘t. You will
just have to wait and see, won‘t you?‖ I pointed out, ―Do you
remember that free lunch you got today? Well don‘t worry about it
because it won‘t happen again.‖ He remarked, ―You know you are
very temperamental. It must be all that sugar you eat.‖ I told him,
―You must want to be choked out.‖ Brian looked at me and said,
―Every dog has its day. My spot in the sun will come.‖ To which I
stated, ―Only if you have a reservation on the beach in the Bahamas

Class started and it was a rough class. Soke Draconis seemed to be

in rare form. I would occasionally glance over at Nancy and find her
focused only on Soke. Afterwards, I stayed for the second class and
worked out. Brian and I worked out together later on and we had
fun. Just as we finished practicing, it was time for Nancy to get off
work and Soke Draconis said he was going to drive her home. I took
my elbow and nudged Brian in the side. Soke stepped up to me and
asked, ―Is there something you want to say, Brady?‖ I shrugged
apologetically, ―No, sir, I am fine.‖ When Soke left, Brian and I
ordered some pizza and coke from Big Daddy‘s Pizza. They
delivered it and we sat there and ate. Afterwards, I locked up the
dojo and we went home.

Later at School

There was still a great deal of tension in the air. I was beginning to
feel people were looking at me differently when I walked down the
hallway. A friend of mine named Dwayne came up to me and said
that Chuck was advertising all around the school that he was going
to pound me down to the ground. Now I understood, ―Is that what is

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going around?‖ I walked down different hallways trying to take
various routes so that I would not have to encounter him.

Eventually, however, it was time for my last class of the day, which
was weight lifting. By that time, I was seriously thinking of going
back to the study hall, but this was really the only place I could lift
weights and I was not going to be run off. I went in and used the
weights, but it seemed as though I was getting more hassle from
Coach Phillips than I was from the players. Coach Phillips and
Chuck both tossed a few snide remarks in my direction, but I just
ignored it and went about my business.

A couple of months rolled on and the school was doing wonderfully

well. Soke Draconis and Nancy did get together. By this time, I was
getting ready for my green belt and the tension at school was getting
thicker. I was a week away from green belt testing when Coach
Phillips overheard me telling Dwayne that I was getting ready to
take my green belt test in martial arts. Coach Phillips said that
martial arts are for wimps and anybody who took it or taught it was a
sissy. Coach Phillips smacked me upside my head and then told
Principal Davis that I had swung at him first. Principal Davis asked
me if this was true. I stated flatly, ―No, Sir, that is a lie,‖ and I
proceeded to tell him my side of the story. Because of the incident,
they expelled Coach Phillips for two weeks pending the outcome of
an investigation into the matter. I guess you could say that I was the
focus of his frustration at that point in time.

On my way home from school that day, which was about a two-mile
walk for me, I was passing by Grey Park when three cars pulled up
in front of me. It was Coach Phillips and some of the other
wrestlers. I could tell this was going to be bad. Coach Phillips
informed me, ―We are going to finish what we started.‖ To which I
replied, ―It looks as though you are already finished.‖ Chuck and the

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other guys attacked and grabbed me. I was sliced and diced meat
and I knew it. Coach Phillips began to hit me. When he hit me in
my stomach a second time, I began to feel faint, like I was going to
throw up.

Just then, I heard another vehicle pull up behind us and I saw Coach
Phillips step back. Then I heard Soke Draconis tell Coach Phillips,
―I guess you didn‘t learn your lesson the first time.‖ The truth was
that Coach Phillips had a grudge against Soke Draconis. Many years
back, he and Soke Draconis got into a fight over a girl, instigated, no
doubt, by Coach Phillips.

Soke Draconis told the Coach, ―Let‘s see how well you do with
someone a little bigger and a little older.‖ Soke Ig just looked at the
other wrestlers and they stepped back and released me. Soke Ig said,
―Go sit in the truck. There‘s a towel under the seat.‖ As I sat in the
truck in the shade, I saw Coach Phillips go flying into Soke
Draconis, and then the Coach got a face full of knee. When his head
came up from being hit with the knee, I saw Soke Draconis deliver a
vicious elbow to the face. He then picked him up by his left arm,
placed his wrist in a wristlock, and threw him into a car that was
parked there. I heard Soke say, ―I can finish it right now, or it is
finished between you and me and you leave Brady out of it.‖ Coach
Phillips said, ―It is done, completely.‖

Soke Draconis said he was going to the school to tell Principal Davis
about what happened today. When Soke Draconis and Soke Ig
turned to leave, all the wrestlers moved out of the way. Soke
Draconis drove to the school. He took me into the Principal‘s office
and told the story. Mr. Davis was appalled. He stated that Coach
Phillips would be fired immediately after an investigation. The
investigation was held and Coach Phillips was terminated.

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The next couple of weeks, things were really quiet between me and
the other wrestlers. I went on to get my green belt and Brian
received his brown belt. I was only a couple of months away from
graduation. Soke Draconis never said anything about that day with
Coach Phillips. Soke Ig and Soke Bulvye had gone back to Sweden
a couple of months earlier. Things seemed to be moving forward
between Soke Draconis and Nancy. I thought they made a fine
couple. She was very nice.

I guess that after having such a rowdy time in my life, I found

myself jarred by the experience and looking for some rest and
relaxation. Maybe since my consciousness had expanded, I was
more aware of things going on around me. When I took my labels
and judgments away from things and just opened myself up to the
concept of what is, I began to hear many things. I thought about all
the fights and arguments I had witnessed recently and began to
recognize, once again, how everyone who was fighting and arguing
was right from their position. Underneath all this arguing and
battling for position, however, were energy-beings that were afraid.
They had many fears and these fears were manifesting themselves to
the outside world as the need to control. I then thought that if we
feel that we control something then we think we own it and we are
safe, but this is a great illusion, as it is merely ourselves we are
attempting to control.

As I sat on my porch, time began to pass and a friend of mine named

Pete came by. I could tell he was upset. We waved at each other
and he asked if I would like some company. I told him to come up
on the porch. I asked him what was wrong and if he wanted to talk
about it. He said, ―Yes, I would, because I am completely
frustrated.‖ I inquired, ―What is the problem?‖ Pete answered, ―My
girlfriend wants me home at a certain time, but I do not always feel
like being home at a certain time. It makes me angry when she tries

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to make me punch a clock. And another thing that‘s bothering me is
how she wants to go out with her girlfriends one day a week without
me to party and have a good time.‖ He said he did not like that idea
and thought she should not be allowed to do it. ―Don‘t you agree
with me?‖ I paused for a moment before I replied, ―To a degree, I
do, but I feel you are both right.‖ Pete asked, ―How could both of us
be right? There are only two of us in this disagreement. One has to
be wrong and one has to be right. That is the way it is.‖

I asked earnestly, ―Do you really want to hear my point of view?‖

He replied, ―Yes, I do.‖ I began, ―Okay. Why don‘t you want to
punch a clock for your girlfriend?‖ He expressed, ―It‘s because I
feel she is in control and she is taking away my right to be me.‖ I
asked him, ―Do you feel it is not right for your girlfriend to go out
once a week and have a good time with her girlfriends?‖ Pete
answered, ―How do I know what she will be doing? What if she
cheats on me?‖ I made this observation, ―Pete, the real fear just
showed its ugly head, didn‘t it? You think by controlling where she
goes, she will never have the opportunity to cheat on you. She
thinks that you, by not being home at a certain time, may not want to
be spending time with her and imagines you are out cheating on her.
Why don‘t you go home and work out a compromise? If you both
feel like you cannot trust each other, then you do not need to be with
each other. It seems to me that the surest way to get somebody to do
something that you do not want them to do is to tell them they
cannot do it and then try to restrict their movements. That will bring
the very result you don‘t want.‖

Pete sat there for a moment before he responded, ―You know, Brady,
you are right!‖ I suggested, ―Go home, Pete. I am going to bed. Go
work it out with your girlfriend. I am at the end of my words.‖
After Pete left, I walked into the house and lay down on the bed. I
could not help contemplating what might actually happen that night

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between Pete and his girlfriend. I thought it would all work out. I
then reflected that love is the willingness to create the space in which
something can experience its truth.

I got up the next morning to go to the school. I walked through the

neighborhood, enjoying the sunshine on my face and the warmth of
the air. Suddenly, a car started honking behind me, and it pulled up
beside me. It was Pete and Linda. They said they had a long talk
last night, that they worked it out, and that everything was great.
Linda then handed me four big oatmeal cookies that she had baked
fresh and wrapped up in a napkin. She said that was for helping
them and that life was much sweeter for them now. We laughed it
off and they went down the road. I thought to myself that maybe I
should be a psychiatrist as I am doing a pretty good job at this stuff.

As I continued down the street, I had a moment of clarity. It was a

very curious discovery. I found myself wondering why everything
has some type of form to it. Everything does. Then I pondered what
Soke Draconis had said about consciousness, about the forms and
structures. I thought, ―It really is all consciousness and beliefs and
they all do have structures and forms. We are so used to it that we
just accept it and don‘t think to challenge conventional wisdom, but
we truly are all inside of one giant belief system of forms and
structures, which is only a true testament to the power of

After I got out of school, I went to the martial arts school. Soke
Draconis was there and told me that he was going to have a cookout
this weekend and wanted to know if I wanted to earn some money. I
said, ―Absolutely.‖ He said that he would pay me $100 if I would
work the barbeque with him on Saturday from 11 o‘clock in the
morning until four o‘clock in the afternoon. He handed me $50,
explaining that was half of my pay in advance and let me know I

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would get the other half on Saturday at 4:00 PM. It sounded good to

He then handed me a huge list, told me to go shopping down at the

corner market and to bring the food back to the school. He gave me
the money to buy what was on the list and I was on my way. As I
was walking down to the market and crossing the street, a car flew
down the road at about 75 miles an hour, just barely missing me,
only because I was able to jump out of the way. I was very alert
whenever I was in our neighborhood, and as I got to the other side of
the street, I saw a police officer take off, chasing him down the road.
I thought to myself, ―There has to be a better way to chase a
speeding criminal, because with the police chasing them, not only
are they at risk of crashing, but they are at risk of crashing into
someone else themselves.‖

I met a friend of mine named Joe in front of the store. I had not seen
Joe in about two weeks and I asked him what he had been doing. He
did not say a whole lot except that he had been keeping himself low-
key because he had two guys looking for him. I wanted to know
more, ―Why are these guys after you, Joe?‖ Joe came clean,
―Because I owe them some money.‖ I inquired, ―Joe, if you didn‘t
have any way to pay them back, why would you borrow the money
in the first place?‖ Joe replied, ―Because I really needed the money
at the time.‖ I asked, ―But you didn‘t think about what would
happen when you couldn‘t pay them back?‖ He replied, ―Right.‖

Before I knew it, I had made him an offer to come into the store with
me and help me get all of the food I needed to purchase in exchange
for $5. ―Then, if you help me carry the stuff we buy from the store,
back to the school, my martial arts teacher might have something
you can do to earn $20. You could pay your debt off and assume a
little responsibility for yourself,‖ I offered. Joe agreed.

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As we were walking into the store, Joe asked me what type of
martial arts I was taking. I told him Kempo-Jujitsu. He asked,
―What type of martial art is that?‖ I explained briefly, ―I will give
you a fast generic description. It is a combination of the standup
punching and kicking science blended with ground grappling,
submission techniques, and chokes.‖ Joe asked, ―Is it any good?‖ I
said, ―I have had a few matches inside the school, but I have not had
an opportunity to use what I have learned outside of the school. I
hope I never have to.‖ Joe looked a little confused, ―Then why do
you take martial arts?‖ I shared with him, ―For the exercise and it is
fun to do. Also, if I ever do get into a situation, I will have the
confidence to know how to handle myself, but if I learn right, I
should never have to fight.‖ Joe then asked, ―So let me get this
straight. You are learning to fight so that you don‘t have to fight?‖ I
answered him, ―Basically, that is right.‖ To which Joe replied, ―It
seems like a contrary concept. If I was taking martial arts, and I
learned how to fight, I would want to be kicking butt.‖ I had to
laugh, ―Not if you were taught correctly you wouldn‘t.‖

We walked into the store and we both got quarts of chocolate milk
and popped them open as we walked. Next, we headed over to the
butcher and we got the hot dogs and hamburgers. Then we grabbed
the potato chips, dip, hot dog buns, hamburger buns, all the
condiments, a bunch of coca cola, and checked out. We walked out
to the parking lot, and as we crossed the street, there was an old red
liquor store that looked like a barn, but much smaller. The two guys
that Joe owed his money to appeared out of nowhere. They had a
third guy with them. They told Joe they wanted their money, or they
were going to kick his butt.

I was thinking to myself that I was in a position now to where either

Joe‘s problem had become my problem, or I could just walk away

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and let Joe handle his own problem. He was the one who got the
benefit of the $20, but did not have the foresight or the responsibility
to pay it back. I thought to myself, ―If I desert my friend, I know I
am going to feel bad, but it really and truly is not my problem. My
decision was made for me just then when one of the kids decided,
―Maybe we will just kick your butt too, since you are his friend.‖ I
responded calmly, ―I really don‘t want to fight. I‘d prefer a more
peaceful solution to this.‖

Of course that was the wrong thing to say to a young and aggressive
kid because now they thought I was a coward and they wanted to
bully me. We had a shopping cart from the store, and one of them
took a package of potato chips out of a bag, opened it, and began
eating them. I thought to myself, ―This has gone way too far. Not
only are they trying to bully me, but they are also eating the potato
chips I had paid for. They are not even my chips.‖ I told the guy the
bag of chips was worth about one dollar, and now Joe only owed
them $19. There was one guy whose name was Smiley. I knew of
him a little bit from around the neighborhood. Smiley replied, ―I
don‘t think you understand. We are going to take some of your pop
and your potato chips, and maybe even some of that meat you have
there, and I still want my $20.‖

I asked myself, ―What would Soke do in this situation?‖ I knew

what he would do. He would give them the chips, the pop, and the
meat, and then probably say we were even. I decided to give that a
try. You guessed it. It did not work. He wanted the food and the
$20. They were starting to get extremely persistent now and the
whole thing was starting to escalate. I made one final request, ―Put
the chips back in the bag.‖ One of the guys asked, ―And if I don‘t?‖
I clearly stated my intentions, ―Then I will make you put the chips
back in the bag.‖ I could feel the air around us as it started to get
heavier and I had butterflies flittering around in my stomach. My

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body was starting to tingle all over. I have to admit that my
testosterone was working on overdrive now, so I got closer to the
guy who was holding the chips, and said, ―Please, put the chips back
in the bag.‖ He said, ―Make me.‖

I did as he asked. Before I could think what I was going to do, I

reacted, grabbed his wrist, and I placed it into a wristlock that I had
learned at the school. When he went down on the ground, I went
with him. I punched him twice and then I stood up. Joe went into
the other guy and I went into Smiley. It looked liked tomcats
buzzing around that parking lot. I mean, we were tripping over
speed bumps and falling over half torn fences. I began to notice
during my scrap with Smiley that he was not much of a fighter, or
maybe all the things I had been learning were giving me an edge. I
was on top of Smiley, I punched him once, and he said, ―I give up. I

When I got up off Smiley, I looked over and noticed that Joe‘s guy
was on top of him, so I went over and grabbed the guy and placed
him in an arm lock. The other two guys just sat there. The guy that
I now had placed into an arm lock let out this horrific scream, and I
have to admit, it frightened the crap out of me. I was really worried
and he immediately yelled, ―I think you broke my arm!‖ I thought,
―Oh, man, I am really scared now.‖ I remember leaving the potato
chips with them and telling them that it was their fault, since they
should not be picking fights.

As Joe and I made it down to the school, we were both still excited
with our blood pumping, but I could not shake this uncontrollable
thought that I just beat up two guys and helped my friend with the
third one. I had to admit there was a moment of pride, and then I
thought, "These martial arts were really working.‖

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We walked into the school with the groceries and walked into Soke
Draconis‘ office. He sat back in his chair, and he immediately
asked, ―What happened?‖ I told him the whole story. He wanted to
know, ―Do you feel you did the right thing?‖ I was troubled, ―I
don‘t know what else I could have done, but I can tell you this much
- I kicked butt.‖ Soke Draconis then asked, ―Does that give you a
sense of self worth?‖ I began to realize that this was not going to be
a situation where I was going to get any praise.

Soke looked at Joe and he just sat back in his seat as if the back of
the chair had just absorbed him. Soke Draconis directed his
attention towards Joe, ―Joe, you borrowed money knowing that you
had no way to pay it back, and you haven‘t been trying to pay it
back. If you had fully tried, you would have given it all your effort,
and you could have found a way to pay back $20. Due to your lack
of responsibility, it not only affected you, it affected another person.
In fact, it affected four other people. You have to learn that when
you do not live up to your responsibility you not only affect yourself
but others as well. Let me tell both of you an old Chinese story.

―There once lived an old man who was the poorest man in his entire
village. He worked hard and did what he could, but he just could
never make enough. One Sunday morning, he woke up and decided
he was going to change his life forever. He was going to become
rich, no matter what. So, he put on his clothes and sandals and he
went out to make his fortune. As he was walking through the town
among all the people, he saw a man carrying a large pot of gold, and
he heard the man saying, ―I struck it rich. My problems are over.‖
The old man immediately reacted. He grabbed the pot of gold from
the man and took off running as fast as his old bones would carry
him. He did not get far when two police officers grabbed him. The
old man put down the gold. The rightful owner caught up and took
back his pot of gold.

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―One of the police officers was just bewildered. He said to the old
man, ―I have to ask you a question before I take you to jail. How did
you think you were going to get away with all that gold with all the
townspeople everywhere?‖ The old man replied, ―I am the poorest
man in this village. I did not think; I only reacted. I did not think
about all those people and how I was going to be caught. All I could
think of was that gold.‖

Soke Draconis then looked at Joe and said, ―Do you see how this
story resembles your situation?‖ Joe thought for a moment and then
put his head down looking at the floor. He admitted, ―Yes sir, I do.‖
Soke Draconis said sternly, ―Don‘t look at the floor when answering.
Look at a man‘s eyes.‖ Joe looked straight into the eyes of Soke
Draconis and repeated, ―Yes, Sir, I do.‖

Soke Draconis turned to me now, ―I am a little upset that you had to

fight, but I guess you thought you did what you had to do. What did
you learn from your situation?‖ I thought for a moment before
answering, ―With a little more self-control, I probably wouldn‘t have
reacted to my fear and my ego. I guess I have to also admit that a
part of me wanted to do what I had been learning, and I think I broke
that guy‘s arm.‖ Soke Draconis then said, ―I am not going to go any
further with this because you felt you did what you had to do. You
also had some realizations. The most important thing is that more
responsibility should have been taken.‖ Then he asked Joe if he
would like to earn $20 and Joe responded, ―Yes.‖ ―You can help out
for a few hours at the barbeque. If you help for three hours, I will
give you $20. Be here at eleven o‘clock.‖ Joe agreed. Soke told
both of us that he would see us the following day.

We both left and I had a feeling that Soke was disappointed in me

and that I had to make it right. Maybe I was disappointed in myself

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and I was projecting it onto Soke. Joe said, ―Man! That was
intense. I think talking to him was more intense than the fight we
just had.‖ I had to know, ―Are you going to show up tomorrow at
eleven o‘clock?‖ Joe said he would and we went to Big Daddy‘s
World Famous Pizza Shop. I told Joe that today was my treat and I
bought the pizza and cokes. We ate our pizza and sat there enjoying
the sunshine and talking about the fight we were in. Joe commented,
―You have some really good moves, Brady.‖ I told Joe that I made
all the wrong moves. Joe did not understand the concept of my

We started talking about other things and after we finished the meal,
we took a walk and we played basketball that night down at the park.
I told Joe I would see him the next day at eleven o‘clock. I
remember going home, laying on my bed, and going through the
fight in my mind. There were possibilities that I could have done
some things I had not thought of doing at the time. Many
realizations popped into my mind and I pondered them heavily, but
my body became lighter and lighter and I went to sleep.

Upon waking at nine o‘clock the next morning, I got up, showered,
dressed, and made my way to the school. I was there at 10:45 AM
and, to my great surprise, Joe showed up at about 10:50 AM. I was
very impressed that he even made it, let alone arrived early. I truly
half expected him not to be there at all. We both had a few battle
wounds, mostly scrapes and bruises, on us from the previous day.
Soke Draconis pulled up and said, ―Come in guys. Good morning!‖
We grabbed the grill, put the charcoal on, and started the fire. We
took everything out the back door and started setting up some of the
cups, plates and napkins on the picnic tables. Joe blew up some of
the balloons. His monthly barbeque was a mighty big deal to Soke
and all the students loved it. More people showed up and pitched in
to help. There must have been at least 125 people there that day. I

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sat at the table with Soke Draconis and Joe. Soke Draconis looked at
both of us and said, ―That reactive power can be a serious thing,
can‘t it?‖ We all gave a little laugh and went back to enjoying the

Later towards the evening, Joe said that he was so impressed with
everything that he wanted to know if he could join the school. Soke
Draconis looked at Joe squarely in the eye and asked, ―It is $65 to
join my school. How do you plan to pay for it?‖ Joe said, ―My
father has a friend who owns a small construction company who has
wanted me to work for him. I could have worked for him and earned
the $20 to pay back the money I borrowed. I did not think about
things like that back then, but I do now.‖ Soke Draconis said, ―I will
go ahead and let you join my school for 90 days. If you have learned
enough responsibility within those three months to make your
monthly payments and show up for class, we will talk about a longer
contract. This will give you an opportunity to see if this path has a
purpose for you.‖ Soke Draconis got up from the table and Joe
remarked what a nice guy Soke was as he crunched on a few more
potato chips.

As time moved on, I got my brown belt, and Brian was now one
level away from his Black Belt. We became constant companions.
We worked hard together and studied martial arts at night with Soke
Draconis. One day, a new student made a comment that Brian and I
did not know what we were talking about as far as martial arts were
concerned because we were never in class. This person was a funny
little guy who lived fairly near us. He was always in a happy,
cheerful mood. One thing we learned about this person, named
Liam, was that he was quick with his judgments and always had a
snappy comeback to anything you said.

When I informed him one day that I was a brown belt, his face

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became slightly flushed. He said, ―How can you be a brown belt?
I‘ve never seen you at any classes.‖ I enlightened him, ―First of all,
Liam, I have been around a long time. The reason you don‘t see me
in classes anymore is because Brian and I study with Soke Draconis
personally; every night, Monday through Friday for two hours.‖
Liam said, ―I can see how you would probably need private lessons.‖
I told him, ―There was a time when I would be offended by that
statement, but not now. I realize that you suffer from the same
disease that I did. Your brain hasn‘t caught up with your mouth yet
and it indicates your immaturity and self-esteem problem.‖ Liam
defensively remarked, ―I don‘t have any self-esteem problem. I am
not the one who needs private classes.‖ I was patient, ―You are
being judgmental before you understand the whole situation. Brian
and I need private classes because we are working in the school
during the other classes.‖ Liam walked away, but I heard him mutter
under his breath, ―Likely story.‖ I thought to myself that I might
have to break this one. He was a pistol.

A few days went by. I walked into my office and Liam was sitting
behind my desk in my chair. Liam was 16 years old and he was
every bit as arrogant as I was at that age - maybe even more. I asked
him what he was doing. Liam then shouted in a loud voice, ―Don‘t
worry about it, I am taking this joint over.‖ At that time, Brian came
by and saw me standing by my office. He came walking up to me
and asked, ―What‘s wrong, Brady?‖ I said, ―Liam is sitting in my
chair proclaiming he is going to take over. Brian, correct me if I am
wrong, but isn‘t he only a white belt who has only been a student for
about four or five weeks?‖ Brian said, ―That‘s right, I spoke to his
mom and dad who signed him up.‖

I walked to the front of the desk and stated flatly, ―Liam, get out of
that chair please.‖ Liam said, ―If you want the chair, why don‘t you
move me?‖ I then told Liam, ―Count to five and get out of my chair,

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or I am going to give you a free brown belt lesson.‖ Brian
immediately looked up at the ceiling when I got to five and Liam
had not moved. He just sat there like a coon eating my corn; looking
at me like - what are you going to do about it? I walked around my
desk and said, ―I am in a particularly good mood today, Liam, so I
am going to ask you one more time to please get out of my chair.‖
Liam immediately replied, ―You can count to ten again if you want,
but I‘m still not moving.‖ Brian crossed his arms and began to grin.
I quickly grabbed Liam‘s hand before he even knew what happened
and put him in a wristlock. I had him over the desk and let me tell
you, that boy was screaming.

Soke came running into my office and asked, ―Brady, what are you
doing?‖ I clarified my actions, ―Soke, this white belt let himself into
my office and sat in my chair behind my desk. I asked him politely
to get out of my chair, twice. He said a couple of condescending
things to me, so in reply, I am politely helping him remove himself
from my chair. By the way, Liam, who is still lying on the desk in
pain, seemed to be in some doubt about my martial arts ability, so I
was just giving him a free demonstration.‖ Soke walked up closer to
the desk and asked Liam if these things were true. Liam said, ―Yes,
it‘s true.‖ Soke said, ―Have you learned your lesson?‖ Liam said,
―Yes, I have. I would like to get up now, please.‖ I immediately
released the wristlock. Liam went to the other side of the desk,
holding his wrist and rubbing it.

Liam then looked at Soke and asked, ―May I please be excused, sir?‖
Soke Draconis said, ―Yes, after you give me fifty push-ups.‖ Liam
questioned Soke, ―May I ask what for?‖ Soke said, ―You said you
deserve an explanation. Brady has received payment for what you
did to him in his office. However, I need payment for the blatant
disrespect you showed my school. This type of behavior will never
be accepted again. The next time I will call your mother and father

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and make them aware that if it doesn‘t stop, your membership will
be terminated and you will no longer belong to this family.‖

When Soke speaks to you like that and makes you do push-ups, you
have really screwed up. Liam dropped to the ground and gave Soke
fifty push-ups and then Soke told him he could be excused. After
Liam left, Soke gave a little smile and politely said, ―Well, you have
to give him an "A‖ for tenacity.‖ We all laughed a little bit and went
on about our day.

When I came in the next day, I found Liam sitting in a chair that he
offered to me immediately. He said he would like to talk to me. I
gestured, ―Of course, Liam, come into my office. I believe you
know the way.‖ We both laughed.

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Chapter 9


Over time, my relationship with Soke Draconis grew and grew.

Things got better and the school expanded into full martial arts and
self-help courses of incredible depth. I also began to see the effects
of the concepts in my own life. I was now beginning to acquire and
have things that I never had and was getting respect from my family
and friends. What was even more important, I felt a great respect for
and a deeper understanding of the self I was creating. I became
much more aware of my ability to make an impact on others in a
positive way through my actions alone. I had also developed a far
clearer view of where my life was heading. It was just as Soke
Draconis had said, ―You move others the same way you move
yourself – with understanding, action, and results.‖


The reactive power of the subconscious mind is the reason for the
abstract reality that we live. The patterns of the past are well
ingrained into our subconscious mind. All we see and react to are
only the trained reactions of the past. This is what the Masters

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meant when they proclaimed everything is only an illusion. They
did not mean that life is not real. They meant that everything is only
an interpretation of life. Beliefs change and are always different.
Therefore, reality is always changing. When people stay fixed in
their old beliefs and especially when their beliefs are not producing
regular results, life becomes very mundane at that level of automatic

The subconscious mind affects our control over the future. It does
so by making us work through old belief patterns that have not been
changed or questioned. This is how most religions and government
establishments stay in power. They are never questioned, and if they
are, they make you feel ashamed for having independent thoughts
and get you out-casted so that their ways stay in power. The
subconsciousness kind of operates the same way. If you make a
statement that questions the way of your past, or promotes a new
direction that is different than the roads traveled before, the
subconsciousness will throw up all kinds of objections and reasons
for you not to change your ways. This is bad because the
subconsciousness works as that trusted friend who shoots you down
every time you have a new idea and requires you to step outside of
their safety norm.

The subconscious mind records all information and is non-

judgmental about what it records. So, when new data does not meet
that of the old records, there can be hell to pay when trying to move
forward. However, the mind-spirit does allow this information and
stores it properly because it does have a powerful side to the mind-
spirit. All that information is stored knowledge and wisdom, and it
is all energy that helps the mind-spirit to grow.

One evening, after I had trained with Soke Draconis for about a year,
we had a conversation about the Universe. I asked Maximus if he

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wanted to hear the results of that conversation and he replied, ―Are
you kidding? Please tell me.‖



The universal consciousness has many different names and just as

many descriptions, including a force, an idea, a personification, or
even a deity. Thinking about and asking questions about the
Creotology program naturally brings about a sense of wonder about
consciousness and the desire to know and understand our role in this
Universe that we create and experience.

To Creotology, consciousness is a creation that takes us from the

current effect that we are experiencing, to completion, and on to our
next step. Consciousness was created for this very reason by the
energy-being. Energy-beings are the ability to go forth, to do work,
and manifest our intentional creation. Getting back to this wonderful
Universe that we create as we go, the concept of the universal
consciousness that we have developed in the state of duality fails us,
creating the ―right and wrong‖ game, resulting in the self-
righteousness of the consciousness of energy-beings.

The energy-being has the unique power not only to create

something, but also to consult with ourselves about it and then create
another way out of it. Duality always delivers the fact that this and
that has to equal something else. Pragmatism does not have such a
powerful downside. In fact, some would say that in order for there
to be a self, there would have to be memories. So one can recreate
and dissolve his or her feelings of consciousness, creating a
gravitational pull of power to attract and to maintain the world as
one knows it. This creates portals of the brain, which means that we

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live in our past memories, become stuck there, and resist growth and
change. We continue to experience the old world of the past through
our frozen attention that is with our old memories. It is impossible
to move on with the future when you are stuck in the past.

This brings me to my next point. Our brain has a power recorder

inside of it that records everything with perfect clarity and we use
this information all the time. We refer to this recorder as the
subconsciousness. It does many powerful things for us so that we do
not have to waste our attention and effort on it.

To create subconsciously, all that is needed is for an accepted belief

to take root and you will automatically start creating from that belief
without even being consciously aware of the fact that you are
creating it. For example, you cut yourself, and you heal yourself.
Your heart beats without you thinking about it. You store all
information without commanding it to happen. All by itself, that
makes the subconsciousness a very interesting creation of ours.

What could require such a reactive tool? How does it help us and in
what way? The subconscious is the storehouse of information for
our agreements and our conditions. It keeps the rules of the game as
we currently have them - based on our beliefs. It also allows us to
participate again after we have shut down this level of reality and
have moved on to the next level of activity that the mind-spirit has
prepared for us. Without sounding hokey, it is not one mission, but
as quoted from Star Trek, ―A continuing mission.‖

Look at it this way - once you have chosen to exist, you are
something and therefore, become created from the act of
consciousness, so that you exist in a creational flux of
subconsciousness to consciousness, just as we go back and forth in
this dimension from cause to effect. The concept that the Universe

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is a reactive seed of our created states of consciousness will probably
not sit well with everyone, but it is our view in the Creotology
program. Life is a series of moving from reaction to response, cause
to effect, and indifference to difference.


Imagination proceeds reality. Imagination is the precursor to reality.

We should strive daily to push ourselves to use our imagination to
create better results. Imagination is a game of the mental sphere of
creation, but without the boundaries imposed by the learned
structures (logic) of the brain. For logic to prevail, the basic
assumptions that were used have to be correct. So logic works its‘
magic when something has been created and needs details filled in,
in order to make it have patterns that can predict its outcome. The
mental dimension sends over two billion bits of information per
second, but the brain can only interpret about two million of them in
any particular minute. You can see there is an enormous amount of
information that goes unused. You may wonder to yourself where
this excess information is going. Science is touting very heavily into
parallel and alternate Universes, which is a subject Creotology
explores through science at the Magus Level.

Do not forget the golden rule - all possibilities must exist somewhere
in the Universe and, as science has proven; life will find a way. Life
is a by-product of the creation of potential being extracted from the
infinite possibilities as energy-beings go forth and do work.

Here is a secret for you…

The creative causation of the Universe is not what we create, but the

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fact that we decided to create it. Our participation brings about the
advantage of viewing realities from different positions in the mental
time continuums that are always an effect of the mind-spirit.

Imagination is a response to the necessity of all creations, so never

lose it and always work it. One major principle of Creotology is -
anything you look at is only a reflection of your own knowingness.
It only stands to reason that the more information you have, the
larger your reality is and the more force you create when you go to
get something done. Information creates force, and when applied,
makes any act of creation much easier.

Maximus then asked, ―Could you highlight some of the things you
just said?‖ I offered, ―Why don‘t we do better than that. Let‘s take
out a sheet of paper and write down a ―Universal Creation Chart.‖‖

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Chapter 10


The infinite void is pure energy. That means that it is all

possibilities, but without direction or determinism. The void simply
exists in a perpetual motion of indifference that allows it to expand
into any reality that is determined by consciousness. The statement
of ―I Am‖ is a very determined direction that implies where our
energy goes and what it does.

Energy-beings are the extensions, by way of intrapersonal

experience with its own source, the mind-spirit, that extract the
potential out of all possibilities. ―We‖ are the energy to go forth and
to do work. Consciousness creates frames that work by forming
structures of judgments, conditions, and associations. Then our
brains fill in the missing information to bring the full conscious
picture into the big picture. Remember, the act of creation is to
exist, then create, then experience, then extract, store the
information, and then repeat the act of creating.

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Exist - This is a statement of the “I Am” that is your birth cry

from the mind-spirit or the “void” into personality. You now
recognize your dimension of existence and want to take over the
experience from here on out.

Create - This is the ability to arrange energy particles into solid

matter. This is where we get busy thinking and building.

Experience - This is where you stop thinking and start the act of
enjoying the rewards of what you have created.

Extract - This is where you extrapolate the wisdom from the

knowledge you have created with. This is where your ability to
make real change develops from.

Store the Information - This is how the mind-spirit grows and

expands. It uses all the information to be stored, which of course
is energy.

Repeat - This is where the mind-spirit becomes more powerful

and enjoys the act of all those experiences happening. The
knowledge is being processed through, stored and used again to
create and to experience other realities.

Maximus nodded his head, ―That was a very effective way to help
me understand.‖ I assured him, ―Don‘t worry, Maximus, throughout
the years, Soke Draconis has helped me with many of these charts as
well.‖ Maximus then said, ―There is so much information it is mind
boggling, but I am far too intrigued to stop now. Please continue.‖ I
gave him fair warning, ―Alright, Maximus, you asked for it.‖

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We have to update our information and results

If we leave the ancient texts and step into the modern day world, we
begin to see that we are trying to solve modern day problems with
outdated information. Perhaps in an attempt to be kinder, we could
call it impractical information. The impracticality of this
information stems from the fact that the problems they faced in the
ancient times are not the same problems we face in the modern day
world. When we step into the modern day world and apply some
new thinking, new dimensions begin to create themselves from the
alignment of our new perceptions. For example, we are not from the
universal consciousness, we are the universal consciousness. The
reason we accept this ancient model of information is that we are not
being presented with anything better. It is not Creotology‘s attempt
to discourage anyone who reads the ancient texts, but to open up,
and with a clear non-judgmental mind, explore other exciting
information that is waiting for its introduction into the total
consciousness of our people on earth. Remember, without any new
explorations there is nothing new to discover.

Space and time are simply concepts that the subject uses in order to
explore and to expand into other realms of the intrapersonal
experience of his or her belief system. The subject and the object are
two separate things instead of the same consciousness. In fact, it is
through the powerful responding consciousness that the subjective
and the objective take on the distinct meanings of the subject‘s will
of the ―I Am‖ to the objective reality ―I created that.‖ These are
clearly separate actions of a perceived difference in consciousness.
The underlying reality is that the actions that created both the
subjective and objective are the perpetual motion of a singular
creation with the defined will to create recognition of it. There is no
difference except for the perceived difference in consciousness that
created the two. You can shred any objective reality apart by

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changing the level of participation that you are creating on; that is
then, your viewpoint.

The act of creating could be thought of as writing a word and then

just erasing the word. There is nothing solidified in consciousness
until you decide that it is. Your decision as to what is and what is
not can also be thought of as the definable terms in which you
choose to associate yourself. The contemplation of any space and
time that is created by the subjective is an attempt to create a
recognizable form of its own power. Its ability to create succession
through a cosmic sense of moving particles into arranged formats
produces structures recognizable by the subjective brain. The
incoherence of any individual‘s resistance is not to experience
something, or to prevent lessons from happening. The process
resisting integration will automatically slow, not only the
progression of intelligence, but the individual‘s ability to understand
what it is, and why it is that they are trying to integrate something.

If not for responding consciousness, the intrapersonal experience

could create a silent maze that would leave us locked into a complete
state of awareness. When consciousness makes its leap into the
cause, it is manifesting its way out of the effect. Look at any insane
person and you will recognize a complete lack of attention in the
now. Their attention is clearly locked somewhere else. This is also
another example of a portal of the brain, which as I said earlier, is
trapped attention in another creation.


The cause is an action that builds a bridge that creates a way over
from the effort to a new state of unity with the cause being created
and the effect being experienced. It can easily be seen that creative

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experiences are not only the zest for life but also the willingness to
participate in it. Experience and creation are like brother and sister –
they go together.

Let us dig a little bit deeper into the aspects of the subconsciousness
and the reactive nature that it creates and the consciousness and the
responsive nature that it creates. As you can plainly see, they are
two separate tools. First, we will look at the subconsciousness on
the level of reality that we call the brain, or the physical aspect of
our lives. The subconsciousness is most definitely the storehouse for
all memories, associations, judgments, and meanings. It is also what
governs our habits and our automatic actions, since it also stores the
information from our neurological systems. While it is fairly
difficult to gain conscious access to it, it is not impossible.

There are several methods that can be employed to examine your

subconscious belief systems. It is possible that something like a
polygraph test or other bio-feedback method could potentially tap in
and work at the subconscious level. Another exercise you can do
literally closes all the doors of consciousness until you have nowhere
else to go. You then naturally tap into the subconscious and
subsequently begin to realize the reactive nature that comes from this
particular storehouse of information. The subconsciousness is the
level where we create all of our ―default creations.‖

A default creation is something that you created but did not create
consciously. It came from the subconscious. It can also manifest
when you cannot imagine how to create anything new, or you are
stuck in the resistance of creating something new, such as in portals
of the mind. You fall back to the old faithful, which are your
subconscious beliefs. Living in the subconscious realm can truly
keep you in a life of mediocre existence, robbing you of your
creative power and throwing you directly into depression and lack of

- 215 -

After hearing some of these descriptions of the subconsciousness,

you would think that perhaps you should just try to get rid of it and
eliminate it. That is not true. The subconscious does help us in the
physical realm and in the spiritual realm. All that energy that stores
information is relayed directly back to the mind-spirit. The mind-
spirit has already experienced all the information and is now storing
it for future use. That is why the mind-spirit creates alternate
realities; so that each alternate reality can go on to create new
conscious creations. This not only solidifies its space and creation,
but the mind-spirit also stores all this information as a way to
guarantee itself entry back into the conscious side of reality.

The subconscious never forgets. In the physical realm that we

energy-beings are experiencing right now, it helps to aid us in what
we are trying to create by allowing us to remember what we have
already created. This is what forces the energy-being to create
consciousness. It carries this from the effect into cause and literally
makes us continue to indulge the imagination so that we can
continue expanding our conscious reality.

In the solid definition of ―I Am,‖ we have the power to heal, to

expand the size of any life that we are participating in currently, to
bring things to us, and to experience them at will. If the
subconscious mind can just automatically heal things in the body,
then why doesn‘t consciousness, through its responsive course of
nature, simply make the decision to heal and make it happen? One
reason is that it seems easier to create subconsciously, because it has
already been created and experienced and there is no need to do
anything else. So, therefore, the subconsciousness has anchors.
Anchors are powerfully stored belief systems that we just accept as

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The conscious side of creating does not necessarily have these tools.
Especially if you use consciousness with the belief system, ―I‘ll
believe it when I see it.‖ That decreases not only the amount of
information available, but it also causes you to forward focus and
relax your attention. If we change the conscious paradigm to, ―I‘ll
see it when I believe it,‖ then a completely new dimension of
forward thinking begins to reveal itself. It is by this conscious
power that new doorways and perceptions of life can be created and
experienced. The old concept of ―I‘ll believe it when I see it‖ makes
us lose the creative abilities of the solid definition of consciousness
of ―I Am‖ and therefore ―I Shall Do.‖

We should give our power to the responsive side of consciousness

and say, ―I‘ll see it when I believe it.‖ This puts all the
responsibility onto the conscious definition of ―I Am‖ and gives the
―I Am‖ the ability to create particles and arrange them into certain
structures and patterns, thus liberating energy from its suspended use
in the corridors of our brain.

The universal consciousness is a storehouse of everyone‘s

subconscious creations. Since it contains everyone‘s subconscious
creations, it is smarter than anyone‘s individual subconscious levels.
The mind-spirit, which is us, has the ability to tap into the universal
consciousness whenever it is deemed necessary. This is an
extremely powerful tool for keeping the creational flux of all of our
spiritual growth intact. It is crucially important that we learn to
work as responsive beings through the realm of consciousness in this
particular dimension of activity.

Earth is much more than just a place where we think we live. It is

literally our playground to expand ourselves as energy-beings, to
learn to dissolve obstacles, to liberate energy, and to create freedom

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for our continued involution and ourselves. In fact, as a
Creotologist, think of it this way - when you look at the sky, do not
think of it as being above you, think of it as your floor.

Back at Soke‘s school, I told Soke that the implications of this

information are staggering. He said, ―It will be by the time that you
really understand it and release it. There will be much resistance,
because people do not like their beliefs messed with. The spiritual
world constitutes a realm of existence where all of our fears and lack
of information mold into an acceptable explanation that makes us
feel comfortable about where we currently exist and what will
happen to us when we die. It creates a protective belief for us to
operate under and at the exact same time, is extremely therapeutic
for the reality that we exist in right now. It gives us that old feeling
like, ―If only I can make it through this life, all things will be better.‖
Or, ―I have to hold on and fight the good fight until that day comes
that I leave this existence forever.‖ It is within these corridors of the
mind that some of our greatest beliefs are created and played out in
the mental time continuums. Let‘s explore the spiritual domain.‖

Maximus then asked, ―What is this Creotology concept? This

information is just awesome. I have never heard of these concepts
before and I want to hear more.‖ I replied, ―Creotology comes from
the Draconis family and has been preserved and taught to the family
for over 3,000 years. It is the teachings of all the forefathers handed
down.‖ Maximus inquired, ―What exactly is Creotology‘s point of
view on the spirit world and what does Creotology mean?‖ This
answer was simple, ―Creotology means the study of creation.‖

I let Maximus know that what followed was the beginning of Soke
Draconis explaining the ―Spiritual Path of the Universe.‖ He looked
pleased when I offered to share what I brought from the experience.

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Chapter 11


Welcome to the spiritual world, as seen through the parallel

Universe and its infinite number of multi-verses. We used to be
confined to the paradigm that there were a couple of universal
possibilities, and that we would find ourselves somewhere in those
two places. Maybe, if we are lucky, there will be a few other worlds
that exist for us to go to as we become more sophisticated in our
expansion (or perhaps explosion) of knowledge.

We find that our Universe and our world are more like metaphysics,
rather than religion or physics. Without going too far, you could say
that modern day physics has made a huge swing into the world of
metaphysics. What I mean by this is that science now knows and
accepts the concept of parallel and alternate realities as the
explanation of the truth that has eluded us all for far too long. They
are recognizing in quantum physics that our consciousness is too
vast to be contained and that we are creating our Universe as we go.
They are also discovering that we can be in more than one place at

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the same time. Don‘t shoot me - I‘m just delivering what science is

That is truly interesting to me, because the more we learn about our
so-called logic, the more it proves to keep us locked further and
further away from other possibilities. As we fought and stumbled
our way through all sorts of religious and political dogma, we found
ourselves locked in a struggle of old knowledge.

We now leave the domain of brimstone and fire and enter the self-
created Universe of the energy-beings and the spirit world we
already participate in by way of extended ideas from the mind-spirit.
We are not trying to find something that was never lost, but
something that was to be explored in all of its infamous and creative

All creations need movement and we, as energy-beings, create the

energy to make that happen. We then experience spiritual worlds
accordingly within our own knowingness. When we arrive at the
agreement of possibilities, then we recognize that the world we have
thought of is not a grand design of only this or that, but is made up
of chance and fulfills all possibilities of necessity. Necessity is a
creative power of omnipotent ability. Look at what it has done for
us already in this creation of experience. If we get past the idea that
we are being judged and condemned, then we do not feel as if our
essence is already defined or being controlled by some force other
than ourselves. The spirit world, by my definition, is not a world of
pre-conceived differences and laws that have to be followed or else,
but one of freedom, development and most definitely, exploration.

Our spiritual journey is an exploration into our own desperate and

fleeting moments in time that we create as a new idea of ourselves.
We create a new sensation of loving willingness to adventure into

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the uncharted territories of our mind-spirit and to feel the
development of ourselves through ourselves and to question without
judgment. In the spiritual world, there are no forms, only expressive
ideas, and what we are.

(As I write this material and bring it into consciousness, it is not my

intention to fill the needs of any one group, but to seek a unity in all
the spirits that I can touch with this message from the mind-spirit.)

It is very important that we define what creates this spiritual world

we create and live in, and understand the most basic fundamental
aspect of our role in the ideas of the mind-spirits. We are the
shadows that play off the darkness of time, exuding our influence on
all who touch it and have the ability to recognize it. The elusive
term ―energy‖ is talked about, but never really brought into the
reality of any situation – perhaps out of fear of being wrong. That,
however, is not the nature of my work. This reality will expand
outside the corridors of my mind and invite you to do the same.

The mind-spirit is only an undefined void of energy and is a total

awareness of the feeling of life. The definition of a spirit is the thing
that has the ability to create a change over some period of time. It
uses its power of creative influence to create the appearance of the
circle of time, while remaining inside of it forever. Due to this
ability to influence, we have the ability to go forth and do work,
turning ideas into manifestations of our needs.

To phrase it another way, we are the force acting into experience,

and there - life is found. The essence of our experience is the
realization of the now and the importance of continuing our energy.
The essence of our existence is driven by the ideas of the spiritual
mind, which is the ability to do work and to manifest reality so that
the experience can be extracted. If we think of reality and imagine

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that it is the inherited genes of our beliefs, then it matters a great deal
not only what we think, but also where those thoughts came from
and how they got there. Given this realization, reality begins to
make sense, as what we experience is the manifestation of our true
personality at that time.

Maximus was astounded, ―That was fascinating. What happened


I explained how after the talk with Soke, I decided that I would need
some time to integrate the information. Soke understood and urged
that I should not push myself, but to let it come naturally to me. He
said that spiritual talk was great, but that I needed to define myself
through my actions, determining what I created and why and how I
created it. I was confused, ―How am I supposed to accomplish
this?‖ Soke gave me instruction, ―You began your first step when
you joined this school and dedicated yourself to a disciplined
structure where you could achieve something for yourself. Now that
you understand discipline, you need to use your skills so that you
can build and maintain the type of life that you choose to experience.
You have already learned and integrated much about your essence.
Now it is time to build your life experiences by following your
mental blueprint based on what your essence desires.‖

I shared with Soke, ―Yes, I have learned a lot from that blueprint and
the ―Reconfiguration of Consciousness‖ exercises. I have often
thought about how I would and could proceed to develop some of
the things that I have found out about myself and that I learned from
―The 30 Principles of Creation.‖ Soke offered, ―Let me help you
with this,‖ and then he taught me about goals.

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Chapter 12

G O A L S & O B S TA C L E S

I want to make things very clear about goals. You absolutely have
got to have them at all costs, or you will pay severely. Energy has
got to be directed, and when it is directed and charged correctly,
there is a huge explosion of potential that starts to attract and fill the
space of attention. This is why the correct structure of your mental
blueprint is so very important in order to direct yourself with
purpose willfully. When these charged particles come together with
a direction, things begin to happen in a very responsive way.

Persistence is the key to seeing all your creations through to

manifestation. Any creation will create as long as your attention
remains in it. If you pull your attention out of the creation, it will
dissolve and go away automatically. Goals are more than something
you want and need. They should be in line with your life ambitions
and dreams and should carry you closer to your realized potentials,
installing in you your beliefs as a Creator. Any great Creator has
great belief in his or her power to create and to manifest their beliefs
into their preferred reality, satisfying his or her need for a feeling of
experience. The creational steps of our existence are to create, to
experience, and then to dissolve.

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Why do we create? We create because we have this wonderful
attribute called potential (energy), and energy is the ability to do
work. We create to satisfy the potential that is connected to all of
life. It is the very thing that drives the universal causation into
physical manifestation, thus replaying the experience that makes us
feel alive. Now, of course, this brings us to the discussion of

What is an experience? An experience is always preceded by an on-

going perception. It is created out of one‘s focus at the moment, or it
is immediately structured in an experience by a label that we can
assign at that moment of knowing. It is through the vibrational
content of an experience that new structures and patterns are created
into the flux of causation and knowingness. It is in the bridge of
causation that intention plays out its most supreme hand, delivering
the space of opportunity to create. It is in this space of opportunity
that we feel alive. It is through this experience that we experience
being alive. Experience allows us to dissolve our creation, empty
the container, and start anew. We have now created the space for a
new experience. If we do not, we stay stuck in an old creation. We
are like an old record that just continues to skip, repeatedly. Not
only do you get tired of feeling it, others get tired of hearing it. Let
it go and you free yourself!


Most of the time, goals are co-creations that mean you have a
mission that you have created. There are going to be obstacles,
however, that are created out of systems of other people‘s creations
and are now there as structures. These structures will need to be
dealt with. This, of course, will require the correct mental scope, the

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proper information, and the alignment of your beliefs. You will
need to have the power, the convictions, and the confidence in the
effectiveness of your ability to create what you want and desire.

Goals require different amounts of the enormously creative power of

your personal attention. The more that we tend to want something,
the more we have the ability to place more attention into the
creation. In fact, ―attention‖ is the creator of reality. Nothing
dissolves and goes away until you decide to pull your attention out
of the space that you are trying to create. Realties pop in and out of
existence depending on the amount of attention placed on them.
Creotology has a slightly unusual take on the aspect of goal setting
and achievement because of our concepts of mental time continuum
and crystallizing realities. Creations do create, confidence rises, and
you become the Creator of your Universe.

Self-responsibility is absolutely the key factor when it comes to

creating your preferred realities and exploring them. The act of
solving your obstacles is part of your major to begin with. Obstacles
have been separated as different objects of treatment and functions
and are looked upon as the ―bad guys‖ of a goal obtaining process.
Obstacles, if looked at properly, will tell you how much energy is
going to be required for your major in the first place. In turn, this
can tell you if this is a goal that you should even be attempting to
obtain anyway.

Many times in our adult life, when we begin to slow down, our goals
begin to slow down. That is mainly because there is not enough
energy to pursue our goals and we become mentally exhausted trying
to hold our attention on them. So before we go any further, let us
look at different types of goals and how they affect us. (For more
about the concept of energy in and energy out, please see the ―The
Circulation of Action‖ Section of this Chapter.)

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The “Portal of the Brain” Goals

These goals are created from your trapped attention. Instead of

creating something new and exciting, instead of designing a new
goal on purpose and letting go of the past creation, you go back in
time and design goals based around what makes you feel
comfortable. This does not serve to get you from where you are
right now, to where you want to go in the future.

The “In the Moment” Goals

We have all experienced these types of goals. They come in with a

huge burst of motivation and then just fizzle out. We were caught up
in the moment of something inspirational, our attention was fully
there, and we were experiencing the emotional high of the situation.
We wanted to continue to feel that way, but after the supporting
energy of the creation was pulled out of what we were experiencing,
our own attention quickly began to wander as well.

The “I Need to Change” Goals

Here is a big one. The main reason why we initiate a goal is because
we feel we can change things and move some stale energy around.
We feel we can break this cycle of wanting and needing things but
never getting them. These goals are normally felt from within,
resulting from a realization that you had.

The “Short Term” Goals

These are goals that we make in the "now‖ aspect of our life. We
feel the need to move to a different place of creation in order to

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accomplish our long-term dreams. In fact, it is very crucial that your
goals bring you closer to your dreams. Short-term goals are crucial
for creating yourself into the bigger picture down the road.

The “Long Term” Goals

These projected long-term goals are normally created from our

dreams. What we have to remember is that dreams can change.
Remember, your goals of the "now‖ reflect what you want in the
future. This is why Creotology suggests that you know them before
you try to show them.

The “Keeping Up With the Neighbor” Goals

These are the goals created because of ego. They are the result of
assessing your personal standing in comparison to someone else‘s
personal standing. Not only are these goals not right for you, but
they can also get you into financial trouble very quickly.

Now let us look at what a goal should contain if it is going to be

worth our energy to go after it and experience it.


What do we want from a goal? We want what we always want. We

want a feeling that makes us feel alive and vibrating and
experiencing the flow of our dreams. This brings us the closure of
our ambitions and the true feeling and satisfaction of controlling our
own life. Experiencing any goal, for any reason, could be correct
depending on the time and situation of your life.

If we are smart, goals will give us life lessons that free us and allow
us to become wiser and to move on in the direction that we are

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seeking. Goals are created out of the mental scope that you are
working under at any one time. Goals are self-expressions of what
we want to feel. We, as energy-beings, are going to go forth and
release the potential out of possibilities to provide the neurological
effect that we crave. Before we go any further, let us look at an
obstacle so that we can better understand the nature of obstacles.


A life that has no obstacles. Admit it, you love the sound of that, but
it does not hold up in nature or anywhere else for that matter. The
fundamental truth about most obstacles, and I am going out on a
limb here, is that as much as 100% of the obstacles we encounter are
self-induced. The part that most people do not like to consider is
that any goal needs to be thought out with the perceived obstacles as
part of the process or there is a separation. That separation splits
what you want to experience and the thing that is stopping you from
being able to achieve it.

The secret formula to achieving goals is that information dissolves

obstacles. Obstacles are large amounts of energy that are not
formulated in your brain at the moment. The less information that
you have about the obstacle the more ―in float‖ you become. Soon
frustration sets in, you pull your attention out of the creation, and the
goal is dead. In many cases, obstacles are part of the process to
success. The associations that we make with our obstacles and the
amount of work that they will require are sometimes not in
alignment with each other.

Any goal is a co-creation of a ―major‖ which means the goal and the
―minor‖ which is the obstacle. From here on, I will use the terms
―major‖ and ―minor.‖ A separation exists in not only the obtaining

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of a major, but in simply recognizing the major and the minor. You
cannot obtain the major on the same level of consciousness that you
created it. A major requires striated levels of consciousness in order
to be obtained, the same way that any minor has to be dissolved.
When we begin to break down the chapters of any major, we begin
to realize the material that will be needed in the process in order to
build the major. (The chapters of a major are the many stories
contained within its accomplishments.) Breaking down the minor
will also require the shifting of material. At any level of
participation, energy has to be liberated and moved around in a
sequence in which you are able to control your attention, organize
your material, and perform the action that is needed in order for the
creation to happen. This leads me into the next set of information.


The most crucial Law of Creation is the Law of Circulation. Any

business without circulation is dead. Any physical or mental aspect
without circulation is dead. No one who does not circulate around
gains friends. You get the point. Circulation is necessary for anyone
to create their experiences and have the energy to take action in
physical or mental movement, as well as being able to sustain their
own creations into fruition. Circulation ensures that information
energy and all life-giving and sustaining necessities of life are being
transported and organized.

The more complex a major is the more co-creation will be involved

between the creation and obstacles. That is why information,
organization, and energy are the basic steps to creating a major and
dissolving a minor. What makes those things possible is the
circulation of all those particles being moved in and out and all
within the majors and minors.

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Back at the Dojo

By now, our school was really beginning to grow. Don‘t get me

wrong – it was always growing, but now it seemed to be expanding
at an accelerated pace. Nancy had the front desk well taken care of
and efficiently arranged. She was extremely effective at organizing.
I learned a great deal from her about organizing work. The school
was always very well organized because that is the way Soke is, but
it seems that Nancy took it to the next level as far as organization

At this point in time, I only had about a month and half of school
left. Soke Draconis and I were very busy just signing people up.
Soke Draconis told me one day that, after graduation, we might sit
and talk about some opportunities if I was not going to go to college
immediately. I told Soke Draconis that I was not really considering
college. I shared with him that high school had taught me a bunch of
things I really did not need and that for every one success story of
people who have graduated from college, I could show you two
horror stories about someone who could not get a job in their field
and had to work below their level of education.

Soke Draconis said, ―I cannot deny what you say because I know it
to be true. I also know that there are other skills that can help you in
real life that college does not teach you. If you are not willing to
take the chance on getting a diploma or a degree that might sit on a
shelf and collect dust, and if you do not have a solid direction to go,
then perhaps it would be fine to set aside college for a year or two.
Maybe you can determine a path that has a clear passion for you, or
perhaps during the next couple of years you could weigh some other
options and find something else you could excel at.‖

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―This is what I think I will do, Soke. I would like to take two years
off school and work here at the academy with you to make money
and get my Black Belt. If during those two years, college seems to
be the way for me, then I will go. However, if I am excelling in
other areas and my life is doing great, I‘ll seriously have to
reconsider things.‖

Soke advised me, ―It is ultimately your decision, but please

remember that an education is a beautiful thing.‖ I understood,
―Believe me, Soke, I will not stop learning. I just picked up a book
today by Zig Ziglar that teaches you how to be successful at sales
and stay motivated in your life.‖ Soke Draconis commented, ―You
definitely have a mind for sales and business, Brady. A good
business degree from a good college could help that.‖ I said, ―I
don‘t disagree with that. I know you are right, but I clearly have a
passion for sales, business, and martial arts. The people who are
writing all these books like Ziglar are people who are out there in the
real world. They are experiencing real situations and they are
creating real solutions. The way I see it, I can sit in one classroom
and hear one side of the story from one professor, or I can avoid that
classroom and get seriously involved in the classroom of life. I can
read lots of books from different successful people, experiment with
real knowledge in the real world, and develop an effective strategy
for me to succeed.‖ Soke Draconis thought it sounded like a
wonderful plan, but encouraged me to entertain the idea of college. I
said I would.

I informed Soke Draconis that I had another marketing idea, and he

told me, ―I wish my chair had seat belts because your mind is just
go, go, go all the time, and your ideas really take off.‖ I started to
explain, ―I took this idea from something else I saw. I noticed over
at Smitty‘s the other day that there was a box sitting on his counter
that was promoting pictures and bronzing baby shoes. I studied it

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for a moment and my idea was that every person that goes into any
store has interests and hobbies. Every person alive needs personal
health, fitness, and protection, so I thought we could make ourselves
a martial arts box and advertise a 30-day free membership.

Soke Draconis then asked how we would get these boxes inside
stores and how we would get the people to sign up. I continued,
―We could tell any merchant that allowed us to place a box in their
store that they and their managers would get a free membership to
come here as long as they want, for as long as the box sat in the
store. Depending on the size of the store and the volume of business
it produces, we would give additional membership cards to the
management for their valued staff. In return, we could advertise
their store over here at our school. We would create a merchants
table and all the merchants who participated would get to put their
flyers on the table.‖ Soke thought that was a wonderful idea.

―Another thought is that we could make a wall that is filled with

balloons and inside the balloons are little pieces of paper that have
free gifts in them. It could be things like a 50% discount, $10 cash,
and the grand prize balloon could be $100, or it could be a coupon
for something that all the merchants are willing to donate. When
someone pops the balloon, they get the coupon and can take it to that
merchant.‖ Soke said, ―These are excellent ideas. I had thought of
things similar to that before, but I never acted because of what other
people might think of my martial arts and me. So you see, Brady,
you can learn lessons no matter what age you are. How much of a
budget will you need to set this up?‖ I shrugged, ―I‘m not sure, but
if this idea takes off, I would like to hire another salesman.‖ Soke
Draconis asked, ―Do you have anybody specifically in mind?‖
―Yes,‖ I told him, ―I thought it would be good for Brian. He is smart
and needs a good job. He has a passion for the martial arts and he
needs something that can enable him to make more money.‖ Soke

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Draconis said that sounded like an excellent idea.

I went back to the printing shop and told Macy I needed some boxes
that were about eight inches by eight inches. I would then need
toppers for the boxes, so that we could decorate them with what we
were advertising to give away. Macy said, ―You get me the pictures
and I will print them. I could order the boxes today.‖ So, we
ordered the boxes.

I took the bill and gave it to Soke Draconis. We took some pictures
of the class and of the front of the building. We had the toppers
done with these pictures and the boxes were very bright, colorful,
and action oriented. I went out immediately after getting the boxes,
toppers, and lead pads, and I set out 20 boxes. I had gotten my
driver‘s license, so Soke Draconis let me use his truck. I came back
after setting up the boxes and told Soke that if I was going to be
doing this, I was definitely going to need a car.

The next day after school, Soke and I took off in his truck. We went
to a friend‘s lot and I bought myself a Camaro for $4,200 in cash. It
was jet black and it looked sooped up. It had a powerful 350 engine
and it even had a black interior. I called it the Black Knight. It was
a great running vehicle. Soke taught me the finer points of keeping
it operational with oil changes and tune-ups and the most important
lesson – respect for the power of the car.

Several days passed by and I thought that I should go check on the

lead boxes I had set out. I jumped into the Black Knight and away I
went. I have to admit that I felt slightly like a big shot, and strangely
enough, I noticed that more girls were looking at me too. After
checking all 20 of the lead boxes, I came back with about 100 leads.
I rushed inside to show Soke Draconis, and I said, ―Look Soke,
we‘ve got 100 leads from the boxes!‖ I got on the phone, called

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each person, and told him or her that they had won a free 30-day
membership to the Soke Draconis School of Martial Arts. All I
needed was a time and day when they could come down and pick up
their memberships. The deal was very simple. When they picked up
their membership, they could trade it in for a discount, or they could
keep their 30 days and use the dojo 30 days free. At the end of the
30 days, they could sign up if they wanted to. And, if they did not
want to, they did not have to. It was very simple.

We had people signing up like crazy. This went on for many weeks
and the school was pumping. It was alive and I even heard Soke
make the statement a couple of times that we were going to need a
bigger school. The classes were filling up and we were going to
have to do something.

A few weeks later, my graduation was upon me. My Mom, Brian,

Soke Draconis, and a few other friends were there. We went out and
had dinner that night. By then, Soke Draconis and I already had it
planned that Brian would come and work for us. He would get $4 an
hour and $25 for every deal he sold. Brian said that would be

For one reason or another, I had never really paid much attention to
the fact that there was an old building right next to our building. In
fact, it looked a lot like Sokes‘ building. It was zoned for business,
but the owner just used it for storage. The lot that was next to that
one was empty.

The next day after graduation, Brian reported for his first day at
work. Soke Draconis told Brian and me to follow him. He took us
outside and said, ―I am serious. We need a bigger school. We‘re in
trouble. Our classes have grown so large that our students are
cramped during class and I do not like it. I don‘t mind growing. I

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don‘t mind expanding, and I don‘t mind making a lot of money, but
my students come first. They must be happy and if they are paying
their payments they deserve to be at a school they can be
comfortable in and proud of. I have contacted the owner of this
building and construction will begin next weekend. I am renovating
both buildings and connecting them. We still have the parking out
front and out back for both buildings. The lot right next door to this
building will be member parking and we think it will hold about 75
cars. The back of each building can hold 15 cars and parking on the
street is available.‖ Brian and I were very excited.

Soke put a feather in my cap by saying, ―Brady, this is all possible

because of your innovative ideas and your dedication to growth.
You may look upon me as your teacher of the martial arts, self-help
and philosophy, but I consider you my teacher in matters of sales
and business. You have expanded some of my old traditional ideas
into modern times so that I could be more effective as a teacher by
reaching more students. By the way, there is one more thing. You
are the manager now. I will run all the classes and take care of all
the students, but you will run the sales and the marketing.

―Brian, you will work for Brady. Is there going to be an ego

problem here between you two?‖ I assured him, ―Not with me,
Soke. I would like to have Brian work with me.‖ Brian added, ―I
have no problem working with Brady. He has done a great job and
obviously I can learn from him.‖ Soke declared, ―Then it is done.‖

Brian and I went back to the school to gather ourselves and just sat
there in silence for about three minutes. I think both of us were
trying to integrate what had just happened. Brian was eager to get
started, ―Well, Commander in Chief, what do we do first?‖ I
suggested, ―Brian, I think there are two things we should do first.
First, read this book by Zig Ziglar and pay careful attention to all the

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areas I have highlighted, and then I want a book report on the book.
I want to know what you learned from it and how we can improve on
what we are doing here.‖ Brian said, ―Okay.‖

I continued, ―The second thing we need to do is get you making

enough money so that you can buy your own car, then you can get
around easier and quicker. Your time will be more efficient that
way.‖ Brian looked surprised, ―That sounds great, but how do we do
it?‖ I gave him the answer, ―Let‘s go to the supply room and grab
our lead boxes, pads, and pens. We‘ll take the Black Knight.

―Over the next three days, let‘s make a goal of setting up 60 lead
boxes. With the 20 I have already placed, that gives us 80 boxes out
there. We will focus on placing all the students that we can in this
school for Soke Draconis and then Soke can do what he does best –
teach and take care of his students. You know how family-oriented
he is with all of this.‖ Brian replied, ―Yes I do, since it is that very
same sense of family belonging that is one of the main reasons I was
convinced to stay. I felt as if I had a big brother or father.‖ I
understood completely, ―Me too. Let‘s always remember that and
try to make sure that we convey that to every single student, no
matter how big we become. I guess it can be a way of giving our
experience to them about where we come from. Those who need it
will have a profound experience and it will help them in their lives
as it has helped us.‖ The next day we set out lead boxes from the
school and told everyone about the growth and construction work.

As the Black Knight went rolling down the street with Brian and me
in the front seat, we saw two signs sitting in front of the other
building and parking lot. The signs read, ―NO TRESPASSING!
Property Owned by Soke Draconis. If you have any questions, call
this number or come to the Soke Draconis School of Martial Arts.‖
Our eyes got as big as silver dollars. We gave ourselves a high five

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and rolled off in the Black Knight.

We made our goal of setting out 60 boxes in three days. I spent the
next five days educating Brian on how to make phone calls and sell.
With five days of good solid training, Brian had it down cold. Our
rule was if we were not selling them, we were practicing selling. If
we were not on the phone selling, then we were either setting up
appointments or setting up boxes. We took our classes at night and
Soke gave us both two hours of personal training free. As you could
imagine, training two hours a night, five nights a week, we were
excelling quickly and our friendship had moved to a completely new
level. I have to admit that Brian was a damn good salesman. We
then hired two telemarketers who sat there and called the leads while
Brian and I just sold.

The following week, the construction of the school started and even
though there was hammering, saws buzzing, and sawdust in the air
everywhere, all the students loved it. They thought it was great and
there was no doubt in anyone‘s mind that not only did we have the
greatest teacher in the entire city, or perhaps in the world, but we had
the most successful school. The school now had over 500 paying
students and we were still growing. One evening on a Saturday
night, Soke Draconis came in and said, ―Brady, get Brian. I would
like to see you both in my office.‖ He said, ―You two are animals.
You are hard workers, disciplined, and you are definitely creative. I
would like to explain something about success to you.‖

Maximus then remarked, ―You must have actually felt like you
walked on water with all of the things you had accomplished.‖ I had
to admit to Maximus that I most certainly did, ―What I truly needed
was someone to believe in me and Soke Draconis did that.‖

Success is the ability to create the experience into your life that you

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consciously choose to create. All creations have minors. That
includes the ones in your head and the ones that are involved in
getting the goal to materialize. The minor is something that must be
done as part of the process in order to accomplish your major. For
example, maybe you need a car loan, but you have a bad credit
rating and the bank will not loan you money. It is not just in your
head that you have a bad credit score, although you are the one who
is absolutely responsible for that score. The two ―minors‖ in this
example are as follows:

1) The problem in your thinking process is, ―With this credit

score, the bank will never loan me the money.‖ Therefore,
the creation stops and is now dead because you had no
outcome other than ―the bank will not loan me money.‖

2) The other problem happens in the co-created world. This is

the world of agreements and structures. For example, the
bank has a policy that no one with a score below a certain
number can get loans.

In reality, the ―you-niverse", which is your personal created world of

facts, agreements, understandings, and structures, has limited your
creation because you got discouraged and pulled your attention out
of the creation, and it died. If, however, you had come up with
solutions, the creation would have stayed open and continued
operating with a different format of energy.


A) You could have obtained a car loan with a co-signer.

B) You could have obtained the loan with a larger down
C) You could have borrowed the money against something of

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You get the point. No options were explored beyond your limited
creations, (i.e., what about obtaining information on the borrowing
procedure, how does it work, what are all the ins and outs?). Once
again, if action is taken then information dissolves obstacles.

There is a particular way that Creotology trains to develop our

majors and dissolve our minors – with maximum results and
minimum effort. That is not because we are lazy, but because we are
looking to spread around our creations and accomplish what we want
in all areas of our life, not just partial development. Do you
remember the concept of energy in and energy out? You must have
enough energy-in, in order to create what you desire. Even desire
requires energy. The Creotology formula for this is addressed here


All life has a formula and all things that you do correctly require a
formula to produce the desired results. Resistance to this fact creates
only more and more separation between you and the life that you
want to experience. The science of the formula study makes you a
scientist about your own life. Your mental scope produces the
laboratory for the creation to manifest in. Let us begin the
arrangement of the formula study.

A) Space Creation
B) Energy Focus (paying attention to a belief)
C) Information
D) Organization
E) Energy in and Energy out

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F) Manifestation (energy out)

Obviously, there are some very purposeful steps of creation that

must be performed. Paradoxically, we are schooled at processing
information, but we are not schooled very well in the process of
organizing information and creating what we want. Desperation and
despair set in. Many people talk about self-help as if it were a bad
thing, when all along, they are just being resistant to changing
themselves. They are up the scale just high enough to play the
blame game, but they just are not up high enough to know who is to
blame. So now, let us begin!

A constant belief is a belief that you consider correct. It feels good

to you and you have a great degree of faith in the belief‘s power to
create and manifest into your life what you want. You really believe
it would work if only given a real opportunity. This belief will be
the space for your major to develop in and to give the major all the
sunshine that it will need in order to grow strong, developing into an
object inside the borders that you already placed on it. Remember,
anything with a border, width, and depth is considered by science to
be real.

You should realize that your beliefs are real and so are the thoughts
that they generate. Yes, it is true that thoughts come from your
belief system and are the fuel for getting the results that you are
looking for. Beliefs create an indention in consciousness that creates
similar to a sculptor with a piece of clay. Those thoughts mold the
belief into a masterpiece and its efficacy that brings about the
manifestation of the creation. An indention into consciousness can
be likened to placing a bowling ball onto a soft surface like a
mattress. This action would create an indention on the surface and
all the things that were close to the edge of the indention would fall
into the impression. This could be called your consciousness of your

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core beliefs. There is more about this in The Teachings of Soke
Draconis, Vol. 2, The Universal Psychology of the Law of



Focused energy has a greater chance of success in a creation if it is

linked to a great amount of pleasure or necessity. The greater the
personal reward, the higher the chance of success. When you focus
your attention into a belief, you are charging the belief with a much
more focused form of energy. The belief becomes a more intense
form of reality. The more energy that is condensed into matter by
the focused or charged energy, the more the reality creates without
problems. In fact, it sometimes appears magical to the untrained
eye, but not to the Creational Master who knows the road and the
effort that is involved.

When Soke gave us the meeting on success and goals, it was very
important to him to show how information was the omnipotent
power source. When you take these little particles of information,
arrange them properly, and then apply them as focused energy, big
things happen.

Maximus said, ―I wish I had all this information when Dad and I had
our book store. It would have made a lot of things easier.‖ I replied,
―Of course it would, but don‘t forget, if your passion still lies in that
bookstore, all you have to do is apply a little energy to that passion
and fire it up. Even if your dad can no longer participate in working
at the store together with you, imagine how proud he would be if you
took his and your passion and created it successfully.‖ He said with
a tear in his eye, ―Yes, my father would love that.‖ I encouraged

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him, ―You know what they say, Maximus, if a man has passion, and
you are not going to keep him down.‖

Back at the school, Soke said, ―Let‘s talk about information.‖


Information is the alignment of energy that brings the formation of

the belief into great efficacy and is partly due to self-confidence.
This brings about a vibrational tone of certainty that will let you
forge ahead and fulfill your mission, completing that energy into a
feeling from an experience that you created, experienced,
manifested, and dissolved. Information aligns energy and allows it
to produce by creating flow, liberating energy potential into form
from the pool of organized possibilities. Information aligns beliefs
that create the proper perception so that we may receive the proper
perspective from our opportunities.


Organization is the alignment of our energy at a datum level. This

means we align our information one bit of information at a time to
produce the stratum level of consciousness. In short, the more
information you have, the more consciousness expands and develops
new possibilities. Organization is crucial if you are going to create a
structure that can obtain the results that you are looking to acquire.


The interesting thing about this step is if you have done all the other
steps, then this one appears as if by magic. The creation is now well

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on to its way to creating. The energy and the borders of the creation
have taken shape and you are now within the creation.


It has been said that success leaves clues. Well, this step is no
different. You have learned by now that all creations are a
manifestation of energy. What matters here is what physical
condition you are in because, if you are weak in body, then you are
also weak in mind. This leads to downfalls that we all have
experienced at one time or another. The more energy that you can
generate, the better your ability to manifest becomes.

It is a lot like counting calories. If you want to lose weight, then you
decrease calories. If you want to have less creation, then all you
have to do is reduce your energy levels. Similarly, eat more calories
and gain more weight. Increase your energy output and your
creational production goes up.

Manifestation is the final outcome of the newly created reality. The

result is a new vibration of experience, all because we knew how to
move energy into the space that we wanted it to go. Yes, it is a great
feeling of success and you should be proud and ready to move into
flow, but first let‘s create your world.

Maximus stated, ―If your martial art teachings are anything like your
spiritual self- help information, without a doubt this has got to be the
best school in town. I assured him it was and that the martial arts
system was second to none, but great power must be used in the right
state of mind. There must be greater responsibility. I asked
Maximus if he was getting hungry and he was. I suggested he allow
me to buy us lunch, ―There is a delivery place just around the corner

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with a great fresh turkey sandwich and iced tea.‖ He agreed and I
ordered the food.

Maximus realized that he needed a lot of help in the area of goals,

but until now, he never knew there was a formula to help him stay
on track. I replied, ―There is a formula in all things.‖ Maximus then
urged me to continue.

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Chapter 13


Soke told me that my new reality would come from my essence and
not my personality. My whole world would begin to open up
because I would see my real potentials, not the ones that I had been
led into.

I knew what he was talking about and it was a wonderful feeling to

be able to accomplish my desires into real experiences. It actually
sounded too good to be true, but by now I knew that what Soke said
was going to come true, and it was a powerful feeling to know that.
Here is the Creotology goal-obtaining program:

1) Write down the insights and realizations that you have

achieved from the "Reconfiguration of Consciousness‖
exercise about yourself, where you are, and where you want
to be.

2) With absolute clarity, write down your plan for achieving

your new life as carefully as you can with as much detail as
possible. Do not get lazy here. Details are absolutely vital in
the manifestation of a reality.

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3) Read your new goals every day. Here is a trick: Tell your
family and friends what your new goals are and how you
want to accomplish them. Ask them to act as if you have
already achieved them whenever you are around. You
should always talk and act as if you have already achieved
them as well. Programming the brain into the formulation of
a reality is a huge step. Why? Because when the
environment meets your beliefs, reality creates.

4) Mail the plan for your new creation to yourself and read it at
least once a day, if possible.




1) Create a goal. Imagine what it would feel like to have this

goal accomplished, as if it has already happened. Experience
it fully and completely with as much detail as possible.

2) Expand the energy of the experience until you can find the
outer limits of the experience. Exist within the experience
until you can feel the height of its power.

3) Step outside the energy and say to yourself, ―This is my

creation and I choose to experience it.‖ Then imagine a
string between you and the creation and let it follow you
wherever you go 24/7.

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It is important to keep the creative energy open to the creation so
that you may continue to charge that creation with your energy. This
will charge you with the visual effect that is a neurological cause.



After that conversation on majors and minors, Soke asked if I would

like to come along on a fishing trip that weekend. I thought it would
be a lot of fun, so I agreed. He said Matt, David, Tony, and a special
guest would be there and that he knew I would love to meet him. I
was curious, ―May I ask who he is?‖ Soke answered, ―No, that is a
surprise, so don‘t miss it.‖ He said to be sure to bring my uniform
(gi) and two or three changes of clothes – three would be better. I
did not need money or anything, just clothes and the uniform. I said,
―Ok.‖ He said to be there the next morning at 6:30 AM and we
would all go together.

As you can imagine, it was hard to sleep that night because of all the
excitement and curiosity, but I got a few hours sleep. After all, I was
strong, young, and invincible. I arrived at the school and everyone
was there bright-eyed and very energetic. I was usually energetic,
but this was really an intense situation for me.

Matt, David, and Tony all went in one truck, a solid black 1979
Chevy with rims on it that we use to call mags. Man, let me tell you,
your truck or car was really cool if you mags. We went in Soke‘s
truck and, as I‘ve said before, I could not take my eyes off that
crystal and the beautiful reflections that it made.

As usual, Soke was quiet and enjoying the trip, so there was no real
conversation. We drove for two hours and came to an old dirt road

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that had beautiful green trees on both sides that formed a canopy
over the road. We turned onto the dirt road and drove for about
another 15 minutes.

I could see the others behind us. We came into a very small clearing
of trees near a farmhouse that appeared to be very old, possibly late
eighteen hundreds to very early nineteen hundreds. It was made of
clean brown bricks. In fact, the whole place was very well kept.
That was not a surprise because that is the way Soke was –
everything in its place and a place for everything.

As we got out of the truck, Soke Draconis stood there for about one
minute and took deep breaths. With a big smile on his face, he said,
―This is where I come to relax. This is my special place, and I am
now going to share it with you.‖ Around the back, there was a
beautiful lake that covered about three acres. There were trees that
almost made a full circle around the lake and the sun was coming up
over the tops of them. It was quite beautiful and had a good energy.
I thought to myself, ―What a beautiful place this is to live.‖

About an acre away, I noticed a red and brown barn that had a very
Norse look to it. An old man appeared from out of the house. He
was in great shape and looked like he could take down a lion, but
when he hugged me; his touch was as gentle as a lamb. Even so,
you could feel the muscles and the power residing within this older
man. I asked Soke who the man was, and he replied, ―My father.‖
―Wow!‖ I said. You really could see the resemblance. He said that
his father‘s name was Karroninn. I thought that was a weird and
wonderful name as it had a feel of power to it. Karroninn stood
about six foot four, was in absolutely incredible shape, and had so
much energy it was hard to believe. I just could not conceive that
this man was Soke‘s father, but you could tell it in every way.

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Soke told me that his father was 75 years old, and that he would be
leading the martial arts training for the next two days. I was floored
and fascinated at the same time. What a unique opportunity this
was, and to meet Soke‘s father was awesome. This was already
better than anything that I had thought was going to happen. We all
settled down in the house and moved on into the kitchen. There we
sat around a very large wooden table that had all types of carvings
on it of Vikings. It was quite beautiful in its artisanship and even
had several big Viking chairs to match. I noticed how these big
chairs looked a little like Soke‘s chair at the school. There was a lot
of Old Norse art and paintings around the house that had the same
exact feeling that the school had. One thing I had learned was that
people wanted to be around that feeling. This same energy is what
made Soke‘s school so very successful with now over 2,000

We ate oatmeal with cinnamon and bananas and some chicken

breast. Soke Karroninn wanted to know what we all knew about
―ki‖ and I said very little, if anything. He asked me if I had ever
seen someone hit in the groin, throat, solar plexus, and not be hurt. I
told him I had seen Matt and David performing stunts like those just
the other day and explained how I was both amazed and confused
because I did not understand what I saw. He said, ―Don‘t you
operate under the assumption that if you see it, then you believe it?‖
I responded, ―Yes, I do.‖ He remarked, ―Yet you saw this and did
not believe it. So much for that logic! Try the worldview of - I will
see it when I believe it.‖ Even though I had seen it, I had no
knowledge of it, and nothing to reference it with. He concluded,
―Even though you saw it, it did not matter to you, because you had
no associations and judgments about it.‖ I agreed, ―I guess so. I‘m
not really sure, but that does sound correct.‖ He laughed and placed
his hand on my shoulder and said, ―It‘s alright. I like you, son. You
are warm and trusting. I will have something special to offer you

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before you leave. You will have an option that I‘ll tell you about
when it is time.‖ I figured that would be about as persistent as I
should get with this family.

Afterward, we went outside on the wood porch and sat talking about
martial arts, the now, and the future while we drank iced tea with
lemon in it. We listened to the crickets chirp and play their music on
into the night. At about 10:00 in the evening, Soke Karroninn said
that he was off to Valhalla to get a good night‘s rest and that he
would see all of us warriors in the morning.

I had to admit that I already was extremely fond of Soke Karroninn.

Then Soke Draconis said that perhaps we should all go to bed
because there was a three mile run in the morning followed by
breathing class, with stances, punching, kicking, and stand up
combat training. There would be a two-hour break for lunch and rest
and then there would be grappling and choking class for four hours.
Soke Draconis always said that chance favors the prepared mind and
that the best warrior in a battle was, of course, always superior in
mind and body, but was also the best trained for both stand up and
ground fighting techniques. It is not always what you are prepared
for that will get you, but rather what you are not prepared for. So we
all headed to bed. Matt and David did two hundred push-ups before
bed, and I thought, ―If I did that, I would never get to sleep.‖ Yet
when they were done, they both went right to sleep.

At 6:30 the following morning, Soke Karroninn came in and he was

ready for action. He and Soke Draconis grappled around for a few
moments, joking and laughing, and then they stood up and said,
―Boys, take a shower, get ready, and put on your uniforms.
Breakfast is at seven o‘clock sharp.‖ Tony and I hurried to get ready
while, of course, Matt and David were cool, calm, and collected as

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The showers were seven individual shower huts with soap and
shampoo shelves, an overhead hanging sprinkler, three walls, and a
door. We talked and showered for 10 minutes, got ready, and were
all at the table at 7:00 AM sharp, enjoying oatmeal, fresh squeezed
orange and grapefruit juice, fruit salads, eggs, whole grain toast,
milk, and turkey bacon.

After breakfast, we sat around and talked about the day‘s training for
about 45 minutes, and then we had a creative visualization exercise.
We ran through the entire day‘s work in as much detail as we could
and focused on the lessons that we wanted to learn as well as the
ones that would just come as a result of that training. As promised,
the daily workout really did begin with a three-mile run and a
twenty-minute breathing exercise. In breathing practice, we forced
air into and out of the lungs, moving our body and thoughts with our
breath, so that there was no separation between the breath and the
movement of life.

We began training in the dojo, which was the red and brown barn
that had an extremely Norse attitude to it. When we walked in the
doors, we bowed and moved to a 2,000 square foot matted area that
had an all white canvas top and a border around it made of wood.
Soke Karroninn and Soke Draconis stood beside each other as we
entered and then Matt and David came in. They were in the hakama
and had brown belts around their waist and sempai patches on their
arms. I had no clue, nor did Soke let on to me, that these were
brown belts. However, I should have read between the lines.

We started the class bowing to show respect then we began a full

five-minute breathing ―kata‖ to expand our lungs. (A breathing
―kata‖ is the practice of the mechanical movements of breathing,
studying how to improve your patterns of breathing to create a more

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fluid or solid structure. Breath is the necessity of life and breathing
is part of everything that we do and feel.) We then had a 15-minute
stretching class. There were two stretches done per body part, but
they were very intense, going for maximum time and then some.
Soke Karroninn believed strongly that, when it comes to stretching,
many people stop right before the point of receiving the most
benefit. He informed us that, though it is true that all stretching is
good, some stretching moves are more effective than others. He also
explained that we only did two stretches per body part because those
stretches work that body part the best. Then he stated, ―Just like all
things in life, don‘t go for quantity but go for quality.‖ He remarked
that anyone could bend over as if they are stretching, but stretching
is a science and an art. Most people never take the time to learn that.

After that, we went into a 15-minute calisthenics class. It was

intense – much rougher than my football training. We had to pick
each other up under the arms and carry the person to one end of the
room and then back again. There were push-ups, crunches, squats,
and duck walks. It was very difficult. After all of that, we began
class with ―ukemi‖ which are falling techniques. We spent half an
hour on falling techniques and then did a half an hour punching
class. This was followed by a half an hour ukemi class and a 30-
minute kicking class, and then we repeated this cycle twice. By the
time lunch rolled around, not only was it a much needed rest, it was
a good change of pace.

As I ate at the table, I began to feel a sense of belonging and that

suddenly my life had purpose. I was focusing and dedicating myself
to my cause. I looked at Soke Draconis and Soke Karroninn, and I
began to think about how it must have been to be Soke Karroninn‘s
son, and what a great father that Soke Karroninn must be. This was
something that I never had.

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After lunch, we did a 15-minute visualization exercise. As Soke
Karroninn spoke, he told us what we would be doing in our
grappling session and had us visualizing it. After we were done
visualizing, we went to the dojo and spent the next 15 minutes
stretching out again. Following that, we began grappling and the
sessions went on for three hours. It was very extensive and
exhausting. We worked three techniques to death, learning them
from all angles. After class, Soke Draconis suggested we go
swimming in the lake.

We all quickly agreed, went to the lake, took off our gi tops, and
jumped straight in. It was a perfect, warm, beautiful afternoon in
August. Of course, we divided into teams and started grappling in
the water. After we got out of the water, we took showers, got
cleaned up, ate supper, and went into the living room to sit and talk.
Soke Karroninn wanted to know about me and asked me many
personal questions, which I answered.

I looked around the house and began to notice a few common

themes. First, there was no television or radio in any of the rooms.
A room that appeared to be a library was down the hall to the left. It
was filled wall-to-wall with bookshelves made of oak that must have
contained several thousand books. There was a large round wooden
table that, oddly enough, had six legs. The table was made of oak as
well and was extremely solid. As with the furniture in Soke
Draconis‘ office, there were carvings all over the table. All the
windows were open in the house and always stayed that way. The
place was immaculate. I could see where Soke Draconis got his
philosophy of a place for everything and everything in its place.

I asked Soke Karroninn about the library I had seen, and he asked
me if I was interested in knowledge about metaphysics and self-help.
I shouted, ―Absolutely!‖ He let me know, ―If you play your cards

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right, you may have an opportunity to see something much larger
than this.‖ I was truly intrigued by then.

As evening rolled around and we all got into bed, I began to

contemplate the day as I so often did. When we got up the next
morning, it was an exact repeat of the day before, except that we
practiced new techniques in class.

After the day was done and we were all sitting on the porch, Soke
Draconis said, ―Come with me, I want to show you something.‖ He
took me out to a barn in the backyard. As we descended the porch
stairs, I noticed there were two shovels leaning up against the barn
and there was an area of ground that had no grass on it. It looked
like it had been done on purpose. Soke Draconis looked at me with
a serious look on his face and said, ―This is where I did it.‖

Looking down at the ground, I was confused. I have to admit—I

didn‘t understand. ―Did what?‖ I nervously asked. ―What did you
do?‖ Soke Draconis said, ―A friend and I took those two shovels
and dug a hole; we did it right here on this ground. I got into the
hole and was covered up to my neck in dirt, and there I stayed for
five days and four nights.‖

I was bewildered. All I could do was keep looking at the ground.

Then, the chilling thought came to me—he wants me to dig a hole
with him, get into that hole, and cover myself up to my neck. This is
insane. This can‘t be a mental exercise. This is something you
would do for pain and suffering, perhaps even torture. My palms
began to sweat, I felt my stomach get queasy, and my energy
suddenly went from a calm peaceful energy to an extremely nervous

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As usual, Soke had picked up on my shift in energy without me
having to say a word. He felt my concern for what I was about to be
asked to do. Soke Draconis said, ―Well, contrary to what you may
think, there is another way to look at it. We can just as easily chalk
up this weekend to having taken in some intense training out here in
this peaceful setting and return home with everyone else in the
morning. Do you want to take up the shovels and start digging?‖ I
said, ―Well, Soke, I didn‘t come this close to becoming a Black Belt
by being a quitter. In a few weeks, when I take that Black Belt test, I
will pass it. I‘m not a quitter. So let‘s get it on.‖

We grabbed the shovels and began digging. It is a creepy feeling

digging a hole you knew you were about to get buried in. It has to
be one of the most unnerving sensations I had ever felt. I thought
about the epiphany I had earlier in the truck and realized that this
was clearly my second epiphany. It was simple: I do not like
digging holes I‘m about to get buried in.

Soke Draconis looked at me with a wry grin and asked, ―It‘s quite
unnerving, isn‘t it?‖ I stopped for a few seconds and just stared at
him. He looked at me and said, ―I wouldn‘t be worried about being
buried up to my neck in dirt.‖ ―Oh, really, Soke, then what exactly
would you be worried about?‖ I asked. Once again, with that same
wry grin, Soke Draconis replied, ―I would be more concerned about
the person burying me and questioning if he was actually going to
dig me out.‖ A sudden realization of every horror movie I had ever
seen in my young life and all the terrible things I had ever heard
about were swiftly becoming very real to me.

Soke Draconis offered a new viewpoint for me to consider, ―I guess

it is all just a matter of whether or not you trust someone that much.‖
―Well, Soke,‖ I looked him in the eye, ―if I can‘t trust you by now,
then I can‘t trust anyone.‖ I had already been through so much with

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Soke that I couldn‘t even think of anyone else that I trusted more
than him. Soke Draconis looked at me with a jesting smile and
softly said, ―Maybe.‖ I wanted to know when this was going to take
place and that was when Soke informed me that he wanted me to get
checked out by the Doctor first.

On Monday morning, Matt, David, and Tony got into the truck and
left. Soke Karroninn then asked me what I knew about flow. I
informed him, ―Not much. I thought it was an esoteric term and that
it really didn‘t mean very much.‖

Soke Karroninn looked at me and smiled that same smile that Soke
Draconis had that unnerves you because you realize that, not only
are you about to learn something, but you also get the sudden
realization that there is something significant you do not know.
Then he said, ―Let‘s go up on the porch and get some iced tea and
talk about flow.‖ I went inside and got a pitcher of iced tea with two
glasses, brought them out, and placed them on the porch table.

Soke Karroninn and I began to talk about flow. He began, ―The

simplest explanation of flow is that it is the ability not to get yourself
tangled up in things that you don‘t want to be involved in. More
times than not, we get involved in many things that we are not sure
about our place in, or whether we really want to be involved with in
the first place. Personality, however, takes us into it and our essence
becomes trapped. Before we go any further, take a moment and go
in the house. On the table by the sink are a writing tablet and a pen.
Bring them out.‖ So I did. He instructed me to draw a line down the
middle of the paper and on the left hand side write down situations
that I was involved in that I did not want to be. Then, on the right
side of the page, write down what I had to do in order to get out of it.
―When you are done, ask yourself how much energy it took to free
you of each particular situation.‖

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After I named about 10 or 15 things rapidly, Soke Karroninn said,
―You see, we spend most of our time using our energy to get out of
things we did not want to be involved with in the first place. The
other half of our struggle comes from planning to do something and
then thinking that there will be no obstacles to getting it done. The
other part of that problem is that, more times than not, we think we
may want something, but when it comes down to getting it done, we
really do not want it that bad. We are not willing to put out the
energy it takes to get it. This is the difference between actually
willing something to occur and simply wanting something to happen.

―The second part of living a life of flow involves understanding

responsibility so that we take ownership of our creations on all levels
and own them completely. They are nobody‘s concern but ours.
The greater your ability to switch a viewpoint, the more
responsibility you can assume.

―The third important point is integrity. Integrity, most simply

explained, is honor, and that honor is the ability to do the right thing,
even when others are not watching. When you put these three things
together life becomes a much simpler picture of reality.‖

Maximus observed, ―This flow thing is where someone needs to get

to because he or she has encountered too many problems.‖ I replied,
―Yes, we don‘t need to be getting in our own way. Let me explain
more to you about flow.‖


This multi-verse that we live in is such a magical place. I truly do

feel blessed to be a part of it. The fact that we create the Universe is

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even more exciting to me than previously conceived notions. When
we understand that we create the world by perceiving it, it gives us a
new dimension of understanding about our place in our Universe and
all the creative power that comes with it.

Metaphysics is getting a very big shot in the arm from quantum

physics; a well-deserved shot in the arm, I might add. Quantum
physics has changed the landscape forever. Metaphysics and
quantum now agree that we formulate the Universe by way of our
perceptions and that all returns to the infinite mind of the self-
created Universe. Mind-spirit creates into reality the things that it
wants to experience and then arranges them into realties by way of
particle formations and agreed upon realities. Agreed upon realties
are structured from beliefs. We receive a filter system in the
corridors of the brain to tell ourselves what is and is not reality.
Through the mind, we receive what can and will become reality.

The reality that we experience is one filled with magical creations

and desires. Without our thoughts, the Universe would at best be
only an abstract formless void. Without us to empower it, like us, it
would never realize its true potential. In the conscious side of
reality, there is responsibility, accountability, and compassion. In
the world of the reactive, there is only default creation. We can
arrange and delete realties out of our existence as we see fit.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Quantum physics believes in the fact that

we create the Universe, but their model is a little different from that
of Creotology. If we understand it correctly, all of reality, as each
individual knows it to be, is a self-impression or an interpersonal
experience. This means that it is all truly within the mind. That is,
we hold our mental Universe together with our attention and
assemble it through our perceptions. We create it into our reality
and since the brain does not know the difference between what it is

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experiencing and imagining, the reality is the same and the mind-
spirit receives the neurological experiences from the reality. There
is a difference in inner and outer reality only if you can determine
what reality is. Even the biggest minds have not yet been able to
figure that out. We see only the by-products of reality. I will give
you this; the reality that we perceive is a persistent one and that
makes the world of creation, magic, psychology and all physics so
very interesting.

At the same time, people are curious and question how if we create
the Universe then what about the laws of physics and what about
gravity? The bottom line is that gravity is a structure created from
within the brain that is projected outward, and that is how we keep
our reality in place. Attention and gravity is the same thing. (I will
explain more about this in my next book.) We are all running
around trying to convince everyone, including ourselves, that we are
right and they are wrong. Here comes that point of truth thing again,
which means basically… if I can get you to see my truth then I am
right, you are wrong, and my beliefs are better. If I can convince
you that I am right, then my world is more solid to me. The more
people who believe in something the more it is part of an accepted
consensus reality.

For example, you might ask, ―Do you see that chair?‖ And someone
says, ―Yes, I do.‖ You ask again, ―Do you see that chair?‖ And the
second person agrees with a hearty, ―Yes, I do!‖ Therefore, it is now
true, as it has been agreed upon. Agreement creates structures and
creates the reality that we share. It is a weird concept, but I guess
there have been stranger ideas. Agreement about reality is an
agreement about a label. A label is not a reality, just one level of a
reality. You have to get below the label to find the real reality of
anything; only then can you begin the serious work.

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Did you know that you could label yourself right out of existence?
You can think yourself out of existence by thinking improperly, as in
food addictions, greed, alcohol, smoking, revenge, and jealousies.
Other bad habits lead you to not having and achieving your full
potential as well. In the world of creation, we have developed this
thing called observation as the ultimate truth teller. That is not
going to work anymore since observation is flawed by way of

Speaking of perception, I am asked all the time about angels,

demons, spirits, and deities. My first reply is always, ―Whatever you
believe, which of course makes it an interpersonal experience.‖ This
furthers people‘s curiosity and brings rise to their next question,
―What is that supposed to mean?‖ ―Exactly what I said,‖ I reply.
―Remember that the brain cannot tell the difference between what it
is imagining and experiencing.‖ What this says about the act of
creation is that everything that exists can be described as the
interactions of all forces through space and time.

I do not know about you, but this leaves me with a feeling of being
connected to everything. I would like to say that all things are
connected through your parallel Universes, which are an extension
of your mind-spirit that is looking to realize its potentials that create
the neurological aspects of the reality now known as you. You
create whatever space and time you are in. We create our miracles
entirely. A miracle can be nothing more than the way you view
something, the amount of information that you know about
something, or how you have been taught to see any particular thing.

It is through the corridors of the mind that we find ourselves trapped

within our accepted traditions and beliefs. Everyday life within the
design itself is very magical. We perform certain tasks associated
with certain beliefs and we expect certain outcomes. If it does not

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work out, then we invoke other people to help us. You could call
this calling forth other spirits. The only problem here is that we do
much of this in a subconscious state. This makes our results into
creations by default – in other words, mindless creations. We have
omnificent power both for self-preservation and to fulfill the
necessity of new creations, which is a function of our vantage point.

According to physics, anything that can be measured is real.

Thoughts are real and can create a difference. If thoughts come from
beliefs, then thoughts are the co-creators of realties and beliefs are
the originators. In my string theory, you can create and experience
anything you want by way of beliefs – little micro worlds inside of
micro worlds. Just because you believe something and did not
experience it does not mean that you will not experience it in another
self-created reality.

What role do you play in the continuation of this great prize we

consider so real, considering that this is all that there is? If this is all
that there is, then what was the need ever to exist? We live in a
speculative world of perception. All reality is influenced by
perception and perception is limited to the structure of our
knowingness. People will tell you that your perception does not
change the world of other people, but when others see you viewing
yourself in a different way and performing different actions, they
have a tendency to shift their perspective and attitude. Let us
examine this a little more closely.

How we determine if something is an individual entity, conceptual

or otherwise, is by its continuity of pattern. We then define the
entity by labeling what it does or represents, but what it represents to
us may not be what it represents to someone else. We create
language and call it communication even though it is only a creation
of ours, so it is not exactly an interpersonal experience. In fact, it

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could be ESP. A pre-arranged set of symbols are muttered and we
have to put them in a form so that they have meaning. I mean, they
are all interpersonal creations or creations of the imagination. The
mundane reality is only what we accept as true and logical. It is very
important that people understand that all creation, self-help, magic or
psychology is a personal creation, a very personal inner look at your
inner Universe.

Creation can be viewed as a technical way of thinking in order to

achieve a desired affect so you can feel the experiences that you
want and prefer. Remember that creation is a very pragmatic
approach to your inner Universe – if it works, it is true.

The quantum physics string theory of parallel Universes works. So

to explain possibilities and probabilities would be very hard not to
imagine them existing in conformity with necessity and mind-spirit.
We have known for some time that thoughts are things that create
change throughout our personal Universe and in other people‘s
Universe as well.

The mind-spirit is the ultimate signature of spirit because it is

omnipotent. In the grand scheme of things, how does one explain
the things that we so persistently call life or existence? Sometimes
described as a dream, but whose dream and how did we get the
ability to dream? Is life only a concept that we change and create as
we go? Is there one mastermind? Or, is it made up of lots of little
masterminds working in unity and being separated by unique
experiences? If we say that we are immortal, then have we always
been immortal? There is no need for time because it would not be
relevant. If you see yourself as the bigger picture, then you change
your point of view in the Universe, which also changes your
perspective of action as well.

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Maximus surmised, ―So you cannot philosophize about something,
you have to experience it.‖ I replied, ―Yes, experience is always the
real power.‖

Back with Soke Draconis I asked, ―So all these magical books I see
at the store are really a bunch of backwards pseudo-science?‖ He
confirmed my thoughts, ―Yes, these are people who are trying to pull
themselves up by the downfall of others, much like the false
confidence that competition gives you. You have to struggle all your
life to maintain until you no longer can and find yourself left by the
wayside, no longer able to maintain the illusion that you fought for
so long. Ultimately, you are just going to be tired, worn out, shallow
and very fragile. Someone else‘s words will send you off into a
frenzy trying to protect this house of glass that you live in. It is
actually cruel to watch. The thing that makes the Universe so
magical is the fact we see everything as a miracle or magic until we
understand it, and then we extract the lesson and the experience from
it and grow our world into a larger magical place by way of
expansion and acceptance.‖

I asked him if witchcraft and these other types of religions are bad.
He offered me his perspective, ―No, they are all learning experiences
serving to teach that truth is relative and subjective and that what we
see as objective is only an image - the objective reality. Most people
say that we should not judge them because we do not know them. I
think that could be true because no one really knows anyone
including his or her own self. People only know what they think
about themselves and that is subject to change according to the
conditions and experiences that they have in their life.‖ Soke said,
―This is a very important subject, so let‘s talk about it a little more at
some point.‖

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Chapter 14


Many people will perceive you in the light of what they know about
you and what they are willing to conceptualize about you. The
perceptions they throw at you are usually their own resisted
creations, which are their own limitations, weaknesses, and failures.
Most of us feel that the best way to judge ourselves is to judge others
by our shortcomings – it has a way of making us feel less
accountable. Being caught up in this worldview leads us into a
world of low confidence and no opportunities in life. In fact, it can
be said that you learn about other people by what they blame others
for or judge others to be doing. If someone accuses you of
something, that person is creating an identity for you to respond to
and when you respond to it, you are accepting his or her opinion.
You have now become part of their creation and not your own.

When you allow people to have this sort of control over you, you
have abandoned your own ideas. Once you accept their creation of
you, you end up spending all your energy resisting it. You have now
identified and resisted the creation and are supporting it by way of

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your own energy. They no longer have anything left to do in the
creation because now you have picked it up for them. Do not get
caught up in the game of others building your life for you through
this mechanism.

Some occult leaders, witches, and warlocks get you to do the

opposite of this technique in order to gain control over their clients
or students. Please believe me, I wish I did not have to bring this up,
but I see it too often and deeply desire to see it stop completely.
When you form your opinion about any guru, and you view them as
an all-knowing guru, you have given them what I see as the seed of
power. That is a bad move, because once they have established your
belief in them, they can go to work with a vengeance and twist your
perceptions about reality. Here are a few guidelines to work with.
You be the judge.


A bad teacher will want to control who you spend your time with,
what you read, what you do with your money, and many other
things. If someone who claims to be a teacher makes any of the
following demands, you should probably run in the opposite

1. Cut off contact with your family and friends.

2. Only hang out with other members of the group.
3. Give all your income and property to the group or group
4. Stop reading any other material except theirs.
5. Reject any other authority or doctrines.
6. Recruit new members to maintain your status in the group.
7. Let the leadership control your diet.

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8. Let the leadership control your sex life.

Other tricks include trying to convince you that the demon is going
to get you if you leave. The teacher may try to persuade you with
the promise that you will learn abilities that he or she cannot
demonstrate. Ultimately, this type of person will try to control all
your freedoms and may actually threaten you with violence if you
try to leave.

Of course, just as you will find toxic cults, covens, and self-help
groups that act as I describe above, there are also very good groups
of witches, warlocks, shamans, self-help gurus, and so forth. Not all
is lost – there are still great teachers around, but you have to use care
and common sense when you look at a prospective group and
teacher. People frequently ask me what I feel is the most important
thing about understanding rationalism. I use the word rationalism as
a metaphor meaning anything that teaches you how to create in your
life and opens up your vast shed of wonderful tools. It is my
intention to return you back to the wonderful creators of the
Universe that you are.

Back at the farmhouse, I asked Soke Draconis, ―People do like their

identities, don‘t they?‖ Soke answered, ―Sure! It is what gives them
their perceived feeling of control over things. They never really
understand where all these identities are coming from and why they
need them in the physical experience they are having. Identities
formulate at many different levels of consciousness.

I returned to my bedroom to get cleaned up for supper. Soke took a

small break to make a phone call while I came out of the bedroom
and prepared my favorite dish, spaghetti and meatballs. About an
hour had passed before we got a knock at the door. Soke Draconis
yelled out, ―Come on in Doc!‖ The doctor came in and introduced

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himself to me. Soke Draconis explained that Doc was there to give
me a physical before I went into the ground. ―Before we do the
physical, pull up a chair and eat with us Doc. We have enough food
to feed an army.‖ Doc laughed and asked, ―Is this the big meal
before the event?‖ ―Yes it is Doc. He is really living it up,‖ Soke

After an hour and a half of eating, laughing, joking, and just having a
very good time, Doc gave me a thorough check up. He said he
would be back in the morning to draw blood, but first he wanted me
to fast for eight hours.

Doc took off for the night and Soke Draconis filled me in on the
details of exactly what it was I was going to do. He told me that he
would place me into the ground, buried up to my neck in the dirt,
and that I would receive no food and very little water for as long as I
could take it. I asked him if there was anything else he wanted to tell
me to help me prepare and he only answered, ―It is something you
have to experience for yourself, Brady, but before we do this little
deal in the ground Soke Karroninn has a journey for you tomorrow
after your blood is drawn and you have breakfast.‖ I thought this
was great a chance to bond with Soke Karroninn. I had to admit I
was scared and intimidated to be all alone with this impeccable man,
but I would not miss this for the world.


The next morning at 6:30, Soke Karroninn knocked on the door,

poked his head in and said that it was time to eat and get ready
because we had an adventure ahead of us. At the table, he asked if I
had ever explored a cave and done any rock climbing, and I said

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―no.‖ He said, ―We are going to explore a cave today, and if you
make it, there is a surprise for you inside that only a few people have
ever seen, but you will have to brave the conditions. I asked what
the conditions were and Soke said, ―Rock slides, spiders, bats,
snakes, water, secret doorways and much more.‖ ―I am in great
health and ready for action, so let‘s do it.‖

Doc showed up, took my blood sample and said, ―Good luck with
your journey this morning. You are in good hands, Brady, do not
worry about anything.‖ I thanked Doc for the words of
encouragement as he excused himself from the table. Soke
Karroninn and I ate some oatmeal and freshly squeezed orange juice
and had some turkey bacon and biscuits with a serving of homemade
jelly. The jelly was so good and tasty I could eat the entire jar by
myself, but the Soke‘s look down on gluttony. They say eat all you
want, but do not eat until you are stuffed and bloated as this is both a
sign of lack of emotional control and that you are being ruled by
your thoughts about food.

When we finished, we did some breathing exercises for about twenty

minutes and then we loaded up the truck and drove down a dirt road
for about five miles. Then we turned down another dirt road and
drove for about another five miles before we pulled over to the side
of the road and brought out all the ropes and water, beef jerky,
gloves and blankets. We put on thick boots, started towards the
woods, and walked for about a mile and then we got out the
flashlights and flag markers just before heading in towards the front
of the cave entrance. The temperature of the cave dropped
considerably and it was very dark in there. I was a little unnerved,
but I had Soke with me and he was in such good shape that I knew I
was ok. Besides, I knew he had done this many times before. I
thought about what an adventure this could truly be for me. I was so

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excited but I did not want to appear to be out of control. I wanted to
show that I was a man!

Off in the distance I heard the very faint sound of running water. I
looked around on some of the walls, they were sparkling, and I
wondered to myself if those were diamonds or crystals. The walls
sparkled like little specks of diamonds, only in a wide variety of
colors. Soke and I both stood there taking in the beauty of nature.
Soke said, ―This wall inspired one of the techniques of personal goal
development.‖ I asked, ―How so?‖ ―If you look at the beauty of the
wall, Brady, you can see that some things are worth waiting for in
life. That is where the concept of crystallizing realities came from.
Just imagine how long it took to create all this beauty naturally, but
when it was done, it was worth the wait it took to get it there. There
will be goals in your life that will be created the same way, Brady,
creation is a process that sometimes needs time to unfold. You can‘t
shortcut beauty and perfection.‖

I stood there thinking about his words and how I could see the power
they represented and the truth they held. I thought about my first
meeting with Soke Draconis and subsequently meeting other
Draconis family members and all the things that have happened
during this time and concluded he was right, it does take time. We
began to descend into the cave.

As we went further into the cave, we were leaving markers behind

and Soke let me know they were for me, not him; he knew the way
very well and that was a big relief. Soke told me this cave had so
many twists and turns and warned me that I needed to pay close
attention to where I step and shift the placement of my weight.

We went deeper and deeper into this dark void of stone and dirt.
There was an uneasy feeling coming over me about being this far

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into the ground and how much unexplored life and different things
must be down here. How would we get out if it caved in? I trusted
that Soke knew what he was doing and just cleared my mind and
enjoyed the adventure.

We came to another ledge, threw down some ropes, and went deeper
for at least another quarter of a mile. Soke offered for us to take a
break at this point, so we ate some beef jerky and drank water while
we sat and talked. Soke asked, ―What do you think so far?‖ I
commented, ―It‘s very interesting and scary at the same time.‖ At
that moment, I felt something against my boot. Soke looked down
with his flash light then reached down and pulled up about a three
foot long snake. It was biting my boot; thank God it was not my
skin. I‘ll tell you one thing for sure - I looked everywhere I sat from
that moment on.

As we moved on, Soke let me know that we had to go down a little

further. The sounds and the smells of the water were really fresh
now and I held great anticipation of seeing the waterfall. The fact
that we were right there made me even more interested because
some of the rocks were covering the falls. As we descended down
into the cave, we were right across from the waterfall. We were so
close we could reach out and touch it. Right below were the lake
and the land all around it. I could see the ripples in the water from
the falls and felt the presence of energy and a smell that was
extremely fresh. My hands were hurting from climbing down the
rope, but I was ok. Soke was just amazing and seemed to be the
perfect physical specimen. He looked no older than fifty.

As we got onto land and squared away the gear I begin to realize that
the climb back to where we started was going to be immense and
when I made the comment to Soke, he just smiled and said, ―Don‘t
worry, it‘s all in a day‘s work.‖ I thought to myself, ―Not my day.‖

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Soke then said, ―Let‘s take a rest and then we will go onto the
second part of our journey.‖

I thought this was certainly beautiful and incredibly exciting and the
water was so clear, clean and very inviting. When I looked into the
clean clear water, I saw things that were sparkling and shiny again.
Soke placed his hands on my shoulder and said, ―Are you ready for
the next part of the adventure?‖ I asked, ―What do I do?‖ Soke
suggested, ―Let‘s see how long we can hold our breath again.‖ I did
it about the same length of time as the last time he had asked me.
Then Soke informed me, ―We are going to swim under the water, it
will take about two and a half minutes to get where we are going,
maybe three, depending on how fast we swim.‖ I was a little
intimidated, but I was a great swimmer, so Soke went in first and I
went into the water after him.

I was following him and all was going well except for the fact that I
was lagging behind so I swam harder and harder using more and
more oxygen. I could not see Soke anymore and I got panicky as I
was running out of air quickly. I felt as if I was not going to make it
and then Soke‘s leg appeared in front of me, so we swam together. I
emerged into a clearing of beautiful sparkling lights and pleasant
smells, although musty, and as I lay at the side of the water I looked
up and saw Soke calmly sitting on a rock.

I stood looking around the cave trying to catch my breath and

looking at all the sparkling lights when Soke said that this was where
many have had their greatest spiritual quest and that this would be
mine as well. I said, ―The adventure is incredible but hardly the
spiritual quest of my life,‖ and Soke replied, ―Behind this wall, for
all who are worthy, awaits the spiritual journey of a lifetime and
perhaps more.‖ I asked if he were coming with me and he said, ―No,
this is your quest, Brady, but I will be right here. Collect yourself

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while I make a fire, I will eat, but you cannot until afterwards.‖ I
reluctantly agreed, ―Okay, even though I am already starving.‖
When I said that he smiled and responded, ―Just wait and see and I
promise you will truly know what it feels like to be starving on your
next quest. If this is successful, your next test will bring about some
very profound shifts in consciousness, it will be a real treat for you,
but for now you have to focus on the task at hand.‖

Soke said, ―Go into that room there, see what you see, and do what
you do.‖ I went into the room after taking a long drink of water.
The way to get in was by moving a medium sized stone at the
bottom of a large stone door, which looked like the wall itself. I
moved the stone as instructed until the doorway was open about two
feet and I made my way inside. Soke shut the door behind me, it
was as dark as could be, but there was a definite energy change as
well as a temperature shift. I turned on my flash light, there was this
sparkling stuff everywhere, and there were all types of Norse
antiques. The things looked so old but were in great shape and there
were also gold and diamonds.

I bumped into something solid that turned out to be a docked Viking

boat. It was a giant sailboat with its sailing canopy still in great
shape and well preserved. I boarded the boat and was moving
around when I fell and hit my head. I heard someone coming so I
laid there. A man with a scarf on his head, a spear in his hand and a
brimmed hat on asked me what I was doing in there. I told him I
was looking for an experience. He said, ―Well, you are in one now
so let‘s begin.‖ He waved his hand in the air and made a circle. The
center of the circle looked like water but the back of it appeared hard
and somewhat shapely. When I looked through it, I saw mountains
of green hills and valleys, lakes and people in kilts, farmers and
families - like back in the renaissance days. There were oxen
hooked to plow and beautiful clear skies. I had a great feeling of

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happiness, and then I saw myself differently, but still the same. I felt
a great sense of belonging welling up inside of me and knew I was a
farmer and a warrior. There seemed to be a problem suddenly
because there was a great fight and someone was trying to take over
the highlands. Scotland was under attack and as the war waged, I
felt steel go through me. It hurt, but only for a moment and then the
pain was gone.

I saw the man in front of me again and when I asked him his name,
he told me, ―That is not what‘s important, let‘s continue.‖ We then
came across a helmet, like a warrior, but very different. I went to
place the helmet on and I had another vision of a man dressed up in
furs and big boots that would keep most people very warm. There
was snow and ice everywhere and it was extremely cold. I saw a
house with smoke coming out of it and as I went closer, I realized
this was my house.

I opened the door, there were my wife and four kids, and supper was
on the table. Afterwards, we all danced, laughed, played, read and
snuggled around the fireplace. We then told old stories and I played
the bagpipes. The entire event was really magical and I was in a
mode of complete appreciation. There was no sense of being lost
because they were with me and everything was ok. Realities were
being played out. Never become too attached to one reality because
the importance that we assign to them is different than the one that
the mind-spirit assigns to them.

Maximus asked, ―So you were actually in a cave and did all this?‖ I
replied, ―Absolutely! It was one of the greatest times of my life, and
very profound. Things that we become attached to ultimately gain
power over us and can influence our reality, so be careful what you
attach yourself to Maximus.‖

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I saw flashes of realties that I knew I had not seen or experienced in
this lifetime, but that were familiar to me somehow and they all felt
right with no resistance at all. It was a world of peace and
tranquility. I felt it all around me. The Universe was the center of
my attention. I was really creating and expanding it but also there
was a sense of a stronger power not forcing me into anything - just
there as part of the picture and participating in a quantum level that
was inextricably linked to me. All things were one, but somehow
there was a difference, whether it was perceived or not. It was a
small difference like perhaps we compete and grow in the stratum
level of consciousness.

The smarter we become the more influence we can insert into reality
and play off the interpretations like running water that splatters once
it hits the bottom of a pool or glass. As great as the divider is, it is
not all encompassing and not there to be grouped and labeled as
some kind of difference, but rather inter-changeable with all realties
that are perceived at the moment although not the ones that are not
yet created. In the notion of time, there is no past, present, or future.
There is only the linear concept, that it is true, but that is not all,
because all things are flawed because of perception. Perception is
only a model that we use as our accepted truth but is not the truth
itself. Not all things are rushing to an end but rather into a more
expansive viewpoint of itself and its own need of necessities and
grouping when convenient, but not when it isn‘t.

The aspect of life is never hot or cold but rather charged at times and
uncharged at other times. I could never bestow upon reality the
impression of my mind because reality is all things waiting for us to
catch and mobilize it into a working confirmation of what we want
to experience.

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The hat fell off or I took it off; I really can‘t remember which, and I
felt someone‘s hand on my face telling me to come through. I then
felt warm water on my face. It was Soke telling me that I had been
out for many hours, so he came to check on me. I asked him where
the man with the red beard, spear and hat had gone and he said there
was no one there. I told him I had experienced this man and how he
helped me when I fell down and hit my head. Soke asked me if it
was the same spot I was lying in now. I looked around and it was
the same spot. We grabbed our bags and headed for the door. When
we got on the other side of the door, I noticed a spear and hat up
against the wall just on the inside. ―It was all real!‖ I exclaimed and
I told Soke about how when I picked them up they felt like mine. He
said, ―If you truly feel that, Brady, then, by all means, please take it.
I am sure it is yours.‖ We closed the door, turned around, and sat
there for awhile drinking some water as I ate some beef jerky.

We were thinking about moving on when Soke asked if I wanted to

make a friendly contest of this, and I asked what he had in mind. He
replied, "You go back the way you came and I will give you a head
start and meet you back at the truck. I will wait until you get back at
top level before I start my return.‖ He waited for me to get back
topside before he yelled, ―Go!‖ It echoed through the entire cave
and I took off as fast as I could, I wanted to win. I was following the
trail very well and I was out of that cave in about 20 minutes. Once
I hit the top, I ran through weeds, bushes, and trees as fast as I could
go. When I cleared the final trees, there stood Soke, all grins. I told
him, ―There is no way you passed me up, I would have seen you.‖
He laughed loudly and explained, ―I didn‘t say anything about
passing you or going back that way. There is a clearing about 10
minutes from where we were, I just followed it and it cuts right back
to the other side of that drainage ditch there on the other side of this
road.‖ I felt like a complete idiot, he laughed again and said, ―Don‘t
feel bad that you were beat by a 72 year old man.‖ I heard him still

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laughing as he went around to the driver‘s side of the truck. I
wrapped my spear and helmet up and placed them in the truck.

As I took a seat in the cab, I realized how, because I hadn‘t known

all the facts of the situation, I had to work harder to get up those
mountains and run all the way back while Soke breezed it using but
a tenth of the energy. Another lesson well learned. On the way
back, Soke and I talked about what a magical Universe everything
was and he began to explain to me how something magical is
somewhat like a miracle. He also shared about how it only seems
that way if you do not understand it and that normally these things
are found under unquestioned beliefs.

When we arrived back at the farmhouse, I thanked him immensely

for the experience and let him know that I had to get some sleep
because I was so very tired. I took a shower and then laid myself
down on the most comfortable bed I had ever experienced. I
immediately drifted to sleep.

I was awakened in the morning with a knock on the door. It was

Soke Draconis with Doc. ―I am going to draw your blood, Brady.‖
When he had finished the blood draw, he informed me he would call
me in about four hours. I got up, took another shower and then Soke
Draconis and I went into town and enjoyed a big breakfast. I was
really going to live it up because if those test results came back okay,
I knew where I was going. Food would be something I wouldn‘t
taste for several days and nights.

Soke and I then swung by Doc‘s office, which was about five
minutes away from where we ate. As we walked in, Doc was
already expecting us and said, ―I just got back the lab reports.‖
―That was quick,‖ I remarked. Doc confirmed, ―It‘s a luxury when

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you own your own personal lab. You are a healthy boy. I made sure
to check everything twice.‖

On the ride back to the farm, my mind was reeling with thoughts
about worms crawling up my butt, bugs crawling on my face and
dehydration. I mentioned my growing concerns to Soke Draconis.
As the truck pulled up to the house, Soke encouraged me in his own
way, ―These are some of the conditions that have got to be braved in
order to do it. Can you control your fear?‖ With a lump in my
throat the size of an apple, I said, ―Yes, I can.‖ Soke was very
serious now, ―Remember, we all get scared, but it is what we allow
that emotion to do with us that‘s important. You control it. It does
not control you. You are the eye of the hurricane. Come with me.‖

Talk about unsure feelings! Yet despite the terror, fear, second-
guessing, insecurities, and changing my mind, I new I had it in me to
keep going. This was exciting, but not cool at all. I was scared, but
I could not back out because this was Soke and I was going to
impress him no matter what. I did not want to do this for him; I
wanted it for my growth and me. He was just showing me a tool.
He let me know I did not have to use it, I could turn it down, but I
felt as if I had to express myself. Finally, I said, ―Soke, I am doing
this because I want to and for no other reason. I hope you do not
consider that disrespectful.‖ He replied, ―I wouldn‘t want it any
other way.‖

Soke informed me that he would be out occasionally to talk and give

me water. Also, that there would be a young man named Roninn
watching over me at night to make sure nothing attacked me, but in
no way would he make himself noticeable. I eased up a bit, ―That
does make me feel better. What is it that I will learn from this
lesson?‖ He eluded, ―We all learn things that are part of our own
spiritual path, but some of the teachings are quite remarkable.‖ He

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did not want to tell me anything because he did not want to influence
my discoveries. He said, ―This should be up to the individual
themselves. It is the ultimate intrapersonal experience.‖

Having previously dug the hole completely, all that was left was to
get down into it. It felt very weird and scary to be in a hole up to
your neck with someone standing above you with a shovel. Soke
started piling in the dirt. When the dirt was up to my neck, I
suddenly found myself with a very different perspective in that I was
all right with it and wanted to experience it. As he patted the dirt
tightly around my neck, Soke Draconis asked me if I was okay. I
expressed that I was fine, just a little freaked out. He told me that
was understandable and that he and Soke Karroninn had been
freaked out as well. He then went into the house for a while. He
wanted to leave me alone and let me grow adjusted to the fact that I
was going to be out here all night long by myself, but that I
shouldn‘t worry about anything bothering me because I was being
watched. He walked back towards the house, kind of doing these
one skip, two skip movements that he did from time to time when he
walked. Sometimes he is so playful that he reminds me of a child.

In the distance, I could easily look down and see his Viking style
house with the Viking boat that he and Soke Karroninn had built.
After being there for many days, it actually did begin to strike me as
odd how they had built an old Viking style home on a lake with a
giant Viking boat in the back of it. Then I thought, ―Well, it‘s no
different than someone owning a fancy home on a lake and having a
yacht out there - to each his own.‖ I could tilt my head to the left
and see much of the lake. Now that the evening hours were coming
upon us, I could see how beautiful the lake really was with the
moonlight glistening off the top of the water and all the trees that
surrounded the lake slightly closing in. It looked almost if the trees
themselves were curling up to go to sleep for the night.

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I do not mind telling you that there was also a slightly eerie and
uncomfortable feeling about being out in the dark looking at this
lake that was about 50 feet from me. You begin to hear all types of
weird noises that you never really noticed before, like how different
the sounds of crickets are when you are placed in a more
compromising position than usual. The air at times seemed to move
a little bit quicker than it had ever moved before. Your perspective
being below the ground covered up to your neck is quite different
from the one you get being on your feet standing on top of that same

When I was in the ground, I found myself wondering what I was

supposed to do. He did not give me any instructions. I had no
directions. I had never done anything like this before in my life and
I felt lost. I thought, ―Well, maybe I will settle back and just let
something happen, whatever that will be.‖

After a few hours, I began to realize how vulnerable I was. I started

to feel that maybe someone was behind me and if attacked, how
would I defend myself? I could not expect to yell for Soke, but he
had told me that a guy named Roninn was watching over me that
night. I thought, ―Hmmm… it‘s still kind of eerie with the wind
blowing up the back of your neck.‖

A couple more hours passed and I began to feel very uneasy. I then
realized that if anything was going to get done, I needed to be still
and just listen for what I could really hear. I sat and listened quietly.
I felt the vibration and the air and quickly realized that all of life is a
harmonious game – simply one vibration bouncing off another. If
you listen to the vibrations properly, you can think of it as a cosmic
symphony. Each musician has their part to play and they play it
properly. Sometimes the orchestra gets out of tune, but it is only

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when one of the players makes a judgment about one of the other
player‘s abilities and what they are playing. You quickly begin to
see that all of the vibrations are perfect, that there really is no right
or wrong. There are only the mental structures that exist, and each
structure ultimately represents a level of reality that we participate

I lay there and I thought and thought about this. I had always heard
that there were no differences between all of us and that we are all
the same. The basic level where we exist as a neutral energy is the
same, but when that energy makes a pivotal switch into the structure
of another consciousness level, it quickly begins to develop the
mental structures of what it is and what it is not.

Mentally, we can construct ourselves into anything we choose. If we

are not free to choose, then who chooses for us? It is at that point of
decision where we say to ourselves, ―I am this, but I am not that,‖ or
―I want this, but I don‘t want that‖ that we begin to quickly shape a
level of consciousness that we determine as us. We interact with
these ideas as the most profound discoveries of our time and nothing
else exists for us.

No other possibilities could exist outside of the ones that we have

chosen. When you have a belief system and it is reinforced in the
environment around you, it very easily becomes an accepted truth.
A doorway that is forgotten to one truth is a brand new doorway
open to another. As I thought about this, I began to realize that our
vibrations bounce off the realities and the corridors of our minds and
they make subtle impressions as indentions in the doorways of our
beliefs. It is through our belief system what we feel and confirm.
What we confirm we reaffirm. Once we have confirmed and
reaffirmed, we try to make others agree with what we believe. The
more that we can make others believe what we believe, then the

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more solid our realities become.

A reality is only solid if it can stand the test of time and the pressure
of performance. If it yields under the pressure of performance, then
it does us no good. If it offers us no help getting what we want to
experience, why hold onto it? We do so because we are reluctant to
change. Changes in our belief structures indicate that if we believe
something else and it makes more sense, then everything we
believed in the past was a lie. Our knowledge and life become a lie.
We begin to wonder how we can trust ourselves. Low self-
confidence begins to permeate our soul and fastens its teeth to our
ambitions. Our ambitions then begin to feel like a stairway. What
we really want is to be at the top of the stairs, but we are too tired
and too unsure of ourselves to make the climb.

We then reconfirm that which we believe by making an association

with failures that we had before, until we are only a shadow of our
once inspired self. If we could only dissolve all of the beliefs in our
subconscious that do not work, then we could unlock all of our
chains, throw off these locks and make the climb up that stairway as
easily as we once did when we were young. Many of us, through
our aging process, become extreme creatures of default creations.
Our default creations have hold of us and will not let go, unless we
choose to be free. We must move around the mental structures if we
are to build anything new so that we can become something else.

By this time, I was really hungry and thirsty as well. The stars
seemed so different. They looked like little sparkling lights on black
velvet. I felt that I was within a box with black velvet lights up
overhead. The moon seemed huge, as if it could crush me at any
moment, but along with the strange crushing feeling, I felt that it was
pulling me at the same time. I could not determine if the moon was
pulling me, or I was pulling it. We seemed to have a tug of war

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going on with this imaginary rope. I felt the same way with the
house – that I could pull it to me, or that it could pull me to it.

As I continued to fade in and out of consciousness, I began to have

many more thoughts. I began to ponder things like, if we have only
one spirit, are we limited to only one reality? Is our spirit capable of
processing multiple dimensions and can it experience many different
levels of reality? I thought if there are martial arts, then there are
mental arts. I am not only a martial artist but I am a mental artist as
well. This is what I am, a mental warrior. What does that mean to
be a mental warrior? The mental warrior‘s objective is to master the
mind. The mastery of the mind is full of personal challenges and can
sometimes be a battle. Our surroundings are reflections of our inner
mind. It is true, since we are pure energy and we determine how to
use that energy, then the force is always with us. How is that for a
real slogan?

After a little while longer, I could not tell whether I was weighing
down the dirt or if the dirt was weighing me down. It seemed as if
my body temperature had begun to drop to the exact same level as
the ground. I could not tell the difference between where the dirt
began and my body ended. It completely felt all as one. The
vibration of the earth was getting stronger. I felt like a giant
resonator. I was able to feel all the earth‘s vibrations and beats and
between the beat of my heart and the beat that I felt within the
vibrations, there seemed to be some communication playing out.

Morning began to creep around. The sun rose very slowly and I
knew it must have been about 6:30 AM. Soke Draconis came out to
have a picnic carrying a checkered tablecloth and greeted me, ―Good
morning to you, Brady. How are you?‖ I responded that I was tired
and hungry, but I had had an interesting night. Soke laid out his
breakfast about two feet in front of me and it smelled so good! He

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said that this morning he was going to have a feast. Instantly, I
thought, ―Hmmm… since I have been here, he has not had a feast.‖
Today he decided to skip his usual large bowl of oatmeal with
cinnamon and just a little bit of sugar. Instead, he was eating
scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, sausage, pancakes with maple
syrup and honey and a big tall glass of ice water.

Soke never started his morning with stimulants. He said that

stimulants were a false energy and made one dependent. He sat
there and we talked while he ate. He placed an eight-ounce glass of
water in front of me. He said that I could have the water after he
finished eating. That eight-ounce glass of water looked like a buffet
to me. He asked me if I would tell him about the experiences that I
had during the night and when I was done, he gave me the glass of
water. He asked if I felt okay and if anything was bothering me in
the ground. I said ―no,‖ that I felt fine, although I was starving to
death. Soke then cleaned up his mess very neatly and said that he
had some work to do today, but that a new individual would be
watching me while he was gone. He said if I needed anything, just
to cry out. I asked what this individuals name was, and he said,
―Dunr.‖ He would not be seen, but he would be watching my every

The sun was coming up and it was just as beautiful coming up over
the water as the moon had been reflecting on it. The trees seemed to
be coming back to life too. I sat there and thought about the feast
that Soke had eaten and how good all of it must have tasted. I
thought that was exceptionally cruel, although the water did taste

After about an hour and a half passed, I heard a noise. There was
something crawling through the grass. I thought, ―Oh my God! It is
a snake!‖ He was hissing about four feet from me when I saw him.

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Then he was about two feet from me and curled up, while still
hissing. From the right side of my vision, I saw something fly
through the air very fast. It landed straight in the center of the
snake‘s body and drove into the ground. Dunr appeared from the
surrounding trees, removed the spear out of the snake and held it up
saying, ―That would have been a nasty bite. That was a water
moccasin.‖ I did not care if it was an overgrown worm. I did not
want anything biting me. Dunr wrapped the snake around his neck
and asked me if I wanted some company. I inquired of him how he
knew Soke Draconis and Soke Karroninn.

He told me that Soke Karroninn was his grandfather and Soke

Draconis, his uncle. I asked him how it was that families get to
become families. He explained, ―Energy that thinks alike stays
together. We structure our energy to maintain the pattern and
influence of what we experience. I told him that I had discovered
that throughout the prior evening. He said, ―Yes, I bet you had some
insights last night, but the best is probably yet to come.‖

I tried to get more information from him, ―Could you give me an

idea of what?‖ He grinned knowingly and said, ―Sure, how about
inner-dimensional mind traveling?‖ I asked him if that was anything
like astral projecting. He told me that it was not. I said, ―I have
nothing better to do right now if you wouldn‘t mind explaining the
two concepts to me.‖ He told me he could explain the philosophy to
me, but I would have to experience it for myself. That sounded fair
to me and I asked him please to continue.


―First, let‘s look at astral projection. The astral is another plane of

existence and projection is the ability to project something toward

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something. So then, when referring to astral projection you could
say that you are projecting something towards another plane of
existence. Many people believe in astral projection, but there are
several flaws in this.

1. We do not know what the astral plane is except for the

diverse ―beliefs‖ that various people hold. This makes it
different for each person, although there can be common
similarities to their beliefs that can and often do create the
impression of phenomenon.

2. In order to project something, you should know what it is. If

you are going to project your ―spirit‖ or ―consciousness‖ then
you should know exactly what these things are. The simplest
explanation is that we are projecting our beliefs – and beliefs
are all structures of the brain, learned corridors of the brain
and its projected realities.

―Inner-dimensional traveling is altogether different in how we view

its operation. To perform inner-dimensional traveling, we shut down
all identities of the brain by way of Creotology‘s Universal
Dissolving Technique and then allow our energy to operate by the
mental frame that we exist in from the projection of our mind-spirit.
Unlike astral projection, we are trying to get outside the frames of
the brain and all of its agreements, conditions, logic, and imagination
and go strictly into the mental framework of the mind-spirit itself. It
can be an extremely scary thing to do when you are experiencing
nothingness and there are absolutely no projected realties to hold on

―You will know all about this soon enough since after awhile with
no food or water, you will begin to get too tired to fight and hold
onto realities. You will just let go of the connection to all the

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agreements and conditions and then there will be nothingness.
Being in the ground intensifies the experience even more.‖ I said,
―Yes, I agree. I can see how that would be. Have you done this?‖
He replied, ―Of course. All the nephews, cousins, brothers, sisters,
and so forth have done this. In fact, they consider it an honor if they
show this to anybody and allow them to do it.‖ Dunr‘s last comment
also meant I was being considered for family. Wow! I had no idea
about this being an initiation into the family. He mentioned that he
could say no more and I acknowledged, ―Of course, I think I
understand and respect that.‖ He said, ―I thought that you would
from all that I feel and all that Soke Draconis has told me about you.
Remember, you cannot philosophize your way into inner-
dimensional mind traveling. You have got to experience it.‖ He had
to go and continue his watch but assured me that I would be ok until
Soke got home.

What seemed to be several more hours passed, and then I saw Soke‘s
truck come down the road and pull up to the house. He waved and
yelled, asking if I was ok. I yelled back that I was, and then he
walked back towards the house. I do not know why but when I
looked around, everything now seemed really green and fresh and
smelled natural. Everything was in flow and there was no rush to do
things, yet everything was done extremely efficiently and everything
was very well organized. There was no better place to be that I had
ever been and even the blue skies and the intense shining of the sun
had a different effect on me at this time.

Then suddenly, my stomach began hurting and I felt like I was in

trouble. I needed and wanted food and I wanted it now. I began to
realize that the more I thought about it, the more I wanted it. This
vicious cycle my thoughts were reeling on really began to aggravate
me and make me mad because the food was in the house, but I could
not move to go and get it. I felt frustrated. Why was I focusing on

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the things I could not have? I should think about something else. I
said to myself, ―Ok, then.‖ Then I thought, ―Wait a minute. Who
are you talking to?‖ ―Myself, I guess.‖ Then I wondered, ―How
many self‘s do I have? I guess as many as I choose to recognize.‖ I
thought I would ponder that later because I was hungry and I was
beginning to grow too tired to think. I would need to reserve my
strength and maybe see if I could take a nap, but that sun was
beating right down on me. It was very hot on my face. What to do?
What to do?

Almost as if on queue, Soke came out and spread sunscreen with

Aloe Vera gel in it on my face and that really helped. He started
doing that about every three hours. Then he informed me, ―Today
we are going to add a new twist.‖ I asked him, ―What type of a
twist?‖ He explained, ―You will use some specially made ear plugs.
I will put them in your ears and you will not be able to hear
anything. The other new thing we‘ll do,‖ he added, as he held up a
black piece of cloth, ―is this mask. It has been especially made so
that you cannot tell the difference between light and darkness.

Then Soke changed the subject, ―So, can you tell where the ground
begins and your body ends?‖ I admitted to him how I could no
longer tell the difference. Soke Draconis then walked over, stuck the
ear plugs in my ears, and then put the mask over my face. It covered
my eyes but left my nose and mouth uncovered. There was dead
silence. Even though it was bright outside, I was in total darkness. I
could not hear anything. The only sound I heard was a little like the
sound of a sea shell held up to your ear. I thought about how this
was a completely different twist than what I was prepared for. ―He
is taking out more of my realities and making me let go of more of
my fears. I am completely helpless. I have no way to physically
defend myself. I absolutely cannot hear anything. I cannot see
anything. All of my modalities have been shut down. I can receive

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no incoming information from my senses. I cannot tell day from
night or night from day. I cannot use sounds to create a difference
because my ears are plugged. This is getting better by the moment,‖
I said to myself, ―no sound, no sight, nothing but stillness and
thoughts. What should I do now? I guess I just keep doing what I
have been doing. There are no distractions. It is just me now.‖ I felt
the water bottle held to my lips and I took two very long drinks.

Eliminating my ability to rely on my senses added a completely new

dimension to my experience. It was really awkward. I just decided
to lay my head back. Having no resistance, I simply found myself
beginning to see further and further into the vast knowingness of
complete darkness with almost no senses working for me, or at least
not in the usual way. I began to grow very tired from not being fed.
I began to appreciate more things about my life than I had even
thought about, like the simple privilege of being able to get up and
walk whenever I choose. I appreciated the ability to move from one
space to another and to be able to see the world. I no longer took
anything for granted.

I began to slip further and further into what I can only describe as a
vacuum of darkness. It seemed the darker it became the less I
existed. There was an overwhelming sense that I mattered, but still,
I was ceasing to physically exist. It was like an endless sea of dark
energy. It matters, but it doesn‘t exist. I didn‘t know it at the time
but another piece of Creotology was beginning to take shape. Later
it would take full form, but right then it was just a feeling and that‘s
all that mattered.

We talked some, but I clearly was not very good company, so Soke
went back into the house. I, of course, stayed where I was and
continued the spiritual journey that I was now on. As the day
continued, it got hotter and I was naturally sweating heavily. This

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was not good for a person who wasn‘t getting much water.

The night came on and I became absolutely exhausted, feeling as if I

was nodding off to no man‘s land. I was really letting go of
everything and I could not tell at all now, where I ended and where
the dirt began. I had felt this the other day, but not as strongly as
this. I came back to myself to find an ant crawling on me and it was
driving me nuts!

As the night went on, my face was hot, but it was not too bad
because of the cream Soke had applied. My thoughts began to run
rampid and I had no real way of knowing if these were my thoughts
alone or all of our thoughts. Maybe they just pop in and out of
everybody‘s heads and our beliefs are the filtering system for what
we receive. The mind-spirit uses our structures to pour its essence
into us. The sky felt as if it were laying on top of me now. I entered
a state of over-flowing oneness and I was not separate from anything
else. On and on into the night it continued, and I was in and out all
the time, never really knowing where I was or how I got here or
whether I was in a mind within a mind.

Was I the leader of this game, or was I being led into the game? The
game that I was referring to is life, and it is a game because it has
boundaries, conditions, rules, borders, agreements, penalties,
sacrifices, praise, payment, and so on. I felt like everything was now
a part of me, and I a part of it, and that I was in the middle of
something giving birth to me, but with no understanding of where I
was or where I was going and how I was getting there. I was just
being delivered. Maybe I was closer to just being than I had ever
experienced before and this was the level right before I became
beingness, moving my potential around into the structures of

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At that point, I absolutely, positively had no recognition of the
concept of time. I was only fading deeper and deeper into the void
or the mind-spirit. I had no objective realities that I was aware of –
no ambitions, no traditions, no persistent thoughts, and no dogmas of
any kind. I felt as if I had completely surrendered my game. I
seemed to pass in and out of consciousness. There were lights of all
shapes and colors melded in with various shapes of different colors.
They seemed to be moving so fast towards me, in and out of reality,
that I felt like they were going to crash into me, but nothing ever did.

For some reason, my thoughts drifted to the lake. There was a hole
in the lake and water filled that hole. I thought that the hole in the
lake was one level of consciousness participating at its activity level
and that the water was another level of consciousness participating at
its activity level. I considered the tree in the ground and at that
point, I had a really weird thought. I could not decide if the tree was
in the ground or the ground was on the tree. They both were
different levels of activity of consciousness.

Then I thought of Soke‘s house, and how it was built, and that it was
also one level of activity of consciousness. I thought of Soke living
in the house within the structure of activity and then I thought that
Soke was another level of activity living inside another structure of
consciousness and activity. I thought about my body, which I could
no longer even feel, and wondered where it stopped in the ground
and then I pondered, ―Am I in the ground or is the ground on me?
Either way they are two different levels of activity of

I thought about the sky being one level of activity of consciousness

and that the sun, moon, and stars are another level of activity of
consciousness in the sky. Then I somehow found myself thinking
that the raw material that we are made up of came from distant

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burned out stars, so we are still stars and we just have a different
level of activity of consciousness. I thought that all these different
levels of activity of consciousness create and promote circulation.
These things are constantly moving in and out of different levels of
activity of consciousness. The interchangeable assets of
consciousness promote circulation. Circulation is the movement of
change. Change is only a recyclable event that moves from one
level of activity of consciousness to another. I began to realize that
we process information on a datum level, but we live within a
stratum level of consciousness. The ability to free ourselves from
the datum level and move into the stratum level is truly an
evolutionary process of necessity. The more things that we can
process at one time without being confused, the more realities we
can experience at any one given time. I thought, ―Wow! That is
definitely mind-spirit.‖

―I feel like space that is sensing space,‖ I concluded and thought to

myself. ―In some unexplainable way, I am feeling what I am
sensing. I‘m feeling as if I just exist as fragments (like little pieces
or dots) that are energy, and if compressed hard enough, these
fragments could make matter. I felt like I was not compressed hard
enough to make any matter, or maybe, I am matter. Maybe I am also
energy at all times located in all the ideas that I have about space and
time. I began to feel that maybe I am not real. Maybe I am a
figment of something that considers me to be real. Perhaps I am in
existence because something else perceives me into existence. Am I
the energy of that perception in a structured form doing work in this
dimension? If I am the thing being perceived, then am I real? Do I
exist? Is there really no such thing as a reality without a perception?
Would it be true that a perception is an action? If perception is an
action that has movement, then it has determinism to it. Is there
something perceiving me into action? Am I the movement of that

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action? Do I determine certain molds of other realities through the
potentials of other possibilities?

―Through the first cry of consciousness I declare myself the great ―I

Am.‖ Through this belief of ―I Am,‖ I have arranged a viewpoint.
Through this viewpoint of a belief, I have created what is known as a
self.‖ I pondered the question: What do I know about self? I began
running through the characteristic traits about me. I proclaimed
loudly to myself, ―I am this, but I am not that. I am creating perhaps
another self. Instead of being this or that, maybe I am the creator of
this, or that.

―Maybe I am not a reality. Maybe I am the creator of my realities,

and I am already the great reality. I am the ultimate reality. What is
an ultimate reality? How big? How expansive is it? Do I even have
all the information? Do I have all the knowingness to create all that?
Do I simply know I can?‖ I began to understand that there was a big
difference between knowing you knew something and the
knowingness about something.

Here on the physical earth we have great knowingness, but what do

we really know? Even if we really know that we knew something,
how could we absolutely know for sure? If we can prove something
that we created a little bit of ―knowingness‖ about, does that
ultimately make it real? Does it become real in the whole Universe?
Is it only particularly real in the subjective part of our Universe? I
did not know it at the time, but another piece of Creotology fell into

When we label something, what does that label really mean? It

means we have identified something and proclaimed it through the
amount of knowingness we currently have about it and claim that as

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the ultimate fact. We know there is nothing else to know. This is
now proclaimed a fact.

I thought about all of the things we have proclaimed a fact since the
beginning of mankind, or, at least, what we know to be the
beginning of mankind. ―How many things were once facts but were
then proven to be wrong or different? Wow! It almost seems that
the more technological we get, the more we disprove. The more we
prove and the more technological we get, the more we begin to
realize the less we know. Isn‘t that an interesting turn of fate?‖

I pondered that for a while and then another thought came to me.
―Maybe this is part of our evolution. What if the more advanced we
become, the more there is to know, which is why we seem to know
less? Now that is an interesting thought, isn‘t it? The more we
create, the less we know. Since we have the awesome ability to
create, then that would make me assume that we are busy creating
our way to somewhere. Yes, that feels right to me.

―If I am creating something, then it doesn‘t exist unless I create it by

perceiving it. Let‘s just say—for the sake of this argument—that if I
was naturally a physically thin person, then I may not be creating
any of this; I might be creating something else. Let‘s not go into the
―great beyond‖ right now, Brady, let‘s stay right here. If I am
creating the mental imagery of spaghetti and meatballs, then how do
I stop? I mean, I am the one in control, right? If I am creating it and
it is not creating me, and I am the energy to create these things, then
how would I stop? This is a great question.

―I am so tired. I think I am so hungry now that I am growing past

hunger. Maybe I am inside of a great cosmic mind and in that reality
I don‘t need food. That could be it. My biology is changing and I

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am becoming something else. What would I be? What would
become of me?

―If it is up to me to build what I want and I choose the characteristics

I want, then does that mean I create my own ego? Ego is an
interesting term. I have heard much about this thing. Could ego just
be that our outside characteristics are compensating for our weaker
qualities and then maybe we assert ourselves too hard? Maybe our
extreme strength qualities are too much for someone who has that
weaker quality. Could it be that having an ego about having an ego
is actually the ultimate ego? Maybe there is no such thing as an ego.

―If someone tells you that you have an ego problem, how are they
able to arrive at that decision without having an ego of their own that
is now asserting itself on you? I wonder how that plays out. Would
that be true? I will think this through. If someone informs me that I
have an ego problem, then they would have to have a model of ego
to compare my ego to. If they are saying it doesn‘t match their
model, then they are comparing the egos themselves. If someone
tells me I have an ego then they are comparing my ego to something
else. That means they are trying to support their ego by holding
mine down.

―If there is no ego involved, then there would have to be no

judgments, no labels of how things are supposed to be, no
associations, and no attachments. This definitely sounds like a
beautiful place to visit and definitely worth going to. However, in
the real world you couldn‘t stay there for very long. That is why I
say if there is such a thing as ―enlightenment,‖ it is a nice place to
visit, but we wouldn‘t want to stay. Maybe it is possible to live in
enlightenment every day of our life. Okay—before we tackle
enlightenment, what did I settle about ego? It is definitely more of
an ego to worry about having one. So, if someone tells me that I

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have an ego problem, then they are just trying to clean out their own
backyard of insecurities and models of how things are supposed to
be. And, if I don‘t match their model of ego, then I must have the
ego problem.

―That is an interesting conclusion,‖ I thought. I have heard it said

that enlightenment is this beautiful place where there is a
possibility—according to the mythology of it all—that when you
reach the state of enlightenment, you will see gold. That to me
would be a label that you are placing onto an action. Reaching
enlightenment is an action. There are two main reasons for this.
First, a perception is an action. Yes, no way to deny that. The
second reason is that energy is always moving, always vibrating, and
always resonating. The color gold is meant to represent something
shiny and something so colorful or bright that it impairs our vision.
The Sun is gold. It could be said that gold actually represents some
form of material wealth.

―At one level of thinking, enlightenment is just this wonderful bliss

where you say nothing, you do nothing, and you have nothing—no
labels, no judgments, and no associations. You have no perceptions,
just a wonderful feeling of bliss. I hate to say this, but even a
wonderful feeling of bliss would get old after a while. I think it
might be a good place to visit, but not to stay. I wonder if there is a
way we can make enlightenment more of an everyday reality and
how hard would it be to do that.‖ I thought of moments in my life
when I felt I was enlightened. I thought about all the moments when
I felt in control, when I felt full, and when I moved with a purpose. I
had a total certainty as to what I was doing, and it showed so easily
in that I had confidence. When you have a great amount of
confidence, you have absolute efficacy in what you are doing.
Confidence plus efficacy equals creation. With total confidence,
nothing gets in your way.

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Suddenly, I felt the water bottle coming to my lips. I took a giant
drink of water quickly and then another drink slowly. Then, I took a
third long drink. After the bottle of water had left my lips, I
remember saying, ―I am exhausted and beyond starving, but I think I
am solving the mysteries of the Universe. I am not ready to come
out yet. I am simply space sensing space. I am a vibration that is in
unity with all that is. At least all I think there is.‖

I drifted deeper and deeper. I remembered experiencing different

levels of realities. This was able to happen because of different
levels of conscious activity. We may all be energy, which is the
common thread that unites us, but consciousness is the thing that
separates us. I thought that in order to approach the things we want
to achieve we have to get the follower under control in our

We have to minimize, or better yet, get rid of all distractions and all
things that are not absolutely necessary in our world so that we can
focus on things that are important. Our attention begins to wander
when we have distractions, which gives us more reasons to be more
distracted and to not do what we want to do. Because of all the
distractions, we are tricked into doing all the things—or at least
some of the things—we really don‘t want to do. Any way we look at
it, disciplining our attention is, in every way, essential if we are
going to sustain the creation of our reality and control where our
attention goes.

I began to question the existence of my beingness. I arrived at the

conclusion that my spirit is the effect by the act of its mind that
defines anything and creates forms or ideas. Believing in the spirit
and my mind creates self. I thought, ―How does that feel? It feels
refreshing. It feels powerful. It feels extremely comfortable. The

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mind-spirit, which is the being in every conceivable way, is what
sets into effect beingness. This is capable of making the birth cry
into consciousness and the experience to which we resist keeps us
experiencing over and over again.‖

If that is not profound, then what is? The being (the pure mind-
spirit) is a vast endless sea of realities. It‘s teeming with potential,
waiting to be brought into yet another possibility. That is what the
beingness does. I began to ponder the very concept of faith—in
anything— like the religious faiths of all denominations. I began to
ponder the faith of people who do not believe in religions and say
that religions are not real. I began to ponder the faith that people
have in the Sun coming up the next day, so much so that many don‘t
even question it when going to sleep at night.

I realized that the creative ideas behind everything, every person,

every object, every concept, everything we know to be right, and
everything we know to be wrong, including all the things we can
justify; it is all a thing. That is all it is. We have faith. Every belief
is a faith in something. That is very powerful when we realize that
our beliefs are powered by how much faith we have in them. The
more faith a belief has the more neurological experiences it
produces, bringing forth more objects.

The more technology we create, the more righteous we become and

the more judgments, more labels, more associations, and
justifications we have. In the reality of what we are talking about,
any conception we can have is defined by a viewpoint that is
recognized through its definition. The motion of its patterns reveals
what it does. In that aspect of consciousness, we become smarter
every day, or at least we think so. The more efficacies we have in
something to the degree it is unshakably absolute, will determine the
degree of any reality we experience inside any conception.

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For now, in the hole, I have to be honest with myself; I am not sure
if I even understood half of what I had just realized. I know I felt it.
I know I mentally said it. I know that some waking part of my
beingness realized it at some level. I am not sure I really understand
everything I just pondered. I did not know it at the time, but another
part of Creotology fell into its rightful place.

I felt more water come to my lips. I felt my face being moistened

with a substance. I could even smell that same scented powder that
Roninn had placed on me before although I was too tired to care. I
could not really tell of any senses I had, but I had a knowingness that
I was being taken care of. I realized it was all right to continue my
journey. By this time, I could not even talk. I thought it was
interesting how consciousness interacts with my conceptions, and
through association, consciousness can stimulate great impressions
like a heavy footprint in the snow.

I wondered, ―Are we the substance that the footprint makes its

impression upon or are we the footprint creating the indention into
everything that we create—and everything we touch. Or, are we
both? Maybe we interact back and forth between these two realities.
It is the being and the beingness that makes this possible. One is the
perceived and the other is the perceiver. Maybe our beingness does
create an impression into our mind spirit. I feel as if I am absolutely
spinning around and around the goal, and where I would stop at this
point, I didn‘t even know. Truthfully, I don‘t even care. I am riding
a flood of information and I just want to keep riding. I just want to
keep feeling the release of being attached to nothing. Nothing sticks
to me and I don‘t stick to it.‖

This is an interesting concept for you, it, and me. I began to

understand that without the label of the great ―I Am‖ we make as our

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birth cry into consciousness, there is no duality. ―Duality only
happens when we say those magical words: ―I Am.‖ Then we
perceive the differences between what we consider the great ―I Am‖
and everything else. The sense of separation has occurred. I am
now different from my world. I no longer come from it, but rather
now, I perceive it.‖

I was in the ground still floating between what I thought was real,
what I imagined was real, and what I felt was real. I began to think
about all these creations or conceptions I may be having, and I began
to get a weird feeling that got me to thinking, ―If I really am the
creator of my realities, then I would have to have the free will to
determine that. If I really do have a free will, then that means the
conscious side of ―I Am‖ makes those decisions. If the ―I Am‖ can
make the decision to create, then I can make the decision to dissolve
anything I chose to create by uncreating it. If I truly have that
power, then this free will thing is pretty cool. If I have that power,
then I am in control and I can make decisions that determine my life.
If I dissolve or uncreate something, then that means I have
uncreated. Uncreated is a cool word. I think it would mean not
existing by creation or at least not yet created. It could be eternal
and self existed—uncreated. Wow! There are many things in my
life I have left uncreated. There are also many things in my life that
I need to dissolve. There are many more things in my life that I need
to create.‖

I realized that knowledge is not true power, but is only potential

power. ―Knowledge is only real power after it is applied and it has
created a satisfactory result. What is knowledge without it
producing the desired result? It could be said that potentially all
knowledge is great, and if you apply that knowledge it could create a
great difference. Once that knowledge you have applied creates the
difference, it becomes power. Why is it power? Because it can

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change things, reformulate things, and create it into something
different then what it was before. It brings about a change in some
way, shape or form.

―Knowledge needs to be tested for its power to produce a result.

Once it produces that result, put it in your play book as a working
philosophy for life. When someone has the power of perception,
they assume the direct responsibility over their creations. They
assume the results of those creations and continue to use what works,
creating more things that work. This is called wisdom. By our
wisdom, we are free. By our knowledge, we are still pondering. I
find that everyone I know, including myself, struggles.

―We resist, and the struggle and resistance creates a great amount of
pain and suffering. Pain, at times, may very well be a thing that
happens, but you experience it and you move on—at least that‘s the
way it should be. Suffering is choosing to resist the pain and not
accept your personal responsibility for making the decision to
experience it and move on. I feel that pain may be temporary, but
suffering is a choice. I made a choice to suffer. I chose to go in the
ground with lack of sleep, with lack of food, and all my fears placed
before me. Through this suffering, I made many realizations, but I
felt my greatest realizations would come after the suffering stopped
and I integrated what I had learned in my privacy. There is no truth
until someone creates it. Therefore, there is no truth to forget until
someone creates it.‖

I was given more water; at least I think it was water. I couldn‘t tell.
I am now in a place where I am not sure if I am alive or dead. I
began to think that it wasn‘t even me thinking anymore. I‘ve moved
to a much different level now. A thought pops in my head about
how concentration is the ability to stay focused on a single thought.
―That may be a mild form of enlightenment. Extreme self-

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confidence is the ability to hold a paradox, which is the ability to
hold the opposite or a complimentary view at the exact same time. I
began to realize that I was just an integrated system of energy and
that all systems of energy are multi-dimensional. All systems have
primary systems and secondary systems. Any system can catch a
bug or a virus, and when this happens, it must be straightened out
immediately or the system begins to break down and misfire.‖

I do not even remember whether Soke gave me any water. I was so

starved and so docile that I no longer cared. As far as I was
concerned, I was now in my final resting place. I began to recognize
and totally understand the fact that our consciousness is made up of
our beliefs and that consciousness participates by the activity of the
recognized movements of those beliefs. I began to understand that I
am inextricably held within beliefs. If I believe that something can
affect me, then my belief systems will filter that and I will
experience that reality.

I began to feel people tug at me and I felt energy all around me. I
remember hearing the voices of Soke Karroninn and Soke Draconis
and there were several other voices around me. I remember feeling
that I was floating in the air, as if I was being carried, though I
wasn‘t sure, and then I woke up on a bed. I was clean and there was
an IV inserted into my arm. Later I was told that the IV was the
fastest way to hydrate me and to get food into my system. That is
exactly what is called for after five days and four nights in the
ground. I thought, ―five days and four nights – is that bad or good?
Did I wimp out?‖ Soke Karroninn said that he too had made it five
days and Soke Draconis said the same. Well!!!!!!!! That meant that
I was running with the big boys. I did it!! Talk about someone who
felt they were seven feet tall at that moment looking down onto my
fans! They asked me how I was feeling and I replied that I felt well.
They explained that the county doctor, Dr. Gus, had come and

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inserted the IV and had given me a thorough once over. He had
taken the liberty of drawing a blood panel from me and rushed it
through so that they could see how I was really doing.

I heard someone yell out, ―Soke!‖ as they were coming in the front
door and it was Dr. Gus. He was about five foot nine and an
extremely happy and cheerful man. He had a southern twang to his
speech and a most comfortable personality. He said that outside of
being dehydrated, which the IV would take care of; my blood work
was normal and that within a few hours I should be feeling up to par.
Dr. Gus then asked me how it felt to survive five days and four
nights. I shared with him that I never wanted to experience it again.
I was done. He agreed with me. It had been 30 days since he had
done it. I exclaimed, ―You?‖ He said he had done it, but thought I
was a better man than him because he only made four days and
nights and that was plenty enough for him.

I lay there for a couple of hours and Soke Draconis sat in the corner
of the room with me. Although my experience being in the ground
was over, I felt that the integration was not. I felt there was still
information to be absorbed and that only time would reveal the
secrets of those expressions.

I must have dozed off and then woke up a few hours later. Soke
Draconis told me that I had been sleeping off and on for two days
and that he and Soke Karroninn were watching over me and that Dr.
Gus stopped by a few hours each day to check on me. I commented
that I felt like getting up and going for a walk. Soke Draconis took
out my IV, wiped it down with alcohol, and put a band-aid on it. He
offered that it might be nice for him, me, and Soke Karroninn to go
for a walk together. He thought that I should alternate between
Gatorade and water while I walked, so I did.

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We went walking down the dirt road and not much was mentioned
about my experience, but they did ask me if I remember talking
about the hard focused breathing – the ki. I let them know I did in
fact remember talking about ki. They said that if I wanted to
develop the ability to control my ki, then I must learn to control my
breath. Breath is the basis of all life and it is through the breath that
our body has the energy to move on. Breathing katas were good, but
if I truly wanted to learn to control my breath, I would have to test it.
I thought, ―OH NO!‖ That was when the moment of truth arrived
and they informed me I would have to learn to do hard focus
breathing katas under an ice-cold waterfall. They would say no
more and we just walked and took in the flowers, the trees, and the
rest of nature.

We went back to the house and Soke Karroninn told me that it was
time for us to leave, but he would see me again soon. I have to
admit that leaving was not simple. I had grown accustomed to life
out there on that little patch of land. Things were very simple and
easy. The place had a rhythm all its own, it was a rhythm that was
fun to participate in. Soke Karroninn had washed my other clothes
for me and he handed them to me along with the Viking helmet and
a battle-axe from the cave experience. He informed me they were
most certainly mine. Then he placed his hand on my shoulder and I
placed mine on his. He let me know he would be monitoring my
progress and that when it was time, we would meet again to embark
on our third adventure. I said, ―It has been such an incredible
experience for me already, I can hardly wait until next time!‖

As Soke Draconis and I drove back, it was like all of our other
drives. Few words were said, the hanging crystal reflected
fragments of light and projected them everywhere, and we both sat
quietly feeling the vibration of the ride and enjoying the scenery.
We did stop for a bite to eat and picked up more Gatorade and water.

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Returning to the dojo was a treat. Matt and David came up and gave
me the usual greeting of the bow and then the hand on each other‘s
shoulders. Everyone wanted to know what I had done and had
experienced. I heard that Melissa and Matt were together and not
only was I not jealous; it did not even bother me at all. In fact, I was
very happy for both of them. I thought that they would be good for
each other, wished them the best and assured them they had my

I went into Soke Draconis‘ office to sit down. He told me about a

new student named Jerry, who had come over from another school
and said that Jerry needed to be shown compassion, friendship, and
lots of understanding. I asked him, ―Why? Outside of the normal
reasons, why would we do it?‖ He clarified it for me, ―Because
Jerry thinks he is a Samurai. He wears his hair like the samurai wore
their hair and he also wears the kimono. He wants to become great
with the sword, which he thinks he is good with right now, but he is
terrible. If he offers to give you sword lessons, turn him down. He
does not know how to control himself, he gets himself hurt and he
hurts other people.‖ I said, ―Okay.‖ Then he introduced me to
another man named Steve, who had come over from another dojo
and was now training under Soke Draconis. I could tell this one was
strong willed right off the bat and perhaps even had a little mischief
in him. Soke suggested that I go home, get some rest, and come
back tomorrow. I agreed, ―Yes, that doesn‘t sound like a bad idea at

I went home and explained to my mother about my adventure. I

showed her my hat and my axe, but she was not very impressed, as
usual. My mother was not very spiritual. As I lay in bed, I fell
asleep rather quickly, feeling the cool breeze on my face. It helped
being back in my room, in my own bed and comfortable

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I woke up a few times over the next nine hours to drink Gatorade
and water. I woke up the next morning to have my usual breakfast –
grease and sugar – but instead, I had four oranges squeezed into a
glass, a big bowl of oatmeal with a cut up banana, cinnamon with a
few dashes of sugar, and two pieces of whole grain toast, then I was
on my way. You guessed it – a muscle shirt, warm-up pants, tennis
shoes, my hair back into a ponytail, and my gi under my arm (tied
and folded in the traditional way).

As I made my way down the road, I ran into an individual whose

name was Mike. Mike said that he had heard that I had been trained
in the martial arts and he wanted to be trained as well. I asked him if
he was doing anything really important right then. He said ―no,‖ so I
offered, ―I have a treat for you. I am about to introduce you to the
most impressive person you will ever meet.‖ He said, ―Okay, let‘s
go.‖ As we walked, I told him about my adventures and what I had
been doing and he was absolutely enthralled. He asked me what I
thought about martial arts. I believed, ―I think that has been my
biggest discovery of all. It is not about fighting, it is about learning
how not to fight. Before you stand, you must learn to fall. It‘s about
living life in harmony and balance and having someone who can
teach you the skills that you need so that you can create the reality
that you choose to experience.‖ Mike said, ―That sounds pretty
philosophical.‖ I said that it was. I told him that he would have his
own journeys and tribulations and he was okay with that.

When we got to the dojo, there wasn‘t any way not to be able to tell
which one Jerry was. He was hanging upside down with some
gravity boots from a punching bag bar that held four bags in place. I
walked up to him and introduced myself, ―Hello, Jerry, I‘m Brady.‖
He replied, ―Hello. I am Jerry the Samurai.‖ I asked him, ―Well,

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Jerry the Samurai, what are you doing?‖ He shared his concept with
me, ―I‘m hanging upside down so that the blood can rush to my
brain and it will make me smarter, my hair thicker and I will grow
more neurons.‖ I asked, ―How is this achieved again?‖ He
reiterated, ―By all my blood rushing to my head.‖ I questioned him,
―So all the blood in your body is going to the top of your head?
Well, Jerry, a nod and a wink is the same thing to a blind mule, but
wouldn‘t that work the other way as well?‖ He asked, ―What do you
mean?‖ I rationalized, ―If you are standing on your feet then
wouldn‘t all your blood rush to your feet as well?‖ He stopped for a
moment and looked puzzled. Then he said, ―You are right, pull me
up. I really do not believe that about all the blood rushing to my
head. I just wanted to see if anyone else believed it.‖ He gave me a
look that seemed to say, ―Please believe me.‖ Then he asked if I
wanted Samurai lessons. I answered, ―Not today, but perhaps one
time we could throw the bokens together.‖ He said that was fine, but
cautioned me not to be afraid if my talent did not match his. I told
him, ―Okay.‖

Soke Draconis came to the door and went into his office. I walked
over to his doorway, bowed, and asked Soke if I may have
permission to enter his office. Soke said, ―of course,‖ and I told him
that I had brought a friend named Mike. Mike, I, and Soke Draconis
spoke for about an hour and a half and Mike signed up that day.

He and I became pretty constant companions and, although we were

already friends, our friendship deepened. At one point after class,
Mike, I, and Soke Draconis sat on the mat and Mike told us some of
the problems that he had at home and with some of his friends. Soke
Draconis said, ―I will tell you something about identities.‖

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You and the Identities

‖Ask anyone to tell you a little bit about who they are and they will
begin to explain characteristics about themselves. This means that
they are describing identities they associate with themselves and
their personalities, patterns and interests. Life requires so many
different roles that it makes us assume the roles, like it or not. Once
you have formed an identity, it is hard to get it to stop because it is
based in habits and default creations. This is where the thing that
you have created is now a self-incarnated spirit with its own means
and needs. Perhaps one‘s self is a ―father,‖ another is a ―husband,‖
another is a ―brother,‖ another is an ―employer‖ or ―employee,‖ and
another is a ―friend.‖ If one of those identities has a habit of need, it
can and will affect all the other identities. Therefore, you, as the
void of all these different forms, need to have the ability to maintain
them in a proper fashion and remain the leader instead of becoming
the follower.

―I felt like Sybil when I first discovered how many different roles in
my personal Universe that I played to other people. It is easy to
become consumed by others who seek to use your energies and lose
your own way.

―When you are inside the creation, you are experiencing the creation,
not observing it. Your senses are in tune with what is happening,
instead of observing what is going on. We create our deities and
spirits and all energy forms this way, but that does not make them
any less (or any more) real. The bottom line is simply this truth; we
are all energy-beings, and we create what we want and need. When
we see the potential in any and all situations, then that is what we
create. No matter what we believe, it is ok because we will
experience it and use it to our advantage to help ourselves evolve to
the level that we need. So remember, all beliefs are real. (If that

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statement doesn‘t make sense to you yet, go back, read the material,
and think some more about mental time continuums.) You can
create anything anywhere that you choose and experience it as real
and it will be real in your interpersonal world. When you create an
entity, it is either a creation of you designed by your personal belief
system or someone else‘s.‖


The following scale describes details of entity creation at different

levels of awareness, going from higher to lower:

1. You designed an entity through your personal belief system

or an integrated belief from others.

2. You or others assigned the entity its powers and structures,

information, and personality.

3. When you create the space by way of belief, you then place
your attention into the belief that expands it. Attention acts
like gravity, holds the belief in place, and draws you even
closer to the belief. (Attention creates and sustains reality.)

4. A powerful integration process takes place that is brought

about by what is popular in your culture if there are no other
competing beliefs with sufficient attention placed on them.
The more people who believe in a belief system, the more
real it becomes.

5. The Law of Association is at work here as well. Anything

that we relate to, or we associate with happiness, we tend to
move forward and accept.

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You can see the entity forming in front of your very eyes, so, yes,
entities are very powerful and can and do create the world that we
live in, which is the subjective one.

The Aftermath with Soke Draconis

Mike said, ―That was deep – much deeper than I have ever been
before. I‘ll need time in order to understand all this.‖ I could not
help but give a cheerful laugh because I remembered the first time
that I said that to Soke Draconis. He gave Mike the same reply that
he gave me with that cheerful little smile. He put his left hand on
Mike‘s left shoulder and said, ―Of course.‖ Then Soke Draconis
bowed. We bowed to Soke and left his office.

As we were leaving Soke‘s office, Jerry the Samurai grabbed us

both. He asked if I would like to have those lessons now. We told
him we would. He had decided to give us instructions at the same
time and explained that when it came time to spar it would be the
two of us against him. Once we got on the mat, Jerry the Samurai
suggested we forgo the lessons and just spar. We agreed.

As we positioned ourselves with our bokens, Jerry the Samurai

lunged for Mike. Mike instinctively threw his boken on the foot of
Jerry the Samurai. To which Jerry the Samurai dropped his boken to
grab his now hurting foot. I then took advantage of this and stabbed
him in the side. Jerry the Samurai screamed foul and we informed
him that there is no foul in samurai training - they trained to the
death. We reminded him that he had just gotten his foot hurt and
stopped. Jerry the Samurai replied, ―Hey, I meant to do that. I was
testing the both of you to see how well you work as a team.‖ We
asked him why that mattered. He informed us that he was
considering both of us for the samurai squad. We wanted to know if

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we passed. He let us know that he would get back to us. As we
bowed to Jerry and Jerry to us, we waited until he was out of sight
and we gave a few chuckles. We thought he was harmless and a
funny little guy, but we liked him.

Soke Draconis said that he had something he wanted to show Mike

and me. He told us that, one at a time, he wanted us to kick him in
the groin as hard as we could, to hold nothing back and kick full
force. We understood and we both kicked him and hurt our feet,
which he thought was both very funny and odd. Then he said that he
wanted us to strike him in the throat as hard as we could and with
this move, we hurt our wrists. He said that was Ki, the control of
energy through the movement of breath. When muscle and breath
are fused together with tissue and used properly, it can create an
absorbent container for energy allowing the person who is being hit
not to be hurt. This was another level of activity for energy. He said
that energy can heal and it can destroy. It can also receive and it can
project. It can isolate or expand. It can be on the surface, or it can
be deep. When the time comes, he would teach us how to use this
Ki, this breath control. Needless to say, Mike and I were both

After Soke Draconis had left, Mike said, ―Brady, do you realize if
we learned that, people could punch and kick us all day long and not
hurt us. That would be an advantage in combat. Outside of shooting
us or stabbing us, how would they get us off of them?‖ ―Hmmm,
that is a very provocative thought,‖ I thought to myself, ―and I think
that it is one in need of serious contemplation.‖ Mike said, ―You
know, Brady, you have changed. I can‘t quite put my finger on it
but you seem more intelligent and more in control. You seem to
think before you respond instead of just reacting.‖ ―Thank you for
the compliment,‖ I said, ―but things are beginning to get very
interesting around here.‖ He said, ―I know what you are saying.

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This is only my first night, but I am sad that we had to leave. I
wanted to stay. This place has an energy about it that just makes you
want to be in it.‖ I grinned, ―I think you are headed for some serious
experiences, my friend.‖ He then told me, ―Well, right now I‘m
heading off to work. I want to make sure that I have my money at
the end of the month for my payment.‖ I approved of his logic, ―For
all Soke does for us, the least we can do is to make sure that all of
our payments are on time. After all, it is our responsibility.‖ Mike
agreed and said, ―I will see you tomorrow.‖

While walking home and enjoying the night air, I met another old
friend of mine whose name was Jimmy. Jimmy asked me where I
had been lately and I told him of some of my experiences, to which
he replied, ―no way‖ and I said, ―Way. Would you like to see some
proof of my experiences?‖ He said, ―Yes, please.‖ I took him to my
place and showed him my helmet and battle-axe. He exclaimed,
―That‘s the coolest thing I‘ve ever seen - to like the 30th degree.
Could I hold it?‖ I said, ―I guess so.‖ He said, ―Wow, Brady, a real
Viking axe!‖ I put the headpiece on and then he put it on and stood
in front of the mirror. He shouted, ―This is so cool!‖ He then held
the axe in the air and said, ―By the power of Odin, I am Thor!‖ We
both laughed. It was a fun space to share. Then Jimmy asked if he
could join the school as well. I explained to him, ―Meet me here
tomorrow at 3:30 in the afternoon, we will go to the school
together.‖ If he were serious, then he would be here at that time with
no excuses. He said he would be there. As he left my room and
exited through the back door of the house, I had a feeling he was
serious, that he really would be there at 3:30 the following day.

I awoke that morning, had my normal breakfast of oatmeal and

worked on some things that I had to do. At 3:30 that afternoon,
Jimmy was there. He had a pair of pajamas under his arm. I asked
him if he was planning a sleep over. He told me that those were his

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training duds because he knew we work out in our pajamas. I did
not have the heart to tell him differently, so I kept my mouth shut. I
thought that perhaps Soke Draconis would get a chuckle out of it as

We walked to the school together with much anticipation and

excitement. When we got there, Soke Draconis was already sitting
in his chair. I bowed at the door and asked for permission to enter
and I introduced him to Jimmy. When I had Jimmy show his
training clothes to Soke, he literally fell to the floor laughing and
roaring so hard. When he finally made it to his feet, he told Jimmy
that he appreciated the effort, but we had a different type of pajama
that we trained in. Then he placed his left hand on Jimmy‘s left
shoulder and said that he was welcome to train here. Soke told me
to take him and get him a gi, and while we were in the locker room
Jimmy commented, ―That was a big dude.‖ I confirmed, ―Yes, but
wait until you see his 80-year-old father! You are not going to
believe it.‖

While Jimmy, Mike, and I were sitting on the mat in Indian position,
another very large gentleman came to the door. He was about Soke
Draconis‘ height and probably about the same age and looked like
his almost identical reflection. Soke Draconis had stepped out for a
moment, but Matt and David went over to the newcomer, put their
hands on each other‘s shoulders, and greeted each other. He grabbed
them both around their shoulders and was squeezing them with one
hand and they both looked like little rag dolls.

I heard Matt call him Uncle Mooninn. Matt told him that Soke
Draconis wasn‘t there, but he should be back shortly. He decided to
wait for Soke out on the bench. Mooninn sat there in a calm and
very peaceful manner, with his back straight and his chin up and his
hands cupped together in place as if he was about to learn something

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and was at attention for it.

After a few minutes, Soke Draconis came walking in. Mooninn

jumped up and they bowed to each other and then placed their hand
on each other‘s shoulder and said, ―How are you, my brother?‖ I
thought, ―It continues to evolve around here. It seems to never stop,
and as I begin to really learn about this family, it probably never
will.‖ They went into Soke Draconis‘ office and chatted for a while
and were laughing and having a grand time. Meanwhile in the dojo,
Jim, Mike, and I went into the gym area for a workout and to
demonstrate our strengths to each other.

Soke Draconis and Soke Mooninn came out after about an hour and
announced that on Saturday afternoon there would be a
demonstration of battle ki. We were all excited and wanted to go.
All through the week, we went out and spread the word about the
battle ki demonstration and cautioned people to be sure not to miss
it. Even if you were not a member, you could watch it free at two
o‘clock on Saturday afternoon.

We had some other schools students drop by and say that they did
not believe it, so Soke said the best way for them to understand and
believe was to do the hitting and the kicking into the body
themselves. On Saturday at about 1:45 PM, we had over a hundred
people show up and there was everything in the air from disbelief to
―please, let this be true.‖ Most people just wanted to be entertained.
Soke described what he was going to show that afternoon was only
one of many ways to use the breath and the ki of the human body,
and that no one should try this for any reason without a licensed
instructor for battle ki.

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This is also my warning to you the reader - do not, under any
circumstances, try this without the instruction of someone who is
certified in battle ki, and I mean under no condition.

Soke began to explain that, ―All of life‘s energy runs through the
breath and that the breath is the most important thing. When used
properly, the breath can and will be used for many purposes outside
of the ones that we have been traditionally taught, but it does require
an alignment of your belief system and of muscle and breath work.
It does not require any mind over matter concepts – that is an old
wives tale. This is a science and has a precise formula for how it
works. Respect it and do well; if not, serious injury or death could
be the outcome.

―The areas of the body that we will work with today are the throat, to
dispel the crushing of the larynx which doesn‘t mean that it can‘t be
done, only that with battle ki, it cannot be crushed. We will also
work with the striking of the solar plexus that, of course, is a favorite
spot to strike. Next, we‘ll study the ribs, and finally the groin area,
which is believed to induce serious injury and make you fall down
into a complete state of pain. Okay, let‘s proceed.‖

Soke then asked for volunteers from the audience to come up and do
the striking against the ki demonstrators. He took the first blow,
which was a punch directly into the throat from a position that he
called the solid state. He then demonstrated from what he called the
relaxed state. Both states are essential to the practitioner he
clarified, and both are just as pliable. He then demonstrated taking a
punch to the solar plexus, and then a strike to the groin, and then to
both sides of the ribs. The parts of the body that cannot be ki are the
eyes and the nose but everything else was a go. After the hand
strikes, they did the same demonstration with kicks, but this time
Soke Mooninn did the demonstration from both states. The crowd

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was impressed and that included all the students as well, but then
there was a surprise. Soke said, ―Now we will demonstrate a lower
belt receiving the same blows.‖ He called for Matt and David. I
realized that this is what they were practicing that day that I saw
them. They did the same demo except that they were hit by several
volunteers at the same time in the throat and the ribs from multiple
sides. The crowd went nuts! Soke explained that this was another
art they would teach to those who are responsible enough to use it
wisely. He eluded that it was to be practiced for the beneficial art it
is, and not the foul things that one could think of doing with it.

Suddenly, some large guy charged into the school and accused us of
trickery. He wanted to be the one that did the strikes to those areas.
Soke said, ―Normally, I would not accept challenges because they
are the game of the struggler, but I don‘t want today‘s challenge to
go unanswered.‖ He allowed the man to do the same strikes. Before
you knew it, the man was humbled and was very polite and amazed.
After the demonstration, he became a member as well.

After the man enrolled, a guy came in that I had not seen before and
said that he wanted to cancel his membership to the school because
of money problems. Soke said, ―Yes, you have owed an enrollment
fee for over a month. I sent you two notices and a reminder of your
obligation.‖ The man defended his position accusing Soke of being
a great salesman and that he had smooth-talked him into it. Soke
thought that was amusing and then told the man he could cancel,
because if he did not want to train, then he should not pay and then
bad mouth the school.

Later, I told Soke I thought that even though people saw the ki
demo, they would not believe it and would consider it metaphysical.
He chose to share his wisdom on the subject with me, ―Let‘s sit and
talk about metaphysics.‖

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Chapter 15


―Philosophy can be divided up into three different areas; physics

(the study of the physical world), ethics (the study of morals), and
logic (the study of logical principles). I, of course, would like to add
metaphysics to that spectrum (beyond physics), but in reality, all the
things mentioned above are only labels and theory that we‘ve
created. It is all an interpersonal experience. I often am asked what
I believe morals to be, since I feel truth is only in the eye of the
perceiver. In addition, I guess when I really ponder it and give it my
attention; it all works off the concept of integrity, which means you
do not compromise yourself on what you are trying to create in your
Universe. Integrity is doing what you said that you would do, and
you do it right. You keep your word no matter the personal
consequence. You say what you mean, and you mean what you say.

―Creations that are created from integrity are powerful and

controlled. Creations that are not created from integrity are not
accounted for and are easily dismissed as no big deal. Along my
personal journeys, I meet many informed and educated people who
are all pointing at an experience they once had and how it changed
their lives. I am always grateful to hear these stories as they warm

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my heart and expand the possibilities of what may be.

―I am constantly asked what does metaphysics mean and how does it

tie in with the creational aspects of the world. Metaphysics is the
study of being and knowing. It also deals with the nature of the
Universe, who creates that nature, and how it works. It is the highest
philosophy that tries and understands ideas through knowingness,
beingness, observation, and living in the mind. Traditionally, all
things have been classified to try and gain some control of the
Universe, such as the idea of materialism, which states that only
material things are real in the Universe. This was primarily because
that was all that could be seen and measured. It began the illusion
that material reality is all that there is. Metaphysics has always
known things by way of feeling and knowingness, but then came
quantum physics. Quantum physics helps us understand that energy
and mass are the same, only assembled differently. Perception
arranges reality into particles of recognizable form that we see as our

―Dualism, however, says that both body and mind are real. I
perceive that as pragmatic as well, because if energy and mass are
the same, then spirit and mass are the same, only with different
levels of vibration. When one truly captures the spirit of
metaphysics, you can see the boundaries, which are being lifted
away, and how they have plagued traditional physics up to modern
day. I take my approach to rationalism by blending knowingness
with my beingness while incorporating physics, psychology, and
biology so that a fuller and more encompassing picture can take
shape. We create reality in every split second by perceiving it both
now and into the parallel Universe described by the string theory.

―People consider something as metaphysical when it does not fit

within their framework of structure and acceptance instead of

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existing in the possibilities they know. They just shut down right
away.‖ ―It does create quite a picture,‖ I said, ―this thing called
reality. You move along, only to find out later that the reality was
not solid, only pliable at the moment of creating the experience.‖
Then Soke said, ―Let‘s examine truth and the reality that it creates.‖


―It has been said that truth is the reality that lies beyond the
appearance. What exactly is that saying about the nature of our
creations? Enlightenment is not something that lies outside of us but
within us. When we are untruthful about our intentions, our actions
give us away. This also sets up identities that we work with but that
do not hold up in our world of actions. This creates a flux, a
discontinuity between what we want and what we are receiving.
What we want is a feeling that we want to experience, but when we
are untruthful about our true intentions, not only does that create a
space between us and the people we lied to, but it also creates a
space between ourselves and what it is that we want. Our underlying
reality is different than what we wanted, so the more we create
outside of our personal integrity, the further we go away from
ourselves until we completely lose sight of what we want and how
we are going to get there.

―A lie is created when we do not do what we truly mean to do. By

that measure, we are not in alignment with our true intentions most
of the time. We are trying to protect something that we want, we
feel the only way to get it is to protect it, that is a terrible reflection
on us. Not only does this throw us out of alignment with what we
want and what we get, but it also weakens our attention particles and
causes us to lose control of our world and creating our desires. We
end up conscious, not of our intentions, but of our fears and

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compulsions. I do not think I have to tell you what that means to
me. When we regain our consciousness, we find, by integrity and
following our true intentions, that our world becomes in alignment
and we find flow.

―Consciousness directs its powerful influence as the creator of our

reality by observing and responding. Small particles are held
together by way of willful intent. Our willful intent is focused by
necessity. The illusion is that not all things are necessity, but in
reality, they are, or we would not work so hard to pursue them and
create them. We are trying to create an experience and we receive a
feeling from that, so that feeling at any level is a necessity for us.

―Before we go any further let‘s explore true free will. It is my belief

that for us to possess true free will, we must apply several principles.

1. Intentions must be perceived to precede actions.

2. Intentions must be consistent with those actions.
3. There cannot be any other perceptible cause of the action.

―If these criteria are met, then we are exercising true free will and
working in our consciousness as an independent creator of our
reality. We are creating what we prefer. When you are told to
believe in yourself, what exactly does that mean? Several things
need to be determined to answer that question.

1. What is self?

2. What is the preconceived concept of the self you are to

believe in?

3. Would it be more important to believe in yourself or the

belief that you want to create?

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―In creation, the separation that we experience is brought on by the
need to feel that we are something solid, that we are accountable,
and very tangible. By doing this, we solidify our physical reality.
This makes reality more concrete for our existence. We are the
creators of beliefs by supplying the potential (energy) for them to
exist. What we create with our energy (potential) is then solidified
by our attention, so we are the raw material to create whatever we
want at any level that we can believe in. If we can believe in it, it
will create. The old saying about ―believing something when you
see it‖ is not true. You will see it when you believe it and not until
then. For a belief to create, it will need several things.

1. The potential to exist (that is, the energy to do the work).

2. The space for it to create in (this would be your true personal


3. Your ability to truly believe without any competing beliefs

that would dictate the opposite of what you are trying to

4. Your ability to willfully control your personal attention until

it creates.

5. The correct information on how to create the desired


6. Creating the desired feeling of achieving this goal


―I also get asked all the time about religion and why I do not support
more of the ancient texts and philosophy. The honest answer is quite
simple – you are talking about philosophy that was created in a time
of different needs, functions, and culture. The environment that

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existed in ancient times was much different than today. Imagine us
trying to fight the diseases of today with nothing more than the
medicine and knowledge of two or three thousand years ago. We
update everything else; our cars, clothes, electronics, textbooks,
houses, and so forth, all the time, so we can stay up-to-date and
experience new things. We need a modern day philosophy that fits
into our culture‘s current structure and not ancient philosophy that
does not. That is like trying to put a round peg into a square hole; it
does not fit and it does not belong.

―What enlightenment is seems to be the ongoing question, so let‘s

explore the concept of enlightenment. Please correct me if I am
wrong, but enlightenment itself is only an idea as well. It is like a
giant carrot that is dangled in front of us, but in the process, this idea
takes away our personal control by giving it to something else, and
we move blindly forward. Why does enlightenment have to mean
owning nothing, having nothing, knowing nothing, and thinking
about nothing? Examine that with an open mind. It sounds like
blind faith, the quest for the Holy Grail, and ‗which came first, the
chicken or the egg.‘ So what came first - you or enlightenment?

―All of reality is only true if we accept a belief and see life through
that perception. We make reality concrete only to us and through
belief systems that we will not let go of. We become trapped in
portals of the brain.‖ I spoke up, ―Wait a minute, what about
enlightenment?‖ Soke Draconis answered, ―It‘s nothing more than
an entrapment of ego, and an illusion of a power that you have all
the time anyway. Let me explain.


―Before I get started on this, I want to make it very clear that I am

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not putting any one religion or philosophy down, only bringing up a
new point of view for you to explore. Enlightenment is the opposite
of what we have been taught. First of all, I know of no poor people
who became instantly enlightened by their lack of wealth, and I
know no rich people who became enlightened by their abundance.
Self-confidence is a disciplined style of thinking that acts in
accordance with your intentions that you see through affecting the
outcome that you prefer. It is a release of fears and reaction, and
living in the responding and resolving world, so that you do not
create your own self-limiting obstacles. Freeing your energy to
pursue your strengths and weakness, and realizing that you can have
whatever you want because you decide it, is the ultimate flow. We
are not looking for enlightenment; it is something we create into the
Universe and the vibration is there for all. Enlightenment is not the
dissolving of everything, but the creation of experiencing what you

―We have all been around a person who seems to create freely and
without restraints and fears and who seems to defy all laws of
common sense. They move around with a sense of achievement and
free discipline that makes us almost despise them and judge them.
When we are alone or with our clique of people, we judge and point
the finger, accuse them of faults, and deny their achievements and

―These self-confident people seem to be free of personal identity

struggles and negative identities created by others. Their beliefs,
intentions, and thoughts are in alignment with their actions. They
are healthy and living life, experiencing it to the best of their ability
to create it. They are not only in the now but yesterday and
tomorrow and they control their attention like nothing we have ever
seen. To us, they appear to be robots, but they are caring, loving,
compassionate, and forgiving. They know when enough is enough

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and leave you to explore your own space and gently move you out of
theirs. If you turn the paradigm around, if you can create the
experiences in life that you personally choose, and can respond to
things that happen to you that are done by other people without
allowing it to distract your focused attention from your creations,
you will form a pattern that you find works for you. Do not get
caught up in judgments. Create from within, and then you will find
a release that creates flow.

―You will continue to expand at a limitless vibration, but at the same

time, you will develop a sense of yourself as an endless creation and
the creator of space and time. If you arrive at ―Satori‖ (intuitive
illumination), enlightenment is what you hope to find.
Enlightenment is not something you discard; it is something you
create your way into. You do not shrink your way into nothing to
find enlightenment; you expand your way into your true potentials
and abilities.

―If you understand that you are already the void, and within you the
void is only true raw potential (energy), you have the ability to do
the work for anything you choose to create, and you experience the
manifestation of that, then you are the creator of your life and the
experience of it. Enlightenment is not a way of suffering so you can
get to where you want to be, but rather an understanding of your
ability to stop the suffering and allow yourself to experience the
creation that you prefer. Pain is only temporary, if at all, and
suffering is a choice. You choose to suffer, to condemn yourself and
judge yourself, and to create all the illusions in your life that prevent
you from living the life you want and experiencing the things that
you prefer. To feel that suffering is a way to enlightenment not only
makes no common sense, but also is a denial of your creative ability
to create what you prefer. If suffering is something you prefer, you
might want to get that checked by a professional.

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―To choose to suffer and think that it is the only way to achieve a
state of enlightenment is an incorrect usage of your creative ability.
In the reality that we have created, both in the pilot seat and the co-
pilot seat, many of our personal and inner reactive creations are with
others. Even if you dissolve all the ideas about you and all that there
is, you are back to where you always have been. Your flow or
enlightenment is blocked by unneeded judgments and self- or co-
created fears that you have accepted - that is, the realities of others
that you are putting your attention into daily. By not designing your
life, you end up existing just to make a paycheck. There is no life in
passing time, only in the creation of time and what you do and
experience in that time. Enlightenment is not something you wake
up to and realize, it is something you created through purpose, and
alignment, proper choices, and untangling yourself out of old beliefs
and into more purposeful beliefs.‖

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Chapter 16


―That does go against everything I have ever heard about

enlightenment,‖ I remarked. Soke said, ―I know. Now how would
you and one other guy like to earn $50 a piece by cleaning out my
basement? It‘s a job but I just can‘t seem to get around to it.‖ I
asked Mike and he agreed, so Soke told both of us to be there the
next day at 7:00 AM.

The next morning Mike and I arrived full of energy, we were playing
around and having a good time. A couple of minutes later, Soke
Draconis came in with Gatorade, water, milk, and a dozen donuts –
Soke‘s treat. Life was good – a treat and $50 apiece – good times.
The basement was about 2,000 square feet and fairly clean, just
extremely disorganized, which was rare for Soke, but then, there are
often more important issues besides your basement.

While we were working, Steve stopped by and was sitting on the

steps and going on about how bad a job it was and how glad he was
that it was not him doing it. You had to know Steve to appreciate
him. He had brown hair and was about five foot eight and around

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two hundred twenty pounds. He was stocky, very strong, and very
stubborn. Only Soke could deal effectively with him, and they had a
great relationship. He liked to horse around and was a real jokester.
―The great thing about Steve,‖ Soke always said, ―is that he has
honor and that is rare these days.‖ As we were digging into the box,
we found all types of diplomas, scrolls, artifacts, pictures, and old
uniforms and headgear for grappling like the wrestlers wear. I
remarked, ―I don‘t know if we should be looking at all of this stuff.‖
Steve made an excellent observation, ―How are you going to
organize it if you do not know what it is.‖ That made sense, and
Mike said, ―We can look without being nosey,‖ so we agreed and

While I was on one side of the room and Mike the other, I crawled
under some shelves and was pulling some boxes from them. Steve
and Mike held my feet up in the air, so I could not back out. It was
most frustrating. They were laughing and I was trying not to laugh
when all of a sudden, they said something grabbed them softly,
pulled them back, and they dropped my feet. They were spooked
and so was I because I did not feel my feet hit the ground. Then we
all looked at each other, wondered what had just happened to us, and
were all amazed. When we were walking away, we felt as if we
were light as air, and not going anywhere. We could see our
movements, as if they were tracers, like someone had slowed down
the frames of a camera.

The brain has subconsciousness. If you slowed down the frames,

they would exist in all those frames of reality that we do not see
because they are existing in-between the reference of reality that we
see. This is another experience of consciousness, but how did we get
there and what caused it? I didn‘t know. We didn‘t know how long
it went on, but we all did experience the exact same type of vision,
then we started to become weaker and weaker and did not know

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what to do. We couldn‘t even climb up the stairs to leave. One
moment, we were becoming very relaxed, and the next thing we
know we woke up in Soke‘s office and the fire department and two
police cars were there. We asked what had happened and Soke said
there had been a gas leak in the basement. When we were fully
conscious, we told Soke what we had all experienced, and he said,
―No doubt the gas had much to do with it. However, that was a very
serious experience and lesson and you should pay attention to it.‖
He said, ―When the fire department and police leave, let‘s discuss

After listening to our story, Soke said, ―Anything you look at will
become a frame like a picture. What you place your attention on is
what you are taught is real. When you see between the frames, you
will see those structures, but you will also see anything that you do
not focus on, place your attention on, or even know about. There is
a lot of information that we leave out in forming our frame of
reference, but the input still gets stored in the subconscious mind and
can be referenced later if you learn to place your attention on it.

―This is how we live our lives as well. Think about the implications
of that! Our environment does not shape our behavior so much as
our ideas about our environment do. By the way, once again, this is
also how mentalities are shaped and realities in life are formed. That
is why goals are so important because it helps to create not only flow
in your life, but it also directs the mentality that will shape your life
and the quality of it. In almost all cases, the quality of our life
suffers due to the perceptions and values that we place on it. If we
build our mental structure of what we want, how we want it, and
why we want it, there is a great alignment that exists and this can
create a simple life of pleasurable experience, adventure, and
knowledge. Remember the Section on Goals teaches us that it will
help you to create a life that just guides itself. All you have to do is

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keep the car on the road, make sure it is maintained and has gas in
the tank. So let‘s talk about producing that alignment.


―You have heard a lot about alignment. Now, let‘s explore it. Most
of us are born into misalignment and only become more misaligned.
This happens because the mental construction that creates our mental
patterns comes from all those around us and is then reinforced by our
educational systems, government, and friends. This begins to create
a mental blueprint and set the course of our lives. This is where the
beliefs we have and learn are integrated into our subconscious
thinking patterns, which we apply without analysis and design. The
actions we perform everyday reinforce the belief, leaving us the co-
pilot of our life at best. Our attention on the subject is neutral
because we feel that is how things are. If you create a new idea or
make a new action, they say you are not acting right, or they ask,
‗What‘s wrong with you?‘ The bottom line is that once someone
labels you and gives you an identity, they do not want you to change
it and will often become upset if you do. This is where you must not
allow their beliefs and judgments to hold you captive, but must forge
ahead with a new design.‖

―When you have a course of action and a sense of love and affection
for yourself, you can help so many people, but you cannot help
others until you help yourself. That is where alignment comes into
play and starts to twist your world, resulting in the multi-
dimensional individual that you are. Here are a few steps that will
help you reach your goal:

1. Challenge and dissolve the subconscious beliefs that are

holding you back. In Creotology, we call them smoke screen

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beliefs, because they are covered up and you can‘t see them.

2. Create a plan of experiences and achievements.

3. Create smaller beliefs that you know without a doubt you can
achieve, and let these actions reinforce your self-confidence.


actions are in alignment with your environment, the easier it
is for you to enforce your beliefs because they encourage
each other. There will come a time when you will not need
this little trick.

4. Perform the Intentional Creation Procedure.

Back with Soke Draconis

―We understand the realties you taught us about that we can receive
in this lifetime, but what happens to the thoughts that we have but do
not achieve as a reality in this lifetime?‖ I asked. Soke Draconis
said, ―Those go on to become mental time continuums.‖ I asked,
―They become what?‖ He said, ―A reality that you did not
experience in this dimension of existence goes on to create another
reality somewhere else through another reality from the mind-spirit.‖
I asked Soke to explain, and he said, ―Let‘s have some lemon water
and sit back.


―Mental time continuums are created from the construction of our

mental blueprint when we have not created the space for
manifestation by way of information. It is our lack of knowingness

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that acts like a filter, allowing certain things to pass through our
conscious frames without being detected, remaining unexamined and
untried, but because of the mind-spirit creative energy, the energy
particle goes on to create a new parallel reality. All the thoughts that
you experience in the present, past, and the future are realizations in
this particular dimension of presence. If there is no knowingness
about something then there is no frame of reference to associate it
with. Therefore, it goes on to exist as another idea reality
somewhere else. That is what creates our vast personal Universe of
parallel realities known as the Omniverse.

―The mind-spirit has the great subconsciousness, which I like to

describe as the supra-consciousness that stores all information from
all realities. Under its personal blueprint, it has the mental scope for
all things to be played out. We create new doorways through all the
variables that can be played out, turning potential into possibilities
not existing as reality already, but ones that can be created into from
the potential (or energy). By these thoughts, consciousness expands,
all is well, and the vibration of life continues.‖

I thought that was an unusual and thought provoking insight. The

mind-spirit assumes the responsibility of all its creations, so the
spirit is always in charge, even if we do not see it or understand how.
It is the mental blueprint for all the creations, but it too participates
in different levels of reality because it operates on the stratum level
of consciousness. I thought, ―That opens all doorways to
everything! So, from our personal point of view in this mental
blueprint, the Universe is a wonderful magical operation. We don‘t
know everything we have because our spirit is a workable blueprint.
To get there, along the way we experience all things. If you are not
having fun with your life then your life is having fun with you, and
that is not good.‖

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Soke Draconis announced he had good news. He told us Soke
Karroninn was coming tomorrow and he wanted me, Matt, and
David to lead a special class for him so he could see how the
students were progressing. That was exciting and I was looking
forward to seeing Soke Karroninn again.

The next day when I arrived, Soke Karroninn was already there and
there was a girl with him that stopped me in my tracks. I thought -
no offense to Melissa –she was even more beautiful than Melissa
was. Her body was toned and well conditioned. She had long black
hair down to her lower back and big brown eyes. It was love at first
sight. I could not control myself at all. I was stuttering and clumsy
and I knew both Sokes thought it was funny. I was today‘s
amusement, but who cares, I WAS IN LOVE, and I knew I would be
with her always.

She walked up to me and introduced herself as Michelle. Soke said

they were going inside for a meeting and that maybe Michelle and I
could go get a drink somewhere. He said, ―Go have lunch, I will
even pay.‖ He gave us a twenty and we were off. We seemed to hit
it off right from the start. She was kind, considerate, and well
mannered. It was a treat just to be with her. She told me that Soke
Karroninn was her grandfather. I found that very exciting and, for
some reason, intoxicating. We sat and talked about all the things
that she had learned growing up with her family‘s guidance and
support. She reflected on how lucky she was to have the family that
she had, because some people do not like their family and that is a
tragedy. There is so much support and knowledge in a good close
family that knows how to stay together and help each other, but does
not intrude upon the individual‘s life lessons and does not shelter
them to the point of helplessness. Ultimately, that form of love is a
control vice that helps no one. I thought about my own family, but I
came to a different point of view. Respect should not be given to

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family just because they are family, but rather because that family
has earned the trust and respect. It was clear to me that this was the
case with her family and that she was right – they did deserve her
respect because they gave plenty of it to her and this was very
evident in the stories that she told me.

After a two-hour lunch, we went back to the school. Soke Karroninn

and Soke Draconis were making light of our two-hour lunch and
were poking fun at us just a little, but it did not bother me because all
the things that they were saying were true.

Soke Karroninn asked me if I would like to learn more about ki and

how to get control of my actions and free myself of the habitual
movements that rob a person‘s life. I was quite honored that I was
being asked to go on the third consciousness-raising test. I asked,
―Where are we going and when?‖ Soke said, ―We‘re going to
Sweden this weekend. All expenses are paid. Bring about a week‘s
worth of clothes, a coat, gloves, boots, hats, and thermal underwear
if you feel you need them. We will be staying at one of the family
houses over there.‖ I was so thankful! This was an incredible
opportunity for me.

I told my mom and she was fine with it since I was going with Soke
and was 18 anyway. I told my friends and they were envious, just as
I would have been at that age. We talked about what I was going to
do there, which was very interesting, because I did not know what
we were going to be doing. I was very intrigued by it all, but when I
went back to the school later that day, Soke told me Michelle was
going and that intrigued me even more…and made me very happy!
Michelle came in with Soke and asked if I needed help with packing.
She claimed she was a very good and well-organized packer, so I
accepted her offer. We went to my house and I introduced her to my
mother. She thought Michelle was just the prettiest thing she had

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seen and liked how very well mannered she was.

When we went to my room, she was amazed at how small my room

was and that it was as clean as it was, because usually boys are not
concerned with organization. That was important to me, because I‘d
seen how organized Soke was and knew how great I felt when I was
in his space; I loved the feeling of flow. Michelle was right, she
could really pack, and the fact that she cared enough to help me gave
me a very warm feeling. As we continued to pack, she asked if I had
any vitamins to take with me on the trip. I shared with her that I did
not take vitamins. She was shocked, ―None? Ever?‖ I replied,
―Absolutely never.‖ Her facial expression was one of horror and
disbelief. She proceeded to tell me how important vitamins were
and that I should be taking them daily. She said we should go to the
vitamin store and get a 30-day supply of vitamins because if I was
going to go on a trip with both Soke‘s to Sweden to work on
breathing techniques in freezing water, I would need all the
nutritional support I could get.

After we were done packing, we went back to the dojo and Michelle
told the Sokes that I did not take vitamins. They could not believe it
either. Soke Draconis said he was also running low on vitamins and
he was going to the vitamin store as well. So, Soke, Michelle, and I
went to the local health and nutritional store and bought vitamin and
mineral packets. While we were there, I looked through their book
selection and contemplated buying a particular book. It was all
about vitamins and minerals and how to treat certain conditions with
the use of herbs, vitamins, and minerals. I thought that it sounded
like a good place to begin my knowledge on the subject. As we left
the store and got back into the truck to head back to the dojo,
Michelle asked me what book I had bought and if she could see it. I
handed it to her immediately. She looked through the book for about
15 minutes, told me that it was a pretty decent book, and would be

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good as a starter book, but she had some much better ones that I was
welcome to read whenever I wanted. I told her that I needed to
digest this book first and then maybe I would take her up on that. I
thought that this would possibly spark a lesson from Soke Draconis,
but it did not. He remained content and enjoyed the ride. He really
loves his truck rides.

When we got back to the dojo, Soke Karroninn asked Michelle if she
would like to go to Sweden as well. She said, ―Yes, it has been a
long time since I‘ve visited my family there.‖ Soke Karroninn was
glad to hear she wanted to go because he had already cleared it with
his sister. Then he added, ―Why don‘t you and Brady take the Black
Knight and go to your house so you can pack.‖ I thought this would
be both exciting and an opportunity to see where she lived.

As we left the school, I felt proud because she was going to see the
Black Knight and I was going to drive while she sat there. She made
many comments on how nice my car was, how strong it felt, and that
I must have been proud of this accomplishment, which I assured her
I was. When we pulled up to her neighborhood, I noticed that
everything was nice and green. The yards were all manicured and
all the homes were extremely well taken care of. I went in and met
Michelle‘s mother, who was the spitting image of her daughter. I
have to admit I silently thought to myself that if this is what
Michelle would look like when she was older, then this was not a
bad gig at all. I went to shake her hand and she placed her hand on
my shoulder, asked how I was, waited for me to answer, and then
she said that she was pleased to meet me. I noticed that she was
sweating and that her hair was up. She had been practicing yoga and
was going to practice the art of belly dancing next.

A greenhouse was attached to the house that was about 15 feet long
by 15 feet wide. Michelle and her mother grew many different types

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of herbs and flowers out there. It was very bright, colorful, and
smelled wonderful. We went to another area attached to the house
like a guesthouse. Michelle said that this was where she stayed
because she liked her own space. I thought, ―Wow! How different
this is. I wish I had that set up!‖ As we were packing, or as I was
getting in the way of her packing, she asked me if I knew anything
about what was lying ahead of me during this trip to Sweden. I gave
her a look that said, ―The Soke‘s don‘t let me in on what‘s coming
next.‖ She laughed and proceeded to tell me that, in some ways, the
being in the ground exercise would be mild compared to what I
would experience in Sweden. I have to admit that this unnerved me.

As she continued to pack, she began to tell me that learning to

control your breath can be achieved in many ways, but because of
the type of breathing that I needed in the martial arts, I had to learn
to control my breath while in a state of fear, panic, and resistance. I
asked her how it was that they were going to achieve this. She gave
me that patient family smile and said, ―That I cannot tell you. We‘d
better get going because they are waiting on us.‖

While driving back to the school, I noticed she had scooted closer to
me. Of course, this got me excited and once again, that feeling of
belonging came over me. We pulled into the parking lot and Soke
Draconis and Soke Karroninn were standing outside with Matt,
David, Jerry the Samurai, and Mike.

As we approached the group, I heard Soke Draconis telling Jerry the

Samurai that he considered him a warrior, but that this was not his
time. His time would come soon. Of course, being the true samurai
that Jerry wanted to be, he spoke in that rough raspy deep voice that
the samurais used, or supposedly used, and told Soke Draconis, ―It is
my honor and my service to do for you as you command me.‖ Soke
Draconis said that was very nice of him and it was deeply

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appreciated. He told Jerry the Samurai that he needed him to stay
behind this time and guard the school. I could see the feeling of
pride that came over Jerry the Samurai that day that Soke had called
on him to secure his kingdom. This made Jerry feel accepted and
considered to be of great use. I thought to myself, ―I wonder how
Jerry feels right now?‖ I could see the energy of happiness all
around him, but I still could not help but wonder how he felt. Jerry
turned after he bowed and went back to the dojo.

Soke Draconis had already put his belongings into Soke Karroninn‘s
truck. We would drive to the hotel where we were going to stay
tonight. ―I forgot something,‖ I shouted as I ran quickly into the
school to grab my favorite jacket I had left in there. As I was
heading back to the door, Jerry the Samurai saw me and wished me
luck, and I did the same to him. He said that he would not violate
Soke‘s confidence. I went out the door and jumped into the truck.
Soke surprised me and said, ―Here, You drive the truck with
Michelle. Soke Karroninn and I will ride together, so follow us.‖
So, that‘s what I did. About 30 minutes later, maybe less, we arrived
at a hotel that was very close to the airport. The shuttle service
would take us to the airport at 7:00 in the morning. The manager of
the hotel was a friend Soke has who was going to watch the trucks
until we returned. We parked them right next to the 24-hour guard
shack and checked into our rooms. To my surprise, Michelle and I
were rooming together in a room with two full size beds. I thought
that this was somewhat bizarre. I was expecting to receive the usual
talk but never got it.

After dinner, both Sokes said that they were going to the room to do
some talking and that Michelle and I were free to do what we wanted
as long as we were in bed at 10:30 PM. It was about 7:00 that night
and very warm outside, so I suggested we make our way down to the
swimming pool. Seeing the pool, we both thought that swimming

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would be nice, soothing, and relaxing, so we ran upstairs, got out our
swimwear, ran back downstairs, and jumped into the pool. It was
heated and half the pool was on the outside of the hotel and the other
half was inside the hotel. There was a tiny wall that you swam under
to get from one side to the other. We swam for a while, splashed
water on each other, and had a good time.

Michelle said she wanted to wrestle. I told her that was not smart of
her because I was almost a brown belt now. Some of my techniques
were too advanced. She looked amused by my comments and said,
―That‘s cute. Let‘s rock and roll.‖ I lunged for her quickly, she
evaded my attack, then jumped on top of my back, and had a figure
four choke on me, and her legs were wrapped firmly around my
waist. I thought that I would go under water, take her with me, and
she would run out of breath and I would be the victor, but my plan
had one fatal flaw since she was the one with the chokehold and I
was the one slowly losing my breath while underwater.

We were under the water and splashing around looking like two
crocodiles. I felt my breath going and I thought, ―Man, this is it!‖
I‘m going to have to tap. Choked out by a girl! How bad can it get?
Oh, man!! Now she will think that I am a wimp and want nothing to
do with me.‖ As she released me and we came back up to the
surface, I told her right away, or as soon as I could breathe, that it
was luck and that I could have taken her easily at any time, but I
didn‘t because I was trying to be a gentleman. She looked at me
with a very funny face and said, ―Aw, your poor ego got hurt.‖ I
told her it was not my ego that got hurt and I could have taken her at
any moment. She challenged me, ―Prove it, lunge again.‖ I told her
that she did not want my full-scale attack. She grinned slightly,
―Well, whatever that is, I would like to try it.‖ I said, ―Alright, but I
am not responsible.‖ She thought that was an interesting statement.
I lunged for her again, trying to grab her shoulder. The next thing I

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knew, there was a hold on my wrist, I was in pain, and I was back
under the water again. So once again, I had to tap. When I came up
my ego really was badly injured and she looked at me and said,
―You are not really good at this fighting thing are you?‖ I replied,
―No, really I am pretty good.‖ She teasingly said, ―Yeah, Right!‖

We went back up and took a shower and I thought this could be

another opportunity for me to prove myself. If the condition was
right, I could pin her and then make her tap, and then I would be a
man again. The moment when she was bent over, placing the towel
around her hair the way the women do, would be my best chance. I
knew that she had been trained in a serious way and that I would
need an advantage if I were to gain the upper hand in this situation. I
began my sneakiness and then I sprang like a lion from the bushes. I
had my arm around her neck and I was going to move in place for a
front chokehold. I was not playing any more, I was going to win
back my manhood. Just when I thought I was ahead, my feet went
off the ground and my head was moving quickly towards the floor.
Luckily, for me, I knew from Soke‘s teachings how to breathe and
fall without getting hurt. I looked up at her, she was smiling, and her
long hair was in my face. She expressed to me that I was too noisy,
that my energy forwarded my intentions, and that the light gave me
away by my shadow. I thought for sure I had a victory at hand, but
guess again.

This really was embarrassing and I could not understand it. I was
fast and strong, but technique was clearly winning out. As we got
ready for bed, we talked about her training. She confessed that the
Sokes had taught her, but her mother had shown her a lot. Michelle
was a high-ranking martial artist within the Draconis family and had
been taught since she was a child. She said that the Sokes were
more into spiritual self-help with martial arts added into the training.
I said I was confused about the meaning of a self-help martial arts

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system and asked if she could explain the meaning of it.

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Chapter 17


―Martial arts have been around forever and all nations have had their
individual personal take on it, but when great, great, great, great,
grandpa taught it to his sons and daughters, he wanted it to be more
multi-dimensional. If you were going to take the time to learn to
defend yourself, then it should do more than just show you how to
fight. It should give you an understanding of your life, how to
control it, along with how to be prepared for possible situations.
Fighting is the first resource of a primitive mind, but that with
sufficient development, you could avoid ever attracting a fight into
your consciousness anyway.

―Look at the world from this point for a moment. Let‘s say that in
your subconsciousness, you feel afraid and paranoid and feel that
something bad is going to happen to you. You believe this even
though you do not want to, but subconsciously you still do. If you
are out somewhere and there is an individual who may fit in this
belief that you are broadcasting and pulling into you, then they will
receive it and the two of your energies will collide. If this happens
and there is a fight, then chance favors the prepared mind.

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―We train to fight as a possible reality that could happen, but we do
not train with hatred and competition in our hearts, only as exercise
and a way of life. We should learn the other important lessons of
life that create happiness. That is the ability to create whatever it is
that you choose to experience, and to be able to help others, not by
preaching to them, but by living as a clear-cut example of flow. We
train to be happy with ourselves and to love ourselves, just the way
we love others, because everyone wants to feel loved and understood
and confident in their ability to create and affect their own world.‖

Michelle giggled and mentioned she was tired. Then she added how
beating me up all day had worn her out. As I lay there with the
moonlight shining in across my bed, there was that calm feeling of
flow and that energy that just lets you know everything is all right.
No wonder the Sokes did not care that we shared a room. They
trusted us both, but more than that, they knew that we trusted
ourselves. Besides, she could beat me up anyway.

Morning came and both Sokes were standing there just as big as you
please, smiling, and joking. They told us to take our showers, and
then we would have a good breakfast and afterwards get to the
airport. After the showers, as we were eating downstairs, we heard a
lot of screaming from down the hall. We went down the hall and
found a guy robbing the restaurant in the hotel. Both the Sokes told
us to stay there and not to move, so we did as we were told. Soke
Draconis started to act as if he was drunk and Soke Karroninn came
up from the rear. As Soke Draconis got close, the man pointed the
gun in his face and said that he was going to kill him. Soke said that
he was just passing through, and that he loved him and the robber
said, ―What?‖ Just then, Soke Karroninn grabbed the robber‘s arm,
tilted it towards the ceiling, and then kicked the back of his knee.
Soke Draconis had the arm and pressed a pressure point in the wrist,
took the gun, and gave it to the clerk. Soke Karroninn subdued the

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robber very effectively, but not in a brutal way – it was all quite
humane. Everyone thanked the Sokes for their help. They were
impressed by the courage and the Sokes ability to work together.
Furthermore, by how easily they handled the situation. It was
enough that had people wanting to know what type of special
training they had. The Sokes told them that they were trained in the
martial arts and that they had a school. Everyone wanted business
cards, so Soke Draconis handed them out.

As we were walking back, our flight was called and we proceeded to

the terminal. A very weird feeling came over me while we were
boarding. It was not like any feeling I had before so I really did not
how to handle it or interpret it. It was as if something was wrong,
but at the same time, I had a feeling of going home. I wondered how
that could be. I thought ―how odd‖ and shrugged it off. Michelle
and I sat together on the plane and both Sokes were in front of us.
As we were sitting there, the pilot made an announcement that there
was a small situation and that the flight would be delayed by 10
minutes. Everyone began talking, I asked the Sokes where we were
going, and they replied, ―To the highlands in Sweden.‖ They said
that there would be extreme weather conditions, unlike any I had
ever faced before. I was told that we were staying with family and
that this training would be something I would never forget.

When I sat back, Michelle grabbed my hand and held it as if to

reassure me that I would be alright. I had to admit that it was
comforting. I said I might take a little nap and to wake me please
when it was time to take off. I fastened my seat belt, folded up my
jacket, leaned against the window, and proceeded to daydream with
Michelle holding my hand. I felt the plane start and begin moving
and heard Soke Draconis say, ―This is it. We‘re going into the air
and it is a smooth take off.‖ Everything was great. Michelle and I
were laughing, Soke Draconis was yawning, and Soke Karroninn

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was looking out the window. Michelle was softly telling me about
the plans that the Sokes had for me about running a school for them
and being a Black Belt Instructor in the Federation.

All of a sudden, the plane took a nosedive and was plummeting fast.
The weather outside was bad and people were panicking. Some
people were getting very scared, but both Sokes sat there quietly as
if nothing was wrong. The turbulence got worse and people were
now really terrified. Some were getting out of their seats and really
panicking. It was turning into complete chaos, then the pilot
announced for everyone to sit down and prepare for an emergency
landing. I looked around and everyone was preparing for this
emergency landing. The pilot announced we were going to crash
and everyone was crying and breathing hard. We were going down
faster and I felt that this was it; we were going to die. Then Michelle
shook me really hard and said that I was having a nightmare. I woke
up and everything was ok. What a rush! That was very scary, but I
told her and she just laughed. I tell you, I was really starting to get a

We were pressing onward to the city of Stockholm, Sweden, and

since it was February, it was going to be freezing cold. The family
owned some property there that had a waterfall on it and that was
where some of my breathing exercises were to take place. I thought
about being in the freezing water and then I thought to myself,
―Maybe they hate me, but just don‘t say it and their only motivation
is to torture me.‖

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Chapter 18

E N E R G Y- B E I N G S

An energy-being is the very thing that we are. At first glance, the

concept seems to be formless and cold – void of human qualities. In
the reality of this world, we are all things, and we have the potential
to go forward and to create whatever we choose. As energy-beings,
we have the ability to go forward and create ideas about what we
choose to experience. This is truly the ultimate freedom. In physics,
they teach us that energy is the potential to do work. We are that
untapped and unrealized potential energy. The illusion that most of
us seem to believe is that creating force is separate and outside of us.
Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, we are the
creating force, but we have developed quite a habit of forgetting
what we create, because after we experience it, it is now just stored
information. After the experience, the information that is stored and
its extracted purpose are then turned into permanent knowledge.

As energy-beings, we can create ourselves into any space and time

that we choose. Of course, choice is a matter of pleasure or
necessity and when we create something, we then will reflect it back
into our lives and others will see it as well as ourselves. At that
point, we have become lost in this endless creation and have

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forgotten the real use of our perfectly constructed form of matter.
Our bodies of energy have suffered because of subconscious beliefs
and uncontrolled habits. These habits rob us of our mental and
physical health, as well as weakening our spirit. Another negative
side effect of this is that we are short-changing the time we have in
this created physical realm. We may have fallen into our parent‘s
habits and live by their conditions, or perhaps we have allowed
society to condition us with greed and lust. We are so weakened that
we cannot even perform the simplest of mental and physical tasks of
pleasure. Our tomorrow is the same reflection of yesterday - beat

Do you believe we only use 3% of our brain? That is not true! We

use 3% of our brain at any one time. The rest of our mental powers
are under-utilized because of our sluggish energy levels. The
chemical regulators in our brain are not firing at the rate they need to

We are not of this earth; we are experiencing earth and helping to

define our abilities and creative powers. As the old song by ‗The
Police‘ put it, ―we are spirits in the material world.‖ We are
universal energy-beings. Our home is within us and we can create it
anywhere we choose. The universal causation is a continuous
vibration that will solicit an effect from everything that it comes into
contact with. As energy-beings, we are completely sensitive to this,
and we understand its powerful effects and desire to bring our
consciousness under control. We know that focused energy is the
creating power of our very essence. Focused energy is also how we
sustain and hold our creations together. We know that our
evolutionary journey is up to us, but we do have to accept that reality
in order to recognize that truth of creation.

I have not been able to think of one thing outside of myself that did

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not come from within me. What does that say about the nature of
reality that we create? If you relax right now, and honestly feel
within how you are your own potential power and that you are the
cause of all of your creations and experiences, you will recognize
your own divine power of being a Creator. We create all things from
within and then we reflect it outside and the whole world views it
with us.

Unfortunately, in trying to comprehend what being a spirit is all

about, we often end up caught up in traditional dogma, and then all
self-examination stops. We then fall into convenient thinking traps
and there we stay as a hostage to ourselves that will eventually die in
bondage. When we cease to create our spirit, we are nothing more
than an image that others have created from their own
understandings or desires. When we are busy creating our spirit, we
are involved in all the wonderful aspects of our creation including
the creating, the expansions of the creation, and the experience,
which then incorporates into our essence. Let‘s examine this word
essence. Essence is our original created form. Essence is the thing
that we want to experience and to learn from, so we can live in its
divine spark. Essence keeps you in control and allows you to
expand in any way that you choose, instead of being stuck using a
personality that drives you further and further away from your
original source (essence). The object is not to keep it real (because
to keep it real is a stagnation state), the object is to make it become
real and then venture inward to manifest our reality.

Think about this for a minute; energy, matter, space, time, and
distance are not the first cause of creation, they are the effect of it.
They are the underlying idea of what created them. If the Universe
is like us and creates ideas like us, then perhaps it too does not know
the difference between what it is experiencing and what it is
imagining. I know what you are thinking here about that statement;

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that it implies a greater supreme intelligence does not exist. NOT
TRUE!! When something becomes aware of itself, it gets smarter
everyday. That is how we evolve. As energy-beings, our brain
seeks to create structures and when there is the absence of a structure
then our brain is more than willing to compensate and create a
structure from where there was none. When these structures are
created, but are not experienced in the now, then these structures will
move on to create a mental time continuum that we will eventually
experience because they are our creations that we created. Anything
that we do not experience now will remain until we do experience it
because that is how our spirit gains its knowledge. Eventually,
whether it is something we feared, desired, or aspired to; we will
find or create and then experience everything we have imagined.
The mind-spirit learns through the creation of the experience, not the
finished material form of the creation.

The material form of any creation, as soon as it is complete, is

always obsolete to the creating energy that made it manifest in the
first place. At last, science has come on board with metaphysics.
Physicists and metaphysicians are in complete agreement that
thought forms are real and do manifest somewhere in the Universe.
Whether you are a metaphysical practitioner, a physicist, any type of
doctor, a self-help guru, or believe in religion in any form, you
should find this concept not only compelling and intriguing, but also
liberating. Our self-created consciousness that is unique unto the
individual that creates it will reflect their entire being. Some aspects
may be different depending on the conscious level that is being
experienced in whatever self-time created zone.

Let me give an example here to help illustrate my point: I want you

to think of yourself as a bubble, and that bubble creates more
bubbles. You create these other bubbles from within your bubble,
which we know as beliefs and thoughts. These beliefs become

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thought forms that are waves of energy patterns and within them;
they contain an already preconceived structure of the original
intention for the creation to create. As you continue to create more
and more beliefs, then more and more thought forms will come to
be. All these thought forms that create would have a structure
already contained in them, like cells of pure awareness that
understands that it has the potential to be. Once our spirit is ready to
experience these potentials, the spirit will create through those
potentials and extrapolate the information that will create more
beliefs. More beliefs will create more thought forms that will create
more potential experiences and these experiences all contain the
original structure of the original bubble they all originated from.

Evolution is not something we are evolving into. Evolution is

something we are creating our way to. As energy-beings, all of our
creations, including the ones that we experience in the now, have the
ability to live, die, or remain neutral. As Creotology understands the
concept of death, the underlying reality is simply that there is no
such thing as death, that it is only an idea. There are only repeated
forms of structure that continue to expand and grow. If we can
create the idea that our death is inevitable, then it could be possible
that we could dissolve ourselves right out of existence.

At the most basic level of universal causation, all of life is just an

idea. Just like in the here and the now we have the ability to choose
whether we want to participate in the creation of the idea or not.
Through the willingness to participate in your idea of the evolving
energy force known as you, you can create yourself into immortality
through your very own aspects of structure, which are powered by
your thoughts and belief forms, which scientifically and
experimentally will prove to exist. (It already has for those of us
with open eyes and open minds.)

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Becoming neutral toward something, particularly creation, is not the
absolute, but is at best, indecision. Often, more is lost by indecision
than by making a decision. It is in the decision that the energy-being
creates an attention span that molds together levels of structure that
we expand by placing our attention on the patterns of thoughts that
reinforce its truth. It allows us to create and expand the intention
that feeds the spirit that makes it want more.

Desire is not a bad thing, in and of itself. It can be a good thing

because it is desire that fuels the spirit and makes it keep exploiting
its potentials and learning from its structures and about its own
pattern of structures and how it creates. It is important to recognize
that there would be no desires without the fears that accompany
them. It is a true but weird concept that our fears may drive our
desires. For many of you this may seem like a negative or a bad
thing, but try employing this viewpoint if you would for a moment.
We associate fears with great discomfort. It would even be okay to
use the word pain. Anything that represents pain to us, we normally
do not want to accept, and we want to get as far from it as we can so
that we may experience pleasure. This is one of the great truths of
obtaining a great truth or major.

It is true that we take great pride in our accomplishments of

obtaining a goal or major, but we take even greater pride in creating
a great distance, or even completely dissolving fear that could cause
us great pain by creating and achieving our desires. Our desires are
actually a conscious creation that is created out of necessity in order
to get us out of the fear, or to dissolve the fear. Once that pattern
becomes recognizable by the spirit and the spirit sees this and is now
comfortable with it, then the energy-being creates more and more
patterns and structures that will keep creating improved pictures.

If an energy-being does not like the level of consciousness that it is

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participating in, then they simply need to move up another stratum of
consciousness to play a bigger game. Any game is limited by the
player. The player only becomes confined when he agrees to play
within the accepted rules. The accepted rules of any game can work
for or against you, but once you learn any structure so well that all
the rules are now exhausted by you, then you have to change the
rules and reinvent the game, or it will become boring. The energy-
being realizes that it can no longer learn and extract any new
experiences from this information and if the energy-being is
unwilling to create a bigger game, then that energy-being will
remain stuck in the old rule system and dissolve his or her creations
of bigger and better things.

This is also the trap of religion. When you free your mind and give
the energy-being the true chance to exploit its potential, enjoy its
own self-created will, and bring about the manifestations of its own
kingdom, then true immortals are born by an act of their own
creation. This elaborate spiral effect is seen throughout the Universe
in patterns and structures everywhere. Man continues to expand his
consciousness, creating bigger realms of existence that continue to
create mental time continuums throughout his own Universe. These
mental time continuums continue to expand and create new
undiscovered realities for him. It is there that experience lies and
man will create himself into ever-denser forms of realities in order to
get there and experience it.

To use a quick analogy, it is like throwing a softball. If you want

that softball back, then you have to go and pick it up. When you go
to pick up the softball, you realize that you have now moved further
along and have outgrown your original starting point. If you want to
get past where you are standing now, after picking up the softball,
you will have to throw it again. That is what energy-beings do with
consciousness. We throw it and then we go pick it up. Along the

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way, we learn and experience our potentials in other realities. I
would like to see my ancient companions come and play in the
newly created Universe. It‘s nothing new; it simply is because we
say it is.


First things first - the portals of the brain have a very easy definition
and that is trapped attention. What is not so easy to understand is
the continued frame of thought that we become stuck in, where we
just keep repeating the same old movements of action daily. We
become completely trapped in our own perpetual motion of energy,
and that just reinforces what we are doing on a regular basis, what
we have now come to know and to accept as our ordinary life. This
is the very first sign that someone needs a wake-up call to get them
back into living and not just existing.

This is where the Creotology program starts freeing your attention

and getting you back in control of your creations instead of your
creations controlling you. Once we create anything and accept it as
our truth, we become that truth. We reinforce it through our actions
and then see it solidify by our results. Soon we believe that the
results are okay, because they are the norms of the structures that we
have agreed to. Now there comes another thinking trap. Anything
that we agree to has conditions, such as when you buy a car on
terms. Those terms are conditions that you have got to abide by, and
if you do not, then there are consequences. This will set up a
structure of pain that we want to try desperately to escape from, so
we try to stay within the agreement. Any breaking of that agreement
starts up feelings similar to pain. Pain is regularly equated with
long-term suffering and I‘m sure you get the picture by now. We
just keep going further down the old portal of the brain, the great

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structure-maker, and liberator of energy. This will lead us to the


1. A learned process (for that is how it is; a structure of agreed

upon truth).

2. Agreement with conditions, and pleasures, or unhappiness, if

not adhered to.

3. Trapped attention, where we are no longer thinking about the

creation but have now moved into the creation, and there we
are experiencing what we think we should be experiencing.

4. Now we have a whirlwind of creation going on. Our

movements and the deep desire of creating something new
serves to power our trapped attention, but by just existing in
the movements, nothing new is ever created.

5. No goals or a belief that we have no ability to achieve our


The portals of the brain create their negative effects on our life by
default mechanisms. Once default mechanisms and agreements are
rooted as anchors in the subconscious brain, then we become co-
pilots of our broken dreams, broken behaviors, and agreements.



I believe the essence and personality is the easiest way to

amalgamate the process of the essence (mind) and the personality

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(brain). Together they create the difference in how they work, but
then how can they be joined together without the resentment that the
self can create when trying to hold on to its concept of self. An
egocentric world has been built to separate these two separate
realties, but nonetheless, they can be integrated as one and live in a
harmonious state of creative flow. First, think of the brain‘s world
as an integrated source of beliefs and neurological effects
(experiences). Now imagine that you could dissolve your brain‘s
consciousness by dissolving all the effects of the consciousness that
you have learned since your birth cry into the great ―I Am‖ of
consciousness. No structures, no patterns, no associations, no
information; all in all, absolutely no beliefs would be left. There
would be only stillness or the so-called enlightenment.

To put it in other terms, if you dissolved the astral plane, your

mental scope (essence), your blueprint of your consciousness and
subconsciousness, your mental scope of the brain, the body and its
environment and ideas of reality (which would include
interpretations of your place in the creation and how you would view
them and from which position), how would you even relate the
concept of the self? If you were to erase all the mind scope materials
all that would be left is you, the mind-spirit itself.

Let‘s look at essence this way. When you were a child, you could
imagine yourself to be anything and you had no concerns about
achieving it. Everything was going to be alright and all you had to
be was yourself, to exist and live, without worrying about the
execution of your plan or the metamorphosis required to get from
here to there. There was only freedom, flow, and the creation of
your mental scope that you would fill in later with all the details and
energy and information to get the transformation done.

We had all the answers and no structures and information to hold us

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back by making us compete in a world of structures and patterns that
was already set up for us to compete in.

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Chapter 19

C R E O TO L O G Y -

The following Laws described below will help give you a better
understanding of how to apply the Principles of Creotology.

Law One: Create the Space

There is no sense in believing in yourself when trying to create

something – this is absolutely the wrong way to use the power of our
creative nature –your intended creation is what requires the belief.
The creation of something new requires an outflow of energy, which
is the beginning of the space for the creation to manifest through a
belief system. The stronger the belief that you project, the more real
the perception (possibilities) will become and the more they will
create in an effortless manner.

Law Two: Circulation

All things that are not stagnant grow, vibrate, and radiate energy.

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We are the potential energy of the mind-spirit to go forth and to do
work. Growth is a by-product of movement, movement is the by-
product of energy, and energy is the by-product of potential.
Movement removes impurities from life, by way of energy flush.
Much like exercise, water, and correct diet help remove impurities
from the body.

Law Three: The Flow

Let your creation grow from within your flow. Flow is not only
movement, but is energy moving from a concentrated state. Flow is
increased by consideration for yourself and creating from your
vibration level. It is the exact opposite of resistance and contempt,
growing from acceptance and proper information, which enhances
the effectiveness of your choices and produces a better alignment of
your actions. It has been said that there is nothing that matters
except for the now, but that is impractical and does not acknowledge
the fact that the now is located in-between the past and the future. If
you can remember the past, then you can also remember the future,
because all things are connected throughout space and time and can
be influenced by you.

Law Four: Priming the Environment

Your ability to change your environment is proportionate to your

ability to control your emotions that produce your environment.
This law is an essential component of success – it both helps to align
your beliefs with your environment and creates a space for you to
live in and feel the pulse of your passions and desires. The
environment will reinforce your beliefs and your beliefs will
reinforce your environment. The space that is created is now a

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perfect receptacle for your creations, whether neurological, spiritual,
or physical.

Law Five: All There Is, Is Mind

This is, or should be, a very simple and realized truth, but many
traditions (aided by people‘s inflexible attitudes), have prevented
this realization from spreading. The mind-spirit is the perpetual
motion of energy, a perfect creation of our own definitive nature.
The mind-spirit creates beingness to go forth and to do work. The
mind is the projected mental scope of the mind-spirit, to which the
brain and body react accordingly. We create the Universe as we go.
The mind-spirit does not seek to destroy or create energy (which
cannot be done), but to liberate it.

Law Six: The Universe, the Mind-Spirit, the Earth, and Physical

The Universe, the earth, and physical reality are all effects from the
same agreement of the mind-spirit, so they are the same reality, but
from very different levels of participation. This results in many
problems in the creative realm, because our brain is the built in
messenger of this great radioactive chemical mass that we refer to as
our body. As much help as it may be in some ways, it also deceives
us very much. Let‘s break each level down so that we get a unified
picture of their workings.

A. The Universe is a pragmatic universal energy made of

responding and repetitive energy that continuously recycles.
It‘s not subject to our laws of thermodynamics, mainly
because of the mind-spirit and brain barrier.

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Thermodynamics is part of our physical belief systems and
not our universal mind-spirit belief system. Physical laws do
not apply to the Universe, only to the brain that is rooted on

B. The mind-spirit is the perpetual motion of energy creating the

space for all things to happen. The omnipotent force itself
gives all responding and repetitive energy in the Universe,
and is your true everlasting spirit.

C. The planet earth, as we so affectionately call it, is only one of

the many parallel realities that are going on in the timeframe
of the now. Earth is known as our mother. Well, if that is
true, then the Universe is the grandpa. He is powerful,
though created and sustained by the creative power of the
mind-spirit. Earth is only a reality that is created for another
set of possibilities along with the realization of potential from

D. Physical laws are created structures of the brain in which our

modalities fit nicely and uniformly and are another way for
us to apply and expand our never-ending power of influence
over whatever reality that we find ourselves in.

Law Seven: Mental Time Continuums

Mental time continuums are absolutely essential to our working

model of the Universe. The concept of mental time continuums is
required not only to fill the infinite possibilities but also to account
for our beliefs that do not create into this life. These mental time
continuums are part of the perpetual motion of the mind-spirit,
fulfilling the need for energy to equalize potentials.

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Law Eight: Portals of the Brain

The portals of the brain are nothing more than trapped attention.
When we stop creating by design and just start following our
creations by default at any point in our lives, we become stagnant
and frustrated. We lose all track of time and then wonder where
time went. In many ways, it is not much different than insanity.
That is all insanity really is; trapped attention – hence the old saying,
that to do the same thing repeatedly and expect a different result is
insanity and that hell is repetition.

Law Nine: Crystallizing Realities

Crystallizing realities are creations that create in the now but not
necessarily under any time line. They create whenever the space is
provided for them and attention is kept on them in the
subconsciousness. The subconsciousness becomes a giant pressure
cooker and then pretty soon, it becomes a cookie cutter process. I
am not saying that this is the preferred method to make things
happen, but it certainly is the process for most of us until we evolve
more of our creative energy into the space of the now and can create
without our layers of limiting beliefs (anchors).

Law Ten: Forward Dimensional Thinking

Quite a few of the other laws interact with this creational technique.
This is an extremely dangerous tool, but a very powerful one that
can create, shape, and recreate like nothing else I have ever seen. If
applied incorrectly or at an inappropriate time, it can backfire on
you, giving other people the impression that you are a liar who

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cannot be trusted with little or no integrity. It may sound like it is
not even worth using, but it is a valuable technique if you are able to
learn the rules.

Just consider a brand new journal with nothing in it – all the pages
are empty and you can write in it whatever you want. Think of it
this way - have you ever created something that continues to get
better and expands, bringing in other materials that expand it even
further? This may sound implausible, but it is really simple. If you
can create the past into an organized event, then you can create the
future into an organized event, because they both are already done –
all we have to do is to remember what events transpired.

Law Eleven: Organization

This concept is extremely important; the more organized you are, the
more space and flow you will effortlessly create into your life. The
more organized your information about something is, the more space
that you create and the less confusion that you accept. The more
unorganized your thoughts are, the shorter your attention span and
the weaker your ability to create what you want to experience.
Organizing your thoughts and incoming information not only keeps
you out of float but also creates more room to create.

Organization creates an outflow of flow by placing a relaxed and

focused vibration of energy into what you are trying to create, so you
are not creating resistance to what you are trying to create. This
reduces stress, and stress destroys creativity. A lot of the time,
resistance is brought on by obstacles that could easily be surmounted
or avoided if all our information was available when needed.

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Law Twelve: Information

Information is the number one way to dissolve obstacles.

Information shreds obstacles into little particles and makes them
more like a wave. We process information on a datum level,
meaning that we process it one bit at a time just like how we learned
to read and write and to talk and listen. When we raise our level of
consciousness, we find that we are able to process information as a
stratum. This means that we are able to process many layers at a
time and we expand our creations into the Omniverse by doing so.

Law Thirteen: Accepting Energy

Do not defend yourself against petty attacks and opinions; reacting

to these attacks will make you fall under the spell of the person or
persons attacking you. In this situation, all that you are doing is
lending them your energy. Be accepting of all energy and do with it
as you please; do not be drawn into emotional turmoil.

Law Fourteen: Corridors of the Mind

Corridors of the mind are persistent situations that are fixations of

your beliefs that you have deemed unsolvable and you have left
unattended. Your resistance to the situation and the identities that
you have made and projected create an inability to let it go and

Law Fifteen: Inner-Dimensional Mind Traveling

A dimension is a measurement of something that can be verified and

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documented, but also can be felt and measured by a person who is
feeling the experience and the expanding, still, or decreasing energy.
Mind travel means to go outside the brain and exist in the mental
scope of all things created by your mind-spirit.

Law Sixteen: Natural Sensory Power

I do not call it extra sensory perception (ESP), because I believe it is

completely natural for us to be able to hear each other through our
other senses and natural process. Do you hear other people talking
to you at the same time you are talking to them? Of course you
don‘t – you have to be silent and listen and wait and have your
attention on, but your agenda off, so that there are no judgments in
the sequence of events. This type of communication is done in the
mental scope.

Law Seventeen: Experience

It seems natural that what we experience should dictate what we are

to believe. However, this is not how our brain should work.
Believing what we experience implies that reality creates itself
independent of us and that we are only the observer with no say in
our interaction with reality. This is incorrect – we are the creators of
our experiences, but to know truly, that requires a thorough
understanding of the three Universes that we work in. The Universe
that we can affect is called the future, which should be defined and
built by us. The Universe that can affect us, we call the past, which
we should not use as a model for our future without paying close
attention to the differences in the possibilities. The world of the
now, better known as (the present), serves as the space for our
recognized potentials and observations.

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Chapter 20


When we landed in Stockholm, I could tell right away that the

vibration in the air was very different, and that the appearance of the
place was very different from what I was expecting. I thought to
myself, ―I hope I have time for some exploration, because this looks
to be a very warm and inviting place.‖ I felt like the place was filled
with energy like something was going to happen here for me that
would somehow change me forever.

Just walking through the airport it seemed the people were different
in that they were very warm and caring, not just towards guests
arriving, but with each other as well. They had a sense of fair play
and extended to everyone the manners and kindness that they would
want to be shown themselves. It was a wonderful place to be and I
had a strange sense of belonging. Right away, we were greeted by
what seemed to be about fifty members of the Draconis family and
they, in every way, looked like family. They were powerful people
with an enormous amount of calm about them, but who showed
extreme affection for each other. I thought at first that it was for my
benefit, but after just a couple of minutes I realized that this was not

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Then the oddest thing happened to me that made me feel so good, I
was on a natural high. Michelle introduced me as her hopeful
boyfriend to be. I was floored by that, but also, by the way they all
greeted me and totally seemed to accept me as family. One of the
uncles named Angus said, ―Well, there are a lot of churches here, so
we could perform the wedding ceremony.‖ I smiled, thinking that it
was a joke, but Michelle just looked at me and so did the others. I
suddenly felt on the spot because I wanted to be with her for sure,
but as for marriage, I hadn‘t really thought that far. Soke Draconis
stepped up for me and said, ―That was a wonderful thought, but
these two still have some relationship exploring to do. If and when
that time comes, he would be an excellent new family member.‖

As we moved through the airport and into the terminal, I noticed

there were televisions set on American football. I was standing there
and Soke Draconis told me that the men in the country love
American football. It must be true because just about all the males
and some females were watching very intently. Michelle came up,
grabbed my hand, kissed me softly, and said, ―I am sorry. I did not
mean to place you on the spot. I just said what was in my heart.‖ I
said to my brown-eyed girl, ―Never apologize to me for speaking
what is in your heart. I will always want to know what you feel, no
matter how straight-forward.‖ We both smiled and, with a gentle
kiss, continued to move on through the airport.

We got our luggage and went outside where everyone was joking,
laughing, and hugging. They said, ―Time for a cookout in the back
yard at Angus‘s place.‖ Angus cheerfully shouted, ―Absolutely!‖
We drove about 20 minutes to his house. I was looking at the
beautiful landscape and just taking it all in. It was already a
wonderful trip. Angus was full of life and vigor and he liked to have
a great time. He asked me if I had ever been really drunk and I said I

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had not. Michelle said, ―Angus, you behave.‖ Angus just grunted,
laughed, and said, ―Do not worry. I will take care of him.‖ Michelle
said, ―If Angus tries to get you drinking, don‘t do it, because he will
drink you under the table.‖ I assured her, ―Don‘t worry. I don‘t like
to drink anyway,‖ and she squeezed my hand.

We pulled up to what was a modest but very clean and well-groomed

house with a huge yard of about ten acres. It seemed very calm. I
thought to myself, ―We are going to have a cookout when it‘s 35
degrees outside. This is going to be very interesting. They have got
to be kidding with me.‖ Then I heard one of the aunts say, ―We will
get the ice cream.‖ I thought, ―Ice cream, are you kidding me!‖
They were serious, though. They eat ice cream in the wintertime,
just as we do in the summertime. Michelle shared with me how they
love their ice cream. We enjoyed a large meal of hamburgers, fries,
soft drinks, and ice cream.

I saw ten cabins out in the distance and, as everyone chatted, I crept
away to go and investigate them. The cabins were in pristine
condition and so I went up on the wood porch of one of them and
looked in. I walked into the third cabin and looked around, and then
I went into the back room. I heard a small noise in the living room
and, thinking it was Michelle, I came out. There was an average
built man with a full beard and gray hair sitting at the table. I was
startled, ―I‘m sorry. I did not know that this was your place.‖ He
laughed a hearty laugh and said, ―It is as much yours as it is mine.‖ I
told him that I didn‘t live there, and he said, ―Well, neither do I,‖ I
said, ―I don‘t understand. Why are you here in this cabin?‖ He
laughed again, ―Why are you here?‖ I replied, ―I am with friends
who own the property.‖ He said, ―Nobody owns anything. It is all
space to be occupied. The problem with you Americans is you want
to own everything instead of just existing with it and sharing the

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He was right as far as back home gangs killed each other for a little
piece of turf. I asked if the family knew he was in there. He said
they did and asked if they knew that I was there. I said, ―Of course!
I came in with them.‖ Then he stated, ―But they do not know that
you are out here.‖ I admitted, ―I didn‘t tell them I was coming out
here, but I am sure they will see me and know.‖ He asked my name,
and I replied, ―I‘m not sure if I should tell you.‖ The man gestured,
―Well, my name is Ashstar. It is very nice to meet you, Brady.‖ I
was really surprised, ―How did you know my name?‖ He answered,
―All the information is in consciousness if you choose to look at it.‖
I thought, ―Oh, no! Another Soke Draconis! What an opportunity to
learn and impress Soke Draconis and Soke Karroninn.‖

Michelle came through the door and asked, ―Are you alright?‖ I said
―yes‖ and she asked, ―Who were you talking to?‖ I said, ―Ashstar.‖
Michelle then asked something rather odd, ―The old one from the
mountains?‖ I remarked, ―I guess so, although he did not say from
the mountains.‖ She said that was a sign of great luck and how you
were considered a warrior if he chose to talk to you. I shared with
her that I had been looking around. I came in and there he was, right
here at this table. Michelle exclaimed, ―Hurry, let‘s go tell the

The air was cold to me, but to them, it was like summer. Some of
them had no coats on and Soke Karroninn wasn‘t wearing anything
but jeans and a muscle shirt. As we got closer, Michelle blurted out
that I had seen and talked to Ashstar the old man from the
mountains. I thought they were going to make fun of me, but instead
they sat me in the middle and asked me to tell them about my
experience. After I told them, they asked me to take some soda and
food, leave it where I had last seen him, and they would check on it
in the morning. I thought it was crazy, but I did as I was told,

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though with resistance. As I was walking away, I heard them all
whispering to each other. Now I was spooked.

Michelle went with me and we talked and made plans to make a

snowman because there was a snowstorm coming in. She told me
that she and I would be staying in Cabin 4 for the remainder of our
stay and everyone else, meaning the Sokes, were going to stay in
Cabin 2. I was okay with this, but I thought for sure I was going to
get the talk this time about being alone with their niece, but again I
did not.

That night, Michelle, I, and the Sokes ate together in Cabin 4, and
we laughed and joked, it was a wonderful time. After a while, they
said it was getting late and I should get some rest because I would
need it tomorrow. So, I went to bed and Michelle said she was going
to stay up a little longer and finish a book she had been reading. We
said good night, shared a small but thoughtful kiss, and off to bed I
went. All the cabins had two bedrooms that were connected to each
other by a convenient door, but also offered privacy should you want

Six the next morning came early and the Sokes walked in excited
and ready to go. I got dressed to go out and meet them and they
encouraged me, ―You should check your offering in Cabin 3.‖ I
went over to Cabin 3 and the food and soda were gone. I thought
someone had eaten it or thrown it away. I stepped out onto the porch
with a very weird look on my face and both Sokes glanced at each
other at the same time and said, ―The old man from the mountain.‖ I
could not resist feeling as if I was being played, then again, why not
ride it out with an open mind, and see what happens. What could it

Soke Draconis said we were going to have a fun day today because

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they were going to introduce me into the polar bear club. I thought
that was a strange name for a club. We walked about four acres to a
small lake and it looked very cold. They took a rope out of their
backpack, threw the end of the rope to me saying, ―Tie yourself
securely around your waist.‖ They tied the other end to a large tree
and said, ―Take off your clothes except for your underwear.‖ I
started laughing but they did not; they were serious. I cried out in
protest, ―If I go into that water, I will possibly go into shock.‖ Soke
Draconis educated me, ―You can choose to allow the animal reaction
to take over, or you can choose to respond as a being that is in
control of his energy. The choice is yours.‖

I had fears coming so fast that I could not get a grip on them. They
went zipping through my mind; fears and more fears. I felt
resistance to going into the water because I did not want to be cold.
I wanted warmth and sunshine. I wanted the conditions to be better,
but then I thought how, for much of my life, I have wanted
conditions to be better before I acted, and started to think about
where I was and how much I had held myself back. I had the
opportunity of a lifetime right then and I needed to break the chain
of reactive thinking and begin to use my responding mind.

The water felt easily to be every bit below 30 degrees, but then I
said, ―Just do it.‖ I held my breath and into the water I went. It was
miserably cold. My reaction was to jump out, but then I thought,
―What are the Sokes going to think about me and what about
Michelle? Everything I want and fear losing comes down to this
moment. This is the defining moment of the rest of my life and I am
going to get it done. I might freeze to death, but I am going to do it.
This went on for what seemed a very long time, but in reality, it was
quick. Then I heard the Sokes yell, ―Center your breath, and focus
your energy. Do not resist that it is cold. Just accept it as is. Forget
the illusion that there is no power over you. Release the illusion, the

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belief, and conditions of your fears and achievement. Embrace the
moment and it will truly define your life as a journey you will grow
from and will never forget.‖

Suddenly, I saw many fragments of my desires. I caught my breath

and began to focus on my breathing. I felt the energy around my
navel get hot and then my body was really beginning to warm up. I
began to run the breathing form that I had been taught and things got
better quickly. Even though I was in the water, my body began to
warm up and I was actually beginning to sweat. I thought, ―Wow! I
cannot believe this! This is working in a big way and I really am
getting warmer.‖

Soke Draconis also got in the water and we both worked on

advanced breathing concepts. I was just learning and it was actually
a very good and wonderful experience. In the distance, about three
acres away, there were a few small mountains and I could see
―Ashstar‖ watching our actions. I thought how odd that he just
stands there and says nothing, just watches. I pointed him out to
Soke, and he said, ―I know, I saw the old man from the mountain
awhile ago.‖ After 45 minutes of running forms of breathing, we got
out of the water, grabbed big towels that the Sokes had brought with
them, and put our clothes back on.

I looked to the mountain again and there was the old man from the
mountains. He had on a black hat that was kind of old and worn
looking and carried a big wooden stick about seven feet long and
about a foot around. I could not see anything else because he had a
big overcoat on that looked very worn but thick and warm. I was
drying myself off and when I looked up, he was gone. Both Sokes
said, ―We‘ll see him again. He has an interest.‖ I asked what they
meant, and they both gave that smile and said, ―You.‖ I asked if I
were in some kind of danger here and Soke Draconis said, ―No. He

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is just interested in what you are doing and how you are doing it.‖

The Sokes offered, ―Let‘s go get warm, relax, visit the family, and
eat, because we have a huge day tomorrow.‖ I asked what we were
going to be doing and Soke Karroninn said, ―Reindeer roundup. We
will go up into the mountains and drive the reindeer down into a
corral where they can be tagged. Many of the farmers here own
reindeer.‖ As we made our way back, there was casual conversation
about what we had just done and what I learned from it. The
experience had awakened many things inside of me, but I was not
sure how to express them. I thought I would write it down and let
things just flow and see what developed.

When we got back to the cabins, Angus was running around in his
underwear drinking, and I mean he was drunk. He ran right into a
stump of a tree that used to be there and fell face first onto the frozen
ground. Both Sokes laughed and remarked that old Angus would
never change. I observed, ―It appears that he does not want to
change.‖ I went to my cabin and the Sokes went to theirs and said
they would be over in about two hours.

When I got to the cabin, Michelle asked me how things went. I said,
―Great! It was an awesome experience and I feel as if I have much
more control over my mind and breath.‖ She said, ―Yes, it does
produce that effect.‖ I asked if she had done it, and she said, ―Of
course, that is a basic Draconis tradition for learning breath control
and freeing the mind.‖ I could see there was more to her than I had
ever imagined. I took a nice long shower and was refreshed when I
sat down and began to let my experience simply speak for itself. I
asked myself what I had learned today.

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Life is truly held back by our fears and even the things that we desire
come from our fears. Fear is a huge part of our everyday existence
and until we have a firm grip on it, it will continue to influence us
without end. This may be something we do not want to experience,
because we may get to the end of our life and realize we have never
lived because of our fears and now we are dying with fear still in
mind. Better to live one day without fear than to live a thousand
years with fear, because with fear we are just going through the

Michelle and I were talking at the table, enjoying some hot

chocolate, and having a casual conversation when it just came out;
―Michelle, will you go with me?‖ That was the term we used back
in the early eighties. It was another way of saying ―will you be my
girl?‖ She asked, ―What took you so long?‖ I shrugged, ―Fear.‖
She laughed and said, ―I understand that, but I‘m glad it‘s gone.‖

I noticed from our cabin window that there was a lot of smoke
coming from the mountains and I wondered what it was. She
guessed, ―I bet it is Ashstar.‖ I was curious, ―Do you know
something about him?‖ Michelle said, ―Don‘t we all know
something about him?‖ I thought about how I dislike riddles. Then
there was a knock on the door and the Sokes came in and told us,
―Have you seen that the old man in the mountains has a fire going up
there?‖ I thought he must be cold and is trying to stay warm, but
Soke Draconis said that he was probably eating some fish that he
caught. I wondered if he was cold and Soke Karroninn said, ―He is
just fine.‖ I thought, ―I could be wrong, but everyone seems to know
much more about Ashstar than they are letting on.‖

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We talked and Michelle made the Sokes some hot chocolate, and
then we all played a game called ―I Spy.‖ For those who do not
know the game, you simply look around the room and say, ―I spy
something,‖ and then you say its color. We all played for about a
half an hour and the Sokes thought it was hilarious. Aunt Emma and
Aunt Alva then came to the door and wanted to know when we
would be ready for the cookout. The Sokes said we were ready and
we were off and running.

Uncle Angus was dressed and sober. I said, ―That was a fast
recovery‖ and he expressed to me, ―Nah. I wanted to experience
drunkenness for awhile so I did and now I‘m done.‖ He looked at
me and said, ―I do have a choice you know.‖ As we were eating,
Michelle said, ―Brady and I are now a couple.‖ There were good
vibrations and everyone was having fun. Nobody wanted to play
more games or anything, they just wanted to sit and talk and enjoy
each other‘s company. That was bizarre for me since back home at
my family cookouts everyone talked at each other and played games
towards each other, all while ignoring each other.

Later that night after the gathering calmed down, I went for a walk
down by the lake to reflect for a little while and sort through what
had happened earlier that day. I sat down on one of the two rocks
that were nearby and put my head in my hands to gather myself.

When I looked up, there was Ashstar sitting right next to me. I told
him, ―You show up in the oddest places and always when I do not
know.‖ He said, ―Why do you need to know?‖ He asked me what
my plans were, and I said, ―Right now, I am in an apprentice
program learning martial arts, but it is more like the martial and
mental arts.‖ Ashstar said, ―Being a mental warrior does not require
both the martial and mental arts, but you can handle it. You must

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feel that way, or you would not be here.‖ I shared, ―Well, I am told
things as we go, so I never really know what to expect.‖ Ashstar
remarked, ―Sometimes that is good.‖ I asked, ―Are you going to tell
me anything about you or are you going to keep me in suspense?‖
He replied, ―You are the one holding yourself in suspense with your
expectations.‖ I responded a little sharply, ―You know, I have got to
stop and pick up a book on how to talk in riddles because it seems
that there is a riddle in everything I hear.‖ Ashstar then said, ―Yes.
It does rattle some people to have to think for themselves.‖ I thought
he was rude, but then I figured that he was right.

A Memorable Evening

Nightfall was upon us and Ashstar told me a story about our spirit
and our mind. He asked, ―Do you see how the moon casts a shadow
on the lake and how the reflection seems to be moving in the water?
Your life and spirit work much the same way. You are a projected
thought form ready for action, ready to go forth and to do work and
create other thought forms from limitless potential and possibilities.

―You are the illusion of what you see in this life, but in it is only the
reality that is moving within your mind-scope, and the brain that is
here with you, is interpreting it. When people say that everything is
an illusion, they do not mean the physical Universe, but rather that
our interpretation of the Universe is the illusion because of the
thoughts and the fears that come from our learned perceptions of
how things are supposed to be. How we want things to be and how
we really believe them to be are major differences that create a
terrible separation between what we have, what we wish we had, and
what we believe we can have. One thought after another creates
more and more illusions.‖ I asked, ―Kind of hard to get a grip then
isn‘t it?‖ He clarified it for me, ―No, alignment is what is needed. If

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you could see life without fears then your beliefs would meet the
power of your desire to manifest and there would be no desires
because everything would be a world of manifestation instead of
waiting and hoping and desiring.‖

Ashstar asked if I wanted to see something and I said, "Yes.‖ He

gestured with his arm, ―Then come with me.‖ Just then, Michelle
came upon us and asked what we were doing. I replied that Ashstar
was going to show me something. I extended an invitation to
Michelle and she said she would like to join us, as long as Ashstar
didn‘t mind. He replied, ―Not at all. The company of a beautiful
lady is always an honor.‖ I thought that was a smooth remark that I
should make a point to remember. Michelle and I held hands and
went walking into the distance with Ashstar leading the way until we
came to a clearing that led into a cave. As we got to the cave,
Ashstar lit two lanterns and we went in. We came into a space that
opened up, containing more lanterns and a gigantic geode.

It was a huge space, about 40 feet high and 30 feet wide, and was
bright with many colors. It was truly the most beautiful thing that I
had ever seen. Michelle was as much in awe as I was. After about
20 minutes, we walked right through the middle of the geode and
came into a place of mystery. Everything looked like gold. There
were gold walls, gold floors; everything within our view was
resonating gold. We looked back and didn‘t see Ashstar, so we
stepped back out and he was there. We stood there for a few
moments trying to collect ourselves.

Michelle and I then agreed that it was probably time for us to be

getting back because both Soke Karroninn and Soke Draconis were
going to be upset that we were gone for so long since it was so deep
into nightfall. We thanked Ashstar and asked him if we could have
his permission to come back to the geode and then to perhaps walk

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through it. He eagerly agreed, saying, ―Of course! The doorway is
there for you whenever you want.‖ He walked us back to where he
had originally found us, waved and said goodbye as we walked back
towards the cabins.

Michelle and I both were still in a very profound, almost euphoric

state from what we had just witnessed and, more importantly, from
what we had felt. The feeling of the power and the blatant expansion
of consciousness and time was almost unimaginable. Neither of us
had ever experienced anything that was so expansive in its viewpoint
of life, what we are and what we are capable of becoming. It made
you feel not only infinite, but also so small and insignificant that it
was almost troublesome and fearsome, but there was a real calm and
a peace at the same time that all these different perceptions were
going on.

It is really hard to give an accurate description of what we felt

because it truly was, once again, beyond words. There is just no way
to describe that which cannot be described. It‘s like being a wave
effect in quantum physics, which would be like awareness, and then
being like the solidified particles that we are, and existing as the
necessity of creating consciousness. It was most profound in all of
its workings, especially the way it worked on all of our levels, on all
of our systems within our entire structured body. It was a very, very
different experience than anything I had known. Michelle and I
agreed that we should keep this to ourselves for a while until we had
time to integrate our experiences and more fully understood the

What was most important was to understand what we both were

feeling inside of us, so we held hands as we were walking and
talking until we came up to Cabin 4. Soke Karroninn and Soke
Draconis were both sitting outside in front of Cabin 2 and asked us

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how things were going. We told them that everything was
wonderful and we were just taking in and appreciating the beauty of
the night. They remarked, ―Yes, it can be a beautiful sight, can‘t it?‖
I agreed, ―Yes, especially when you have a beautiful woman with
you.‖ Michelle blushed a bit and looked at the Sokes. The Sokes
looked at her and I smiled. We said we were going to go in for some
hot chocolate and extended them an invitation to join us. They
declined. As we walked into the cabin, we saw that there were gifts
on the kitchen table. I wondered what all these gifts were for. There
were baskets of fruit and packages of clothes and shoes. We were
both just astounded. As we stood there in the middle of the cabin
looking at the kitchen full of all these presents, both the Sokes came
in behind us silently and said, ―Congratulations on your engagement.
This is from both of us and the entire family.‖ There were so many
presents it certainly looked like they came from the entire family.

We sat down and began opening some of our gifts. For me, never
really having had a sense of belonging or at least never really feeling
comfortable anywhere, I felt like I was in the flow of the vibration of
it all - that feeling of actually belonging. I thought to myself, it was
so very strange to feel that in every way, shape, and form, I was
home. Without even directly knowing it, I had somehow ended up
exactly where I was supposed to be. It meets all of your
neurological needs, all of your values; it just seems that the vibration
that is all around you is nothing more than an extension of yourself
at your most peaceful, most confident, most loving, and most
accepting aspect or part of your life.

I just stopped and looked at both Sokes and at Michelle, and I

remember, as I was fighting back the tears, feeling just a sheer
appreciation for where I was and for the people with me. It was a
feeling I never wanted to be without. Somehow, I knew that as I sat
there and looked at the Sokes and Michelle, a sense of calm and

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belonging was coming over me. Somehow, deep in my heart, it
wasn‘t an act of want; it wasn‘t an act of being greedy, or anything
of that nature. I looked at her and I instantaneously felt that she was
my wife. There was no doubt about it; this was the woman I wanted
to share the rest of my life with. I began to bite my tongue, my eyes
began to swell up, and I felt the tears begin to come, so I shifted my
attention away from looking at them. I began to shift my attention to
other things that were in the room. I began to look at their sizes,
their shapes, tracing all around the structure of any object that I was
looking at. As I did this, I could still feel the pressure of my tears in
my eyes and the energy building up, but then I was finally able to
relax. Things were returning to normal, everything was going to be
okay, and I wasn‘t going to be a giant crybaby right there in front of

After gathering myself, centering my breath, and beginning to get

myself under control, I joined in with the opening of the gifts. I
made a remark to both Sokes at how taken aback I was by the
generosity of the gifts. They said that they were taken aback at the
generosity of the love that was shown and that I had displayed since
we had been there. I knew at that moment that I had both of the
Sokes approvals and the family‘s approval by the presents that were
on the table. I knew what the next step was for Michelle and me. I
have to be honest with you how even though I rather wanted to play
the tough guy, I was ready.

After we opened all the presents, we all drank hot chocolate until it
seemed like we were ready to burst. The Sokes realized it was
getting late and decided we‘d better turn in for the night since
tomorrow we‘d have an early awakening. They said, ―It is time for
the reindeer roundup tomorrow. The youngest men will go up into
the mountains, herd up all the reindeer, and drive them down to the
corral where the older men are waiting, where instead of branding

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the reindeer we will tag them. We feel that tagging them is a lot less
painful than branding them and much more humane.‖ I thought,
―Okay, how hard can this really be? There‘s some reindeer. There‘s
some running and sprinting involved. I‘m in good shape. It should
be a piece of cake!‖ I said aloud, ―Okay! I‘m looking forward to
Both Sokes left, but Michelle and I sat up and talked for about 45
minutes longer, holding each other by the fireplace as we looked
outside. I truly wish everyone who‘s reading my work might one
day have the opportunity to experience the love that I felt at that
moment, and still feel today, because it is a wonderful place to exist

Michelle and I went to bed and the morning came early. I got up,
took a shower, got dressed, and when I went outside, lo and behold,
both Sokes were out there, and there were people everywhere. There
must easily have been several hundred people. They were
everywhere. It was a big picnic and they had everything all set up
already. These people really liked to picnic. This was their thing.
Sharing time with family and friends was very important.

The older gentleman who was to proclaim the start of the reindeer
roundup made his announcement and about one hundred of us young
guys went running up into the mountains. Our job: One mission…to
retrieve the reindeer.

After we partnered up, we were to go up into the mountains, stake

our claims, figure out our directions, and start stalking the reindeer.
The reindeer were everywhere, and on this particular day, they were
grazing in the large groups in which they normally graze, but several
large groups were broken up, so that they were at a little further
distance from each other than most of the people. The young men
who were there from Sweden said that it was somewhat unusual to

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see this. Taking great care not to hurt any of the reindeers, the men
instructed the guys who were less experienced to basically make
noise and form a wall in the direction where we wanted them to go
and they would go in that direction. We all thought, ―Well, that
sounds easy enough.‖ And it was on.

We began running, clapping, shouting, forming our wall, and

creating the structure of exactly what mountain we were going to
drive them down. We had a clear path set up for them that was not
very steep. It was well laid out, so that they wouldn‘t trip and hurt
themselves. To be honest with you, I was very worried that the
reindeer were going to run into me or hit me with those horns or
something of that nature, but surprisingly, no matter how close they
got to you, they would never run into you. The reindeer took great
care to make sure they never touched you. I asked some of the more
experienced guys if this were common and they said, "yes‖ that the
reindeer would not touch you in any way. If there are children right
in front of them during a stampede, they will go around them and not
touch them. I thought that was an unbelievable instinct to have, not
to hurt something else like that. I thought it was quite impressive

Everything was going very well while we were driving the reindeer
down to the trail. I admit that I thought to myself, ―I don‘t know
what the Sokes thought what was so difficult about this.‖ Actually,
this was very simple so far, but I wasn‘t going to say anything. I
was just going to keep my mouth shut, make some friends, put in my
very best effort, and make sure that I was keeping up with everybody
else so nobody could say that I was lagging.

As we were running along, one of the reindeer shot off, for some
reason, and we didn‘t know why. I looked at two of the other guys
standing by me, and I said, ―I‘ll go get him and drive him back down

- 379 -
here to you guys.‖ They said, ―Okay, just get in front of him and
turn him around. Just make some noise, put your hands up, and he‘ll
turn around.‖ I took off. I must have chased this reindeer for about
a quarter of a mile and I finally caught up just enough to get around
in front of him. As I began to circle around him, I noticed there was
something moving in the brush beside him and he was looking at it
too. He turned around and ran the other way, which was the
direction that I had wanted him to go, in the direction of the other
guys. I thought, ―That worked out pretty well,‖ and then I thought
that maybe there was another reindeer in the bushes and he had
sensed that somehow. I didn‘t know.

I was a rookie at this, so I got a little closer to it and lo and behold, it

was a big, big brown bear. The bear lunged and stood straight up,
and as he did, I fell back. I stumbled about four or five steps and
found myself sitting on my butt looking up at this bear that had to be
at least seven feet tall! I remember thinking to myself, ―What am I
going to do now? Clearly, I don‘t know how to defend myself
against a bear, I have no clue about what bears do and how they do it
outside of the fact, that if they get a hold of you, you‘re dead!‖

A great panic began to seize my whole body. My heart rate rose and
I was beginning to sweat profusely. I felt butterflies all through my
stomach going about a thousand miles an hour and I felt a tingling,
vibrating, and pulsating sensation from the bottom of my toes to the
very top part of the hair that was probably standing straight up on
my head. I thought to myself, ―I‘m gonna die!! I‘m gonna die!!‖ I
thought that if I were to scream, maybe some of the other guys down
there would hear me, but with all the reindeer running around
everywhere, the stampede made such a loud noise that they wouldn‘t
be able to hear anything. The bear came out of the bushes until it
was about 10 feet from me. I thought, ―This is it! I don‘t even think
I can outrun him because I remember hearing somewhere that bears

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are very fast. Oh, what am I to do?‖

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Ashstar appeared. He stood between the

bear and me and just looked at the bear. They stared at each other
for what seemed to be several minutes. There was just silence. The
bear didn‘t make a noise and Ashstar didn‘t make a noise. Swiftly
he took a bag that was tied around him, untied the gather string and
pulled out three huge fish. Ashstar said, ―This in return for that,‖
and he looked back, pointed at me, and threw the three fish over to
the bear. The bear immediately came down off his two hind legs and
was now on his forelegs, pawing and chewing on the three fish.
Ashstar reached out his hand to me while still looking at the bear and
said, ―Let‘s go.‖ We began walking down the trail, back towards the

We informed the rest of the guys about there being a brown bear a
quarter of a mile or so down the road, but that he‘d eaten three fish
already so he should be plenty full. One of the guys looked over at
me and said, ―Better three fish then you, right?‖ I laughed and
responded with, ―You can say that again. Let‘s get these reindeers
out of here.‖ We got the reindeer out and we went down the trails to
the corral where all the people were. I knew we were safe, because a
bear is not going to come near hundreds of people and all these
reindeers, especially after being well fed. There was too much
commotion, too much noise, and way too much activity for a bear.

After we were in the corral and all the reindeer were driven in, I told
the Sokes what had happened. I really didn‘t want Michelle to know
because I knew she would be very worried, but the Sokes and I were
talking about it and it was too late – Michelle had heard about it.
She was all over me, trying to make sure that I was okay. She must
have asked me 25 questions in under 15 seconds, ―Do you have any
scratches? A bruise? Do you need anything? Do you need to be

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taken care of in anyway?‖ I told her, ―No, I‘m really okay. Ashstar
appeared out of nowhere and saved me from the bear. If it hadn‘t
been for Ashstar, I‘d be bear meat. I mean this bear meant business!
I could tell it.‖

Everyone asked me, ―What did Ashstar do?‖ I shared the story with
them, ―He stood there in front of the bear for about two minutes.
Neither he nor the bear did anything and then Ashstar pulled out
three large fish and threw them at the feet of the bear. The bear
came down off his hind legs and was on all four legs, then Ashstar
said, ―This for that,‖ and the bear started eating the fish. He
extended his hand to me, I grabbed it, and we walked down the trail
to where everyone else was and where the reindeers were. I got back
with the group and here I am.‖

Michelle said, ―We‘re going to have to do something really nice for

Ashstar. He saved your life.‖ I replied, ―Yes, he did. He truly did.‖
Soke said, ―Praise Ashstar.‖ To which I loudly repeated, ―Praise
Ashstar.‖ Soke exclaimed, ―We‘re giving him praise for returning
our friend back to us!‖ I thought that was interesting, since I was
fairly certain Ashstar didn‘t hear their praise. It was nice they paid
him respect even though he wasn‘t there to hear it, but I had a
sneaky suspicion he did know. I found myself thinking, ―Somehow,
I don‘t know how, but I bet he knows. I bet he heard my friends
thanking him.‖

As the tagging was going on, I found out you‘re not supposed to ask
any of the people around there how many reindeers they own. The
more reindeer that you own, the wealthier you are said to be, but it‘s
not something that you ask. Everyone was having a giant picnic and
it was absolutely wonderful. The moon was huge and bright. We
seemed so close to the moon, it looked like we could reach right up
and touch it with our hands. It was truly amazing.

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They were playing music unlike anything I‘d ever heard, but it was
soothing to the soul and most relaxing. Michelle and I began to
dance. Before I knew it, we had danced for a dozen songs and I told
Michelle, ―I think that I‘m all danced out,‖ so we went over, sat
down on the bench, and ate some food. We had chicken, beans, and
there were mashed potatoes and corn on the cob, along with many
other foods. I could go on, but I don‘t want to take the space up in
this book. Trust me; it was a feast for the eyes, as well as the

As we sat there eating, quietness overtook us for a minute and then

Michelle said, ―Have you thought any more about that cave Ashtar
showed us?‖ I said, ―To be honest with you, I haven‘t been able to
get it out of my mind.‖ She said, ―Yes, I have thought about it a lot,
too. Do you think we should go back?‖ I thought about it for a
moment, ―I don‘t think we should try it tonight or tomorrow. Why
don‘t we give ourselves at least a few more days before we go back?
Let‘s really integrate the information like we told Ashstar we would
and see if any realizations come up.‖ She agreed, ―You‘re probably
right, honey.‖

Soke Draconis came over, sat down at our table, and asked me what
I felt when that bear jumped up at me. I told him I could honestly
say that I had, in every way, shape, and form, experienced fear
because that was a feeling of fear like I had never known. He shared
with me, ―One time when I was 12 years old, I was faced with a
bear, too. Ashstar saved my life at that time also.‖

I couldn‘t contain my curiosity any longer and had to ask, ―So all of
you have an understanding about this Ashstar fellow?‖ He said,
―That is all we have – an understanding – and we don‘t refer to him
as The Old Man from the Mountains. We refer to him as The

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Wanderer. He lives up in the mountains and he wanders wherever
he wants. It seems that whenever someone‘s in trouble or someone
needs something, Ashstar appears and helps them out.‖ I was
curious, ―How does he get his clothes and his food and things?‖
Soke explained, ―He mostly lives off the land. Anyone will feed
Ashstar if he shows up, just as we did earlier. We also give boots,
clothing, and things of that nature to him and he takes them.‖ I
understood, ―I see. So in return for all the protection in your times
of need, you give back to him.‖ Soke said, ―Yes, it‘s our way of
creating balance.

―It‘s not just you and I that he has saved, Brady. A great many of us
have stories of times that he has pulled us out of rivers when we
were drowning, pulled us up hanging by a mountain cliff because we
slipped and lost our footing, helped us when we were being attacked
by a bear, or kept us from being run over in a stampede of horses.
Ashstar has saved hundreds and hundreds of people. His tales of
courage are known throughout the land. I said, ―Now I understand a
little bit more about him, although I clearly do not understand
everything.‖ ―Nor will you,‖ he said. ―He is a very complex person.
All of us are perplexed. It‘s best not to try to understand him, but
just to feel him, to be with him, and to cherish his friendship.‖ I
nodded, ―Yes, I can see that.‖

After all the partying, the dancing, and the eating were done,
Michelle, the Sokes, and I went back to the house. We were sitting
around and talking with some of the other family members when
Soke Karroninn said, ―Brady, why don‘t you come with me for a
moment? I‘d like to show you something.‖ He took me to Cabin 2,
and we went inside. He sat me at the table while he went off into the
other room. After a minute, he came out with a large leather binder
that was very old and worn, but well taken care of. He opened up
the book, told me that inside of this book were the Laws of

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Creotology, and if I were to follow these laws through an
understanding of the sheer steps of creation and how things work,
miraculous things would begin to happen in my life.


Within any sphere of operation, there is a definition of a

consciousness at all levels competing for the space in which to
create. Throughout all space and time, there are situations, such as
lucid dreaming, where one suddenly finds himself outside of the
normal operating procedure of consciousness and working in the
sphere of the super-consciousness.

Within any definition, there is an ego at work struggling for its own
awareness of what is. Whenever you have occupied a space of
creation and have outgrown that domain, it is time to move up in
consciousness and play a much larger game.

Evolution is a personal thing that is contained within the domain of a

conscious exploration of the space operated to support another level
of creation at a different consciousness level. The physical, the
neurological, the mental, and the spiritual are all different levels of
consciousness, all held together by the super-consciousness of the

Beliefs are the foundation of all realities. Earthly enlightenment

would require that everyone believe the same things, or better yet, be
completely respectful of others beliefs and have no personal agenda
to change them. Acceptance brings about the natural cure for
resistance. Believing something else creates resistance and life
becomes a game of willful struggle. The sphere in which someone
operates is their definition about the consciousness they are working

- 385 -
in. This will be evident by the size and magnitude of their creations.

After I was done looking at the information, I went back to the cabin
that Michelle and I were sharing. When I entered the cabin door, she
wanted to know how I was doing. ―Remarkably well, I think,
considering all that I have been through.‖ Michelle laughed and
asked, ―What have you been through?‖ I gave her an overview,
―Well, in just the short time I have been here in Sweden, I have been
stalked by a person I do not know, almost completely frozen to death
in the lake, run the Boston marathon after some reindeer, and almost
got eaten by a bear.‖

Then Soke Karroninn took us to the next cabin and showed me the
Creotology Spheres. My gut told me Michelle already knew all
about the spheres. ―I‘m just trying to integrate it all.‖ She showed
me a little mercy, ―Yes, I do know about the spheres and I fully
understand how it can all be a bit overwhelming. Look at the bright
side, hon, you have me now.‖ I said, ―That‘s true. That makes
everything worthwhile. Not that I‘m complaining, mind you, it‘s
just that there is so much information it can really be difficult to
integrate.‖ Michelle said with her warm little smile, ―The sun will
come out again.‖

About that time, Soke Draconis knocked on the door and said that he
was planning on going into the city and would Michelle and I like to
come? They were going to get some ice cream and possibly walk
around Stockholm. I asked why we would walk when there were
many vehicles. Soke Draconis said it was so beautiful out that the
fresh air and the exercise would do us all some good. Michelle
urged me, ―Come on, Brady, let‘s do it.‖ We went to the other cabin
and picked up Soke Karroninn, told the rest of the family we were
leaving, and made our way out to the street. We got about a half a
block when an old man with a wagon being pulled by two horses

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came upon us. Soke Draconis said, ―Hello, friend.‖ The old man
told us his name was Totty. ―Where are you guys headed?‖ Soke
Draconis told him, ―Into Stockholm for some ice cream and
shopping.‖ Totty offered, ―How about riding with me and keeping
me company? You could have a good old fashioned hay ride into
Stockholm.‖ Soke smiled, ―Under one condition, you let us buy you
ice cream when we get there.‖ Totty agreed, ―That is a done deal.‖
We all jumped into the back of the wagon that was filled with bales
of hay. We sat and joked with Totty and laughed on that cool,
beautiful, dusty evening. I was amazed at how easy it was to make a
friend. After a while, we arrived in Stockholm. The city was just as
beautiful at night as it was in the day.

The Sokes, Totty, Michelle, and I got off the wagon and we went
into a local ice cream parlor. We all had some ice cream while
sitting outside, laughing and joking and looking at the beautiful
lights of the city. After an hour or so went by, Totty said that he
needed to finish the business that brought him into town and he
would be leaving in about an hour. He also offered that if we
wanted to, we could ride back with him. Soke Draconis replied,
―That won‘t be necessary because our business is going to take a
little longer, but if you and your wife aren‘t doing anything this
Sunday come to the last house right before you picked us up and we
will have a big cookout.‖ Totty asked what time and Soke told him.
―Two o‘clock in the afternoon.‖ Totty accepted by saying that he
and his wife would be there and that they would bring some steaks
as well. Soke Draconis informed him, ―That‘s not necessary, but if
you want to, that‘s fine.‖ We all shook hands, Totty went on his
way and we went on ours.

As we made our way into the Stockholm Mall, I noticed immediately

that these people were serious about their shopping since, judging
from the size of this mall; they had everything you could possibly be

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looking to purchase. It was much bigger by far than any mall I had
ever seen where I lived. Michelle grabbed my hand and said, ―Come
on! Let‘s go look around.‖ Soke Draconis suggested, ―Let‘s meet
back here at this spot in an hour and a half,‖ and we agreed. Before
we took off, Soke Draconis handed Michelle and I both a $100 bill.
Together we both asked, ―What is this for?‖ Soke said, ―Just in case,
for whatever.‖

Michelle and I went to the upper level and we walked around

looking at the beautiful shops inside the mall. I happened to look
over the banister and I saw a huge beautiful Viking ship. I told
Michelle that the ship looked similar to one that I had seen in the
cave back home with Soke Karroninn, and she said, ―Let‘s go look at
it.‖ We went down the stairs and saw that for $2 you could go onto
the boat. We paid our $2 and the worker who was sitting on the boat
told us to stay on the main path and enjoy ourselves. We were like
two ants on a cube of sugar looking all around the boat. It was an
awesome experience. To think that we were on a boat that real
Vikings had sailed on! It wasn‘t exactly an ancient boat, it was a
reconstruction, but still, you got the picture. After we took our tour,
which took about 20 minutes, we got off the boat and Michelle went
into a store to pick up a hairbrush.

As I was standing in the mall waiting for Michelle, an old man came
up to me who would have looked just like Santa Claus if he had the
red suit on. He asked, ―Are you Brady?‖ I said, ―Yes I am, is there
something I can do to help you?‖ The old man said he had a gift for
me and he handed me a box. I asked who it was from. He pointed
across the mall. I followed the direction in which he was pointing
and I looked and concentrated as hard as I could, but I saw no one. I
looked back at him and said, ―There is no one there,‖ but to my
amazement, he was gone.

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I stood there looking at a box that was about fourteen inches long
and about six inches wide. I thought this was a most peculiar thing,
and then I thought, ―What the hell. Since I had met the Draconis
family, peculiar might as well be my middle name.‖ The box had
Celtic and Norse designs all around it. The design was that of a rope
that had intertwining knots in it and little Viking boats. Knots and
boats seemed to be the theme. It was made of very old wood – oak I
would guess. It had a lock. All of a sudden, I realized he did not
give me the key to the box. I looked all around the floor, checked all
of my pockets - no key. My curiosity was killing me.

Michelle came out of the store and asked me what I had bought. I
told her I hadn‘t bought anything. I had just been standing there.
She was as confused as I was, ―Then where did you get the box?‖ I
answered her, ―This gentleman, who looked like Kris Kringle, came
up and handed it to me. He asked me my name and gave me this
box.‖ She thought that was weird. I told her, ―Since I met you, it
has been getting weirder by the day.‖ She smiled and said, ―That
better not have been a wisecrack because I would hate to make you
look bad in front of all these people.‖ I let out a little laugh, ―Well,
there‘s no doubt I want a rematch, but not here. I want to know what
is in the box. Maybe it‘s filled with money or gold. Maybe it is one
of those stories about a rich old man who‘s dying, didn‘t have any
family so he left it all to me, a young guy, hoping I could do some
good with it.‖ Michelle said, ―Do you think it‘s possible?‖ I said,
―Sure it is. This sort of thing happens all the time.‖

Maximus said, ―Your heart must have been pumping! Your palms
must have been sweaty and the excitement had to be pounding off
the wall.‖ I smiled, ―It was. I wanted in that box!‖ Maximus said
he was sorry for interrupting and requested me to continue.

Michele said, ―There must be a locksmith somewhere around here.

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Come on, let‘s find one.‖ We went to look at the mall map and sure
enough, there was a locksmith. Michelle and I ran upstairs, down
the hallway and there it was - the Easy Open Locksmith Service.
We went into the store and behind the counter was a little old man
who looked like he had not had a challenge in a while. He looked
very bored. I went in and held up the box for him to see, ―I can‘t get
this lock open. I need a key.‖ The locksmith said, ―There hasn‘t
been a lock made that I cannot get into. Give it to me. It will only
cost a few dollars.‖

I gave him the box and he tried a few keys, but they didn‘t work.
Then he tried a few more keys, but they didn‘t work either. He said,
―You brought me a tricky box, young fellow. I will have to bring
out the big weaponry for this.‖ He reached into a drawer, pulled out
a handful of larger keys and after trying several of them with no
success, he said, ―I will have to pick the lock since I can‘t find a key
to fit it.‖ He got out his trusty lock picking kit and went to work on
this lock with a vengeance.

At this point, I was thoroughly convinced that this old locksmith

wanted to get this box open as badly as I did. His wife came out of
the back room. She was a very polite, nice, kind woman, who
proceeded to tell us how her husband hadn‘t had a challenge in a
long time, and trying to open that box might bring some life back
into him. ―He loves a challenge,‖ she said. We stood there talking
to her and watching him get more upset and more agitated. The old
man finally said, ―My keys won‘t fit it, and I can‘t pick it, so I will
have to make a new key.‖ We said, Okay.‖ Michelle then grabbed
my hand and said, ―Look! On our right are five brand new cases of
jewelry and rings.‖ As we walked over to the display cases, the
older lady followed us over and introduced herself, saying her name
was Bea. I responded, ―Hello, Bea. I am Brady and this is

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In the background, I could hear the old warrior locksmith just
pounding and grinding away. He was really going after this box. He
was determined that he was going to get that lock open. Bea said, ―I
have not seen him this excited in a long time. Let‘s just leave him to
what he is doing.‖ As we were looking at the rings, I asked Michelle
if she liked any of them. She said, ―Yes, I have narrowed it down to
three.‖ I said, ―Oh, already?‖ She said, ―Of course! You don‘t
think I am over here wasting time do you?‖ Bea pulled out the three
rings that Michelle liked and I was overjoyed looking at the rings,
but the air seemed like it was getting a little thinner because this was
bringing me one-step closer. The reality of my surroundings was
keeping me anchored because I could hear the old locksmith in the
background grinding and pounding away. We heard a few laughs
and a lot of sighs.

Michelle then said, ―Here, put each one of these rings on me, Brady,
and see which one you like the best.‖ I placed the first one on her
and it was nice and very fashionable. We put the second ring on and
it just seemed to have a sparkle that caught your eye. The third ring
was nice, but it didn‘t have the sparkle of the second ring. Michelle
asked, ―Which of these do you like best?‖ I said, ―In all honesty, the
second one.‖ Michelle said, ―That‘s funny! That is the one I like
best too.‖ Bea then said it was her favorite as well. I asked Bea how
much the ring was. Bea replied, ―It is $6,700.‖ I thought, ―$6,700!‖
Then, out of nowhere, I heard that deep and so familiar voice say,

Soke Draconis and Soke Karroninn came walking up. Soke

Draconis said, ―It seems as if you two are determined. I replied,
―Everything seems to be leading in that direction.‖ The old
locksmith was still grinding away in the back, but instead of
laughing, now he was using a few choice words. Bea said they had

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just gotten their license to sell the jewelry and were not going to be
open officially until next week. If we wanted the ring, she would
knock off $500 plus an additional $500 as her gift to us.

As Soke was paying for the ring, I went over to the locksmith, and
he said, ―I‘m sorry, my son, I have tried everything this old man
knows how to do, but nothing works on this lock. I have never seen
anything like it.‖ I asked how much I owed him, but he just smiled
and said, ―The challenge was payment enough. We will call it
even.‖ He cleaned and shined up the box and handed it back to me
with a towel wrapped around it.

We went out and while standing in the mall, a strange feeling came
over me and I thought to myself, ―Wait a minute! I am going to
marry this girl but Soke bought the ring. That is not right.‖ I said in
front of Soke and Michelle, ―I will have to give you the money for
that ring.‖ Soke looked surprised, ―Why would you have to do
that?‖ I answered defiantly, ―Because, I am supposed to buy the
ring.‖ He said, ―You did buy the ring.‖ I wanted to know, ―How do
you figure that?‖ He explained, ―Look at all the students you
brought me – all of them have been good paying students. You did
so much work for me that you were underpaid for. You have been
doing all of this training and though it is true it is for your benefit, I
feel you definitely deserve a reward.‖ Soke Karroninn said, ―I agree.
Anyone who can stay in the ground for five days and four nights
deserves something extra.‖ I don‘t mind telling you my shoulders
straightened up, my chest swelled out, and I thought, ―I have done a
lot, haven‘t I?‖

Soke said, ―I‘m hungry, let‘s go to the booth for food.‖ When we
got there, Soke Karroninn said, ―You have the ring, but we would
like to ask that both of you wear these engagement bands for two
years in order to decide that it‘s truly what you want. If you really

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love each other, the two years will go by quickly. You will have a
chance to grow together and to see what it feels like to wear the heart
of another on your finger every day.‖ We both agreed and then Soke
Karroninn gave the ring to Michelle and told her, ―This is yours to
keep and your responsibility.‖ We sat there enjoying our food and
telling jokes. Humor was always important to the Sokes. We began
to discuss what method we were going to use to get back home.
Michelle and I sat there and examined the box. Both of us were
incredibly stunned.

We got up to throw our trash away and half way down the hall, we
ran smack dead into Cousin Angus. I asked him what he was doing
there. He said, ―I came over to pick up my dry cleaning and then I
was going to go out for a good night of drinking. Are you ready to
go?‖ Michelle jumped in front of him, ―He is not going drinking
with you, Angus. When people drink with you, it forever changes
their body chemistry.‖ Angus laughed, ―You don‘t have to
compliment me. I am really in the mood to drink.‖ Both Sokes let
out a loud laugh and Angus asked if we needed a ride home. We
gladly accepted the ride.

As we walked down the hallway together, I showed Angus the box I

had gotten. He asked, ―Where did you get the box?‖ I told him,
―Some old man who looked a lot like Kris Kringle just came up and
handed it to me. He also asked me if my name was Brady.‖ Angus
chided me, ―How do you know there is not a bomb in there?‖ I
looked at the box differently for a moment. Soke Draconis said,
―Stop messing with the boy.‖ We made our way out to the truck.
Michelle and I sat in the back on some bales of hay with a couple of
blankets, but we certainly did not need any heater to keep us warm.

On the drive back to the house, we could hear Angus and both Sokes
having a great time in the front seat. Michelle said, ―Listen to those

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old men. They sound like a bunch of cackling young boys, don‘t
they? I laughed, ―They really do. When I get to be that age I hope I
still hold the same excitement for life.‖ She said, ―You will. I will
make you get plenty of healthy food and lots of exercise.‖ We both
stared at the bands on our fingers. It was something we didn‘t have
to voice; there was just awareness.

As we pulled up to the house, Michelle and I jumped out of the back,

folded up our blankets, and put them away. Soke Draconis told me
to get some rest. Every time they tell me that, I get a bad feeling in
the pit of my stomach. Michelle and I went back to the cabin with
both Sokes walking behind, and they said, ―See you at 6:30 in the
morning.‖ Michelle asked if she could come and they told her, ―Of
course! Be ready at 6:30.‖

Michelle was taking a shower and I was sitting there looking at the
box. I just couldn‘t figure it out. As night closed in, I was feeling
very tired so Michelle and I went to bed with the box sitting on a
table right beside my bed. 6:30 in the morning came early and of
course, both Sokes were out there bouncing around like two bantam
roosters. Michelle and I took showers, got dressed, and ready.
When we came out, the Sokes announced, ―You won‘t need to pack
anything. We have everything. We‘ve got a ten-mile walk ahead of

We began walking and just enjoying the beautiful countryside and

being with people we love. After we walked about five miles, I
started breaking into a bit of a sweat. Both the Sokes and Michelle
didn‘t even look like they had moved. We took a short rest and ate
tuna fish sandwiches on wheat bread. As we sat there talking and
eating, Soke Draconis said, ―When we get to the end of these next
five miles, you are going to really like what you see.‖ Onward we
went, walking, talking, singing, and telling jokes. When we were

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about a half a mile from where we were going, up on top of a
mountain I could see what looked like a castle, but it was old and
demolished. The building looked dark and gray and had large
windows. It looked like it only had half a roof. There was a lot of
damage. As we closed in on the building, I asked the Sokes what it
was. They explained to me that it used to be an old pagan church
where people came and worshiped the god Odin. They believed that
when they died, they would go to Valhalla. I thought this was
intriguing and asked, ―Can we go inside?‖ They said, ―Yes, but
watch where you step.‖

We went into the building and there were some old pews still in
there. I saw what must have been a stage or podium where perhaps
the priests had stood. As I looked out the window past groves of
trees towards the back of the building, I saw these big huge stone
tablets that looked like big rocks sticking up out of the ground. They
must have been about 10 feet tall and they had some type of carvings
all over them. They formed a large circle about 20 feet by 20 feet. I
asked the Sokes what they were. They explained that those were the
Norse tablets that told of the adventures of the Vikings. I can‘t
explain it, but my heart starting pumping, my hands got sweaty, and
I suddenly felt really alive. I jumped through the window and I ran
out to the middle of the tablets. As I stood there looking at them, my
eyes scanned past one of the tablets and focused upon a tree that sat
rooted behind the tablets. As I focused more sharply I saw what
appeared to be a human form sitting in the tree.

I looked back behind me at the Sokes, and there stood Ashstar. I

asked, ―How did you get out of the tree so fast?‖ He said, ―I mean
no offense to you, but just because you haven‘t figured out how to
do it yet, doesn‘t mean that some of us haven‘t.‖ I thought to
myself, ―Another riddle! When will there just be good old fashioned
sense?‖ Ashstar then took me around the stones, telling me what

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some of the carvings on the rocks meant. He said, ―Instead of trying
to philosophize, let‘s see if we can do some inner-dimensional mind
traveling. It would require you to open your mind‘s eye.‖ I asked,
―The mind‘s eye? Where is that at?‖ He took his index finger and
placed it right above the bridge of my nose on my forehead. He told
me that the first thing I needed to do to open it was to clear my mind.

We walked over and sat on two large rocks facing the tablets. He
said, ―The first thing I want you to do is look at the rocks and try to
feel how heavy they are. Now, feel how wide they are. Now, feel
how tall they are. Imagine taking your hands and rubbing them all
over the edges of the rocks. That‘s called projecting. Let‘s try to
experience it. Project yourself right into the center of one of those
rocks. Once you are in the center of the rock, cut off your projecting
attention. What I mean by that is that I want you to exist as the rock
itself, by being inside of the rock. Now I will leave you alone. You
will know if you have done any inner-dimensional mind traveling
because you will just feel the experience of being the rock and you
will start to see mental frames; not thoughts, just pictures. You will
see pictures and you will feel yourself being inside the rock.‖

Being inside of the rock, I could feel its weight. I could feel how tall
it was, because I was now that tall. I could feel how wide, because I
was now that wide. Mental pictures began to develop in my mind. I
began to see flashes of boats floating in the ocean, farmers working
in their fields, and families dancing around. I lingered in this
experience and then finally, as if out of nowhere, my eyes just
opened and I was fully aware. I did not feel a separation, but felt
that we were all one. It was amazing and truly awesome. No words
can really describe it.

When I was done, I stood up, placed my hand on Ashstar‘s shoulder,

and said, ―Thank you, my friend. I will integrate this.‖ He said, ―I

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know you will,‖ and he placed his hand on my shoulder. He let me
know, ―This is the end of your journey for now.‖ I asked, ―What
about the cave and the geode?‖ He said that it would still be there
for me when I return again. He then held up a key and smiled, ―This
might help you open your box.‖ I said, ―Was that from you? The
box in the mall?‖ He confirmed my suspicions and told me that it
had come from him. I asked astonished, ―How did you know that I
would be there?‖ He informed me, ―Because I am always

As we were walking back home, Soke Draconis said, ―This has been
quite an adventure for you hasn‘t it, Brady? You learned how to
control your breathing. You fell in love, met new friends and more
of the family plus you got a surprise gift in a box. You had a good
vacation, you just learned a little bit of something about inner-
dimensional mind traveling, and you had a chance to meet The

We made our way back to the cabin and we all got cleaned up. I had
to admit that a feeling of sadness came over me because we were
leaving in the morning. It had been a great time and a wonderful
blessing. Michelle asked me if I was going to open the box, and I
told her, ―No, not yet. I don‘t feel it is time. I probably won‘t open
it up until I get home.‖ She could hardly believe it, ―How can you
resist it? There could be anything in that box!‖ I reassured her,
―The one thing I have learned from the Sokes is that there is a time
and place for everything.‖

The next morning we got up, met the Sokes, and Angus drove us to
the airport. When we got to the airport, Angus asked me if I had
opened the box yet. I let him know that I had not opened it yet and
was waiting to do so until I got back home. He requested that I
phone or write him when I opened the box. I assured him I would.

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When we boarded the plane, Michelle and I sat together with the
Sokes in front of us. I thought to myself, ―I never would have
believed that The Initiation with Soke Draconis would take me here.
I can‘t wait to see what the next five years will bring!‖ I clutched
the box tightly in my hands as the plane headed home.

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